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ficatioii in which his method can be used for resistance and reactance always varied sub- which process

h process is essentially identical to that

conductors with a magnetic core, provided a stantially with current in the conductor. proposed in the discussion. The principal
constant relative permeability for the mag- It was not found possible to assign an difference is that the k ratios yielded by the
netic material can be assumed. This would average permeability to the core which paper are ratios of the current in the indi-
appear to be correct if the magnetic material would reconcile the test results for conduc- vidual layers to the current in the center
were a single solid strand. However, if the tors of different sizes. It is therefore evi- layer or strand, while the method described
magnetic core consisted of 7 or 19 strands, dent that additional test work is necessary in the discussion yields the ratio of the
or more, the method would hardly be valid, before the resistance and reactance of such current in the individual layer to the total
because the cross section of the core would conductors can be computed with satis- current in all strands located interior to the
not be circular, and the flux lines that are factory accuracy. layer.
circular in the author's development would The difficulties described in the discussion
be severely distorted from circular form. as being associated with the application of
Under those circumstances, the average or J. Zaborszky: Dean Lewis' discussion is the method to conductors containing mag-
effective permeability in the circular direc- appreciated as it brings out several pertinent netic strands do exist. However, it appears
tion would be different from that in the additional points. that even if the layers were solid magnetic
longitudinal direction, and also correction The procedure, however, which he pro- cylinders, it would be quite difficult to
for the noncircular pattern of flux lines will posed for the case when the strands are not ascribe the proper value of permeability to
be necessary. Thus, it appears doubtful spiraled or when the longitudinal flux is the individual layers. It would seem then
that the method could be used if the mag- neglected is not essentially different from that it may not be much more difficult or
netic core consists of more than one strand. the procedure described in the paper, the much less accurate to assign a suitable
A member of years ago the late Prof. W. reason being that in the absence of the average permeability to the stranded mag-
R. Work of Carnegie Institute of Tech- longitudinal reactance terms the first equa- netic layer. Furthermore, the difficulties
nology conducted a number of tests on tion of equation 6 will only contain ratio ki described in the discussion for magnetic
aluminum conductor steel reinforced, and I the second equation only ratios k1 and k2, layers consisting of round strands are re-
undertook to make calculations to verify, the third only ratios ki, k2, and k3, etc. stricted to the circular flux, and are not
so far as possible, the test results. These Consequently, ki can be directly calculated present for the longitudinal flux (Appendix
tests showed that if two or more layers of from the first equation; then substituting k1 II). The longitudinal flux becomes the
aluminum surrounded the steel core the into the second equation k2 can be calculated more important component for the alumi-
effect of the core on the reactance was directly from there. When k5 and k2 are num cable steel reinforced conductors with
negligible, and the reactance could be com- known the third equation in a similar fashion one layer of aluminum which are mentioned
puted as if the conductor were hollow. directly yields k3, etc. This means that in the discussion.
From the data available it was not possible when all strands are straight or when the Consequently, it is believed that reason-
to tell whether the skin effect loss was longitudinal flux is neglected the method of able approximate values could be obtained
affected by the core or not. the paper requires no solution of simultane- from this method even for conductors con-
However, if only one layer of aluminum ous equations in the general sense since the taining magnetic strands; however, the
strands was spiraled around the core, the solution of the simultaneous equations auto- author agrees with the discusser that con-
core had a pronounced effect on both the re- matically reduces to a process of successive siderable experimental work would be
sistance and reactance of the core, and both determination of current division ratios, needed before that end could be reached.

