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Sub. Name: Digital Signal Processing Degree/Branch: B.E / CSE
Sub. Code: IT6502 Year/Sem: III / VI
Name of the faculty: Mr.S.Vijayprasath Academic year: 2016-17


To study the signal processing methods and processors.


To introduce Discrete Fourier Transform and its applications

To design finite and infinite impulse response filters for filtering undesired signals
To Introduce signal processing concepts in systems having more than one sampling

Unit1: Signals and systems Basic elements of DSP concepts of frequency in Analog and Digital Signals sampling
Target Hours: 14 theorem Discrete time signals, systems Analysis of discrete time LTI systems Z
transform Convolution Correlation.

Books Referred:
T1 : John G. Proakis and Dimitris G.Manolakis, Digital Signal Processing Principles,
Algorithms & Applications, Fourth Edition, Pearson Education, Prentice Hall, 2007
S.NO Planned Hour Topics to be covered Page No./Ref. Mode of Actual
date Required Book teaching date of
(BB/LCD/Edu completi
sat/OHP) on
1 2 Signals, systems and signal processing. BB
Basic elements of a Digital signal T1(2-6)
processing and signal classification
2. 2 Concept of frequency in continuous time and T1(12-17) BB
discrete time signals, Sampling Theorem T1(21-28)
3. 2 Discrete time signals-common discrete time T1(7-11) BB
signals, classification. T1(42-52)
4. 2 Discrete time systems-block diagram T1(53-68) BB
representation, classification, input output.
5 1 Problems on Discrete Time systems and Linear T1(472) BB
6 2 T1(75-88,116- BB
Problems on convolution and correlation 121)
7 2 T1(148-169) BB
Z transform and Inverse Z transform
8 1 T1(179-82) BB
Analysis of linear time invariant Systems T1(197-201)
9 1 LTI characterized by constant coefficient BB
difference equations T1(211,213)
Unit 2 :Discrete Frequency Introduction to DFT Properties of DFT Circular Convolution-
Transformations Filtering methods based on DFT FFT Algorithms Decimation in time , Decimation in freq,
Target Hours:10 Algorithms, Use of FFT in Linear Filtering DCT-uses and applications of DCT.
Books Referred:
T1: DSP Principles, Algorithms and Applications, 3rd Edition, 2000. (TB 1), John
G.Proakis, Dimtris G.Manolakis.
Emmanuel C.Ifeachor, and Barrie.W.Jervis, Digital Signal Processing, Second
Edition, Pearson Education, Prentice Hall, 2002.
S.NO Planned Hour Topics to be covered Page No./Ref. Mode of Actual
date Required Book teaching(BB/L date of
CD/Edusat/OH completi
P) on
1 1 T1(511-513) BB
Introduction to Discrete Fourier Transforms T1(461)
2. 1 T1(464-480) BB
Properties of DFT T2(118-120)
3. 1 BB
Circular convolution T1(73-74)
4. 1 Introduction to Fast Fourier Transforms BB
Comparison of DFT & FFT T1(511-512)
5 2 Radix-2 FFT Algorithms-Decimation in T1(513-523) BB
Time T2(121-127)
6 2 Decimation in Frequency Algorithm. BB
7 1 Use of DFT & FFT algorithms in Linear BB
Filtering T1(481-484)
8 1 T1(495-498) BB
DCT and its Applications T2(152-154)

Unit 3 : IIR filter design Structures of IIR Analog filter design Discrete time IIR filter from analog filter
Target Hours:11 IIR filter design by Impulse Invariance, Bilinear transformation,
Approximation of derivatives (HPF, BPF, BRF) filter design using frequency translation
Books Referred:
T1: DSP Principles, Algorithms and Applications, 3rd Edition, 2000. (TB 1), John
G.Proakis, Dimtris G.Manolakis.
T3 : Sanjit K. Mitra, Digital Signal Processing A Computer Based Approach, Third
Edition, Tata Mc Graw Hill, 2007.
S.NO Planned Hour Topics to be covered Page No./Ref. Mode of Actual
date Required Book teaching(BB/L date of
CD/Edusat/OH completi
P) on
1 2 Structures for the realization of discrete time T1(519- BB
systems 529)
2. 2 Design of IIR filter from Butterworth & T1(717-725) BB
Chebyshev approximation T2(824-828)
3. 2 BB
IIR filter Design using Approximation of T1(701-706)
4. 2 IIR filter Design using Impulse Invariance BB
method. T1(707-711)
5 2 IIR filter Design using Bilinear Transform BB
method. T1(712-716)
6 1 Design of IIR LP,HP,BP filters in Frequency T1(730-734) BB
Domain T1(699,730)
Unit 4 : FIR filter design Structures of FIR Linear phase FIR filter Fourier Series
Target Hours:12 Filter design using windowing techniques (Rectangular Window, Hamming Window,
Hanning Window), Frequency Sampling techniques.

Books Referred:
T1: DSP Principles, Algorithms and Applications, 3rd Edition, 2000. (TB 1), John
G.Proakis, Dimtris G.Manolakis.
T3 : Sanjit K. Mitra, Digital Signal Processing A Computer Based Approach, Third
Edition, Tata Mc Graw Hill, 2007
S.NO Planned Hour Topics to be covered Page No./Ref. Mode of Actual
date Required Book teaching(BB/L date of
CD/Edusat/OH completi
P) on
1 2 Structures and Realization of FIR Systems. BB
2. 2 Design of FIR filters-symmetric and anti- T1(659-664) BB
symmetric FIR filters T1(326-330)
3. 2 Design of FIR filters using windows BB
4. 2 Summary of all windowing techniques BB
5 2 Design of FIR filters by frequency sampling BB
method T1(671-674)
6 2 Design of Linear Phase FIR filters. BB

Unit 5 : Finite word length Binary fixed point and floating point number representations Comparison Quantization
effects noise truncation and rounding quantization noise power- input quantization
Target Hours: 10 error- coefficient quantization error limit cycle oscillations-dead band- Overflow error-
signal scaling.
Books Referred:
T1:DSP Principles, Algorithms and Applications,3rd Edition,2000.(TB 1)
John G.Proakis, Dimtris G.Manolakis.
T6: Ramesh Babu, Digital Signal Processing, Scitech, Fourth Edition
S.NO Planned Hour Topics to be covered Page No./Ref. Mode of Actual
date Required Book teaching(BB/L date of
CD/Edusat/OH completi
P) on
1 1 Binary Fixed Point and Floating Point T6(7.2-7.8 ) BB
Number Representations
2. 1 T6( 7.8) BB
Comparison of Representations
3. 2 T6( 7.10-7.14) BB
Quantization Noise- Truncation and
4. 2 T6( 7.15-7.29) BB
Input and Product Quantization Error
5 2 T6( 7.29-7.31) BB
Coefficient Quantization Error
6 1 Limit Cycle Oscillations-Dead Band T6( 7.30-7.33) BB
7 1 Overflow Error and Signal Scaling T6( 7.34-7.37) BB

Faculty In Charge HOD

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