36 Fault Detection in Industrial Processes Using Canonical Variate Analysis and Dynamic Principal Component Analysis

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Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 51 2000.


Fault detection in industrial processes using canonical variate

analysis and dynamic principal component analysis
Evan L. Russell, Leo H. Chiang, Richard D. Braatz )
Large Scale Systems Research Laboratory, Department of Chemical Engineering, Uniersity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,
600 South Mathews Aenue, Box C-3, Urbana, IL 61801-3792, USA

Accepted 24 January 2000


Principal component analysis PCA. is a well-known data dimensionality technique that has been used to detect faults
during the operation of industrial processes. Dynamic principal component analysis DPCA. and canonical variate analysis
CVA. are data dimensionality techniques which take into account serial correlations, but their effectiveness in detecting faults
in industrial processes has not been extensively tested. In this paper, scorerstate and residual space PCA, DPCA, and CVA
are applied to the Tennessee Eastman process simulator, which was designed to simulate a wide variety of faults occurring in
a chemical plant based on a facility at Eastman Chemical. This appears to be the first application of residual space CVA
statistics for detecting faults in a large-scale process.
Statistics quantifying variations in the residual space were usually more sensitive but less robust to the faults than the
statistics quantifying the variations in the score or state space. The statistics exhibiting a small missed detection rate tended
to exhibit small detection delays and vice versa. A residual-based CVA statistic proposed in this paper gave the best overall
sensitivity and promptness, but the initially proposed threshold for the statistic lacked robustness. This motivated increasing
the threshold to achieve a specified missed detection rate. q 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Fault detection; Principal component analysis; Dynamic principal component analysis; Canonical variate analysis; Process moni-
toring; Chemometrics methods; Tennessee Eastman process; Multivariate statistics

1. Introduction ior has occurred, whether associated with equipment

failure, equipment wear, or extreme process faults.
Large amounts of data are collected in many in- While techniques based on first-principles models
dustrial processes. The task of fault detection is to use have been around for more than two decades, their
this data to determine when abnormal process behav- contribution to industrial practice has not been per-
vasive due to the substantial cost and time required
to develop a sufficiently accurate process model for
Corresponding author. Tel.: q1-217-333-5073; fax: q1-217-
a complex chemical plant. The fault detection tech-
333-5052. niques that have dominated the literature for the past
E-mail address: braatz@uiuc.edu R.D. Braatz.. decade and have been most effective in practice are

0169-7439r00r$ - see front matter q 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 1 6 9 - 7 4 3 9 0 0 . 0 0 0 5 8 - 7
82 E.L. Russell et al.r Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 51 (2000) 8193