A Direct Method ror Sag-Tension WT=resultant unit force on cable = Vvi+

pounds per foot
S= stressed length of cable, feet

Calculations s = distance along catenary from the low

point to any other point P(x,y), feet
s,= distance along catenary from the low
point to the upper support, feet
Lu = unstressed length of cable, feet
THEODORE P. HARLEY L = horizontal distance between supports,
K=ratio of vertical distance to horizontal
distance between supports, feet
TRANSMISSION-line design engineers been based on a set of curves developed c=straight line distance between supports,
are always confronted with the prob- by the author and designated as the C x, =horizontal distance from the low point
lem of determining sags and tensions in curves relating the values of C for differ- to the higher support, feet
overhead transmission lines. The gen- ent temperature conditions. The sag X2=horizontal distance from the low point
eral problem is more complicated for and tension at any temperature and for to the lower support, feet
greatly inclined and long spans. This any particular span can be determined by yi =vertical distance from the directrix of
the catenary to the higher support,
paper proposes a new and direct method the intersection of an auxiliary curve feet
for calculating sags and tensions which is associated with the temperature and the Y2=vertical distance from the directrix of
simple and accurate for greatly inclined proper C curve. An example of the C the catenary to the lower support,
and long spans. curve is given in Fig. 1. feet
The method, while both graphical and Ptx,y) =any point on the catenary with (x,y)
as co-ordinates
analytical in nature, has been based Notations and Units a = catenary constant equal to the ratio of
directly on the catenary relations. It has horizontal tension to the unit force
T=tension at any point in cable, pounds on cable, feet
T =tension at upper support, pounds u = unstressed length factor = LuIL, feet per
Paper 53-182, recommended by the AIEE Trans- H = horizontal component of tension in foot
mission and Distribution Committee and approved cable, pounds t=temperature, degrees Fahrenheit
by the AIEE Committee on Technical Operations w =unit weight of cable, pounds per foot A = area of cable, inch2
for presentation at the AIEE Southern District V= total unit vertical load including the Ei= modulus of elasticity, initial, pounds
Meeting, Louisville, Ky., April 22-24, 1953.
Manuscript submitted September 8, 1952; made weight of the cable and ice, pounds per inch2
available for printing March 27, 1953. per foot Ef =modulus of elasticity, final, pounds per
THEODORE P. HARLEY is with the Bureau of Recla- h =unit wind load acting on cable, pounds inch2
mation, Denver, Colo. per foot Z=L/2a, numeric

AUGUST 1 953 Harley-A Direct Method for Sag-Tension Calculations 603

Fig. I (left). Illustrative y
T z M=-Z example of C curve
0 0.12640 33.12
3000 30 0.13285 34.81
o 60 0.13935 36.51
90 0.14555 38.13
o200 120 0.15180 3977 120

oloool Fig. 2 (right). General

fined as follows
0.10 0.11 0.12 0.13 0.14 0.15
z L xi
f(x) = -+ sinh- cosh XI-+ sinh X.2 cosh X2
- -
a a a a a
Development of Theory From these two basic equations, the un- (4)
stressed length Lit is found to be and
The catenar- equations for the cable
P1P2 shown in Fig. are Lu=a (sinh-+ sinh -)- XI X2
a a g(x) = sinh 1+ sinh 2
a a
y=a cosh-
(1) J4,-a12 1 x1 XI
2AE a
- + sinh
coh - +
a Equations 4 and 35 may be simplified
by making the following substitutions
and sinh -cosh - (3)
a a L
s=a sinh--
2a (6)
a Two functions, f(x) and g(x), are de-
sinh Z sinh2Z(2Z)
- = Z+D
Table I. Table for N,
X2ZD (8)
sinh Z sinh(2Z) sinh Z sinh (2 Z) a
Z 4Z N= Z 4Z N= Z
z 2Z sinh Z z 2Z
sinh ZZ
By substituting equations 6, 7, and 8 in
0 .. ... 1.000000 .1. 000000. .. 1.000000 0.2.55 ... 0 .989244 equations 4 and a, expanding the hyper-
0.003.. .0.02... 0.999995 .1.000001.. .1.000017 0.260... 1 .04 .0.988822 ... 1 .011303 ... 1.045680 bolic functions, and combining the terms,
0 .010 .0.04 ... 0.999983. .1.000017... 1 .000067 0.265 .. 0.988391 equations 4 and 3- become
0.013 .0 .05. .0.999952 ... 1.000038... 1.000150 0.270. .1 .08 0.987953.. .1.012194 .1.049314
0.020.. .0.08... 0 .999933. ..1.000067. .1.000267 0 .275 ..0.987506
0.023.-. . 10 . 999896 ....1.000104 .1.000417 0.280 ..1 .12 .0.0.987052 1 .013118 ... 1.0053092
0.285 0.986590
f(x)=2Z+ sinh(2Z)(coshID+ sinh2D) (9)
0.030 .0.12... .0.999850... .1.000150... 1.000600 ..

