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Nortel CDMA BSC and EBSC

Operational Measurements
Release: NBSS 16.0
Document Revision: 03.11

Nortel CDMA BSC and EBSC
Release: NBSS 16.0
Publication: NN20000-255
Document status: Standard
Document release date: 17 October 2008

Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks

All Rights Reserved.

Printed in Canada and the United States of America

While the information in this document is believed to be accurate and reliable, except as otherwise expressly
ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. The information and/or products described in this document are
subject to change without notice.

Nortel, the Nortel logo, the Globemark, and Unified Networks are trademarks of Nortel Networks.

All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.


New in this release 29
Features 29
Other changes 29
Document revision history 29
Document revision 03.11 29
Document revision 03.10 29
Document revision 03.09 31
Document revision 03.08 31

Introduction 33
OM description job aids 35
OM description job aids 35
Output File Prefixes 41

Operational measurements reference 43

FW BCM OM group (ID 1) 43
SoftHandoff OM (ID 1) 43
CallingNumberDuringTermination OM (ID 2) 43
FlashMessage OM (ID 3) 44
LAUInitiatedRelease OM (ID 4) 44
LandRelease OM (ID 5) 44
RMServiceResourceNAK OM (ID 6) 44
RMSRMTimeOut OM (ID 7) 45
RMNoAvailableResources OM (ID 8) 45
RMUnsupportedServiceOption OM (ID 9) 45
MCTACDABlocked OM (ID 10) 46
FW BCM EBID OM group (ID 2) 46
PageResponse OM (ID 1) 46
TerminationSuccess OM (ID 2) 47
TerminationBlocked OM (ID 3) 47
TerminationReleased OM (ID 4) 47
OriginationAttempts OM (ID 5) 48
OriginationSuccess OM (ID 6) 48
OriginationBlocked OM (ID 7) 48

Nortel CDMA BSC and EBSC

Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks


OriginationReorder OM (ID 8) 48
OriginationReleased OM (ID 9) 49
RadioLinkSetupError OM (ID 10) 49
TCEUnavailable OM (ID 11) 49
WalshCodeUnavailable OM (ID 12) 50
ForwardCapacityFull OM (ID 13) 50
ReverseCapacityFull OM (ID 14) 50
CallDropLossOfTraffic OM (ID 15) 50
FailedCallSoftwareTimeout OM (ID 16) 51
RadioLinkFailNoTrafficChannel OM (ID 17) 51
CallDropRadioRelated OM (ID 18) 51
CallDropNetworkRelated OM (ID 19) 52
MCTABTSFailure OM (ID 20) 52
RadioResourceAllocated OM (ID 21) 53
MCTACDAFailureAllTimedOut OM (ID 22) 53
MCTACDAFailureAllFull OM (ID 23) 53
MCTACDAFailureMixed OM (ID 24) 54
V5.2 Link Layer 2 OM group (ID 3) 54
EFBytesReceived OM (ID 1) 54
EFFramesReceived OM (ID 2) 55
EFFramesAborted OM (ID 3) 55
EFFramesBadFCS OM (ID 4) 55
EFFramesTooShort OM (ID 5) 56
EFFramesTooLong OM (ID 6) 56
V5.2 Interface Layer 3 OM group (ID 4) 56
BCCSuccessfulAllocations OM (ID 1) 57
BCCAllocationRejects OM (ID 2) 57
BCCSuccessfulDeallocations OM (ID 3) 57
BCCDeallocationRejects OM (ID 4) 58
PortUsage OM (ID 5) 58
BCCProtocolTimeOutErrors OM (ID 6) 58
BCCProtocolSyntaxErrors OM (ID 7) 58
CommonControlProtocolTimeOutErrors OM (ID 8) 59
CommonControlProtocolLayer3AddressErrors OM (ID 9) 59
CommonControlProtocolSyntaxErrors OM (ID 10) 59
PortControlProtocolTimeOutErrors OM (ID 11) 59
PortControlProtocolLayer3AddressErrors OM (ID 12) 60
PortControlProtocolSyntaxErrors OM (ID 13) 60
ProtectionProtocolTimeOutErrors OM (ID 14) 60
ProtectionProtocolSyntaxErrors OM (ID 15) 60
PSTNProtocolTimeOutErrors OM (ID 16) 60
PSTNProtocolLayer3AddressErrors OM (ID 17) 61
PSTNProtocolSyntaxErrors OM (ID 18) 61
FW CSD OM group (ID 5) 61

Nortel CDMA BSC and EBSC

Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks


DataCallOriginationAttempt OM (ID 1) 61
DataCallOriginationCompleted OM (ID 2) 62
DataCallTerminationAttempt OM (ID 3) 62
DataCallTerminationCompleted OM (ID 4) 62
DataCallAbnormalRelease OM (ID 5) 62
DataCallMITRequest OM (ID 6) 63
DataCallMITAcknowledge OM (ID 7) 63
DataCallServNegTarget OM (ID 8) 63
FW PAM OM group (ID 6) 63
PageRequests OM (ID 1) 64
PageTimeOut OM (ID 2) 64
Originations OM (ID 3) 64
Registrations OM (ID 4) 65
UnexpectedPageResponse OM (ID 5) 65
OrigSubscriberUnavailable OM (ID 6) 65
TermSubscriberUnavailable OM (ID 7) 65
OrigSubscriberMobilityRestricted OM (ID 8) 66
TermSubscriberMobilityRestricted OM (ID 9) 66
OrigValidationFailed OM (ID 10) 66
TermValidationFailed OM (ID 11) 67
Rsptopage1 OM (ID 12) 67
Rsptopage2 OM (ID 13) 67
Service Negotiation OM group (ID 7) 67
ServNegSourceAttempts OM (ID 1) 68
ServNegSourceFailures OM (ID 2) 68
ServNegSourceSuccess OM (ID 3) 68
ServNegSourceAbandoned OM (ID 4) 69
ServNegTargetAttempts OM (ID 5) 69
ServNegTargetFailures OM (ID 6) 69
ServNegTargetSuccess OM (ID 7) 69
ServNegTargetAbandoned OM (ID 8) 70
RLP Setup OM group (ID 8) 70
RLPSetupAttempts OM (ID 1) 70
RLPSetupSuccesses OM (ID 2) 71
RLPSetupFailures OM (ID 3) 71
SCH Burst Setup OM group (ID 9) 71
FwdBurstSetupAttempts OM (ID 1) 71
FwdBurstSetupSuccesses OM (ID 2) 72
FwdBurstSetupFailures OM (ID 3) 72
RevBurstSetupAttempts OM (ID 4) 72
RevBurstSetupSuccesses OM (ID 5) 73
RevBurstSetupFailures OM (ID 6) 73
FwdBurstBSC_Downgrade OM (ID 7) 73
FwdBurstBSC_NonDowngrade OM (ID 8) 74

Nortel CDMA BSC and EBSC

Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks


FwdBurstDelayIndex_1 OM (ID 9) 74
FwdBurstDelayIndex_2 OM (ID 10) 74
FwdBurstDelayIndex_3 OM (ID 11) 74
RevBurstBSC_Downgrade OM (ID 12) 75
RevBurstBSC_NonDowngrade OM (ID 13) 75
RevBurstDelayIndex_1 OM (ID 14) 75
RevBurstDelayIndex_2 OM (ID 15) 76
RevBurstDelayIndex_3 OM (ID 16) 76
FwdBurstSetupAttempts_2X OM (ID 17) 76
FwdBurstSetupAttempts_4X OM (ID 18) 77
FwdBurstSetupAttempts_8X OM (ID 19) 77
FwdBurstSetupAttempts_16X OM (ID 20) 77
FwdBurstSetupSuccesses_2X OM (ID 21) 78
FwdBurstSetupSuccesses_4X OM (ID 22) 78
FwdBurstSetupSuccesses_8X OM (ID 23) 79
FwdBurstSetupSuccesses_16X OM (ID 24) 79
FwdBurstSetupFailures_2X OM (ID 25) 80
FwdBurstSetupFailures_4X OM (ID 26) 80
FwdBurstSetupFailures_8X OM (ID 27) 80
FwdBurstSetupFailures_16X OM (ID 28) 81
RevBurstSetupAttempts_2X OM (ID 29) 81
RevBurstSetupAttempts_4X OM (ID 30) 82
RevBurstSetupAttempts_8X OM (ID 31) 82
RevBurstSetupAttempts_16X OM (ID 32) 82
RevBurstSetupSuccesses_2X OM (ID 33) 83
RevBurstSetupSuccesses_4X OM (ID 34) 83
RevBurstSetupSuccesses_8X OM (ID 35) 84
RevBurstSetupSuccesses_16X OM (ID 36) 84
RevBurstSetupFailures_2X OM (ID 37) 84
RevBurstSetupFailures_4X OM (ID 38) 85
RevBurstSetupFailures_8X OM (ID 39) 85
RevBurstSetupFailures_16X OM (ID 40) 86
FwdBurstDowngrade_4X_To_2X OM (ID 41) 86
FwdBurstDowngrade_8X_To_2X OM (ID 42) 86
FwdBurstDowngrade_8X_To_4X OM (ID 43) 87
FwdBurstDowngrade_16X_To_2X OM (ID 44) 87
FwdBurstDowngrade_16X_To_4X OM (ID 45) 87
FwdBurstDowngrade_16X_To_8X OM (ID 46) 88
FwdBurstNonDowngrade_2X OM (ID 47) 88
FwdBurstNonDowngrade_4X OM (ID 48) 88
FwdBurstNonDowngrade_8X OM (ID 49) 89
FwdBurstNonDowngrade_16X OM (ID 50) 89
RevBurstDowngrade_4X_To_2X OM (ID 51) 89
RevBurstDowngrade_8X_To_2X OM (ID 52) 89

Nortel CDMA BSC and EBSC

Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks


RevBurstDowngrade_8X_To_4X OM (ID 53) 90

RevBurstDowngrade_16X_To_2X OM (ID 54) 90
RevBurstDowngrade_16X_To_4X OM (ID 55) 90
RevBurstDowngrade_16X_To_8X OM (ID 56) 91
RevBurstNonDowngrade_2X OM (ID 57) 91
RevBurstNonDowngrade_4X OM (ID 58) 91
RevBurstNonDowngrade_8X OM (ID 59) 91
RevBurstNonDowngrade_16X OM (ID 60) 92
FwdBurstUpgradeAttempts_2X_To_4X OM (ID 61) 92
FwdBurstUpgradeAttempts_2X_To_8X OM (ID 62) 92
FwdBurstUpgradeAttempts_2X_To_16X OM (ID 63) 93
FwdBurstUpgradeAttempts_4X_To_8X OM (ID 64) 93
FwdBurstUpgradeAttempts_4X_To_16X OM (ID 65) 93
FwdBurstUpgradeAttempts_8X_To_16X OM (ID 66) 93
FwdBurstUpgradeSuccesses_2X_To_4X OM (ID 67) 94
FwdBurstUpgradeSuccesses_2X_To_8X OM (ID 68) 94
FwdBurstUpgradeSuccesses_2X_To_16X OM (ID 69) 94
FwdBurstUpgradeSuccesses_4X_To_8X OM (ID 70) 95
FwdBurstUpgradeSuccesses_4X_To_16X OM (ID 71) 95
FwdBurstUpgradeSuccesses_8X_To_16X OM (ID 72) 95
FwdBurstUpgradeFailures_2X_To_4X OM (ID 73) 96
FwdBurstUpgradeFailures_2X_To_8X OM (ID 74) 96
FwdBurstUpgradeFailures_2X_To_16X OM (ID 75) 97
FwdBurstUpgradeFailures_4X_To_8X OM (ID 76) 97
FwdBurstUpgradeFailures_4X_To_16X OM (ID 77) 98
FwdBurstUpgradeFailures_8X_To_16X OM (ID 78) 99
FwdBurstBSC_DowngradeChange OM (ID 79) 99
FwdBurstBSC_NonDowngradeChange OM (ID 80) 99
FwdBurstDowngradeChange_8X_To_4X OM (ID 81) 100
FwdBurstDowngradeChange_16X_To_4X OM (ID 82) 100
FwdBurstDowngradeChange_16X_To_8X OM (ID 83) 100
FwdBurstNonDowngradeChange_4X OM (ID 84) 101
FwdBurstNonDowngradeChange_8X OM (ID 85) 101
FwdBurstNonDowngradeChange_16X OM (ID 86) 101
SCH Primary Radio Link Setup OM group (ID 10) 102
FSCHLinkSetupAttempt OM (ID 1) 102
FSCHLinkSetupBlock OM (ID 2) 102
FSCHLinkDowngrade OM (ID 3) 103
FSCHLinkSetupSuccess OM (ID 4) 103
FSCHRadioLinkAccessFailure OM (ID 5) 103
FSCHNoFwdPower OM (ID 6) 103
FSCHNoWalshCode OM (ID 7) 104
FSCHNoPhysRes OM (ID 8) 104
FSCHNoFrameOffset OM (ID 9) 104

Nortel CDMA BSC and EBSC

Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks


FSCHTimeout OM (ID 10) 104

FSCH_CFDS_RadioConfig OM (ID 11) 105
RSCHLinkSetupAttempt OM (ID 12) 105
RSCHLinkSetupBlock OM (ID 13) 105
RSCHLinkDowngrade OM (ID 14) 105
RSCHLinkSetupSuccess OM (ID 15) 106
RSCHRadioLinkAccessFailure OM (ID 16) 106
RSCH_CFDS_RadioConfig OM (ID 17) 106
RSCH_CFDS_HighSpeed OM (ID 18) 106
RSCHNoPhysRes OM (ID 19) 107
RSCHNoFrameOffset OM (ID 20) 107
RSCHTimeout OM (ID 21) 107
SCHDrop OM (ID 22) 107
FSCHLinkSetupAttempts_2X OM (ID 23) 108
FSCHLinkSetupAttempts_4X OM (ID 24) 108
FSCHLinkSetupAttempts_8X OM (ID 25) 108
FSCHLinkSetupAttempts_16X OM (ID 26) 108
FSCHLinkSetupBlock_2X OM (ID 27) 109
FSCHLinkSetupBlock_4X OM (ID 28) 109
FSCHLinkSetupBlock_8X OM (ID 29) 109
FSCHLinkSetupBlock_16X OM (ID 30) 110
FSCHLinkSetupSuccess_2X OM (ID 31) 110
FSCHLinkSetupSuccess_4X OM (ID 32) 110
FSCHLinkSetupSuccess_8X OM (ID 33) 110
FSCHLinkSetupSuccess_16X OM (ID 34) 111
FSCHRadioLinkAccessFailure_2X OM (ID 35) 111
FSCHRadioLinkAccessFailure_4X OM (ID 36) 111
FSCHRadioLinkAccessFailure_8X OM (ID 37) 111
FSCHRadioLinkAccessFailure_16X OM (ID 38) 112
RSCHLinkSetupAttempts_2X OM (ID 39) 112
RSCHLinkSetupAttempts_4X OM (ID 40) 112
RSCHLinkSetupAttempts_8X OM (ID 41) 113
RSCHLinkSetupAttempts_16X OM (ID 42) 113
RSCHLinkSetupBlock_2X OM (ID 43) 113
RSCHLinkSetupBlock_4X OM (ID 44) 113
RSCHLinkSetupBlock_8X OM (ID 45) 114
RSCHLinkSetupBlock_16X OM (ID 46) 114
RSCHLinkSetupSuccess_2X OM (ID 47) 114
RSCHLinkSetupSuccess_4X OM (ID 48) 115
RSCHLinkSetupSuccess_8X OM (ID 49) 115
RSCHLinkSetupSuccess_16X OM (ID 50) 115
RSCHRadioLinkAccessFailure_2X OM (ID 51) 115
RSCHRadioLinkAccessFailure_4X OM (ID 52) 116
RSCHRadioLinkAccessFailure_8X OM (ID 53) 116

Nortel CDMA BSC and EBSC

Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks


RSCHRadioLinkAccessFailure_16X OM (ID 54) 116

SCHDrop_2X OM (ID 55) 116
SCHDrop_4X OM (ID 56) 117
SCHDrop_8X OM (ID 57) 117
SCHDrop_16X OM (ID 58) 117
FSCHLinkSetupAttempts_Change_4X OM (ID 59) 118
FSCHLinkSetupAttempts_Change_8X OM (ID 60) 118
FSCHLinkSetupAttempts_Change_16X OM (ID 61) 118
FSCHBackHaulExhaustion OM (ID 62) 119
FSCHBCNLinkExhaustion OM (ID 63) 119
FSCHAcnIdExhaustion OM (ID 64) 119
FSCHDowngradePowerReqChange_4X_To_2X OM (ID 65) 119
FSCHDowngradePowerReqChange_8X_To_2X OM (ID 66) 120
FSCHDowngradePowerReqChange_8X_To_4X OM (ID 67) 120
FSCHDowngradePowerReqChange_16X_To_2X OM (ID 68) 120
FSCHDowngradePowerReqChange_16X_To_4X OM (ID 69) 121
FSCHDowngradePowerReqChange_16X_To_8X OM (ID 70) 121
FSCHLinkSetupBlockSW_Error OM (ID 71) 121
RSCHLinkSetupBlockSW_Error OM (ID 72) 122
RLP Data Throughput OM group (ID 11) 122
FFCH_PhysicalFrames OM (ID 1) 122
FSCH_PhysicalFrames_2X OM (ID 2) 123
FSCH_PhysicalFrames_4X OM (ID 3) 123
FSCH_PhysicalFrames_8X OM (ID 4) 123
FSCH_PhysicalFrames_16X OM (ID 5) 123
FFCH_RLP_DataBytes OM (ID 6) 124
FSCH_RLP_DataBytes_2X OM (ID 7) 124
FSCH_RLP_DataBytes_4X OM (ID 8) 124
FSCH_RLP_DataBytes_8X OM (ID 9) 125
FSCH_RLP_DataBytes_16X OM (ID 10) 125
FFCH_ReTxRLP_DataBytes OM (ID 11) 125
FSCH_ReTxRLP_DataBytes_2X OM (ID 12) 125
FSCH_ReTxRLP_DataBytes_4X OM (ID 13) 126
FSCH_ReTxRLP_DataBytes_8X OM (ID 14) 126
FSCH_ReTxRLP_DataBytes_16X OM (ID 15) 126
FFCH_RLP_Frames OM (ID 16) 127
FSCH_RLP_Frames_2X OM (ID 17) 127
FSCH_RLP_Frames_4X OM (ID 18) 127
FSCH_RLP_Frames_8X OM (ID 19) 127
FSCH_RLP_Frames_16X OM (ID 20) 128
RFCH_PhysicalFrames OM (ID 21) 128
RSCH_PhysicalFrames_2X OM (ID 22) 128
RSCH_PhysicalFrames_4X OM (ID 23) 129
RSCH_PhysicalFrames_8X OM (ID 24) 129

Nortel CDMA BSC and EBSC

Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks


RSCH_PhysicalFrames_16X OM (ID 25) 129

RFCH_RLP_DataBytes OM (ID 26) 129
RSCH_RLP_DataBytes_2X OM (ID 27) 130
RSCH_RLP_DataBytes_4X OM (ID 28) 130
RSCH_RLP_DataBytes_8X OM (ID 29) 130
RSCH_RLP_DataBytes_16X OM (ID 30) 131
RFCH_ReTxRLP_DataBytes OM (ID 31) 131
RSCH_ReTxRLP_DataBytes_2X OM (ID 32) 131
RSCH_ReTxRLP_DataBytes_4X OM (ID 33) 132
RSCH_ReTxRLP_DataBytes_8X OM (ID 34) 132
RSCH_ReTxRLP_DataBytes_16X OM (ID 35) 132
RFCH_RLP_Frames OM (ID 36) 133
RSCH_RLP_Frames_2X OM (ID 37) 133
RSCH_RLP_Frames_4X OM (ID 38) 133
RSCH_RLP_Frames_8X OM (ID 39) 133
RSCH_RLP_Frames_16X OM (ID 40) 134
FFCH_RLP_OverheadFrames OM (ID 41) 134
FFCH_RLP_ZeroPayloadFrames OM (ID 42) 134
RFCH_RLP_OverheadFrames OM (ID 43) 135
RFCH_RLP_ZeroPayloadFrames OM (ID 44) 135
Packet Session Signaling OM group (ID 12) 135
TotalSessionSetupInitialAttempts OM (ID 1) 135
TotalSessionSetupReconnectAttempts OM (ID 2) 136
TotalSessionSetupSuccess OM (ID 3) 136
TotalSessionSetupFailures OM (ID 4) 136
TotalInitialRPSessionSetupFailures OM (ID 5) 137
TotalRPSessionHandoffFailures OM (ID 6) 137
TotalReleasesBeforeInitialSessionSetup OM (ID 7) 137
TotalReleasesBeforeHandoffSessionSetup OM (ID 8) 137
EnteredActiveSessionTransitionThrottleMode OM (ID 9) 138
EnteredNullSessionTransitionThrottleMode OM (ID 10) 138
ActiveSessionTransitionsQueued OM (ID 11) 138
NullSessionTransitionsQueued OM (ID 12) 139
ExitedActiveSessionTransitionThrottleMode OM (ID 13) 139
ExitedNullSessionTransitionThrottleMode OM (ID 14) 139
DormantToActiveIndDroppedDueToFullTxWindow OM (ID 15) 139
DormantReleaseIndDroppedDueToFullTxWindow OM (ID 16) 140
EnteredSessionTransitionTypeOneThrottleMode OM (ID 17) 140
EnteredSessionTransitionTypeTwoThrottleMode OM (ID 18) 140
SessionTransitionsTypeOneQueued OM (ID 19) 140
SessionTransitionsTypeTwoQueued OM (ID 20) 141
ExitedSessionTransitionTypeOneThrottleMode OM (ID 21) 141
ExitedSessionTransitionTypeTwoThrottleMode OM (ID 22) 141
RP_DormantSessionDeletions OM (ID 23) 141

Nortel CDMA BSC and EBSC

Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks


Packet Session Data OM group (ID 13) 142

TotalFwdPacketsDropped OM (ID 1) 142
TotalRevPacketsDropped OM (ID 2) 142
DCRBufferOverflows OM (ID 3) 143
DCRNumOfStopTransmitMsgsSent OM (ID 4) 143
RRBufferOverflows OM (ID 5) 143
PeakNumberOfAttachedDormantUsers OM (ID 6) 143
AttachedActiveUsers OM (ID 7) 144
PeakNumberOfAttachedActiveUsers OM (ID 8) 144
AttachedDormantUsers OM (ID 9) 144
NumberOfDormantCallsGoingActive OM (ID 10) 145
EnteredSessionTransitionThrottleMode OM (ID 11) 145
SessionTransitionsQueued OM (ID 12) 145
ExitedSessionTransitionThrottleMode OM (ID 13) 146
TotalDormantBufferLimitOverflows OM (ID 14) 146
TotalActiveSessionSeconds OM (ID 15) 146
TotalDormantSessionSeconds OM (ID 16) 146
RP Session L2TP OM group (ID 14) 147
ReliablePacketSentSuccess OM (ID 1) 147
ReliablePacketReTransmitted OM (ID 2) 147
ReliablePacketReceived OM (ID 3) 148
NumberOfTunnelFailures OM (ID 4) 148
TotalUnreliableBytesTransmitted OM (ID 5) 148
TotalUnreliableBytesReceived OM (ID 6) 149
TunnelSetupFailuresReasonUnexpected OM (ID 7) 149
TunnelSetupFailuresReasonReserved OM (ID 8) 149
TunnelSetupFailuresReasonVendorError OM (ID 9) 150
TunnelSetupFailuresReasonBadProtocolVersion OM (ID 10) 150
TunnelSetupFailuresReasonRequesterShutdown OM (ID 11) 150
TunnelSetupFailuresReasonSystemOverload OM (ID 12) 150
RP_SessionSetupAttempts OM (ID 13) 151
RP_SessionSetupSuccesses OM (ID 14) 151
RP_SessionSetupRejectReasonGenErr OM (ID 15) 151
RP_SessionSetupRejectReasonNoCarrier OM (ID 16) 151
RP_SessionSetupRejectReasonAdminReason OM (ID 17) 152
RP_SessionSetupRejectReasonNoTempRsrcs OM (ID 18) 152
RP_SessionSetupRejectReasonNoPermRsrcs OM (ID 19) 152
RP_SessionSetupRejectReasonSysOverload OM (ID 20) 153
RP_SessionSetupRejectReasonOther OM (ID 21) 153
RP_SessionSetupRejectReasonNoPDSNRsp OM (ID 22) 153
BCN Socket Layer OM group (ID 15) 153
SL_STLA_UnknownDestinationMsg OM (ID 1) 154
SL_STLB_UnknownDestinationMsg OM (ID 2) 154
SL_STLD_UnknownDestinationMsg OM (ID 3) 154

Nortel CDMA BSC and EBSC

Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks


SL_MaxLargeStreamBufferUsed OM (ID 4) 155

SL_MaxMediumStreamBufferUsed OM (ID 5) 155
SL_MaxSmallStreamBufferUsed OM (ID 6) 155
SL_StreamBufferAllocSuccess OM (ID 7) 155
SL_StreamBufferAllocFailure OM (ID 8) 155
BCN STLA Transport Layer OM group (ID 16) 156
STLA_ReliableTxMsg OM (ID 1) 156
STLA_ReliableRxMsg OM (ID 2) 156
STLA_BestEffortTxMsg OM (ID 3) 157
STLA_BestEffortRxMsg OM (ID 4) 157
STLA_OpenTxConnection OM (ID 5) 157
STLA_OpenRxConnection OM (ID 6) 157
STLA_RefusedRxConnection OM (ID 7) 157
STLA_RefusedTxConnection OM (ID 8) 158
STLA_MaxTxSmallBuffer OM (ID 9) 158
STLA_MaxTxMediumBuffer OM (ID 10) 158
STLA_MaxTxLargeBuffer OM (ID 11) 158
STLA_OutOfTxBuffer OM (ID 12) 159
STLA_OutOfRxFrameBuffer OM (ID 13) 159
STLA_MaxRxBuffer OM (ID 14) 159
STLA_OutOfWindowMsg OM (ID 15) 159
STLA_ReliableReassemblyTimeout OM (ID 16) 160
STLA_BestEffortReassemblyTimeout OM (ID 17) 160
STLA_ReliableRetransmittedMsg OM (ID 18) 160
STLA_ReliableAckWaitTimeout OM (ID 19) 160
STLA_FailedMsgCRC OM (ID 20) 161
STLA_ConnectionFault OM (ID 21) 161
STLA_ConnectionFailed OM (ID 22) 161
STLA_ConnectionFailedDueToMaxFaults OM (ID 23) 161
STLA_ConnectionFailedDueToMaxTxAttempts OM (ID 24) 162
STLA_OutOfWindowMsgDueToReducedWS OM (ID 25) 162
STLA_OutOfWindowMsgDueToMaxWS OM (ID 26) 162
STLA_OutOfWindowMsgDueToZeroWS OM (ID 27) 162
STLA_TxWindowReduced OM (ID 28) 163
STLA_TxWindowShut OM (ID 29) 163
STLA_ProtocolRevisionError OM (ID 30) 163
STLA_MaxRxQueue OM (ID 31) 163
STLA_MaxTxQueue OM (ID 32) 164
STLA_MaxOpenRxConnection OM (ID 33) 164
STLA_MaxOpenTxConnection OM (ID 34) 164
BCN STLD Transport Layer OM group (ID 17) 164
STLD_BestEffortTxMsg OM (ID 1) 164
STLD_BestEffortRxMsg OM (ID 2) 165
STLD_MaxTxSmallBuffer OM (ID 3) 165

Nortel CDMA BSC and EBSC

Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks


STLD_MaxTxMediumBuffer OM (ID 4) 165

STLD_MaxTxLargeBuffer OM (ID 5) 165
STLD_OutOfTxBuffer OM (ID 6) 166
STLD_MaxTxBufferWithoutCopy OM (ID 7) 166
STLD_OutOfTxBufferWithoutCopy OM (ID 8) 166
STLD_OutOfRxFrameBuffer OM (ID 9) 166
STLD_MaxRxBuffer OM (ID 10) 167
STLD_BestEffortReassemblyTimeout OM (ID 11) 167
STLD_MaxRxQueue OM (ID 12) 167
STLD_MaxTxQueue OM (ID 13) 167
BCN Link Layer OM group (ID 18) 168
LL_InvalidFrameType OM (ID 1) 168
LL_NodeInitFrameTx OM (ID 2) 168
LL_NodeInitFrameRx OM (ID 3) 169
LL_CongestedSignalingFrameTx OM (ID 4) 169
LL_CongestedSignalingFrameRx OM (ID 5) 169
LL_SignalingFrameTx OM (ID 6) 169
LL_SignalingFrameRx OM (ID 7) 169
LL_TrafficFrameTx OM (ID 8) 170
LL_TrafficFrameRx OM (ID 9) 170
LL_DataFrameTx OM (ID 10) 170
LL_DataFrameRx OM (ID 11) 170
CPU Usage OM group (ID 19) 171
CPU_UsageIndex_1 OM (ID 1) 171
CPU_UsageIndex_2 OM (ID 2) 171
CPU_UsageIndex_3 OM (ID 3) 171
CPU_UsageIndex_4 OM (ID 4) 172
CPU_UsageIndex_5 OM (ID 5) 172
CPU_UsageIndex_6 OM (ID 6) 172
CPU_UsageIndex_7 OM (ID 7) 172
CPU_UsageExceededThreshold OM (ID 8) 173
SCH Burst Release OM group (ID 20) 173
FwdBurstBSC_Release_2X OM (ID 1) 173
FwdBurstBSC_Release_4X OM (ID 2) 174
FwdBurstBSC_Release_8X OM (ID 3) 174
FwdBurstBSC_Release_16X OM (ID 4) 174
RevBurstBSC_Release_2X OM (ID 5) 175
RevBurstBSC_Release_4X OM (ID 6) 175
RevBurstBSC_Release_8X OM (ID 7) 175
RevBurstBSC_Release_16X OM (ID 8) 176
FwdBurstBTS_PilotRelease_2X OM (ID 9) 176
FwdBurstBTS_PilotRelease_4X OM (ID 10) 176
FwdBurstBTS_PilotRelease_8X OM (ID 11) 177
FwdBurstBTS_PilotRelease_16X OM (ID 12) 177

Nortel CDMA BSC and EBSC

Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks


RevBurstBTS_PilotRelease_2X OM (ID 13) 177

RevBurstBTS_PilotRelease_4X OM (ID 14) 178
RevBurstBTS_PilotRelease_8X OM (ID 15) 178
RevBurstBTS_PilotRelease_16X OM (ID 16) 178
SCH Radio Link Release OM group (ID 21) 179
FSCH_RequestRetract_2X OM (ID 1) 179
FSCH_RequestRetract_4X OM (ID 2) 179
FSCH_RequestRetract_8X OM (ID 3) 179
FSCH_RequestRetract_16X OM (ID 4) 180
FSCH_BTS_Release_2X OM (ID 5) 180
FSCH_BTS_Release_4X OM (ID 6) 180
FSCH_BTS_Release_8X OM (ID 7) 181
FSCH_BTS_Release_16X OM (ID 8) 181
RSCH_BTS_Release_2X OM (ID 9) 181
RSCH_BTS_Release_4X OM (ID 10) 182
RSCH_BTS_Release_8X OM (ID 11) 182
RSCH_BTS_Release_16X OM (ID 12) 182
FSCH_PilotRelease_2X OM (ID 13) 183
FSCH_PilotRelease_4X OM (ID 14) 183
FSCH_PilotRelease_8X OM (ID 15) 183
FSCH_PilotRelease_16X OM (ID 16) 184
RSCH_PilotRelease_2X OM (ID 17) 184
RSCH_PilotRelease_4X OM (ID 18) 184
RSCH_PilotRelease_8X OM (ID 19) 184
RSCH_PilotRelease_16X OM (ID 20) 185
FSCH_UpgradeRelease_2X_To_4X OM (ID 21) 185
FSCH_UpgradeRelease_2X_To_8X OM (ID 22) 185
FSCH_UpgradeRelease_2X_To_16X OM (ID 23) 186
FSCH_UpgradeRelease_4X_To_8X OM (ID 24) 186
FSCH_UpgradeRelease_4X_To_16X OM (ID 25) 186
FSCH_UpgradeRelease_8X_To_16X OM (ID 26) 187
RP Session Signaling OM group (ID 22) 187
TotalInitialRP_SessionSetupAttempts OM (ID 1) 187
TotalInitialRP_SessionSetupSuccesses OM (ID 2) 188
TotalInitialRP_SessionSetupRejectReasonOther OM (ID 3) 188
TotalInitialRP_SessionSetupRejectReasonIdMismatch OM (ID 4) 188
TotalInitialRP_SessionSetupRejectReasonInsufficientResources OM (ID
5) 188
TotalInitialRP_SessionSetupRejectReasonMobileAuthFailure OM (ID 6) 189
TotalInitialRP_SessionSetupFailuresReasonPDSN_NotResponding OM (ID
7) 189
TotalRP_SessionHandoffAttempts OM (ID 8) 189
TotalRP_SessionHandoffSuccesses OM (ID 9) 190
TotalRP_SessionHandoffRejectReasonOther OM (ID 10) 190

Nortel CDMA BSC and EBSC

Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks


TotalRP_SessionHandoffRejectReasonIdMismatch OM (ID 11) 190

TotalRP_SessionHandoffRejectReasonInsufficientResources OM (ID 12) 190
TotalRP_SessionHandoffRejectReasonMobileAuthFailure OM (ID 13) 191
TotalRP_SessionHandoffFailuresReasonPDSN_NotResponding OM (ID
14) 191
PCU_InitiatedSessionReleasePacketSessionDisconnect OM (ID 16) 191
PCU_InitiatedSessionReleasePacketSessionDrop OM (ID 17) 192
PCU_InitiatedSessionReleasePDSN_Reject OM (ID 20) 192
PCU_InitiatedSessionReleaseOther OM (ID 21) 192
TotalRegistrationRequestMsgSent OM (ID 22) 192
TotalRegistrationRequestRetries OM (ID 23) 193
TotalRegistrationRequestRejectReasonOther OM (ID 24) 193
TotalRegistrationRequestRejectReasonIdMismatch OM (ID 25) 193
TotalRegistrationRequestRejectReasonInsufficientResources OM (ID 26) 194
TotalRegistrationRequestRejectReasonMobileAuthFailure OM (ID 27) 194
TotalRegistrationRequestRejectReasonPDSN_NotResponding OM (ID
28) 194
TotalSignalingMsgReceived OM (ID 29) 195
TotalRegistrationReplyDiscardReasonAuthFail OM (ID 30) 195
TotalRegistrationUpdateDiscardReasonAuthFail OM (ID 31) 195
RP Session Data OM group (ID 23) 196
RPTotalOutofSequencePacketsReceived OM (ID 1) 196
RPTotalUnreliableBytesTransmitted OM (ID 2) 197
RPTotalUnreliableBytesReceived OM (ID 3) 197
PCU Manager OM group (ID 24) 197
DormantToActiveHandoffs OM (ID 1) 197
DormantHandoffRequests OM (ID 2) 198
PCU_AllocRequests OM (ID 3) 198
PCU_AllocFailures OM (ID 4) 198
PCU_AllocSuccessful OM (ID 5) 198
IMSI_TableFull OM (ID 6) 199
PCUM_TotalRSDB_Received OM (ID 7) 199
PCUM_TotalRSDB_Forwarded OM (ID 8) 199
PCUM_TotalRSDB_Dropped OM (ID 9) 199
PCU Overload OM group (ID 25) 199
GRE_DataDiscardMode OM (ID 1) 200
TotalGRE_PacketsDropped OM (ID 2) 200
GRE_ExitDataDiscardMode OM (ID 3) 200
DormantToActiveTransitionsInhibited OM (ID 4) 200
BCN Enhanced Socket Layer OM group (ID 26) 201
ESL_SignalingReliableTxMsg OM (ID 1) 201
ESL_SignalingReliableRxMsg OM (ID 2) 201
ESL_SignalingUnreliableTxMsg OM (ID 3) 201
ESL_SignalingUnreliableRxMsg OM (ID 4) 202

