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Translation Style Guide

Latin American Spanish

Introduction 5
1. Stylistic guidelines 6
General information 6
Consistency 6
Syntax 6
1.3.1. Verbs and tenses 6 Gerunds 6 Imperatives 7 Subjunctive tenses 7 Infinitive 7 Future 8
1.3.2. Active vs. passive constructions 8
1.3.3. Positive vs. negative constructions 8
1.3.4. Transitive and intransitive verbs 8
1.3.5. Logical sentence structure 9
1.3.6. Optional plural 9
1.3.7. Possessive adjectives 9
1.3.8. Use of prepositions 9
Personification 10

2. Linguistic guidelines 11
Abbreviations and acronyms 11
2.1.1. Acronyms 11
2.1.2. Abbreviations 11
Numbers and measurements 13
2.2.1. Writing numbers 13
2.2.2. Units of measurement and symbols 13
2.2.3. Symbols vs ISO codes 15
2.2.4. Measurement conventions 15
2.2.5. Dates 15
2.2.6. Times 16
2.2.7. Decimal and thousand separators 16
Punctuation 17
2.3.1. Commas 17
2.3.2. Hyphens and dashes 18 Hyphen (-) 18 Em-dash () [ALT+0151] 18 En-dash () [ALT+0150] 18
2.3.3. Full stops 19
2.3.4. Trailing punctuation 19
2.3.5. Colons 19
2.3.6. Slashes 19
2.3.7. Brackets 19
Spelling 20
Capitalization 20
Lists 20
2.6.1. Bulleted and numbered lists 20
Names and addresses 21
2.7.1. Company names 22
2.7.2. Forms of address 22
2.7.3. Job titles 22
2.7.4. Place names 22
2.7.5. Addresses and phone numbers 22
Miscellaneous information 23
2.8.1. Common mistakes 23 And/Or 23 Effective 23 Multiple 23
2.8.2. False friends 23

3. Sector-specific guidelines 25
General 25
3.1.1. Register 25
3.1.2. Cultural localization 25
Legal 27
3.2.1. General 27
3.2.2. Legal references 27
3.2.3. Useful references 27
Life sciences 29
3.3.1. General 29
3.3.2. Patient-facing content 29
3.3.3. Physician-facing content 29
3.3.4. Clinical documentation 29
3.3.5. Adjudication/safety materials 30
3.3.6. Regulatory documentation 30
Software 31
3.4.1. General 31
3.4.2. Buttons/menu items and dialog boxes 31
3.4.3. Popups/status messages/error messages 32
3.4.4. Hot keys 32
3.4.5. Placeholders 32
3.4.6. Special Characters 32
3.4.7. Concatenated Strings 33
User guides/help content 34
Technical 35
Marketing/creative 36
3.7.1. General 36

CONFIDENTIAL 3 Translation Style Guide Latin American Spanish

3.7.2. Style, register and tone 36
3.7.3. Wordplay 36
3.7.4. Transcreation 36
3.7.5. Scripts 36
Finance 38
3.8.1. General 38
3.8.2. Insurance 38
3.8.3. Useful references 38
Terminology 39

CONFIDENTIAL 4 Translation Style Guide Latin American Spanish


The purpose of this Translation Style Guide is to establish grammar, style and terminology guidelines
for SDL internal staff and freelance translators, editors and proof-readers with regard to the language
preferences to be used in English to Spanish translations that are carried out for or by SDL

This guide is organized in three main sections:

- General Linguistic Considerations: Provides a set of linguistic guidelines and addresses
problematic issues in translation from English into Spanish.
- Translation Guidelines: Provides company guidelines and industry standards for the translation
of software, help files, software documentation and multimedia projects. Each section
concentrates on the specifics of that particular type of translation.
- Review Guidelines: Provides a set of recommendations that should be taken into account
when reviewing translations carried out by other translators. It also contains a set of revision
marks to be used when reviewing translations.

Importance of corporate style

Using and observing the SDL International corporate style is vital to:
- Project an image of professionalism and reliability
- Promote quality and consistency across projects and clients
- Minimize costly revisions

It is imperative that both internal translators and freelancers adhere to these guidelines, so that all
manuals and online texts translated or reviewed for or by SDL International have consistent style, good
readability and stylistic quality. Adhering to the SDL Translation Style Guide will also ensure linguistic
consistency across a pool of translators on any one project. This will in turn ensure that no extra
resources have to be allocated during revision, helping to deliver on time within budget.

Some of SDLs clients have their own set of linguistic guidelines. Where this is the case, these guidelines
will be provided to translators, together with the project material for translation. Where there are
differences or contradictions, the clients preferences (if correct) take priority over those in this guide.
For any linguistic issues not covered in the client guidelines, the SDL Translation Style Guide is to be
referred to.

The general orthographical and grammatical rules for Spanish obviously remain untouched by the SDL
Translation Style Guide.

CONFIDENTIAL 5 Translation Style Guide Latin American Spanish

1. Stylistic guidelines
General information
Translators and reviewers should carefully consider the purpose and audience of the target text and
consider implications such as the register, style, tone and terminology to be used in the translation.

Ideally, the translated text should be easy to read, convey the same information as the source language
and be able to pass as a text originally written by a native speaker of the target language. The overall
style of translations should be clear and concise to help readability and literal translations should be
avoided unless instructed otherwise.

Ensure that the translation is stylistically consistent, e.g. sentence structure in recurring text elements
such as headings, step-by-step instructions. Phrases which occur more than once in a document (e.g.
Related Topics) should be translated identically throughout the document.

Terminology should be used consistently throughout the text and also be consistent with legacy and
reference material, e.g. glossary (termbase) and translation memory.


1.3.1. Verbs and tenses

Be aware that English tenses do not always correspond to the equivalent tense in Spanish. Gerunds
In English, gerunds tend to be used in section titles and subtitles in the documentation and help, where
Spanish prefers the nominal form or an infinitive form. The Spanish gerund can and should be used
when it appears in a status bar indicating an action in progress.

English Incorrect Correct

Section Ten: Generating Seccin 10: Generando Seccin 10: Generacin de
Reports informes informes
Updating table Actualizacin de tabla Actualizando tabla

Note that the Spanish gerund denotes an action in progress, which takes place before or at the same
time as the main action. It is incorrect to use the gerund to denote an action that takes place after the
main one.

