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Assessment Task 1

Assessment Activity 1

1. The characteristics that a positive role model should

demonstrate in the workplace must be first, be able to
demonstrate good leadership and confidence towards work.
They should also be a risk taker or not afraid of being unique
to explore other techniques or strategies to enhance work
productivity. Communication plays a vital role in the team or
group so a role model must know how to interact with others
and be able to show respect and concerns t others. He or she
must also be well rounded, has the humility and willingness to
accept mistakes. Even outside the job, a good role model must
also do good things like for example a good mentor to their
subordinates where they can share their thoughts and

2. The person that I really admire as a positive role model is our

operations manager in ITPPL for he is a good leader. He
always inspire us to work at our best and motivates us by
giving us something like food or gifts when we hits or exceeds
our quota and perform excellent in the team. He also gives
advices and techniques to do it correctly when we did not
meet them for us be able to reach our team goals. He is not
just a manager but he is also a good coach for he always
listen to us when we have suggestions or problems. What I
have learned from him is that always be yourself, learn how to
manage your time effectively, admit your mistakes and listen
to the people around you for he believes that a good leader is
also a good follower.

3. A poorly organized person can never be a positive workplace role

model for I believe that a disorganized and inefficient person would
be unable to meet performance goals and targets and set a bad
example for the team. When you want to lead, you must first assess
yourself if you have the qualities of a good leader for you to be able
to give or share your knowledge to your subordinates. If you were
not organized in working all by yourself, then how can you be a
good example to them?

Assessment Activity 2

1. To ensure that my personal work goals reflect to the

organizations plans and my own responsibilities and
accountabilities, I will make sure that my goals are in lined
with the organization's mission and vision. For example, in
our company, we make sure that we provide relevant cases,
like fraud or bankruptcy, with authentic and reliable source,
like court documents or websites, so I always make sure that
when I search for the case, I could get reliable sources with
correct information. I also make sure that I meet my quota and
checked the cases for possible errors or confusing statement
that our customers might read. We also follow certain
protocols when in terms of creating our cases and making sure
that we will provide quality in our output as it is always on top
of our priority.

2. The strategies that I could use to help the team are creating a
priority list and setting time management for these priorities. For
example, we are adding and updating cases of different kind to our
tool. We also have certain projects with time table showing when it
will be due. What we do is that when we have project cases, we sort
them according to its time table and set them into high priority. For
instances that we dont have any projects, I sort my cases to its
level of difficulty and set time table to it.

Assessment Activity 3
Time Stealers Yes/No Can be fix by Method

Urgent Meetings Yes Not fixable Priority List

Emails Yes fixable Time


Go to Meetings (GTM) Yes Not fixable Time


Coffee/Snack Break Yes fixable Time


Phone Calls/Text Yes fixable Time


Backlogs Yes fixable Priority List

Contingencies that might impact my personal performance:

1. Personal or family problems problems do really have a big

impact on performance as it affects you attitude towards
work. It would make you go out of focus when you have
problems at home. In dealing with this I always make sure that
I have fix my personal problems before going to work. Like for
example, I have a misunderstanding with my parents, I talked
to them before going to work or take a break if it is not
manageable because I know that I cant concentrate on what I
do. I won't be able to become productive during that time too
so I take a break until I am ready to work.
2. Blackouts or internet connection problems in my previous job
this has a very big impact not just on my personal performance but
also to the rest of the team as it affects our productivity and output.
In the month of March to June 2016, there are instances that we
experience up to 4 hours electric interruptions and that really
affects our productivity rate. So what we do during the time is that
while there is black outs or internet connection problems, we are
setting meetings for our future activities or events so that we don't
need to cut our 8 hour shift for those meetings.

3. List of KPI's that might be used to measure personal


Quality this is used to measure the quality of the cases that

we are encoding in the tool so as information that we are adding
in the cases.

Quantity used to measure if we met our daily quotas and


Time keeping used to measure tardiness and punctuality

Budget - we used this to identify how much a Researcher spend

on opening court documents and other websites.

Efficiency - we used this to measure how fast a Researcher

could encode the case in the tool.

Assessment Activity 4

1. I believe in our day to day basis we are facing competition and

its up to us how we are able to compete especially to the
demands that we encounter in either in our personal life or in
work. In my previous job as a researcher, there are cases that
are in demand which we need to prioritize. For example, cases
like fraud or denial of insurance coverage cases. Since we
have a lot of type of cases to encode aside from these, what I
do is I sort the cases depending on the demand in the market
or as what is requested by the top management for us to be
able to facilitate and provide what our customers needs.

