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Tri Delta made pancakes great again

Amanda Murray April 24, 2017, 7:40 PM

COLLEGE PARK, Md. Unlimited pancakes last Friday afternoon

had the streets of College Avenue flooded. Students conjugated on the
front lawn of Tri Deltas chapter house to get into Delta House of
Pancakes. DHOP was hosted by the ladies of Tri Delta sorority and
went from 5:30-9 p.m. The tickets were $7 at the door or $5 in advance.

DHOP is an annual event in which one ticket grants you access to

unlimited pancakes with all different toppings. All the proceeds from
the event go straight toward St. Jude Childrens Hospital. DHOP
donations go toward helping keep the hospital in service. St. Jude costs
$2.4 million per day to operate. Last year Tri Delta raised $8,000
dollars for St. Jude through this event.
The ladies of Tri Delta pose in front of
Each year the sorority comes up with a different theme the DHOP banner they painted. This
for DHOP. This year it was American themed. The photo was posted on Facebook by
ladies wore shirts that said pancake party written in the Elysa Zeberskey
vintage Reagan Bush 84 election font.

Red, white and blue balloons hung from the ceilings, banners that said The United
States of Pancakes covered the walls, and there were streamers all around.

The event was filled with American themed props people could take pictures with.
There were also puppies dressed in American flag shirts running through the house.

We like to make the themes fun and relevant to make the atmosphere of the event
exciting. We want people to feel like theyre in another world when they walk into
this home, said the Tri Delta philanthropy chair, Maddy Scarff.
Charlie the dog enjoyed the
event A brother of the fraternity Kappa Alpha Order volunteered to DJ the event. By
the end of the night he had people crowded around the DJ booth forming dance

DHOP is by far my favorite philanthropy event. Whats better than unlimited pancakes and
great music. It also supports such an amazing cause, said sophomore Mackenzie Miller.

In an effort to raise as much money as possible Tri Delta held a raffle. The tickets were an
additional $5 and the winner received limited edition Beats headphones.

All I have to say is Tri Delta made pancakes great again, said freshman Dillon Morley.

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