CONFIDENTIAL 6 Translation Style Guide Latin American Spanish

English Incorrect Correct
La aplicacin abre un cuadro de
The application opens a dialog La aplicacin abre un cuadro de
dilogo, lo que le permite
box allowing you to enter data. dilogo permitindole
especificar datos.
especificar datos.
To view the contents of all the Para ver el contenido de todas Para ver el contenido de todas
resource folders, including las carpetas de recursos, las carpetas de recursos,
subfolders and resources: incluyendo los recursos y las incluidos los recursos y las
subcarpetas: subcarpetas:

Note: Try to avoid alto introduce a means clause as Spanish equivalent to by + gerund. Instead,
you can use these examples: a travs/por medio de; mediante; gracias a; debido a; con

English Incorrect Correct

UDLD enhances it by providing UDLD mejora este proceso al UDLD mejoraeste proceso, ya
detection garantizar la deteccin que ofrece deteccin
provide services by sharing a brindan servicios al compartir brindan servicios por medio
virtual IP address una direccin deIP virtual de una direccin de IP virtual
compartida Imperatives
Use the imperative mode when giving instructions. Avoid using the infinitive form.

English expressions with modal verbs or constructions (such as make sure you do something) should
also be translated using the imperative mode.

English Incorrect Correct

Select the staff group for which Se debe seleccionar el grupo de Seleccione el grupo de personal
tasks should be allocated. personal para el que se desea para el que desea crear tareas.
asignar las tareas.
You should save your changes Debera guardar los cambios Guarde los cambios antes de
before proceeding. antes de continuar. continuar.
Make sure you specify a valid Asegrese de especificar un Especifique un nombre vlido.
name. nombr vlido. Subjunctive tenses

The subjunctive tenses are very important in Spanish, not using them when required would impoverish
the text. When using the subjunctive form seleccionara/seleccionase, it is recommended to use the
form seleccionara since it is more acceptable in some Latin American countries. Infinitive
When translating menu options, buttons and dialog boxes in software, always use the infinitive form.

CONFIDENTIAL 7 Translation Style Guide Latin American Spanish

English Incorrect Correct
Open (menu option) Abierto Abrir
Save As (menu option) Guarde como Guardar como Future
English manuals and guides tend to use the future tense, where in Spanish the present tense would be
more appropriate. Avoid using the future tense in such cases.

English Incorrect Correct

Esta seccin describir el En esta seccin se describe el
This section will describe the
procedimiento de instalacin procedimiento de instalacin
procedure to install the app.
de la aplicacin. de la aplicacin.

1.3.2. Active vs. passive constructions

Use active instead of passive constructions whenever possible. Passive voice is less commonly used in
Spanish. Instead, the impersonal form should be used.

English Incorrect Correct

Shift templates can be Las plantillas de turnos pueden Las plantillas de turnos pueden
associated with any staff ser asociadas a cualquier grupo asociarse a cualquier grupo de
group. de personal. personal.

When changing subjects (e.g., as a result of using the active form where the English sentence uses the
passive form), be careful not to cause mistranslations.

English Incorrect Correct

Templates are used by wizards Las plantillas utilizan asistentes Los asistentes utilizan plantillas
to improve performance. para mejorar el rendimiento. para mejorar el rendimiento.

1.3.3. Positive vs. negative constructions

Use positive constructions rather than negative ones in order to improve the end readability.

English Incorrect Correct

Do not connect the power No conecte el cable de Coloque el interruptor en la
cable before setting the switch alimentacin sin antes haber posicin 0 antes de conectar el
on the 0 position. colocado el interruptor en la cable de alimentacin.
posicin 0.

1.3.4. Transitive and intransitive verbs

Avoid using transitive as intransitive verbs.

CONFIDENTIAL 8 Translation Style Guide Latin American Spanish

English Incorrect Correct
This option allows you to copy Esta opcin le permite copiar Esta opcin le permite copiar la
in the Clipboard. en el Portapapeles. seleccin en el Portapapeles.

1.3.5. Logical sentence structure

Organize information in a logical order. Instructions should be given in the order the user has to
perform them. Similarly, when the user is asked to perform certain actions in the software application,
the different steps should also be presented in a logical order (i.e., menu, command, dialog box title,
dialog box controls).

English Incorrect Correct

Use the Special, Generate Para etiquetar los dos horarios Para etiquetar los dos horarios
Labels option to label the two automticamente, utilice la automticamente, utilice la
schedules automatically. opcin Especial, Generar opcin Generar etiquetas del
etiquetas. men Especial.

1.3.6. Optional plural

The optional plural represented by the letter s between brackets, as in item(s), can be used in
software if such use is due to length restriction issues. However, it should be avoided whenever
possible. In documentation and help files, the singular and plural forms of the noun should be used
instead. Alternatively, the Spanish plural form can be used as it is the less specific option.

English Incorrect Correct

Select the item(s) you want. Seleccione los elemento(s) que Seleccione el elemento o los
desee. elementos que desee.
Seleccione los elementos que

1.3.7. Possessive adjectives

The common use of possessive adjectives in English should be avoided in Spanish (whenever possible)
and instead the definite article should be used.

English Incorrect Correct

Launch your application. Inicie su aplicacin. Inicie la aplicacin.
You need to run these last two Debe ejecutar estos dos Debe ejecutar estos dos
commands each time you log ltimos comandos cada vez que ltimos comandos cada vez que
into your system. inicie una sesin en su sistema. inicie una sesin en el sistema.

1.3.8. Use of prepositions

The following table contains some prepositions which are often used or translated incorrectly.

CONFIDENTIAL 9 Translation Style Guide Latin American Spanish

English Incorrect Correct
Add in Agregar en Agregar a
The button in the window El botn en la ventana El botn de la ventana
Under Special on the main Bajo la opcin Especial en el En la opcin Especial del men
menu men principal principal
From the Options menu Desde el men Opciones En el men Opciones
Copy to file Copiar al archivo Copiar en el archivo

Avoid using the same preposition for verbs that collocate with a different preposition.

English Incorrect Correct

To process information sent to Para procesar la informacin Para procesar la informacin
or by the server proveniente o enviada desde el proveniente del servidor o
servidor enviada por este
Note: Provenir collocates
with de.

A common mistake is deleting a required preposition to avoid what is called dequesmo in Spanish
(incorrect use of de que).

English Incorrect Correct

Make sure the system is off. Asegrese que el sistema est Asegrese de que el sistema
apagado. est apagado.

Personifications are frequently used in English documentation and should be avoided in Spanish.
Instead, it is recommended to use an impersonal form.

English Incorrect Correct

This checklist outlines the steps Esta lista de verificacin En esta lista de verificacin se
in setting up Personal Accounts resume los pasos para la resumen los pasos para la
in XXX 2000. configuracin de cuentas configuracin de cuentas
personales en XXX 2000. personales en XXX 2000.

