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Mexico CIPs Latest Adventure!

Saturday October 28, 2017

Departing Columbus OH - 7:00AM

After arriving in Mexico City around 12:30 and passing customs, we will be meeting our Tour
guide around 2:00pm and transferring to Hotel Del Angel or similar accommodations.

After checking into our hotel, we will leave for our tour of: San Angel and Ex-Convento del

San Angel is a culturally important neighborhood in Mexico City. It houses several art galleries,
beautiful churches and artisan markets. Once a rural community called Tenanitla in the pre-
Hispanic period, its current name is derived from the El Carmen monastery school called San
ngel Mrtir. San ngel remained a rural community, centered on the monastery until the 19th
and 20th centuries, when the monastery was closed and the area became a part of the urban
sprawl of Mexico City. However, the area still contains many of its former historic buildings and
El Carmen is one of the most visited museums - Ex-Convento del Carmen in the city. It is also
home to an annual flower fair called the Feria de las Flores, held since 1856.

San Angels has a lively bazaar in which the best handcrafts from all over Mexico can be found.
Artisans working with jewelry, textiles, woodwork, ceramics, paintings and more showcase their
skills in the bazaar. We will have a delicious Mexican lunch in the courtyard before exploring an
assortment of galleries, shops and boutiques.

San Angel

Private transfer to Hotel.

Sunday October 29, 2017

Breakfast in Hotel

City tour and Tour in Turibus

City Tour: Explore Mexico Citys landmark monuments, with special focus on the nations historic
colonial buildings of the Zcalo, bordered by the National Palace, Metropolitan Cathedral, and
Federal District buildings of the city authorities. One of the largest squares in the world, the Zcalo,
gives a great glimpse into Mexico Citys crossroads of history and modern-day life

Passing by Palacio de Bellas Artes

Time for lunch (not included) - there will be two recommendations of typical food (1 hour for lunch).
Continue to the Anthropology Museum to see the largest collection of art from all the ancient
cultures of Mexico, from objects that date back to 2500 BC to the glittering jewels of Mayan kings
and an impressive Aztec calendar.

One hour to spend at Anthropology Museum.

We will take a tour in the Turibus

Discover Mexico Citys most representative attractions from a preferential point of view with
Turibus panoramic open top double-decker red buses.
Passing by Angel de la Independencia Monument. There will be time to hop in and out of Turibus
and we will return to the hotel by taxi or public transportation on your own. Taxi and dinner are
not included. (There will be recommendations).

Monday October 30th

Tour Basilica de Guadalupe and Teotihuacan Arqueology Zone

Breakfast in hotel and pick up at 9:00am

This Basilica was built in the 1600s, on the spot where Our Lady of Guadalupe is said to have
appeared to San Juan Diego. In the 1970s, a new Basilica was constructed alongside and you
can see it bellow.

Inside, there is the Virgin of Guadalupe to visit. Then we will continue our tour to Teotihuacan.
Upon arrival we will have time to learn how about a popular Mexican beverage called Pulque, and
how it is made from the Maguey cactus. We will tour the archaeology zone, visiting the temples
of Quetzal-Papalotl (Pjaro-Mariposa) and Caracoles Emplumados. We will also visit La Calzada
de los muertos Pirmide del Sol. Finally, we will see the Ciudadela.
When we finish the tour in Teotihuacan, we will have a Traditional Mexican Buffet in a Restaurant.
This is included in the tour (no beverages or tip included).

Tuesday October 31st

Tour: Coyoacan and Museo Frida Kahlo, evening in La Condesa

Breakfast in hotel - pick up at 9:00am

Visit to La Casa Azul house of Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera. We will learn about her art and
history, continuing to the handicraft market and the Colonial Zone of Coyoacan.

Time for lunch.

Transfer to La Condesa return to the hotel on your own by taxi (not included).
Condesa is considered to be one of the most fashionable areas, especially among young
businesspeople, artists, students and others. Its character has been compared to that of SoHo
in New York and the Latin quarters in Paris. Its avenues are wide and lined with trees. It is
mostly residential but also filled with restaurants, cafs, boutiques and art galleries

Wednesday November 1st

Tour to the Tepoztlan

Breakfast in Hotel and pick up at 8:30am

Ex-convento Dominico de la Natividad

This town is located at the foot of Tepozteco Mountain and is the result of the combination of the
unique ancient traditions and wisdom that enrich its many cultural expressions, such as
esotericism, pre-Hispanic and vice regal treasures, the counterculture, ecotourism and the
simplicity of everyday life are all appeals of Tepotztln.
There is an archeological site at the top of a hike-able mountain (1.3 miles of steep stone stairs,
around 45min-1hr climb at a good pace) that is also famous for its "good vibrations". Bring water,
wear closed-toed shoes, and use a backpack to carry your things. Take breaks while climbing
and be especially careful if you have any medical conditions. Time to eat (lunch/dinner not
included). Return to the Hotel.

