Guide To Getting Rid of Varicose Veins

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The Two Easy Steps

Guide To

Getting Rid
Varicose The Secrets Even

Your Doctor May Not

for life

Learn the 2-Step Guide to get rid This is the first book made by TO HEALTHY VEINS
of varicose veins today. people who HAD varicose veins Get the facts from the first and
for people who HAVE varicose largest varicose veins support
veins. group.
Please Read

Im Marc Livingston.

First thing to know about me : Im not a doctor.

My parents always told be that I could have been. But frankly, Im too busy finding a
cure for varicose veins and venous insufficiency.

I know what it is and how it feels to have varicose veins because I have them myself.
And this is what set this book apart from all the other one you may (or may not) have
read on the subject. If you are dealing with varicose veins, you and I know certain
things other people do not know.

Unlike most family doctors, we both know that varicose veins are more than just a small cosmetic problem.
And unlike specialists in veins, I did not invest all my money and many years of training in a solution that may
already be outdated or proven to be not that effective in the long run.

Read on to discover how Im dealing with varicose veins and how you can do the same. But remember, this
ebook is not intended to give medical advice, and it should not be relied upon for making medical decisions.
Everyone is unique so I cannot guarantee you will have the same result as me. You should always consult your
physician concerning your health needs and questions. I disclaim any personal liability, directly or indirectly, for
advice or information presented within this book.

Having said that, feel free to distribute this ebook to as many people as you like. As long as you keep it intact,
whole and free, Im OK with that. Knowledge is power and the time has come for people like you and me to be
liberated from the suffering of varicose veins.

This disease needs to stop, and it needs to stop now.

Your friend,

- Marc Livingston
Copyrights 2014
Table of Content

My Story .............................................................................................................4
Most of my years I tried hiding my condition ...................................................................4
A Complete Mystery .....................................................................................................4
Where to Look for Answers? ..........................................................................................5
The Vascular Surgeon ...............................................................................................5
The Private Varicose Veins Clinic ...............................................................................5
Could the Internet Provide the Answer? .....................................................................5
Why Im writing this book ..............................................................................................5

Straight Talk : There is no cure (yet) .......................................................................6

The Bad and the Good News .........................................................................................6
Understanding Your Veins .............................................................................................6
The Deep and Superficial Veins ......................................................................................6

Why You Have Varicose Veins ...............................................................................7

What Are They? ............................................................................................................7
What Are the Causes? ..................................................................................................7
The Real Cause They Wont Tell You ..........................................................................7

The Evolution of Venous Insufficiency ......................................................................8

The 2-Step Guide to Prevent Varicose Veins .............................................................9

The Aggravating Factors ................................................................................................9
Step 1: Reducing the pressure on your veins .................................................................10
The Exercises to Do and to Avoid ............................................................................10
Maintaining a Healthy Body Weight ........................................................................11
Compression Stocking .............................................................................................12
Step 2: Reinforcing the walls of your veins ....................................................................14
The Most Effective Supplement ................................................................................15

Health Secrets Hiding in your Grocery Store .........................................................18

The Patients Guide to Surgery .............................................................................21

Available Treatments ...................................................................................................21
What You Absolutely Need to Ask Before the Operation ...............................................22
Which Treatment to Choose? ........................................................................................22
What Are the Cost? .....................................................................................................24
After the Operation .....................................................................................................24
Three Reasons Why Your Varicose Veins Can Come Back ..............................................24
How to Choose a Good Surgeon .................................................................................25

Conclusion ..........................................................................................................26

Copyrights 2012

My Story

Share your own story on today

Most of my years I tried The disease progressed until I A Complete Mystery
couldnt simply hide it anymore. At
hiding my condition. Despite being a frequent disease
24 years old, I had varicose veins on
I started developing varicose in our society, venous insufficiency is
both my legs and it was painful. The
veins when I was 22 years old. At still a mystery for the scientific
simple fact of standing up still was a
that time I only had a little bulge on community. Therefore, dont be
situation I feared.
the inside of my left leg. surprised if you see a lot of
By that time, I had stopped
The fact that I am a man made it contradictions between specialists.
lifting any weights and I had
easy for me to hide my legs. I could The lack of knowledge is even
changed job so that I didnt have to
wear jeans all year round without more present in the general
stand up. However, my veins were
any problem. It may seems like an population. According to a recent
still getting weaker and weaker. And
advantage but now that I think survey, 72% of patients suffering
I didnt know why.
about it, it hurt me more in the long from varicose veins felt inadequately
run. informed regarding treatment. I was
in the exact situation. I needed to

The prevalence of varicose veins in Western populations was estimated in

one study to be about 25% to 30% in women and 10% to 20% in men.

NOT 30% of women 20% of men have varicose veins

ALONE Source : Kurz X, Kahn SR, Abenhaim L, et al. Int Angiol 1999;18:83102.