CONFIDENTIAL 10 Translation Style Guide Latin American Spanish

2. Linguistic guidelines
Abbreviations and acronyms

2.1.1. Acronyms
The translation of acronyms varies depending on the context. Please see the details below for more

Official translation of the acronym is available

Use the translated acronym
With the first occurrence use the extended version and add the acronym in brackets, capitalising
the first letter of each word
For all other instances, just use the acronym

English First instance Subsequent usage

The United Nations (UN) was La Organizacin de las Naciones La ONU cuenta con 193 estados
established in 1945. Unidas (ONU) se fund en 1945. miembros.

No official translation is available/source acronym is used in English

Use the source acronym
With the first occurrence, add the English full text in italics and in brackets. This should be
introduced by the phrase del ingls and followed by a translation or running text in Spanish
For all other instances, use the source acronym

English Incorrect Correct

Its the industry-leading CRM Es la solucin de CRM Es la solucin de CRM (del
solution. (Customer Relationship ingls Customer Relationship
Management) lder del Management, gestin de
mercado. relaciones con los clientes) lder
del mercado.

Acronyms have no plural in Spanish. The number agreement is determined by the preceding
determiner, article or adjective.

English Incorrect Correct

To request the CD-ROMs, call Para solicitar los CD-ROMs, Para solicitar los CD-ROM,
llame llame

2.1.2. Abbreviations
In general, abbreviations should be avoided unless length restrictions mean the full term cannot be
used. If an abbreviation is required, the following rules should be taken into account.

CONFIDENTIAL 11 Translation Style Guide Latin American Spanish

When the last syllable or syllables are cut in order to abbreviate a word, the abbreviated word cannot
end in a vowel:

English Incorrect Correct

Elemento Ele. Elem.

Words should not be abbreviated by omitting only one letter:

English Incorrect Correct

Nmero Nmer. Nm.

When a syllable with more than one consonant needs to be cut, all consonants before the vowel should
be included in the abbreviation. In words with -cc-, only the first c is included in the abbreviation:

English Incorrect Correct

Prrafo Pr. Prr.
Deteccin Detecc. Detec.

Abbreviated words are followed by a period unless the abbreviation is an established technical symbol,
such as measures or monetary symbols. If the abbreviation includes superscript letters, the period
goes before these letters:

English Incorrect Correct

Post meridiem pm p. m. (space after first period)
Doctor Dr Dr.
Nmero n n.
For example/i.e. p. e. p. ej. (space after first period)
por ejem.

When a word has an accent, this is kept in the abbreviation:

English Incorrect Correct

pgina pag. pg.

Note: Words can also be abbreviated by contracting them, for example agte. (for agente), ca. (for
compaa), etc.

The following table contains a list of common abbreviations:

CONFIDENTIAL 12 Translation Style Guide Latin American Spanish

Word Abbreviation
captulo cap.
cuenta cta.
ejemplo ej.
Estados Unidos EE. UU. (space after first period)
etctera etc.
lnea ln.
mximo mx.
mnimo mn.
nmero n. or nm.
pgina pg./pg./p.
prrafo prr.
referencia ref.
segundo/segunda 2./2.
telfono tel., telf. or tfno.
tiempo tpo.

Numbers and measurements

2.2.1. Writing numbers

Figures up to ten should be written out in full; 11 and above should be written in numeric form
If there is a mix of both in one sentence, use the numeric form
If a number is used to start a sentence in running text, it should be written out in full

2.2.2. Units of measurement and symbols

When using units of measurement or currency comprising letters, a non-breaking space (Ctrl + Shift +
Space) should be inserted between the number and the corresponding unit.

CONFIDENTIAL 13 Translation Style Guide Latin American Spanish

English Incorrect Correct
5cm 5cm 5 cm
Hour/minutes/seconds hr./min./seg. or s. h/min/s
(these are considered symbols
and not abbreviations,
therefore no period and
invariable when plural)
10m 10 m
(it refers to meters; not to be
10 ms confused with minutes[min].
Note space, not final period
and not added s in plural)
80% 80% 80 %
(see note below)
27 27 27 (see exceptions)
27C 27C 27 C

Exceptions: Superscript numbers and symbols (math exponents or angle measurements), registered
or trademarks, and degrees symbols, which should have no space between the number and the
corresponding symbol.

Examples: 8-9, 15, DxxMxx, PxxxTM, 12

When the degrees appear together with the Celsius symbol, this must be handled as any other symbol
(i.e. figure+ non-breaking space+C symbol): 37 C.

Note: Percentage used to fall in this exception category but this changed since new orthographical
amendments by RAE in 2010. Now this is considered as any other symbol (figure and symbol must have
a non-breaking space in-between) but, given traditional approach is still in use, we recommend to
progressively adapt it (having it agreed previously with client and reviewers) until this rule is
completely implemented.

The following table contains a list of common units:

CONFIDENTIAL 14 Translation Style Guide Latin American Spanish

Word Abbreviation
centmetro cm
gigabyte GB
hercio Hz
kilogramo kg
kilohercio kHz
kilmetro km
litro l; L
megabit Mb
megabyte MB
megahercio MHz
metro m
milmetro mm

2.2.3. Symbols vs ISO codes

For currency, unless instructed otherwise, use the source as a guide, i.e., if it uses a symbol, retain the
symbol; if it uses the ISO code, retain the code. Ensure the approach is followed consistently
throughout the document.

Currency symbols should be placed after the number and are separated by a space. Use a non-breaking

English Incorrect Correct

$15,000 15,000 $ $15 000
15 000 USD USD 15 000

When writing currencies, the RAE allows the currency symbol or ISO code, but these must go before
the figure separated with a space for LatAm countries. The symbol or ISO code only goes after in in

2.2.4. Measurement conventions

Please confirm the client's preferences for how measurements should be handled during
When both imperial and metric measurements need to be provided, please double check with
client which one should appear first and which one should appear in brackets right after
If the client has not provided a list of approved conversions, please use an online conversion tool
and round the numbers to the nearest decimal place

English Spanish
12 lbs 5,4 kg (12 libras)

2.2.5. Dates

CONFIDENTIAL 15 Translation Style Guide Latin American Spanish

Dates should be written in the day, month and year format
No capital is used for the month
If numbers are used, hyphens or slashes should be used to separate them
It is recommended to leave the article out before the years 2000, 2001, etc. The Spanish Academy
(RAE) does, however, accept the use of the article if the year appears on its own (as in: Primera
versin editada en el 2002).