based on models constructed almost entirely from proposed statistic gave better overall sensitivity and
process data. promptness than the existing PCA, DPCA, and CVA
The accuracy of detecting faults from data can be statistics applied to the Tennessee Eastman process.
improved using data dimensionality reduction tech- The paper is organized as follows. First, PCA and
niques, such as principal component analysis PCA., DPCA are briefly described. Then, the CVA statisti-
dynamic principal component analysis DPCA., and cal method and fault detection statistics are de-
canonical variate analysis CVA.. The lower dimen- scribed. Finally, PCA, DPCA, and CVA are applied
sional representations produced by these techniques to data collected from the Tennessee Eastman pro-
can better generalize to new process data than repre- cess simulator. The sensitivity, promptness, and ro-
sentations using the entire dimensionality. bustness of the statistics are compared.
Academic and industrial process control engineers
have applied PCA for abstracting structure from mul-
tidimensional chemical process data w1,2x. PCA de- 2. Methods
termines the most accurate lower dimensional repre-
sentation of the data, in terms of capturing the data 2.1. PCA
directions that have the most variance. The resulting
2.1.1. Definition
lower dimensional model has been used for detecting
PCA is an optimal dimensionality reduction tech-
out-of-control status and for diagnosing faults lead-
nique in terms of capturing the variance of the data.
ing to the abnormal process operation w3x. Several
PCA determines a set of orthogonal vectors, called
applications of PCA to real industrial data have been
loading ectors, which can be ordered by the amount
conducted at DuPont and other companies over the
of variance explained in the loading vector direc-
past 6 years, with much of the results available in
tions. Given n observations of m measurement vari-
various publications for example, see Refs. w4,5x and
ables stacked into a training data matrix X, the load-
citations therein..
ing vectors are calculated by computing the singular-
PCA can be extended to take into account serial
ities of the optimization problem
correlations in the data by augmenting each observa-
tion vector with the previous l observations. We will T X T X
refer to this approach as dynamic PCA DPCA., ir- max 1.
/0 T
respective of how the number of lags are selected the
where g R m . The stationary points of Eq. 1. can
DPCA method of Ref. w6x is one implementation of
be computed via the SVD
this approach.. CVA is a dimensionality reduction
technique in multivariate statistical analysis involv- 1 T
ing the selection of pairs of variables from the inputs 'n y 1 X s U S V 2.
and outputs that maximize a correlation statistic w7x.
where U g R n= n and V g R m= m are unitary matri-
Like DPCA, the method takes serial correlations into
ces and the matrix S g R n= m contains the nonnega-
account during the dimensionality reduction proce-
tive real singular alues of decreasing magnitude
dure. s 1 G . . . G smin m, n. G 0.. The loading vectors are
PCA has been used to detect faults from data col-
the orthonormal column vectors in the matrix V, and
lected from real chemical plants and computer simu-
the variance of the training set projected along the ith
lations the Tennessee Eastman process w3,5,6,813x..
column of V is equal to si 2 .
Applications of DPCA and CVA to chemical pro-
cesses either in simulation or industry are much more 2.1.2. Fault detection
limited w6,1416x. The objective of this paper is to Normal operations can be characterized by em-
evaluate and compare the performance of PCA, ploying Hotellings T 2 statistic w4x:
DPCA, and CVA for detecting faults in a realistic
chemical process simulation. In this comparison, a T 2 s x T P Sy2 T
a P x 3.
CVA-based residual space statistic is proposed Tr2 . where P includes the loading vectors associated with
for use in fault detection. As will be seen later, the the a largest singular values, S a contains the first a
E.L. Russell et al.r Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 51 (2000) 8193 83

rows and columns of S, and x is an observation tions at past time instances. For typical chemical pro-
vector of dimension m. Given a number of loading cesses, this assumption is valid only for long sam-
vectors, a, to include in Eq. 3., the threshold can be pling intervals, e.g., 2 to 12 h. Shorter sampling in-
calculated for the T 2 statistic using the probability tervals are desired for speedy fault detection, in which
distribution case a method taking into account the serial correla-
tions in the data may provide improved fault detec-
n2 y 1. a
Ta2 s F a,n y a . 4. tion. The PCA methods can be extended to take into
n n y a. a account the serial correlations, by augmenting each
where Fa a,n y a. is the upper 100 a % critical point observation vector with the previous l observations
of the F-distribution with a and n y a degrees of and stacking the data matrix in the following man-
freedom. The T2 statistic with Eq. 4. defines the ner,
normal process behavior, and an observation vector x Tt x Tty1 PPP x Ttyl
outside this region indicates that a fault has occurred.
The portion of the measurement space corre- x Tty1 x Tty2 PPP x Ttyly1
X l . s . . .. .
sponding to the lowest m y a singular values can be . . . .
. . .
monitored by using the Q statistic developed by
x Ttqlyn x Ttqlyny1 PPP x Ttyn
Jackson and Mudholkar w17x:
Q s rTr , r s I y PP T . x 5.
The threshold for the Q statistic can be calculated where x Tt is the m-dimensional observation vector in
from its approximate distribution w17x: the training set at time instance t. By performing PCA
on the data matrix in Eq. 7., a multivariate autore-
1rh 0
h 0 ca 2 u 2 u 2 h 0 h 0 y 1. gressive AR. ARX model if the process inputs are
Qa s u 1 q1q 6. included. is extracted directly from the data w6,19x.
u1 u 12
The Q statistic is then the squared prediction error of
where u i s njsaq1 sj 2 i , h 0 s 1 y 2 u 1 u 3 .r3u 22 , and the ARX model. If enough lags l are included in the
ca is the normal deviate corresponding to the 1 y a . data matrix, the Q statistic is statistically indepen-
percentile. dent from one time instant to the next, and the
threshold 6. is theoretically justified. This approach
2.1.3. Reduction order of applying PCA to Eq. 7. is referred to here as dy-
A key step in a data dimensionality reduction namic PCA DPCA.. To determine the number of
technique is to determine the order of the reduction. lags l, autoregressive models with several different
There exist several techniques for determining the numbers of lags to the training data are fitted. The
number of loading vectors, a, to maintain in the PCA number of lags l is selected to be the lag minimizing
w8,18x. Ku et al. w6x recommend the parallel analysis the small sample AIC criterion w7x. Note that this
method, because it had the best performance in their method for automatically determining l is not the
applications. Parallel analysis determines the dimen- same as that used by the DPCA algorithm of Ku et
sionality of the PCA model by comparing the singu- al. w6x. The T2 and Q statistics and their thresholds
lar value profile to that obtained by assuming inde- generalize directly to DPCA.
pendent measurement variables. The dimension is
determined by the point at which the two profiles 2.2. CVA
cross. This approach is particularly attractive since it
is intuitive and easy to automate. 2.2.1. The CVA statistical method
CVA is a dimensionality reduction technique that
2.1.4. DPCA is optimal in terms of maximizing a correlation
The previously discussed PCA monitoring meth- statistic between two sets of variables. Given vectors
ods implicitly assume that the observations at one of variables x g R m and y g R n with covariance
time instant are statistically independent to observa- matrices S x x and S y y , and cross covariance matrix
84 E.L. Russell et al.r Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 51 (2000) 8193

