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Describe your favorite academic subject and explain how it has influenced you.

First of all, I do not believe myself to have any favorite academic subject. If I were to say

what subject has influenced me the most as a whole, Id truly have to say biology. Biology

showed me that we are created and developed almost as a machine, but with what sense of

purpose? The world around us, at least in the mainstream society, has shown us nothing but what

could lead us to, in my opinion, self-genocide. For the first time ever in the history of the human

species, our people as a whole have forgotten whom the really are and what purpose they serve

on the planet. Instead, we are connected through dollar notes and selfish intention, conscious or

subconscious. Biology disconnected me from religion, and ironically, through time, connected

me with spirituality. This has made me change many aspects of my life and further focus on the

development of myself as a person. I now wish to enlighten and recognize my roots, and also

everyone elses. Not only do I feel connected with the Earth, but also more connected with the

minds of other people. Some make call it corny, but I see it differently. I am now far less

susceptible to negative influences of any kind, and only wish to spread what I think might be

good for other people. Before biology, I was one of those people that thought everyone was

ignorant and I may have come off as slightly arrogant to some, but now I see others (not

everyone) not as ignorant, but in some ways distracted. I didnt see the good in others, but now I

see opportunity and potential everywhere and in everyone. Thank you, Ms. Bird.

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