Note: In letters and documents, years are expressed without article (Quito, 9 de abril de 2007)
However, it is not considered incorrect to write the article (Quito, 9 de abril del 2007). In general texts,
where the year 2000 or subsequent years appear, it is common to use the article before the year (Este
documento fue revisado en febrero del 2002), but it is not incorrect to use it without the article (Este
documento fue revisado en febrero de 2002).

2.2.6. Times
Time format is preferential, so follow the client readme when deciding whether to use the 12-hour or
24-hour clock and whether to use a full stop or colon between the hours and minutes.

In general:
Use the 24-hour format and use a colon to separate hours, minutes and seconds
"am" and "pm" should be written in lower case with full stops and a space between the number
and each letter, e.g. 8 a. m. or 8 p. m.

2.2.7. Decimal and thousand separators

Use the comma as a decimal separator without a space.

Use a non-breaking space as a thousand separator for numbers with more than 4 figures.

English Incorrect Correct

1.50m 1,50m 1,50 m/1.50 m
(Please see Note 1 below)
15,000 users 15.000 usuarios 15 000 usuarios
15000 usuarios
2,700 people 2.700 personas 2700 personas
2 700 personas

Note 1: Some countries follow the English style (commas for thousands and periods for decimals).
However, the Spanish standard notation should be used unless otherwise instructed.

CONFIDENTIAL 16 Translation Style Guide Latin American Spanish

Note 2: Neither the period nor the comma should be used as thousand separators. New orthographical
rules state that no space nor period should be used in 4-digit numbers; when the figure is over 4 digits,
it must be divided in groups of 3 digits, from right to left, and a non-breaking space must be used as a
thousand separator. If the traditional way is being used (a period as a thousand separator), its
recommended to progressively adapt it (having it agreed previously with client and reviewers) until
this rule is completely implemented.

Note 3: In Mexico and some Central American countries, the English format is followed.

In Spanish, the 0 cannot be dropped in decimal numbers below 1.

English Incorrect Correct

.5m .5 m 0,5 m
3.0 3.0 3


2.3.1. Commas
Commas are used to separate series of three or more elements. In Spanish, the comma before the
conjunction should not be used when the conjunction joins the last two elements in a series.

English Incorrect Correct

Customer Support needs to be El servicio tcnico del cliente El servicio tcnico del cliente
knowledgeable about your debe conocer los sistemas, las debe conocer los sistemas, las
systems, the Software funciones del software, y los funciones del software y los
functionality, and the business procesos empresariales. procesos empresariales.

When a conjunction joins two parts of an element in a series and this element is followed by a second
conjunction, a comma must be used before the last conjunction.

English Incorrect Correct

This will enable Customer Esto permitir que el servicio Esto permitir que el servicio
Support to investigate and tcnico investigue el problema, tcnico investigue el problema,
attempt to identify, reproduce, intente identificarlo y intente identificarlo y
and verify the defect. reproducirlo y verifique el reproducirlo, y verifique el
defecto. defecto.

Use commas with introductory phrases, and before and after phrases that use adverbs such as no
obstante, sin embargo, as pues, por el contrario, por lo tanto, etc.

CONFIDENTIAL 17 Translation Style Guide Latin American Spanish

English Incorrect Correct
However, you must replace the Sin embargo deber Sin embargo, deber
center plane. reemplazar la placa central. reemplazar la placa central.

Use a comma to separate subordinate phrases that begin a sentence.

English Incorrect Correct

You will be given a login and Para acceder al sistema se le Para acceder al sistema, se le
password to gain access into proporcionar un ID de inicio proporcionar un ID de inicio
the system. de sesin y una contrasea. de sesin y una contrasea.

2.3.2. Hyphens and dashes

In Spanish, three types of dash characters are used: Hyphen (-)

Used to divide words at the end of a line (e.g. apli-cacin) and for compound words (e.g. terico-
prctico). A hyphenated compound should not be split between lines. If possible, use a non-
breaking hyphen (Ctrl+Shift+hyphen): apli-cacin, terico-prctico.
Hyphens are also used to separate numbers: Imprimir las pginas 10-12.
This is connected with some amendments established by RAE in 2010 with regards to the use of
- As a general rule, prefixes cannot be splitted from base root nor inserted with a hyphen in-
between: vicedecano, contrarreloj, preoperatorio, antivirus, sobrealimentar, prepago.
- Prefix is separated from the words it refers to if they are more than one word (with a single
meaning): pro derechos humanos, vice primer ministro, anti Naciones Unidas.
- A hyphen is used if the word the prefix refers to begins with uppercase or is a number: pro-
Obama, sub-21, anticuerpos anti-PCR, super-8.
Exceptionally we can also use a prefix if it is necessary to understand the derivative word
(otherwise, it might be confused): pre-texto (texto previo), ex-preso (former prisioner), re-
presentar (presentar de nuevo). Em-dash () [ALT+0151]

Used to enclose comments not syntactically connected to the rest of the sentence. Similar to using
brackets. The use of em-dash in the English text does not always warrant its use in the Spanish
translation. Depending on the context, it can be replaced with a comma or brackets. En-dash () [ALT+0150]

Used as a minus sign with a space before and after. This is connected to the use of En dash as a Math
operator when this symbol affects an operation between two digits, a space must be used between
both figures (3 2 or 6 3) but if only one digit is involved then it is written together with the figure

CONFIDENTIAL 18 Translation Style Guide Latin American Spanish

2.3.3. Full stops
Full stops should be followed by one space only. In a sentence ending with a term within quotation
marks or brackets, the period should go outside the closing quotation mark or bracket.
See the section "Trailing punctuation" for information on the position of full stops with quotation
marks and brackets.

2.3.4. Trailing punctuation

In English, when the text between quotation marks appears at the end of the sentence, the period may
appear inside the quotation marks. In Spanish, the period must go outside the quotation marks (this is
also applicable with parentheses or closing Em dashes):

English Incorrect Correct

Topics that contain the word Temas que contienen la palabra Temas que contienen la palabra
contact. contacto. contacto.
No topics found. No se encontr ningn tema. No se encontr ningn tema.

2.3.5. Colons
Use colons to introduce lists and procedures. Do not use colons to introduce tables, sections or
illustrations. Unless the sentence starts on the next line, use lower case after the colon.

However, after notes, warnings and notices, upper case must be used (refer to
> Maysculas > 3.3).

