Problem in AE and Development in The South Pacific

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R.H. Schwass
Professor Emeritus,
University of the South Pacific School of Agriculture

The fifteenth Pacific Science Congress was In general terms, we can follow Foster in
held during the first two weeks of February, describing the social environment of farmers
1983, at the University of Otago, Dunedin, New and their families as societies in which they
Zealand. This was the latest in a series of are linked to other members and groups by
congress organized every four years by the rights and duties, expectations and obligations.
now-venerable Pacific Science Association. Each society has a structure which includes
The presence of more than 1700 scientists at such institutions as the family, religion and
the various sessions in Dunedin is clear some form of economic system. An individual
evidence that the Association fulfils a needed member has a clearly established status and
and appreciated role in fostering the interests role in each institution. In meeting these, his
of scientists in the vast Pacific region. The behavior and actions will be governed by the
next Congress is scheduled to be held in rules of the society, or its culture, and by his
Seoul, South Korea. own psychological nature. Values, attitudes,
Section N, Science Communication and aspirations and motives all arise from the
Education, included some lively papers and complex interplay of these factors. In many
workshop discussions on agricultural extension Pacific societies, honor and dignity are
services and problems in South Pacific important values, while conformity to social
countries. Allied papers were also presented norms is an attitude expected from all members.
on agricultural aid projects and on education in We can also follow Lewis in saying that
agriculture in these countries. This present social life is not governed by ‘shrewd logic
paper includes some of the ideas put forward and sweet reason’, so that we become
by the various authors. interested in the social implications of such
My keynote address to the agricultural emotions as personal ambition, greed, jealousy
extension sub-section recognized the importance and anger. The tensions caused by such
of people in agriculture and the services which emotions can rise from the multiple poles that
support it. To consider only impersonal an individual must fill, and lead to many
concepts such as rural communities, or internal stresses in the apparent unity of a
government, or authority, is not very helpful. village society. The requirements of ensuring
Rural communities comprise farmers and their family security, obeying authority and meeting
families; government is made up of politicians obligations impose substantial curbs on
and officials; authority is wielded by some behavior, but must be accepted if the criticism
people over others. Extension is a service and sanctions leveled at any member deviating
rendered by people for people, and the from customary behavior are to be avoided.
successes as well as the failures of extension The motivation of an individual to
programmes result from the actions taken by conform within his society follows a scale of
people. We need to look at three groups of basic needs from survival, through security,
people. To use a little alliteration, we could affiliation with other members and recognition
call these groups the clients, controllers and by them, to self-satisfaction with attainments
change agents; or, perhaps, the planters, and achieved status. An individual’s
planners and practitioners; or, maybe, the aspirations will be influenced by his position
farmers, facilitators and field officers. on this scale, and his reception of extension
contacts of various types will also depend urban centres or overseas, mostly by young
upon it. It follows that use of inappropriate people. The hard wok of farming, plus the
extension methods or of inexperienced and not- boredom, the low and variable monetary
fully trained field staff is a sure way to fail in returns, unequal profit sharing and land tenure
communication. problems make village life rather unattractive in
Only if communication processes are comparison with the wider world outside. The
effective can extension in agriculture (and many impact of advertising, radio and films, together
other aspects of living) be successful. The with the mobility of modern transport and the
actions that a field officer stimulates will example of kin or friends who have already
correlate closely with the way he gets his migrated, are strong drawcards. Among the
message across to his clients. But the ability effects have been weakening of respect for
of extension personnel to influence decision- traditional authority and moral obligations, and
making in the villages will depend largely on a significant shortage of labor for many
whether or not they are accepted by senior projects in commercial agriculture.
members of the village communities. In the A small population also means that many
delicately structured hierarchy of Polynesian roles have to be played by relatively few
Samoa, the spoken word is central to living individuals. Kinship, political, religious and
and it is all too easy in extension for the economic systems often coincide, or nearly so,
wrong message to go to the wrong people, and the same individuals come into contact
passed on by the wrong person in the wrong again and again in various activities. The
language at the wrong time and place. public roles of office become interwoven
Western criteria of economic and closely with the private roles of kindship and
technical efficiency are not very relevant in obligation. This leaves little room for
Pacific island countries. Village goals are not manoeuvre to avoid effects from family
simple monetary profits, and technical influences, personal antipathies and similar
information is often a minor factor in making relationships. A person tends to be judged
decisions about production. Extension for who he is, rather than for what he does,
programmes must be planned and operated for and family ties rather than impersonal merit
the particular and special conditions of this carry most weight in decisions about a
region; how to do this, and even what these person’s roles and status.