Copyrights 2014

find a solution, but I didnt know would call me back. They would give about their brand new technology
where to look. me a appointment to scan my legs to to eliminate varicose veins. While in
see the condition of my veins. fact, the technology they invested in
Where to Look for Answers It took me longer to take my has been available since 2001. Do
I stepped into my family socks & boots off than it did for him you still describe your car as brand
physician office. He welcomed me to "examine me." Prevention wasnt new after 10 years? Neither do I.
with a smile, asking me Mr. part of his job, and as long as I was
Livingston, what is the problem? able to walk, any surgery would be With all those elements
Its my veins, sir. I have some considered purely cosmetic.
varicose veins. Not only did I not get any put together, its no
Hum... Anything else? answers to my question (how do you
wonder people suffering
That is not the reaction I was stop the progression of the disease?)
expecting. You see, because But six weeks later, I still didnt from varicose veins feel
varicose veins are not technically received a call. Despite making sure
inadequately informed
placing my life in immediate danger, they didnt forget about me, four
doctors tend to ignore them. They months later, my phone was still
often consider venous problems as a silent.
relatively unimportant condition in Suffice to say, I have stopped Why Im writing this book
medical training. waiting for their call. The importance of providing
But if you have varicose veins, clear and unbiased information is
you know just like me how serious Did the Private Varicose more crucial than ever. If we want to
your situation is. Not only is your Veins Clinic Provide a Better get cured of venous insufficiency, we
appearance affected, but the pain Answer? need to stop relying blindly on any
and the ensuing limited choice of one individual source.
The phlebologist was at the
activity affect your quality of life. In the last three years, I went on
other extreme. He barely look at my
And with longer life expectancy, we a quest to find the best solution for
legs that he agreed to remove my
want to make sure we keep a good varicose veins. I have meet doctors,
varicose veins as long as I paid
quality of life as long as we can. phlebologist, nutritionists and every
other specialists you can think of. I
The Vascular Surgeon Would that help stop the
have read the medical journals
progression of my venous
My family physician gave me myself and every book I could find
insufficiency? Its hard to have a fair
two names, one was a vascular on the subject. My findings are
answer with so much money involve.
surgeon, and the other one a available to you for free in this
phlebologist, a specialist of venous Could the Internet Provide ebook. You will learn :
disorders. How your veins work
the Answer?
As I didnt have any private The evolution of the disease
Before, the web
medical insurance, I decided to The causes of varicose veins
was a complete mess. On one side
avoid the private clinic for now and The solutions available to you
you had a few crooks taking
go see the vascular surgeon. How to choose a qualify
advantage of the pain and lack of
I got an appointment four days surgeon
knowledge surrounding varicose
later, which is really quick
veins. They sold expensive ebook
considering the congestion of the I truly believe that no one has to
pretending to contain secrets to cure
health care system. But my first suffer from varicose veins.
varicose veins. While all you got
impression soon change when I meet If you have any questions,
when reading the book was the
the surgeon. please visit and
exact same information you could
He saw me for 15 seconds, share your thoughts with others just
get for free on Wikipedia. like you.
looked at my legs, asked me if I had
On the other side, you had (and Life can get better,
any pain (of course!) and rushed me
still have) some phlebologists Marc Livingston
out the door saying the hospital
spamming any forum or news outlet

Copyrights 2014

Straight Talk :
There is no cure (yet)

Your aim is to stop the progression of the disease

The Bad and Good News the arteries the groups of muscles, and there
the capillaries are perforating veins which
No matter what you may have
the veins connect the superficial veins to the
seen from ads about varicose veins
The arteries carry the deep veins. The deepest veins of
clinics, if your body is prone to
oxygenated blood away from your your legs lead to the vena cava,
develop varicose veins, chance are
heart toward the extremities of which is the body's largest vein and
it will be for the rest of your life.
your body. The capillaries are small runs directly back to the heart.
However, with appropriate care, it
vessels that enable the exchange of The deep veins are usually able
can be control to the point where
oxygen and other nutrients with the to withstand very short periods of
you would not even notice you
rest of your body. And your veins increased pressure. And that is
have the disease at all. Thats the
are the vessels that carry blood good news considering that the
good news.
back to your heart. deep venous system of the legs
It is not a one time fix. Its a life
carries more than 90% of the
long process but it doesnt require
The FIRST thing your physician blood back up the legs toward the
drastic changes. As you will see in
heart. The remaining 10% is
this ebook, with one or two new should check when examining
carried by the superficial veins
habits, you can get rid of the pain your varicose veins is any sign of where varicose veins occur.
and stop the progression of your
cardiovascular diseases. If Spider veins are a milder case
venous insufficiency.
of varicose veins which are not a
varicose veins are removed
serious medical problem but can be
Understanding Your Veins without treating the underlying a cosmetic concern. That is unless
cause, you could end up in a they are situated at the ankle.
Spider veins on your ankle may be
much worse condition. an early sign of deep venous
If that is your case, you should
consult your doctor as soon as
In order to better understand what The Deep and Superficial possible and demand a Duplex
varicose veins are, it is important to Veins ultrasound. If he doesnt and only
have a general understanding of treat your superficial veins, it could
There are actually three
how the venous and arterial blood lead to a worsening of your
different kinds of veins in the legs.
system works. Your blood system is condition.
The first are superficial and lie
made of three main types of blood
closest to the top of the skin. There
vessels :
are deep set veins which lie within