English Incorrect Correct

Ability to work in a team Capacidad de trabajo en Capacidad de trabajo en
environment: high. equipo: Alta equipo: alta
Warning: This medicine may Advertencia: este Advertencia: Este
make you sleepy. medicamento puede causar medicamento puede causar
somnolencia. somnolencia.

2.3.6. Slashes
Slashes can be used to separate two alternatives.

If maintained in the translation, no space should be inserted between slash and the different terms
(LED rojo/verde/amarillo).
However, in Spanish, slashes are not so common and tend to be replaced by the conjunction o

2.3.7. Brackets
Use round (xxx) brackets.
If brackets are required within curly brackets, use square [xxx] brackets.

CONFIDENTIAL 19 Translation Style Guide Latin American Spanish

Example: La tumba de Jim Morrison (cantante de The Doors [mtica banda de rock del siglo XX]) se
encuentra en el cementerio Pre Lachaise de Pars.

For information relating to the position of punctuation with brackets, see the section "Trailing

Amendments by RAE about rules for written accents:
- When acting as an adjective or an adverb, the word solo does not take written accent
- Also demonstrative pronouns (este, esta, estos, estas, ese, esa, esos, esas, aquel, aquella,
aquellos, aquellas) do not take written accent, even in the case of ambiguity.
- This monosyllable words that used to take written accent are no longer accented guion,
Sion, ion, prion, truhan, frio, friais, lie, lio, liais, hui, huis (and not *guin, *Sin, *in, *prin,
*truhn, *fri, *friis, *li, *li, *liis, *hu, *hus).
- The conjunction or between figures is never written with an accent, for example: 4 o 5/79 u

In Spanish, capitals are only used for the first word of a sentence, caption, heading and title, and for
proper nouns.

The first letter of the following software interface elements should also be capitalized: commands,
dialog box titles, options, buttons and menu names (unless otherwise stated).

Accents on capital letters are always required.

The following terms are not capitalized in Spanish:

- Adjectives referring to nationalities
- Names of days, months and seasons
- Languages


2.6.1. Bulleted and numbered lists

Regardless of the source language convention, the format used in the translation of bulleted lists
and tables should be consistent throughout the software, documentation or help system No
comma or semicolon at the end.
When the list is made up by a series of terms or short phrases, bullet points should start with lower
case and can either take comma and a period on the last item or have no punctuation mark.

CONFIDENTIAL 20 Translation Style Guide Latin American Spanish

When the items in the list are more complex (ie. longer phrases) but do not constitute whole
sentences, then these should start with lower case and be followed by semicolon and the last item
should have full stop.
However, if the list contains complete sentences, these should be followed by a period, and must
begin in uppercase.

English Incorrect Correct

The product box contains: La caja del producto contiene: La caja del producto contiene:
- two manuals - Dos manuales - dos manuales
- a CD - Un CD - un CD
- a registration card - Una tarjeta de registro - una tarjeta de registro
The product box contains: La caja del producto contiene: La caja del producto contiene:
- two manuals - Dos manuales. - dos manuales,
- a CD - Un CD. - un CD,
- a registration card - Una tarjeta de registro - una tarjeta de registro.
In case of rain in the country, it En caso de tormenta en el En caso de tormenta en el
is suggested to follow the campo, conviene seguir las campo, conviene seguir las
instructions below: siguientes recomendaciones: siguientes recomendaciones:
- do not get shelter under a - no refugiarse debajo de un - no refugiarse debajo de un
tree rbol rbol;
- get rid of metal objects, - desprenderse de objetos - desprenderse de objetos
such as umbrellas or sticks metlicos, como paraguas, metlicos, como paraguas,
- do not remain in a standing bastones, etc. bastones, etc.;
position - no permanecer de pie en - no permanecer de pie en
medio de espacios abiertos medio de espacios
The Notifications and El cuadro de dilogo El cuadro de dilogo
Reminders dialog box displays Notificaciones y avisos muestra Notificaciones y avisos muestra
the following reminders: los siguientes avisos: los siguientes avisos:
- Reminders set for me: - Avisos establecidos para - Avisos establecidos para
Reminders that are set for m: Avisos establecidos m: avisos establecidos
the current user. para el usuario actual. para el usuario actual.
- Reminders received: - Avisos recibidos: Avisos - Avisos recibidos: avisos
Reminders that were que ha recibido el usuario que ha recibido el usuario
received by the current actual actual.

Note: As in the example above, the English text may not be consistent in punctuation or sentence
structure. These inconsistencies should not be replicated in the Spanish text.

Names and addresses

CONFIDENTIAL 21 Translation Style Guide Latin American Spanish

2.7.1. Company names
Company names should always stay as they appear in source text unless the name of a company or
organization has an official translation. In these cases, the official translation should be used

2.7.2. Forms of address

Abbreviated titles in Spanish are always followed by a full stop.

English Spanish
Mr/Mr. Sr.
Mrs/Mrs. Sra., Sr., S.
Ms/Ms. Srta.
Miss Srta.
Dr/Dr. Dr. / Dra., Dr.

2.7.3. Job titles

When there is no direct equivalent and client has not requested a different approach, job titles
associated with a specific, named person or to designate a specific, unnamed person should be
translated and department name should be translated as per client instructions, unless they are
generic areas (such as RR. HH.). Please note that in Spanish job titles are always written in lower case.
Please refer to

Marc Leblanc, gerente de [Transformation/Transformacin] (department depends on client)
Martyna ocupa el cargo de gerente de Compensacin y beneficios desde 2007
Pedro Martnez, director general, confirm los resultados

2.7.4. Place names

Ensure references to place names are translated where a Spanish translation exists, e.g. Viena, Praga,

If necessary, add information in running text such as the city/country to provide additional context for

2.7.5. Addresses and phone numbers

Always check whether contact details need to be localised, i.e. does the company have a local
office that customers should contact?
If the source address is not in the same country as the target audience, add the country name to
the end of an address
Convert phone numbers to international conventions, including the international dialling code

CONFIDENTIAL 22 Translation Style Guide Latin American Spanish

Miscellaneous information

2.8.1. Common mistakes And/Or
This is sometimes translated as y/o when in Spanish o would be enough.

English Incorrect Correct

Type the Name and/or Address Escriba el nombre y/o direccin Escriba el nombre o direccin
of the Contact, and click Search. del contacto y haga clic en del contacto y haga clic en
Buscar. Buscar. Effective
It should be translated as eficaz (inanimate objects) or eficiente (animate objects), but not

English Incorrect Correct

A workspace is a window that Un rea de trabajo es una Un rea de trabajo es una
enables the effective ventana que permite la ventana que permite la
management of items. administracin efectiva de los administracin eficaz de los
elementos. elementos. Multiple
This tends to be translated as mltiple(s): This translation is correct but should not be favoured over
other Spanish adjectives, such as varios, diversos, etc. If possible, avoid using mltiple(s).