S x y , there exist matrices J g R m= m and L g R n= n data u t g R m u and output data yt g R m y , the linear
such that state space model is given by w24x

J S x x JT s I m , L S y y LT s I n 8. x tq1 s F x t q Gu t q wt 13 .
yt s Hx t q Au t q Bwt q t 14 .
where x t g R is a k-order state vector and wt and
J S x y LT s D s diag g 1 , PPP ,gr ,0, PPP ,0 . , 9. t are white noise processes that are independent with
w here g 1 G . . . G g r , m s rank S x x . , n s covariance matrices Q and R, respectively. It is as-
rank S y y ., D contains the canonical correlations g i , sumed that the state space matrices and covariance
and the notation I k denotes the block diagonal matrix matrices are constant. The term Bwt in Eq. 14. al-
containing the k = k identity matrix for the first block lows the noise in the output equation 14. to be cor-
and a zero matrix for the second block w7x. The vec- related with the noise in the state equation 13..
tor of canonical ariables c s Jx contains a set of Omitting the term Bwt , typically done for many state
uncorrelated random variables and has the covari- space models, may result in a state order that is not
ance matrix minimal w20x.
At a particular time instant t s 1, . . . ,n the vector
S cc s J S x x J T s I m , 10 . containing the information from the past is
and the vector of canonical ariables d s Ly con- pt s yty1 , yty2 , PPP ,uTty1 ,uTty2 , PPP , 15 .
tains a set of uncorrelated random variables and has
the covariance matrix and the vector containing the output information in
the present and future is
S d d s L S y y LT s I n . 11 . T
f t s ytT , ytq1
, PPP . 16 .
The cross covariance matrix between c and d is
diagonal see 9.., and the two vectors are only The projection matrices J and L and the matrix of
pairwise correlated. The degree of the pairwise corre- canonical correlations D can be computed via the
lations are indicated and can be ordered by the SVD by substituting the matrix S x x with S p p , S y y
canonical correlations g i . In the case where the co- with S f f , and S x y with S p f in Eq. 12.. Assuming
variance matrices are invertible the usual case in the order of the state space model, k, is chosen to be
practice., the projection matrices J and L and the greater than or equal to the order of the minimal state
matrix of canonical correlations D can be computed space realization of the actual system, the state vec-
by solving the SVD: tor x t in Eqs. 13. and 14.. can be extracted from
the data using CVA states
Sy1 r2
S x y Sy1 r2
sUSVT 12 .
xx yy
x t s Jk pt s UkT Sy1
pt 17 .
T 1r2 T1r2
where J s U Sy
xx , L s V Sy yy , and D s S
where Uk contains the first k columns of U in Eq.
w20x. The weightings S x x and Sy1r2
y1 r2
yy ensure that 12. w7x.
the canonical variables are uncorrelated and have unit
Since in practice there is a finite amount of data
variance, and the matrices U T and V T rotate the
available, the vectors pt and f t are truncated as
canonical variables so that c and d are only pairwise
correlated. The degree of the pairwise correlations are T
pt s yty1 T
, yty2 T
, PPP , ytyl ,uTty1 ,uTty2 , PPP ,uTtyl
indicated by the singular values.
18 .
2.2.2. CVA state ector construction and
While the CVA concept for multivariate statistical T
f t s ytT , ytq1
, PPP , ytqh 19 .
analysis was developed by Hotelling, it was not ap-
plied to system identification until Akaikes work on where l and h are the number of lags to include.
the ARMA model w7,2123x. Given time series input Theoretically, the CVA algorithm does not suffer
E.L. Russell et al.r Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 51 (2000) 8193 85