Copyrights 2014

Why You Have Varicose
Varicose Veins and Venous Insufficiency
What are they?
Varicose veins can be
What are the causes? The Real Cause
described as gnarled, enlarged
and sometime painful veins that
Veins are If you are like me, this
appear close to the surface of the
able to explanation did not satisfy you. Its
skin. Any vein can become
fight like going to the doctor and asking
varicose, but veins most commonly
gravity him:
affected include those found in the
and bring Doctor, I have massive pain in
legs and feet. The reason for this is
the blood my arm. What is causing all this
that by standing and walking
back to pain?
upright, there is increased pressure
the heart You feel pain because the
in the veins of the lower body
with the pain receptors in your arm are
which causes deformities in the
use of sending signals to your central
valves. At every two to four inches, nervous system.
a leaflet valve closes when the Thank you doc, but you did
blood tries to go down. This not really answer my question...
prevent the blood from The truth is, beside the wall
accumulating in the lower dilatation and valve dysfunction
extremities. theory, nobody knows what is
A varicose causing all this change in the first
vein place. But hundred of researchers
develops are looking for the source of the
when wall problem as you are reading this.
dilatation By registering on
occurs. you will be the
Alterations first one to know when the definite
As explored in the next in the vein cure has been found. Until then,
chapter, superficial varicose veins, wall we have to take our condition
if left untreated, will gradually prevent the under our control and stop our
produce what is know as chronic valve from closing properly. This veins from getting worse.
venous insufficiency. This is a
cause the vein to enlarge even Read the next chapter to find
condition where the surrounding more. out why this is crucial and what
veins, the skin and even the whole you can do about it.
leg is affected.

Copyrights 2014

The Evolution of Venous
And the Importance of Early Treatment
The Seven Classes
Aging reflux will gradually produce what is
known as chronic venous In 1994, a classification system
In the general population with was developed to standardize
insufficiency. One of the first sign is
venous insufficiency, aging is the evaluation of severity of
eczema just above the ankle. Red
associated with more serious venous disease. This system is
patches of inflammation and
symptoms. The pain, the discomfort called CEAP (short for clinical,
sometimes swelling occur.
and the swelling all tend to increase aetiological, anatomical and
In the next stage, the skin
with age. These facts support the pathological)
pigmentation changes. From light
importance of taking care of your
brown, the skin color will gradually
veins as soon as possible. The clinical signs are
change to dark brown. White spots
An early treatment of your categorized into seven
can occur as a result of atrophy.
varicose disease could limit the classes :
predictable deterioration of your
Once at this stage, the skin C0
will never be normal again. No evidence of venous disease

Your goal is to keep your

34.4% of People Do Not C1
Feel Any Symptoms At First condition under control so Superficial spider veins only

The standard number of that it does not get worse.

asymptomatic patient in studies is
Simple varicose veins
34.4% (Phebology 2008;23:5) After this point of no return, the
Dont wait until it hurts. If you have damage expend to not only the skin
any sign of varicose veins, apply but the lipid layer. Both parts harden C3
extra protection to your veins today. and shrink, causing bumps on the Ankle edema (swelling)
Early care treatment is the key. leg.
Chronic venous insufficiency can C4
then lead to the formation of an Skin pigmentation changes
Past a Certain Point, There ulcer. Venous ulcer develop mostly
on the middle of the leg and can be C5
Is No Recovery
very painful.
Ulcer that heals
When your superficial veins Now that you are aware of the
dont work as they should, it causes seriousness of venous insufficiency,
a condition called superficial C6
let me show you simple steps that
venous reflux. If left untreated, this Ulcer that stays open
you can apply today to prevent it.

Copyrights 2014

The 2-Step Guide
to Prevent Varicose Veins, Stop the Progression
of the Disease and Keep Healthy Legs for Life

Use those two complementary proven approaches to healthy legs

The aggravating factors
Venous disease may have multiple contributing Reduce the Reinforce the
factors. From body postures to emotions, many things
affect your circulation. But all the factors can be divided
pressure walls of your
into two approaches : veins
Factors influencing the pressure on your veins
Exercise correctly Avoid heat (sauna,
Factors influencing the strength of the walls of (yoga, swimming, sunbathing, warm
your veins walking) shower)

From my experiences, most books and doctors only

recommend one approach. For example, a doctor may Maintain healthy body Avoid contraceptive
weight pills if possible
recommend his patient consulting for varicose veins to
simply wear compression stocking. The patient does and
will probably be happy that the pain from his varicose Away tight clothes Use the right natural
vein is now gone. The compression stockings are acting supplements
on the first factor: the pressure on the veins. But the
patient will be surprised to see a new varicose vein on
Elevate the foot of your Stop smoking
his leg a few months later. That is because working on bed
only one of the approaches does not work.

Working on only one of the two Avoid prolonged Eat healthy foods
approaches does not work

Wearing compression stocking will improve the Wear good

symptoms but it will not reinforce the veins. You need to compression stockings
combine the compression with a factor that will
strengthen the walls of your veins (with the right Drink enough water
supplements for example). throughout the day

Those two complementary approaches, when used

Eat healthy foods
simultaneously, are the best and probably the only way
to truly prevent varicose veins.

Copyrights 2014

Step 1: Reducing the pressure on your veins

Fighting Gravity
Your veins, especially those in your legs,
have to pump the blood up hill to the
heart, against gravity. If you are prone to
varicose veins, this extra work on your lower
body can cause your veins to enlarge.
Fortunately, simple lifestyle changes can
greatly reduce the pressure your veins have
to endure.
Talk with your doctor to see which of the
options of STEP 1 are best for you.
Swimming is one of the best way to eliminate
pain and discomfort caused by varicose veins

Exercise Correctly
Some sports are not recommended due to their impact on the legs. Short impacts can block the blood flow and
amplify the pressure on your veins. If for any reason you want to continue practicing the sports that are not
recommended, make sure to wear compression stocking and reinforce your veins with the right supplements.
Other sports, such as skiing, are not recommended because the boots immobilize the feet and prevent the calf
muscles from pumping the blood back up.