Nortel CDMA BSC and EBSC

Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks


ESL_SignalingConnectionFailure OM (ID 5) 202

ESL_SignalingUnknownDestinationMsg OM (ID 6) 202
ESL_SignalingReliableTxMsgFailure OM (ID 7) 202
ESL_SignalingUnreliableTxMsgFailure OM (ID 8) 203
ESL_SignalingReliableAckWaitTimeout OM (ID 9) 203
ESL_CongestedSignalingReliableTxMsg OM (ID 10) 203
ESL_CongestedSignalingReliableRxMsg OM (ID 11) 203
ESL_CongestedSignalingConnectionFailure OM (ID 12) 204
ESL_CongestedSignalingUnknownDestinationMsg OM (ID 13) 204
ESL_CongestedSignalingTxMsgFailure OM (ID 14) 204
ESL_CongestedSignalingReliableAckWaitTimeout OM (ID 15) 204
ESL_NodeInitTxMsg OM (ID 16) 205
ESL_NodeInitRxMsg OM (ID 17) 205
ESL_NodeInitTxMsgFailure OM (ID 18) 205
ESL_InvalidMsgRx OM (ID 19) 205
RFCH Gating OM group (ID 27) 206
RFCHGatingRequests OM (ID 1) 206
RFCHGatingGrantedRequests OM (ID 2) 206
RFCHGatingDeniedRequests OM (ID 3) 206
RFCHGatingEnabledHandoffs OM (ID 4) 207
RFCHGatingDeactivations OM (ID 5) 207
Reference Sector Frame Count OM group (ID 28) 207
ReferenceSectorFrameCount_FFCH OM (ID 1) 208
ReferenceSectorFrameCount_FSCH OM (ID 2) 208
Reference Sector FER OM group (ID 29) 209
FFCH_BadNonDataFrames OM (ID 1) 209
FFCH_TotalNonDataFrames OM (ID 2) 209
RFCH_BadNonDataFrames OM (ID 3) 210
RFCH_TotalNonDataFrames OM (ID 4) 210
FFCH_BadDataFrames OM (ID 5) 210
FFCH_TotalDataFrames OM (ID 6) 210
RFCH_BadDataFrames OM (ID 7) 211
RFCH_TotalDataFrames OM (ID 8) 211
FSCH_BadFrames_2X OM (ID 9) 211
FSCH_BadFrames_4X OM (ID 10) 211
FSCH_BadFrames_8X OM (ID 11) 212
FSCH_BadFrames_16X OM (ID 12) 212
FSCH_TotalFrames_2X OM (ID 13) 212
FSCH_TotalFrames_4X OM (ID 14) 212
FSCH_TotalFrames_8X OM (ID 15) 213
FSCH_TotalFrames_16X OM (ID 16) 213
RSCH_BadFrames_2X OM (ID 17) 213
RSCH_BadFrames_4X OM (ID 18) 213
RSCH_BadFrames_8X OM (ID 19) 214

Nortel CDMA BSC and EBSC

Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks


RSCH_BadFrames_16X OM (ID 20) 214

RSCH_TotalFrames_2X OM (ID 21) 214
RSCH_TotalFrames_4X OM (ID 22) 214
RSCH_TotalFrames_8X OM (ID 23) 215
RSCH_TotalFrames_16X OM (ID 24) 215
Hard Handoff Trigger OM group (ID 30) 215
RTD_AboveRTDmin OM (ID 1) 216
RTD_DroppedBelowRTDmin OM (ID 2) 216
RTDdelaytimerHHO_Attempts OM (ID 3) 216
RTDdelaytimerHHO_Triggers OM (ID 4) 217
RTDdelaytimerHHO_Blocks OM (ID 5) 217
Pegging Limitation Exceeded OM group (ID 31) 217
ReferenceSectorFrameCountGroupPeggingAttempts OM (ID 1) 218
ReferenceSectorFrameCountGroupPeggingFailures OM (ID 2) 218
FrameErrorRateGroupPeggingAttempts OM (ID 3) 218
FrameErrorRateGroupPeggingFailures OM (ID 4) 219
SCH_PrimaryRadioLinkSetupGroupPeggingAttempts OM (ID 5) 219
SCH_PrimaryRadioLinkSetupGroupPeggingFailures OM (ID 6) 219
SCH_HandoffRadioLinkSetupGroupPeggingAttempts OM (ID 7) 219
SCH_HandoffRadioLinkSetupGroupPeggingFailures OM (ID 8) 219
RLP_DataThroughputGroupPeggingAttempts OM (ID 9) 220
RLP_DataThroughputGroupPeggingFailures OM (ID 10) 220
Call Resource Request Processing OM group (ID 33) 220
AllocationRequestReceived OM (ID 1) 220
AllocationRequestRejectedDueToOverload OM (ID 2) 221
AllocationRequestDenied OM (ID 3) 221
AllocationRequestReceivedWithTrFO2_Suspended OM (ID 4) 221
AllocationResourceUnavailWithTrFO2_Suspended OM (ID 5) 222
AllocationResourceFailuresWithTrFO2_Suspended OM (ID 6) 222
Call Resource Setup OM group (ID 34) 222
AllocationRequestAccepted OM (ID 1) 223
AllocationRequestResourceUnavailable OM (ID 2) 223
AllocationRequestSuccesses OM (ID 3) 223
AllocationRequestFailures OM (ID 4) 224
Service Resource Setup OM group (ID 36) 224
SelectedEBSC_AllocationAttempts OM (ID 1) 225
SelectedEBSC_AllocationSuccesses OM (ID 2) 225
SelectedEBSC_MG_AllocationFailures OM (ID 3) 225
SelectedEBSC_SDU_AllocationFailures OM (ID 4) 225
AlternateEBSC_AllocationAttempts OM (ID 5) 226
AlternateEBSC_AllocationSuccesses OM (ID 6) 226
AlternateEBSC_MG_AllocationFailures OM (ID 7) 226
AlternateEBSC_SDU_AllocationFailures OM (ID 8) 227
SelectedBSC_AllocationAttempts OM (ID 9) 227

Nortel CDMA BSC and EBSC

Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks


SelectedBSC_AllocationSuccesses OM (ID 10) 227

SelectedBSC_AllocationFailures OM (ID 11) 228
AlternateBSC_AllocationAttempts OM (ID 12) 228
AlternateBSC_AllocationSuccesses OM (ID 13) 228
AlternateBSC_AllocationFailures OM (ID 14) 229
ACP Resource Capacity OM group (ID 43) 229
AvailablePhysicalSDU_Capacity OM (ID 1) 229
BSC Resource Setup OM group (ID 45) 230
BSC_AllocationRequestAccepted OM (ID 1) 230
BSC_ResourceUnavailableOnInitialAttempt OM (ID 2) 231
BSC_AllocationInitialAttempts OM (ID 3) 231
BSC_AllocationInitialFailures OM (ID 4) 231
BSC_AllocationInitialTimeouts OM (ID 5) 231
BSC_AllocationInitialSuccesses OM (ID 6) 232
BSC_ResourceUnavailableOnRetryAttempt OM (ID 7) 232
BSC_AllocationRetryAttempts OM (ID 8) 232
BSC_AllocationRetryFailures OM (ID 9) 233
BSC_AllocationRetryTimeouts OM (ID 10) 233
BSC_AllocationRetrySuccesses OM (ID 11) 233
BSC_AllocationInternalFailures OM (ID 12) 233
BSC Resource Request Processing OM group (ID 46) 234
BSC_AllocationRequestReceived OM (ID 1) 234
BSC_AllocationRequestDiscardedDueToOverload OM (ID 2) 234
BSC_AllocationRequestDenied OM (ID 3) 235
Resource Availability Check OM group (ID 47) 235
ResourceCheckAttempts OM (ID 1) 236
ResourceCheckUnavailable OM (ID 2) 236
ResourceCheckAvailable OM (ID 3) 236
Platform Selection OM group (ID 48) 236
SelectionAttemptsOnPrimaryPlatform OM (ID 1) 237
SelectionSuccessOnPrimaryPlatform OM (ID 2) 237
SelectionAttemptsOnSecondaryPlatform OM (ID 3) 238
SelectionSuccessOnSecondaryPlatform OM (ID 4) 238
DTA Call Resource Setup OM group (ID 49) 238
DTA_BSC_AllocationRequestAccepted OM (ID 1) 239
DTA_EBSC_AllocationRequestAccepted OM (ID 2) 239
DTA_AllocationRequestResourceUnavailable OM (ID 3) 239
DTA_BSC_RequestedSuccessOnBSC OM (ID 4) 239
DTA_BSC_RequestedSuccessOnEBSC OM (ID 5) 240
DTA_EBSC_RequestedSuccessOnEBSC OM (ID 6) 240
DTA_EBSC_RequestedSuccessOnBSC OM (ID 7) 240
DTA_AllocationRequestsFailures OM (ID 8) 241
DTA BSC PCU Lookup OM group (ID 50) 241
DTA_PacketSessionFound OM (ID 1) 241

Nortel CDMA BSC and EBSC

Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks


DTA_PCU_Changed OM (ID 2) 242

DTA_PCU_NotChanged OM (ID 3) 242
DHO Call Resource Request Processing OM group (ID 51) 242
DHO_AllocationRequestReceived OM (ID 1) 242
DHO_AllocationRequestRejectedDueToOverload OM (ID 2) 243
DHO_AllocationRequestDenied OM (ID 3) 243
DHO Call Resource Setup OM group (ID 52) 243
DHO_AllocationRequestSuccesses OM (ID 1) 244
DHO_AllocationRequestFailures OM (ID 2) 244
DHO Service Resource Setup OM group (ID 53) 244
DHO_SelectedEBSC_AllocationAttempts OM (ID 1) 245
DHO_SelectedEBSC_AllocationSuccesses OM (ID 2) 245
DHO_SelectedEBSC_AllocationFailures OM (ID 3) 245
DHO_AlternateBSC_AllocationAttempts OM (ID 4) 245
DHO_AlternateBSC_AllocationSuccesses OM (ID 5) 246
DHO_AlternateBSC_AllocationFailures OM (ID 6) 246
DHO_SelectedBSC_AllocationAttempts OM (ID 7) 246
DHO_SelectedBSC_AllocationSuccesses OM (ID 8) 246
DHO_SelectedBSC_AllocationFailures OM (ID 9) 247
DHO_AlternateEBSC_AllocationAttempts OM (ID 10) 247
DHO_AlternateEBSC_AllocationSuccesses OM (ID 11) 247
DHO_AlternateEBSC_AllocationFailures OM (ID 12) 247
Resource Utilization OM group (ID 59) 248
MaxAvailableConfiguredCapacity OM (ID 1) 249
ResourceUtilizationIndex_1 OM (ID 2) 250
ResourceUtilizationIndex_2 OM (ID 3) 250
ResourceUtilizationIndex_3 OM (ID 4) 250
ResourceUtilizationIndex_4 OM (ID 5) 251
ResourceUtilizationIndex_5 OM (ID 6) 251
ResourceUtilizationIndex_6 OM (ID 7) 251
ResourceUtilizationIndex_7 OM (ID 8) 251
ResourceUtilizationIndex_8 OM (ID 9) 252
ResourceUtilizationIndex_9 OM (ID 10) 252
ResourceUtilizationIndex_10 OM (ID 11) 252
ResourceUtilizationIndex_11 OM (ID 12) 252
ResourceUtilizationIndex_12 OM (ID 13) 253
ResourceUtilizationIndex_13 OM (ID 14) 253
ResourceUtilizationIndex_14 OM (ID 15) 253
ResourceUtilizationIndex_15 OM (ID 16) 253
ResourceUtilizationIndex_16 OM (ID 17) 254
ResourceUtilizationIndex_17 OM (ID 18) 254
ResourceUtilizationIndex_18 OM (ID 19) 254
ResourceUtilizationIndex_19 OM (ID 20) 254
ResourceUtilizationIndex_20 OM (ID 21) 255

Nortel CDMA BSC and EBSC

Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks


ResourceUtilizationIndex_21 OM (ID 22) 255

ResourceUtilizationIndex_22 OM (ID 23) 255
ResourceUtilizationIndex_23 OM (ID 24) 255
ResourceUtilizationIndex_24 OM (ID 25) 256
ResourceUtilizationIndex_25 OM (ID 26) 256
ResourceUtilizationIndex_26 OM (ID 27) 256
ResourceUtilizationIndex_27 OM (ID 28) 256
ResourceUtilizationIndex_28 OM (ID 29) 257
ResourceUtilizationIndex_29 OM (ID 30) 257
ResourceUtilizationIndex_30 OM (ID 31) 257
EBSC Voice Resource Request Processing OM group (ID 61) 257
EBSC_VoiceAllocationRequestReceived OM (ID 1) 258
EBSC_VoiceAllocationRequestAccepted OM (ID 2) 258
EBSC_VoiceAllocationRequestDenied OM (ID 3) 258
EBSC_VoiceAllocationRequestDiscardedDueToOverload OM (ID 4) 259
NRM Message Request Processing OM group (ID 62) 259
ACN_NOIS_MsgDiscardedDueToOverload OM (ID 1) 259
DHO Platform Selection Overload OM group (ID 63) 259
DHO_PlatformSelectionFailuresDueToTQ_Exceeded OM (ID 1) 260
DHO_PlatformPreferenceChange OM (ID 2) 260
DHO_SecondaryPlatformDroppedDueToTQ_Exceeded OM (ID 3) 260
DTA Platform Selection Overload OM group (ID 64) 261
DTA_PlatformSelectionFailuresDueToTQ_Exceeded OM (ID 1) 261
DTA_PlatformPreferenceChange OM (ID 2) 261
DTA_SecondaryPlatformDroppedDueToTQ_Exceeded OM (ID 3) 262
Platform Selection Overload OM group (ID 65) 262
PlatformSelectionFailuresDueToTQ_Exceeded OM (ID 1) 262
PlatformPreferenceChange OM (ID 2) 263
SecondaryPlatformDroppedDueToTQ_Exceeded OM (ID 3) 263
Short Data Burst OM group (ID 66) 263
EACH_RSDB_Histogram_1 OM (ID 1) 264
EACH_RSDB_Histogram_2 OM (ID 2) 264
EACH_RSDB_Histogram_3 OM (ID 3) 264
EACH_RSDB_Histogram_4 OM (ID 4) 264
EACH_RSDB_Histogram_5 OM (ID 5) 265
EACH_RSDB_Histogram_6 OM (ID 6) 265
EACH_RSDB_Histogram_7 OM (ID 7) 265
EACH_RSDB_Histogram_8 OM (ID 8) 265
EACH_RSDB_Histogram_9 OM (ID 9) 266
EACH_RSDB_Histogram_10 OM (ID 10) 266
RFCH_RSDB_Histogram_1 OM (ID 11) 266
RFCH_RSDB_Histogram_2 OM (ID 12) 266
RFCH_RSDB_Histogram_3 OM (ID 13) 267
RFCH_RSDB_Histogram_4 OM (ID 14) 267

Nortel CDMA BSC and EBSC

Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks


RFCH_RSDB_Histogram_5 OM (ID 15) 267

RFCH_RSDB_Histogram_6 OM (ID 16) 267
RFCH_RSDB_Histogram_7 OM (ID 17) 268
RFCH_RSDB_Histogram_8 OM (ID 18) 268
RFCH_RSDB_Histogram_9 OM (ID 19) 268
RFCH_RSDB_Histogram_10 OM (ID 20) 268
TotalRSDB_Forwarded OM (ID 21) 269
TotalRSDB_Dropped OM (ID 22) 269
PLCM Performance OM group (ID 68) 269
PLCM_CallSetupAttemptsPseudoESN OM (ID 1) 270
PLCM_CallSetupAttemptsBS_Assigned OM (ID 2) 270
PLCM_CallSetupAttemptsMEID OM (ID 3) 270
PLCM_CallSetupSuccessesPseudoESN OM (ID 4) 270
PLCM_CallSetupSuccessesBS_Assigned OM (ID 5) 271
PLCM_CallSetupSuccessesMEID OM (ID 6) 271
PLCM_CallSetupFailuresPseudoESN OM (ID 7) 271
PLCM_CallSetupFailuresBS_Assigned OM (ID 8) 272
PLCM_CallSetupFailuresMEID OM (ID 9) 272
PLCM_CallDropsPseudoESN OM (ID 10) 272
PLCM_CallDropsBS_Assigned OM (ID 11) 273
PLCM_CallDropsMEID OM (ID 12) 273
Packet Session Signaling Overload OM group (ID 69) 273
NIDTA_Arrivals OM (ID 1) 274
NIDTA_ArrivalRateMinorThreshold OM (ID 2) 274
NIDTA_ArrivalRateMajorThreshold OM (ID 3) 274
NIDTA_ArrivalRateCriticalThreshold OM (ID 4) 274
NIDTA_MaxArrivalRate OM (ID 5) 275
NIDTA_Discarded OM (ID 6) 275
NIDTA_DiscardRateMinorThreshold OM (ID 7) 275
NIDTA_DiscardRateMajorThreshold OM (ID 8) 275
NIDTA_DiscardRateCriticalThreshold OM (ID 9) 276
NIDTA_MaxDiscardRate OM (ID 10) 276
NIDTA_DiscardedDueToResponsePendingQueue OM (ID 11) 276
NIDTA_DiscardedDueToRMU_Overload OM (ID 12) 276
NIDTA_DiscardedDueToTransportError OM (ID 13) 277
NIDTA_DiscardedDueToCAU_Failure OM (ID 14) 277
NIDTA_DiscardedDueAckTimeout OM (ID 15) 277
NIDTA_AttemptsForwardedToMTX OM (ID 16) 277
NIDTA_FailurePagingTimeout OM (ID 17) 278
NIDTA_FailureRMU_NoResource OM (ID 18) 278
NIDTA_FailureCAU_Internal OM (ID 19) 278
NIDTA_FailureCM_Internal OM (ID 20) 278
NIDTA_FailureRMU_Overload OM (ID 21) 279
NIDTA_AckTimeout OM (ID 22) 279

Nortel CDMA BSC and EBSC

Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks


NIDTA_Timeout OM (ID 23) 279

NIDTA_OtherFailures OM (ID 24) 279
NIDTA_MaxFailureRMU_Overload OM (ID 25) 280
NIDTA_MaxFailureCAU_Internal OM (ID 26) 280
NIDTA_MaxTransportError OM (ID 27) 280
NIDTA_MaxAckTimeout OM (ID 28) 280
SCH Handoff Radio Link Setup OM group (ID 70) 281
SHO_FSCHLinkSetupAttempt OM (ID 1) 281
SHO_FSCHLinkSetupBlock OM (ID 2) 281
SHO_FSCHLinkSetupSuccess OM (ID 3) 282
SHO_FSCHRadioLinkAccessFailure OM (ID 4) 282
SHO_FSCHNoFwdPower OM (ID 5) 282
SHO_FSCHNoWalshCode OM (ID 6) 282
SHO_FSCHNoPhysRes OM (ID 7) 282
SHO_FSCHNoFrameOffset OM (ID 8) 283
SHO_FSCHTimeout OM (ID 9) 283
SHO_RSCHLinkSetupAttempt OM (ID 10) 283
SHO_RSCHLinkSetupBlock OM (ID 11) 284
SHO_RSCHLinkSetupSuccess OM (ID 12) 284
SHO_RSCHRadioLinkAccessFailure OM (ID 13) 284
SHO_RSCH_CFDS_HighSpeed OM (ID 14) 284
SHO_RSCHNoPhysRes OM (ID 15) 285
SHO_RSCHNoFrameOffset OM (ID 16) 285
SHO_RSCHTimeout OM (ID 17) 285
SHO_FSCHLinkSetupAttempts_2X OM (ID 18) 285
SHO_FSCHLinkSetupAttempts_4X OM (ID 19) 285
SHO_FSCHLinkSetupAttempts_8X OM (ID 20) 286
SHO_FSCHLinkSetupAttempts_16X OM (ID 21) 286
SHO_FSCHLinkSetupBlock_2X OM (ID 22) 286
SHO_FSCHLinkSetupBlock_4X OM (ID 23) 286
SHO_FSCHLinkSetupBlock_8X OM (ID 24) 287
SHO_FSCHLinkSetupBlock_16X OM (ID 25) 287
SHO_FSCHLinkSetupSuccess_2X OM (ID 26) 287
SHO_FSCHLinkSetupSuccess_4X OM (ID 27) 287
SHO_FSCHLinkSetupSuccess_8X OM (ID 28) 288
SHO_FSCHLinkSetupSuccess_16X OM (ID 29) 288
SHO_FSCHRadioLinkAccessFailure_2X OM (ID 30) 288
SHO_FSCHRadioLinkAccessFailure_4X OM (ID 31) 288
SHO_FSCHRadioLinkAccessFailure_8X OM (ID 32) 289
SHO_FSCHRadioLinkAccessFailure_16X OM (ID 33) 289
SHO_RSCHLinkSetupAttempts_2X OM (ID 34) 289
SHO_RSCHLinkSetupAttempts_4X OM (ID 35) 289
SHO_RSCHLinkSetupAttempts_8X OM (ID 36) 290
SHO_RSCHLinkSetupAttempts_16X OM (ID 37) 290

Nortel CDMA BSC and EBSC

Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks


SHO_RSCHLinkSetupBlock_2X OM (ID 38) 290

SHO_RSCHLinkSetupBlock_4X OM (ID 39) 290
SHO_RSCHLinkSetupBlock_8X OM (ID 40) 291
SHO_RSCHLinkSetupBlock_16X OM (ID 41) 291
SHO_RSCHLinkSetupSuccess_2X OM (ID 42) 291
SHO_RSCHLinkSetupSuccess_4X OM (ID 43) 291
SHO_RSCHLinkSetupSuccess_8X OM (ID 44) 292
SHO_RSCHLinkSetupSuccess_16X OM (ID 45) 292
SHO_RSCHRadioLinkAccessFailure_2X OM (ID 46) 292
SHO_RSCHRadioLinkAccessFailure_4X OM (ID 47) 292
SHO_RSCHRadioLinkAccessFailure_8X OM (ID 48) 293
SHO_RSCHRadioLinkAccessFailure_16X OM (ID 49) 293
SHO_FSCHBackHaulExhaustion OM (ID 50) 293
SHO_FSCHBCNLinkExhaustion OM (ID 51) 294
SHO_FSCHAcnIdExhaustion OM (ID 52) 294
SHO_FSCHLinkSetupBlockSW_Error OM (ID 53) 294
SHO_RSCHLinkSetupBlockSW_Error OM (ID 54) 294
SDU Queue Occupancy OM group (ID 71) 295
FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth_1 OM (ID 1) 295
FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth_2 OM (ID 2) 295
FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth_3 OM (ID 3) 296
FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth_4 OM (ID 4) 296
FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth_5 OM (ID 5) 296
FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth_6 OM (ID 6) 296
FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth_7 OM (ID 7) 297
FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth_8 OM (ID 8) 297
FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth_9 OM (ID 9) 297
FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth_10 OM (ID 10) 298
FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth_11 OM (ID 11) 298
FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth_12 OM (ID 12) 298
FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth_13 OM (ID 13) 298
FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth_14 OM (ID 14) 299
FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth_15 OM (ID 15) 299
FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth_16 OM (ID 16) 299
FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth_17 OM (ID 17) 300
FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth_18 OM (ID 18) 300
FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth_19 OM (ID 19) 300
FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth_20 OM (ID 20) 300
FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth_21 OM (ID 21) 301
FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth_22 OM (ID 22) 301
FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth_23 OM (ID 23) 301
FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth_24 OM (ID 24) 302
FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth_25 OM (ID 25) 302
FwdRLPQ_SCH_BurstAvgDepth_2x OM (ID 26) 302

Nortel CDMA BSC and EBSC

Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks


FwdRLPQ_SCH_BurstAvgDepth_4x OM (ID 27) 302

FwdRLPQ_SCH_BurstAvgDepth_8x OM (ID 28) 303
FwdRLPQ_SCH_BurstAvgDepth_16x OM (ID 29) 303
RevRLPQ_SCH_BurstAvgDepth_2x OM (ID 30) 303
RevRLPQ_SCH_BurstAvgDepth_4x OM (ID 31) 303
RevRLPQ_SCH_BurstAvgDepth_8x OM (ID 32) 304
RevRLPQ_SCH_BurstAvgDepth_16x OM (ID 33) 304
FwdRLPQ_SCH_BurstPeakDepth_2x OM (ID 34) 304
FwdRLPQ_SCH_BurstPeakDepth_4x OM (ID 35) 304
FwdRLPQ_SCH_BurstPeakDepth_8x OM (ID 36) 305
FwdRLPQ_SCH_BurstPeakDepth_16x OM (ID 37) 305
RevRLPQ_SCH_BurstPeakDepth_2x OM (ID 38) 305
RevRLPQ_SCH_BurstPeakDepth_4x OM (ID 39) 305
RevRLPQ_SCH_BurstPeakDepth_8x OM (ID 40) 306
RevRLPQ_SCH_BurstPeakDepth_16x OM (ID 41) 306
PCU Queue Occupancy OM group (ID 72) 306
DormantDCR_QueueAtD2A_10 OM (ID 1) 307
DormantDCR_QueueAtD2A_20 OM (ID 2) 307
DormantDCR_QueueAtD2A_30 OM (ID 3) 307
DormantDCR_QueueAtD2A_40 OM (ID 4) 307
DormantDCR_QueueAtD2A_50 OM (ID 5) 307
DormantDCR_QueueAtD2A_60 OM (ID 6) 308
DormantDCR_QueueAtD2A_70 OM (ID 7) 308
DormantDCR_QueueAtD2A_80 OM (ID 8) 308
DormantDCR_QueueAtD2A_90 OM (ID 9) 308
DormantDCR_QueueAtD2A_100 OM (ID 10) 309
PeakActiveDCR_QueueDepth OM (ID 11) 309
AvgActiveDCR_QueueDepth OM (ID 12) 309
PeakActiveRR_QueueDepth OM (ID 13) 309
AvgActiveRR_QueueDepth OM (ID 14) 310
Connection Resource Redirection OM group (ID 73) 310
AllocationRequestRedirectionTrFO_ToCct OM (ID 1) 310
AllocationRequestRedirectionTrFO_ToPkt OM (ID 2) 311
AllocationRequestRedirectionPktToTrFO OM (ID 3) 311
AllocationRequestRedirectionPktToCct OM (ID 4) 311
AllocationRequestRedirectionCctToTrFO OM (ID 5) 311
AllocationRequestRedirectionCctToPkt OM (ID 6) 312
AllocationRequestRedirectionUnspecifiedToCct OM (ID 7) 312
AllocationRequestRedirectionUnspecifiedToPkt OM (ID 8) 312
AllocationRequestRedirectionUnspecifiedToTrFO OM (ID 9) 312
AllocationRequestRedirectUnspecifiedToTrFO2 OM (ID 10) 313
AllocationRequestRedirectonTrFO_ToTrFO2 OM (ID 11) 313
AllocationRequestRedirectionPktToTrFO2 OM (ID 12) 313
AllocationRequestRedirectionCctToTrFO2 OM (ID 13) 313

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NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks


AllocationRequestRedirectionTrFO2_ToTrfo OM (ID 14) 314

AllocationRequestRedirectionTrFO2_ToCct OM (ID 15) 314
AllocationRequestRedirectionTrFO2_ToPkt OM (ID 16) 314
AllocationRequestFlex_ToTrFO OM (ID 17) 314
AllocationRequestFlex_ToTrFO2 OM (ID 18) 315
AllocationRequestFlex_ToPkt OM (ID 19) 315
AllocationRequestFlex_ToCct OM (ID 20) 315
AllocationRequestTrFO2_SuspendedToCkt OM (ID 21) 315
AllocationRequestTrFO2_SuspendedToPkt OM (ID 22) 316
AllocationRequestTrFO2_SuspendedToTrFO OM (ID 23) 316
AllocationRequestTrFO2_SuspendedToTrFO2 OM (ID 24) 316
Connection Resource Availability Check OM group (ID 74) 317
ConnectionResourceCheckAttempts OM (ID 1) 317
ConnectionResourceCheckUnavailable OM (ID 2) 317
ConnectionResourceCheckAvailable OM (ID 3) 318
Connection Call Resource Setup OM group (ID 75) 318
ConnectionAllocationRequestReceived OM (ID 1) 318
ConnectionAllocationResourceUnavailable OM (ID 2) 319
ConnectionAllocationResourceAvailable OM (ID 3) 319
ConnectionAllocationResourceFailures OM (ID 4) 319
Connection Resource Setup OM group (ID 76) 319
EBSC_ConnectionAllocationAttempts OM (ID 1) 320
EBSC_ConnectionAllocationSuccesses OM (ID 2) 320
EBSC_MG_ConnectionAllocationFailures OM (ID 3) 320
EBSC_SDU_ConnectionAllocationFailures OM (ID 4) 321
BSC_ConnectionAllocationAttempt OM (ID 5) 321
BSC_ConnectionAllocationSuccess OM (ID 6) 321
BSC_ConnectionAllocationFailures OM (ID 7) 321
BSC Connection Resource Availability Check OM group (ID 77) 322
BSC_ConnectionResourceCheckAttempts OM (ID 1) 322
BSC_ConnectionResourceCheckUnavailable OM (ID 2) 322
BSC_ConnectionResourceCheckAvailable OM (ID 3) 323
EVRC-B Distribution OM group (ID 78) 323
EVRCB_FrameCountFwdMode_0 OM (ID 1) 323
EVRCB_FrameCountFwdMode_4 OM (ID 5) 324
EVRCB_FrameCountFwdMode_6 OM (ID 7) 324
EVRCB_FrameCountRevMode_0 OM (ID 9) 324
EVRCB_FrameCountRevMode_4 OM (ID 13) 324
EVRCB_FrameCountRevMode_6 OM (ID 15) 325
EVRCB_SelectionCountFwdMode_0 OM (ID 17) 325
EVRCB_SelectionCountFwdMode_4 OM (ID 21) 325
EVRCB_SelectionCountFwdMode_6 OM (ID 23) 325
EVRCB_SelectionCountRevMode_0 OM (ID 25) 326
EVRCB_SelectionCountRevMode_4 OM (ID 29) 326

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NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks


EVRCB_SelectionCountRevMode_6 OM (ID 31) 326

RTP Signaling OM group (ID 79) 326
RTP_RateControlAttempts OM (ID 1) 327
RTP_RateControlSuccesses OM (ID 2) 327
RTP_RateControlFailures OM (ID 3) 327
RTP_RateControlTimeouts OM (ID 4) 327
RTP_DTMF_Attempts OM (ID 5) 328
RTP_DTMF_Successes OM (ID 6) 328
RTP_DTMF_Failures OM (ID 7) 328
RTP_DTMF_Timeouts OM (ID 8) 328
RTP_TimeAlignmentAttempts OM (ID 9) 329
RTP_TimeAlignmentSuccesses OM (ID 10) 329
RTP_TimeAlignmentFailures OM (ID 11) 329
RTP_TimeAlignmentPartialSuccesses OM (ID 12) 329
RTP_TimeAlignmentTimeouts OM (ID 13) 330
Voice Pass Through OM group (ID 80) 330
VPT_Attempts OM (ID 1) 330
VPT_Successes OM (ID 2) 331
VPT_Rejects OM (ID 3) 331
VPT_FailureInternal OM (ID 4) 331
VPT_MobileTimeout OM (ID 5) 331
VPT_Releases OM (ID 6) 332
VPT_HHO_Attempts OM (ID 7) 332
VPT_HHO_Successes OM (ID 8) 332
VPT_HHO_Rejects OM (ID 9) 332
VPT_HHO_FailureInternal OM (ID 10) 332
RTP Bearer OM group (ID 81) 333
RTP_ZeroLengthPackets OM (ID 1) 333
RTP_UnknownPayloadTypePackets OM (ID 2) 333
RTP_UnsupportedProtocolPackets OM (ID 3) 333
RTP_InvalidCodecPayloadLengthPackets OM (ID 4) 334
RTP_InvalidControlPayloadLengthPackets OM (ID 5) 334
RTP_UnexpectedPayloadCodecPackets OM (ID 6) 334
RTP_ReceivedCodecPackets OM (ID 7) 335
RTP_ReceivedControlPackets OM (ID 8) 335
RTP_LostPackets OM (ID 9) 335
RTP_OutofOrderCodecPackets OM (ID 10) 335
Bearer Update OM group (ID 82) 336
BearerUpdateAttempts OM (ID 1) 336
BearerUpdateSuccesses OM (ID 2) 336
BearerUpdateTimeouts OM (ID 3) 336
BearerUpdateInternalFailures OM (ID 4) 337
RTP Network OM group (ID 83) 337
RTP_JitterThresholdExceeded OM (ID 1) 337

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Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks


RTP_LatencyThresholdExceeded OM (ID 2) 337

RTP_SyncSsrcChange OM (ID 3) 338

Appendix 339
OMs listed alphabetically 339

Nortel CDMA BSC and EBSC

Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks


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Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks


New in this release

The following sections detail what is new in Nortel CDMA BSC and EBSC
Operational Measurements Reference (NN20000-255) for NBSS 16.0:
Features (page 29)
Other changes (page 29)
Document revision history (page 29)

There are no changes in this release that are feature related.

Other changes
There are no other changes in this release.

Document revision history

See the following section for details about the changes made to this

Document revision 03.11

NBSS16 update for ChR.

