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The Story of Hawkman

Beads of sweat rolled down Carter Halls face. Carter was in his late 20s but
already he was the top archeologist in Egypt at the time. He had been in the deserts
of Egypt, digging and brushing the sand for 2 hours. He was hoping to just find one
discovery, just one so he could feel that he was doing something right. As an
archeologist, he knew about useless digs, but he felt like he had a connection to the
dig site at the foot of the great pyramid.
Suddenly something of great luster was glinting in the sand. Carter brushed
more sand away, to find the most beautiful dagger he had ever seen. He translated
the inscribed hieroglyphics, which read Hath-Set. He felt like he had heard the
name in a distant memory. His fingers gripped the handle with a feathers touch.
Everything seemed fine until he had blacked out
Scenes of him flashed through his head as the Prince Khufu. He saw himself
with a queen named Sierra. A space ship had crashed with he and his ancient bride
within in alien armor. The last memory was of him and his wife being stabbed with
the dagger he held in his hand. The murderer snarled You are finished Khufu,.The
vision came to an abrupt stop. His eyes hastily opened to the harsh Egyptian sun.
KAW! A hawk circled the sky above him.
Carter Hall had discovered one thing for sure, he was the reincarnation of
Price Khufu. Carter grabbed the dagger again, but with no vision. Then he sent it to
the museum in Cairo. The hawk that had flown above him before was now on his
Jeep. Well hawk, lets go, he thought. Vroom Vroom! Carter followed the hawk to a
cave in the sandstone cliffs. The air was familiar to him as he went through a shaft
in the cave. There at the other side was a decorated room. At the center was the
armor in his vision. He wore it with pride. He would now be, Hawkman.
He knew he had to do one thing with his newly found super powers, fight for
justice and find the living soul of Hath-set. Later that day at the Cairo airport Carter
was walking to his plane when a woman, who he knew, bumped into him. Her eyes
were in his memories, but he couldnt pinpoint who she was. The visions happened
to her. She was Sierra. Sierra He said, Khufu She replied. He looked at her and
said You havent changed a single bit in over a thousand years. She glanced back
up at him with her eyes tearing up You havent either. The long dead couple had
reunited, they knew each other as if they were in ancient Egypt again. This was
going to become Hawkman and Hawkgirl.

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