0.033 . 14... .0.999796 ... 1.000204 ..1.000817 0. 290. ..1 .16 .0.986120 1 014076. .1 .057017
0.040.. .0 .16.. .0 .999733 .1.000267. . 001067 0 .295 ...0O.. 985642 and
0.045.-. ..18.. 0 .999663.. .1.000337.. 1t.001331 0 .300 1 .20 0.985156 .1 .013068 ... 1.061089
O .050. ...20 .999583 ...1 .000417 .. 1 .001667 0.305.. 0.984662 g(x)=2 sinh Z cosh D (10)
0. 06 ...23 .999496... .1 .000504 1.002018 0.310. ..1 .24.. .0.984161... 1 016094 1 065309
0.060.. .0.24 .0 .999400 .. 1 .000600.. 1.002402 0. 315 ... ..O.0.983652 To simplify still further, the following
0 .065.. .0.26 .0 .999296 .. 1.000705 1.002819 0.320. 1 .28 0.983135 ..1 .01714. ..1 .069678
0.070.. .0.28.. .999184 ... 1.000817 1 .003270 O .325 .. 0.982610 substitutions are made
0.075. ..0.30. . 999063. .1.000938 .. 1 003754 0.330.. .1 .32 0.982078 .1.1.(18249. ..1.074198
0.080. .32 .0.998934 ... 1.001057 .. 1.004272 0 .335 .. .0.981538 g(x) = sinh Z
0.085.. .34 .0 .998797... 1 .001204 ...1 .004824 0.340... 1 .36.. .0.980990. .1.019378 .. 1 .078868 2Z
C= 2Z --cosh
D (11)
0.090.-. . 36. .0.998651 1. 001331 ... 1. 005409 0.345. .. 0.980435
0.093) .0..38 .0.998497 ..1 .001505 ..1 .006028 0. 30.. .1.40 .0 .979871 0102042 ... 1 083691
0.105 ...
.40. .0.998333 ... 1 .001667 ... 1.006680
.. 0.998163
0 .355 ... 0.979301
0.360. 1 .44 . 978722. .1 021740 ....1.088667
f(x) 1 r sinh (2Z) X
B 8Z 11+
0.110 .0 .44 .997986... .1 .092018 1 .008086 0 .365 .. 0.978136
I 4Z L 2Z
0. 1135 . .. 0.997799 0 .370 .1 .48.0 .977543 .1 .022973 ...1 .093798
0 .120. ...48 ... 0.997604 .1 .002402 .1.009628 0.373 .. 0.976941

