O Varsouviana Polka Music: Portrays A Sense of Loss or

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May 2014

With reference to at least two plays, consider how playwrights

incorporate sound and/or light to convey their ideas.

Streetcar named desire.

Tenessee Williams plastic theatre and poetic realism. Plastic
theatre is the use of props, noises and stage directions to
convey a blatant parallel with the characters states of mind
on stage. In this way, Blanches mind has bled into the
stagecraft of a Streetcar Named Desire.
Poetic realism refers to a way of mirroring reality through the
veil of illusion. It is a device, which leans toward expressionist
theatrical devices as it seeks to externalize inner thoughts and
emotions for the audience.
o Music: Blues piano begins the play and ends the play.
This turns the entire play into a cycle and it reflects the
nature of the play itself in that the play has no catharsis
(Blanche is taken to an asylum and life in New Orleans
returns to normal immediately)
o Varsouviana Polka music: Portrays a sense of loss or
regret within Blanche. It often gets louder and louder
Often heard when subject is of her adulterous ex
husband Allen Grey, who committed suicide after
Blanche expressed how disgusted she was at him. She
blames herself. The Polka music reflects the
psychological damage of this incident and is brought
about to emphasize Blanches loss of grip on reality.
o Light and Dark. Blanche(meaning), truth and lies,
The importance of being earnest
Piano music of Algernon begins in a similar fashion; he is
heard playing the piano. After an interrogation by Lady
Bracknell, Jack plays the wedding march.
(Reference Othello)

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