conditions are, has not yet been adequately Agricultural extension is concerned with
worked out. What is known from many the diffusion and adoption of new technology
experiences is that while an excellent flow of in farming practice. Everett Rogers has
information does not necessarily ensure published widely on this subject, and his
extension success, poor communication adopter categories of venturesome innovators,
channels will certainly ensure extension failure. respectable early adopters, deliberate early
South Pacific countries face many majority, skeptical late majority and traditional,
problems, even insurmountable ones, from the cautious laggards have been of seminal
geographical nature of the region. Small size importance for the study of innovativeness. In
in terms of population, land area and economic the South Pacific, Bollard on Atiu island in the
parameters (see table attached), together with Cooks recognized each of those categories, and
isolation due to the many hundreds of miles also a further group which comprised about
between islands and archipelagos are features one-third of the total of farmers. This group
that dominate all aspects of life. Fragmentation could be called reactionaries, who never joined
is also important in some cases; the Cook the several government-promoted crop projects.
Islands are an extreme example, with 19,000 Most of this group has second jobs, often in
people on 240 square kilometers of atolls and government service, and their incomes from
high islands in a total area equivalent to these meant that farming for subsistence or
Afghanistan, Pakistan and Thailand together, or sale was in the nature of a sideline activity.
nearly two million square kilometers. A few other reactionaries were so tied by
Smallness and isolation have many effects cultural conservatism that they would not
upon population and agriculture. Here we will tolerate the changes required for the crop
mention only a couple. Recent years have promotion projects.
seen considerable out-migration from villages to In a sense, both innovators and

reactionaries had opted out of conventional the widespread mixed subsistence-cash
agricultural society. In particular, the cropping system which arose from pressures
innovators would not drink in the community for the production of primary products that
‘bush beer’ work gangs, employed labor, could be sold. The pressures were both
enjoyed earning money, and sold produce to internal, where villagers needed cash to
relatives. All these activities are seen by purchase newly available consumer goods of
others as anti-social, and therefore deviant. many types, and external where governments
Opinion leaders are often members of the sought export commodities that would generate
early adopter category, through force of foreign exchange. This system has in general
personality and action. On Atiu, farmers given disappointing results in terms of output,
showed little initiative. Thus, such signals as despite a marked trend for official policies to
produce market prices are usually ignored. In place emphasis on this sector. The system is
1974, for example, copra fetched record prices not fully commercial, and the rigorous work
on world markets, but these farmers made no discipline required by commercial agricultural
response even though the experience and production is completely foreign to subsistence
facilities to greatly increase local copra output farmers. At the same time, social and market
were there. On Atiu, some community obligations clash, and framers must make
characteristics important for crop promotion difficult decisions over the priorities and
projects are the limited need for income and precedence they will accord to their range of
the strong preference for leisure, a deep productive enterprises. For reasons such as
distrust of risk and uncertainty, little concern these, the mixed subsistence-cash cropping
for time or the future, and a psychological system is not likely to satisfy the growing
attraction for working in company. Important demands upon commercial agriculture being
questions for extension in this and similar made by both the farmers themselves and the
communities are how to ecognise opinion governments.
leaders. Can they be used to encourage Thirdly, the plantation (or estate) system
adoption of innovations? To what extent do was introduced with early European settlement
felt needs, and the tensions these create, in the island countries, and operated typically
motivate individuals to adopt new technology by expatriate management and often labor.
that is promising but unproven? Large-scale monoculture of various crops
In communities like Atiu, a short time became established in the area, and the
sense will cause problems with perennial crops. plantation sector for many years was of great
It is difficult to convince growers that inputs importance for export crops, the handling,
like fertilizers, weeding, insect controls and storage and shipping of which was typically
pruning during the prebearing years have performed by overseas firms. However, as
important effects on later productivity. these countries have attained independence in
Expenditure on these and similar items will not recent years, the plantation system has become
voluntarily be made, and it may require some politically unacceptable, and many changes
form of supervised credit advance to ensure have been mooted which invariably seem to
that adequate husbandry is done in the early result in lowered productivity and output. A
stages of perennial crop promotion projects. fourth system of much current interest
At the present time an interesting combines certain features of plantation
dialogue is continuing about agricultural management with smallholder producing units.