Swimming, fast-paced walking, biking, tai chi, yoga and stretching


Skiing and water skiing, squash, tennis, football, weightlifting, boxing, karate,
Not Recommended
judo, taekwondo, stairmaster, running

Astronauts have been practicing at the bottom of giant pools for a good reason: its the closest thing we have to the
zero gravity environment of outer space. Swimming has many advantages. When swimming, your body is in the
horizontal position which reduce the pressure on your legs. The slight pressure of the water on your body helps even
more your circulation as it pushes on your muscles. And the water provide an impact free environment which reduce the
risk of injury on your veins. No matter your condition, it is never too late to give swimming a try.

Shoes Can Make All the Difference

Look for shoes that have low heals. Wearing low-heeled shoes actually helps tone your calf muscles, promoting better
circulation in your legs. Some of the new tennis shoes, now being produced for women who want to increase their caloric
burn while walking, are also helpful for women and men who want to treat and prevent varicose veins.
Now that we are talking about clothes, don't wear any underwear or pants that are tight at the waist or in the groin.
This acts as a tourniquet that restricts blood flow and can increase your risk of developing varicose veins.

Copyrights 2014

Maintaining a Healthy Body Weight
Drink enough water
Excess weight is another risk factor that significantly changes the
throughout the day
percentage of individuals who will develop varicose veins or spider veins. By
keeping body weight down to manageable levels and maintaining a healthy Drinking water helps to
diet and regular exercise program, you will be able to keep the pressure on soften the stools. When you
your veins to a minimum. pass stools more easily, you
A quick way to know if you have a healthy weight is to use the body put less strain on the leg veins
mass index (BMI). To calculate your BMI, use the graph below. Look for which will also help prevent
where your weight meets with your height. hemorrhoids. Additionally,
Another way to measure your BMI is to use this formula : drinking water is a great way
to lose weight and shed those
Your weight (kg) / (your height (m))2 = BMI
extra pounds.
A healthy BMI should be between 18.5 and 25 Keep a reusable water
bottle at your side at work and
Keep in mind that your BMI is only a quick estimation of your body fat. while working out. A little bit
A professional should be able to give you a more accurate answer. of water often is better than a
lot of water once in a while.

Copyrights 2014

Compression Stockings
Compression hosiery have been How to choose
used to treat venous disorders since
1848, when William Brown patented
your compression
the first elastic compression stocking.
Since then, the use of even
lightweight graduated compression
hosiery has been widely proven to 1. The length of your stocking
improve symptoms of discomfort, Two main lengths are
swelling, fatigue and aching. available: knee and thigh
Compression stockings put highs. A knee-length gradient
helpful pressure on your veins. compression stocking is
Graduated stockings tighten the generally recommended for
most at the ankle, and gradually most case, but if you have
In this era of high-tech innovation, varicose veins or swelling
delivers less tension as it stretches
compression stockings remain a
over the knee and towards the thigh. above your knee, thigh high is
fundamental and essential treatment
The result becomes the forcing of recommended.
for varicose veins.
blood along its natural course
despite the damage to the veins. If you plan on wearing them 2. The compression level
every day, get two pairs. This way, The standard compression level
you can wear one while washing in the USA are divided into
and drying the other. three classes:
Before Thinking About
To keep the elasticity, you need Class 1: 15-20 mmHg
Using Them to wash them in warm water with a
Make sure to check with your gentle detergent and let them dry Class 2: 20-30 mmHg
doctor if you have any arterial flat. This means that if you remove Class 3: 30-40 mmHg
disease before using compression your stockings, you need to wash
stockings. If that is your case, and let them dry before using them
compression stocking may not be the again. This is where it comes in Compression stocking between
best option for you. handy to have two pairs. 15 and 20 mmHg effectively
Most stocking will last 3 to 4 relieve the symptoms of venous
months before losing their initial insufficiency, prevent edema
Tips on Using Compression strength. (swelling) and are well-
Stockings tolerated by most people.

You dont need a prescription to

When and How to Apply
buy compression stockings. You can
buy them online, at a medical supply
Compression Stockings
store or at a full service pharmacy. Stockings should be apply Can men wear
Compression stockings will often before swelling builds in the legs. compression stocking?
range in price from about $50 to The ideal time is before going out of
Absolutely! I was concerned
$100, depending on the size and bed in the morning. If you take a
what other might say when I
style. I have tried both the cheap shower, you should put them on right
first started wearing them. But
and the expense ones, and the high- after drying yourself up.
now, with more and more male
end stockings are well worth it, A little trick of mine to make the
athletes wearing them on and
especially if you wear them every process of applying my stocking
off training to improve their
day. easier is to lie on my back with my
performance, there is nothing
Unless told otherwise by your legs in the air. This allows the blood
preventing you to do the same.
doctor, you should not wear them to leave my legs which reduces their
when sleeping. size a little.