0.125 ... O .997401 0 .380.. 1 .2 ... 0.976333 ...1 .024241 ... 1.099085 (cosh2 D+ sinh2 D)] (12)
0.130.. .0.52.. .0.997189. ..1.002819... .1.011303 O .385 .. 0.975716
O .13 ... .. 0996969 0.390. ..1.56 .. 1.975073 .1.025543 .1 .104330
0.140. .0.36 0 996741 1.003270 .. 1.013118 0.39 ... 0.974462 and
0.145 ... .. 0996504 0 .400. ..1 .60.. 0 .973823 .1.1.026881 .1.110132
0.150.. .0.60 .0.0.996260 .1 .003754 1 .013068 0 .403 ... . 0 .973177 Lit
0. 15 .. 0.0.996007 0 .410.. .1 .64 .. . 972323 .0282533.. .1.15895 (13)
0.160.. .0.64 .0.995746... .1.004272... 1 017154 0.415 .. 0.971862 L
0.163 .. 0.995477 0.420. ..1 68 0.971194... .1.029660... 1.121819
0.170.. .0.68 .0 .995200 .1.004824.. .1.019378 0.425 .. 0.970518
0.175 ... 0.0.994914 0.430. ..1.72 ..0.969833 .1.031103. .1.127906 Equation 3 then becomes
0.180 .0.72 0.994620... 1.005409 ... 1 .021740 0.435 .. 0.969145
0.185. .. 0.994319 0.440... 1 .76... .0.968448 .032380 ..1.134157 WLB
0.190.. .0 .76 ... .0.994009 ....1.006028.. .1.024241 0.445 ... 0
0.967743 C=u+ AE (14)
0.195 0.993691
.. O 450.. .1.80 ... 0.967081... 1.034093 ....1.140574
0.200 .0..80 .0.0.993364 .1 .006680 ... 1 .026881 0.455 ....O.0.966311
0.205 ........0.993030 0 .460.. 1 .84... .0.965585.. .1.035642 ... 1 .147158 The solution of the general problem
0.210 0.84.. .992688. .1 .007366 ....1.029660 O .465 ... 0
0.2153... 0. 0.992337 0.470.. .1.88.. .0.964111.. .1.037223.. .1.153911 centers around equations II and 14.
0 .220. ..0.88 .0.0.991931 ... 1.008086.. .1.032580 0.475 ... 0
0.225 .....0...0.991612 0 .480... 1.92... .0.962608....1.038843 ....1.160835
0.230.. .0.92 .0.0.991237 ....1.008840 .. 1.035642 0.485 ... 0.961846 The C Curve
0.235 ... O .990833 0.490.. .1.96. 0.961077.. .1.04000- 1.167931
0.240.. .0.96. .990464 .1..009628 1.038845 0 .495 .. . 0.960300
0.245- ... 0990063 0 .00- . 00 .0. 0.959517.. .1.042191 ... 1.175201
The C curves are based on equation 11.
0.250 .1 .00 0.989659 ..1 .010449 1.042191 0.505 ... 0,958727 This equation is repeated here in a more

604 Harley A Direct 7Method for Sag-Tension Calculations AUGUST 1 953

7000 rI 77Y
(0 K0TO.6
-.'t ., (D 3000 LOWER
0 SCALE KOT .6-/
to o
0 K= 022
CM :9 2000
0 L'J
I 0
C. 0 4000 SCALE
-'o IVi
0.38 0.39 0.40
0.35 0.36 0.37

Ct 8000
If If ^' 7z
(0 40001 4000

x K =0 0.06---
7000 A__





, 3000
c,j 2000



-_ , //

NE R,,
0.22---_- =AV



0 6000_

30 z_ ~PLATE7
---K 0TO O0.04-

-4K 00.20---..