production system for the future in the South A successful example comes from the cane
Pacific island countries. Four major systems sugar industry in Fiji, where an indentured
can be recognized, but there are, of course, labor system on estates was replaced by 1920
many permutations of these. Firstly, there is by a system of smallholding tenant farmers
the old but now rare fully subsistence system (both Fijian and Indo-Fijian) producing cane
with virtually all the needs of a community under the direction of central mills. The mills
produced locally, with no monetary exchange also provided some inputs such as planting
and little or no specialization of labor. Crops materials and fertilizers, and processed the
produced are only partly consumed as food; smallholders’ crops. A more recent example of
crops also are important features of social the system is the nucleus estate with
exchanges and ceremonials. Secondly, we have associated satellite smallholdings for oil palm in

Papua New Guinea, while proposals have been developed and carried into effect; not the least
made elsewhere in the region for citrus, cocoa, problem that will have to be faced is what
bananas and for fresh vegetables for export to form extension services should take so they
New Zealand during the winter months. can perform their essential role in the changing
In 1979, an expert group set up by the agriculture of the region.
Asian Development Bank recommended that
this fourth system of production should receive CONTROLLERS
preferential support in the island countries.
This recommendation was disputed by a Our second group of people involved in
number of interested parties, some of whom agricultural extension and development are the
took exception to the group’s use of the term controllers, the directors, the administrators. It
‘plantation mode of management’ (not is unfortunately true that many shortcomings
production!). The word ‘plantation’ to many and failures can be laid at the doors of these
people means large-scale alienation of land, as people. At recent extension tutors’ courses in
under the third system above, but even this is Sri Lanka and Western Samoa, participants
not universally true in the Pacific. Thus, a attributed more than 80 per cent of what they
Samoan will say he is going to work in his saw as the causes of extension failures to
taro plantation, which means he will be controllers. Often, these causes were
working in his family’s relatively small taro deficiencies, such as a lack of motivation (due
garden or plot. In this sense, there is a to unclear objectives, and conflict between
distinction between a plantation and an estate. farmers and departmental objectives), of strong
It is obvious that people interested in the and positive leadership, of support from senior
welfare of small-holding villagers would not people, of delegation, and of in-service or
wish to see estate-type pressures put upon other training opportunities. It is the field
land resources. people who should be putting the Ministry of
Two factors bear upon the choice and Agriculture into a highly visible and well-
development of farming systems. Commercial regarded relationship with farmers, and this in
incentives work through economic forces, often turn requires departmental controllers to see
being related to marketing processes. There is extension as the sharp, cutting edge of their
also a passive reaction factor, arising from the Ministries.
culture of a society and serving as a buffer A further effect of the smallness and
against the uncertainties of change. In the isolation mentioned earlier has been the lack of
South Pacific countries, the reaction factor still specialized extension services in most Pacific
retains much strength, with village social countries. Extension too often is cast in a
values and traditional mores being preserved in minor role in comparison with research and
rural life. Many of these communities will be subject-matter specialities, and this is often
aiming at maximum utility, by producing reflected in lower salaries and poorer working
enough for subsistence, some for meeting conditions. Where extension staff in the field
social obligations, some for sale, and still are also required to carry out regulatory duties
having enough time for leisure and for playing under departmental legislation, or other work of
their due roles and maintaining status. a non-advisory nature, the service available for
If there is a genuine consensus for farmers becomes almost part-time and fairly
immediate increases in production and superficial.
productivity, little can be done, at least in the Planning is an important function of
short term of a few decades, by changing the controllers. Too often, though, plans are
ingrained attitudes and work habits of designed and imposed from the top down, with
semisubsistence farmers, or the land tenure farmers and rural communities excluded from
systems. These will take many years to any of the planning processes, even from
modify. An earlier response might be obtained agreement on objectives. Such ‘top-down’
by encouraging true commercial production planning may sometimes result from an
regardless of the farming system as such, and arrogant attitude that the planner knows all the
of the apparent inequalities which will be answers, and this attitude is disturbingly
induced. The detailed recipes for commercial common when expatriate planners are in
agriculture largely remain to be planned, evidence. A more common reason for top-

down planning would arise from setting a Schwass p.61).