Copyrights 2014

What Does Science Has to
Say About Stockings?
Randomized controlled trials
evaluating compression hosiery in
the treatment of varicose veins
were sought lately in the medical
journal Phlebology. Their
conclusion, after examining 25
studies, is as follow:

Wearing compression improved

symptom management but wearing Even while using compression stockings, exercising is very important. The
compression to slow the effect of the compression is mostly present when you are using your muscles.
progression, or prevent the
reoccurrence of varicose veins
Avoid Prolonged Standing
could not be supported by the
current published Spending much of your day either standing in place or seated put you at
evidence. (Phlebology 2009;24 greater risk of developing varicose veins. Avoid if possible standing or sitting
Suppl1:13) for long periods of time.
When you find you will be sitting or standing for any length of time be
Combination is the Key sure to make it a point to get up every 10 to 15 minutes and move around.
If your job entails standing in one place then be sure to do some calf raises
You need to combine the and move your legs at least every 10 minutes. Once you get home, prop
compression stocking with the your legs up above the level of your heart for at least 30 minutes to help
supplements that will reinforce your improve the flow of blood through the venous system
veins to stop the progression of
your varicose veins. Stockings
alone will not do.

Where Do You Buy Your Compression Stocking and Which Brand Do You Recommend?
I used to buy them at a medical supply store in my city. But the many advantages of buying them online made
me switch lately. The prices are lower, you have more brand to choose from and best of all, you dont even have
to leave your home.
I tried different online stores, and even though they are rather similar, my favorite one is
It has all the brands and size possible. Its customer service is fast and it even free shipping on orders over $65.
Having said that, tell me if you do find a better deal because I never did!
For the best brand, it really comes down to personal preferences. By experience, each brand has low-end
products and high-end products. Be willing to spend a little more for a stocking that will make you feel better
longer. The brand I am using right now is Therafirm and the model is a thigh high 20-30 mmHg that you can find
here: Therafirm Ease thigh high.
Make sure to view the sizing chart before choosing your size and ask the customer support team if you have
any question, they are very friendly.

Elevate the foot of your bed

When you are lying down at night, an easy way to reduce the pressure on your legs is to elevate them above
your heart. A simple way to do that is to add a couple of phone books one under each side of your bed. That's
going to elevate the foot of your bed so that way your feet will always be higher than your heart, no matter
how many times you roll over in the middle of the night.

Copyrights 2014

Step 2: Reinforcing the walls of your veins

With the help of natural supplements, it is

Fighting Wall Changes and now possible to reinforce your veins
The latest studies point to the fact that
alterations in the vein wall precede any other
change during varicose vein formation. Your
goal then is to find which options you can use
to increase your venous tone. Because of
genetic factors predisposing you of varicose
veins, you may need to take a few extra
reinforcers compare to the average
Talk with your doctor to see which of the
options of STEP 2 are best for you.

Avoid the Heat, Seek the Cold

One of the only time of the day that I can stand up without any
compression stocking and not feel any pain or swelling in my legs is when Im Avoid Contraceptive
taking a cold shower. This is one of the best natural remedies for varicose
Pills if Possible
veins you can use because cold causes constriction of the superficial veins, by
Hormonal changes that
direct stimulation of the smooth muscle lining these vessels. It is generally an
easy treatment to do within your own home. occur during puberty,
If you are not used to take cold shower, start slow. Try lowering the pregnancy, and menopause
are factors that increase you
temperature gradually each day. Depending on where you live, this may not
be as easy as it sounds. Cold showers in Canada are a lot colder than in risk of having varicose veins.
California. Alternating between warm and cold is another option that can
also work. Taking birth control pills
and other medicines containing
estrogen and progesterone
Stop Smoking may also contribute to the
forming of varicose or spider
The direct link between cigarette smoking and the apparition of varicose
veins is not clear. But there are many side effects of smoking that can veins.
aggravate your situation if you have or are prone to varicose veins.
Use other means of
The chemicals in cigarette smoke make your blood thicker which reduces
the blood flow in your arms and legs. This side effect increases your risk of contraception if possible.
having a blood clot. This blood clot, called deep venous thrombosis (DVT) in
medical term, can block blood flow and cause swelling and pain. The
damage can be severe if the clot breaks off and get stuck somewhere else in
your body, such as your brain, your heart or your lungs.
Fortunately, quitting smoking has been shown to reduce the risk of
serious complications such as leg ulcers and DVT to the same level of people
who never smoked. So improve your blood flow by quitting smoking today.

Copyrights 2014

Take Your Natural Supplements
The best and the only proven way to reinforce your veins is with natural supplements. Some specific herbs and fruit
extracts have been proven to safely treat and prevent varicose veins.
Why are they not promoted by phlebologists in America is scandalous. I was first made aware of this solution
while attending a phlebologist conference in Europe. Veins specialists over there frequently recommend people
suffering from varicose veins to first take natural supplements before thinking about expensive surgery. There are so
effective that even a few countries agreed to pay for them. The only reason I can think of for this information being
keep a secret outside the veins specialists inner circle is this:

If this information was out there, it would mean a

lot less money in the pockets of the surgeons and a lot
more people walking with pain free and beautiful
healthy legs.

Can you see how dangerous that information would be if your only job, that you paid for the license and invest a
lot of years and hundreds of thousand of dollars of equipment, would become almost useless after people took the
right nutrients and made some simple lifestyle changes?

