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69 Victorian Avenue

Thurmont, MD 21788

Lieutenant Colonel Johnson

1425 Porter Street
Frederick, MD 21702
October 25, 1983

Dear Lieutenant Colonel Johnson:

My name is Nancy Jax and I am a veterinarian with many years of experience in the military. I
am a passionate and motivated individual that wants to make an impact on the world. I am
writing to you, because I believe that although I reacted to the vaccines required for Biosafety
levels two and three, I would be more than capable to work with the hot agents in the Biosafety
level four. I feel that my previous experience with animals and different diseases could bring a
useful perspective into this position, that could help us figure out how to be prepared to battle
the deadly diseases we would be presented with.

I would like this job because I am qualified, experienced, and I have a degree as a Doctor of
Veterinary Medicine. Additionally, I am willing, passionate, and motivated to have this job. I
really want this particular position because my career in research could be over; I reacted to the
vaccines in BSL 2 and 3. I have many skills that can help me throughout the job. Some may say
that my hands are too quick and Im clumsy in my movements. However, I took martial arts to
calm my hands. A rumor about me has been that Im a married woman and my family
responsibilities will interrupt with my job responsibilities. Therefore, I hired a nanny to take care
of my children, so I won't become distracted. Others at USAMRIID claim that because I'm a
female, short, and in the army means that I'm not qualified for the job. My co-workers have
sexist, gender-biased ideas, because they believe since I am a female I am not qualified for this
position. Despite the rumors, I have showed determination to prove myself.

My solution is that you hire me for the Ebola project. You can contact me at (909) 654-8872 or
at at your convenience if you would like to discuss this further. Thank
you for considering my letter and my position.

Sincerely yours,

Nancy Jaax

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