English Incorrect Correct

Data related to Properties and Los datos relacionados con las Los datos relacionados con las
Categories can be stored in propiedades y categoras propiedades y categoras
multiple languages. pueden almacenarse en pueden almacenarse en varios
mltiples idiomas. idiomas.

2.8.2. False friends

The following table contains some general and IT false friends.

CONFIDENTIAL 23 Translation Style Guide Latin American Spanish

English Incorrect Correct
abort abortar anular
ignore ignorar omitir
actual actual real
enter, to entrar ingresar
report reporte informe
assume, to asumir suponer
scenario escenario ejemplo, caso
balance, to balancear equilibrar
consistent consistentent e coherente
consist of, to consistir de constar de
cover, to cubrir abarcar, recoger
eventual eventual final
billion billn mil millones (USA)
billn (UK, although due to
American influence, the use of
billion as in mil millones is
back up, to apoyar realizar una copia de respaldo
click, to hacer clic sobre hacer clic en
default por defecto predeterminado
invalid invlido no vlido
run correr usar, ejecutar
successfull y con xito correctamente
support, to soportar ser compatible con
customer support soporte de cliente servicio al cliente
view visualizar ver
the Internet el/la Internet Internet (no article)

CONFIDENTIAL 24 Translation Style Guide Latin American Spanish

3. Sector-specific guidelines
One of the first things to consider in translation is the target audience. As a translator, you should
consider who will be reading the document you are translating:
- Is the document intended for the general public? If not, what organization do your readers
work for?
- What is your readers occupation, profession or field?
- What information do they need to get from your document?
- What is their knowledge of the topic?

3.1.1. Register
As a general rule, the register should be kept formal. English texts tend to lapse into quite a colloquial
style that should be avoided in Spanish

English Incorrect Correct

Now you know what to do if Ahora ya sabe qu hacer Ya dispone de los
you want to conocimientos necesarios

Similarly, the use of the second person singular to address the reader should be avoided in Spanish.
Instead, the third person singular should be used, but the pronoun usted should not be used
explicitly. If the sentence structure requires the inclusion of this word, it should be replaced by el
usuario or a similar phrase adequate in the context.

English Incorrect Correct

If you want to proceed Si deseas continuar Si desea continuar
Si usted desea continuar

There are some texts where the use of the second person singular might be desired, for instance,
computer games, where the target audience age and more informal stylistic approach seem to call
for the use of the t form. Also in marketing and training guides.
Do be consistent in the way you address the reader.
If not indicated in the handoff email, always check with account lead or project manager what
person should be used to address the reader in each particular project.

3.1.2. Cultural localization

Bear in mind that translation may be affected by our surroundings and usual speech, so common words
that may seem correct in spoken Spanish, could actually be incorrect in other countries, or might not
even exist. Proper research should be done in order to provide accurate translation for LatAm.

CONFIDENTIAL 25 Translation Style Guide Latin American Spanish

English Incorrect Correct
Maintenance Mantencin Mantenimiento
(in Chile, this is equivalent to
mantenimiento, in other
countries this is only referred to
monetary upkeep, such as child

CONFIDENTIAL 26 Translation Style Guide Latin American Spanish


3.2.1. General
Accuracy takes priority over style. In particular, carefully consider the word order and the position
of each element in the sentence to ensure accuracy and avoid ambiguity
That being said, translators also need to ensure that the style and tone are appropriate for the
context and target audience. Normally a formal tone is applied to this type of texts. Also the use
of usted to refer to the user is generally preferred
The exception to this rule is patents, for which no creative licence is permitted. The translation
must be as literal as possible otherwise it leaves the document open to dispute. Consider the legal
system for the target language country; advise the client/project manager of any potential issues
from a localisation perspective, i.e. if legal information is not applicable in the target country

3.2.2. Legal references

Specify the country of origin of a law if this is clear from the text, e.g. "the French code of
Omit the source language if there is an official translation of the name of a law, e.g. "the Civil Code
of Qubec"
If the law does not have an official translation, use the source and add an explanatory translation
in brackets after the first occurrence. For example: La National Industrial Recovery Act (Ley de
Recuperacin de la Industria Nacional), tambin conocida como NIRA, por sus siglas en ingls
- For subsequent references:
- If the name of the law can be presented as an acronym, use the source acronym. For
example: "AMG (Arzneimittelgesetz ley alemana sobre medicamentos" for the first
occurrence; "AMG" for subsequent references
When they refer to a specific element in a legal document, "Article", "Paragraph", "Item" and
"Clause" should be capitalised. For example: Artculo 2 del Cdigo but El artculo establece los
Avoid using section marks () unless they are preferred by the client, included in legacy material
or used in the document to which the source text refers. Instead use full words for clarity, e.g.
Article, Section
If a document has been signed, the signature in the translated text should be marked as "[firma]".
Do not copy the signature or write it out in any way.

3.2.3. Useful references

Specific resource from the UE with access to 3.600.000 legal documents which can be searched
and downloaded for reference.
Interactive terminology for Europe:
Multilingual EU terminology database containing terms in 12 languages covering different fields of
expertise, including legal and economic.

CONFIDENTIAL 27 Translation Style Guide Latin American Spanish

Complete legal dictionary. It allows to search in three different ways: by the term in question, by
definition and in alphabetical order.
Useful for finding legal texts, draft agreements and forms in Spanish.