The most effective supplement to treat varicose veins

Circulation Essentials by Healthy Choice Naturals

Over the past few years, I have tried every supplements on the market to treat varicose veins. I have taken
vitamins, herbs and tonics; and nothing has helped me as much as the formula in Circulation Essentials. It has been
scientifically formulated with potent natural herbal and fruit ingredients that are proven to quickly strengthen your
veins. The fruits and herbs extracts are as follow:

-Pine Bark
Pine Bark is an extract from evergreens native to the Mediterranean. Pine Bark contains high levels of special
bioflavonoids called OPCs (oligomeric proanthocyanidin complexes).

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OPCs are antioxidant chemicals that appear to have the ability to improve collagen (a type of strengthening
tissue found in many parts of the body), reduce capillary leakage, and aids in controlling inflammation. In Europe,
OPCs are widely used to treat venous insufficiency, varicose veins, easy bruising, and hemorrhoids.
The Pine Bark in Circulation Essentials is carefully tested and produced to certified quality standards.

Circulation Essentials formula includes an important substance called Diosmin. This unique bioflavonoid is
derived from the rind of several citrus fruits and has been clinically shown to be a highly effective way to improve
circulation and strengthen the veins in the legs. European women and their physicians have relied on Diosmin for
more than 30 years for varicose vein treatments and circulatory problems in the legs.
It is the most effective supplement to treat varicose veins, and best of all, it is now available to you.

-Grape seed (Vitis vinifera)

Turns out, grapes are not only used to make good wine. The seeds have also been proven to treat varicose
veins and venous insufficiency. Grape seeds are high in flavonoids which are powerful antioxidants that enhance
capillary and vein function. Many randomized trials testing grape seed extracts have been conducted in France
over the past few years. Their results show that extracts of grape seed can definitively relieve the symptoms of
venous insufficiency and varicose veins.

-Horse Chestnut Extract (Aesculus hippocastanum)

Native of the Balkans and Western Asia, this imposing tree is planted
throughout the northern hemisphere, especially for its popular flower spikes
in ornamental horticulture.

For centuries, different preparations made of the leaves, flowers, seeds and
bark of the horse chestnut were used to treat venous disorders. By the
eighteenth century in France, an extract was used for the treatment of
hemorrhoids. Today, horse chestnut seed extract is one of the main treatments
prescribed against venous insufficiency in Europe.

What I like about this supplement is the combination of all the ingredients. Those natural herbs and fruit extracts,
as a whole, provide you with strong healthy veins in two ways :
They make your veins stronger (by increasing capillary resistance)

They relieve pain and help your veins improve faster (by having an anti-inflammatory effect)

This combination, therefore, eliminates any pain I normally feel in my legs and stops the progression of the
disease. Add the simple lifestyle changes in this book, and its as if I never had any problems with my blood
circulation ever.

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What does science has to say about the formulation of Circulation Essentials?
This formulation is widely used in Europe and has been shown to be safe and well tolerated. Studies have
reported that those ingredients, when taken together, decrease rapidly the following symptoms :
Tired legs
In a recent study, 917 patients suffering from varicose veins were treated with those ingredients. Their
conclusion: all symptoms were improved after only 12 weeks. And that is without any other treatment or
(Reference: Phlebology August 2009 vol. 24 no. 4 157-165)

Its well worth trying Circulation Essentials before thinking about more drastic and potentially painful treatment
like surgery. I use it myself twice a day, one with breakfast and one with dinner.

To order your bottle today, click here and say good bye to varicose veins!

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Health Secrets Hiding
in your Grocery Store
The Foods You Eat Can Make All the Difference When it Comes to Having
Beautiful Legs and Healthy Veins
Improving your diet can both naturally present in the grain.
reduce the pressure on your veins Replace white bread with 100% Alcohol
and reinforce them. Follow those whole wheat bread. Do the same
simple steps to a healthier you. thing with pasta. Regular alcohol intake
White rice can be replace with
is likely to increase the
brown rice and wild rice. People
1. Eat More Fiber who switch to brown rice instead of
risk of varicose veins
When you strain, or hold your white see many health and spider veins.
breath when passing stool, it creates improvements, including lower blood
a greater pressure in the veins in the pressure and lower risk of diabetes. Avoid drinking more
lower rectum. This straining will Its a simple change that can give than one drink a day,
increase the damage to the veins major benefits. especially if you are a
and the potential to develop The last poison is sugar. Instead woman.
hemorrhoids and varicose veins. of eating a sugary snack, eat a fruit.
There is a easy solution to avoid And instead of adding sugar to your
lose weight by keeping you full longer.
sitting on the toilet for too long: breakfast or dessert, add some small
fruits like blueberries. The boost of And the slow release of energy from
eating more fiber. While you
the fruits will keep you active for
increase the amount of fiber to your antioxidants will reinforce your
longer hours.
diet, make sure to sip from your veins. The extra fiber will help you
water bottle all day long. Fluids help
to keep the stool soft and moving
Adding more fiber to your diet
should not require any major
change nor any supplement. The
trick is to avoid the three white
poisons and to replace them with
their healthy equivalent.
The three white poisons are:
white flour, white rice and sugar.
Simply replace white flour with
whole wheat flour. The whole wheat
flour contains all the vitamins, Add blueberries to your buckwheat pancake for a great vein-
minerals, proteins and fiber that are strengthening breakfast

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2. Choose Foods Containing Rutin to Strengthen your Veins
Rutin is part of the large family of flavonoids. These plant pigments have multiple effects on the body, one of the
most important being to reduce the fragility and permeability of capillaries. While not as concentrated and effective as
the extracts in Circulation Essentials, foods that are naturally rich in rutin can put the odds in your favor when it comes
to having healthy legs.