Document revision 03.10

The following are the changes made to this document:
modified RTP Signaling OM group (ID 79) (page 326)
modified Table 992 "RTP_RateControlAttempts OM values" (page 327)
modified Table 993 "RTP_RateControlSuccesses OM values" (page
modified Table 994 "RTP_RateControlFailures OM values" (page 327)
modified Table 995 "RTP_RateControlTimeouts OM values" (page
modified Table 996 "RTP_DTMF_Attempts OM values" (page 328)

Nortel CDMA BSC and EBSC

Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks

30 New in this release

modified Table 997 "RTP_DTMF_Successes OM values" (page 328)

modified Table 998 "RTP_DTMF_Failures OM values" (page 328)
modified Table 999 "RTP_DTMF_Timeouts OM values" (page 329)
modified Table 1000 "RTP_TimeAlignmentAttempts OM values" (page
modified Table 1001 "RTP_TimeAlignmentSuccesses OM values"
(page 329)
modified Table 1002 "RTP_TimeAlignmentFailures OM values" (page
modified Table 1003 "RTP_TimeAlignmentPartialSuccesses OM
values" (page 330)
modified Table 1004 "RTP_TimeAlignmentTimeouts OM values" (page
modified RTP Bearer OM group (ID 81) (page 333)
modified Table 1017 "RTP_ZeroLengthPackets OM values" (page 333)
modified Table 1018 "RTP_UnknownPayloadTypePackets OM values"
(page 333)
modified Table 1019 "RTP_UnsupportedProtocolPackets OM values"
(page 334)
modified Table 1020 "RTP_InvalidCodecPayloadLengthPackets OM
values" (page 334)
modified Table 1021 "RTP_InvalidControlPayloadLengthPackets OM
values" (page 334)
modified Table 1022 "RTP_UnexpectedPayloadCodecPackets OM
values" (page 334)
modified Table 1023 "RTP_ReceivedCodecPackets OM values" (page
modified Table 1024 "RTP_ReceivedControlPackets OM values" (page
modified Table 1025 "RTP_LostPackets OM values" (page 335)
modified Table 1026 "RTP_OutofOrderCodecPackets OM values"
(page 335)
modified RTP Network OM group (ID 83) (page 337)
modified Table 1033 "RTP_JitterThresholdExceeded OM values" (page

Nortel CDMA BSC and EBSC

Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks

Document revision history 31

modified Table 1034 "RTP_LatencyThresholdExceeded OM values"

(page 337)
modified Table 1035 "RTP_SyncSsrcChange OM values" (page 338)

Total number of pages impacted:

pages added: 0
pages modified: 10
pages deleted: 0

Document revision 03.09

The following are the changes made to this document:
modified RTP Signaling OM group (ID 79) (page 326)
modified RTP Bearer OM group (ID 81) (page 333)
modified RTP Network OM group (ID 83) (page 337)

Total number of pages impacted: 5

pages added: 0
pages modified: 5
pages deleted: 0

Document revision 03.08

NBSS16 version for ChR.

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Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks

32 New in this release

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Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks


This reference document provides descriptions and additional reference
information for the EBSC and BSC operational measurements (OMs).

It includes only external OMs which are intended for use by customers.
Internal OMs intended for use by Nortel are not included.

Unless otherwise indicated, this information applies to:

Operational measurements: EBSC, BSC

For more information about OMs and associated processes, see CDMA
System Performance Operational Measurements Guide (411-2133-525).

OM description job aids (page 35)
Operational measurements reference (page 43)

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Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks

34 Introduction

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Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks


OM description job aids

The following job aids provide information about the operational
measurements reference fields.

OM description job aids

Table 1
Job aid: OM group field descriptions
Field Values Description
Group ID Natural number This integer is used to identify the group in the records
transferred to C-EMS.
Physical entity String This string lists the physical entities which support this
group. Possible values are SBC, ESCI, ESEL, CN,
Some of the OMs in the group may not peg on some of
the physical entities.
Pegging type String This element indicates the pegging type for this group.
Possible values are Node, EBID, Link, Interface, SO,
IP, MultiID, NoLimitEBID, Generic, ServiceGroup,
ServiceType, RmgSigMsgType, ResourceType, RC,
and ConnectionType. See Table 2 "Job aid: OM group
pegging type descriptions" (page 36) for descriptions of
the pegging types.
Multi ID pegging List of pegging For multi ID pegging type OMs, this element identifies
types types the list of pegging types for the OMs. Possible
values are Node, EBID, Link, Interface, SO, IP,
MultiID, NoLimitEBID, Generic, ServiceGroup,
ServiceType, RmgSigMsgType, ResourceType, RC,
and ConnectionType. See Table 2 "Job aid: OM group
pegging type descriptions" (page 36) for descriptions of
the pegging types.

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Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks

36 OM description job aids

Table 1
Job aid: OM group field descriptions (contd.)
Aggregate Yes This element indicates whether the OM parser
No aggregates the OMs in the group.

Output file prefix String This element specifies the OM Parser Output File Prefix
for the files which contain the data for the OMs in this
group. See Output File Prefixes (page 41) for details
on selection of the output file prefix. The value may be
blank. If the value is specified, it overrides the selection
made by the Physical Entity.

Table 2
Job aid: OM group pegging type descriptions
Pegging type Value Description
Node 1 This type of OM is pegged on a per card basis.
EBID 2 This type of OM is pegged on a per carrier-sector basis.
Link 3 This type of OM is pegged on a per V5.2 Link basis. This
pegging type is only used in the FW BSC.
Interface 4 This type of OM is pegged on a per V5.2 Interface basis.
This pegging type is only used in the FW BSC.
SO 5 This type of OM is pegged on a per service option basis.
Possible values are voice, loopback, enhancedVoice,
asyncData, group3Fax, sms, cdpdPpp, 144loopback,
144asyncData, 144group3Fax, smsRateset2, is733_13k,
otapa1, otapa2, analogFaxIs707, 144analogFaxIs707,
packetPpp, lseRateset1, lseRateset2, smv, evrcb,
asyncDataIs707, group3FaxIs707, qcomm13kVoice,
qcommIs96Voice, qcommDataServices, qcommTdso,
qcommOffHook, qcomm96Markov, and qcomm144Markov.
See Table 3 "Job aid: Service type and service group
pegging type descriptions" (page 38) for service option
IP 6 This type of OM is pegged on a per IP address basis.
MultiID 7 This type of OM is pegged on a per multiple-ID basis.
NoLimitEBID 8 This type of OM is pegged on a per carrier-sector basis.

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Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks

OM description job aids 37

Table 2
Job aid: OM group pegging type descriptions (contd.)
Pegging type Value Description
ServiceGroup 501 This type of OM is pegged on a per service group basis.
Service groups align with the resources needed to support
a call. Voice services require a Voice ACP resource from
a DSFP-V and a DSP and CIC resource from the 2pVS.
PacketData services require a Data ACP resource from a
DSFP-D and resources from the PCUFP. Other services
require an ACP resource which may be obtained either
from a DSFP-V or a DSFP-D. Service groups collect similar
service types together. See Table 3 "Job aid: Service type
and service group pegging type descriptions" (page 38) for
descriptions of service groups.
ServiceType 502 This type of OM is pegged on a per service type basis.
Service types provide the granularity with which different
call types can be directed to the BSC or EBSC using the
preference table. Service types collect similar service
options together and are further grouped into service
groups. See Table 3 "Job aid: Service type and service
group pegging type descriptions" (page 38) for descriptions
of service types.
RmgSigMsgType 503 This type of OM is pegged on a per RMG signaling
message type basis. These are the H.248 message
types that are counted in the OMs in the RMG Signaling
Group. Possible values are add, subtract, move,
modify, mgRegistration, mgRegistrationUpdate,
mgCapacityChange, terminationStatusChange,
serviceOption, nearEnd, blank, networkFailure, and
ResourceType 504 This type of OM is pegged on a per resource
type basis. The resource types are counted
in the Resource Utilization Group. Possible
values are ebscCct, cic, ebscSduVoiceAndOther,
ebscSduPacketDataAndOther, bscCct, ebscPkt, ebscTrfo,
bscPkt, ebscEvrcbLicense, ebscSduTrfo2VoiceAndOther,
ebscSduConnectedTrfo2VoiceAndOther, ebscEvrcLicense,
and ebscCsdLicense. See Table 5 "Resource type to value
mapping" (page 40) for resource type values.
RC 505 This type of OM is pegged on a per radio configuration
(RC) basis. Possible values are RC1, RC2, RC3, RC4, and
ConnectionType 506 This type of OM is pegged on a per connection type
basis. Possible values are circuit, packet, trfo, unspecified,
flextrfo, trfo2, evrcbCircuit, evrcbTrfo2, ,evrcbPacket and
evrcbPacketTrfo. See Table 6 "Connection type to value
mapping" (page 40) for connection type values.

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Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks

38 OM description job aids

Table 3
Job aid: Service type and service group pegging type descriptions
Service SG Value Service type ST Value Service option Service option
group value
voice 1 csd 10 ASYNC_DATA 4
144GROUP3_FAX 13
GROUP3_FAX_IS707 4101
highRateVoice 9 IS733_13K 17
evrcb 16 EVRCB 68
packetData 2 packetPpp 1 PACKET_PPP 33
other 3 lcsRateSet1 6 LSE_RATESET1 35
markov 3 QCOMM_96MARKOV 32798
QCOMM_144MARKO 32799
msLoopBack 4 LOOPBACK 2
otapa1 5 OTAPA1 18
smsRateSet1 2 SMS 6
n/a n/a VOICE 1
n/a n/a CDPD_PPP 8
n/a n/a QCOMM_IS96VOICE 32769
n/a n/a Old 9.6 Markov 32770
n/a n/a QCOMM_DATA_SER 32771
n/a n/a QCOMM_TDSO 32776
n/a n/a Old 14.4Markov 32796
n/a n/a QCOMM_OFF_HOO 32797

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Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks

OM description job aids 39

Table 3
Job aid: Service type and service group pegging type descriptions (contd.)
Service SG Value Service type ST Value Service option Service option
group value
n/a n/a LSE_RATESET2 36
n/a n/a OTAPA2 19
n/a n/a SMS_RATESET2 14

Table 4
Job aid: OM field descriptions
Field Values Description
Sequence Natural number This integer identifies the OM within the group in the
records transferred to C-EMS.
Release introduced String This element identifies the NBSS release in which the
OM was first reported on any product.
Release obsoleted String This string identifies the last NBSS release in which
the OM was reported from any product.
Maskable Yes This identifies whether reporting of the OM can be
No controlled. OMs which cannot be controlled are always
reported, whether internal or external.
OM register size Byte This identifies the width of the OM.
Internal or external Internal This element identifies the OM as internal or external.
External External OMs are intended for use by the customer
and therefore need complete descriptions, support,
and verification. Internal OMs are intended for Nortel
use only and may be deprecated in the future. Only
external OMs are included in this document.

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Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks

40 OM description job aids

The following table provides the mapping between Resource type and

Table 5
Resource type to value mapping
Resource Type Resource Type Value
ebscCct 1
cic 2
ebscSduVoiceAndOther 3
ebscSduPacketDataAndOther 4
bscCct 5
ebscPkt 6
ebscTrfo 7
bscPkt 8
ebscEvrcbLicense 9
ebscSduTrfo2VoiceAndOther 10
ebscSduConnectedTrfo2VoiceAndOthe 11
ebscEvrcLicense 12
ebscCsdLicense 13

The following table provides the mapping between Connection type and

Table 6
Connection type to value mapping
Connection Type Connection Type value
circuit 1

packet 2
trfo 3
unspecified 4
flextrfo 5
trfo2 6
evrcbCircuit 7
evrcbTrfo2 8
evrcbPacket 9
evrcbPacketTrfo 10

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Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks

Output File Prefixes 41

Output File Prefixes

When OM information is processed by the OM Parser it is placed into
output files with particular prefixes. The following rules are used to select
the Output File Prefix. The first rule that matches is used:
If the group is "Aggregated", then the group appears in a file with the
"BSC" prefix.
If the Physical Entity from which the OM originated is in the following
table, the group appears in a file with the corresponding Output File

Physical Entity Output File Prefix

CNFP NRM ResourceManagement
CNFP SBSRM ResourceManagement
CNFP CSRM ResourceManagement
CNFP SDRM ResourceManagement
CNFP MSCIF ResourceManagement
CNFP SBSPCUM ResourceManagement
CNFP CICDB ResourceManagement

If the group information includes an "Output File Prefix", then this prefix
is used.
Otherwise, the following table applies:

Physical Entity Output File Prefix

SBS SBSCSubsystem
ESCI SBSCSubsystem
ESEL SBSCSubsystem
CN CNSubsystem

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NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
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Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks

42 OM description job aids

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NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks


Operational measurements reference

This reference information includes descriptions and additional information
for OM groups and the OMs associated with each OM group.

FW BCM OM group (ID 1)

This OM group counts interesting events related to the Fixed Wireless
Base-station Call Manager (BCM).

Table 7
FW BCM OM group values
Group ID Physical Pegging Multi ID pegging Aggregate Output file
entity type types prefix
1 SBC Node -- No FWSBSCSubsy

SoftHandoff OM (ID 1)
This OM is pegged when a LAU completes a soft handoff that results in a
reference pilot change. Note that every soft handoff completion does not
result in a reference pilot change.

Table 8
SoftHandoff OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
1 9 -- No Word16 Ext

CallingNumberDuringTermination OM (ID 2)
This OM is pegged when the BCM receives a FWPAMI message during
setup of a LAU-terminated call. The BCM pegs this OM on a system-wide

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NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
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44 Operational measurements reference

Table 9
CallingNumberDuringTermination OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
2 9 -- No Word16 Ext

FlashMessage OM (ID 3)
This OM is pegged when the BCM forwards a reverse link flash message
to the LE. The BCM pegs this OM on a system-wide basis.

Table 10
FlashMessage OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
3 9 -- No Word16 Ext

LAUInitiatedRelease OM (ID 4)
This OM is pegged when the call is released by the LAU served by the
BCM pegging this register. The BCM pegs this OM on a system-wide

Table 11
LAUInitiatedRelease OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
4 9 -- No Word16 Ext

LandRelease OM (ID 5)
This OM is pegged when the call is released by a party other than the LAU
being served by the BCM pegging this register. This in not necessarily a
land release. The BCM pegs this OM on a system-wide basis.

Table 12
LandRelease OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
5 9 -- No Word16 Ext

RMServiceResourceNAK OM (ID 6)
This OM is pegged, along with the appropriate blocking OM, by the SBS
when a resource manager receives a resource allocation failure indication
from an SRM. This is an error condition, indicating mismatches between
the RM and the FWSBS SRM. The RM pegs this OM on a system-wide

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Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks

FW BCM OM group (ID 1) 45

This OM is used to measure CDMA-LTX Call Setup Performance.

Table 13
RMServiceResourceNAK OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
6 9 -- No Word16 Ext

RMSRMTimeOut OM (ID 7)
This OM is pegged, along with the appropriate blocking OM, by the SBS
when a RM times out waiting on a request for call resources from an SRM.
The RM pegs this OM on a system-wide basis.

This OM is used to measure CDMA-LTX Call Setup Performance.

Table 14
RMSRMTimeOut OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
7 9 -- No Word16 Ext

RMNoAvailableResources OM (ID 8)
This OM is pegged, along with the appropriate blocking OM, by the SBS
when a resource manager has no available resources to allocate for a call.
In this case, the RM does not message to any SBS entity to determine
availability, only internal data structures are checked. The RM pegs this
OM on a system-wide basis.

This OM is used to measure CDMA-LTX Call Setup Performance.

Table 15
RMNoAvailableResources OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
8 9 -- No Word16 Ext

RMUnsupportedServiceOption OM (ID 9)
This OM is pegged when an origination setup fails because the origination
message contained an unknown or unsupported service option. This
OM can also be pegged when a page response message indicates
an unknown or unsupported service option. This OM is not pegged in
cases where the blocking OMs are pegged. The RM pegs this OM on
a system-wide basis.

This OM is used to measure CDMA-LTX Call Setup Performance.

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NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks

46 Operational measurements reference

Table 16
RMUnsupportedServiceOption OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
9 9 -- No Word16 Ext

MCTACDABlocked OM (ID 10)

This OM is pegged, along with an appropriate MCTACDAFailure, when the
MCTA can not select a frequency. This OM is pegged against the EBID
on which the LAU made an access attempt. RadioLinkSetupError and
the corresponding TerminationBlocked or OriginationBlocked are pegged
with this OM. Note that the MCTA error case OMs are never pegged with
the BTS blocking reason OMs (TCEUnavailable, WalshCodeUnavailable,
ForwardCapacityFull). The MCTA error case OMs may only be pegged
after a capacity query results in frequency selection failure due to BTS
resource shortages. The BTS blocking reason OMs may only be pegged
as a result of a resource shortage after a BTS resource is requested for
the successfully selected frequency.

Table 17
MCTACDABlocked OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
10 9 -- No Word16 Ext

FW BCM EBID OM group (ID 2)

This OM group counts interesting events related to the Fixed Wireless
Base-station Call Manger (BCM) collected on a per EBID basis.

Table 18
FW BCM EBID OM group values
Group ID Physical Pegging Multi ID pegging Aggregate Output file
entity type types prefix

PageResponse OM (ID 1)
The BCM pegs this OM whenever the BCM receives a page response
from a LAU. This OM is independent of the paging method used (slotted
mode, page retry, quick repeat). The BCM pegs this OM on a per-EBID

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Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks

FW BCM EBID OM group (ID 2) 47

Table 19
PageResponse OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
1 9 -- No Word16 Ext

TerminationSuccess OM (ID 2)
This OM is pegged when the BSC receives a Service Connect Complete
message from the LAU during an termination call setup. The BCM pegs
this OM on a per-EBID basis.

Note: This OM is used to classify calls as "established".

Table 20
TerminationSuccess OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
2 9 -- No Word16 Ext

TerminationBlocked OM (ID 3)
This OM is pegged any time a LAU-terminated call setup fails due to
resource shortage. It represents all of the termination setup failures in a
sector, regardless of resource. The same failure reasons that are pegged
for OriginationBlocked are pegged in conjunction with this OM. The BCM
pegs this OM on a per-EBID basis.

Table 21
TerminationBlocked OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
3 9 -- No Word16 Ext

TerminationReleased OM (ID 4)
This OM is pegged when a network-originated call is released before the
LAU arrives on the traffic channel. Note that this OM gets pegged only if
the originating party disconnects between the time that the LAUs page
response has been received by the BCM and before the LAU actually
arrives on the traffic channel. The BCM pegs this OM on a per-EBID basis.

Table 22
TerminationReleased OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
4 9 -- No Word16 Ext

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48 Operational measurements reference

OriginationAttempts OM (ID 5)
This OM is pegged when the BCM receives an origination forwarded to it
by the FWPAM. The BCM pegs this OM on a per-EBID basis.

Table 23
OriginationAttempts OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
5 9 -- No Word16 Ext

OriginationSuccess OM (ID 6)
This OM is pegged when the BSC receives a Service Connect Complete
message from the LAU during an origination call setup. This includes all
originations placed on the traffic channel to receive treatment. The BCM
pegs this OM on a per-EBID basis. Note that this OM classifies calls as

Table 24
OriginationSuccess OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
6 9 -- No Word16 Ext

OriginationBlocked OM (ID 7)
This OM is pegged any time a LAU-originated call setup fails due to a
resource shortage. It counts the total number of origination setup failures
in a sector, regardless of resource. One or more of the following call
setup failure reasons is pegged in conjunction with OriginationBlocked:
RMNoAvailableResources, RMServiceResourceNAK, RMSRMTimeOut,
FailedCallSoftwareTimeout, RadioLinkSetupError, TCEUnavailable,
WalshCodeUnavailable, ForwardCapacityFull, MCTACDABlocked, and a
MCTACDA* blocking reason.

Table 25
OriginationBlocked OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
7 9 -- No Word16 Ext

OriginationReorder OM (ID 8)
This OM is no longer used. It will be removed in a future release.

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FW BCM EBID OM group (ID 2) 49

Table 26
OriginationReorder OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
8 9 -- No Word16 Ext

OriginationReleased OM (ID 9)
This OM is pegged when a LAU-originated call is released by the LAU or
the BSC before the LAU sends a service completion message. The BCM
pegs this OM on a per-EBID basis.

Table 27
OriginationReleased OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
9 9 -- No Word16 Ext

RadioLinkSetupError OM (ID 10)

This OM is, along with the appropriate blocking OM and either a blocking
reason OM or a MCTA CDA failure OM, is pegged when a call setup
fails because some BTS resource is not available. This OM is also
pegged when the BTS does not respond or responds with a negative
acknowledgment to resource requests. If MCTA is on, this OM is also
pegged when the CDA can not select a carrier due to resource shortages.
The BCM pegs this OM on a per-EBID basis.

Table 28
RadioLinkSetupError OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
10 9 -- No Word16 Ext

TCEUnavailable OM (ID 11)

This OM is pegged, along with RadioLinkSetupError and the appropriate
blocking OM, when a BTS reports no traffic channel element via NOIS
messages regardless of origination or termination. This OM is never
pegged with MCTACDABlocked since that error case precedes radio link
setup. The BCM pegs this OM on a per-EBID basis.

Table 29
TCEUnavailable OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
11 9 -- No Word16 Ext

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50 Operational measurements reference

WalshCodeUnavailable OM (ID 12)

This OM is pegged, along with RadioLinkSetupError and the appropriate
blocking OM, when a BTS reports no Walsh code via NOIS messages
regardless of origination or termination. This OM is never pegged with
MCTACDABlocked since that error case precedes radio link setup. The
BCM pegs this OM on a per-EBID basis.

Table 30
WalshCodeUnavailable OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
12 9 -- No Word16 Ext

ForwardCapacityFull OM (ID 13)

This OM is pegged, along with RadioLinkSetupError and the appropriate
blocking OM, when a BTS reports forward capacity is full via NOIS
messages regardless of origination or termination. This OM is never
pegged with MCTACDABlocked since that error case precedes radio link
setup. The BCM pegs this OM on a per-EBID basis.

Table 31
ForwardCapacityFull OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
13 9 -- No Word16 Ext

ReverseCapacityFull OM (ID 14)

This OM is coded for pegging, along with RadioLinkSetupError and the
appropriate blocking OM, when a BTS reports reverse capacity is full via
NOIS messages regardless of origination or termination. This OM is never
pegged with MCTACDABlocked since that error case precedes radio link
setup. However, there is no reliable mechanism for estimating reverse link
capacity, so this response is disabled on the BTS. Consequently, this OM
is never pegged. This OM exists on the BCM on a per-EBID basis.

Table 32
ReverseCapacityFull OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
14 9 -- No Word16 Ext

CallDropLossOfTraffic OM (ID 15)

This OM is pegged when the LAU drops the traffic channel after
the CATRLM_RLMRadioLinkSetupRsp is received but before the
CATSOM_SOMServiceConnectRsp is received. This scenario is

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FW BCM EBID OM group (ID 2) 51

considered an access failure. The register RadioLinkFailNoTrafficChannel

is also pegged in conjunction with this register. The BCM pegs this OM
on a per-EBID basis.

Table 33
CallDropLossOfTraffic OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
15 9 -- No Word16 Ext

FailedCallSoftwareTimeout OM (ID 16)

This OM is pegged, along with the appropriate blocking OM, when a call
setup fails due to time outs between software entities that should not occur
(for example, no response from the CN, failure message received from
SBS, and so on). The BCM pegs this OM on a per-EBID basis.

Table 34
FailedCallSoftwareTimeout OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
16 9 -- No Word16 Ext

RadioLinkFailNoTrafficChannel OM (ID 17)

This OM is pegged when a LAU does not successfully arrive on the
traffic channel due to RF problems. This peg could indicate inadequate
coverage, interference issues, slow handoff, or simply an RF fade at a
vulnerable time in the call setup. The BCM pegs this OM on a per-EBID

Table 35
RadioLinkFailNoTrafficChannel OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
17 9 -- No Word16 Ext

CallDropRadioRelated OM (ID 18)

This OM is pegged by the BCM against the primary pilot when a call is
dropped by the FWSBS due to "loss of traffic" or due to "HCM (handoff
completion message) timeout" for soft or softer handoff. These are
RF-related call failures as detected by the FWSBS. This OM is pegged on
a per-EBID basis. Note that the BCM pegs either CallDropRadioRelated or
CallDropNetworkRelated when a call is dropped.

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52 Operational measurements reference

Table 36
CallDropRadioRelated OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
18 9 -- No Word16 Ext

CallDropNetworkRelated OM (ID 19)

This OM is pegged by the BCM when any of the other non-RF drop
indication reasons are sent from the FWSBS in the radio link drop
indication message. This OM is pegged on a per-EBID basis. The
following are the network-related call drop reasons that will cause this OM
to be pegged: (1)"RLM locked": Initiated by the network management
during maintenance, the RLM is locked and hence the calls handled by
that RLM should be dropped. (2)"TCE locked": Initiated by the network
management during maintenance, the TCE is locked and hence the calls
using that TCE should be dropped. (3)"Trunk problem": The selector
(that is, FWSBS) is taking down the call due to the DS0 becoming
unavailable/unequipped (detected during maintenance). (4)"Selector
problem": The selector receives a request from the BCM to release
FWSBS resources without going through the proper procedure of
releasing the call. This is an error case. Note that the BCM pegs either
CallDropRadioRelated or CallDropNetworkRelated when a call is dropped.

Table 37
CallDropNetworkRelated OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
19 9 -- No Word16 Ext

MCTABTSFailure OM (ID 20)

This OM is pegged when a frequency was successfully selected by the
MCTA but one or more of the BTSs never responded to a capacity request
or responded with a resource full or not available response. This OM is
pegged against each EBID which the MCTA was unable to consider.
MCTABTSFailure pegging is unlikely under low traffic load conditions.
Under high traffic conditions, it may be pegged for multiple carriers.

Table 38
MCTABTSFailure OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
20 9 -- No Word16 Ext

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FW BCM EBID OM group (ID 2) 53

RadioResourceAllocated OM (ID 21)

This OM is pegged when a frequency selected by MCTA is successfully
set up at the BTS. This does not indicate that the entire call has been set
up. This OM is pegged against the EBID which the MCTA selected.

Table 39
RadioResourceAllocated OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
21 9 -- No Word16 Ext

MCTACDAFailureAllTimedOut OM (ID 22)

This OM is pegged when no frequency was successfully selected by the
MCTA because none of the BTSs responded to the capacity request
query. This OM is pegged against the EBID on which the LAU made
an access attempt. RadioLinkSetupError, MCTACDABlocked, and the
corresponding TerminationBlocked or OriginationBlocked are pegged with
this OM. Note that the MCTA error case OMs are never pegged with the
BTS blocking reason OMs (TCEUnavailable, WalshCodeUnavailable,
ForwardCapacityFull). The MCTA error case OMs may only be pegged
after a capacity query results in frequency selection failure due to BTS
resource shortages. The BTS blocking reason OMs may only be pegged
as a result of a resource shortage after a BTS resource is requested for
the successfully selected frequency.

Table 40
MCTACDAFailureAllTimedOut OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
22 9 -- No Word16 Ext

MCTACDAFailureAllFull OM (ID 23)

This OM is pegged when no frequency was successfully selected by
the MCTA because none of the BTSs had resources available. This
OM is pegged against the EBID on which the LAU made an access
attempt. RadioLinkSetupError, MCTACDABlocked, and the corresponding
TerminationBlocked or OriginationBlocked are pegged with this OM.
Note that the MCTA error case OMs are never pegged with the BTS
blocking reason OMs (TCEUnavailable, WalshCodeUnavailable,
ForwardCapacityFull). The MCTA error case OMs may only be pegged
after a capacity query results in frequency selection failure due to BTS
resource shortages. The BTS blocking reason OMs may only be pegged
as a result of a resource shortage after a BTS resource is requested for
the successfully selected frequency.

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Table 41
MCTACDAFailureAllFull OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
23 9 -- No Word16 Ext

MCTACDAFailureMixed OM (ID 24)

This OM is pegged when no frequency was successfully selected by
the MCTA because some BTSs timed-out while some responded with a
resource full or not available response. This OM is pegged against the
EBID on which the LAU made an access attempt. RadioLinkSetupError,
MCTACDABlocked, and the corresponding TerminationBlocked or
OriginationBlocked are pegged with this OM. Note that the MCTA
error case OMs are never pegged with the BTS blocking reason OMs
(TCEUnavailable, WalshCodeUnavailable, ForwardCapacityFull). The
MCTA error case OMs may only be pegged after a capacity query results
in frequency selection failure due to BTS resource shortages. The BTS
blocking reason OMs may only be pegged as a result of a resource
shortage after a BTS resource is requested for the successfully selected

Table 42
MCTACDAFailureMixed OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
24 9 -- No Word16 Ext

V5.2 Link Layer 2 OM group (ID 3)

This OM group counts interesting events related to the V5.2 Layer 2

Table 43
V5.2 Link Layer 2 OM group values
Group ID Physical Pegging Multi ID pegging Aggregate Output file
entity type types prefix
3 ESCI Link -- No FWSBSCSubsy

EFBytesReceived OM (ID 1)
This OM is pegged once for each byte received in a valid Envelope
Function frame. The VPA pegs this OM on a per-V5.2 Interface
basis. Note that this OM measures CDMA-LTX V5.2 Protocol Adaptor

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V5.2 Link Layer 2 OM group (ID 3) 55

Performance. This OM is provided as required by the V5.2 specification

requirements. This OM provides information to monitor load distribution
and general V5.2 protocol operation.

Table 44
EFBytesReceived OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
1 9 -- No Word32 Ext

EFFramesReceived OM (ID 2)
This OM is pegged once for each valid Envelope Function frame received.
The VPA pegs this OM on a per-V5.2 interface basis. Note that this OM
measures CDMA-LTX V5.2 Protocol Adaptor Performance. This OM is
provided as required by the V5.2 specification requirements. This OM
provides information to monitor load distribution and general V5.2 protocol

Table 45
EFFramesReceived OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
2 9 -- No Word32 Ext

EFFramesAborted OM (ID 3)
This OM is pegged once for each received Envelope Function frame that
was aborted. The VPA pegs this OM on a per-V5.2 interface basis. Note
that this OM measures CDMA-LTX V5.2 Protocol Adaptor Performance.
This OM is provided as required by the V5.2 specification requirements.
This OM provides information to monitor load distribution and general V5.2
protocol operation.

Table 46
EFFramesAborted OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
3 9 -- No Word32 Ext

EFFramesBadFCS OM (ID 4)
This OM is pegged once for each Envelope Function frame received with
bad error checking information. The VPA pegs this OM on a per-V5.2
interface basis. Note that this OM measures CDMA-LTX V5.2 Protocol
Adaptor Performance. This OM is provided as required by the V5.2
specification requirements. This OM provides information to monitor load
distribution and general V5.2 protocol operation.

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56 Operational measurements reference

Table 47
EFFramesBadFCS OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
4 9 -- No Word32 Ext

EFFramesTooShort OM (ID 5)
This OM is pegged once for Envelope Function frames received which
were too short (frames less than 5 bytes). The VPA pegs this OM on a
per-V5.2 interface basis. Note that this OM measures CDMA-LTX V5.2
Protocol Adaptor Performance. This OM is provided as required by the
V5.2 specification requirements. This OM provides information to monitor
load distribution and general V5.2 protocol operation.

Table 48
EFFramesTooShort OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
5 9 -- No Word32 Ext

EFFramesTooLong OM (ID 6)
This OM is pegged once for Envelope Function frames received which
were too long (frames longer than 266 bytes). The VPA pegs this OM on
a per-V5.2 interface basis. Note that this OM measures CDMA-LTX V5.2
Protocol Adaptor Performance. This OM is provided as required by the
V5.2 specification requirements. This OM provides information to monitor
load distribution and general V5.2 protocol operation.

Table 49
EFFramesTooLong OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
6 9 -- No Word32 Ext

V5.2 Interface Layer 3 OM group (ID 4)

This OM group counts interesting events related to the V5.2 Layer 3

Table 50
V5.2 Interface Layer 3 OM group values
Group ID Physical Pegging Multi ID pegging Aggregate Output file
entity type types prefix
4 ESCI Interface -- No FWSBSCSubsy

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V5.2 Interface Layer 3 OM group (ID 4) 57

BCCSuccessfulAllocations OM (ID 1)
This OM is pegged when the SCI-S receives an "Allocate" message from
LE to allocate a circuit for a LAU during call setup. The VPA pegs this
OM on a per-V5.2 Interface basis. This OM is useful in monitoring the
load distribution across V5.2 interfaces. Note that this OM measures
CDMA-LTX V5.2 Protocol Adaptor Performance. This OM is provided
as required by the V5.2 specification requirements. This OM provides
information to monitor load distribution and general V5.2 protocol

Table 51
BCCSuccessfulAllocations OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
1 9 -- No Word16 Ext

BCCAllocationRejects OM (ID 2)
This OM is pegged during a race condition or during a software anomaly
where the VPA is not able to set up a V5.2 circuit for the call. This OM
should be very rarely pegged. The VPA pegs this OM on a per-V5.2
interface basis. Note that this OM measures CDMA-LTX V5.2 Protocol
Adaptor Performance. This OM is provided as required by the V5.2
specification requirements. This OM provides information to monitor load
distribution and general V5.2 protocol operation.

Table 52
BCCAllocationRejects OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
2 9 -- No Word16 Ext

BCCSuccessfulDeallocations OM (ID 3)
This OM is pegged when the VPA tears down the V5.2 circuit at the end
of a call. The VPA pegs this OM on a per-V5.2 interface basis. Note that
this OM measures CDMA-LTX V5.2 Protocol Adaptor Performance. This
OM is provided as required by the V5.2 specification requirements. This
OM provides information to monitor load distribution and general V5.2
protocol operation.

Table 53
BCCSuccessfulDeallocations OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
3 9 -- No Word16 Ext

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58 Operational measurements reference

BCCDeallocationRejects OM (ID 4)
This OM is pegged when the VPA can not tear down the V5.2 circuit.
This OM should never be pegged. The VPA pegs this OM on a per-V5.2
interface basis. Note that this OM measures CDMA-LTX V5.2 Protocol
Adaptor Performance. This OM is provided as required by the V5.2
specification requirements. This OM provides information to monitor load
distribution and general V5.2 protocol operation.

Table 54
BCCDeallocationRejects OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
4 9 -- No Word16 Ext

PortUsage OM (ID 5)
This OM is pegged when the SCI-S sends or receives an "establish"
message to the LE. This message indicates the V5.2 port (subscriber)
is in use. This OM is useful in monitoring the load distribution across
V5.2 interfaces. The number of pegs in this OM should roughly match
BCCSuccessfulAllocations. Note that this OM measures CDMA-LTX V5.2
Protocol Adaptor Performance. This OM is provided as required by the
V5.2 specification requirements. This OM provides information to monitor
load distribution and general V5.2 protocol operation.

Table 55
PortUsage OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
5 9 -- No Word16 Ext

BCCProtocolTimeOutErrors OM (ID 6)
This OM counts time-out errors occurring in the BCC Protocol.

Table 56
BCCProtocolTimeOutErrors OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
6 9 -- No Word16 Ext

BCCProtocolSyntaxErrors OM (ID 7)
This OM counts syntax errors detected in the BCC Protocol.

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V5.2 Interface Layer 3 OM group (ID 4) 59

Table 57
BCCProtocolSyntaxErrors OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
7 9 -- No Word16 Ext

CommonControlProtocolTimeOutErrors OM (ID 8)
This OM counts time-out errors occurring in the Common Control Protocol.