o(: PLATE 8
3OQF | | | | | K - 0 TO 0.06- 00DC XPLATE5 0.40 0.41 0.42 0.43 0.44
0.25 0.26 0.27 0.28 0.29 03 0 0.455
x z z
20001 6000
KI- ?
5000 ~
300( U~~~~~~~~A CD
0 SCALE TO 10.04--
-K 0.22-- x
0 "-- / 2 3|
0.15 0.16 0.17 0.18 0.19 0.20 o 400(01 -I,
to> 2004
C01 K -0.30- |
C.) 0
~~~~~~SCALE__ 0
o 300 0

Fig. 3. C curves
2000 / .. ..

0.30 0.31 0.32 0.33 0.34 0.35

z z
sinh Z \Iaximum load condition occurs at Iow
Table ll. Computations for the C Curve, Where Z=0.23 and z =1.008840
z temperatures when ice and wind are evi-
dential. The cable then assumes an in-
K. 0.22 0.24 ........ 0.26 0.28 0.30 clined position as shown in Fig. 4. L'
.0.0484 ........ 0.057600 ........ 0.067600 ........ 0.078400 ....
0.00234356 ........ 0.00331776 ........ 0.00456976 ........ 0.00614656 ....
and b' replace L and b respectively and
K6.. 0.000113380 ........ 0.000191103 ........ 0.000308916 . 0.00048189 .0.000729
........ are computed as follows
First term + 1 000000 + 1 . 000000 +1 000000 +1 000000 + 1 000000 = bwx
Second term+0. 033778+0.028297+0.033257+0.038516+0.044215 bt =b (19)
Third term-0. 000283 -0 .000400-0.000553-0.000742-0.000977
Fourth term+0.000007+0.000011+0.000018+0.000029+0.000043
cosh D 1.023502 1.027908 1.032722 1.037803 1.043281 and
cosh D 1.032554 1.036999 1.041855 1.046981 1.052508
First term = + 1. 000000 Fourth term = + 0. 0625 (KN) 6
L'= \/,2-(b')2 (20)
Second term = +0. 5 (KM)2 Sum of terms = cosh D The cable tension at the higher support
Third term = -0. 125 (KN) 4 C = sinh Z/Z cosh D = 1. 008840 cosh D
is obtained from the equation

complete form. sinh (0.25) / . 0.022X0.250 T,=aw cosh - (21)

0.25 sinh 0.25 / where
Zcosh arc sinh (KN) (15) = 1.010688
The process of plotting C- CL can be -=Z-+
(KN) -0.16667(KN)3+
In the last equation, the following sub- long and tedious. The sinh Z/Z is easy
stitutions have been made 0.075(KN)5 (22)
enough and is computed in Table I, but
the cosh arc sinh (KN) is more difficult. T1 is a function of Z. To obtain Z
Nv= sinhz Z (16) Cosh arc sinh (KN) is a rapidly converg- approximately for the heavy load condi-
ing series which may be represented by tion, resort is made to the following
D =arch sinh (KN) (17) the following expression equation, which is accurate to two places.
By using K as a parameter, a series of C C
Cosh arc sinh (KN)=1+0.5 (KN)2- Zn =2 (23)
curves are drawn for Z ranging from 0 to 0.125 (KN)4+0.06.25 (KN)6 (18) max -b'
0.5. Fig. 3 shows nine plates comprising w
the C curves. These curves have been Table II illustrates how this series may
be ascertained for Z equal to 0.23 and for T1/ Tmax is plotted against Z for
computed for only certain values of K. Z1=Z-0.005. Z2=Zn, and Z3=Z+
It is necessary to interpolate C values for K equal to 0.22, 0.24, 0.26, 0.28, and 0.30.
0.005, using equations 21 and 22. (Use
intermediate K's. If an arbitrary value Tables I and III.) The Z corresponding
of K is assumed, C in equation 15 may be Solving the General Problem to TI/Tmax equal to unity is the Z for
computed for all values of Z. A constant maximum load condition (final) when the
The general problem is to find the sags
CL is subtracted from these computed and tensions of a cable span for a tem- cable is subjected to the maximum allow-
values of C. The differences, C- CL, are able tension.
recorded and plotted for values of Z from perature range of from 0 to 120 degrees
Fahrenheit, given the maximum allowable Now that Z is known for the heavy load
0 to 0.50. CL varies and is a function of condition, the corresponding unstressed
the K and the particular plate used. CL tension for the cable. The steps that are
to be followed are the following: length factor is attainable through the use
may be obtained for any value of K from of Table IV and equations 11 and 12.
equation 15. The Z that is used in this 1. Obtain an approximate Z for the maxi- First rows 1, 2, and 4 through 11 are com-
equation is the lowest that appears on the mum load condition. pleted in sequential order. Then row 13