Rutin has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, vasoprotective (protective of blood vessels) and antithrombotic
(protection against blood clots) properties.

Natural sources of rutin are:


Apple (especially the skin. I highly recommend buying organic as most of the pesticides are also found on the skin)



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Some Foods Can Affect Your Hormones

Bisphenol A (BPA) is an estrogen like chemical that comes from hard plastic.
Plastics with BPA are used to line cans and make bottles. Which means that unless
stated otherwise on the label, canned foods in your grocery are packed with BPA.
Estrogen has been link with a higher risk of spider veins. So replace canned food
with fresh, dry or frozen food and keep healthy legs for life.

The Role of Emotions

As surprising as it sounds, your emotions can have an
influence on your blood circulation. If you are
suffering from edema (swelling) or any other leg-
related discomfort, and your physician does not find
any venous disorders or disease, the cause may be in
your emotions. Anxiety and depression can cause
unpleasant feelings in the legs. Dont ignore your
stress if that is your case. Ask your physician for
appropriate help.

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The Patients
Guide to Surgery
Everything You Always Wanted (and Needed) to Know About the Medical
Operations Available for Varicose Veins Removal
While standard varicose vein surgery has been used for over 100 years, the treatment of superficial veins has
evolved dramatically in the last 10 years. With all those change, it is easy to get confused. In one survey, more than
72% of patient felt inadequately informed about the treatments available to them. This guide was made to provide
an overview of the medical treatments available today. If you have any specific question, please visit : where you will be able to read questions people already asked and post your own.

Timeline of Available Treatments

Used for over 100 years

Since 1946

late 90s



While the date of invention should not be used to judge the quality of an intervention over another, this timeline can
help you get a glance of the main interventions available. Because conventional sclerotherapy has been used since
1946, you are more likely to meet a specialist who is trained and equipped for this kind of operation. Make sure to
visit different clinics before making a decision.

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What You Absolutely Need to Ask Before the Operation
Your physician should examine your legs with a device
called a Doppler scan before deciding on the best
operation. The Doppler scan, also known as duplex
ultrasound, allows the doctor to see which vein valves are
malfunctioning and where the blood is affected.
Dont hesitate to demand it.

The first thing you need to understand is that surgery

and any other medical treatment do NOT cure the
disease. If you are prone to varicose veins, you are likely
to be for the rest of your life.
Duplex ultrasound is an inexpensive, non-invasive way to
You may therefore develop new varicose veins after a
determine the best treatment
successful treatment.

Phlebologists regard that as a natural Unless your doctor tell you otherwise, remember to
continue wearing your compression stocking and taking
progression of the disease. I call that a your Circulation Essentials supplements to prevent the
formation of another varicose vein.
natural progression of their income.

Which Treatment to Choose?

Newer does not necessarily equal better. The improvements of recent years seem comparable rather than
superior to surgery. But there are differences when it comes to price, duration of treatment, post-operative pain,
recovery and risk of scars.

Surgery (stripping)
If a varicose vein is particularly large, it may require surgery to remove it. When this procedure is used, small
cuts are made in the groin and at the knee where the vein will be tied off and left in the original location, or cut out
and removed while the patient is under general anesthesia.
Your surgeon will be able to explain all of the possible risks and complications in regards to this surgery, so
that you are fully aware of them, because after all, as with any other type of procedure or operation, there are
possibilities of things going wrong and of risks or complications coming about, and so you are going to have to be
aware of all of these. In some occasions, especially if the patient is overweight, an infection may develop in the
groin. There is also a small risk of cutting a nerve when removing veins at the knee. If a nerve is cut, no recovery is
Within two weeks of the procedure, most patients should be able to return to their normal daily activities.

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Conventional Sclerotherapy
Conventional sclerotherapy is a process where a liquid (a
irritating solution called a sclerosant) is injected into the vein which
causes the vein to collapse. As time goes by, the collapsed vein will
seal so that no more blood can flow through it.
Sclerotherapy has been used in the treatment of varicose veins for
over 100 years, but only became relatively safe in 1946 with the
invention of sodium tetradecyl sulfate (STS).
In comparison with surgery, the operation takes a lot less time. It
takes only about ten minutes to perform.
But the success rate is not as high. More than one treatment is
usually needed to seal a vein. So you may need to come back to the
clinic many times before getting rid of your varicose veins. Taking this
into account, conventional sclerotherapy should be use on small
varicose veins below the knee, where other treatments would be more

Foam Sclerotherapy
Invented around the same time as conventional sclerotherapy, this Sclerotherapy is a simple, less invasive
method became popular only recently as a result of the use of procedure to remove varicose veins
ultrasound to control its distribution. Foam sclerotherapy is a
technique where the sclerosant STS is mixed with air or a
physiological gas in a syringe before being injected into the vein.
The result is a better contact with the vein walls. Instead of mixing with the blood like conventional sclerotherapy,
the foam displaces the blood allowing direct contact with the walls. This technique provokes a spasm of the vein which
helps the vein to contract. It is therefore more effective that liquid sclerotherapy. But the long-term success on varicose
veins larger than 5 mm (0.2 inches) is very low.
One possible side effect in about 1/3 of patients is the appearance of brown lines or spots at the site of the
injection. In most cases, they disappear within 3 to 6 months, but can be permanent about 5 percent of the time.