2. Procrastination is really one of the problem that I used to do

when I am still working as a researcher. In fact, I have a lot of
cases that I tend to procrastinate due to its difficulty. Everyday
the tracker of the team always add cases to our intake sheets
and distribute those cases in the team. Since we have quota
that we need to meet at the end of the day, there are cases
that are time consuming due to its difficulty so what I do is
select first the easy cases and set time allotment for the
difficult cases.

Assessment Activity 5

1. There are a lot of technology devices and applications

nowadays that are very helpful when it comes to efficiently
and effective manage priorities and commitments. One of
them is mobile phone which for me is very important as I used
this to set reminders and of course open important documents
and emails. In term of working, portable computers and
laptops are very essential as it make the work fast and make
us work efficiently. There are also applications that are very
helpful like for example Microsoft Office which make us work
effectively. It help us make our reports and documentations
organized and easy to access.

2. Technology also have positive and negative effect in our daily

activities that we should consider. Although it benefited us so much,
it also make us vulnerable in many harms as an effect. Technological
devices make our work faster and make us effective and efficient in
our line of work. It makes our life easier even managing our
priorities and commitments. Like for example, at work, to manage
our emails we are using Outlook and other apps that we could
access in our phones or computer devices wherever we are. We
could also set transaction just using our mobile and computer
devices that able us to save time and money. On the negative side,
technology could also affect our performance at work especially
when there is internet connection problems, crashing of applications
due to computer viruses, misused to social medias that mostly
prone to employees who have access in the internet. And worst
scenario is hacking which is relevant nowadays especially to those
who have advanced knowledge in the internet in any aspect.

Assessment Activity 6

1. The following are the tasks that I usually do everyday:

Cook breakfast and prepare to go to work

As soon as I arrive to work, I open my emails and respond if


Review my intake sheet and sort cases according to difficulty

Add or update easy cases in the Loss Data Tool

Lunch break for an hour

Open up intake sheet again and start working when the
difficult cases

Take a nap for 15 minutes for my eyes to rest and start again

Review my project sheets if there are certain projects needed

to do

Put a record on my daily output about the cases I encoded

Clean my desk and get ready to go home

Cook dinner or sometimes went out with my friends

wash and get ready for bed

There are certain instances that in the office we are having meeting
during our snack break in the afternoon. Sometimes before I sleep, I
watch television and or sticking on my phone to update my social
media accounts.



3. Way back in Davao, though I spend much time in work, I still
spend time for my leisure in fact every Tuesday and Thursday I
spend two hours every night in Badminton Court. My
weekends was spend more with my friends rather than my
family because I live far away from them but I also visit them
every once every 2 months.



Though my work eats most of my time every weekdays, the
changes that I could make to balance my work life is to set all the
activities that I have for the week and set time management to it. I
believe the only adjustment that I need is the time I spend with my
family. If I usually visit them once every 2 months, I could make it
once a month and or if I am not able to go home, I could let them go
to the city and visit me.

5. Stress is one of the major problems that usually workers

encounter on the time that they are working. Although stress
could give positive feedback on some individual, most of the
people usually take this as a negative effect not only to their
performance but also to their lives. There are certain
individuals that take stress as a motivator to do their best and
actually perform at their best. Some reacts ironically to stress.
Maybe this reactions depends on how every individuals differs
in mindset and how they able to cope with stress. To minimize
negative stress and ensure good health of employees, what
could I do is conduct activities that could help them freshen
up. For example, team building activities like games, or
recreational activities as it helps you to connect to others. I
believe if a person has given a time to relax from tight
demands in work they could be able to cope up with stress.
Seminars about how to handle stress could also be helpful as
it educates them what to do whenever they feel stressed out
and able them to teach the proper lifestyle they should do be
able to handle negative stress.

Assessment Activity 7

I am thinking of working a well known company and or put up my

own business in the near future. If I am working as an employee, Id
like to be a human resource manager as I believe I am good at
working with a team. This position requires a lot of knowledge not
just on handling people but also about labor laws as it usually deals
with the rights of the employees. This position requires you to be a
good leader as you need to influence employees to work hard for
the company. The skills that an HR manager must have should be
organize, multitask, knows how to deal with discrimination, knows
how to negotiate, good communication skills, discrete and ethical,
dual focus, conflict management and problem solving and change
management. I believe that I have some of this qualities but I still
need to develop myself since I only have theories and never been
into a real life practice of this position. Training and further studies
of this position is what I need to advance my abilities and skills to be
able to handle this job.

Assessment Activity 8

Way back when I was still in the Philippines, I usually spend my time
with my friends by spending sleepover or just having lunch or dinner
with them. I am the one preparing food for them since I consider
them as my younger siblings. The first time I made cheesy
caldereta, a Filipino delicacy, they given me feedback. They say it
has a lot cheese and a little salty. To ensure that these feedback is
true, I cook the same dish the next weekend with less cheese and
salt and they love it. Their feedback helps me to master my dish and
it is considered as one of their favorite.