plate that is being used. For example, 2. Plot TilTmax versus Z. For plotting is computed from equation C= sinh Z/Z
for Z equal to 0.28 and K equal to 0.22, purposes, three points are sufficient. They cosh D, using the Z that is given and re-
plate 5 is used, since Z equal to 0.28 lies should correspond to Z1 equal to Z-0.005,
Z2 equal to Z, and Z3 equal to Z+0.005. corded in row 1 and following the example
between the range of 0.25 and 0.30. of Table II. The final unstressed length
Since Z equal to 0.25 is the lowest value of 3. Read off Z at the point on the tension
curve where the ordinate Ti/Tma,i is unity. factor is the difference between row 11
Z on this chart, it is used in equation 15 and row 13.
for computing CL. 4. Obtain the unstressed length factor for
this Z. The initial unstressed length factor is
Both C and CL are respectively obtained by subtracting the permanent
5. Obtain a new unstressed length factor
set from the final unstressed length factor.
sinh (0.28) sih 0.022XO.23 for the new temperature condition.
0.28 0.28 ) 6. Obtain the corresponding Z for the new
The unstressed length factor for any
= 1.013357 temperature condition. other temperature T1 is
and 7. Calculate for sags and tensions. 'I =u [1+ (ti-t)] (24)

Table Ill. Tension and Sag

T1(H cosh T,(H cosh
z KN A H=AW xi/a x2/a cosh xi/a cosh x2//a xl/a) x2/a) T6/Tmax
0.135 ......0.0423981 .....3878.15 . .... 9792.32 . 0.177397 .. ...... 1.015776 .. .... 9946.80 ............. ..-.1.036125
0. 140 ...... 0.0423884 ..... 3739.64 . .... 9442.59. 0.182387 .. ...... 1.016679 .. .... 9600.08 .............. ..-.1.000008
0.145 ......0.0423783 ...3610.69.. 9116.99 .
.... 0.1873773....1.017607...92775 .............. 0.966407
0.1222 ...... 0.0352411 ..... 4285.19 ..... 4705.14 . 0.157434 ...... 0.086966. 1.012418 ...... 1.003784 ...... 4763.57 ..... 4722.94
0.13555 ...... 0.0352209 .....3863.15 ..... 4241.74 . 0.170764 ...... 0.100336. 1.014616 ...... 1.005037 ...... 4303.74 ..... 4263.11

606 Harley-A Direct Method for Sag-Tension Calculations AUGUST 1 953

Table IV. Sag Calculations pounds per square foot. A half-inch of
b = 37.0 Feet b'= 44.530 Feet A = 0.7261 ice is assumed on the cable. In the
L=1047.3 Feet L'=1047.1 Feet Ein = 9.8 X 1 o6 calculations, reference is made to Figures
K = 0.0353289 K' = 0.0425270 Ef=10.8X10o 1 and 5 and to Tables I, III and IV.
W = 1.098 W'=2.525 0=10.586X1 -6 The unit weight of ice is computed
from the formula
Row Weight of ice=0.311(d22_d,2)
1 ... /.. 0.14 .. 10 where d2 is the diameter of the cable
2 ... ........ 0 degrees Fahrenheit final ...... 0 degrees Fahrenheit initial covered with ice and d1 is the diameter of
3..... ..11........... ... 100 295 7 . 1 .0 02 449
4 ..V .................. .... ..... 0.996741 ....... 0.998335 the bare cable. For 0.5 inch ice, the ice
5 ..KN . 0.0423884 ....... 0.0352701
weight becomes 1.000 pounds per foot,
6. .sinh (2Z) .............. 1.......1.013118 ................... 1.006680 using d, equal to 2.108 inches and di equal
7..cosh2 D+sinh2 D. ... 1 .0 03 5 94 . 1 .0 0 2 4 8 8 to 1.108 inches. The wind load is com-
sinh (2Z)
h ( cosh2 D+sinh2 D ...... 2.016759 ................... 2.009185 puted from another formula, namely
9......4Z .......... .........0.6 ........ ...........0.40 wind force = d2/12 X F
10.. B. ........ 3.601555 ................... 5.022963

11 WLB 0.001214 ................... 0.000812 where F is the wind pressure. For F

CL ..... 1.002288
equal to 8 pounds per square foot, the
wind force is 1.4053 pounds per foot.

13 C. ........1 .004171 ...... 1.003453

14 C-CL.... ... 0 0 0 11 6 5 The total unit vertical load is therefore
15 .z ..0 .1 2 2 2
2.098 pounds and the total unit horizontal
force is 1.4053 pounds. The resultant
unit force acting on the cable is 2.525
Hence, for anv temperature it is possi- Conductor, 795,000 circular mils, 26/7 pounds.
ble to arrive at the Z of the appropriate