Endovenous Laser Treatment

Approved by the FDA in January 2002, the endovenous laser treatment consists of heating the inside of a vein
with laser energy. A small fiber is inserted inside the vein and laser energy is applied directly to the vein wall. The
temperature at the fiber tip can exceed 1000C. This heat causes a thermal injury sufficient to close the vein. The vein
then disappears by being eliminated by the body healing process.
One major difficulty with endovenous laser treatment is to limit the injury to the vein. With that much heat, you
dont want the surrounding muscles, nerves and skin to be burned. The solution is to inject an anesthetic solution that
completely surround and compress the vein. For that reason, no general anesthesia is necessary.
The laser fiber is inserted close to the knee. This means less pain after the intervention compare to surgery
because there is no cut at the groin. This treatment has a 98.1% success rate when it comes to eliminate the treated
vein. However, for the physician to accept laser treatment, the vein has to be relatively straight. Veins that are
extremely tortuous will not allow passage of the laser fiber.

Before deciding that a laser treatment was successful, ask for the treated vein to be not only closed but also
eliminated. Closed veins can reopen through the process of recanalization.

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Radiofrequency Ablation
The procedure of radiofrequency ablation is very similar to endovenous laser treatment. The difference is the
use of heat generated from the high frequency alternating current instead of a laser fiber. The success rate so far is
at 87.2%, which is a little bit lower than endovenous laser treatment.

How Much Does It Cost?

Will my legs have
The cost of medical treatment for the removal of varicose veins can
enough veins after the
get pretty high very fast. Know that each specialist is free to set his own
surgery to keep the
price. I have seen phlebologists asking between $3,000 and $10,000
per leg. Visit different clinics before making a decision. And never blood flowing?
hesitate to negotiate. The removal of varicose
If you find a clinic with fair prices and good service, feel free to veins does not harm the
share them with others just like you at circulation in your legs for two

1. More than 90% of your

blood goes back up through
After the Operation your deep veins.

Continuous compression is usually required after every treatment.

2. The veins getting
That means no shower for a few days, usually seven to ten days. For as removed were already not
long as you have to wear compression stocking continuously, you must
useful as the blood was
wash yourself by hand.
flowing in the wrong direction.
The sooner you move, the sooner your blood flow will improve.
Walk a little bit at least every 30 minutes during the day. You dont need
to walk for long. It is better to walk frequently than to walk long

Three Reasons Why Your Varicose Veins Can Come Back After
Several possible causes have been recognized for recurrent varicose veins. Here are the three main ones:

1. Inadequate surgery
Blood reflux can still persist after the surgery. For that reason, it is strongly recommended that your physician
do a post-operative duplex scanning of your legs to see if your other veins are functioning well.

2. Neovascularization
Even when no error or technical inadequacy happened during the treatment, it is still possible to have a
similar varicose vein a few years later. New venous vessels may develop around the treated varicose vein and
connect the deep veins to the superficial veins, causing other varicose veins.

3. Progression of the disease

Varicose veins removal is not a cure for venous insufficiency. Because the disease is still present, new
territories may be affected over time. This is especially true if additional care, such as wearing compression
stocking and taking the necessary nutrients, is neglected.
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Unfortunately, some treatment centers specializing in varicose veins have been caught by the Federal Trade
Commission making unfair promises to patients. Keep in mind that no treatment for varicose veins is ever 100 percent
effective nor pain free. Notice how their advertisements always say Virtually pain free. Thats marketing talk for
Its not really pain free, but I dont want to tell you.
And there is never a 100 percent guarantee that other veins in your legs won't become varicose.

How to Choose a Good Surgeon

Not every surgeons are equal. Heres a few guidelines to help you make a better choice.

Ask your doctor if he can recommend a specialist

A good surgeon :

Asks you a lot of questions on your symptoms and your veins.

Examines your legs using an ultrasound scan

Describes to you the advantages and disadvantages of the treatment

Does at least 50 to 100 treatments a year

Veins specialists need to be proficient at numerous venous treatments and offer a selection or combination of
techniques tailored to your individual needs.

Experiences and testimonials can help you make a better choice. Share your experience with the rest of the
community on :

Questions to Ask Your Family Physician

To be prepare when meeting your doctor, bring this list of questions with you :
1. Do I have varicose veins?
2. Should I wear compression stocking? Of which compression level?
3. Should I take supplements to strengthen my veins?
4. Before thinking about surgery, are there any less-drastic measures I can try first?

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Thank you for taking the time to read this ebook. I hope you found the information in this book useful. Remember:
no matter your situation, your legs should not cause you any pain or suffering. Im am convinced that with a few
healthy lifestyle changes (and of course, consulting your doctor) you can have healthy, strong and beautiful legs for

With much love,

P.S. I want to hear from you. If you have any comments about this guide, send me an email to

P.P.S. Dont forget to share your experience dealing with varicose veins with our support group. If you have any
question or tips concerning varicose veins, share them on

Please Share

If you have a family member, a friend or a coworker who suffer from varicose veins,
share this book with him or her. It may change his or her life for the better.

To subscribe to my free newsletter on the latest tips and info on how to treat varicose veins, visit :

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