project within budgetary limits that require Markets for both fresh produce and
choices among alternatives to be made mostly processing impose strict requirements upon
on grounds of cost. It seems invariably to be farmers. Reliable supply schedules, and
the case, too, that if budget cuts have to be consistent quality good enough to satisfy
imposed on the Ministry of Agriculture, the grading or other quality specifications, Both
axe falls first and heavily on extension require a certain degree of specialization and
activities. Another reason may well be the scale of production. The bulky and perishable
lack of farm records, input-output relationships, nature of much agricultural produce further
costs and prices on any continuing and compounds the supply problems. It is difficult
consistent basis from smallholder agriculture, so for scattered and only partly commercialized
that planners have to fall back on estimates. smallholders to meet these requirements,
This can be a self-defeating exercise. Thus, especially where labor is based on reciprocity,
Bollard discusses an example from Atiu where and obligations to others must be honored.
planners’ estimates of a net return of $310 Only a sufficient area of a crop handled with
from a plot of 45 orange trees was not even good husbandry by competent and trained
approached by the best grower who netted labor (implying wages) can produce the volume
$115, mainly due to much higher costs than needed for regularity of supply and for quality
expected and a yield barely 70 per cent of that controls. These matters must weigh heavily in
forecast. The effect of such examples on all project planning.
farmers requires little imagination. Administrators fulfil other controlling roles
Development projects involving extension than planning. Firstly, they are managers. A
can fail in many ways. Where urgency has common criticism is that managers of extension
led to a ‘crash’ approach, answers may not be services are often too urban-based and
known for unforeseen problems, so that insensitive, out of direct touch with the
resources have to be diverted to solving these. realities of field work and rigidly using the
Or a model may be seen as cheaper than a Rule Book. Every manager should posses the
mass campaign, but if excessive resources have ability and self-discipline to define his group’s
to be used to make the model work, its objectives, place these in priority order, and
imitation will be uneconomic for adoption by remember what this order is during his day-to-
farmers. Again, too much effort may be put day operations. Secondly, they are
into seeking early, maximum returns by coordinators of diverse activities, ensuring that
concentrating on innovators and largely each part is working effectively and
disregarding other farmers. Or there may be harmoniously in the interests of the whole.
bureaucratic resistance to winding-up an However, the world ‘co-ordination’ can be used
unsatisfactory project, so that resources are to avoid facing a complex issue by glossing
moved into ‘training’ or to testing over awkward unknowns, or used as an
modifications despite meager gains. euphemism for authority and power – in the
One area which planning sometimes hands of the coordinators. Thirdly, they will
ignores relates to the marketing of produce: be monitors, continually evaluating activities,
‘The production of a foodstuff or raw measuring progress, and initiating remedial
material on a farm is sometimes seen (by activity wherever and whenever it is needed.
agricultural administrators) as the In this role, administrators could well remember
completion of the production process. two sayings: (a) if anything can go wrong, it
The physical accumulation of the will go wrong; and (b) if it seems that
commodity at harvest, however, is not everything is going right, then you are
the end-point of this process, even probably unaware of all that is happening.
though it may be the end of farmer
involvement. It is not until the FIELD OFFICERS
foodstuff or raw material reaches a
market in the form, place and time The third group of people concerning us in
demanded by consumers, and in there agricultural extension and development are the
disposed of, that the production process field officers or agents in actual contact with
can be said to be complete’ (Allo and the farming communities. These people must

have certain primary skills. They must be able advice on a firmer base than simple guesswork.
to talk with farmers on a basis of mutual Farm management in its modern sense is, or
equality and respect, and to stimulate the should be, an essential part of an advisor’s
formation of farmers’ groups. They must be skills.
