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Multiple Choice Quiz

1 The wide aisles, bright lighting, and merchandise display at Lowe's encourages
browsing unlike the warehouse feel of its competitor Home Depot that seem more
A) True
B) False

2 The aspects of the environment that affect our senses are called ambient conditions.
A) True
B) False

3 A process layout describes an inflexible sequence of steps or operations that all

customers must experience.
A) True
B) False

4 The servicescape captures the environmental dimensions of a facility that influence the
behavior of both customers and employees.
A) True
B) False

5 The bottleneck of a process is the operation with the shortest cycle time.
A) True
B) False

6 Capacity utilization, particularly of individual operations, is a dangerous management

performance metric.
A) True
B) False

7 One of the following is not a measure of process capability.

A) Capacity
B) Throughput time
C) Bottleneck
D) Rush order flow time

8 The "servicescape" of a facility should be designed with an image and feel that is
consistent with the service concept because:
A) Competition has set the standard for how locations should "feel."
B) Customers and employees are influenced on a deep, emotional level by their
C) Customers are always looking for something new and exciting.
D) None of the above

9 Signs and symbols in a service facility are helpful because they:

A) Orient customers and promote acceptable behavior
B) Cause customers to spend more money per visit
C) Reduce anxiety associated with waiting
D) Cause employees to be more helpful

10 When attempting to halve the cycle time of a service, doubling the capacity of the
bottleneck is often insufficient because:
A) The bottleneck simply moves from one service activity to another.
B) The relationship between the cycle time and the bottleneck is not linear.
C) There is no direct relationship between the bottleneck and the cycle time.
D) Doubling the capacity of a bottleneck is rarely feasible.

11 Operations sequence analysis is a method used to determine the

A) lowest possible cycle time for a service.
B) sequence of steps in a service.
C) appropriate layout for departments that provide related services.
D) None of the above

12 A ________ is an example of a service facility layout in which minimizing total

travel-distance is not an important consideration.
A) convenience store
B) supermarket
C) post office
D) school

1 True
2 True
3 False
4 True
5 False
6 True
7 Bottleneck
8 Customers and employees are influenced on a deep, emotional level
by their surroundings.
9 Orient customers and promote acceptable behavior
10 The bottleneck simply moves from one service activity to another.
11 appropriate layout for departments that provide related services.
12 Supermarket

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