Table 58
CommonControlProtocolTimeOutErrors OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
8 9 -- No Word16 Ext

CommonControlProtocolLayer3AddressErrors OM (ID 9)
This OM counts Layer 3 Address errors occurring in the Common Control

Table 59
CommonControlProtocolLayer3AddressErrors OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
9 9 -- No Word16 Ext

CommonControlProtocolSyntaxErrors OM (ID 10)

This OM counts syntax errors detected in the Common Control Protocol.

Table 60
CommonControlProtocolSyntaxErrors OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
10 9 -- No Word16 Ext

PortControlProtocolTimeOutErrors OM (ID 11)

This OM counts time-out errors occurring in the Common Control Protocol.

Table 61
PortControlProtocolTimeOutErrors OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
11 9 -- No Word16 Ext

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PortControlProtocolLayer3AddressErrors OM (ID 12)

This OM counts Layer 3 Address errors occurring in the Common Control

Table 62
PortControlProtocolLayer3AddressErrors OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
12 9 -- No Word16 Ext

PortControlProtocolSyntaxErrors OM (ID 13)

This OM counts syntax errors detected in the Port Control Protocol.

Table 63
PortControlProtocolSyntaxErrors OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
13 9 -- No Word16 Ext

ProtectionProtocolTimeOutErrors OM (ID 14)

This OM counts time-out errors occurring in the Port Control Protocol.

Table 64
ProtectionProtocolTimeOutErrors OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
14 9 -- No Word16 Ext

ProtectionProtocolSyntaxErrors OM (ID 15)

This OM counts syntax errors detected in the Protection Protocol.

Table 65
ProtectionProtocolSyntaxErrors OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
15 9 -- No Word16 Ext

PSTNProtocolTimeOutErrors OM (ID 16)

This OM counts time-out errors occurring in the PSTN Protocol.

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FW CSD OM group (ID 5) 61

Table 66
PSTNProtocolTimeOutErrors OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
16 9 -- No Word16 Ext

PSTNProtocolLayer3AddressErrors OM (ID 17)

This OM counts Layer 3 Address errors occurring in the PSTN Protocol.

Table 67
PSTNProtocolLayer3AddressErrors OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
17 9 -- No Word16 Ext

PSTNProtocolSyntaxErrors OM (ID 18)

This OM counts syntax errors detected in the PSTN Protocol.

Table 68
PSTNProtocolSyntaxErrors OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
18 9 -- No Word16 Ext

FW CSD OM group (ID 5)

This OM group counts interesting events related to Fixed Wireless Circuit
Switched Data.

Table 69
FW CSD OM group values
Group ID Physical Pegging Multi ID pegging Aggregate Output file
entity type types prefix
5 ESCI SO -- Yes FWSBSCSubsy

DataCallOriginationAttempt OM (ID 1)
This OM is pegged when the SCI-S receives an origination for a
LAU-originated data call. Note that this OM measures CDMA-LTX CSD

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62 Operational measurements reference

Table 70
DataCallOriginationAttempt OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
1 9 -- No Word16 Ext

DataCallOriginationCompleted OM (ID 2)
This OM is pegged when the SCI-S receives an indication that the IWF
connection between the originator and the terminator is established. Note
that this OM measures CDMA-LTX CSD performance.

Table 71
DataCallOriginationCompleted OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
2 9 -- No Word16 Ext

DataCallTerminationAttempt OM (ID 3)
This OM is pegged when the SCI-S receives the page response message
from the LAU terminating a data call. Note that this OM measures
CDMA-LTX CSD performance.

Table 72
DataCallTerminationAttempt OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
3 9 -- No Word16 Ext

DataCallTerminationCompleted OM (ID 4)
This OM is pegged when the SCI-S receives an indication that the IWF
connection between the originator and the terminator is established. Note
that this OM measures CDMA-LTX CSD performance.

Table 73
DataCallTerminationCompleted OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
4 9 -- No Word16 Ext

DataCallAbnormalRelease OM (ID 5)
This OM is pegged when the SCI-S receives an abnormal release from the
IWF before an IWF connection is established between the originator and
the terminator. Note that this OM measures CDMA-LTX CSD performance.

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FW PAM OM group (ID 6) 63

Table 74
DataCallAbnormalRelease OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
5 9 -- No Word16 Ext

DataCallMITRequest OM (ID 6)
This OM is pegged when the SCI-S receives a MIT request. Note that this
OM measures CDMA-LTX CSD performance.

Table 75
DataCallMITRequest OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
6 9 -- No Word16 Ext

DataCallMITAcknowledge OM (ID 7)
This OM is pegged when the SCI-S acknowledges a MIT request. Note
that this OM measures CDMA-LTX CSD performance.

Table 76
DataCallMITAcknowledge OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
7 9 -- No Word16 Ext

DataCallServNegTarget OM (ID 8)
This OM counts the number of circuit switched data calls on the Fixed
Wireless BSC FWSBS::IWF that are a result of service negotiation. This
OM does not indicate whether the circuit switched data call is successful.

Table 77
DataCallServNegTarget OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
8 9 -- No Word16 Ext

FW PAM OM group (ID 6)

This OM group counts interesting events related to the Fixed Wireless
Paging and Access Manager (PAM).

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64 Operational measurements reference

Table 78
FW PAM OM group values
Group ID Physical Pegging Multi ID pegging Aggregate Output file
entity type types prefix
6 CN Node -- No CNSubsystem

PageRequests OM (ID 1)
This OM is pegged each time a LAU is paged. This includes page retries
in quick repeats. The FWPAM pegs this OM on a system-wide basis. This
OM is used to measure CDMA-LTX Paging Performance.

Table 79
PageRequests OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
1 9 -- No Word16 Ext

PageTimeOut OM (ID 2)
This OM is pegged when the BSC does not receive a page response to
any page. This includes each and every page timeout. If either page retry
or quick-repeat paging is turned on, and both pages timeout, this OM is
pegged twice. The FWPAM pegs this OM on a system-wide basis. This
OM is used to measure CDMA-LTX Paging Performance.

Table 80
PageTimeOut OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
2 9 -- No Word16 Ext

Originations OM (ID 3)
This OM is pegged when the FWPAM receives an origination from the
LAU. This OM is pegged before any screening is performed on the LAU.
The FWPAM pegs this OM on a system-wide basis. This OM is used to
measure CDMA-LTX Call Setup Performance.

Table 81
Originations OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
3 9 -- No Word16 Ext

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FW PAM OM group (ID 6) 65

Registrations OM (ID 4)
This OM is pegged when the FWPAM receives a registration notification
from the LAU. The FWPAM pegs this OM on a system-wide basis. This
OM is used to measure CDMA-LTX Call Setup Performance.

Table 82
Registrations OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
4 9 -- No Word16 Ext

UnexpectedPageResponse OM (ID 5)
This OM is pegged when a page response has been received after the
corresponding page attempt has timed out or at any other time a page
response is not expected. The FWPAM pegs this OM on a system-wide
basis. This OM is used to measure CDMA-LTX Paging Performance.

Table 83
UnexpectedPageResponse OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
5 9 -- No Word16 Ext

OrigSubscriberUnavailable OM (ID 6)
This OM is pegged when the originating subscriber lookup fails in the FSD.
OriginationAttempts is never pegged with this OM. The FWPAM pegs this
OM on a system-wide basis. This OM is used to measure CDMA-LTX Call
Setup Performance.

Table 84
OrigSubscriberUnavailable OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
6 9 -- No Word16 Ext

TermSubscriberUnavailable OM (ID 7)
This OM is pegged when the terminating subscriber lookup fails in the
FSD. PageResponse is never pegged with this OM. The FWPAM pegs this
OM on a system-wide basis. This OM is used to measure CDMA-LTX Call
Setup Performance.

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Table 85
TermSubscriberUnavailable OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
7 9 -- No Word16 Ext

OrigSubscriberMobilityRestricted OM (ID 8)
This OM is pegged when a call setup is denied because a LAU
attempted an origination outside its serving cell list defined by the FSD.
OriginationAttempts is never pegged with this OM. The FWPAM pegs this
OM on a system-wide basis. This OM is used to measure CDMA-LTX Call
Setup Performance.

Table 86
OrigSubscriberMobilityRestricted OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
8 9 -- No Word16 Ext

TermSubscriberMobilityRestricted OM (ID 9)
This OM is pegged when a call setup is denied because a LAU
attempted a termination outside its serving cell list defined by the FSD.
PageResponse is never pegged with this OM. The FWPAM pegs this OM
on a system-wide basis. This OM is used to measure CDMA-LTX Call
Setup Performance.

Table 87
TermSubscriberMobilityRestricted OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
9 9 -- No Word16 Ext

OrigValidationFailed OM (ID 10)

This OM counts the number of originating call setups on the Fixed
Wireless BSC CN::FWPAM that failed validation.

Table 88
OrigValidationFailed OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
10 9 -- No Word16 Ext

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Service Negotiation OM group (ID 7) 67

TermValidationFailed OM (ID 11)

This OM counts the number of terminating call setups on the Fixed
Wireless BSC CN::FWPAM that failed validation.

Table 89
TermValidationFailed OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
11 9 -- No Word16 Ext

Rsptopage1 OM (ID 12)

The FWPAM pegs this OM when a terminating LAU responds on the
first page attempt when page retries are turned on. If quick-repeated
paging is turned on, this OM pegs when the LAU responds to any of the
quick-repeated pages. The FWPAM pegs this OM on a system-wide basis.
This OM is used to measure CDMA-LTX Call Setup Performance.

Table 90
Rsptopage1 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
12 9 -- No Word16 Ext

Rsptopage2 OM (ID 13)

The FWPAM pegs this OM when a terminating LAU responds on a page
retry attempt. This OM is not pegged if quick-repeated paging is turned on.
The FWPAM pegs this OM on a system-wide basis. This OM is used to
measure CDMA-LTX Call Setup Performance.

Table 91
Rsptopage2 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
13 9 -- No Word16 Ext

Service Negotiation OM group (ID 7)

The OMs in the Service Negotiation OM Group are pegged for in-traffic
service negotiation calls only. The OMs for service negotiation aid in
evaluating the number of service negotiation calls (successful and failure)
based on service option. Service Negotiation OMs have been added to the
ESelectorCard and SCIS MOs. These OMs are pegged on a per-service
option basis (i.e. there is a separate grouping of OMs for every service
option supported). The OMs will be reported using the same mechanism

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68 Operational measurements reference

as the PCU. Here "attempts" refers to those calls that the system is aware
of. For example, the system is not aware of service negotiation attempts
where the IS95 Service Request message is lost over the air interface.

OM pegging on the ESEL card during service negotiation calls consists of

pegging two sets of OMs. The source OMs count the number of service
negotiation attempts, failures and successes from a particular service
option. The target OMs count the number of service negotiation attempts,
failures and successes to the requested service option.

Table 92
Service Negotiation OM group values
Group ID Physical Pegging Multi ID pegging Aggregate Output file
entity type types prefix
7 ESEL SO -- Yes FWSBSCSubsy

ServNegSourceAttempts OM (ID 1)
This OM counts attempts to negotiate away from this service option during
in-traffic service negotiation.

Table 93
ServNegSourceAttempts OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
1 10.2 -- No Word32 Ext

ServNegSourceFailures OM (ID 2)
This OM counts failed attempts to negotiate away from this service option
during in-traffic service negotiation.

Table 94
ServNegSourceFailures OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
2 10.2 -- No Word32 Ext

ServNegSourceSuccess OM (ID 3)
This OM counts successful attempts to negotiate away from this service
option during in-traffic service negotiation.

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Service Negotiation OM group (ID 7) 69

Table 95
ServNegSourceSuccess OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
3 10.2 -- No Word32 Ext

ServNegSourceAbandoned OM (ID 4)
This OM counts abandoned attempts to negotiate away from this service
option during in-traffic service negotiation.

Table 96
ServNegSourceAbandoned OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
4 10.2 -- No Word32 Ext

ServNegTargetAttempts OM (ID 5)
This OM counts attempts to negotiate to this service option during in-traffic
service negotiation.

Table 97
ServNegTargetAttempts OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
5 10.2 -- No Word32 Ext

ServNegTargetFailures OM (ID 6)
This OM counts failed attempts to negotiate to this service option during
in-traffic service negotiation.

Table 98
ServNegTargetFailures OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
6 10.2 -- No Word32 Ext

ServNegTargetSuccess OM (ID 7)
This OM counts successful attempts to negotiate to this service option
during in-traffic service negotiation.

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Table 99
ServNegTargetSuccess OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
7 10.2 -- No Word32 Ext

ServNegTargetAbandoned OM (ID 8)
This OM counts abandoned attempts to negotiate to this service option
during in-traffic service negotiation.

Table 100
ServNegTargetAbandoned OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
8 10.2 -- No Word32 Ext

RLP Setup OM group (ID 8)

The OMs in the ACP and ESEL aid in evaluating the performance of
the RLP, the setup of forward and reverse data bursts and the setup of
forward and reverse supplemental channels.

The RLPSetup* OMs are required since RLP is synchronized after the
Service Connect Completion message is sent, that is, after all of the radio
resources have been successfully allocated

Table 101
RLP Setup OM group values
Group ID Physical Pegging Multi ID pegging Aggregate Output file
entity type types prefix
8 ESEL, DSFP- Node -- No --

RLPSetupAttempts OM (ID 1)
This OM is pegged when RLP setup is attempted during call setup. For
each call setup, RLP setup is attempted once.

Table 102
RLPSetupAttempts OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
1 10.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

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SCH Burst Setup OM group (ID 9) 71

RLPSetupSuccesses OM (ID 2)
This OM is pegged for successful RLP setup during call setup. If RLP sync
is required and is found then this OM is pegged. This OM is also pegged
for successful RLP setup when RLP sync is not required.

Table 103
RLPSetupSuccesses OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
2 10.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

RLPSetupFailures OM (ID 3)
This OM provides the number of failed RLP setups.

Table 104
RLPSetupFailures OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
3 10.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

SCH Burst Setup OM group (ID 9)

This OM Group is pegged for Forward and Reverse data burst setup
Attempts, Successes, Failures (regardless of the requested data rate for
the burst), Downgrade, Non-downgrade and delay. The OMs in this group
are pegged per PCU and are available in the BSC and EBSC.

Note: The FwdBurstSetup* and RevBurstSetup*OMs provide a measure of

whether data bursts in the Forward and Reverse direction are successful.
It is important to separate this from SCH setup, since the mobile involved
in the burst could have more than one pilot in its Active Set. When this is
the case, an SCH could be set up successfully on one of the pilots in the
set, but not the others, resulting in a successful data burst, even though
the SCH allocation on one or more of the radio links failed.

Table 105
SCH Burst Setup OM group values
Group ID Physical Pegging Multi ID pegging Aggregate Output file
entity type types prefix
9 ESEL, DSFP- Node -- No --

FwdBurstSetupAttempts OM (ID 1)
This OM is pegged when a forward data burst setup is attempted,
regardless of the requested data rate for the burst.

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Table 106
FwdBurstSetupAttempts OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
1 10.1 -- Yes Word32 Ext

FwdBurstSetupSuccesses OM (ID 2)
This OM is pegged when a forward data burst is successfully set up,
regardless of the data rate for the burst. That is, resources on an ESEL
or ACP and at least one BTS are allocated and the mobile successfully
arrives on the SCH.

Table 107
FwdBurstSetupSuccesses OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
2 10.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FwdBurstSetupFailures OM (ID 3)
This OM is pegged when a forward data burst can not be set up,
regardless of the requested data rate for the burst. That is, resources on
an ESEL or ACP, or primary sector or sectors are not available, or the
mobile does not arrive on the SCH.

Table 108
FwdBurstSetupFailures OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
3 10.1 -- Yes Word32 Ext

RevBurstSetupAttempts OM (ID 4)
This OM is pegged when a reverse data burst setup is attempted,
regardless of the attempted data rate for the burst.

Table 109
RevBurstSetupAttempts OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
4 10.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

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SCH Burst Setup OM group (ID 9) 73

RevBurstSetupSuccesses OM (ID 5)
This OM is pegged when a reverse data burst is successfully set up,
regardless of the data rate for the burst. That is, resources on an ESEL
or ACP and at least one BTS are allocated and the mobile successfully
arrives on the SCH. The RevBurstSetup* OMs provide a measure of
whether data bursts in the reverse direction are successful.

Table 110
RevBurstSetupSuccesses OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
5 10.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

RevBurstSetupFailures OM (ID 6)
This OM is pegged when a reverse data burst can not be set up,
regardless of the requested data rate for the burst. That is, resources on
an ESEL or ACP, or primary sector or sectors are not available, or the
mobile does not arrive on the SCH. The RevBurstSetup* OMs provide a
measure of whether data bursts in the reverse direction are successful.

Table 111
RevBurstSetupFailures OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
6 10.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FwdBurstBSC_Downgrade OM (ID 7)
This OM is pegged when a request to set up a forward SCH is
downgraded to a lower data rate by the ESEL or ACP based on the ESEL
or ACP card capacity, that is, prior to BTS resource considerations. This
OM is also pegged when FwdBurstBSC_DowngradeCHange OM is

Prior to Release 12.0 this OM was known as FwdBurst_ESEL_Downgr


Table 112
FwdBurstBSC_Downgrade OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
7 11 -- Yes Word16 Ext

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FwdBurstBSC_NonDowngrade OM (ID 8)
This OM is pegged when a request to set up a forward SCH is granted by
the ESEL or ACP, without being downgraded, based on the ESEL or ACP
card capacity, that is, prior to BTS resource considerations.

Prior to Release 12.0 this OM was known as FwdBurst_ESEL_Non_Dow


Table 113
FwdBurstBSC_NonDowngrade OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
8 11 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FwdBurstDelayIndex_1 OM (ID 9)
This OM is pegged when a forward SCH request waits in the queue (due
to the BSC Fair Share algorithm) for more than zero seconds and up to
and including one second.

Prior to Release 12.0 this OM was known as FwdBurst_Delay>0_and_


Table 114
FwdBurstDelayIndex_1 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
9 11 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FwdBurstDelayIndex_2 OM (ID 10)

This OM is pegged when a forward SCH request waits in the queue (due
to the BSC Fair Share algorithm) for more than one second and up to and
including three seconds.

Prior to Release 12.0 this OM was known as FwdBurst_Delay>1_and_


Table 115
FwdBurstDelayIndex_2 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
10 11 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FwdBurstDelayIndex_3 OM (ID 11)

This OM is pegged when a forward SCH request waits in the queue (due
to the BSC Fair Share algorithm) for more than three seconds.

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SCH Burst Setup OM group (ID 9) 75

Release 12.0 this OM was known as FwdBurst_Delay>3.

Table 116
FwdBurstDelayIndex_3 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
11 11 -- Yes Word16 Ext

RevBurstBSC_Downgrade OM (ID 12)

This OM is pegged when a request to set up a reverse SCH is
downgraded to a lower data rate by the ESEL or ACP based on the ESEL
or ACP card capacity, that is, prior to BTS resource considerations.

Prior to Release 12.0 this OM was known as RevBurst_ESEL_Downgrade.

Table 117
RevBurstBSC_Downgrade OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
12 11 -- Yes Word16 Ext

RevBurstBSC_NonDowngrade OM (ID 13)

This OM is pegged when a request to set up a reverse SCH is granted by
the ESEL or ACP, without being downgraded, based on the ESEL or ACP
card capacity, that is, prior to BTS resource considerations.

Prior to Release 12.0 this OM was known as RevBurst_ESEL_Non_Dow


Table 118
RevBurstBSC_NonDowngrade OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
13 11 -- Yes Word16 Ext

RevBurstDelayIndex_1 OM (ID 14)

This OM is pegged when a reverse SCH request waits in the queue (due
to the BSC Fair Share algorithm) for more than zero seconds and up to
and including one second.

Prior to Release 12.0 this OM was known as RevBurst_Delay>0_and_


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Table 119
RevBurstDelayIndex_1 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
14 11 -- Yes Word16 Ext

RevBurstDelayIndex_2 OM (ID 15)

This OM is pegged when a reverse SCH request waits in the queue (due
to the BSC Fair Share algorithm) for more than one second and up to and
including three seconds.

Prior to Release 12.0 this OM was known as RevBurst_Delay>1_and_


Table 120
RevBurstDelayIndex_2 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
15 11 -- Yes Word16 Ext

RevBurstDelayIndex_3 OM (ID 16)

This OM is pegged when a reverse SCH request waits in the queue (due
to the BSC Fair Share algorithm) for more than three seconds.

Prior to Release 12.0 this OM was known as RevBurst_Delay>3.

Table 121
RevBurstDelayIndex_3 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
16 11 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FwdBurstSetupAttempts_2X OM (ID 17)

This OM is pegged when a 2X forward data burst setup is attempted. Note
that the FwdBurstSetup* OMs provide a measure of whether data bursts in
the forward direction are successful. It is important to separate this from
SCH Link setup, since the mobile involved in the burst could have more
than one pilot in its Active Set. When this is the case, a SCH could be set
up successfully on one of the pilots in the set, but not the others, resulting
in a successful data burst, even though SCH allocation on one or more of
the radio links failed.

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SCH Burst Setup OM group (ID 9) 77

Table 122
FwdBurstSetupAttempts_2X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
17 12 -- Yes Word32 Ext

FwdBurstSetupAttempts_4X OM (ID 18)

This OM is pegged when a 4X forward data burst setup is attempted.
The requested data rate of 4X is prior to any possible downgrade by the
BSC Fair Share algorithm. Note that the FwdBurstSetup* OMs provide a
measure of whether data bursts in the forward direction are successful. It
is important to separate this from SCH Link setup, as the mobile involved
in the burst could have more than one pilot in its Active Set. When this is
the case, a SCH could be set up successfully on one of the pilots in the
set, but not the others, resulting in a successful data burst, even though
SCH allocation on one or more of the radio links failed.

Table 123
FwdBurstSetupAttempts_4X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
18 12 -- Yes Word32 Ext

FwdBurstSetupAttempts_8X OM (ID 19)

This OM is pegged when an 8X forward data burst setup is attempted.
The requested data rate of 8X is prior to any possible downgrade by the
BSC Fair Share algorithm. Note that the FwdBurstSetup* OMs provide a
measure of whether data bursts in the forward direction are successful. It
is important to separate this from SCH Link setup, as the mobile involved
in the burst could have more than one pilot in its Active Set. When this is
the case, a SCH could be set up successfully on one of the pilots in the
set, but not the others, resulting in a successful data burst, even though
SCH allocation on one or more of the radio links failed.

Table 124
FwdBurstSetupAttempts_8X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
19 12 -- Yes Word32 Ext

FwdBurstSetupAttempts_16X OM (ID 20)

This OM is pegged when a 16X forward data burst setup is attempted.
The requested data rate of 16X is prior to any possible downgrade by the
BSC Fair Share algorithm. Note that the FwdBurstSetup* OMs provide a

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78 Operational measurements reference

measure of whether data bursts in the forward direction are successful. It

is important to separate this from SCH Link setup, as the mobile involved
in the burst could have more than one pilot in its Active Set. When this is
the case, a SCH could be set up successfully on one of the pilots in the
set, but not the others, resulting in a successful data burst, even though
SCH allocation on one or more of the radio links failed.

Table 125
FwdBurstSetupAttempts_16X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
20 12 -- Yes Word32 Ext

FwdBurstSetupSuccesses_2X OM (ID 21)

This OM is pegged when a 2X forward data burst is successfully set
up. That is, resources on the ESEL or ACP and at least one BTS are
allocated and the mobile successfully arrives on the SCH. Note that the
FwdBurstSetup* OMs provide a measure of whether data bursts in the
forward direction are successful. It is important to separate this from SCH
Link setup, as the mobile involved in the burst could have more than
one pilot in its Active Set. When this is the case, a SCH could be set up
successfully on one of the pilots in the set, but not the others, resulting in
a successful data burst, even though SCH allocation on one or more of
the radio links failed.

Table 126
FwdBurstSetupSuccesses_2X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
21 12 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FwdBurstSetupSuccesses_4X OM (ID 22)

This OM is pegged when a 4X forward data burst is successfully set
up. That is, resources on the ESEL or ACP and at least one BTS are
allocated and the mobile successfully arrives on the SCH. Note that the
requested data rate for the burst could have been 4X or higher. Note that
the FwdBurstSetup* OMs provide a measure of whether data bursts in
the forward direction are successful. It is important to separate this from
SCH Link setup, as the mobile involved in the burst could have more than
one pilot in its Active Set. When this is the case, a SCH could be setup
successfully on one of the pilots in the set, but not the others, resulting in
a successful data burst, even though SCH allocation on one or more of
the radio links failed.

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SCH Burst Setup OM group (ID 9) 79

Table 127
FwdBurstSetupSuccesses_4X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
22 12 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FwdBurstSetupSuccesses_8X OM (ID 23)

This OM is pegged when an 8X forward data burst is successfully set
up. That is, resources on the ESEL or ACP and at least one BTS are
allocated and the mobile successfully arrives on the SCH. Note that the
requested data rate for the burst could have been 8X or higher. Note that
the FwdBurstSetup* OMs provide a measure of whether data bursts in
the forward direction are successful. It is important to separate this from
SCH Link setup, as the mobile involved in the burst could have more than
one pilot in its Active Set. When this is the case, a SCH could be set up
successfully on one of the pilots in the set, but not the others, resulting in
a successful data burst, even though SCH allocation on one or more of
the radio links failed.

Table 128
FwdBurstSetupSuccesses_8X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
23 12 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FwdBurstSetupSuccesses_16X OM (ID 24)

This OM is pegged when a 16X forward data burst is successfully set
up. That is, resources on the ESEL or ACP and at least one BTS are
allocated and the mobile successfully arrives on the SCH. Note that the
FwdBurstSetup* OMs provide a measure of whether data bursts in the
forward direction are successful. It is important to separate this from SCH
Link setup, as the mobile involved in the burst could have more than
one pilot in its Active Set. When this is the case, a SCH could be set up
successfully on one of the pilots in the set, but not the others, resulting in
a successful data burst, even though SCH allocation on one or more of
the radio links failed.

Table 129
FwdBurstSetupSuccesses_16X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
24 12 -- Yes Word16 Ext

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NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks

80 Operational measurements reference

FwdBurstSetupFailures_2X OM (ID 25)

This OM is pegged when a 2X forward data burst can not be set up.
That is, resources on the ESEL or ACP or primary sector or sectors are
not available, or the mobile does not arrive on the SCH. Note that the
FwdBurstSetup* OMs provide a measure of whether data bursts in the
forward direction are successful. It is important to separate this from SCH
Link setup, as the mobile involved in the burst could have more than
one pilot in its Active Set. When this is the case, a SCH could be set up
successfully on one of the pilots in the set, but not the others, resulting in
a successful data burst, even though SCH allocation on one or more of
the radio links failed.

Table 130
FwdBurstSetupFailures_2X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
25 12 -- Yes Word32 Ext

FwdBurstSetupFailures_4X OM (ID 26)

This OM is pegged when a 4X forward data burst can not be set up. That
is, resources on the ESEL or ACP or primary sector or sectors are not
available, or the mobile does not arrive on the SCH. The 4X data rate
represents the requested burst data rate prior to any possible downgrade
by the BSC Fair Share algorithm. Note that the FwdBurstSetup* OMs
provide a measure of whether data bursts in the forward direction are
successful. It is important to separate this from SCH Link setup, as the
mobile involved in the burst could have more than one pilot in its Active
Set. When this is the case, a SCH could be set up successfully on one of
the pilots in the set, but not the others, resulting in a successful data burst,
even though SCH allocation on one or more of the radio links failed.

Table 131
FwdBurstSetupFailures_4X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
26 12 -- Yes Word32 Ext

FwdBurstSetupFailures_8X OM (ID 27)

This OM is pegged when an 8X forward data burst can not be set up.
That is, resources on the ESEL or ACP or primary sector or sectors are
not available, or the mobile does not arrive on the SCH. The 8X data rate
represents the requested burst data rate prior to any possible downgrade
by the BSC Fair Share algorithm. Note that the FwdBurstSetup* OMs
provide a measure of whether data bursts in the forward direction are
successful. It is important to separate this from SCH Link setup, as the

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Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks

SCH Burst Setup OM group (ID 9) 81

mobile involved in the burst could have more than one pilot in its Active
Set. When this is the case, a SCH could be set up successfully on one of
the pilots in the set, but not the others, resulting in a successful data burst,
even though SCH allocation on one or more of the radio links failed.

Table 132
FwdBurstSetupFailures_8X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
27 12 -- Yes Word32 Ext

FwdBurstSetupFailures_16X OM (ID 28)

This OM is pegged when a 16X forward data burst can not be set up. That
is, resources on the BSC or primary sector or sectors are not available or
the mobile does not arrive on the SCH. The 16X data rate represents the
requested burst data rate prior to any possible downgrade by the BSC Fair
Share algorithm. Note that the FwdBurstSetup* OMs provide a measure of
whether data bursts in the forward direction are successful. It is important
to separate this from SCH Link setup, as the mobile involved in the burst
could have more than one pilot in its Active Set. When this is the case,
a SCH could be set up successfully on one of the pilots in the set, but
not the others, resulting in a successful data burst, even though SCH
allocation on one or more of the radio links failed.

Table 133
FwdBurstSetupFailures_16X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
28 12 -- Yes Word32 Ext

RevBurstSetupAttempts_2X OM (ID 29)

This OM is pegged when a 2X reverse data burst setup is attempted. Note
that the RevBurstSetup* OMs provide a measure of whether data bursts in
the reverse direction are successful. It is important to separate this from
SCH Link setup, as the mobile involved in the burst could have more than
one pilot in its Active Set. When this is the case, a SCH could be setup
successfully on one of the pilots in the set, but not the others, resulting in
a successful data burst, even though SCH allocation on one or more of
the radio links failed.

Table 134
RevBurstSetupAttempts_2X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
29 12 -- Yes Word16 Ext

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17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks

82 Operational measurements reference

RevBurstSetupAttempts_4X OM (ID 30)

This OM is pegged when a 4X reverse data burst setup is attempted.
The requested data rate of 4X is prior to any possible downgrade by the
BSC Fair Share algorithm. Note that the RevBurstSetup* OMs provide a
measure of whether data bursts in the reverse direction are successful. It
is important to separate this from SCH Link setup, as the mobile involved
in the burst could have more than one pilot in its Active Set. When this is
the case, a SCH could be set up successfully on one of the pilots in the
set, but not the others, resulting in a successful data burst, even though
SCH allocation on one or more of the radio links failed.

Table 135
RevBurstSetupAttempts_4X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
30 12 -- Yes Word16 Ext

RevBurstSetupAttempts_8X OM (ID 31)

This OM is pegged when an 8X reverse data burst setup is attempted.
The requested data rate of 8X is prior to any possible downgrade by the
BSC Fair Share algorithm. Note that the RevBurstSetup* OMs provide a
measure of whether data bursts in the reverse direction are successful. It
is important to separate this from SCH Link setup, as the mobile involved
in the burst could have more than one pilot in its Active Set. When this is
the case, a SCH could be set up successfully on one of the pilots in the
set, but not the others, resulting in a successful data burst, even though
SCH allocation on one or more of the radio links failed.

Table 136
RevBurstSetupAttempts_8X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
31 12 -- Yes Word16 Ext

RevBurstSetupAttempts_16X OM (ID 32)

This OM is pegged when a 16X reverse data burst setup is attempted.
The requested data rate of 16X is prior to any possible downgrade by the
BSC Fair Share algorithm. Note that the RevBurstSetup* OMs provide a
measure of whether data bursts in the reverse direction are successful. It
is important to separate this from SCH Link setup, as the mobile involved
in the burst could have more than one pilot in its Active Set. When this is
the case, a SCH could be setup successfully on one of the pilots in the set,
but not the others, resulting in a successful data burst, even though SCH
allocation on one or more of the radio links failed.

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Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks

SCH Burst Setup OM group (ID 9) 83

Table 137
RevBurstSetupAttempts_16X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
32 12 -- Yes Word16 Ext

RevBurstSetupSuccesses_2X OM (ID 33)

This OM is pegged when a 2X reverse data burst is successfully set
up. That is, resources on the ESEL or ACP and at least one BTS are
allocated and the mobile successfully arrives on the SCH. Note that he
RevBurstSetup* OMs provide a measure of whether data bursts in the
reverse direction are successful. It is important to separate this from SCH
Link setup, as the mobile involved in the burst could have more than
one pilot in its Active Set. When this is the case, a SCH could be set up
successfully on one of the pilots in the set, but not the others, resulting in
a successful data burst, even though SCH allocation on one or more of
the radio links failed.

Table 138
RevBurstSetupSuccesses_2X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
33 12 -- Yes Word16 Ext

RevBurstSetupSuccesses_4X OM (ID 34)

This OM is pegged when a 4X reverse data burst is successfully set
up. That is, resources on the ESEL or ACP and at least one BTS are
allocated and the mobile successfully arrives on the SCH. Note that the
requested data rate for the burst could have been 4X or higher. Note that
the RevBurstSetup* OMs provide a measure of whether data bursts in
the reverse direction are successful. It is important to separate this from
SCH Link setup, as the mobile involved in the burst could have more than
one pilot in its Active Set. When this is the case, a SCH could be set up
successfully on one of the pilots in the set, but not the others, resulting in
a successful data burst, even though SCH allocation on one or more of
the radio links failed.

Table 139
RevBurstSetupSuccesses_4X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
34 12 -- Yes Word16 Ext

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NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks

84 Operational measurements reference

RevBurstSetupSuccesses_8X OM (ID 35)

This OM is pegged when an 8X reverse data burst is successfully set
up. That is, resources on the ESEL or ACP and at least one BTS are
allocated and the mobile successfully arrives on the SCH. Note that the
requested data rate for the burst could have been 8X or higher. Note that
the RevBurstSetup* OMs provide a measure of whether data bursts in
the reverse direction are successful. It is important to separate this from
SCH Link setup, as the mobile involved in the burst could have more than
one pilot in its Active Set. When this is the case, a SCH could be set up
successfully on one of the pilots in the set, but not the others, resulting in
a successful data burst, even though SCH allocation on one or more of
the radio links failed.

Table 140
RevBurstSetupSuccesses_8X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
35 12 -- Yes Word16 Ext

RevBurstSetupSuccesses_16X OM (ID 36)

This OM is pegged when a 16X reverse data burst is successfully set
up. That is, resources on the ESEL or ACP and at least one BTS are
allocated and the mobile successfully arrives on the SCH. Note that the
RevBurstSetup* OMs provide a measure of whether data bursts in the
reverse direction are successful. It is important to separate this from SCH
Link setup, as the mobile involved in the burst could have more than
one pilot in its Active Set. When this is the case, a SCH could be set up
successfully on one of the pilots in the set, but not the others, resulting in
a successful data burst, even though SCH allocation on one or more of
the radio links failed.

