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Collaboration Log

New Teacher Name: Matt Honken

Mentor Name: Dan Mangold
Date: 3/16/17
Did you meet the 1 hour of collaboration time this month? YES
Grade Level: 6-12th Grade
Subject Area: High School/Middle School Band & Jazz Band

Collaboration: (Bold and Underline all that apply)

Analyzing student work Post-observation conference Problem solving
Modeling lessons Using technology Observe veteran teacher
Planning lesson Discussing student Providing resources
Pre-observation conference Observing instruction Reflecting

1. After reflecting on your classroom last month, list at least 3 specific examples of items that are
working well.
a. Middle school lessons are going well. There is good attendance and good growth happening
from the students involved.

b. Middle school jazz band has been positive with the students involved. Started having an
extra rehearsal and that has been well received.

c. High school jazz band has transitioned well into a different mode after we finished contests.
Students are having fun playing a different style of music and

2. List at least 2 specific challenges and/or concerns.

a. High school contest jazz band struggled this year. I want the band to be competitive against
other schools and the band hasnt had that experience in a couple of years.

b. Middle school students would like the jazz band rehearsals to be at a different time of day.
There are quite a few that are avoiding rehearsal because it means they miss out on their
activity time.

3. According to the Mentor, what should the new teacher's next steps be to correct the 2
challenges/concerns above.
a. Keep working with the students and the schedule to make changes to the program that you
think are positive.

b. Talk with administrators to see if changes like this are possible. There are quite a few
logistical things that would have to fall in place.

4. List a specific classroom management/behavior management strategy you have used this month that
has positively impacted your teaching and explain why.
Pacing. Increased productivity is happening because I increased the pace of the rehearsal.
Students are more engaged and on task, because they dont have the opportunity to find other
things to take their time.

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