able to pass on simple technical information, The emphasis on social and cultural
and to demonstrate its use personally (but this imperatives earlier in this paper, arising from
does not mean a direct and responsible part in the all-important roles of people, is barely
the production process like spraying or recognized in course work. While students
fertilizing a whole crop). They must be able to who will be taking up careers in research or
identify difficulties, which is not the same specialized subject areas need a sound training
thing as solving these. They must know all in the sciences, those students who will
the available sources of help and technical become extension staff must acquire a deep
advice, and they must be capable of preparing understanding of social values and social
clear reports. Energy, tact and patience as transformation processes. This is not the
well as simple technical knowledge become the place to argue mechanisms for teaching these
stock-in-trade of the field officer. How he values and processes; it will suffice here to
applies these with his farmer clients will repeat that the effectiveness of any extension
depend on such things as cultural and socio- service will correlate closely with the staff’s
political constraints, aversion to economic risks understanding of the whole field of human
and uncertainties, the extent of modernizing relationships, and their respect in applying this
change already within the community, and the knowledge during their daily activities.
confidence of both parties in interpersonal Secondly, the place of women in
contacts. agricultural extension work requires to be more
Comments on the structuring and widely recognized. It has been written that ‘in
operational procedures of extension services societies where the production of food is
have been published recently by FFTC, and primarily the responsibility of women, a male
repetition is not called for in this paper. extension service working to men from a male-
However, three matters require specific mention dominated Ministry of Agriculture may have no
in the context of the South Pacific countries effect at all on food output. In such societies,
because they are sources of many difficulties the service is bound to require women
faced by extension programmes in the region. extension agents. In the Pacific, women in the
Firstly, extension staff generally have not countries of Melanesia do at least half of the
been well trained for the job. The low status agricultural work including the husbandry
accorded to agriculture as an occupation is operations of crop growing; and in some of
reflected in the low status of many services these societies, village women are proscribed
(including extension) designed for its support. from any form of contact with men from
Extension is therefore rarely seen as a desirable outside their immediate family or community.
career, and often it is the weaker students at Since it is socially unacceptable for a male
tertiary-level educational institutions who extension officer to approach a women farmer
become employed in this field. They are not with help and advice, the need for female field
likely to be satisfied with the salary and staff is obvious. In the last few years, an
working conditions given to them, and this attempt has been made in Vanuatu to recruit
clearly shows in a rapid turnover of junior and train such staff. However, in Melanesia
extension personnel. In the same vein, the sex roles will take a long time to change, and
courses taken by these students are heavily for the changes to become accepted norms. It
weighted on the technical side, often with can only be hoped that the contribution which
emphasis on science subjects and little attempt women agents will make is quickly recognized
to apply concepts and materials to the farming for the benefits their employment will bring.
situation. Some economics is taught, but not Thirdly, it is essential that field staff
enough knowledge of input-output should have access to new knowledge, and
relationships, prices and budget analysis adequate opportunities for in-service training.
techniques to put individual farm knowledge of These are aspects of the service which are
input-output relationships, prices and budget usually neglected in the island countries,
analysis techniques to put individual farm though the use of radio in both the Cook

Islands and Tonga has recently attempted to Monograph No. 15, Development Studies
supplement the information and news that is Centre, Australian National University.
broadcast into the villages. On the more Bunting, A.H. (ed.): 1970. Change in
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these days only too quickly become out of Technological Change. Second edition.
date. It is here, of course, that FFTC has its Harper and Row.
primary function of generating and Hunter, G. (ed.): 1978. Agricultural
disseminating information. As part of its Development and the Rural Poor. U.K.
secondary role of fostering and improving the Overseas Development Institute.
standards of extension activities in its region Lewis, I.M. 1976. Social Anthropology in
of operation, the Center should also be deeply Perspective. Penguin Books.
concerned with ways of getting up-to-date Rogers, Everett M. 1983. Diffusion of
information into the hands of the primary users Innovations, Third edition. The Free
– the extension officers in the field. Press.
Shand, R.T. (ed.): 1980. The Island States of
REFERENCES the Pacific and Indian Oceans.
Monograph No. 23, Development Studies
Allo, A.V. & Schwass, R.H. 1982: The Farm Centre, Australian National University.
Advisor: A Discussion of Agricultural Ward, R. G.: Protor, A.S. 1980. South
Extension for Developing Countries. Book Pacific Agriculture: Choices and
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