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My Educational Philosophy

As an educator, I am motivated by seeing the potential for growth within all of my

students. In order to activate this potential, valuing diversity is paramount. Each student is a

complex multi-faceted individual with differing needs. Therefore, I am tasked with meeting the

needs of diverse groups of learners. Incorporating the four modalities: visual; auditory;

kinesthetic and tactile, allows me to design lessons that engage all students in the learning

process. My lesson plans exhibit my dedication to differentiation. In viewing my lessons, you

will see that I have incorporated music; movement; hands on experimentation; and opportunities

for students to exhibit their learning in multiple ways. Differentiated instruction makes learning

accessible to all students, and I believe that it also provides students with a greater depth of


Amongst all of their diversity, there is one common factor that unites students; they are

all the same in that they have been gifted with malleable minds that are designed to grow. It is

my responsibility to instill in them the belief that their capacity to grow and succeed is limitless.

The confidence that a growth mindset allows students is invaluable to their success in every

arena of life. Promoting this type of self-esteem creates a positive learning environment that

allows students to take risks and accept mistakes as helpful experiences that lead to valuable


A mind when stretched by a new idea never regains its original dimensions.

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