Table 141
RevBurstSetupSuccesses_16X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
36 12 -- Yes Word16 Ext

RevBurstSetupFailures_2X OM (ID 37)

This OM is pegged when a 2X reverse data burst can not be set up.
That is, resources on the ESEL or ACP or primary sector or sectors are
not available, or the mobile does not arrive on the SCH. Note that the
RevBurstSetup* OMs provide a measure of whether data bursts in the
reverse direction are successful. It is important to separate this from SCH
Link setup, as the mobile involved in the burst could have more than
one pilot in its Active Set. When this is the case, a SCH could be set up

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Operational Measurements Reference
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17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks

SCH Burst Setup OM group (ID 9) 85

successfully on one of the pilots in the set, but not the others, resulting in
a successful data burst, even though SCH allocation on one or more of
the radio links failed.

Table 142
RevBurstSetupFailures_2X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
37 12 -- Yes Word16 Ext

RevBurstSetupFailures_4X OM (ID 38)

This OM is pegged when a 4X reverse data burst can not be set up. That
is, resources on the ESEL or ACP, or primary sector or sectors are not
available, or the mobile does not arrive on the SCH. The 4X data rate
represents the requested burst data rate prior to any possible downgrade
by the BSC Fair Share algorithm. Note that he RevBurstSetup* OMs
provide a measure of whether data bursts in the reverse direction are
successful. It is important to separate this from SCH Link setup, as the
mobile involved in the burst could have more than one pilot in its Active
Set. When this is the case, a SCH could be set up successfully on one of
the pilots in the set, but not the others, resulting in a successful data burst,
even though SCH allocation on one or more of the radio links failed.

Table 143
RevBurstSetupFailures_4X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
38 12 -- Yes Word16 Ext

RevBurstSetupFailures_8X OM (ID 39)

This OM is pegged when an 8X reverse data burst can not be set up.
That is, resources on the ESEL or ACP or primary sector or sectors are
not available, or the mobile does not arrive on the SCH. The 8X data rate
represents the requested burst data rate prior to any possible downgrade
by the BSC Fair Share algorithm. Note that he RevBurstSetup* OMs
provide a measure of whether data bursts in the reverse direction are
successful. It is important to separate this from SCH Link setup, as the
mobile involved in the burst could have more than one pilot in its Active
Set. When this is the case, a SCH could be set up successfully on one of
the pilots in the set, but not the others, resulting in a successful data burst,
even though SCH allocation on one or more of the radio links failed.

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Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks

86 Operational measurements reference

Table 144
RevBurstSetupFailures_8X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
39 12 -- Yes Word16 Ext

RevBurstSetupFailures_16X OM (ID 40)

This OM is pegged when a 16X reverse data burst can not be set up. That
is, resources on the ESEL or ACP, or primary sector or sectors are not
available, or the mobile does not arrive on the SCH. The 16X data rate
represents the requested burst data rate prior to any possible downgrade
by the BSC Fair Share algorithm. Note that the RevBurstSetup* OMs
provide a measure of whether data bursts in the reverse direction are
successful. It is important to separate this from SCH Link setup, as the
mobile involved in the burst could have more than one pilot in its Active
Set. When this is the case, a SCH could be set up successfully on one of
the pilots in the set, but not the others, resulting in a successful data burst,
even though SCH allocation on one or more of the radio links failed.

Table 145
RevBurstSetupFailures_16X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
40 12 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FwdBurstDowngrade_4X_To_2X OM (ID 41)

This OM is pegged whenever a request to set up a Forward 4X SCH is
downgraded to 2X by the Fair Share algorithm based only on ACP card
capacity limitation (that is, prior to BTS resource considerations).

This OM is only available on the CPDS platform

Table 146
FwdBurstDowngrade_4X_To_2X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
41 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FwdBurstDowngrade_8X_To_2X OM (ID 42)

This OM is pegged when a request to set up a Forward 8X SCH is
downgraded to 2X by the Fair Share algorithm based only on ACP card
capacity limitation (that is, prior to BTS resource considerations). This OM
is also pegged when FwdBurstDowngradeChange_8X_To_4X is pegged.

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Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks

SCH Burst Setup OM group (ID 9) 87

This OM is only available on the CPDS platform

Table 147
FwdBurstDowngrade_8X_To_2X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
42 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FwdBurstDowngrade_8X_To_4X OM (ID 43)

This OM is pegged when a request to set up a Forward 8X SCH is
downgraded to 4X by the Fair Share algorithm based only on ACP card
capacity limitation (that is, prior to BTS resource considerations).

This OM is only available on the CPDS platform

Table 148
FwdBurstDowngrade_8X_To_4X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
43 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FwdBurstDowngrade_16X_To_2X OM (ID 44)

This OM is pegged when a request to set up a Forward 16X SCH is
downgraded to 2X by the Fair Share algorithm based only on ACP card
capacity limitation (that is, prior to BTS resource considerations). This OM
is also pegged when FwdBurstDowngradeChange_16X_To_4X is pegged.
This OM is pegged when FwdBurstDowngradeChange_16X_To_8X is
pegged and the new data rate is 2X.

This OM is only available on the CPDS platform

Table 149
FwdBurstDowngrade_16X_To_2X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
44 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FwdBurstDowngrade_16X_To_4X OM (ID 45)

This OM is pegged when a request to setup a Forward 16X SCH is
downgraded to 4X by the Fair Share algorithm based only on ACP card
capacity limitation (that is, prior to BTS resource considerations). This OM
is pegged when FwdBurstDowngradeChange_16X_To_8X is pegged and
new data rate is 4X.

This OM is only available on the CPDS platform.

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Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks

88 Operational measurements reference

Table 150
FwdBurstDowngrade_16X_To_4X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
45 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FwdBurstDowngrade_16X_To_8X OM (ID 46)

This OM is pegged when a request to set up a Forward 16X SCH is
downgraded to 8X by the Fair Share algorithm based only on ACP card
capacity limitation (that is, prior to BTS resource considerations).

This OM is only available on the CPDS platform.

Table 151
FwdBurstDowngrade_16X_To_8X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
46 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FwdBurstNonDowngrade_2X OM (ID 47)

This OM is pegged when a request to set up a Forward 2X SCH is granted
based only on ACP capacity (that is, prior to BTS resource considerations).

This OM is only available on the CPDS platform.

Table 152
FwdBurstNonDowngrade_2X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
47 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FwdBurstNonDowngrade_4X OM (ID 48)

This OM is pegged when a request to set up a Forward 4X SCH is granted
at 4X without being downgraded based only on ACP capacity (that is, prior
to BTS resource considerations).

This OM is only available on the CPDS platform.

Table 153
FwdBurstNonDowngrade_4X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
48 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

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17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks

SCH Burst Setup OM group (ID 9) 89

FwdBurstNonDowngrade_8X OM (ID 49)

This OM is pegged when a request to set up a Forward 8X SCH is granted
at 8X without being downgraded based only on ACP capacity (that is, prior
to BTS resource considerations).

This OM is only available on the CPDS platform.

Table 154
FwdBurstNonDowngrade_8X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
49 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FwdBurstNonDowngrade_16X OM (ID 50)

This OM is pegged when a request to set up a Forward 16X SCH is
granted at 16X without being downgraded based only on ACP card
capacity (that is, prior to BTS resource considerations).

This OM is only available on the CPDS platform

Table 155
FwdBurstNonDowngrade_16X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
50 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

RevBurstDowngrade_4X_To_2X OM (ID 51)

This OM is pegged when a request to set up a Reverse 4X SCH is
downgraded to 2X by the Fair Share algorithm based only on ACP card
capacity limitation (that is, prior to BTS resource considerations).

This OM is only available on the CPDS platform

Table 156
RevBurstDowngrade_4X_To_2X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
51 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

RevBurstDowngrade_8X_To_2X OM (ID 52)

This OM is pegged when a request to set up a Reverse 8X SCH is
downgraded to 2X by the Fair Share algorithm based only on ACP card
capacity limitation (that is, prior to BTS resource considerations).

This OM is only available on the CPDS platform

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Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks

90 Operational measurements reference

Table 157
RevBurstDowngrade_8X_To_2X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
52 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

RevBurstDowngrade_8X_To_4X OM (ID 53)

This OM is pegged when a request to set up a Reverse 8X SCH is
downgraded to 4X by the Fair Share algorithm based only on ACP card
capacity limitation (that is, prior to BTS resource considerations).

This OM is only available on the CPDS platform

Table 158
RevBurstDowngrade_8X_To_4X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
53 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

RevBurstDowngrade_16X_To_2X OM (ID 54)

This OM is pegged when a request to set up a Reverse 16X SCH is
downgraded to 2X by the Fair Share algorithm based only on ACP card
capacity limitation (that is, prior to BTS resource considerations).

This OM is only available on the CPDS platform

Table 159
RevBurstDowngrade_16X_To_2X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
54 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

RevBurstDowngrade_16X_To_4X OM (ID 55)

This OM is pegged when a request to set up a Reverse 16X SCH is
downgraded to 4X by the Fair Share algorithm based only on ACP card
capacity limitation (that is, prior to BTS resource considerations).

This OM is only available on the CPDS platform

Table 160
RevBurstDowngrade_16X_To_4X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
55 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

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17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks

SCH Burst Setup OM group (ID 9) 91

RevBurstDowngrade_16X_To_8X OM (ID 56)

This OM is pegged when a request to set up a Reverse 16X SCH is
downgraded to 8X by the Fair Share algorithm based only on ACP card
capacity limitation (that is, prior to BTS resource considerations).

This OM is only available on the CPDS platform

Table 161
RevBurstDowngrade_16X_To_8X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
56 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

RevBurstNonDowngrade_2X OM (ID 57)

This OM is pegged when a request to set up a Reverse 2X SCH is
granted based only on ACP card capacity (that is, prior to BTS resource

This OM is only available on the CPDS platform

Table 162
RevBurstNonDowngrade_2X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
57 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

RevBurstNonDowngrade_4X OM (ID 58)

This OM is pegged when a request to set up a Reverse 4X SCH is granted
at 4X without being downgraded based only on ACP card capacity (that is,
prior to BTS resource considerations).

This OM is only available on the CPDS platform

Table 163
RevBurstNonDowngrade_4X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
58 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

RevBurstNonDowngrade_8X OM (ID 59)

This OM is pegged when a request to set up a Reverse 8X SCH is granted
at 8X without being downgraded based only on ACP card capacity (that is,
prior to BTS resource considerations).

This OM is only available on the CPDS platform

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Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks

92 Operational measurements reference

Table 164
RevBurstNonDowngrade_8X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
59 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

RevBurstNonDowngrade_16X OM (ID 60)

This OM is pegged when a request to set up a Reverse 16X SCH is
granted at 16X without being downgraded based only on ACP card
capacity (that is, prior to BTS resource considerations).

This OM is only available on the CPDS platform

Table 165
RevBurstNonDowngrade_16X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
60 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FwdBurstUpgradeAttempts_2X_To_4X OM (ID 61)

This OM is pegged after a 2X forward infinite burst is taken down for the
purpose of upgrading its data-rate, and an attempt is made to upgrade
the data rate to 4X. Note that the "FwdBurstSetupAttempts_4X" and
"FwdBurstSetupAttempts" OMs are also pegged alongside this OM.

Table 166
FwdBurstUpgradeAttempts_2X_To_4X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
61 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FwdBurstUpgradeAttempts_2X_To_8X OM (ID 62)

This OM is pegged after a 2X forward infinite burst is taken down for the
purpose of upgrading its data-rate, and an attempt is made to upgrade
the data rate to 8X. Note that the "FwdBurstSetupAttempts_8X" and
"FwdBurstSetupAttempts" OMs are also pegged alongside this OM.

Table 167
FwdBurstUpgradeAttempts_2X_To_8X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
62 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

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Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks

SCH Burst Setup OM group (ID 9) 93

FwdBurstUpgradeAttempts_2X_To_16X OM (ID 63)

This OM is pegged after a 2X forward infinite burst is taken down for the
purpose of upgrading its data-rate, and an attempt is made to upgrade
the data rate to 16X. Note that the "FwdBurstSetupAttempts_16X" and
"FwdBurstSetupAttempts" OMs are also pegged alongside this OM.

Table 168
FwdBurstUpgradeAttempts_2X_To_16X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
63 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FwdBurstUpgradeAttempts_4X_To_8X OM (ID 64)

This OM is pegged after a 4X forward infinite burst is taken down for the
purpose of upgrading its data-rate, and an attempt is made to upgrade
the data rate to 8X. Note that the "FwdBurstSetupAttempts_8X" and
"FwdBurstSetupAttempts" OMs are also pegged alongside this OM.

Table 169
FwdBurstUpgradeAttempts_4X_To_8X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
64 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FwdBurstUpgradeAttempts_4X_To_16X OM (ID 65)

This OM is pegged after a 4X forward infinite burst is taken down for the
purpose of upgrading its data-rate, and an attempt is made to upgrade
the data rate to 16X. Note that the "FwdBurstSetupAttempts_16X" and
"FwdBurstSetupAttempts" OMs are also pegged alongside this OM.

Table 170
FwdBurstUpgradeAttempts_4X_To_16X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
65 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FwdBurstUpgradeAttempts_8X_To_16X OM (ID 66)

This OM is pegged after a 8X forward infinite burst is taken down for the
purpose of upgrading its data-rate, and an attempt is made to upgrade
the data rate to 16X. Note that the "FwdBurstSetupAttempts_16X" and
"FwdBurstSetupAttempts" OMs are also pegged alongside this OM.

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94 Operational measurements reference

Table 171
FwdBurstUpgradeAttempts_8X_To_16X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
66 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FwdBurstUpgradeSuccesses_2X_To_4X OM (ID 67)

This OM is pegged when a 2X forward infinite Burst is upgraded
successfully to a higher data rate of 4X. This means the BSC and BTS
resources are set up successfully, and the BSC received the Ack from the
mobile for the ESCAM message. The attempt could have been to upgrade
to a higher rate than 4X. Note that the "FwdBurstSetupSuccesses_4X" and
"FwdBurstSetupSuccesses" OMs are also pegged along with this OM.

Table 172
FwdBurstUpgradeSuccesses_2X_To_4X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
67 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FwdBurstUpgradeSuccesses_2X_To_8X OM (ID 68)

This OM is pegged when a 2X forward infinite Burst is upgraded
successfully to a higher data rate of 8X. This means the BSC and BTS
resources are set up successfully, and the BSC received the Ack from the
mobile for the ESCAM message. The attempt could have been to upgrade
to a higher rate than 8X. Note that the "FwdBurstSetupSuccesses_8X" and
"FwdBurstSetupSuccesses" OMs are also pegged along with this OM.

Table 173
FwdBurstUpgradeSuccesses_2X_To_8X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
68 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FwdBurstUpgradeSuccesses_2X_To_16X OM (ID 69)

This OM is pegged when a 2X forward infinite Burst is upgraded
successfully to a higher data rate of 16X. This means the BSC
and BTS resources are set up successfully, and the BSC received
the Ack from the mobile for the ESCAM message. Note that the
"FwdBurstSetupSuccesses_16X" and "FwdBurstSetupSuccesses" OMs
are also pegged along with this OM.

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SCH Burst Setup OM group (ID 9) 95

Table 174
FwdBurstUpgradeSuccesses_2X_To_16X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
69 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FwdBurstUpgradeSuccesses_4X_To_8X OM (ID 70)

This OM is pegged when a 4X forward infinite Burst is upgraded
successfully to a higher data rate of 8X. This means the BSC and BTS
resources are set up successfully, and the BSC received the Ack from the
mobile for the ESCAM message. The attempt could have been to upgrade
to a higher rate than 8X. Note that the "FwdBurstset upSuccesses_8X"
and "FwdBurstset upSuccesses" OMs are also pegged along with this OM.

Table 175
FwdBurstUpgradeSuccesses_4X_To_8X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
70 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FwdBurstUpgradeSuccesses_4X_To_16X OM (ID 71)

This OM is pegged when a 4X forward infinite Burst is upgraded
successfully to a higher data rate of 16X. This means the BSC and
BTS resources are set up successfully, and the BSC received the Ack
from the mobile for the ESCAM message. Note that the "FwdBurstset
upSuccesses_16X" and "FwdBurstset upSuccesses" OMs are also pegged
along with this OM.

Table 176
FwdBurstUpgradeSuccesses_4X_To_16X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
71 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FwdBurstUpgradeSuccesses_8X_To_16X OM (ID 72)

This OM is pegged when a 8X forward infinite Burst is upgraded
successfully to a higher data rate of 16X. This means the BSC and
BTS resources are set up successfully, and the BSC received the Ack
from the mobile for the ESCAM message. Note that the "FwdBurstset
upSuccesses_16X" and "FwdBurstset upSuccesses" OMs are also pegged
along with this OM.

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96 Operational measurements reference

Table 177
FwdBurstUpgradeSuccesses_8X_To_16X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
72 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FwdBurstUpgradeFailures_2X_To_4X OM (ID 73)

This OM is pegged when there is a failure to upgrade the data rate of a 2X
forward infinite Burst to 4X due to a lack of BSC or BTS resources. (Note
that the 2X forward infinite burst is released prior to the upgrade attempt).

- This OM is also pegged along with the "FwdBurstSetupFailures" and

"FwdBurstSetpFailures_4X" OMs if the mobile does not arrive on the
FSCH after the burst is upgraded.

- When upgrade fails due to the lack of BSC or BTS resources but the
burst setup is successful at the other data rate and the mobile arrives on
the FSCH, this OM is also pegged with the "FwdBurstSetupSuccesses"
and "FwdBurstSetupSuccesses_XX (GrantedRate)" OMs.

- When upgrade fails due to the lack of BSC or BTS resources but
the burst setup is successful at the other data rate and the mobile
does not arrive on the FSCH, this OM is also pegged along with the
"FwdBurstSetupFailures" and "FwdBurstSetupFailures_XX (GrantedRate)"

Table 178
FwdBurstUpgradeFailures_2X_To_4X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
73 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FwdBurstUpgradeFailures_2X_To_8X OM (ID 74)

This OM is pegged when there is a failure to upgrade the data rate of a 2X
forward infinite Burst to 8X due to a lack of BSC or BTS resources. (Note
that the 2X forward infinite burst is released prior to the upgrade attempt).

- This OM is also pegged along with the "FwdBurstSetupFailures" and

"FwdBurstSetpFailures_8X" OMs if the mobile does not arrive on the
FSCH after the burst is upgraded.

- When upgrade fails due to the lack of BSC or BTS resources but the
burst setup is successful at the other data rate and the mobile arrives on
the FSCH, this OM is also pegged with the "FwdBurstSetupSuccesses"
and "FwdBurstSetupSuccesses_XX (GrantedRate)" OMs.

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SCH Burst Setup OM group (ID 9) 97

- When upgrade fails due to the lack of BSC or BTS resources but
the burst setup is successful at the other data rate and the mobile
does not arrive on the FSCH, this OM is also pegged along with the
"FwdBurstSetupFailures" and "FwdBurstSetupFailures_XX (GrantedRate)"

Table 179
FwdBurstUpgradeFailures_2X_To_8X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
74 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FwdBurstUpgradeFailures_2X_To_16X OM (ID 75)

This OM is pegged when there is a failure to upgrade the data rate of a 2X
forward infinite Burst to 16X due to a lack of BSC or BTS resources. (Note
that the 2X forward infinite burst is released prior to the upgrade attempt).

- This OM is also pegged along with the "FwdBurstSetupFailures" and

"FwdBurstSetpFailures_16X" OMs if the mobile does not arrive on the
FSCH after the burst is upgraded.

- When upgrade fails due to the lack of BSC or BTS resources but the
burst setup is successful at the other data rate and the mobile arrives on
the FSCH, this OM is also pegged with the "FwdBurstSetupSuccesses"
and "FwdBurstSetupSuccesses_XX (GrantedRate)" OMs.

- When upgrade fails due to the lack of BSC or BTS resources but
the burst setup is successful at the other data rate and the mobile
does not arrive on the FSCH, this OM is also pegged along with the
"FwdBurstSetupFailures" and "FwdBurstSetupFailures_XX (GrantedRate)"

Table 180
FwdBurstUpgradeFailures_2X_To_16X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
75 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FwdBurstUpgradeFailures_4X_To_8X OM (ID 76)

This OM is pegged when there is a failure to upgrade the data rate of a 4X
forward infinite Burst to 8X due to a lack of BSC or BTS resources. (Note
that the 4X forward infinite burst is released prior to the upgrade attempt).

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98 Operational measurements reference

- This OM is also pegged along with the "FwdBurstSetupFailures" and

"FwdBurstSetpFailures_8X" OMs if the mobile does not arrive on the
FSCH after the burst is upgraded.

- When upgrade fails due to the lack of BSC or BTS resources but the
burst setup is successful at the other data rate and the mobile arrives on
the FSCH, this OM is also pegged with the "FwdBurstSetupSuccesses"
and "FwdBurstSetupSuccesses_XX (GrantedRate)" OMs.

- When upgrade fails due to the lack of BSC or BTS resources but
the burst setup is successful at the other data rate and the mobile
does not arrive on the FSCH, this OM is also pegged along with the
"FwdBurstSetupFailures" and "FwdBurstSetupFailures_XX (GrantedRate)"

Table 181
FwdBurstUpgradeFailures_4X_To_8X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
76 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FwdBurstUpgradeFailures_4X_To_16X OM (ID 77)

This OM is pegged when there is a failure to upgrade the data rate of a 4X
forward infinite Burst to 16X due to a lack of BSC or BTS resources. (Note
that the 4X forward infinite burst is released prior to the upgrade attempt).

- This OM is also pegged along with the "FwdBurstSetupFailures" and

"FwdBurstSetpFailures_16X" OMs if the mobile does not arrive on the
FSCH after the burst is upgraded.

- When upgrade fails due to the lack of BSC or BTS resources but the
burst setup is successful at the other data rate and the mobile arrives on
the FSCH, this OM is also pegged with the "FwdBurstSetupSuccesses"
and "FwdBurstSetupSuccesses_XX (GrantedRate)" OMs.

- When upgrade fails due to the lack of BSC or BTS resources but
the burst setup is successful at the other data rate and the mobile
does not arrive on the FSCH, this OM is also pegged along with the
"FwdBurstSetupFailures" and "FwdBurstSetupFailures_XX (GrantedRate)"

Table 182
FwdBurstUpgradeFailures_4X_To_16X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
77 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

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Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks

SCH Burst Setup OM group (ID 9) 99

FwdBurstUpgradeFailures_8X_To_16X OM (ID 78)

This OM is pegged when there is a failure to upgrade the data rate of a 8X
forward infinite Burst to 16X due to a lack of BSC or BTS resources. (Note
that the 8X forward infinite burst is released prior to the upgrade attempt).

- This OM is also pegged along with the "FwdBurstSetupFailures" and

"FwdBurstSetpFailures_16X" OMs if the mobile does not arrive on the
FSCH after the burst is upgraded.

- When upgrade fails due to the lack of BSC or BTS resources but the
burst setup is successful at the other data rate and the mobile arrives on
the FSCH, this OM is also pegged with the "FwdBurstSetupSuccesses"
and "FwdBurstSetupSuccesses_XX (GrantedRate)" OMs.

- When upgrade fails due to the lack of BSC or BTS resources but
the burst setup is successful at the other data rate and the mobile
does not arrive on the FSCH, this OM is also pegged along with the
"FwdBurstSetupFailures" and "FwdBurstSetupFailures_XX (GrantedRate)"

Table 183
FwdBurstUpgradeFailures_8X_To_16X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
78 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FwdBurstBSC_DowngradeChange OM (ID 79)

This OM is pegged along with appropriate FwdBurstDowngradeChange
_XX_To_XX when the BSC Fair Share algorithm further downgrades a
forward burst data-rate (due to contention for BSC resources) that was
previously downgraded by the fair share algorithm before it was queued
by the BTS scheduler. After the downgrade change, appropriate OMs
"FwdBurstSetup**" and "FwdBurstSetup**_data rate" OMs for successes
or failures are pegged against the final granted data rate.

Table 184
FwdBurstBSC_DowngradeChange OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
79 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FwdBurstBSC_NonDowngradeChange OM (ID 80)

This OM is pegged along with appropriate FwdBurstNonDowngradeChan
ge_XX when the BSC Fair Share algorithm downgrades a forward burst
data-rate after it is queued by the BTS scheduler if originally the request

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100 Operational measurements reference

was not downgraded by the fair share algorithm prior to being queued by
the BTS scheduler. After the non-downgrade change, appropriate OMs
"FwdBurstSetup**" and "FwdBurstSetup**_data rate" OMs for successes
or failures are pegged against the final granted data rate.

Table 185
FwdBurstBSC_NonDowngradeChange OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
80 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FwdBurstDowngradeChange_8X_To_4X OM (ID 81)

This OM is pegged when the BSC Fair Share algorithm further
downgrades a forward burst data-rate (due to contention for BSC
resources) that was previously downgraded from 8X to 4X by the fair share
algorithm before it was queued by the BTS scheduler.

This OM is only available on the CPDS platform.

Table 186
FwdBurstDowngradeChange_8X_To_4X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
81 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FwdBurstDowngradeChange_16X_To_4X OM (ID 82)

This OM is pegged when the BSC Fair Share algorithm further
downgrades a forward burst data-rate (due to contention for BSC
resources) that was previously downgraded from 16X to 4X by the fair
share algorithm before it was queued by the BTS scheduler.

This OM is only available on the CPDS platform.

Table 187
FwdBurstDowngradeChange_16X_To_4X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
82 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FwdBurstDowngradeChange_16X_To_8X OM (ID 83)

This OM is pegged when the BSC Fair Share algorithm further
downgrades a forward burst data-rate (due to contention for BSC
resources) that was previously downgraded from 16X to 8X by the fair
share algorithm before it was queued by the BTS scheduler.

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SCH Burst Setup OM group (ID 9) 101

This OM is only available on the CPDS platform.

Table 188
FwdBurstDowngradeChange_16X_To_8X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
83 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FwdBurstNonDowngradeChange_4X OM (ID 84)

This OM is pegged when the BSC Fair Share algorithm downgrades a
4X forward burst data-rate to a lower rate after it is queued by the BTS
scheduler. Note that the 4X rate request was not originally downgraded by
the fair share algorithm prior to being queued by the BTS scheduler.

This OM is only available on the CPDS platform.

Table 189
FwdBurstNonDowngradeChange_4X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
84 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FwdBurstNonDowngradeChange_8X OM (ID 85)

This OM is pegged when the BSC Fair Share algorithm downgrades a
8X forward burst data-rate to a lower rate after it is queued by the BTS
scheduler. Note that the 8X rate request was not originally downgraded by
the fair share algorithm prior to being queued by the BTS scheduler.

This OM is only available on the CPDS platform.

Table 190
FwdBurstNonDowngradeChange_8X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
85 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FwdBurstNonDowngradeChange_16X OM (ID 86)

This OM is pegged when the BSC Fair Share algorithm downgrades a
16X forward burst data-rate to a lower rate after it is queued by the BTS
scheduler. Note that the 16X rate request was not originally downgraded
by the fair share algorithm prior to being queued by the BTS scheduler.

This OM is only available on the CPDS platform.

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102 Operational measurements reference

Table 191
FwdBurstNonDowngradeChange_16X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
86 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

SCH Primary Radio Link Setup OM group (ID 10)

This OM group captures supplemental channel (SCH) link set up attempts,
blocks, successes, and radio link access failures in the forward and
reverse directions on the primary link only, and abnormal SCH drops in the
forward and reverse directions on all active links. The first successfully set
up link is considered the primary or initial link.

Table 192
SCH Primary Radio Link Setup OM group values
Group ID Physical Pegging Multi ID pegging Aggregate Output file
entity type types prefix
10 ESEL, DSFP- EBID -- Yes --

FSCHLinkSetupAttempt OM (ID 1)
This OM provides the number of forward supplemental channel (FSCH)
setup attempts.

Table 193
FSCHLinkSetupAttempt OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
1 10.1 -- Yes Word32 Ext

FSCHLinkSetupBlock OM (ID 2)
This OM provides the number of FSCH setup attempts that are blocked
due to either lack of resources (reason OMs are given below - see
sequence numbers 6 through 10, and 62 to 64) or failed communications
between the (E)BSC and BTS (see sequence number 71). This OM is
pegged for all data rates combined.

Table 194
FSCHLinkSetupBlock OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
2 10.1 -- Yes Word32 Ext

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SCH Primary Radio Link Setup OM group (ID 10) 103

FSCHLinkDowngrade OM (ID 3)
This OM provides the number of FSCH setup attempts that are not granted
the requested data rate due to a lack of BTS resources, but are granted a
lower data rate by the BTS.

Table 195
FSCHLinkDowngrade OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
3 10.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FSCHLinkSetupSuccess OM (ID 4)
This OM provides the number of FSCH setup successes for all data rates

Table 196
FSCHLinkSetupSuccess OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
4 10.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FSCHRadioLinkAccessFailure OM (ID 5)
This OM is pegged when the resources for the FSCH are set up
successfully, but the mobile does not arrive on the FSCH. It is pegged
against each link in the SCH active set for all data rates combined.

Table 197
FSCHRadioLinkAccessFailure OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
5 10.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FSCHNoFwdPower OM (ID 6)
This OM is pegged if the FSCHBlock reason indicates a lack of available
forward power.

Table 198
FSCHNoFwdPower OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
6 10.1 -- Yes Word32 Ext

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FSCHNoWalshCode OM (ID 7)
This OM is pegged if the FSCHBlock reason indicates a lack of available
Walsh codes.

Table 199
FSCHNoWalshCode OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
7 10.1 -- Yes Word32 Ext

FSCHNoPhysRes OM (ID 8)
This OM is pegged if the FSCHBlock reason indicates that there are no
available channel elements.

Table 200
FSCHNoPhysRes OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
8 10.1 -- Yes Word32 Ext

FSCHNoFrameOffset OM (ID 9)
This OM is pegged if the FSCHBlock reason indicates there is no available
frame offset.

Note that this OM never pegs since the Qualcomm ASIC has such a high
processing capacity in the forward direction that its capacity can not be
exceeded with current usage.

Table 201
FSCHNoFrameOffset OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
9 10.1 15 Yes Word16 Ext

FSCHTimeout OM (ID 10)

This OM is pegged if a response to the BTS Resource Request is never
received due to failed communications with the BTS.

Table 202
FSCHTimeout OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
10 10.1 -- Yes Word32 Ext

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SCH Primary Radio Link Setup OM group (ID 10) 105

FSCH_CFDS_RadioConfig OM (ID 11)

This OM is not currently pegged and will be removed in a future release.

Table 203
FSCH_CFDS_RadioConfig OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
11 10.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

RSCHLinkSetupAttempt OM (ID 12)

This OM provides the number of reverse supplemental channel (RSCH)
setup attempts for all data rates combined. It is pegged against each link
in the SCH active set.

Table 204
RSCHLinkSetupAttempt OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
12 10.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

RSCHLinkSetupBlock OM (ID 13)

This OM provides the number of RSCH setup attempts that are blocked
for either lack of resources (reason OMs are given below - see sequence
numbers 18 through 21) or failed communications between the (E)BSC
and the BTS (see sequence number 72). This OM is pegged for all data
rates combined.

Table 205
RSCHLinkSetupBlock OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
13 10.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

RSCHLinkDowngrade OM (ID 14)

This OM provides the number of RSCH setup attempts that are not
granted the requested data rate due to lack of resources, but are granted
a lower data rate. It is pegged against the primary pilot in the SCH active

Table 206
RSCHLinkDowngrade OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
14 10.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

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106 Operational measurements reference

RSCHLinkSetupSuccess OM (ID 15)

This OM provides the number of RSCH setup successes for all data rates

Table 207
RSCHLinkSetupSuccess OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
15 10.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

RSCHRadioLinkAccessFailure OM (ID 16)

This OM is pegged when the resources for the RSCH are set up
successfully, but the mobile does not arrive on the RSCH. It is pegged
against the initial link in the SCH active set for all data rates combined.

Table 208
RSCHRadioLinkAccessFailure OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
16 10.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

RSCH_CFDS_RadioConfig OM (ID 17)

This OM is not currently pegged and will be removed in a future release.

Table 209
RSCH_CFDS_RadioConfig OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
17 10.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

RSCH_CFDS_HighSpeed OM (ID 18)

This OM is pegged if the RSCHBlock reason indicates high speed RSCH
has not been enabled through CFDS.

Prior to Release 12.0 this OM was known as RSCHCFDSHighSpeed.

Table 210
RSCH_CFDS_HighSpeed OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
18 10.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

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SCH Primary Radio Link Setup OM group (ID 10) 107

RSCHNoPhysRes OM (ID 19)

This OM is pegged if the RSCHBlock reason indicates that there are no
available channel elements.

Table 211
RSCHNoPhysRes OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
19 10.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

RSCHNoFrameOffset OM (ID 20)

This OM is pegged if the RSCHBlock reason indicates that there is no
available frame offset.

Table 212
RSCHNoFrameOffset OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
20 10.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

RSCHTimeout OM (ID 21)

This OM is pegged if a response to the BTS Resource Request is never
received due to failed communications with the BTS.

Table 213
RSCHTimeout OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
21 10.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

SCHDrop OM (ID 22)

This OM is pegged if the forward or reverse supplemental channel gets
abnormally dropped. This OM is pegged against every pilot in the SCH
active set for all data rates combined. Note that this OM is pegged only if
the call on the SCH drops after the supplemental channels and the data
burst have been successfully established before the SCH drops.

Table 214
SCHDrop OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
22 10.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

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108 Operational measurements reference

FSCHLinkSetupAttempts_2X OM (ID 23)

This OM provides the number of forward supplemental channel (FSCH)
setup attempts for the 2X data rate. Note that for the initial SCH link, this
OM only includes initial 2X attempts and does not also include attempts
at higher data rates that could not be set up at that rate, and thus were
attempted at 2X. For additional SCH links (that is, SCH SHO links) this OM
only represents 2X.

Table 215
FSCHLinkSetupAttempts_2X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
23 12 -- Yes Word32 Ext

FSCHLinkSetupAttempts_4X OM (ID 24)

This OM provides the number of forward supplemental channel (FSCH)
setup attempts for the 4X data rate. Note that for the initial SCH link, this
OM only includes initial 4X attempts and does not also include attempts
at higher data rates that could not be setup at that rate, and thus were
attempted at 4X. For additional SCH links (that is, SCH SHO links) this OM
only represents 4X.

Table 216
FSCHLinkSetupAttempts_4X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
24 12 -- Yes Word32 Ext

FSCHLinkSetupAttempts_8X OM (ID 25)

This OM provides the number of forward supplemental channel (FSCH)
setup attempts for the 8X data rate. Note that for the initial SCH link, this
OM only includes initial 8X attempts and does not also include attempts
at higher data rates that could not be set up at that rate, and thus were
attempted at 8X. For additional SCH links (that is, SCH SHO links) this OM
only represents 8X.