catenary curve by merely kinowing-n nthe the Span L, 1,047.3 feet CALCULATING Z FOR MAXIMUM LOAD
Vertical height b, 37.0 feet
unstressed length factor. T able IV is Maximum allowable tension Tm5,x 9,600 bw 37X2.525
filled out in sequential order for several pounds b1 = =
v 2.098
-44.453 feet
values of Z. These values ar e so chosen Wind load F, 8 pounds per foot2
that the resultant Z which is being com- Ice load, 0.5 inch
Cable unit weight w, 1.095 pounds per foot Ll= C2-(bl)2 = V( 1048.0)2 -(44.453)2
puted wvill fall within the ra .ngengeooff the
the Area A, 0.7261 inch2 =1047.1 feet
chosen values of Z. C- CL, row 14, is Diameter of wire, 1.108 inches
plotted against Z on the C cutrves, Fig. 1. Modulus of elasticity, final Ef, 10.8X106 c

The intersection of this auxili-arv C curve pounds per inch2

Modulus of elasticity, initial Ei, 9.8X 106
[(2Tmax)1W] -b
with the appropriate standalrd C curve pounds per inch2 1048.0
= 0.14(1
0 4
will give the desired Z. Temperature coefficient of expansion, 2(9600) 1~ - 44.453
Once Z is obtained, the sa,gs and ten- 10.8X10 6 inch per inch per degree L 2.525 j
sions are readily computed. The sagZ:5 is Fahrenheit
given by the following equatic Permanent setting, 0.000316 inch per inch For plotting purposes, the tension T is
obtained for Z=0.135, Z=0.140, and
M=1 (3L2-2b2)Z3 (25) The heavy load condition will be for Z=0.145 (see Table III). By plotting
4 144C 0 degrees Fahrenheit and a wind load of 8 TT/Tmax versus Z,Z for maximum load is
The second term in equation 25 may be
left out for short and moderately long
spans. The tensions are attainable bv
using equations 21 and 22.

Illustrative Example
In the following, a typical sag and ten-
sion problem has been worked out to
illustrate the technique presented. The
pertinent data follow.
Fig. 4 (left). Inclined

Fig. 5 (right). Tension


AUGUST 1 953 Harley-A Direct Method for Sag-Tension Calculations 60 7

attainable at the point on the curve Table IV is multiplied by a factor which is The results are shown in Figure 1.
where TI/Tmax is unity (see Figure 5). L/L'. The permanent set, 0.000316, is The tensions have been calculated
The Z in this case is 0.14. subtracted from this unstressed length for 0 degrees and 60 degrees and are,
factor to get the initial unstressed length respectively, 4763.6 and 4303.7 pounds
UNSTRESSED LENGTH FACTOR factor for 0 degrees Fahrenheit. for the upper support and 4722.9 and
Once Z for the loaded condition is The unstressed length factors for the 4263.1 pounds for the lower supports.
known, finding the unstressed length fac- other temperatures are calculated from The sags for the different temperatures
tor is an easy matter. The calculations the equation lt = Zl [1 +-0(t-t) 1. From are recorded in Figure 1.
are straightforward and are tabulated in the resultant unstressed length factors,
Table IV. It should be noted that this the auxiliary C curves for the specified References
unstressed length factor is based on the L range of temperatures are plotted, see 1. TRANSMISSION LINE CATENARY CALCULATIONS,
for the loaded condition. It is necessary Figure 1. The intersection of these D. 0. Ehrenberg. AIEE Transacltonzs (Electrical
to refer all unstressed length factors to the auxiliary curves with the basic C curve Engineerinzg), vol. 34, July 1935 pp. 719-28.
will give the values of Z for temperatures 2. ELECTRIC POWER TRANSMISSION, L. F. Wood-
unloaded condition. To accomplish this, ruff. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New- York, N. Y.,
the unstressed length factor calculated in ranging from 0 to 120 degrees Fahrenheit. 2nd ed., fourth lprinting., Feb. 1946, pp. 201-05.

No Discussion

The Zero-Flux Current Transrormer need for anv voltage to be induced in the
secondary winding consequently the
core flux is zero and the transformer oper-
ates with neither ratio nor phase-angle
A. HOBSON error. In other words, the current trans-
NONMEMBER AIEE former is no longer obliged to supply
