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Haley Sousa

John Horton

AP Bio

May 10, 2017

One skill that I learned this year in AP Biology is Researching. The content in this

class was extremely difficult at times. If I was having trouble with a specific content I

would first use the E-text to help me understand. Sometimes the E-text wasnt always

the best resource for me so then I would resort to other resources. I did this mostly with

some of the essays. I would write the essays and then google the rubric to see how

many points I would get. I then would see what I did wrong and fix my essay.

One skill that I found the most difficult was engaging in class discussion. I never

really was one to raise my hand in class simply because I hate drawing the attention to

myself. I also have an irrational fear of being wrong and embarrassing myself. This fear

especially shows up in harder content, like AP Bio. I have been working on this fear

since I can remember and I definitely have improved on it.

This class will impact my future because it taught me some valuable life lessons.

One of the most important lessons that Ive learned from AP Bio was perseverance.

Some of the topics in AP Bio were especially difficult for me and I had to do my best and

persevere through them. I learned not to give up even though the content was difficult.

This impacts my study of sciences because AP Bio opened a new perspective for me. It

made me realize that science can be challenging but in the end its surrounding us and

its important we acknowledge it.

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