Table 217
FSCHLinkSetupAttempts_8X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
25 12 -- Yes Word32 Ext

FSCHLinkSetupAttempts_16X OM (ID 26)

This OM provides the number of forward supplemental channel (FSCH)
setup attempts for the 16X data rate.

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17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks

SCH Primary Radio Link Setup OM group (ID 10) 109

Table 218
FSCHLinkSetupAttempts_16X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
26 12 -- Yes Word32 Ext

FSCHLinkSetupBlock_2X OM (ID 27)

This OM provides the number of FSCH setup attempts at the 2X data rate
that are blocked for lack of resources or failed communications between
the BSC and the BTS.

Table 219
FSCHLinkSetupBlock_2X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
27 12 -- Yes Word32 Ext

FSCHLinkSetupBlock_4X OM (ID 28)

This OM provides the number of FSCH setup attempts at the 4X data
rate that are blocked for lack of resources or failed communications
between the BSC and the BTS. Note that for the initial F-SCH link, this OM
represents attempts that could not be set up at the 4X data rate or any
lower data rate. For additional SCH link setup attempts (that is, SCH SHO
links), this OM only represents attempts that could not be setup at 4X.

Table 220
FSCHLinkSetupBlock_4X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
28 12 -- Yes Word32 Ext

FSCHLinkSetupBlock_8X OM (ID 29)

This OM provides the number of FSCH setup attempts at the 8X data
rate that are blocked for lack of resources or failed communications
between the BSC and the BTS. Note that for the initial F-SCH link, this OM
represents attempts that could not be set up at the 8X data rate or any
lower data rate. For additional SCH link setup attempts (that is, SCH SHO
links), this OM only represents attempts that could not be setup at 8X.

Table 221
FSCHLinkSetupBlock_8X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
29 12 -- Yes Word32 Ext

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110 Operational measurements reference

FSCHLinkSetupBlock_16X OM (ID 30)

This OM provides the number of FSCH setup attempts at the 16X data
rate that are blocked for lack of resources or failed communications
between the BSC and the BTS. Note that for the initial F-SCH link, this OM
represents attempts that could not be set up at the 16X data rate or any
lower data rate. For additional SCH link setup attempts (that is, SCH SHO
links), this OM only represents attempts that could not be setup at 16X.

Table 222
FSCHLinkSetupBlock_16X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
30 12 -- Yes Word32 Ext

FSCHLinkSetupSuccess_2X OM (ID 31)

This OM provides the number of FSCH setup successes for the 2X data
rate. Note that for the initial SCH link only, the requested data rate for the
FSCH could have been 2X or higher.

Table 223
FSCHLinkSetupSuccess_2X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
31 12 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FSCHLinkSetupSuccess_4X OM (ID 32)

This OM provides the number of FSCH setup successes for the 4X data
rate. Note that for the initial SCH link only, the requested data rate for the
FSCH could have been 4X or higher.

Table 224
FSCHLinkSetupSuccess_4X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
32 12 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FSCHLinkSetupSuccess_8X OM (ID 33)

This OM provides the number of FSCH setup successes for the 8X data
rate. Note that for the initial SCH link only, the requested data rate for the
FSCH could have been 8X or higher.

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Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks

SCH Primary Radio Link Setup OM group (ID 10) 111

Table 225
FSCHLinkSetupSuccess_8X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
33 12 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FSCHLinkSetupSuccess_16X OM (ID 34)

This OM provides the number of FSCH setup successes for the 16X data

Table 226
FSCHLinkSetupSuccess_16X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
34 12 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FSCHRadioLinkAccessFailure_2X OM (ID 35)

This OM is pegged when the resources for the 2X FSCH are set up
successfully, but the mobile does not arrive on the FSCH. It is pegged
against each link in the SCH active set.

Table 227
FSCHRadioLinkAccessFailure_2X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
35 12 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FSCHRadioLinkAccessFailure_4X OM (ID 36)

This OM is pegged when the resources for the 4X FSCH are set up
successfully, but the mobile does not arrive on the FSCH. It is pegged
against each link in the SCH active set.

Table 228
FSCHRadioLinkAccessFailure_4X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
36 12 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FSCHRadioLinkAccessFailure_8X OM (ID 37)

This OM is pegged when the resources for the 8X FSCH are set up
successfully, but the mobile does not arrive on the FSCH. It is pegged
against each link in the SCH active set.

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Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks

112 Operational measurements reference

Table 229
FSCHRadioLinkAccessFailure_8X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
37 12 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FSCHRadioLinkAccessFailure_16X OM (ID 38)

This OM is pegged when the resources for the 16X FSCH are set up
successfully, but the mobile does not arrive on the FSCH. It is pegged
against each link in the SCH active set.

Table 230
FSCHRadioLinkAccessFailure_16X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
38 12 -- Yes Word16 Ext

RSCHLinkSetupAttempts_2X OM (ID 39)

This OM provides the number of reverse supplemental channel (RSCH)
setup attempts for the 2X data rate. Note that for the initial SCH link, this
OM only includes initial 2X attempts and does not also include attempts
at higher data rates that could not be set up at that rate, and thus were
attempted at 2X. For additional SCH links (that is, SCH SHO links) this OM
only represents 2X.

Table 231
RSCHLinkSetupAttempts_2X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
39 12 -- Yes Word16 Ext

RSCHLinkSetupAttempts_4X OM (ID 40)

This OM provides the number of reverse supplemental channel (RSCH)
setup attempts for the 4X data rate. Note that for the initial SCH link, this
OM only includes initial 4X attempts and does not also include attempts
at higher data rates that could not be set up at that rate, and thus were
attempted at 4X. For additional SCH links (that is, SCH SHO links) this OM
only represents 4X.

Table 232
RSCHLinkSetupAttempts_4X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
40 12 -- Yes Word16 Ext

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SCH Primary Radio Link Setup OM group (ID 10) 113

RSCHLinkSetupAttempts_8X OM (ID 41)

This OM provides the number of reverse supplemental channel (RSCH)
setup attempts for the 8X data rate. Note that for the initial SCH link, this
OM only includes initial 8X attempts and does not also include attempts
at higher data rates that could not be set up at that rate, and thus were
attempted at 8X. For additional SCH links (that is, SCH SHO links) this OM
only represents 8X.

Table 233
RSCHLinkSetupAttempts_8X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
41 12 -- Yes Word16 Ext

RSCHLinkSetupAttempts_16X OM (ID 42)

This OM provides the number of reverse supplemental channel (RSCH)
setup attempts for the 16X data rate.

Table 234
RSCHLinkSetupAttempts_16X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
42 12 -- Yes Word16 Ext

RSCHLinkSetupBlock_2X OM (ID 43)

This OM provides the number of RSCH setup attempts at the 2X data rate
that are blocked for lack of resources or failed communications between
the BSC and the BTS.

Table 235
RSCHLinkSetupBlock_2X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
43 12 -- Yes Word16 Ext

RSCHLinkSetupBlock_4X OM (ID 44)

This OM provides the number of RSCH setup attempts at the 4X data rate
that are blocked for lack of resources or failed communications between
the BSC and BTS. Note that for the initial R-SCH link, this OM represents
attempts that could not be set up at the 4X data rate or any lower data
rate. For additional SCH link setup attempts (that is, SCH SHO links), this
OM only represents attempts that could not be setup at 4X.

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114 Operational measurements reference

Table 236
RSCHLinkSetupBlock_4X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
44 12 -- Yes Word16 Ext

RSCHLinkSetupBlock_8X OM (ID 45)

This OM provides the number of RSCH setup attempts at the 8X data rate
that are blocked for lack of resources or failed communications between
the BSC and BTS. Note that for the initial R-SCH link, this OM represents
attempts that could not be set up at the 8X data rate or any lower data
rate. For additional SCH link setup attempts (that is, SCH SHO links), this
OM only represents attempts that could not be setup at 8X.

Table 237
RSCHLinkSetupBlock_8X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
45 12 -- Yes Word16 Ext

RSCHLinkSetupBlock_16X OM (ID 46)

This OM provides the number of RSCH setup attempts at the 16X data
rate that are blocked for lack of resources or failed communications
between the BSC and BTS. Note that for the initial R-SCH link, this OM
represents attempts that could not be set up at the 16X data rate or any
lower data rate. For additional SCH link setup attempts (that is, SCH SHO
links), this OM only represents attempts that could not be setup at 16X.

Table 238
RSCHLinkSetupBlock_16X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
46 12 -- Yes Word16 Ext

RSCHLinkSetupSuccess_2X OM (ID 47)

This OM provides the number of RSCH setup successes for the 2X data
rate. Note that for the initial SCH link only, the requested data rate for the
RSCH could have been 2X or higher.

Table 239
RSCHLinkSetupSuccess_2X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
47 12 -- Yes Word16 Ext

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Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
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Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks

SCH Primary Radio Link Setup OM group (ID 10) 115

RSCHLinkSetupSuccess_4X OM (ID 48)

This OM provides the number of RSCH setup successes for the 4X data
rate. Note that for the initial SCH link only, the requested data rate for the
RSCH could have been 4X or higher.

Table 240
RSCHLinkSetupSuccess_4X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
48 12 -- Yes Word16 Ext

RSCHLinkSetupSuccess_8X OM (ID 49)

This OM provides the number of RSCH setup successes for the 8X data
rate. Note that for the initial SCH link only, the requested data rate for the
RSCH could have been 8X or higher.

Table 241
RSCHLinkSetupSuccess_8X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
49 12 -- Yes Word16 Ext

RSCHLinkSetupSuccess_16X OM (ID 50)

This OM provides the number of RSCH setup successes for the 16X data

Table 242
RSCHLinkSetupSuccess_16X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
50 12 -- Yes Word16 Ext

RSCHRadioLinkAccessFailure_2X OM (ID 51)

This OM is pegged when the resources for the 2X data rate RSCH are set
up successfully, but the mobile does not arrive on the RSCH. It is pegged
against the initial link in the SCH active set.

Table 243
RSCHRadioLinkAccessFailure_2X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
51 12 -- Yes Word16 Ext

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116 Operational measurements reference

RSCHRadioLinkAccessFailure_4X OM (ID 52)

This OM is pegged when the resources for the 4X data rate RSCH are set
up successfully, but the mobile does not arrive on the RSCH. It is pegged
against the initial link in the SCH active set.

Table 244
RSCHRadioLinkAccessFailure_4X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
52 12 -- Yes Word16 Ext

RSCHRadioLinkAccessFailure_8X OM (ID 53)

This OM is pegged when the resources for the 8X data rate RSCH are set
up successfully, but the mobile does not arrive on the RSCH. It is pegged
against the initial link in the SCH active set.

Table 245
RSCHRadioLinkAccessFailure_8X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
53 12 -- Yes Word16 Ext

RSCHRadioLinkAccessFailure_16X OM (ID 54)

This OM is pegged when the resources for the 16X data rate RSCH are
set up successfully, but the mobile does not arrive on the RSCH. It is
pegged against the initial link in the SCH active set.

Table 246
RSCHRadioLinkAccessFailure_16X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
54 12 -- Yes Word16 Ext

SCHDrop_2X OM (ID 55)

This OM is pegged if a 2X data rate forward or reverse supplemental
channel gets abnormally dropped. This OM is pegged against every pilot
in the SCH active set.

This OM will only be pegged if the supplemental channels and the data
burst have been successfully established before the SCH drops.

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Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks

SCH Primary Radio Link Setup OM group (ID 10) 117

Table 247
SCHDrop_2X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
55 12 -- Yes Word16 Ext

SCHDrop_4X OM (ID 56)

This OM is pegged if a 4X data rate forward or reverse supplemental
channel gets abnormally dropped. This OM is pegged against every pilot
in the SCH active set.

This OM will only be pegged if the supplemental channels and the data
burst have been successfully established before the SCH drops.

Table 248
SCHDrop_4X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
56 12 -- Yes Word16 Ext

SCHDrop_8X OM (ID 57)

This OM is pegged if a 8X data rate forward or reverse supplemental
channel gets abnormally dropped. This OM is pegged against every pilot
in the SCH active set. This OM will only be pegged in the supplemental
channels and the data burst have been successfully established before
the SCH drops.

Table 249
SCHDrop_8X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
57 12 -- Yes Word16 Ext

SCHDrop_16X OM (ID 58)

This OM is pegged if a 16X data rate forward or reverse supplemental
channel gets abnormally dropped. This OM is pegged against every pilot
in the SCH active set. This OM will only be pegged if the supplemental
channels and the data burst have been successfully established before
the SCH drops.

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118 Operational measurements reference

Table 250
SCHDrop_16X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
58 12 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FSCHLinkSetupAttempts_Change_4X OM (ID 59)

This OM is pegged when the BSC Fair Share algorithm downgrades
a 4X forward SCH request that is already queued at the BTS
by the scheduler. The FSCHLinkSetupAttempt and appropriate
FSCHLinkSetupAttempt_<data_rate> OMs will also be pegged.

Table 251
FSCHLinkSetupAttempts_Change_4X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
59 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FSCHLinkSetupAttempts_Change_8X OM (ID 60)

This OM is pegged when the BSC Fair Share algorithm downgrades
a 8X forward SCH request that is already queued at the BTS
by the scheduler. The FSCHLinkSetupAttempt and appropriate
FSCHLinkSetupAttempt_<data_rate> OMs will also be pegged.

Table 252
FSCHLinkSetupAttempts_Change_8X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
60 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FSCHLinkSetupAttempts_Change_16X OM (ID 61)

This OM is pegged when the BSC Fair Share algorithm downgrades
a 16X forward SCH request that is already queued at the BTS
by the scheduler. The FSCHLinkSetupAttempt and appropriate
FSCHLinkSetupAttempt_<data_rate> OMs will also be pegged.

Table 253
FSCHLinkSetupAttempts_Change_16X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
61 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

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Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks

SCH Primary Radio Link Setup OM group (ID 10) 119

FSCHBackHaulExhaustion OM (ID 62)

This OM is pegged when the forward SCH blocking reason indicates
the setup request failed due to BTS Backhaul Link Exhaustion. It is
pegged along with the FSCHLinkSetupBlock OM and the appropriate
FSCHLinkSetupBlock_<data_rate> OM.

Table 254
FSCHBackHaulExhaustion OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
62 13 -- Yes Word32 Ext

FSCHBCNLinkExhaustion OM (ID 63)

This OM is pegged when the forward SCH blocking reason indicates
that the setup request failed due to BTS BCN Link exhaustion. It is
pegged along with the FSCHLinkSetupBlock OM and the appropriate
FSCHLinkSetupBlock_<data_rate> OM.

Table 255
FSCHBCNLinkExhaustion OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
63 13 -- Yes Word32 Ext

FSCHAcnIdExhaustion OM (ID 64)

This OM is pegged when the forward SCH blocking reason indicates
that the setup request failed due to BTS ACN ID Exhaustion. It is
pegged along with the FSCHLinkSetupBlock OM and the appropriate
FSCHLinkSetupBlock_<data_rate> OM.

Table 256
FSCHAcnIdExhaustion OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
64 13 -- Yes Word32 Ext

FSCHDowngradePowerReqChange_4X_To_2X OM (ID 65)

This OM is pegged when the BTS allocates a queued (initial) burst at 4X
and the BSC downgrades it from 4X to 2X because the power requirement
for the requested data rate changed after the burst was queued.

The FSCHLinkDowngrade OM will be pegged along with this OM if the

original BSC requested data rate was 16X or 8X.

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17 October 2008
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120 Operational measurements reference

Table 257
FSCHDowngradePowerReqChange_4X_To_2X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
65 13 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FSCHDowngradePowerReqChange_8X_To_2X OM (ID 66)

This OM is pegged when the BTS allocates a queued (initial) burst at 8X
and the BSC downgrades it from 8X to 2X because the power requirement
for the requested data rate changed after the burst was queued.

The FSCHLinkDowngrade OM will be pegged along with this OM if the

original BSC requested data rate was 16X.

Table 258
FSCHDowngradePowerReqChange_8X_To_2X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
66 13 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FSCHDowngradePowerReqChange_8X_To_4X OM (ID 67)

This OM is pegged when the BTS allocates a queued (initial) burst at 8X
and the BSC downgrades it from 8X to 4X because the power requirement
for the requested data rate changed after the burst was queued.

The FSCHLinkDowngrade OM will be pegged along with this OM if the

original BSC requested data rate was 16X.

Table 259
FSCHDowngradePowerReqChange_8X_To_4X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
67 13 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FSCHDowngradePowerReqChange_16X_To_2X OM (ID 68)

This OM is pegged when the BTS allocates a queued (initial) burst at
16X and the BSC downgrades it from 16X to 2X because the power
requirement for the requested data rate changed after the burst was

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Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks

SCH Primary Radio Link Setup OM group (ID 10) 121

Table 260
FSCHDowngradePowerReqChange_16X_To_2X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
68 13 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FSCHDowngradePowerReqChange_16X_To_4X OM (ID 69)

This OM is pegged when the BTS allocates a queued (initial) burst at
16X and the BSC downgrades it from 16X to 4X because the power
requirement for the requested data rate changed after the burst was

Table 261
FSCHDowngradePowerReqChange_16X_To_4X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
69 13 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FSCHDowngradePowerReqChange_16X_To_8X OM (ID 70)

This OM is pegged when the BTS allocates a queued (initial) burst at
16X and the BSC downgrades it from 16X to 8X because the power
requirement for the requested data rate changed after the burst was

Table 262
FSCHDowngradePowerReqChange_16X_To_8X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
70 13 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FSCHLinkSetupBlockSW_Error OM (ID 71)

This OM is pegged when the forward SCH blocking reason indicates
that the setup request failed due to non-resource and non-timeout
related software conditions or errors for primary FSCH links. It is
pegged along with the FSCHLinkSetupBlock OM and the appropriate
FSCHLinkSetupBlock_<data_rate> OM.

Table 263
FSCHLinkSetupBlockSW_Error OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
71 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

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17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks

122 Operational measurements reference

RSCHLinkSetupBlockSW_Error OM (ID 72)

This OM is pegged when the reverse SCH blocking reason indicates
that the setup request failed due to non-resource and non-timeout
related software conditions or errors for primary RSCH links. It is
pegged along with the RSCHLinkSetupBlock OM and the appropriate
RSCHLinkSetupBlock_<data_rate> OM.

Table 264
RSCHLinkSetupBlockSW_Error OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
72 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

RLP Data Throughput OM group (ID 11)

The RLP Data Throughput OMs are defined on a per data rate basis.
These OMs indicate the number of Physical frames, RLP frames,
transmitted RLP data bytes and re-transmitted RLP data bytes on
the fundamental and supplemental channels in both the forward and
reverse directions. These Data Throughput OMs are pegged on a per
carrier-sector basis.

Table 265
RLP Data Throughput OM group values
Group ID Physical Pegging Multi ID pegging Aggregate Output file
entity type types prefix
11 ESEL, DSFP- EBID -- Yes --

FFCH_PhysicalFrames OM (ID 1)
This OM counts the total number of physical frames with RLP signaling
or RLP bearer data that are sent on all forward FCHs set up in a given
sector-carrier (EBID). This OM is pegged against each EBID involved in
the FCH active set. Note that the "FFCH_PhysicalFrames" OM is different
from the "FrameCntFCH" BTS OM. Unlike the "FrameCntFCH" BTS OM,
the "FFCH_PhysicalFrames" OM does not get pegged during IS-2000
signaling frames (for example, during Universal Handoff Direction Message
(UHDM) related frames). Also the "FFCH_PhysicalFrames" OM start
getting pegged from the beginning of the RLP3 link establishment between
the BSC and the mobile (after the RP packet session has already been
successfully set up).

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Operational Measurements Reference
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17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks

RLP Data Throughput OM group (ID 11) 123

Table 266
FFCH_PhysicalFrames OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
1 12 -- Yes Word32 Ext

FSCH_PhysicalFrames_2X OM (ID 2)
This OM counts the total number of physical frames with RLP data that are
sent on all forward 2X SCHs set up in a given sector-carrier (EBID). This
OM is pegged against each EBID involved in the SCH active set.

Table 267
FSCH_PhysicalFrames_2X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
2 12 -- Yes Word32 Ext

FSCH_PhysicalFrames_4X OM (ID 3)
This OM counts the total number of physical frames with RLP data that are
sent on all forward 4X SCHs set up in a given sector-carrier (EBID). This
OM is pegged against each EBID involved in the SCH active set.

Table 268
FSCH_PhysicalFrames_4X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
3 12 -- Yes Word32 Ext

FSCH_PhysicalFrames_8X OM (ID 4)
This OM counts the total number of physical frames with RLP data that are
sent on all forward 8X SCHs set up in a given sector-carrier (EBID). This
OM is pegged against each EBID involved in the SCH active set.

Table 269
FSCH_PhysicalFrames_8X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
4 12 -- Yes Word32 Ext

FSCH_PhysicalFrames_16X OM (ID 5)
This OM counts the total number of physical frames with RLP data that are
sent on all forward 16X SCHs set up in a given sector-carrier (EBID). This
OM is pegged against each EBID involved in the SCH active set.

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17 October 2008
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124 Operational measurements reference

Table 270
FSCH_PhysicalFrames_16X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
5 12 -- Yes Word32 Ext

FFCH_RLP_DataBytes OM (ID 6)
This OM counts the total number of original (that is, excludes
retransmitted) RLP user-data-bytes (bearer data only, that is, excluding
overhead and signaling) sent on all forward FCHs set up in a given
sector-carrier (EBID). This OM is pegged against each EBID involved in
the FCH active set.

Table 271
FFCH_RLP_DataBytes OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
6 12 -- Yes Word32 Ext

FSCH_RLP_DataBytes_2X OM (ID 7)
This OM counts the total number of original (that is, excludes
retransmitted) RLP user-data-bytes (bearer data only, that is, excluding
overhead and signaling) sent on all forward 2X SCHs set up in a given
sector-carrier (EBID). This OM is pegged against each EBID involved in
the SCH active set.

Table 272
FSCH_RLP_DataBytes_2X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
7 12 -- Yes Word32 Ext

FSCH_RLP_DataBytes_4X OM (ID 8)
This OM counts the total number of original (that is, excludes
retransmitted) RLP user-data-bytes (bearer data only, that is, excluding
overhead and signaling) sent on all forward 4X SCHs set up in a given
sector-carrier (EBID). This OM is pegged against each EBID involved in
the SCH active set.

Table 273
FSCH_RLP_DataBytes_4X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
8 12 -- Yes Word32 Ext

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RLP Data Throughput OM group (ID 11) 125

FSCH_RLP_DataBytes_8X OM (ID 9)
This OM counts the total number of original (that is, excludes
retransmitted) RLP user-data-bytes (bearer data only, that is, excluding
overhead and signaling) sent on all forward 8X SCHs set up in a given
sector-carrier (EBID). This OM is pegged against each EBID involved in
the SCH active set.

Table 274
FSCH_RLP_DataBytes_8X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
9 12 -- Yes Word32 Ext

FSCH_RLP_DataBytes_16X OM (ID 10)

This OM counts the total number of original (that is, excludes
retransmitted) RLP user-data-bytes (bearer data only, that is, excluding
overhead and signaling) sent on all forward 16X SCHs set up in a given
sector-carrier (EBID). This OM is pegged against each EBID involved in
the SCH active set.

Table 275
FSCH_RLP_DataBytes_16X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
10 12 -- Yes Word32 Ext

FFCH_ReTxRLP_DataBytes OM (ID 11)

This OM counts the total number of retransmitted RLP user-data-bytes
(bearer data only, that is, excluding overhead and signaling) sent on all
forward FCHs set up in a given sector-carrier (EBID). This OM is pegged
against each EBID involved in the FCH active set.

Table 276
FFCH_ReTxRLP_DataBytes OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
11 12 -- Yes Word32 Ext

FSCH_ReTxRLP_DataBytes_2X OM (ID 12)

This OM counts the total number of retransmitted RLP user-data-bytes
(bearer data only, that is, excluding overhead and signaling) sent on all
forward 2X SCHs set up in a given sector-carrier (EBID). This OM is
pegged against each EBID involved in the SCH active set.

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126 Operational measurements reference

Table 277
FSCH_ReTxRLP_DataBytes_2X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
12 12 -- Yes Word32 Ext

FSCH_ReTxRLP_DataBytes_4X OM (ID 13)

This OM counts the total number of retransmitted RLP user-data-bytes
(bearer data only, that is, excluding overhead and signaling) sent on all
forward 4X SCHs set up in a given sector-carrier (EBID). This OM is
pegged against each EBID involved in the SCH active set.

Table 278
FSCH_ReTxRLP_DataBytes_4X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
13 12 -- Yes Word32 Ext

FSCH_ReTxRLP_DataBytes_8X OM (ID 14)

This OM counts the total number of retransmitted RLP user-data-bytes
(bearer data only, that is, excluding overhead and signaling) sent on all
forward 8X SCHs set up in a given sector-carrier (EBID). This OM is
pegged against each EBID involved in the SCH active set.

Table 279
FSCH_ReTxRLP_DataBytes_8X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
14 12 -- Yes Word32 Ext

FSCH_ReTxRLP_DataBytes_16X OM (ID 15)

This OM counts the total number of retransmitted RLP user-data-bytes
(bearer data only, that is, excluding overhead and signaling) sent on all
forward 16X SCHs set up in a given sector-carrier (EBID). This OM is
pegged against each EBID involved in the SCH active set.

Table 280
FSCH_ReTxRLP_DataBytes_16X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
15 12 -- Yes Word32 Ext

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RLP Data Throughput OM group (ID 11) 127

FFCH_RLP_Frames OM (ID 16)

This OM counts the total number of RLP frames (containing bearer data)
sent on all forward FCHs set up in a given sector-carrier (EBID). This OM
is pegged against each EBID involved in the FCH active set.

Table 281
FFCH_RLP_Frames OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
16 12 -- Yes Word32 Ext

FSCH_RLP_Frames_2X OM (ID 17)

This OM counts the total number of RLP frames sent on all forward 2X
SCHs set up in a given sector-carrier (EBID). This OM is pegged against
each EBID involved in the SCH active set.

Table 282
FSCH_RLP_Frames_2X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
17 12 -- Yes Word32 Ext

FSCH_RLP_Frames_4X OM (ID 18)

This OM counts the total number of RLP frames sent on all forward 4X
SCHs set up in a given sector-carrier (EBID). Each 4X Physical Frame
may carry up to 2 RLP Frames. This OM is pegged against each EBID
involved in the SCH active set.

Table 283
FSCH_RLP_Frames_4X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
18 12 -- Yes Word32 Ext

FSCH_RLP_Frames_8X OM (ID 19)

This OM counts the total number of RLP frames sent on all forward 8X
SCHs set up in a given sector-carrier (EBID). Each 8X Physical Frame
may carry up to 4 RLP Frames. This OM is pegged against each EBID
involved in the SCH active set.

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128 Operational measurements reference

Table 284
FSCH_RLP_Frames_8X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
19 12 -- Yes Word32 Ext

FSCH_RLP_Frames_16X OM (ID 20)

This OM counts the total number of RLP frames sent on all forward 16X
SCHs set up in a given sector-carrier (EBID). Each 16X Physical Frame
may carry up to 8 RLP Frames. This OM is pegged against each EBID
involved in the SCH active set.

Table 285
FSCH_RLP_Frames_16X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
20 12 -- Yes Word32 Ext

RFCH_PhysicalFrames OM (ID 21)

This OM counts the total number of physical frames with RLP signaling
or bearer data that are sent on all reverse FCHs set up in a given
sector-carrier (EBID). This OM is pegged against each EBID involved in
the FCH active set. Note that this OM gets pegged during DTX frames
and erasures on the reverse FCH. It will not be pegged for frames carrying
IS-2000 signaling frames.

Table 286
RFCH_PhysicalFrames OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
21 12 -- Yes Word32 Ext

RSCH_PhysicalFrames_2X OM (ID 22)

This OM counts the total number of physical frames with RLP data that are
sent on all reverse 2X SCHs set up in a given sector-carrier (EBID). This
OM is pegged against each EBID involved in the SCH active set. Note that
this OM gets pegged during DTX frames on the reverse 2X SCH. It will
not be pegged for erasures.

Table 287
RSCH_PhysicalFrames_2X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
22 12 -- Yes Word32 Ext

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RLP Data Throughput OM group (ID 11) 129

RSCH_PhysicalFrames_4X OM (ID 23)

This OM counts the total number of physical frames with RLP data that are
sent on all reverse 4X SCHs set up in a given sector-carrier (EBID). This
OM is pegged against each EBID involved in the SCH active set. Note that
this OM gets pegged during DTX frames on the reverse 4X SCH. It will
not be pegged for erasures.

Table 288
RSCH_PhysicalFrames_4X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
23 12 -- Yes Word32 Ext

RSCH_PhysicalFrames_8X OM (ID 24)

This OM counts the total number of physical frames with RLP data that are
sent on all reverse 8X SCHs set up in a given sector-carrier (EBID). This
OM is pegged against each EBID involved in the SCH active set. Note that
this OM gets pegged during DTX frames on the reverse 8X SCH. It will
not be pegged for erasures.

Table 289
RSCH_PhysicalFrames_8X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
24 12 -- Yes Word32 Ext

RSCH_PhysicalFrames_16X OM (ID 25)

This OM counts the total number of physical frames with RLP data that are
sent on all reverse 16X SCHs set up in a given sector-carrier (EBID). This
OM is pegged against each EBID involved in the SCH active set. Note that
this OM gets pegged during DTX frames on the reverse 16X SCH. It will
not be pegged for erasures.

Table 290
RSCH_PhysicalFrames_16X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
25 12 -- Yes Word32 Ext

RFCH_RLP_DataBytes OM (ID 26)

This OM counts the total number of first-received (could be original or
retransmitted) RLP user-data-bytes (bearer data only, that is, excluding
overhead and signaling) received on all reverse FCHs set up in a given
sector-carrier (EBID). Please see the example in the RLP Throughput

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130 Operational measurements reference

Performance chapter of NTP 411-2133-525 for more information on how

this OM is pegged. This OM is pegged against each EBID involved in the
FCH active set.

Table 291
RFCH_RLP_DataBytes OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
26 12 -- Yes Word32 Ext

RSCH_RLP_DataBytes_2X OM (ID 27)

This OM counts the total number of first-received (could be original or
retransmitted) RLP user-data-bytes (bearer data only, that is, excluding
overhead and signaling) received on all reverse 2X SCHs set up in a given
sector-carrier (EBID). Please see the example in the RLP Throughput
Performance chapter for more information on how this OM is pegged This
OM is pegged against each EBID involved in the SCH active set.

Table 292
RSCH_RLP_DataBytes_2X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
27 12 -- Yes Word32 Ext

RSCH_RLP_DataBytes_4X OM (ID 28)

This OM counts the total number of first-received (could be original or
retransmitted) RLP user-data-bytes (bearer data only, that is, excluding
overhead and signaling) received on all reverse 4X SCHs set up in a given
sector-carrier (EBID). Please see the example in the RLP Throughput
Performance chapter for more information on how this OM is pegged This
OM is pegged against each EBID involved in the SCH active set.

Table 293
RSCH_RLP_DataBytes_4X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
28 12 -- Yes Word32 Ext

RSCH_RLP_DataBytes_8X OM (ID 29)

This OM counts the total number of first-received (could be original or
retransmitted) RLP user-data-bytes (bearer data only, that is, excluding
overhead and signaling) received on all reverse 8X SCHs set up in a given
sector-carrier (EBID). Please see the example in the RLP Throughput
Performance chapter for more information on how this OM is pegged This
OM is pegged against each EBID involved in the SCH active set.

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Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks

RLP Data Throughput OM group (ID 11) 131

Table 294
RSCH_RLP_DataBytes_8X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
29 12 -- Yes Word32 Ext

RSCH_RLP_DataBytes_16X OM (ID 30)

This OM counts the total number of first-received (could be original or
retransmitted) RLP user-data-bytes (bearer data only, that is, excluding
overhead and signaling) received on all reverse 16X SCHs set up
in a given sector-carrier (EBID). Please see the example in the RLP
Throughput Performance chapter for more information on how this OM is
pegged. This OM is pegged against each EBID involved in the SCH active

Table 295
RSCH_RLP_DataBytes_16X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
30 12 -- Yes Word32 Ext

RFCH_ReTxRLP_DataBytes OM (ID 31)

This OM counts the total number of retransmitted RLP user-data-bytes
(bearer data only, that is, excluding overhead and signaling) sent on
all reverse FCHs set up in a given sector-carrier (EBID). Please see
the example in the RLP Throughput Performance chapter of NTP
411-2133-525 for more information on how this OM is pegged. This OM is
pegged against each EBID involved in the FCH active set.

Table 296
RFCH_ReTxRLP_DataBytes OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
31 12 -- Yes Word32 Ext

RSCH_ReTxRLP_DataBytes_2X OM (ID 32)

This OM counts the total number of retransmitted RLP user-data-bytes
(bearer data only, that is, excluding overhead and signaling) sent on
all reverse 2X SCHs set up in a given sector-carrier (EBID). Please
see the example in the RLP Throughput Performance chapter of NTP
411-2133-525 for more information on how this OM is pegged. This OM is
pegged against each EBID involved in the SCH active set.

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132 Operational measurements reference

Table 297
RSCH_ReTxRLP_DataBytes_2X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
32 12 -- Yes Word32 Ext

RSCH_ReTxRLP_DataBytes_4X OM (ID 33)

This OM counts the total number of retransmitted RLP user-data-bytes
(bearer data only, that is, excluding overhead and signaling) sent on
all reverse 4X SCHs set up in a given sector-carrier (EBID). Please
see the example in the RLP Throughput Performance chapter of NTP
411-2133-525 for more information on how this OM is pegged. This OM is
pegged against each EBID involved in the SCH active set.

Table 298
RSCH_ReTxRLP_DataBytes_4X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
33 12 -- Yes Word32 Ext

RSCH_ReTxRLP_DataBytes_8X OM (ID 34)

This OM counts the total number of retransmitted RLP user-data-bytes
(bearer data only, that is, excluding overhead and signaling) sent on
all reverse 8X SCHs set up in a given sector-carrier (EBID). Please
see the example in the RLP Throughput Performance chapter of NTP
411-2133-525 for more information on how this OM is pegged. This OM is
pegged against each EBID involved in the SCH active set.

Table 299
RSCH_ReTxRLP_DataBytes_8X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
34 12 -- Yes Word32 Ext

RSCH_ReTxRLP_DataBytes_16X OM (ID 35)

This OM counts the total number of retransmitted RLP user-data-bytes
(bearer data only, that is, excluding overhead and signaling) sent on
all reverse 16X SCHs set up in a given sector-carrier (EBID). Please
see the example in the RLP Throughput Performance chapter of NTP
411-2133-525 for more information on how this OM is pegged. This OM is
pegged against each EBID involved in the SCH active set.

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NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
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Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks

RLP Data Throughput OM group (ID 11) 133

Table 300
RSCH_ReTxRLP_DataBytes_16X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
35 12 -- Yes Word32 Ext

RFCH_RLP_Frames OM (ID 36)

This OM counts the total number of RLP frames containing bearer data
sent on all reverse FCHs set up in a given sector-carrier (EBID). This OM
is pegged against each EBID involved in the FCH active set.