Assessment Activity 9

After filling out the 80 question quiz in the workbook, I came with 3
highest results as Reflector, Activist and Pragmantist. These results
makes me aware of the qualities that I have and this is helpful for
me to identify, evaluate and select development abilities that I could
use to improve myself. Being aware of my learning styles could help
me identify my strength and edge where I could focus on and

Assessment Activity 10

When I was still a college student, I joined Junior People

Management Association of the Philippines (JPMAP) where it consists
of Human Resource and Management students from the different
colleges and universities. We usually have this annual activity where
all JPMAP members are gathered together to attend a seminar
regarding the updates of the Human Resource in the real world
outside the theories of the book. Our speakers are one of the
successful Human Resource Managers in the Philippines that is also
a member of People Management Association. My participation to
this network makes me more knowledgeable not only about human
resource but also to the new trends in the business society like how
technology affects the success and downfall of an organization, how
millenials dominate the workforce and etc. It also contribute
knowledge that would be able us to develop a new skills that is in
need in the organization.

Assessment Activity 11

For me to develop a new skill for you to achieve and maintain a

competitive edge, you need to be specific in every goal that you
want to achieve. If you were able to identify your goal then you have
clearly identify the skill that you need to develop. For example, I was
not good in typing before because we doesnt have enough access
to computer in our place so when I went to college, I always go to
the library and search for some typing skill games for me to
enhance my speed in typing words. In terms of doing my job as a
Research Analyst, I was able to make my typing skills more
enhanced since I have quota to aim for. As the market become more
competitive I believe enhancing our skills about computers, writing
skills, communication skills and critical thinking skills would help us
to maintain our competitive edge.

Assessment Task 2

1. The three strategies that I can use to manage my time are:

Record my daily routine - this strategy will help me identify

the non-essential task that I may consider not so important. After
tracking down all the routines I have for the day, I will set time
table for those routines and minimize the hours spent for not
essential task to fully maximize my time.

Make a to do list - this will help me sort my activities and for

me to be able to avoid procrastination. This strategy must be
essential at the end of the day as a preparation for next day. I
believe this need planning and if you have plan ahead of the
day, all the activities and task will be organized and to be able to
avoid multitasking.

Reduce Interruptions - this is one of the common time

consuming that we have not only at work but also in our daily
activities. If we are able to identify these interruptions and
identify if these interruptions are necessary or not then we can
manage our time spent for it.

2. 5 Effective Traits of Leadership

Passion - a leader must be passionate on what he is doing. I

believe this is very essential in sharing your passion to your
subordinates as they will also have the same passion in attaining
the goals of the company. Praising your subordinates when they
do something good is a natural extension of being passionate
and I believe this will make them motivated to work hard.

Communication - is one of the essential traits that a good

leader must have as they are able to interact not just to their
subordinates but also to the top management. It is also vital that
every one in the team must clearly understand the task and the
goals of the team so, a proper and clear delivery of the
information must be essential as sometimes, miscommunication
affects the productivity and the performance of the team.

Commitment - a good leader must have commitments not only

to his work but also to his subordinates. For a leader to be able
to lead, he must show his good performance to set as a good
example. If the leaders commitment to his role, he will not only
earn respect but also instill the same hard work as their leader

Positive Attitude - this trait should always be present in every

leader because positive attitude promotes and keeps energy
levels up. This might be in a way of giving snacks, advises to
keep the teams productivity and playfulness.

Creativity - a leader must also be creative in making decisions.

This is to ensure that during critical situations the subordinates
will still be guided accordingly. The leader must always have a
good back up plan in case the first plan dont work out and that
is where creativity comes in.

3. It is really important to continually develop professional

competence for it helps an individual to maintain competitive
edge and meet the demands of the society. I believe that
these competence will not only benefit the individual itself but
also the community.