when l s h ) k actually, l and h just need to be The residual vector of the state space model in
larger than the largest observability index w25x.. terms of the past pt can be calculated
However, the state order of the system is not known
a priori. Here we fit autoregressive models with sev- r t s I y JkT Jk . pt , 24 .
eral different numbers of lags to the data via recur- and the variation in the residual space can be moni-
sive least squares and select l as the lag minimizing tored using a Q statistic similar to the D.PCA ap-
the small sample AIC criterion w26x. This ensures that proaches
enough lags are used to capture the statistically sig-
nificant information in the data. Q s r tT r t . 25 .
Once the states are known, the state space matri-
A violation of the Ts2 statistic indicates that the
ces can be estimated by multiple linear regression w7x.
states are out-of-control, and a violation of the Tr2 or
Details are not given here since these matrices are not
Q statistics indicates that the characteristic of the
explicitly used in the fault detection algorithm.
measurement noise has changed andror new states
have been created in the process. The flexibility of the
2.2.3. Process monitoring measures state space model and the optimality of the CVA ap-
A process monitoring statistic based on quantify- proach suggest that the CVA states will more accu-
ing the variations of the CVA states 17., has been rately represent dynamic process changes compared
investigated by Negiz and Cinar w15x on a milk pas- to the scores using PCA or DPCA. Other CVA-based
teurization process. Assuming normal errors, the fault detection statistics are reported in the literature
statistic w16,27x.
Ts2 s ptT JkT Jk pt , 20 .
follows the distribution
3. Application
k n2 y 1.
Ts,2a s Fa k ,n y k . . 21 .
n n y k . The Tennessee Eastman process simulator was
created by the Eastman Chemical Company to pro-
The Ts2statistic measures the variations inside the
vide a realistic industrial process for evaluating pro-
state space, and the process faults can be detected by
cess control and monitoring methods w28x. The Ten-
selecting a level of significance and computing the
2 nessee Eastman process simulator has been widely
appropriate threshold using Ts,a .
used by the process monitoring community as a
Motivated by the residual-based statistic used in
source of data for comparing various approaches
PCA and DPCA 5., we propose to measure the vari-
w3,5,6,8,12,14,2935x. The test problem is based on
ations outside the state space using the statistic
an actual chemical process where the components,
Tr2 s ptT J qT J q pt 22 . kinetics, and operating conditions were modified for
proprietary reasons. A diagram of the process is con-
where Jq contains the last q s l m u q m y . y k rows tained in Fig. 1. The simulation code allows 21 pre-
of J in Eq. 8.. Assuming normality, the statistic 22. programmed major process upsets, as shown in Table
follows the distribution 1. The plant-wide control structure recommended in
q n2 y 1. Lyman and Georgakis w36x was implemented to gen-
Tr2, a s Fa q,n y q . . 23 . erate the closed loop simulated process data for each
n n y q .
fault. For detailed discussion on the control struc-
A weakness of this approach is that Tr2 can be overly tures of the Tennessee Eastman process simulator,
sensitive due to the inversion of the small values of please refer to Refs. w3740x.
S p p in Eq. 17. w17x. This can result in a high false The training and testing data sets for each fault
alarm rate. To address this concern, the threshold consisted of n s 500 and 960 observations, respec-
should be adjusted before applying the statistics for tively. Each data set started with no faults, and the
process monitoring see next section for an example.. faults were introduced 1 and 8 simulation hours into
86 E.L. Russell et al.r Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 51 (2000) 8193