CONFIDENTIAL 28 Translation Style Guide Latin American Spanish

Life sciences

3.3.1. General
It is particularly important to consider the target audience and adapt the style and register of the
translation accordingly. If it is unclear who the target audience is, ask the workgiver
As a general rule, the register should be formal and the overall style should be clear and concise
to aid readability
Consider whether standard translation or back translation is required and tailor the approach and
style accordingly. Back translations should be as literal as possible in order to assess the accuracy
of the forward translation
Use the relevant medical terminology for the country as per local laws. MedDRA terminology
database can be checked as reference
Check dosages and drug names thoroughly. This is imperative as incorrectly replicated dosages or
incorrect drug names could have serious consequences

3.3.2. Patient-facing content

Examples include Informed Consent Forms, Patient Instructions, Patient Recruitment & Retention
materials (mostly for use in clinical studies)
Consider the age range of the audience and adapt the style, register and terminology accordingly
Use short, clear sentences that are easy to read
Ensure the tone of the translation reflects the tone of the source text
Consider the accessibility of terminology; if necessary provide explanations for complex terms in
Do not make presumptions and avoid any ambiguity. Raise queries where necessary

3.3.3. Physician-facing content

Includes protocols, investigator brochures, user manuals etc.
The register should be formal
Text should be clear and concise
Terminology and style should reflect the expertise of the audience
Stay as close to the source text as possible while also ensuring that the translation sounds natural:
do not add or delete words from the translation, do not make any presumptions, avoid any
Perform adequate research and always raise queries where the source is unclear or ambiguous

3.3.4. Clinical documentation

Includes protocols, investigator brochures, clinical trial agreements, Investigational Medicinal
Product (IMP) labels etc.
Scientific/informed audience; register and terminology used should reflect this

CONFIDENTIAL 29 Translation Style Guide Latin American Spanish

Study titlesif previously translatedmust conform to approved translated versions (as these
have been filed with insurance companies)
Version updates are common for many document types so refer to previously translated versions
where available

3.3.5. Adjudication/safety materials

Includes discharge summaries, SAE reports, death certificates
Scientific/informed audience; register and terminology used should reflect this
Check whether there are any applicable guidelines for formatting (signatures, stamps etc.)
Please flag to the workgiver if personal data is found as SDL needs to follow a specific process if
this is the case

3.3.6. Regulatory documentation

Includes regulatory labels, patient information leaflet (PIL), Summary of Product Characteristics
For European Medicines Agency (EMA) submissions, refer to Quality Review of Documents (QRD)
templates for each relevant country for boilerplate text and formatting conventions
Version updates/line extensions/variations are common so refer to previously translated versions
where available

CONFIDENTIAL 30 Translation Style Guide Latin American Spanish

The approach to translating software should be discussed with the project manager/client at the start
of a project.

In particular, consider:
- Consistency with legacy material: Has the software already been translated? Does the
translation need to be consistent with other content?
- Length restrictions

3.4.1. General
Ensure the style is as clear and precise as possible
Keep the translation short and simple without resulting in loss of meaning. Abbreviate where
necessary, but avoid using non-standard abbreviations
Adjust capitalization to target language standards
Consistency is extremely important: check reference and legacy material carefully when
translating elements such as user interface (UI) strings (text in the software that the user sees) to
ensure global consistency
Avoid using exclamation marks or any special character not present in the source string. If they
need to be used, first ask the client if they can be used or if they need to be escaped
Where possible, use positive constructions rather than negative ones to improve the readability
Avoid possessive adjectives

Incorrect Correct
Do not turn the switch on before connecting the Connect the power cable before turning the
power cable switch on
Launch your application Launch the application

3.4.2. Buttons/menu items and dialog boxes

Use the infinitive to translate dialog box titles, menu options and buttons
Do not use a full stop at the end
The translation of the dialog box title should correspond to the menu option that opens it. For
instance, if the menu option is Enviar imagen, the dialog box that opens up should also be called
Enviar imagen, and not Envo de imagen.
In cases where the menu option has been abbreviated, the dialog box title should be explicit and
not abbreviated

English Incorrect Correct

Send (menu) Enve Enviar
Send (dialog box title) Envo Enviar
Save as Guardar Como Guardar como
Pages Numbers Nmeros de pgina Nmeros de pgina

CONFIDENTIAL 31 Translation Style Guide Latin American Spanish

3.4.3. Popups/status messages/error messages
Translation should be concise, but clear
Use the impersonal form: avoid implying that the user is to blame for any errors
Avoid the passive voice
Avoid using the word imposibleto translate the phrases Impossible to do something or
Unable to do something.

English Incorrect Correct

Error saving file Error guardando archive Error al guardar archivo
Error editing Error editando Error de edicin
File in use Se est usando el archivo Archivo en uso
Cannot delete file No puede borrar el archivo No se puede borrar el archivo
The following message is El siguiente mensaje es En la pantalla aparece el
displayed on the screen mostrado en la pantalla siguiente mensaje
When text is cut or Cuando el texto es copiado o Al copiar o pegar texto
copied pegado
Impossible to reconnect Imposible restablecer No se pudo restablecer la
connexion connexion
Unable to save Imposible guardar No se puede guardar

3.4.4. Hot keys

Hot keys are letters that are underlined in the name of UI elements that allow quick access within a
particular function.
Consult with the client on how to approach hot keys
If possible, the hot key should be the first letter of the UI string or as close to the beginning as
Do not use the same letter as a hot key more than once within the same logical unit, i.e. within the
same menu panel or dialog box
Do not use special characters, such as symbols and characters with accents or umlauts, as a hot

3.4.5. Placeholders
Placeholders are replaced with any values (number or text) assigned by the code at run time. Be careful
handling them. Also check with the client prior to start translation whether they can be moved around
in the target sentence

Source code: %1 is inactive. To activate %1, click <b>Activate</b>.
At run time: Product Name is inactive. To activate Product Name, click Activate.

3.4.6. Special Characters

CONFIDENTIAL 32 Translation Style Guide Latin American Spanish

There may be specific characters that cannot be used in the software o need scaping; that is, a \
must be added in front of them in order not to break the software. Always ask the client for any specific
instruction regarding these characters prior to start translation:

Example: quotes (smart or straight), /, \, &, @, "", ', :, ;,

3.4.7. Concatenated Strings

Concatenated strings are usually left unchanged but in some instances they may require translation.
Therefore, it is important to clarify with the client how to handle such strings S

Example: GetConfigurationSoftware

CONFIDENTIAL 33 Translation Style Guide Latin American Spanish

User guides/help content
Maintain a clear, readable style to allow the user to quickly access the information
Organise information in a logical order. For example, instructions should be written in the order
the user has to perform them
Consistency is extremely important: check reference and legacy material carefully to ensure global
consistency, especially for references to UI elements or buttons, as well as headings and links
Be careful with the use of possessive. While in English, is common to use possessives when
referring to the device/product, for example: in a user guide for a smartphone, it would be
appropriate to use "your phone", in Spanish is more suitable to use a definite article: el telfono
All index entries have to be consistent with the terminology used in the help files. Make sure that
entries are not capitalized in Spanish (unless they are proper names, trademarks, software
options, etc.)
The preferred style for headings in help files is nominal, but infinitives can also be used, as far as
this is done consistently throughout the help. The infinitive might in fact be the only option for
translating some English gerunds
Capitalization in headings should be adjusted to Spanish standards
References to other documentation should be set in italics. The translator should refer to the
localization kit notes and any instructions provided by the client to see whether a Spanish
translation is available and should be used. Do not make up a translation of the title. If no title is
available, maintain the English original or paraphrase it in Spanish

English Incorrect Correct

Generating tasks Generando tareas Generacin de tareas
Quitting the program Saliendo del programa Salir del programa
How to generate tasks Cmo generar tareas? Cmo generar tareas
See XXX Users Guide for more Para obtener ms informacin,
Para obtener ms informacin,
information. consulte la gua del usuario de
consulte la Gua del usuario de
(If title is not available in
See Appendix A, Consulte el Apndice A, Consulte el apndice A,
Troubleshooting, on page 10. Solucin de problemas, en la Solucin de problemas, en la
pgina 10. pgina 10.