Thursday November 2nd

Tour to Mixquic

Breakfast in Hotel /Morning (Free), and Pick up at 2:00pm. Box lunch included during the tour.

Arriving at San Andres Mixquic to take part of the big festivity of the Day of the dead Dia de los
Muertos at the cemetery and town.
San Andres Mixquic is best known for its Day of the Dead commemorations, which consist of both
ritual and cultural events lasting from October 31 November 2. These events draw thousands
of Mexican and international visitors, and culminate in the Alumbrada, when the cemetery that
surrounds the communitys main church glows with thousands of candles and smoke from
incense the evening of 2 November.[2] This community was designated as a Barrio Magico in
2011. It is an amazing place to witness the traditions and customs.

The center of the village is the church and ex-monastery of San Andres Apostol that dates from
the 1600s and was built over the Teocalli or sacred precinct of Mixqic. In the courtyard of the old
monastery, there are a number of pre-Hispanic archeological sites. Surrounding the church is the
communitys cemetery, where the world famous Lit Up or Lumbrada is held every year for Day of
the Dead; thousands of tourists from Mexico and abroad visit the town these days, please make
sure to keep within the group for this tour. Return to the Hotel at dark (10pm)
Friday November 3rd

Tour to Xochimilco passing by UNAM National University of Mexico, Cd Universitaria, Museo

Dolores Olmedo.

Breakfast in Hotel pick up at 9:00am

3 hour tour in Trajinera and traditional Mexican food for lunch included.

Head south from the Hotel and pass some of the most important sites of the modern metropolis.
Explore University City with its famous library decorated with mosaic murals by Juan OGorman.
See the Olympic Stadium and admire the residential area of Pedregal de San Angel, built on
lava fields.

Upon arrival at the Xochimilco Canals, take a relaxing journey by traditional trajinera, a pre-
Hispanic boat similar to a gondola. Explore the peaceful waters to discover one of the last
traces of ancient Mexico City.

Xochimilco: One of the vivid, picturesque districts of Mexico City surrounds the old Aztec
Capital, Tenochtitlan. The atmosphere is lively and the sounds of Mariachi serenades hang in
the air. Enjoy your time on the canals while floating kitchens offer you food, and flowers-vendors
tempt you with their colorful bouquets.
Xochimilco is characterized by a system of canals, which measure about a total of 170 km2.
These canals, and the small colorful boats that float on them among artificially created land
called chinampas, are internationally famous. These canals are popular with Mexico City
residents as well, especially on Sundays.
Museum Dolores Olmedo: Located in Xochimilco at Mexico Citys southern extreme, the Dolores
Olmedo Museum is housed in a rambling stone structure, originally dating from the Sixteenth
Century, formerly known as the Hacienda La Noria.

Since its opening in 1994, the Dolores Olmedo Museum invites its visitors to re-evaluate the
tradition of placing Altars and Ofrendas of the dead. This temporary exhibition is one of the most
emblematic of the Museum.

Possibly the most important Diego Rivera collection of all belongs to this museum, ensconced in
peaceful 17th-century hacienda. Dolores Olmedo, a socialite and patron of Rivera, resided here
until her death in 2002. The museums 144 Rivera works, including oils, watercolors and
lithographs from various periods, are displayed alongside pre-Hispanic figurines and folk art.

Saturday November 4th

Breakfast in hotel

Pick up and transfer to airport according to itinerary.

End of our services

Overview of Trip Details
Private Transfer Airport/Hotel/Airport.
7 nights at Hotel Del Angel or similar accommodations.
7 Breakfast American Style.
Private Service for all the tours (see itinerary for details).
Buffet at the Grand Teocalli Restaurant in Teotihuacan (doesnt include beverage or tips)
Regional Food service a board of the Trajinera in Xochimilco (doesnt include beverage
or tips)
Box lunch during the Mixquic visit (Turkey and cheese sndwich Torta vegetables,
dressing, 1 drink-juice, 1 fruit, 1 cereal bar)
Tour in trajinera - 3.00 hrs - Xochimilco
Tourism guide in English
Tickets/entry to museums and archeology zones in itinerary - including Frida Kahlo
museum, Dolores Olmedo, Antropology and Teotihuacan.

Doesnt Include

Anything else that is not mentioned.

Trip Rates

Single Double Triple Quadruple

$1200 $925 $800 $750

Prices per Person, subject to changes until pay in full.

Links to familiarize yourself with some of the sites.

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