energy and is able to concentrate fully on
Synopsis: A method is described of re- This is a most difficult task. A current its proper task of measuring the current.
ducing the core flux of a current transformer transformer has to work over a fairly Moreover, a current transformer gen-
by supplying the necessary voltage to the wide range of current. The magnetising erally works into a fixed impedance so
secondary circuit. For one load current, that the secondary voltage is not onl-
the flux may be eliminated, giving zero and iron-loss ampere-turns vary in a most
errors, and at other loads the ratio and complicated manner as the primary cur- proportional to the current, but also
phase angle are so small as to be difficult to rent changes, and while it mav be feasible keeps the same phase position with re-
detect in many cases. Applied to reason- to correct for one particular condition, it spect to it, offering a much simpler prob-
ably good transformers, extremely high lem than the provision of a whole mag-
accuracies are obtained, with small weight is too much to hope that a complex curve
and bulk. The scope of low ratio bushing- can be followed with accuracy. netising curve.
type transformers is also increased, but the Nevertheless, a number of attempts
addition of triple-frequency auxiliary flux have been made in the past, but the suc- Principle of Operation
still further extends the use of the method, cess attained has been limited because of
and test results are given for ratios down to In the method to be described here, the
20/5 amperes. the extreme difficulties involved. In
most of these and other methods, efforts voltage source is a second current trans-
have been made to secure a flat character- former, which mav be called a compensa-
N A PERFECT current transformer, istic by balancing the upper and lower tor, worked by the same primary current
the primary and secondary ampere- halves of the magnetising curve against as the first one. The diagram in Fig. 1
turns would be exactly equal in magni- each other, using saturated cores for the shows one suitable arrangement for a
tude and precisely opposite in phase purpose. In thisway, someinventorshave 500/5 ampere-ring-tvpe current trans-
position for all conditions of service. improved the ratio error, some the phase former. The explanation will be simpli-
In practice, the ideal is never attained angle, and some both, but in all cases the
because a voltage must be induced in the benefit has been achieved by making
secondary winding to overcome the im- critical adjustments on the individual
pedance of the circuit. This gives rise to transformers. It has not been possible
a corresponding magnetic flux in the core, to predetermine the results by ordinary
and it is the ampere-turns needed to design methods.
maintain the flux which constitute the A more reasonable approach to the
error of the transformer. They subtract problem is to consider supplying the
7ectorially from the input ampere-turns, necessary voltage to the secondary cir-
and the result is that the secondary cur- cuit. If this is done properlv there is no
rent is a little less than it ought to be and
Paper 53-194, recommended by the AIEE Trans-
not quite in its proper phase position. formers Committee and approved by the AIEE
When considering how to make a trans- Committee on Technical Operations for presenta-
tion at the AIEE Southern District NMeeting,
former without errors, the obvious line of Louisville, Ky., April 22-24, 1953. -Manuscript
attack seems to try and make up for the submitted October 24, 1932; made available for CURRENT - IVvvYTVWVV
printing March 16, 19.3. TRANSFORMER COMPENSATOR
magnetising losses by supplying correc- A. HoBsoN is with Smith Hobson Limited, Kings-
tive ampere-turns to the transformer. ton, Surry, England. Fig. 1. 500/5 compensated transformer

608 608THobson-The Zero-Flux Current Transformer AI7GUIST 1953

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