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Purpose of the meeting: Elect two other positions, Fall Festival, Schedule

3:30 Start of meeting

Meetings will be once a week on Wednesday, and if needed we can meet an

additional day.
We have gathered to elect the two other positions that no one ran for. We are
using pieces of paper and, after switching up the papers to keep it fair. We resolved it
and the final answer was Fabiola as secretary and Hannia as Historian.
Now we are deciding if we can go through by joining with the juniors to organize
Fall Festival:
Popcorn Booth
Face Painting
Snow Cone Booth
Hot Dog Booth
HIgh Card Draw/ Speed
Cup Stacking
Jail In
Pie Throwing
Picture Booth
Cake Raffle:
Car Raffle:
Balloon Pop
Pizza, Nachos, Cheeseburgers, Cheetos with Cheese, Elotes

Volunteers; We offer community hours for people to help and run the booths.

4:30 End of Meeting

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