Fig. 1. A diagram of the Tennessee Eastman process simulator.

E.L. Russell et al.r Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 51 (2000) 8193 87

Table 1
Process faults for the Tennessee Eastman process simulator
Variable Description Type
IDV1. ArC feed ratio, B composition constant Stream 4. Step
IDV2. B composition, ArC ratio constant Stream 4. Step
IDV3. D feed temperature Stream 2. Step
IDV4. Reactor cooling water inlet temperature Step
IDV5. Condenser cooling water inlet temperature Step
IDV6. A feed loss Stream 1. Step
IDV7. C header pressure loss - reduced availability Stream 4. Step
IDV8. A, B, C feed composition Stream 4. Random variation
IDV9. D feed temperature Stream 2. Random variation
IDV10. C feed temperature Stream 4. Random variation
IDV11. Reactor cooling water inlet temperature Random variation
IDV12. Condenser cooling water inlet temperature Random variation
IDV13. Reaction kinetics Slow drift
IDV14. Reactor cooling water valve Sticking
IDV15. Condenser cooling water valve Sticking
IDV16. Unknown
IDV17. Unknown
IDV18. Unknown
IDV19. Unknown
IDV20. Unknown
IDV21. The valve for Stream 4 was fixed at the steady state position Constant position

the run, respectively, for the training and testing data except the agitation speed of the reactors stirrer for
sets. All the manipulated and measurement variables a total of m s 52 variables were recorded. The data
was sampled every 3 min, and the random seed was
Table 2 changed before the computation of the data set for
The lags and orders for the various models each fault. Twenty-one testing sets were generated
Fault ARX l . PCA a. DPCA a. CVA k . using the preprogrammed faults Fault 121.. In ad-
0 3 11 29 29 dition, one testing set Fault 0. was generated with no
1 2 8 13 25 faults.
2 2 8 19 28 Multiple faults occurring within the same time
3 2 12 27 26
window are likely to happen for many industrial pro-
4 2 12 26 26
5 2 8 15 27 cesses. The statistics for detecting a single fault are
6 6 6 11 3 directly applicable for detecting multiple faults be-
7 2 6 10 27
8 2 8 13 24
9 3 11 26 30
10 3 10 24 28 Table 3
11 3 9 26 28 False alarm rates for the training and testing sets
12 2 6 7 25 Method Statistics Training set Testing set
13 2 8 12 24
PCA T2 0.002 0.014
14 3 13 27 25
PCA Q 0.004 0.016
15 3 11 27 30
16 3 12 27 26 DPCA T2 0.002 0.006
17 2 9 24 27 DPCA Q 0.004 0.281
18 2 4 4 27
19 3 16 32 29 CVA Ts2 0.013 0.083
20 3 11 25 32 CVA Tr2 0 0.126
21 2 14 25 26 CVA Q 0.009 0.087
88 E.L. Russell et al.r Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 51 (2000) 8193

