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Coffe vs tea



Essay writing

Oleh :
NIM 0142.S1C.014002


TAHUN 2016

On the 8th of October 2016 its precise Thursday me and two of my friends will make the
climb to the highest peak on the island of Java in the city is Mount Semeru unfortunate that according
to the climbers have a myriad of beauty,
This plan has long we want, and finally in October can only be done precisely 8 October on
Tuesday, we departed from Bogor approximately 10:00 noon, because we get a train ticket from the
station ps, senen towards MALANG departing at 14.00 and hour 13:00 we finally arrived at the
station senen and just waiting for the departure of the train to Malang, after such a long wait finally
came to the train which was going to Malang and we rushed the train ride,
at 14:00 train finally departed, which requires a distance of about 24 hours, while traveling in the
train I just felt too late and saturated because during the journey there is a ban not to smoke on the
train, it is a rule that is very frustrating for us because we are smoker,
07.00 AM we thank God we arrived in Malang after tiring journey in the train, after arriving at our
unfortunate scurrying for freight cars to the market TUMPAANG, market TUMPAANG it was the
first place or bascame for mountaineers semeru.setelah arrived at TUMPAANG, we a short break to
relieve fatigue and also to check our gear and supplies us to make the climb to Mount semeru, after
checking was finished I went straight to the jeep which I will use to drive me to the place of
registration or taking care SIMAKSI (license hike) is Ranupane ,

At 11:30 we finally arrived in Ranupane and me straight to the registration to fill simaksi,
Once we get SIMAKSI we shared another climber directed towards the briefing room to follow the
direction given by a ranger mountain semeru and we are asked to always abide by the rules No and
that participate in protecting nature Indonesia such as not littering and trash should be brought home
back to bascame, after the notification is completed eventually traveling mountaineering semeru was
at the start, but we were surprised by the crowds team Basarnas who was carrying a corpse in front of
us, it turns out that the victim died from hypothermia, hypothermia is one disease that is feared by
climbers because hypothermia is cold symptoms extraordinary that could make our bodies can not
feel anything but cold.
saw the incident I thought not to continue this journey, because I was afraid of hypothermia also
attack us, but after conferring with the 2 of my friends finally we decided to continue this journey, we

went off the post Ranupane 14.00 towards Ranu Kumbolo, to reach Ranu Kumbolo mileage requires

approximately 6-7 hours by foot, a short distance away and certainly drain a lot of power because the
after a very long journey we finally arrived at the place a dream of the climbers that lake Ranu
Kumbolo, according to many Ranu Kumbolo is a paradise of its mountain semeru because there are
beauty is very amazing. After resting a full day, the next day we are getting ready to move on, because
to reach the top semeru we still have to pass through several posts including oro oro ombo, Cemoro
kandaang, and post kalii matii, in the post kalii matii it was the one we will set up a tent back because
in a post that was where the establishment tents are the last before walking towards Mahameru, the
journey to Mahameru notoriously extream and very difficult because track its sand and a really uphill,
almost 90 degrees altitude climbs her apart from the weather extream, and coldness remarkable makes
most climbers fail to reach the top Mahameru

after arriving in KALIMATI precisely 16.00 we immediately set up a tent to go back and live
cooking because hungry after long runs, after all finished we immediately rest and sleep because we
had to get up at 2:00 to continue the journey to the summit, why should at 02.00? because it already
rules in a national park bromo Tengger semeru 02.00 was the right time to walk to the summit

Mahameru, towards the highest peak on the island of Java it takes approximately 4-5 hours in normal
time and should be in good health and strong by it because we slept on evening so that body condition
we are really strong in order to reach the top Mahameru

which is owned nature Indonesia creation of Allah, the lord of the universe, at Ranu Kumbolo also the
one we set up a tent for a break here because it is the one where the climbers set up a tent to rest
before continuing onward journey, in Ranu Kumbolo also there is a ramp myth became climbs highly
preferred by the climbers, climbs it called "ramp LOVE", myth ditanjakan this if we think of the
woman we love here then the woman will be able to be ours but that's just a myth not necessarily also
its correctness.

promptly at 2:00 we woke up after that cook rice for breakfast so that the stomach is not
empty and that added power, after breakfast we get ready to walk to the summit, after praying we
went straight to the top, the trip to the summit starts with a track which is really difficult and the
weather cold very remarkable, in the way one of my friends had almost given up and was not able to
continue the journey but with spirit and determination she decided to proceed because Mahameru is in
sight, and thank God we can finally reach the highest peak in the island of Java, after samp [ai at the
top with a sense of joy and pride that is so incredible I had tears in their eyes because the taste was
dreaming can stand upright on the highest peak on the island of Java was "beautiful creations you
have ya Allah, we will always watch wants to remain beautiful forever "" the favor of god you which
one you deny "is how the words we could say, but his affection we can not air there because let's take
a picture put out my hand on the jacket was I could not because coldness outstanding, after which we
were soon fast fast to go down again from the peak because are no longer able to withstand the cold
and fear of developing hypothermia that could endanger the lives of us all, we immediately fall back
to where we set up a tent, namely Kalimati,

after arriving at our KALIMATI short break and immediately clean up the back of the luggage to
immediately return to the post Ranupane or bascame,
and 08.00 on Friday we ended up walking towards Ranupane with state fairly tired because already
running from the top, after a long and very tiring we finally arrived in the post Ranupane at 14:45

with a very weak physical condition, after up we struck back with a crowd Basarnas team who are
evacuating casualties are reportedly the victim was killed by hypothermia hypothermia,,, it really
becomes very feared and hated by the climbers,, but I am thankful because we are still protected by
Allah and does not happen any harm to us during our mountain climbing semeru, Our trip this time
really give us a lot of lessons and made us to always give thanks for all things, and our trip was also
the one that we think is the scariest for hiking, because only in semeru the one we see directly the
victims died from hypothermia

When she was just a girl

She espected the world

But if flew away from her reach so

She ran away from her sleep

And dreamed of


Para-para, para-para paradise

Every time she closed her eyes

When she was just a girl

She espected the world

But if flew away from her reach so

And the bullets catch in her teeth

Life goes on , it get so heavy

The wheel breaks the butterfly

Every tear waterfall

In the night the stormy night shell close her eyes

In the night the stormy night away shed fly

And dreams of




*Song by coldplay

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