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=============================== Board Action Summary=================================

An Outline of the Superintendents Recommendation to the Board of Education

New Program: Yes X No Modified Program: Yes No X

Subject: Telecommunications Leasing Master Agreement with Milestone Communications

Management III, Inc.

Abstract and Highlights: Prince George's County Public Schools Administrative Procedure 0800 establishes the
process for the school systems evaluation and approval of applications to place private telecommunications transmission
facilities on sites owned by the Board of Education. The Superintendent of Schools recommends the Boards approval of
a Telecommunications Leasing Master Agreement between Prince George's County Board of Education and Milestone
Communications Management III, Inc., which such Agreement would authorize Milestone, subject to the Boards final
approval of identified sites, to lease a portion of identified school property sites for the purpose of constructing
telecommunications monopoles and leasing space on the monopoles to telecommunication service providers.

The Telecommunications Leasing Master Agreement requires that designation and approval for each site for placement
and construction of telecommunication monopoles shall occur in compliance with the school systems Administrative
Procedure 0800, Federal and County regulations and the Countys Telecommunication Transmission Facility
Coordination Regulations.

The Term of the Master Lease Agreement with Milestone Communications Management III, Inc. is five (5) years,
commencing on the date of the Agreement, and the duration of each Site Lease authorized under the Master Agreement is
ten (10) years, with up to four (4) five-year extension terms.

Budget Implications: The Master Lease Agreement requires that Milestone Communications pay the Board a Site Fee
of $25,000, per site, within ten (10) days after the date on which (a) Milestone (Manager) receives all governmental and
Board approvals for a particular site or (b) Milestone (Manager) commences construction-related work at a site. In
addition, Milestone (Manager) shall pay the school Board an amount equal to forty percent (40%) of gross revenues
derived from the use, lease or occupancy of any monopole, equipment facility or site pursuant to individual site leases.
Potential revenue generation is estimated at approximately $2.5 million over a five (5) year period, and the initiative will
also provide broadband service for the school system.

Staffing Implications: The Telecommunications Leasing Master Agreement requires that the school system designate a
School Board Project Manager to oversee implementation and approval of the Leasing Master Agreement and individual
site leases. Existing Maintenance and/or CIP staff will perform the function and requirements of the School Board Project

School(s) Affected: Schools designated for approval as sites for placement of telecommunications monopoles.

Preparation Date: November 1, 2010 _____________________________________________________________

Deputy Superintendent
Person Preparing: Larry D. Pauling, Director of Maintenance
Roger C. Thomas, General Counsel Approved:
Superintendent of Schools

Board Agenda Introduction Date (Consent Agenda): November 11, 2010

Board Action Date (Consent Agenda): November 11, 2010

Board Action Summary


WHEREAS, on January 4, 2010, Prince George's County Public Schools established Administrative
Procedure 0800 on Telecommunications Transmission Facilities, which such Procedure provides criteria by
which the Board of Education evaluates and make decisions concerning applications to place private
telecommunications transmission facilities on sites owned by the Board of Education; and

WHEREAS, the Superintendent of Schools recommends the Boards approval of a Telecommunications

Leasing Master Agreement between Prince George's County Board of Education and Milestone
Communications Management III, Inc.; and

WHEREAS, the Master Agreement authorizes Milestone to lease a portion of identified school property
sites for the purpose of constructing telecommunications monopoles and leasing space on the monopoles to
telecommunication service providers; and

WHEREAS, the designation and approval for each site for placement and construction of
telecommunication monopoles shall occur, upon Board approval, in compliance with the school systems
Administrative Procedure 0800, requirements of Federal and County regulations and the Countys
Telecommunication Transmission Facility Coordination Regulations; and

WHEREAS, the Master Lease Agreement will generate revenue for Prince George's County Public
Schools,. Milestone Communications shall pay the Board a Site Fee of $25,000, per approved site and an
amount equal to forty percent (40%) of gross revenues derived from the use, lease or occupancy of any
monopole, equipment facility or site pursuant to individual site leases. Potential revenue generation is
estimated at $2.5 million over a five (5) year period.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Prince George's County Board of Education has determined
that the school systems Telecommunications Transmission Facilities approval process authorizes placement of
telecommunications transmission facilities on appropriately identified sites owned by the Board, and that the
placement of such facilities will provide substantial revenue and income for the school system that will benefit
educational objectives and goals of the Board. The Board shall maintain absolute primacy of the use of each
identified site as a public school, and the rights under the Master Leasing Agreement and individual Site
Agreements are subject and subordinate to the Boards use and operation of the school site. Accordingly, the
Board, hereby this Resolution, approves the Telecommunications Leasing Master Agreement with Milestone
Communications Management III, Inc., subject to the Boards final approval of all individual site selections.

Submitted by: Roger C. Thomas, General Counsel

Agenda Date:
First Reader:
Second Reader:

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