4. Action learning sets are like group discussion composing of 6

or more individual who meet regularly to help each other to
learn from their experience. A set Adviser is being appointed
to manage the group and this group is not considered as a
team since they are focusing on the individual actions within it
rather than the set of goals or work objectives. This action
learning sets allow people to to develop new skills in a way
that experiences shared by the different individuals of level
add additional knowledge and information for the other
individuals present in the set. This experiences I believe, is a
good benchmark to create or try something new to improve

5. Key Performance Indicator (KPI) this is a tool used to identify the

performance of a certain individual at work. Success could be
defined by the performance of employees and most of the company
used this tool to measure and obtain informations that could be
used to improve the performance of every individual in the
organization. KPI differ on every field of the organization that is
using this tool, there are KPIs used in finance, marketing and other
departments in the organization. There are also various techniques
used to assess the present state of the business, and its key
activities, are associated with the selection of performance
indicators. These assessments often lead to assess the present state
of the business, and its key activities, are associated with the
selection of performance indicators. These assessments often lead
to the identification of potential improvements, so performance
indicators are routinely associated with performance improvement'

6. Preferred learning styles are those unique learning techniques or

abilities to learn of a certain individuals. It is unique in a way that
every individual do the different ways on where they easily learn
things like for example through sight, hearing or speaking. Some of
these learning styles are the following:

Visual - people who prefer to use pictures, diagrams, images, colors

and mind maps usually use this.

Physical - people that use their body to assist in their learning like
drawing diagrams, using physical objects, or role playing are all
strategies of the Physical learner.

Aural- this is used by the people who prefer sound rhythms, music,
recordings and so on.

Verbal - is someone who prefers using words, both in speech and in

writing to assist in their learning. They make the most of word based
techniques, scripting, and reading content aloud.

Logical - people who prefer using logic, reasoning, and systems

to explain or understand concepts. They aim to understand the
reasons behind the learning, and have a good ability to understand
the bigger picture.

Social - these people are the ones who enjoy learning in groups or
with other people, and aim to work with others as much as possible.
Solitary - the solitary learner prefers to learn alone and through

7. Balance scorecard model is a performance measurement tool

that provides a framework for managers to use to keep track
of the execution of activities by the staff within their control
and to monitor the consequences arising from these actions. It
is commonly used as individual scorecards that measures to
manage performance maybe operational or more strategic
intent. The other is as a Strategic Management System. This
tool helps an individual to measure his performance and able
to identify his strengths and weaknesses.

8. For me to be able to develop my own set of competencies, I need

first to identify my strength and organize those strength and assess
them what improvement I should need to be able to develop them. I
may need additional education or trainings that might help me to
improve my abilities and be able to maintain my competencies.

Task 3: Project

Being a leader or a role model does not only focus on how

good you are in doing your work, how efficient and effective you are
but also deals with how you are able to lead your subordinates and
you handle stress, hindrances or problems that you encounter and
how you are able to motivate your people to do their best and work
with collaboration or teamwork.
To ensure that I acted as a role model, I need to assess myself
if I have the qualities that a good leader must have. For example, I
need to assess myself if I am a motivator, effective or efficient
person. Do I work my best? Am I passionate enough to influence
others or do I have the positive attitude that a leader needs to be?
Of course, to be able to have those traits, I need to develop myself
and identify my strength and weakness and undergo trainings to
enhance these abilities. I believe I also need to have further studies
to advance my learnings especially about human resource.
Whatever I am doing must need to be in lined to the organizations
mission and vision so that my work goals and plans reflects to what
the organization is aiming too. To ensure that I meet my job
responsibilities, I must come up with the lists of the things that I
should do, plan and set time management for this activity. If I am
able to reach my quota or the job for the day then I believe my
responsibilities are met.
To maintain my work performance I must need to measure
how effective or efficient I am. To measure my performance I could
use the KPIs or balance scorecard to know the fields that I need to
develop and of course to know my strength. To prioritise work I must
be specific on the goal that I have and focus on the things that I
need to do. To manage all my work, I used my mobile phone to set
alarms or set a to do lists so I will not be out of track on the things
that I need to do. Computers are also very important to me since
most of the work are need to be done using a computer and this will
make me work faster. To maintain a work life balance I must plan
ahead the things that I should do, set schedules for my personal
appointments, family bonding and balance workloads. I will take
every opportunity I have to improve myself especially upgrading my
knowledge and skills to be able to meet the standards required by
the company.
I will assess myself if the abilities that I have, the knowledge
and the skills are still meeting the demands or the work that I have.
In that way, I will be able to know the development that I need. I
believe I am good with the visual and aural style of learning and I
am using these learning styles every day like watching television,
listening to radio and reading. When I am doing something I always
ask the opinion of the other person to be able to know how they
perceive what I have done like for example when I am cooking, I ask
them how does it taste and ask for their feedbacks. In that way I
would be able to know the strength and weakness of the job that I
do and it helps me to identify the points that I need improvement.

Having networks are very helpful when in terms to upgrading

your knowledge especially about what is happening in the real world
of business. Through these networks, I will be able to gain new skills
and develop relationships by dealing with different people or
personalities that would help me by sharing their knowledge,
experience and expertise that I could get and practice as an
additional skills which I could use in the future to ensure that I
maintain my competitive edge.


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