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Lesson Plan

Grade Level: 5th grade

Number Participating: 33, but in smaller groups of 11

Grade Level Standards:

5-PS2-1. Support an argument that the gravitational force exerted by Earth on
objects is directed down
RI.5.1 Quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and
when drawing inferences from the text

All students will be able to
Predict the effect of gravity by investigating the different forces that act on Earth.
Recognize the different objects in space by recalling pictures and text from their

Science books
Kahoot website

The students will bring their science notebook and textbook with them while moving to the
back table. They will open to the lesson and I will quickly summarize the past lessons
vocab words. I will go around and ask a round of review questions. I will remind them that
it will be our last science lesson. So while it will be fun, the students still have to stay
focused and learning.

1. Start by summarizing the new chapter to the students. The first and second groups
may need a longer explanation, since they have not been on the carpet yet.
2. Then ask for volunteers to read the vocab word and definition, and further explain
the definition if needed.
3. After listening to the summary, students will get a chromebook and go onto Kahoot
4. Students will log into Kahoot and after all the students are logged in, start the game
5. After each question and answer, explain the correct answer if a lot of students
missed the question.
6. When the students are done, have them log out of the laptops.
Lesson Plan

After the students are logged out, have them stack the laptops and return to the desk. Ask
students if they have any final question, and clarify the ones that are confusing to students.
Do a final review by asking jellybean questions, and make sure every student has a chance
to answer. Have the students clean up their area and move onto the next station. If its the
last rotation, also have students stack the chairs.

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