Table 4 cause the thresholds in Eqs. 4., 6., 21., and 23.
Missed detection rates for the testing set depend only on the data from the normal operating
conditions Fault 0.. Multiple simultaneous faults
should be detectable provided that their affects on the
measured process variables do not cancel. The task of
diagnosing multiple faults is rather challenging and
the proficiencies of the fault diagnosis statistics de-
pend on the nature of the combination of the faults
All the data were autoscaled prior to the applica-
tions of PCA, DPCA, and CVA in order to avoid
particular variables inappropriately dominating the
dimensionality reduction procedure. The autoscaling
consisted of two steps. The first step was to subtract
each variable by its sample mean so that the objec-
tive is to capture the variation of the data from the
mean. The second step was to divide each variable of
the mean-centered data by its standard deviation. This
scales each variable to unit variance.
The objective of a fault detection technique is that
it is robust to data independent of the training set,

Fig. 2. The D.PCA multivariate statistics for fault detection for Fault 4.
E.L. Russell et al.r Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 51 (2000) 8193 89

sensitie to all the possible faults of the process, and DPCA-based T 2 statistics are comparable in magni-
prompt to the detection of the faults. The robustness tude to a s 0.01. The CVA-based statistics and the
of each statistic was determined by calculating the DPCA-based Q statistic resulted in relatively high
false alarm rate during normal operating conditions false alarm rates for the testing set compared to the
for the testing set and comparing it against the level other multivariate statistics. The lack of robustness
of significance upon which the threshold is based. for Ts2 and Tr2 can be explained by the inversion of
The sensitivity of the fault detection techniques was p p in Eq. 17.. The high false alarm rates for the
quantified by calculating the missed detection rates DPCA-based and CVA-based Q statistics may be due
for Faults 121 of the testing set. The promptness of to a violation of the assumptions used to derive the
the measures is based on the detection delays for threshold 6..
Faults 121 of the testing set. The sensitivity and Although often done in the literature, it would not
promptness of a statistic are often investigated in the be fair to directly compare the fault detection statis-
literature. Interestingly, the robustness is often ig- tics in terms of missed detection rates when they have
nored in the literature when evaluating fault detec- such widely varying false alarm rates. In computing
tion algorithms, although it is an important factor to the missed detection rates for Faults 121 of the test-
consider in practice. ing set, the threshold for each statistic was adjusted
The orders determined for PCA, DPCA, and CVA to the tenth highest value for the normal operating
and the number of lags l determined for DPCA and condition of the testing set. The adjusted thresholds
CVA are displayed in Table 2. Using a level of sig- correspond to a level of significance a s 0.01 by
nificance a s 0.01, the false alarm rates of the train- considering the probability distributions of the statis-
ing and testing sets were computed and tabulated in tics for the normal operating condition. For statistics
Table 3. The false alarm rates for the PCA and that showed low false alarm rates, the adjustment only

Fig. 3. The CVA multivariate statistics for fault detection for Fault 4.
90 E.L. Russell et al.r Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 51 (2000) 8193

shifted the thresholds slightly. For each statistic that The minimum missed detection rate achieved for
showed a high false alarm rate, the adjustment in- each fault except Faults 3, 9, and 15 is contained in a
creased the threshold by approximately 50%. Numer- box in Table 4. Except for the CVA Q-statistic, the
ous simulation runs for the normal operating condi- statistics which quantify variations in the residual
tions confirmed that the adjusted thresholds indeed space were usually more sensitive to the faults than
corresponded to a level of significance a s 0.01. It the statistics quantifying the variations in the score or
was felt that this adjustment of thresholds provides a state space. In other words, the faults usually created
fairer basis for the comparison of the sensitivities of new states in the process rather than magnify the
the statistics. For each statistic, the missed detection states during in-control operations. For example,
rates for all 21 faults were computed and tabulated in consider Fault 4, where the missed detection rates for
Table 4. Tr2 and the DPCA.-based Q statistics are much
The missed detection rates for Faults 3, 9, and 15 smaller than Ts2 and the D.PCA-based T 2 statistics
are fairly high and nearly correspond to the level of see Table 4.. The extent to which the multivariate
significance for several of the statistics. No observ- statistics are sensitive to Fault 4 can be examined in
able change in the mean or the variance could be de- Figs. 2 and 3.
tected by visually comparing the plots of each obser- The Tr2 statistic produced smaller missed detec-
vation variable associated with Faults 3, 9, and 15 to tion rates than the Q statistics for most faults. One of
the plots associated with Fault 0. Including the missed the reasons for this is that the CVA statistics had a
detection rates for these faults would skew the com- more consistent response than the PCA statistics. This
parison of the methods, and therefore these faults will is illustrated by Fault 5, where the D.PCA-based Q
not be considered when comparing the methods. statistics dropped below the threshold 10 h after the