CONFIDENTIAL 34 Translation Style Guide Latin American Spanish

- Consider the target audience and adapt the style and register of the translation accordingly
- Ensure information is clear and the target text is free from ambiguity
- Consistency is extremely important: check reference and legacy material carefully to ensure global
- If using any terminology list, make sure it is both up to date and relevant for the given content and
local reader. Make sure any terminology is both valid and widely/commonly in given context
- Watch out for typos or slight grammar issues, and escalate them. Technical writers do not need to
be linguistically excellent, so that's something to take into account
- Keep it short. Tech texts need to work correctly using few words to improve understanding
- When stating instructions, always use imperative rather than infinitive
- Avoid passive constructions
- Where possible, use positive constructions rather than negative ones to improve the readability

Incorrect Correct
Do not turn the switch on before connecting the Connect the power cable before turning the
power cable switch on

CONFIDENTIAL 35 Translation Style Guide Latin American Spanish


3.7.1. General
- Literal translations are not usually necessary. It is more important to convey the intended
meaningtranslate the concept, not the words. This is especially the case for high-profile content
such as slogans and tag lines
- Take the time to understand the purpose of the source and its message:
- How will the text be used?
- Who is the target audience?
- What does the client want to say?
- How do they want their company/the product to be portrayed?

3.7.2. Style, register and tone

- Marketing copy often benefits from a "write as you speak" approachthe translation should
sound completely natural in the target language
- Consider the brands voice (how they want to appear to their customers) and adapt the style and
register accordingly
- Ensure the target text is as accessible as possible to the target audience; the language used should
be clear, concise and easy to read

3.7.3. Wordplay
- As it is unlikely that a play on words in the source text, such as alliteration, puns, wordplay and
text that directly interacts with an image, can be replicated entirely in the translation, establish
the client's priorities and translate accordingly
- Where possible, offer a range of options based on different approaches

3.7.4. Transcreation
- For transcreation projects, the above guidelines apply. However, there should be particular
emphasis on rendering the concept as naturally as possible into the target language
- Consider whether it is necessary to provide the client with a range of options for high-profile
elements such as slogans and taglines
- Where possible, use another translator as a sounding board and discuss potential translations

3.7.5. Scripts
- The above guidelines apply too, but the "write as you speak" approach is particularly important
for script projects
- The target text should be easy to pronounce. Reading the text aloud might help to find stumbling
blocks. Listen to yourself saying the words and check whether you would actually say something
like that in a real conversation

CONFIDENTIAL 36 Translation Style Guide Latin American Spanish

- Where the pronunciation may not be clear or when several pronunciations are possible for one
word (e.g. foreign words, proper names, etc.), add a Pronunciation column in the script for the
client to approve one style prior to recording
- The original script usually matches an image sequence. The localized version must convey the same
message synchronizing throughout with the image sequence. To check that the length is right, read
your translation aloud against the original audio file

CONFIDENTIAL 37 Translation Style Guide Latin American Spanish

The term "finance" should not be used as a blanket catch-all category as it actually incorporates a range
of broad subcategories with different requirements. However, some general information is provided

3.8.1. General
- Consider the intended use and target audience of the document and adapt the style and register
of the translation accordingly. If it is unclear who the target audience is, ask the work giver. For
example, the style for a regular retail banking customer is very different to the style of content for
High Net Worth individuals
- Consider whether standard translation or transcreation is appropriate (see content types below)
- Do not phrase anything as financial advice or a recommendation unless the document explicitly
requests it. There are strict regulatory guidelines around providing financial advice with severe
financial penalties

3.8.2. Insurance
- Insurance documentation is likely to call on broader specialisms related to the context. Ensure that
the terminology for this content is adequately researched and is appropriate for the target
- Documents will generally need to be written in an informative, matter-of-fact tone
- Communications Content & Annual Reports
- Ensure the tone of the translation reflects the tone of the source text
- Annual reports are the result of a combined authoring effort. Consider the different sections of
the report and the different styles required
- Do not make presumptions and avoid any ambiguity. Raise queries where necessary
- Familiarise yourself with the regional regulations for the country where the annual report is being

3.8.3. Useful references

- FMI:
Complete and reliable glossary for financial terms
- Interactive terminology for Europe:
Multilingual EU terminology database containing terms in 12 languages covering different fields of
expertise, including legal and economic
- Organizacin mundial del comercio:
Trilingual terminology database (English, French and Spanish) included on the website of the World
Trade Organization
- Economa48:
Online encyclopedia of economics that includes more than 10,000 key terms from many different
sectors (finance, management, accounting, banking, macroeconomics, human resources, stock
market and commerce)

CONFIDENTIAL 38 Translation Style Guide Latin American Spanish

The purpose of creating terminology lists is twofold:
- - To maintain consistency during translation
- - To build up a database of terms that can be used for upgrades of the project or as a reference
in other projects

Terminology lists may be provided by the client or created by SDL. Either way, it is essential to follow
them when translating the software and other project components.

The first step in terminology development is extracting the source English terms. This will usually be
the job of a terminologist, but if translators are asked to create a term list, they should follow these
- The term list should include technical terms, product-specific terms and product names.
- General terms should also be included if they have more than one translation or meaning
depending on the subject matter or if they are used repeatedly throughout the source text.
- Software options (i.e. menus, buttons, etc.) should not be included in terminology lists.
- Terms should be entered in the terminology list in the singular form and in lower case (unless
they are product names, proper nouns, etc.).
- In the case of verbs, they should be entered in the infinitive form followed by comma and then
to (e.g. backup, to).

Once the English terminology list is created and approved by the client, it needs to be translated. To
do this, client glossaries (if available) should be referred to, together with operating environment
glossaries and glossaries from previous relevant projects.

CONFIDENTIAL 39 Translation Style Guide Latin American Spanish

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