Table 301
RFCH_RLP_Frames OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
36 12 -- Yes Word32 Ext

RSCH_RLP_Frames_2X OM (ID 37)

This OM counts the total number of RLP frames sent on all reverse 2X
SCHs set up in a given sector-carrier (EBID). This OM is pegged against
each EBID involved in the SCH active set.

Table 302
RSCH_RLP_Frames_2X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
37 12 -- Yes Word32 Ext

RSCH_RLP_Frames_4X OM (ID 38)

This OM counts the total number of RLP frames sent on all reverse 4X
SCHs set up in a given sector-carrier (EBID). This OM is pegged against
each EBID involved in the SCH active set.

Table 303
RSCH_RLP_Frames_4X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
38 12 -- Yes Word32 Ext

RSCH_RLP_Frames_8X OM (ID 39)

This OM counts the total number of RLP frames sent on all reverse 8X
SCHs set up in a given sector-carrier (EBID). This OM is pegged against
each EBID involved in the SCH active set.

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134 Operational measurements reference

Table 304
RSCH_RLP_Frames_8X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
39 12 -- Yes Word32 Ext

RSCH_RLP_Frames_16X OM (ID 40)

This OM counts the total number of RLP frames sent on all reverse 16X
SCHs set up in a given sector-carrier (EBID). This OM is pegged against
each EBID involved in the SCH active set.

Table 305
RSCH_RLP_Frames_16X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
40 12 -- Yes Word32 Ext

FFCH_RLP_OverheadFrames OM (ID 41)

This OM provides the number of RLP overhead signaling frames sent
over FCH in the forward direction. The overhead frames are SYNC,
SYNC/ACK, NAK, and ACK. This OM is pegged against all the EBIDs in
the active set.

Table 306
FFCH_RLP_OverheadFrames OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
41 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

FFCH_RLP_ZeroPayloadFrames OM (ID 42)

This OM provides the number of RLP zero payload frames sent over FCH
in the forward direction. The zero payload frames are FILL, IDLE, BLANK,
and NULL. This OM is pegged against all the EBIDs in the active set.

Table 307
FFCH_RLP_ZeroPayloadFrames OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
42 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

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Packet Session Signaling OM group (ID 12) 135

RFCH_RLP_OverheadFrames OM (ID 43)

This OM provides the number of RLP overhead signaling frames sent
over FCH in the reverse direction. The overhead frames are SYNC,
SYNC/ACK, NAK, and ACK. This OM is pegged against all the EBIDs in
the active set.

Table 308
RFCH_RLP_OverheadFrames OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
43 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

RFCH_RLP_ZeroPayloadFrames OM (ID 44)

This OM provides the number of RLP zero payload frames sent over FCH
in the reverse direction. The zero payload frames are FILL, IDLE, BLANK,
NULL and ERASURE. This OM is pegged against all the EBIDs in the
active set.

Table 309
RFCH_RLP_ZeroPayloadFrames OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
44 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

Packet Session Signaling OM group (ID 12)

This OM Group provides information on R-P session setup Attempts,
R-P Reconnect Attempts, Successful session setups and Failed session

Table 310
Packet Session Signaling OM group values
Group ID Physical Pegging Multi ID pegging Aggregate Output file
entity type types prefix
12 ESCI, PCUFP Node -- No --

TotalSessionSetupInitialAttempts OM (ID 1)
This OM provides the number of R-P session setups attempted for initial
R-P session setup. Note that this OM is used to make the distinction
between Initial R-P session setups and R-P Session Handoffs.

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136 Operational measurements reference

Table 311
TotalSessionSetupInitialAttempts OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
1 10.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

TotalSessionSetupReconnectAttempts OM (ID 2)
This OM provides the number of R-P session reconnect attempts due to
PCU change. The possible reasons for PCU change are:

1) a data call transitions from dormant to active, but the original shelf has
no available resources, or

2) a dormant handoff but remain on the same serving PDSN.

Table 312
TotalSessionSetupReconnectAttempts OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
2 10.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

TotalSessionSetupSuccess OM (ID 3)
This OM provides the number of successful R-P session setups during
initial or reconnect attempts.

Table 313
TotalSessionSetupSuccess OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
3 10.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

TotalSessionSetupFailures OM (ID 4)
This OM provides the number of failed R-P session setups during initial or
reconnect attempts.

Table 314
TotalSessionSetupFailures OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
4 10.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

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Packet Session Signaling OM group (ID 12) 137

TotalInitialRPSessionSetupFailures OM (ID 5)
This OM is pegged when an initial R-P session setup attempt fails. This
OM is pegged only when the PCU gives up on setting up the session for
any reason after trying all the PDSNs.

Table 315
TotalInitialRPSessionSetupFailures OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
5 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

TotalRPSessionHandoffFailures OM (ID 6)
This OM is pegged when an R-P session handoff attempt fails. This OM
is pegged when the PCU gives up on a Inter-PCU or Inter-PDSN R-P
session handoff attempt.

Table 316
TotalRPSessionHandoffFailures OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
6 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

TotalReleasesBeforeInitialSessionSetup OM (ID 7)
This OM provides the number of user-initiated data call releases before the
initial RP session is completely set up. This OM is pegged when a user
initiates a new call and decides to drop the call before the RP session
setup is completed.

Table 317
TotalReleasesBeforeInitialSessionSetup OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
7 13 -- Yes Word16 Ext

TotalReleasesBeforeHandoffSessionSetup OM (ID 8)
This OM provides the number of user-initiated data call releases before
the RP session is completely set up during the handoffs (during the RP
reconnect scenario). This OM is pegged when a user is in the process of
handoff and decides to release the call before the RP session setup is
completed (during handoff).

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138 Operational measurements reference

Table 318
TotalReleasesBeforeHandoffSessionSetup OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
8 13 -- Yes Word16 Ext

EnteredActiveSessionTransitionThrottleMode OM (ID 9)
This OM is pegged when the individual PCU has exceeded the maximum
rate of session transitions and can no longer immediately grant
dormant-to-active session transitions. Once the PCU enters this mode, the
session transitions are queued to be processed at a later time.

Table 319
EnteredActiveSessionTransitionThrottleMode OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
9 13 -- Yes Word16 Ext

EnteredNullSessionTransitionThrottleMode OM (ID 10)

This OM is pegged when the individual PCU has exceeded the maximum
rate of session transitions and can no longer immediately grant
active-to-null or dormant-to-null session transitions. Once the PCU enters
this mode, the session transitions are queued to be processed at a later

Table 320
EnteredNullSessionTransitionThrottleMode OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
10 13 -- Yes Word16 Ext

ActiveSessionTransitionsQueued OM (ID 11)

This OM is pegged when a request for dormant-to-active session transition
by an individual packet session is queued by the PCU because it is in the
Session Throttle mode.

Table 321
ActiveSessionTransitionsQueued OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
11 13 -- Yes Word16 Ext

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Packet Session Signaling OM group (ID 12) 139

NullSessionTransitionsQueued OM (ID 12)

This OM is pegged when a request for active-to-null or dormant-to-null
session transitions by an individual packet session is queued by the PCU
because it is in the Session Throttle mode.

Table 322
NullSessionTransitionsQueued OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
12 13 -- Yes Word16 Ext

ExitedActiveSessionTransitionThrottleMode OM (ID 13)

This OM is pegged when the individual PCU exits out of an active
session transition throttle mode; that is, there are no more queued
dormant-to-active session transition requests at the PCU.

Table 323
ExitedActiveSessionTransitionThrottleMode OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
13 13 -- Yes Word16 Ext

ExitedNullSessionTransitionThrottleMode OM (ID 14)

This OM is pegged when the individual PCU exits out of a null session
transition throttle mode; that is, there are no more queued active-to-null or
dormant-to-null session transitions requests at the PCU.

Table 324
ExitedNullSessionTransitionThrottleMode OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
14 13 -- Yes Word16 Ext

DormantToActiveIndDroppedDueToFullTxWindow OM (ID 15)

This OM is pegged when the transport layer fails to deliver the
DormantToActiveInd message due to a full TX window.

Table 325
DormantToActiveIndDroppedDueToFullTxWindow OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
15 13 -- Yes Word16 Ext

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140 Operational measurements reference

DormantReleaseIndDroppedDueToFullTxWindow OM (ID 16)

This OM is pegged when the transport layer fails to deliver the
DormantReleaseInd message due to a full TX window.

Table 326
DormantReleaseIndDroppedDueToFullTxWindow OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
16 13 -- Yes Word16 Ext

EnteredSessionTransitionTypeOneThrottleMode OM (ID 17)

This OM is pegged when the individual PCU has exceeded the maximum
rate of session transitions and can no longer immediately grant
dormant-to-active or active-to-null session transitions. Once the PCU
enters this mode, the session transitions are queued to be processed at
a later time.

Table 327
EnteredSessionTransitionTypeOneThrottleMode OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
17 13 -- Yes Word16 Ext

EnteredSessionTransitionTypeTwoThrottleMode OM (ID 18)

This OM is pegged when the individual PCU has exceeded the maximum
rate of session transitions and can no longer immediately grant
dormant-to-null session transitions. Once the PCU enters this mode, the
session transitions are queued to be processed at a later time

Table 328
EnteredSessionTransitionTypeTwoThrottleMode OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
18 13 -- Yes Word16 Ext

SessionTransitionsTypeOneQueued OM (ID 19)

This OM is pegged when a request for dormant-to-active or active-to-null
session transitions by an individual packet session is queued by the PCU
because it is in the Session Throttle mode.

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Packet Session Signaling OM group (ID 12) 141

Table 329
SessionTransitionsTypeOneQueued OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
19 13 -- Yes Word16 Ext

SessionTransitionsTypeTwoQueued OM (ID 20)

This OM is pegged when a request for dormant-to-null session transition
by an individual packet session is queued by the PCU because it is in the
Session Throttle mode.

Table 330
SessionTransitionsTypeTwoQueued OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
20 13 -- Yes Word16 Ext

ExitedSessionTransitionTypeOneThrottleMode OM (ID 21)

This OM is pegged when the individual PCU exits out of a Session
Transition Type One Throttle mode; that is, there are no more queued
dormant-to-active or active-to-null transition requests at the PCU.

Table 331
ExitedSessionTransitionTypeOneThrottleMode OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
21 13 -- Yes Word16 Ext

ExitedSessionTransitionTypeTwoThrottleMode OM (ID 22)

This OM is pegged when the individual PCU exits out of a Session
Transition Type Two Throttle mode; that is, there are no more queued
dormant-to-null transition requests at the PCU.

Table 332
ExitedSessionTransitionTypeTwoThrottleMode OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
22 13 -- Yes Word16 Ext

RP_DormantSessionDeletions OM (ID 23)

This OM counts the number of old dormant RP-sessions that were
released so that the requested dormant RP-session could be set up on a
PCU, which is out of dormant capacity.

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142 Operational measurements reference

Table 333
RP_DormantSessionDeletions OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
23 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

Packet Session Data OM group (ID 13)

This OM Group provides information on PPP Forward Packets drops,
Reverse Packets drops, DCR Buffer Overflow and RR Buffer Overflow.

Table 334
Packet Session Data OM group values
Group ID Physical Pegging Multi ID pegging Aggregate Output file
entity type types prefix
13 ESCI, PCUFP Node -- No --

TotalFwdPacketsDropped OM (ID 1)
This OM provides the number of PPP packets dropped in the forward
direction per PCU. This OM is pegged when forward packets are dropped
because the DCR buffer for a packet session overflows or because the
Dormant buffer limit of a PCU is exceeded.

Table 335
TotalFwdPacketsDropped OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
1 10.1 -- Yes Word32 Ext

TotalRevPacketsDropped OM (ID 2)
This OM provides the number of PPP packets dropped in the reverse
direction per PCU. The RR has been engineered such that the data
throughput in the reverse direction, when the ESEL or ACP is carrying
the maximum number of high speed data calls, should not exceed the
RR buffer capacity. Should this happen, the number of packets that are
dropped by the RR are counted by this OM.

Table 336
TotalRevPacketsDropped OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
2 10.1 -- Yes Word32 Ext

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Packet Session Data OM group (ID 13) 143

DCRBufferOverflows OM (ID 3)
This OM provides the number of DCR buffer overflows for all active packet
data sessions per PCU. This OM counts the number of times the buffer
capacities are exceeded during the reporting period.

Table 337
DCRBufferOverflows OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
3 10.1 -- Yes Word32 Ext

DCRNumOfStopTransmitMsgsSent OM (ID 4)
This OM provides the number of Stop Transmit messages sent from the
RLPQ per PCU. Note that this OM counts the number of times the RLPQ
entity in the ESEL or ACP card sends a Stop Transmit message to the
DCR. This would happen if the RLPQ buffer is congested and cannot
transmit data to the mobile as fast as the DCR is delivering it.

Prior to Release 12.0 this OM was known as DCR_NumOfStopTransmi


Table 338
DCRNumOfStopTransmitMsgsSent OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
4 10.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

RRBufferOverflows OM (ID 5)
This OM provides the number of RR buffer overflows for all active packet
data sessions on a PCU. This OM counts the number of times the buffer
capacities are exceeded during the reporting period.

Table 339
RRBufferOverflows OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
5 10.1 -- Yes Word32 Ext

PeakNumberOfAttachedDormantUsers OM (ID 6)
This OM provides the peak number of attached Dormant users on a PCU
at a given time during an OM period. This is a high watermark which
represents the peak number of Dormant sessions supported by a PCU at a
given time. Keep in mind that if this OM is summed across all PCUs on a
single PCUFP, the peaks on each PCU may not have been simultaneous.
Thus, the aggregate would reflect the upper bound of the peak number.

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144 Operational measurements reference

This OM is not configurable through CEMS and is always ON.

Table 340
PeakNumberOfAttachedDormantUsers OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
6 12.1 -- No Word16 Ext

AttachedActiveUsers OM (ID 7)
This OM provides the number of attached active users on a PCU
when the peak number of dormant users are determined during an
OM period. This OM is pegged for the number of active users when
the PeakNumberOfAttachedDormantUsers OM is pegged for the peak
dormant users.

This OM is not configurable through CEMS and is always ON.

Table 341
AttachedActiveUsers OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
7 12.1 -- No Word16 Ext

PeakNumberOfAttachedActiveUsers OM (ID 8)
This OM provides the peak number of attached Active users on a PCU
at a given time during an OM period. This is a high watermark which
represents peak number of Active sessions supported by a PCU at a given
time. Keep in mind that if this OM is summed across all PCUs on a single
PCUFP, the peaks on each PCU may not have been simultaneous. Thus,
the aggregate would reflect the upper bound of the peak number.

This OM is not configurable through CEMS and is always ON.

Table 342
PeakNumberOfAttachedActiveUsers OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
8 12.1 -- No Word16 Ext

AttachedDormantUsers OM (ID 9)
This OM provides the number of attached dormant users on a PCU
when the peak number of Active users are determined during an OM
period. This OM is pegged for the number of dormant users when the
PeakNumberOfAttachedActiveUsers OM is pegged for the peak active

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Packet Session Data OM group (ID 13) 145

This OM is not configurable through CEMS and is always ON.

Table 343
AttachedDormantUsers OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
9 12.1 -- No Word16 Ext

NumberOfDormantCallsGoingActive OM (ID 10)

This OM provides the total number of Dormant calls going to Active over
the OM period.

This OM is pegged for Network Initiated and Mobile Initiated Dormant to

Active Transitions for all the dormant calls on the PCU.

This OM will only peg on the CPDS.

Table 344
NumberOfDormantCallsGoingActive OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
10 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

EnteredSessionTransitionThrottleMode OM (ID 11)

This OM is pegged when the individual PCU has exceeded the maximum
rate of session transitions and can no longer immediately grant
dormant-to-active, active-to-null, or dormant-to-null session transitions.
Once the PCU enters this mode, the session transitions are queued to be
processed at a later time.

Table 345
EnteredSessionTransitionThrottleMode OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
11 12.1 -- No Word16 Ext

SessionTransitionsQueued OM (ID 12)

This OM is pegged when a request for a dormant-to-active, active-to-null,
or dormant-to-null session transition by an individual packet session is
queued by the PCU because it is in the Session Throttle mode.

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146 Operational measurements reference

Table 346
SessionTransitionsQueued OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
12 12.1 -- No Word16 Ext

ExitedSessionTransitionThrottleMode OM (ID 13)

This OM is pegged when the individual PCU exits out of Session Throttle
mode. That is, there are no more queued dormant-to-active, active-to-null,
or dormant-to-null session transition requests at the PCU.

Table 347
ExitedSessionTransitionThrottleMode OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
13 12.1 -- No Word16 Ext

TotalDormantBufferLimitOverflows OM (ID 14)

This OM provides the number of forward packets dropped due to the total
dormant buffer limit.

Table 348
TotalDormantBufferLimitOverflows OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
14 12.1 -- Yes Word32 Ext

TotalActiveSessionSeconds OM (ID 15)

This OM provides the total number of seconds for all active sessions per

Table 349
TotalActiveSessionSeconds OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
15 13 -- Yes Word32 Ext

TotalDormantSessionSeconds OM (ID 16)

This OM provides the total number of seconds for all dormant sessions
per PCU.

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RP Session L2TP OM group (ID 14) 147

Table 350
TotalDormantSessionSeconds OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
16 13 -- Yes Word32 Ext

RP Session L2TP OM group (ID 14)

This OM Group consists of OMs to capture L2TP reliable packets sent,
retransmitted, received, and tunnel failures per PDSN. They also count
Unreliable bytes transmitted and received per PDSN. These OMs are
Pegged only at the BSC and not at the EBSC.

Table 351
RP Session L2TP OM group values
Group ID Physical Pegging Multi ID pegging Aggregate Output file
entity type types prefix
14 ESCI IP -- Yes --

ReliablePacketSentSuccess OM (ID 1)
This OM provides the number of ACKs received as a result of reliable
packets being sent to any given PDSN. This OM applies to L2TP tunnel
control and R-P session establishment messages, measuring the number
of reliable packets that are sent successfully.

Note that this OM has been converted to a 32-bit register as of Release

12.0 and hence there is no need for the Overflow OM.

Table 352
ReliablePacketSentSuccess OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
1 10.1 -- Yes Word32 Ext

ReliablePacketReTransmitted OM (ID 2)
This OM provides the number of reliable packets that had to be
retransmitted because no ACK was received. This OM applies to L2TP
tunnel control and R-P session establishment messages, measuring the
number of reliable packets that needed to be retransmitted.

Note that this OM has been converted to a 32-bit register as of Release

12.0 and hence there is no need for the Overflow OM.

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148 Operational measurements reference

Table 353
ReliablePacketReTransmitted OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
2 10.1 -- Yes Word32 Ext

ReliablePacketReceived OM (ID 3)
This OM provides the number of messages the PCU received with reliable
delivery acknowledgement requested. This OM applies to L2TP tunnel
control and R-P session establishment messages, measuring the number
of reliable packets that are received.

Note that this OM has been converted to a 32-bit register as of Release

12.0 and hence there is no need for the Overflow OM.

Table 354
ReliablePacketReceived OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
3 10.1 -- Yes Word32 Ext

NumberOfTunnelFailures OM (ID 4)
This OM provides the number of times a L2TP tunnel was torn down due
to failure of reliable packet transmission.

Table 355
NumberOfTunnelFailures OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
4 10.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

TotalUnreliableBytesTransmitted OM (ID 5)
This OM provides the cumulative number of bytes each R-P session
in the PCU transmitted to the PDSN. This OM, together with
TotalUnreliableBytesReceived, provides the operator with a picture of the
total data throughput for a given R-P session during the OM reporting

Note that this OM has been converted to a 32-bit register as of Release

12.0 and hence there is no need for the Overflow OM.

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RP Session L2TP OM group (ID 14) 149

Table 356
TotalUnreliableBytesTransmitted OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
5 10.1 -- Yes Word32 Ext

TotalUnreliableBytesReceived OM (ID 6)
This OM provides the cumulative number of bytes each session
in the PCU received from the PDSN. This OM, together with
TotalUnreliableBytesTransmitted, provides the operator with a picture of
the total data throughput for a given R-P session during the OM reporting

Note that this OM has been converted to a 32-bit register as of Release

12.0 and hence there is no need for the Overflow OM.

Table 357
TotalUnreliableBytesReceived OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
6 10.1 -- Yes Word32 Ext

TunnelSetupFailuresReasonUnexpected OM (ID 7)
This OM counts the number of L2TP tunnel setup failures per PDSN IP
address that had an unexpected result code.

Note that this OM has been converted to a 32-bit register as of Release

12.0 and hence there is no need for the Overflow OM.

Table 358
TunnelSetupFailuresReasonUnexpected OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
7 13 -- Yes Word16 Ext

TunnelSetupFailuresReasonReserved OM (ID 8)
This OM counts the number of L2TP tunnel setup failures with a reserved
result code from the PDSN per PDSN IP address.

Table 359
TunnelSetupFailuresReasonReserved OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
8 13 -- Yes Word16 Ext

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TunnelSetupFailuresReasonVendorError OM (ID 9)
This OM counts the number of L2TP tunnel setup failures classified as
general errors indicating vendor-specific error on the PDSN per PDSN IP

Table 360
TunnelSetupFailuresReasonVendorError OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
9 13 -- Yes Word16 Ext

TunnelSetupFailuresReasonBadProtocolVersion OM (ID 10)

This OM counts the number of L2TP tunnel setup failures due to
unsupported protocol version on the PDSN per PDSN IP address.

Table 361
TunnelSetupFailuresReasonBadProtocolVersion OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
10 13 -- Yes Word16 Ext

TunnelSetupFailuresReasonRequesterShutdown OM (ID 11)

This OM counts the number of L2TP tunnel setup failures due to requestor
being shut down on the PDSN per PDSN IP address.

Table 362
TunnelSetupFailuresReasonRequesterShutdown OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
11 13 -- Yes Word16 Ext

TunnelSetupFailuresReasonSystemOverload OM (ID 12)

This OM counts the number of L2TP tunnel setup failures due to overload
conditions on the PDSN per PDSN IP address.

Table 363
TunnelSetupFailuresReasonSystemOverload OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
12 13 -- Yes Word16 Ext

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RP Session L2TP OM group (ID 14) 151

RP_SessionSetupAttempts OM (ID 13)

This OM counts the number of Session Setup Attempts per PDSN. This
OM is pegged when a session setup is attempted for the first time. It is not
pegged during handoffs. So if a PDSN rejects a setup attempt and another
PDSN is tried to set up the call, this OM is pegged only on the first PDSN
and not the second.

Table 364
RP_SessionSetupAttempts OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
13 13 -- Yes Word16 Ext

RP_SessionSetupSuccesses OM (ID 14)

This OM counts the number of PDSN Session Setup Successes on each
PDSN. This OM is pegged only when a session is successfully set up, and
only against the PDSN on which the session was successfully set up. It
is not pegged during the handoffs.

Table 365
RP_SessionSetupSuccesses OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
14 13 -- Yes Word16 Ext

RP_SessionSetupRejectReasonGenErr OM (ID 15)

This OM counts the number of "rejections due to General Error" per
PDSN. This OM is pegged when a CDN message is received from the
PDSN indicating General Error (result code is 2, 6, 10, or 11). It is not
pegged for handoffs.

Table 366
RP_SessionSetupRejectReasonGenErr OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
15 13 -- Yes Word16 Ext

RP_SessionSetupRejectReasonNoCarrier OM (ID 16)

This OM counts the number of "rejections due to No Carrier" per PDSN.
This OM is pegged when a CDN message is received from the PDSN
indicating No Carrier (result code is 1, 7, 8, or 9). It is not pegged for

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152 Operational measurements reference

Table 367
RP_SessionSetupRejectReasonNoCarrier OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
16 13 -- Yes Word16 Ext

RP_SessionSetupRejectReasonAdminReason OM (ID 17)

This OM counts the number of "rejections due to Administrative Reason"
per PDSN. This OM is pegged when a CDN message is received from the
PDSN indicating Administrative Reason (result code is 3). It is not pegged
for handoffs.

Table 368
RP_SessionSetupRejectReasonAdminReason OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
17 13 -- Yes Word16 Ext

RP_SessionSetupRejectReasonNoTempRsrcs OM (ID 18)

This OM counts the number of "rejections due to lack of temporary
facilities" per PDSN. This OM is pegged when a CDN message is received
from the PDSN indicating lack of temporary facilities (result code is 4). It
is not pegged for handoffs.

Table 369
RP_SessionSetupRejectReasonNoTempRsrcs OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
18 13 -- Yes Word16 Ext

RP_SessionSetupRejectReasonNoPermRsrcs OM (ID 19)

This OM counts the number of "rejections due to lack of permanent
facilities" per PDSN. This OM is pegged when a CDN message is received
from the PDSN indicating lack of permanent facilities (result code is 4). It
is not pegged for handoffs.

Table 370
RP_SessionSetupRejectReasonNoPermRsrcs OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
19 13 -- Yes Word16 Ext

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BCN Socket Layer OM group (ID 15) 153

RP_SessionSetupRejectReasonSysOverload OM (ID 20)

This OM counts the number of "rejections due to system overload" per
PDSN. This OM is pegged when a CDN message is received from the
PDSN indicating system overload (result code is 12). It is not pegged for

Table 371
RP_SessionSetupRejectReasonSysOverload OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
20 13 -- Yes Word16 Ext

RP_SessionSetupRejectReasonOther OM (ID 21)

This OM counts the number of rejections due to reasons other than
specified per PDSN. This OM is pegged when a CDN message is received
from the PDSN indicating rejections due to reasons other than specified for
which other OMs are already pegged. It is not pegged for handoffs.

Table 372
RP_SessionSetupRejectReasonOther OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
21 13 -- Yes Word16 Ext

RP_SessionSetupRejectReasonNoPDSNRsp OM (ID 22)

This OM counts the number of "no responses" from the PDSN for a
session setup request per PDSN. This OM is pegged when a PCU times
out on a Session Setup Response from the PDSN (no ICRP or CDN
message received). It is not pegged for handoffs.

Table 373
RP_SessionSetupRejectReasonNoPDSNRsp OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
22 13 -- Yes Word16 Ext

BCN Socket Layer OM group (ID 15)

The BCN Socket Layer group tracks events at the BCN Socket Layer such
as messages sent/received.

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154 Operational measurements reference

Table 374
BCN Socket Layer OM group values
Group ID Physical Pegging Multi ID pegging Aggregate Output file
entity type types prefix
15 DSFP-D Node -- No --

SL_STLA_UnknownDestinationMsg OM (ID 1)
This OM provides the number of STL-A messages received on this stack
but without a socket registered for it.

Table 375
SL_STLA_UnknownDestinationMsg OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
1 12.1 -- No Word32 Ext

SL_STLB_UnknownDestinationMsg OM (ID 2)
This OM provides the number of STL-B messages received on this stack
but without a socket registered for it.

Table 376
SL_STLB_UnknownDestinationMsg OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
2 12.1 -- No Word32 Ext

SL_STLD_UnknownDestinationMsg OM (ID 3)
This OM provides the number of STL-D messages received on this stack
but without a socket registered for it.

Table 377
SL_STLD_UnknownDestinationMsg OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
3 12.1 -- No Word32 Ext

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BCN Socket Layer OM group (ID 15) 155

SL_MaxLargeStreamBufferUsed OM (ID 4)
This OM provides the maximum number of large stream buffers used.

Table 378
SL_MaxLargeStreamBufferUsed OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
4 12.1 -- No Word32 Ext

SL_MaxMediumStreamBufferUsed OM (ID 5)
This OM provides the maximum number of medium stream buffers used.

Table 379
SL_MaxMediumStreamBufferUsed OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
5 12.1 -- No Word32 Ext

SL_MaxSmallStreamBufferUsed OM (ID 6)
This OM provides the maximum number of small stream buffers used.

Table 380
SL_MaxSmallStreamBufferUsed OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
6 12.1 -- No Word32 Ext

SL_StreamBufferAllocSuccess OM (ID 7)
This OM provides the number of stream buffers successfully allocated.

Table 381
SL_StreamBufferAllocSuccess OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
7 12.1 -- No Word32 Ext

SL_StreamBufferAllocFailure OM (ID 8)
This OM provides the number of stream buffers unsuccessfully allocated.

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156 Operational measurements reference

Table 382
SL_StreamBufferAllocFailure OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
8 12.1 -- No Word32 Ext

BCN STLA Transport Layer OM group (ID 16)

The BCN STL-A Transport Layer Group tracks protocol events for BCN
Signaling Transport Layer A which is mainly used for call control signaling

Table 383
BCN STLA Transport Layer OM group values
Group ID Physical Pegging Multi ID pegging Aggregate Output file
entity type types prefix
16 DSFP-D Node -- No --

STLA_ReliableTxMsg OM (ID 1)
This OM provides the number of reliable messages sent (throughput).

Table 384
STLA_ReliableTxMsg OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
1 12.1 -- No Word32 Ext

STLA_ReliableRxMsg OM (ID 2)
This OM provides the number of reliable messages received (throughput).

Table 385
STLA_ReliableRxMsg OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
2 12.1 -- No Word32 Ext

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BCN STLA Transport Layer OM group (ID 16) 157

STLA_BestEffortTxMsg OM (ID 3)
This OM provides the number of Best Effort messages sent (throughput).

Table 386
STLA_BestEffortTxMsg OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
3 12.1 -- No Word32 Ext

STLA_BestEffortRxMsg OM (ID 4)
This OM provides the number of Best Effort messages received

Table 387
STLA_BestEffortRxMsg OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
4 12.1 -- No Word32 Ext

STLA_OpenTxConnection OM (ID 5)
This OM provides the number of transmit connections opened.

Table 388
STLA_OpenTxConnection OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
5 12.1 -- No Word32 Ext

STLA_OpenRxConnection OM (ID 6)
This OM provides the number of receive connections opened.

Table 389
STLA_OpenRxConnection OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
6 12.1 -- No Word32 Ext

STLA_RefusedRxConnection OM (ID 7)
This OM provides the number of connections refused on receives because
the maximum was reached.

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158 Operational measurements reference

Table 390
STLA_RefusedRxConnection OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
7 12.1 -- No Word32 Ext

STLA_RefusedTxConnection OM (ID 8)
This OM provides the number of connections refused on transmits
because the maximum was reached.

Table 391
STLA_RefusedTxConnection OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
8 12.1 -- No Word32 Ext

STLA_MaxTxSmallBuffer OM (ID 9)
This OM provides the maximum number of small buffers used to transmit
all the messages.

Table 392
STLA_MaxTxSmallBuffer OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
9 12.1 -- No Word32 Ext

STLA_MaxTxMediumBuffer OM (ID 10)

This OM provides the maximum number of medium buffers used to
transmit all the messages.

Table 393
STLA_MaxTxMediumBuffer OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
10 12.1 -- No Word32 Ext

STLA_MaxTxLargeBuffer OM (ID 11)

This OM provides the maximum number of large buffers used to transmit
all the messages.

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BCN STLA Transport Layer OM group (ID 16) 159

Table 394
STLA_MaxTxLargeBuffer OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
11 12.1 -- No Word32 Ext

STLA_OutOfTxBuffer OM (ID 12)

This OM provides the number of transmit failures due to lack of transmit
message buffers.

Table 395
STLA_OutOfTxBuffer OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
12 12.1 -- No Word32 Ext

STLA_OutOfRxFrameBuffer OM (ID 13)

This OM provides the number of received frames rejected due to lack of

Table 396
STLA_OutOfRxFrameBuffer OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
13 12.1 -- No Word32 Ext

STLA_MaxRxBuffer OM (ID 14)

This OM provides the maximum number of buffers used to receive
incoming frames.

Table 397
STLA_MaxRxBuffer OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
14 12.1 -- No Word32 Ext

STLA_OutOfWindowMsg OM (ID 15)

This OM provides the number of messages which were over the window

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160 Operational measurements reference

Table 398
STLA_OutOfWindowMsg OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
15 12.1 13 No Word32 Ext

STLA_ReliableReassemblyTimeout OM (ID 16)

This OM provides the number of reliable messages dropped (missing
frame or frames).

Table 399
STLA_ReliableReassemblyTimeout OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
16 12.1 -- No Word32 Ext

STLA_BestEffortReassemblyTimeout OM (ID 17)

This OM provides the number of best effort messages dropped (missing
frame or frames).

Table 400
STLA_BestEffortReassemblyTimeout OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
17 12.1 -- No Word32 Ext

STLA_ReliableRetransmittedMsg OM (ID 18)

This OM provides the number of reliable messages which needed to be

Table 401
STLA_ReliableRetransmittedMsg OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
18 12.1 -- No Word32 Ext

STLA_ReliableAckWaitTimeout OM (ID 19)

This OM provides the number of missing ACK when transmitting a reliable

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BCN STLA Transport Layer OM group (ID 16) 161

Table 402
STLA_ReliableAckWaitTimeout OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
19 12.1 -- No Word32 Ext

STLA_FailedMsgCRC OM (ID 20)

This OM provides the number of reliable and best effort messages
dropped due to a bad CRC.

Table 403
STLA_FailedMsgCRC OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
20 12.1 -- No Word32 Ext

STLA_ConnectionFault OM (ID 21)

This OM provides the number of faults that occurred in the stack for all
the connections.

Table 404
STLA_ConnectionFault OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
21 12.1 -- No Word32 Ext

STLA_ConnectionFailed OM (ID 22)

This OM provides the number of connections that could not be set up or
that were lost.

Table 405
STLA_ConnectionFailed OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
22 12.1 13 No Word32 Ext

STLA_ConnectionFailedDueToMaxFaults OM (ID 23)

This OM provides the number of failures that occurred due to reaching the
maximum number of faults.

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162 Operational measurements reference

Table 406
STLA_ConnectionFailedDueToMaxFaults OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
23 13 -- No Word32 Ext

STLA_ConnectionFailedDueToMaxTxAttempts OM (ID 24)

This OM provides the number of failures that occurred due to reaching the
maximum number of transmit attempts.

Table 407
STLA_ConnectionFailedDueToMaxTxAttempts OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
24 13 -- No Word32 Ext

STLA_OutOfWindowMsgDueToReducedWS OM (ID 25)

This OM provides the number of messages over the window size, where
the size of the window is less than the maximum size of 128 messages.

Table 408
STLA_OutOfWindowMsgDueToReducedWS OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
25 13 -- No Word32 Ext

STLA_OutOfWindowMsgDueToMaxWS OM (ID 26)

This OM provides the number of messages over the window size, where
the size of the window is equal to the maximum size of 128 messages.

Table 409
STLA_OutOfWindowMsgDueToMaxWS OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
26 13 -- No Word32 Ext

STLA_OutOfWindowMsgDueToZeroWS OM (ID 27)

This OM provides the number of messages over the window size, where
the size of the window is 0.

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BCN STLA Transport Layer OM group (ID 16) 163

Table 410
STLA_OutOfWindowMsgDueToZeroWS OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
27 13 -- No Word32 Ext

STLA_TxWindowReduced OM (ID 28)

This OM provides the number of times the window size is reduced.