Fig. 4. The D.PCA multivariate statistics for fault detection for Fault 5.
E.L. Russell et al.r Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 51 (2000) 8193 91

fault occurred whereas none of the CVA-statistics statistics in Table 5, a fault is indicated only when six
dropped below the threshold after the fault occurred consecutive statistic values have exceeded the thres-
see Figs. 4 and 5.. A process operator viewing the hold, and the detection delay is recorded as the first
PCA-based Q statistics in Fig. 4 would likely concur time instant in which the threshold was exceeded.
that a fault entered the process and then corrected it- Assuming independent observations and a s 0.01,
self in less than 10 h. The Tr2 and the other CVA- this corresponds to a false alarm rate of 0.016 s 1 =
based statistics in Fig. 5 correctly show that the fault 10y1 2 .
persists throughout the simulation time. The detection delays for all 21 faults are listed in
While the Tr2 statistic with the rescaled threshold Table 5. These results were obtained by applying the
had the lowest missed detection rate for most faults same thresholds as those used to determine the missed
for the Tennessee Eastman process, it should always detection rates. For the multivariate statistics, an ex-
be used as part of a fault detection strategy which has amination of Tables 4 and 5 reveals that the fault de-
at least one other statistic. In particular, a fault that tection methods exhibiting small detection delays
does not affect the states in the Tr2 statistic will be usually exhibit small missed detection rates and vice
invisible to this statistic. versa. The smallest detection delays were usually ex-
Since false alarms are inevitable, an out-of-con- hibited by either the CVA-based Tr2 or Q statistics.
trol value of a statistic can be the result of a fault or It is instructive to compare these results with those
of a false alarm. In order to decrease the rate of false of earlier studies. Our static PCA results for the Ten-
alarms, a fault can be indicated only when several nessee Eastman process qualitatively agree with those
consecutive values of a statistic have exceeded the of Georgakis et al. w30x. That the residual-based
threshold. In computing the detection delays for the DPCA statistic was more sensitive than the score-

Fig. 5. The CVA multivariate statistics for fault detection for Fault 5. An examination of the canonical variables Jk pt . reveals that the
canonical variable corresponding to the 99th singular value is solely responsible for the out-of-control Tr2 values between 10 and 40 h after
the fault occurred.
92 E.L. Russell et al.r Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 51 (2000) 8193

Table 5 appears to be the first application of this residual

Detection delays minutes. for the testing set space CVA statistic for detecting faults.
Except for the CVA-based Q statistic, the statis-
tics quantifying variations in the residual space CVA
Tr2 , PCA Q, and DPCA Q statistics. were more sen-
sitive for most faults than the statistics quantifying the
variations in the score or state space CVA Ts2 , PCA
T 2 , and DPCA T 2 statistics.. The statistics exhibit-
ing a small missed detection rate usually exhibited a
small detection delay and vice versa. The smallest
detection delays were usually exhibited by either the
CVA-based Tr2 or Q statistics.
Based on the original thresholds, the PCA- and
DPCA-based T 2 statistics gave lower false alarm
rates than the DPCA-based Q and the CVA statis-
tics. The lack of robustness of CVA was due to the
CVA statistics being overly sensitive to a matrix in-
version step. A strength of applying the proposed
CVA-based Tr2 statistic is that it is sensitive and
prompt; however, its threshold must be adjusted to
achieve robustness. With the thresholds defined so
that the techniques had similar missed detection rates,
DPCA had similar performance as to PCA for most
based DPCA statistic for the Tennessee Eastman
process agrees with Ku et al. w6x. While Ku et al.
found that DPCA outperformed PCA for the faults Acknowledgements
considered in their study, we found that DPCA gave
similar performance as PCA for most faults see
This work was supported by International Paper.
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