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Hello, my name is Tressa Parkes and these are my colleagues Isaac, Tyrah, Emily.


Alex. This is my client Arthur Mabo who is being charged with committing three war crimes.

These war crimes are conscripting children under the age of 15 into armed groups, enlisting

children into armed groups, and using children to actively participate in armed conflict. He is

also being charged with the death and suffering of Alia Ruttus son.

One thing that is often hand in hand with war, is uncertainty. And this trial will not be

filled with uncertainty.

For some background on the case at hand, in the northeastern part of Shansau two ethnic

groups, the Kani and Lago were at war with each other. This war was mainly over diamond

mines in the area, and when the Lagos land was taken by the Kani, the Lago began to fight back.

Each group was deadly and promoted hatred.

In terms of Arthur Mabo conscripting children under the age of 15 into armed groups, it

is true that there were witnesses who saw children being taken to fight. But how do these

witnesses know that childs age? How do they know that these children weren't lying about

their age in order to fight in the war? A witness, Thomas Gaba was 14 years old when he was

taken, though he told everyone he was 18 in order to fight.

Arthur Mabo was charged of enlisting children into armed groups as well. There is no

evidence Mabo enlisted children, let alone even saw them. Due to the fact that Charles Yitu was

left in charge a lot of the time and couldve disobeyed Mabo. there is doubt that Mabo even

knew of these children. Prosecution will say that he did, because the witness Anna Kabolo saw

him and worked as a slave to him, but Anna didnt know his name was Mabo, leading to the

doubt that it even was Mabo in the first place.

The biggest piece of evidence prosecution will say helps prove Mabo guilty of the

charges against him is Command Responsibility. In this case, Charles Yitu acted as the military

leader of the PFLS more than Mabo ever did. And would you ever prosecute one person, for the

doings of another? Prosecution will say that under the law of Command Responsibility Mabo is

responsible for the actions of everyone working for him and the crimes they commit, but only if

the commander doesn't try to stop them. But does anyone actually know that Mabo didnt try and

stop or prevent his subordinates? And did Mabo even know child soldiers were being used in his

name? Or did his second- in- command Charles Yitu hide the child soldiers from Mabo?

Prosecution will try and sway you to believe Mabo is guilty of all charges against him,

and they will do anything and everything they can to make you believe that. There is reason to

believe that the accused, Arthur Mabo, is not guilty of conscripting or enlisting children under

the age of 15, and isnt guilty of using children in armed conflict . We will prove his innocence

until it is known by everyone that Arthur Mabo is not guilty.

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