Table 411
STLA_TxWindowReduced OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
28 13 -- No Word32 Ext

STLA_TxWindowShut OM (ID 29)

This OM provides the number of times the window size is set to zero.

Table 412
STLA_TxWindowShut OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
29 13 -- No Word32 Ext

STLA_ProtocolRevisionError OM (ID 30)

This OM provides the number of times a Protocol Revision error occurred.

Table 413
STLA_ProtocolRevisionError OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
30 13 -- No Word32 Ext

STLA_MaxRxQueue OM (ID 31)

This OM captures the highwater mark for the number of receive messages
in the queue.

Table 414
STLA_MaxRxQueue OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
31 14 -- No Word32 Ext

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164 Operational measurements reference

STLA_MaxTxQueue OM (ID 32)

This OM captures the highwater mark for the number of transmit
messages in the queue.

Table 415
STLA_MaxTxQueue OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
32 14 -- No Word32 Ext

STLA_MaxOpenRxConnection OM (ID 33)

This OM provides the maximum number of receive connections opened.

Table 416
STLA_MaxOpenRxConnection OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
33 14 -- No Word32 Ext

STLA_MaxOpenTxConnection OM (ID 34)

This OM provides the maximum number of transmit connections opened.

Table 417
STLA_MaxOpenTxConnection OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
34 14 -- No Word32 Ext

BCN STLD Transport Layer OM group (ID 17)

The BCN STL-D Transport Layer Group tracks protocol events for BCN
Signaling Transport Layer D which is used for sending high speed data

Table 418
BCN STLD Transport Layer OM group values
Group ID Physical Pegging Multi ID pegging Aggregate Output file
entity type types prefix
17 DSFP-D ACP, Node -- No --

STLD_BestEffortTxMsg OM (ID 1)
This OM provides the number of best effort messages sent (throughput).

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BCN STLD Transport Layer OM group (ID 17) 165

Table 419
STLD_BestEffortTxMsg OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
1 12.1 -- No Word32 Ext

STLD_BestEffortRxMsg OM (ID 2)
This OM provides the number of best effort messages received

Table 420
STLD_BestEffortRxMsg OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
2 12.1 -- No Word32 Ext

STLD_MaxTxSmallBuffer OM (ID 3)
This OM provides the maximum number of small buffers used to transmit
all the messages.

Table 421
STLD_MaxTxSmallBuffer OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
3 12.1 -- No Word32 Ext

STLD_MaxTxMediumBuffer OM (ID 4)
This OM provides the maximum number of medium buffers used to
transmit all the messages.

Table 422
STLD_MaxTxMediumBuffer OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
4 12.1 -- No Word32 Ext

STLD_MaxTxLargeBuffer OM (ID 5)
This OM provides the maximum number of large buffers used to transmit
all the messages.

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166 Operational measurements reference

Table 423
STLD_MaxTxLargeBuffer OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
5 12.1 -- No Word32 Ext

STLD_OutOfTxBuffer OM (ID 6)
This OM provides the number of transmit failures due to a lack of transmit
message buffers.

Table 424
STLD_OutOfTxBuffer OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
6 12.1 -- No Word32 Ext

STLD_MaxTxBufferWithoutCopy OM (ID 7)
This OM provides the maximum number of "without copy" buffers used to
transmit all of the messages.

Table 425
STLD_MaxTxBufferWithoutCopy OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
7 12.1 -- No Word32 Ext

STLD_OutOfTxBufferWithoutCopy OM (ID 8)
This OM provides the number of transmit failures due to a lack of transmit
message "without copy" buffers.

Table 426
STLD_OutOfTxBufferWithoutCopy OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
8 12.1 -- No Word32 Ext

STLD_OutOfRxFrameBuffer OM (ID 9)
This OM provides the number of received frames rejected due to a lack of

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BCN STLD Transport Layer OM group (ID 17) 167

Table 427
STLD_OutOfRxFrameBuffer OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
9 12.1 -- No Word32 Ext

STLD_MaxRxBuffer OM (ID 10)

This OM provides the maximum number of buffers used to receive
incoming frames.

Table 428
STLD_MaxRxBuffer OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
10 12.1 -- No Word32 Ext

STLD_BestEffortReassemblyTimeout OM (ID 11)

This OM provides the number of best effort messages dropped (missing
frame or frames).

Table 429
STLD_BestEffortReassemblyTimeout OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
11 12.1 -- No Word32 Ext

STLD_MaxRxQueue OM (ID 12)

This OM captures the highwater mark for the number of receive messages
in the queue.

Table 430
STLD_MaxRxQueue OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
12 14 -- No Word32 Ext

STLD_MaxTxQueue OM (ID 13)

This OM captures the highwater mark for the number of transmit
messages in the queue.

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168 Operational measurements reference

Table 431
STLD_MaxTxQueue OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
13 14 -- No Word32 Ext

BCN Link Layer OM group (ID 18)

The BCN Link Layer Group tracks events for BCN Data Link Layer such
as number of frames sent/received.

Table 432
BCN Link Layer OM group values
Group ID Physical Pegging Multi ID pegging Aggregate Output file
entity type types prefix
18 DSFP-D Node -- No --

LL_InvalidFrameType OM (ID 1)
This OM provides the number of frames with an invalid type tag7.

Table 433
LL_InvalidFrameType OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
1 12.1 -- No Word32 Ext

LL_NodeInitFrameTx OM (ID 2)
This OM provides the number of Node Init frames sent.

Table 434
LL_NodeInitFrameTx OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
2 12.1 -- No Word32 Ext

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BCN Link Layer OM group (ID 18) 169

LL_NodeInitFrameRx OM (ID 3)
This OM provides the number of Node Init frames received.

Table 435
LL_NodeInitFrameRx OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
3 12.1 -- No Word32 Ext

LL_CongestedSignalingFrameTx OM (ID 4)
This OM provides the number of signaling frames sent for STL-B.

Table 436
LL_CongestedSignalingFrameTx OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
4 12.1 -- No Word32 Ext

LL_CongestedSignalingFrameRx OM (ID 5)
This OM provides the number of signaling frames received for STL-B.

Table 437
LL_CongestedSignalingFrameRx OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
5 12.1 -- No Word32 Ext

LL_SignalingFrameTx OM (ID 6)
This OM provides the number of signaling frames sent for STL-A.

Table 438
LL_SignalingFrameTx OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
6 12.1 -- No Word32 Ext

LL_SignalingFrameRx OM (ID 7)
This OM provides the number of signaling frames received for STL-A.

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170 Operational measurements reference

Table 439
LL_SignalingFrameRx OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
7 12.1 -- No Word32 Ext

LL_TrafficFrameTx OM (ID 8)
This OM provides the number of traffic frames sent.

Table 440
LL_TrafficFrameTx OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
8 12.1 -- No Word32 Ext

LL_TrafficFrameRx OM (ID 9)
This OM provides the number of traffic frames received.

Table 441
LL_TrafficFrameRx OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
9 12.1 -- No Word32 Ext

LL_DataFrameTx OM (ID 10)

This OM provides the number of data frames sent for STL-D.

Table 442
LL_DataFrameTx OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
10 12.1 -- No Word32 Ext

LL_DataFrameRx OM (ID 11)

This OM provides the number of data frames received for STL-D.

Table 443
LL_DataFrameRx OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
11 12.1 -- No Word32 Ext

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CPU Usage OM group (ID 19) 171

CPU Usage OM group (ID 19)

The CPU Usage Group is generated on each PMC and provides
a histogram of the CPU usage for that PMC. These OMs are not
configurable through C-EMS and are always on.

Table 444
CPU Usage OM group values
Group ID Physical Pegging Multi ID pegging Aggregate Output file
entity type types prefix
19 DSFP-D Node -- No --

CPU_UsageIndex_1 OM (ID 1)
This OM provides the number of times the CPU usage in a monitoring
period is less than or equal to 30%.

Table 445
CPU_UsageIndex_1 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
1 12.1 -- No Word16 Ext

CPU_UsageIndex_2 OM (ID 2)
This OM provides the number of times the CPU usage in a monitoring
period is greater than 30% and less than or equal to 40%.

Table 446
CPU_UsageIndex_2 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
2 12.1 -- No Word16 Ext

CPU_UsageIndex_3 OM (ID 3)
This OM provides the number of times the CPU usage in a monitoring
period is greater than 40% and less than or equal to 50%.

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172 Operational measurements reference

Table 447
CPU_UsageIndex_3 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
3 12.1 -- No Word16 Ext

CPU_UsageIndex_4 OM (ID 4)
This OM provides the number of times the CPU usage in a monitoring
period is greater than 50% and less than or equal to 60%.

Table 448
CPU_UsageIndex_4 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
4 12.1 -- No Word16 Ext

CPU_UsageIndex_5 OM (ID 5)
This OM provides the number of times the CPU usage in a monitoring
period is greater than 60% and less than or equal to 70%.

Table 449
CPU_UsageIndex_5 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
5 12.1 -- No Word16 Ext

CPU_UsageIndex_6 OM (ID 6)
This OM provides the number of times the CPU usage in a monitoring
period is greater than 70% and less than or equal to 80%.

Table 450
CPU_UsageIndex_6 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
6 12.1 -- No Word16 Ext

CPU_UsageIndex_7 OM (ID 7)
This OM provides the number of times the CPU usage in a monitoring
period is greater than 80%.

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SCH Burst Release OM group (ID 20) 173

Table 451
CPU_UsageIndex_7 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
7 12.1 -- No Word16 Ext

CPU_UsageExceededThreshold OM (ID 8)
This OM provides the number of times the CPU usage exceeds a
pre-defined CPU threshold (the cpuOverloadThreshold attribute) for a
certain monitoring time-period. If the CPU Usage becomes equal to or
exceeds this value an Alarm will be generated, and overload controls are
activated. Once the CPU Usage drops 10 points below this value for two
consecutive monitoring periods (two 4 second periods), the Alarm will be
cleared and the overload controls will be discontinued.

Table 452
CPU_UsageExceededThreshold OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
8 12.1 -- No Word16 Ext

SCH Burst Release OM group (ID 20)

This OM group counts interesting events related to the infinite Forward and
Reverse Supplemental Channel (SCH) Burst Release.

Table 453
SCH Burst Release OM group values
Group ID Physical Pegging Multi ID pegging Aggregate Output file
entity type types prefix
20 ESEL, DSFP- Node -- No --

FwdBurstBSC_Release_2X OM (ID 1)
This OM is pegged when a 2X infinite forward burst is taken down due to
resource contention on the BSC (that is, other burst requests are waiting
in the BSC Fair Share Queue). The burst is taken down only after the
expiration of a timer defined by the parameter "MinActiveTime". This OM
is different from and not related to the "FwdBurstUpgradeFailures" related

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174 Operational measurements reference

Table 454
FwdBurstBSC_Release_2X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
1 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FwdBurstBSC_Release_4X OM (ID 2)
This OM is pegged when a 4X infinite forward burst is taken down due to
resource contention on the BSC (that is, other burst requests are waiting
in the BSC Fair Share Queue). The burst is taken down only after the
expiration of a timer defined by the parameter "MinActiveTime". This OM
is different from and not related to the "FwdBurstUpgradeFailures" related

Table 455
FwdBurstBSC_Release_4X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
2 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FwdBurstBSC_Release_8X OM (ID 3)
This OM is pegged when a 8X infinite forward burst is taken down due to
resource contention on the BSC (that is, other burst requests are waiting
in the BSC Fair Share Queue). The burst is taken down only after the
expiration of a timer defined by the parameter "MinActiveTime". This OM
is different from and not related to the "FwdBurstUpgradeFailures" related

Table 456
FwdBurstBSC_Release_8X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
3 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FwdBurstBSC_Release_16X OM (ID 4)
This OM is pegged when a 16X infinite forward burst is taken down due to
resource contention on the BSC (that is, other burst requests are waiting
in the BSC Fair Share Queue). The burst is taken down only after the
expiration of a timer defined by the parameter "MinActiveTime". This OM
is different from and not related to the "FwdBurstUpgradeFailures" related

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SCH Burst Release OM group (ID 20) 175

Table 457
FwdBurstBSC_Release_16X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
4 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

RevBurstBSC_Release_2X OM (ID 5)
This OM is pegged when a 2X infinite reverse burst is taken down due to
resource contention on the BSC (that is, other burst requests are waiting
in the BSC Fair Share Queue). The burst is taken down only after the
expiration of a timer defined by the parameter "MinActiveTime".

Table 458
RevBurstBSC_Release_2X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
5 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

RevBurstBSC_Release_4X OM (ID 6)
This OM is pegged when a 4X infinite reverse burst is taken down due to
resource contention on the BSC (that is, other burst requests are waiting
in the BSC Fair Share Queue). The burst is taken down only after the
expiration of a timer defined by the parameter "MinActiveTime".

Table 459
RevBurstBSC_Release_4X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
6 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

RevBurstBSC_Release_8X OM (ID 7)
This OM is pegged when a 8X infinite reverse burst is taken down due to
resource contention on the BSC (that is, other burst requests are waiting
in the BSC Fair Share Queue). The burst is taken down only after the
expiration of a timer defined by the parameter "MinActiveTime".

Table 460
RevBurstBSC_Release_8X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
7 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

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176 Operational measurements reference

RevBurstBSC_Release_16X OM (ID 8)
This OM is pegged when a 16X infinite reverse burst is taken down due to
resource contention on the BSC (that is, other burst requests are waiting
in the BSC Fair Share Queue). The burst is taken down only after the
expiration of a timer defined by the parameter "MinActiveTime".

Table 461
RevBurstBSC_Release_16X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
8 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FwdBurstBTS_PilotRelease_2X OM (ID 9)
This OM is pegged when a 2X infinite forward burst is taken down
due to resource contention on the BTS. It is pegged when the burst
is released due to the same events that caused the pegging of the
FSCH_PilotRelease_2X or FSCH_BTS_Release_2X OMs. Note that the
release of only one link (due to contention at the BTS) may not necessarily
cause the BSC to take down the burst (and the pegging of this OM) unless
there is only one pilot in the SCH active set.

Table 462
FwdBurstBTS_PilotRelease_2X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
9 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FwdBurstBTS_PilotRelease_4X OM (ID 10)

This OM is pegged when a 4X infinite forward burst is taken down
due to resource contention on the BTS. It is pegged when the burst
is released due to the same events that caused the pegging of the
FSCH_PilotRelease_4X or FSCH_BTS_Release_4X OMs. Note that the
release of only one link (due to contention at the BTS) may not necessarily
cause the BSC to take down the burst (and the pegging of this OM) unless
there is only one pilot in the SCH active set.

Table 463
FwdBurstBTS_PilotRelease_4X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
10 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

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SCH Burst Release OM group (ID 20) 177

FwdBurstBTS_PilotRelease_8X OM (ID 11)

This OM is pegged when a 8X infinite forward burst is taken down
due to resource contention on the BTS. It is pegged when the burst
is released due to the same events that caused the pegging of the
FSCH_PilotRelease_8X or FSCH_BTS_Release_8X OMs. Note that the
release of only one link (due to contention at the BTS) may not necessarily
cause the BSC to take down the burst (and the pegging of this OM) unless
there is only one pilot in the SCH active set.

Table 464
FwdBurstBTS_PilotRelease_8X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
11 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FwdBurstBTS_PilotRelease_16X OM (ID 12)

This OM is pegged when a 16X infinite forward burst is taken down
due to resource contention on the BTS. It is pegged when the burst
is released due to the same events that caused the pegging of the
FSCH_PilotRelease_16X or FSCH_BTS_Release_16X OMs. Note that the
release of only one link (due to contention at the BTS) may not necessarily
cause the BSC to take down the burst (and the pegging of this OM) unless
there is only one pilot in the SCH active set.

Table 465
FwdBurstBTS_PilotRelease_16X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
12 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

RevBurstBTS_PilotRelease_2X OM (ID 13)

This OM is pegged when a 2X infinite reverse burst is taken down
due to resource contention on the BTS. It is pegged when the burst
is released due to the same events that caused the pegging of the
RSCH_PilotRelease_2X or RSCH_BTS_Release_2X OMs. Note that the
release of only one link (due to contention at the BTS) may not necessarily
cause the BSC to take down the burst (and the pegging of this OM) unless
there is only one pilot in the SCH active set.

Table 466
RevBurstBTS_PilotRelease_2X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
13 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

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Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks

178 Operational measurements reference

RevBurstBTS_PilotRelease_4X OM (ID 14)

This OM is pegged when a 4X infinite reverse burst is taken down
due to resource contention on the BTS. It is pegged when the burst
is released due to the same events that caused the pegging of the
RSCH_PilotRelease_4X or RSCH_BTS_Release_4X OMs. Note that the
release of only one link (due to contention at the BTS) may not necessarily
cause the BSC to take down the burst (and the pegging of this OM) unless
there is only one pilot in the SCH active set.

Table 467
RevBurstBTS_PilotRelease_4X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
14 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

RevBurstBTS_PilotRelease_8X OM (ID 15)

This OM is pegged when a 8X infinite reverse burst is taken down
due to resource contention on the BTS. It is pegged when the burst
is released due to the same events that caused the pegging of the
RSCH_PilotRelease_8X or RSCH_BTS_Release_8X OMs. Note that the
release of only one link (due to contention at the BTS) may not necessarily
cause the BSC to take down the burst (and the pegging of this OM) unless
there is only one pilot in the SCH active set.

Table 468
RevBurstBTS_PilotRelease_8X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
15 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

RevBurstBTS_PilotRelease_16X OM (ID 16)

This OM is pegged when a 16X infinite reverse burst is taken down
due to resource contention on the BTS. It is pegged when the burst
is released due to the same events that caused the pegging of the
RSCH_PilotRelease_16X or RSCH_BTS_Release_16X OMs. Note
that the release of only one link (due to contention at the BTS) may not
necessarily cause the BSC to take down the burst (and the pegging of this
OM) unless there is only one pilot in the SCH active set.

Table 469
RevBurstBTS_PilotRelease_16X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
16 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

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Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks

SCH Radio Link Release OM group (ID 21) 179

SCH Radio Link Release OM group (ID 21)

This OM group counts interesting events related to the infinite Forward and
Reverse Supplemental Channel (SCH) Radio Link Release.

Table 470
SCH Radio Link Release OM group values
Group ID Physical Pegging Multi ID pegging Aggregate Output file
entity type types prefix
21 ESEL, DSFP- EBID -- Yes --

FSCH_RequestRetract_2X OM (ID 1)
This OM is pegged when the BSC retracts (that is, releases) the queued
2X FSCH request at the BTS. The reasons for retraction include call
ended, and FSCH no longer needed (due to mobility). The rate that it is
pegged against is the last rate requested by the BSC of the BTS.

Table 471
FSCH_RequestRetract_2X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
1 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FSCH_RequestRetract_4X OM (ID 2)
This OM is pegged when the BSC retracts (that is, releases) the queued
4X FSCH request at the BTS. The reasons for retraction include call
ended, and FSCH no longer needed (due to mobility). The rate that it is
pegged against is the last rate requested by the BSC of the BTS.

Table 472
FSCH_RequestRetract_4X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
2 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FSCH_RequestRetract_8X OM (ID 3)
This OM is pegged when the BSC retracts (that is, releases) the queued
8X FSCH request at the BTS. The reasons for retraction include call
ended, and FSCH no longer needed (due to mobility). The rate that it is
pegged against is the last rate requested by the BSC of the BTS.

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180 Operational measurements reference

Table 473
FSCH_RequestRetract_8X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
3 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FSCH_RequestRetract_16X OM (ID 4)
This OM is pegged when the BSC retracts (that is, releases) the queued
16X FSCH request at the BTS. The reasons for retraction include call
ended, and FSCH no longer needed (due to mobility). The rate that it is
pegged against is the last rate requested by the BSC of the BTS.

Table 474
FSCH_RequestRetract_16X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
4 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FSCH_BTS_Release_2X OM (ID 5)
This OM is pegged when a 2X forward supplemental channel is taken
down as requested by the BTS due to contention at the BTS. The SCH is
taken down only after the expiration of a timer defined by the parameter
"MinActiveTime". Note that the release of only one link (due to contention
at the BTS) may not necessarily cause the release of the burst unless
there is only one pilot in the SCH active set.

Table 475
FSCH_BTS_Release_2X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
5 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FSCH_BTS_Release_4X OM (ID 6)
This OM is pegged when a 4X forward supplemental channel is taken
down as requested by the BTS due to contention at the BTS. The SCH is
taken down only after the expiration of a timer defined by the parameter
"MinActiveTime". Note that the release of only one link (due to contention
at the BTS) may not necessarily cause the release of the burst unless
there is only one pilot in the SCH active set.

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Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks

SCH Radio Link Release OM group (ID 21) 181

Table 476
FSCH_BTS_Release_4X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
6 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FSCH_BTS_Release_8X OM (ID 7)
This OM is pegged when a 8X forward supplemental channel is taken
down as requested by the BTS due to contention at the BTS. The SCH is
taken down only after the expiration of a timer defined by the parameter
"MinActiveTime". Note that the release of only one link (due to contention
at the BTS) may not necessarily cause the release of the burst unless
there is only one pilot in the SCH active set.

Table 477
FSCH_BTS_Release_8X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
7 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FSCH_BTS_Release_16X OM (ID 8)
This OM is pegged when a 16X forward supplemental channel is taken
down as requested by the BTS due to contention at the BTS. The SCH is
taken down only after the expiration of a timer defined by the parameter
"MinActiveTime". Note that the release of only one link (due to contention
at the BTS) may not necessarily cause the release of the burst unless
there is only one pilot in the SCH active set.

Table 478
FSCH_BTS_Release_16X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
8 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

RSCH_BTS_Release_2X OM (ID 9)
This OM is pegged when a 2X reverse supplemental channel is taken
down as requested by the BTS due to contention at the BTS. The SCH is
taken down only after the expiration of a timer defined by the parameter
"MinActiveTime". Note that the release of only one link (due to contention
at the BTS) may not necessarily cause the release of the burst unless
there is only one pilot in the SCH active set.

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Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks

182 Operational measurements reference

Table 479
RSCH_BTS_Release_2X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
9 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

RSCH_BTS_Release_4X OM (ID 10)

This OM is pegged when a 4X reverse supplemental channel is taken
down as requested by the BTS due to contention at the BTS. The SCH is
taken down only after the expiration of a timer defined by the parameter
"MinActiveTime". Note that the release of only one link (due to contention
at the BTS) may not necessarily cause the release of the burst unless
there is only one pilot in the SCH active set.

Table 480
RSCH_BTS_Release_4X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
10 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

RSCH_BTS_Release_8X OM (ID 11)

This OM is pegged when a 8X reverse supplemental channel is taken
down as requested by the BTS due to contention at the BTS. The SCH is
taken down only after the expiration of a timer defined by the parameter
"MinActiveTime". Note that the release of only one link (due to contention
at the BTS) may not necessarily cause the release of the burst unless
there is only one pilot in the SCH active set.

Table 481
RSCH_BTS_Release_8X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
11 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

RSCH_BTS_Release_16X OM (ID 12)

This OM is pegged when a 16X reverse supplemental channel is taken
down as requested by the BTS due to contention at the BTS. The SCH is
taken down only after the expiration of a timer defined by the parameter
"MinActiveTime". Note that the release of only one link (due to contention
at the BTS) may not necessarily cause the release of the burst unless
there is only one pilot in the SCH active set.

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Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks

SCH Radio Link Release OM group (ID 21) 183

Table 482
RSCH_BTS_Release_16X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
12 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FSCH_PilotRelease_2X OM (ID 13)

This OM is pegged when a 2X forward burst is released due to the fact
that the current Fwd SCH active set pilots are no longer viable (that is,
they are too weak) and BTS resources could not be set up on the stronger
pilots as selected by the SCH active set management algorithm. This OM
is pegged against all pilots in the current Fwd SCH active set.

Table 483
FSCH_PilotRelease_2X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
13 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FSCH_PilotRelease_4X OM (ID 14)

This OM is pegged when a 4X forward burst is released due to the fact
that the current Fwd SCH active set pilots are no longer viable (that is,
they are too weak) and BTS resources could not be set up on the stronger
pilots as selected by the SCH active set management algorithm. This OM
is pegged against all pilots in the current Fwd SCH active set.

Table 484
FSCH_PilotRelease_4X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
14 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FSCH_PilotRelease_8X OM (ID 15)

This OM is pegged when a 8X forward burst is released due to the fact
that the current Fwd SCH active set pilots are no longer viable that is, they
are too weak) and BTS resources could not be set up on the stronger
pilots as selected by the SCH active set management algorithm. This OM
is pegged against all pilots in the current Fwd SCH active set.

Table 485
FSCH_PilotRelease_8X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
15 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

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Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks

184 Operational measurements reference

FSCH_PilotRelease_16X OM (ID 16)

This OM is pegged when a 16X forward burst is released due to the fact
that the current Fwd SCH active set pilots are no longer viable (that is,
they are too weak) and BTS resources could not be set up on the stronger
pilots as selected by the SCH active set management algorithm. This OM
is pegged against all pilots in the current Fwd SCH active set.

Table 486
FSCH_PilotRelease_16X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
16 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

RSCH_PilotRelease_2X OM (ID 17)

This OM is pegged when a 2X reverse burst is released due to the fact
that the current Rev SCH active set pilots are no longer viable (that is,
they are too weak) and BTS resources could not be set up on the stronger
pilots as selected by the SCH active set management algorithm. This OM
is pegged against all pilots in the current Rev SCH active set.

Table 487
RSCH_PilotRelease_2X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
17 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

RSCH_PilotRelease_4X OM (ID 18)

This OM is pegged when a 4X reverse burst is released due to the fact
that the current Rev SCH active set pilots are no longer viable (that is,
they are too weak) and BTS resources could not be set up on the stronger
pilots as selected by the SCH active set management algorithm. This OM
is pegged against all pilots in the current Rev SCH active set.

Table 488
RSCH_PilotRelease_4X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
18 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

RSCH_PilotRelease_8X OM (ID 19)

This OM is pegged when a 8X reverse burst is released due to the fact
that the current Rev SCH active set pilots are no longer viable (that is,
they are too weak) and BTS resources could not be set up on the stronger
pilots as selected by the SCH active set management algorithm. This OM
is pegged against all pilots in the current Rev SCH active set.

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Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks

SCH Radio Link Release OM group (ID 21) 185

Table 489
RSCH_PilotRelease_8X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
19 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

RSCH_PilotRelease_16X OM (ID 20)

This OM is pegged when a 16X reverse burst is released due to the fact
that the current Rev SCH active set pilots are no longer viable (that is,
they are too weak) and BTS resources could not be set up on the stronger
pilots as selected by the SCH active set management algorithm. This OM
is pegged against all pilots in the current Rev SCH active set.

Table 490
RSCH_PilotRelease_16X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
20 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FSCH_UpgradeRelease_2X_To_4X OM (ID 21)

This OM is pegged when the 2X forward burst is released so that an
attempt can be made to upgrade the data rate to 4X or higher. Note that
prior to the release, both BSC and BTS resources are queried to check if
resources are available to support an upgrade to 4X, and the response is
positive from both. This OM is pegged against all pilots in the current Fwd
SCH active set.

Table 491
FSCH_UpgradeRelease_2X_To_4X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
21 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FSCH_UpgradeRelease_2X_To_8X OM (ID 22)

This OM does NOT get pegged. This is due to the fact that both BSC and
BTS are queried only for resource availability to support the next higher
data rate (4X in this case). For upgrade attempts to an active 2X burst,
when releasing the burst, only the "FSCH_UpgradeRelease_2X_To_4X"
OM gets pegged.

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Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks

186 Operational measurements reference

Table 492
FSCH_UpgradeRelease_2X_To_8X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
22 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FSCH_UpgradeRelease_2X_To_16X OM (ID 23)

This OM does NOT get pegged. This is due to the fact that both BSC and
BTS are queried only for resource availability to support the next higher
data rate (4X in this case). For upgrade attempts to an active 2X burst,
when releasing the burst, only the "FSCH_UpgradeRelease_2X_To_4X"
OM gets pegged.

Table 493
FSCH_UpgradeRelease_2X_To_16X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
23 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FSCH_UpgradeRelease_4X_To_8X OM (ID 24)

This OM is pegged when the 4X forward burst is released so that an
attempt can be made to upgrade the data rate to 8X or higher. Note that
prior to the release, both BSC and BTS resources are queried to check if
resources are available to support an upgrade to 8X, and the response is
positive from both. This OM is pegged against all pilots in the current Fwd
SCH active set.

Table 494
FSCH_UpgradeRelease_4X_To_8X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
24 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FSCH_UpgradeRelease_4X_To_16X OM (ID 25)

This OM does NOT get pegged. This is due to the fact that both BSC and
BTS are queried only for resource availability to support the next higher
data rate (8X in this case). For upgrade attempts to an active 4X burst,
when releasing the burst, only the "FSCH_UpgradeRelease_4X_To_8X"
OM gets pegged.

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Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
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Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks

RP Session Signaling OM group (ID 22) 187

Table 495
FSCH_UpgradeRelease_4X_To_16X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
25 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FSCH_UpgradeRelease_8X_To_16X OM (ID 26)

This OM is pegged when the 8X forward burst is released so that an
attempt can be made to upgrade the data rate to 16X. Note that prior
to the release, both BSC and BTS resources are queried to check if
resources are available to support an upgrade to 16X, and the response
is positive from both. This OM is pegged against all pilots in the current
Fwd SCH active set.

Table 496
FSCH_UpgradeRelease_8X_To_16X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
26 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

RP Session Signaling OM group (ID 22)

This OM Group provides information on the Open R-P initial Session
Setup and Handoff Attempts, Reconnect Attempts, Successful Attempts
and Failures Reasons per IP (PDSN). The Group also has OMs for
Registration Requests and Reject Reasons per IP (PDSN).

Table 497
RP Session Signaling OM group values
Group ID Physical Pegging Multi ID pegging Aggregate Output file
entity type types prefix
22 PCUFP PCU IP -- Yes --

TotalInitialRP_SessionSetupAttempts OM (ID 1)
This OM is pegged when an R-P session setup is attempted for the first
time. It is pegged against the first PDSN where the R-P session setup in
question is attempted. If the first PDSN rejects a setup attempt and other
PDSNs are tried to set up the call, this OM is not pegged against any
additional PDSN.

Table 498
TotalInitialRP_SessionSetupAttempts OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
1 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

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188 Operational measurements reference

TotalInitialRP_SessionSetupSuccesses OM (ID 2)
This OM is pegged when an R-P session is successfully set up. The OM is
pegged against the PDSN (this could be the PDSN that handled the initial
setup attempt, or it could be another PDSN) where the R-P session was
successfully setup.

Table 499
TotalInitialRP_SessionSetupSuccesses OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
2 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

TotalInitialRP_SessionSetupRejectReasonOther OM (ID 3)
This OM is pegged against a PDSN for all the other reject reasons that are
not captured by a specific reason OM when the PDSN rejects an initial RP
Session setup request. There may be more than one PDSN tried by the
PCU for one session setup and all reject reasons are captured via specific
reason OM against the PDSN rejecting a session setup. All reason OMs
are used to determine PDSN HOPS.

Table 500
TotalInitialRP_SessionSetupRejectReasonOther OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
3 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

TotalInitialRP_SessionSetupRejectReasonIdMismatch OM (ID 4)
This OM is pegged against a PDSN when the PDSN rejects an initial RP
Session setup request with the reason ID Mismatch.

Table 501
TotalInitialRP_SessionSetupRejectReasonIdMismatch OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
4 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

TotalInitialRP_SessionSetupRejectReasonInsufficientResources OM
(ID 5)
This OM is pegged against a PDSN when the PDSN rejects an initial RP
Session setup request with the reason Insufficient Resources.

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RP Session Signaling OM group (ID 22) 189

Table 502
TotalInitialRP_SessionSetupRejectReasonInsufficientResources OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
5 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

TotalInitialRP_SessionSetupRejectReasonMobileAuthFailure OM (ID 6)
This OM is pegged against a PDSN when the PDSN rejects an initial RP
Session setup request with the reason Mobile Authentication Failure.

Table 503
TotalInitialRP_SessionSetupRejectReasonMobileAuthFailure OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
6 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

TotalInitialRP_SessionSetupFailuresReasonPDSN_NotResponding OM
(ID 7)
This OM is pegged against a PDSN when the PDSN rejects an initial RP
Session setup request with the reason PDSNNotResponding meaning that
the RRQ timed out and the maximum number of retransmission attempts
have been reached.

Table 504
TotalInitialRP_SessionSetupFailuresReasonPDSN_NotResponding OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
7 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

TotalRP_SessionHandoffAttempts OM (ID 8)
This OM is pegged when an R-P session Handoff is attempted for a
Dormant or Active packet data call. It is pegged against the first PDSN
where the R-P session handoff is attempted. If the first PDSN rejects a
handoff attempt and other PDSNs are tried to handoff the R-P session, this
OM is not pegged against any additional PDSNs.

Table 505
TotalRP_SessionHandoffAttempts OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
8 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

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190 Operational measurements reference

TotalRP_SessionHandoffSuccesses OM (ID 9)
This OM is pegged against a PDSN when an R-P session handoff for a
Dormant or Active packet data call is successful. It is pegged by the target
PCU against the PDSN where the R-P session handoff is successful.

Table 506
TotalRP_SessionHandoffSuccesses OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
9 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

TotalRP_SessionHandoffRejectReasonOther OM (ID 10)

This OM is pegged against a PDSN for all the other reject reasons that
are not captured by a specific reason OM when the PDSN rejects an RP
Session handoff request for a Dormant or Active packet data call. There
may be more than one PDSN tried by the PCU for one session setup and
all reject reasons are captured via specific reason OM against the PDSN
rejecting the session setup. All reason OMs are used to determine PDSN

Table 507
TotalRP_SessionHandoffRejectReasonOther OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
10 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

TotalRP_SessionHandoffRejectReasonIdMismatch OM (ID 11)

This OM is pegged against a PDSN when the PDSN rejects a handoff
request for a Dormant or Active packet data call with the reason ID

Table 508
TotalRP_SessionHandoffRejectReasonIdMismatch OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
11 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

TotalRP_SessionHandoffRejectReasonInsufficientResources OM (ID
This OM is pegged against a PDSN when the PDSN rejects a handoff
request for a Dormant or Active packet data call with the reason
Insufficient Resources.

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RP Session Signaling OM group (ID 22) 191

Table 509
TotalRP_SessionHandoffRejectReasonInsufficientResources OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
12 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

TotalRP_SessionHandoffRejectReasonMobileAuthFailure OM (ID 13)

This OM is pegged against a PDSN when the PDSN rejects a handoff
request for a Dormant or Active packet data call with the reason Mobile
Authentication Failure.

Table 510
TotalRP_SessionHandoffRejectReasonMobileAuthFailure OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
13 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

TotalRP_SessionHandoffFailuresReasonPDSN_NotResponding OM (ID
This OM is pegged against a PDSN when the PDSN rejects a handoff
request for a Dormant or Active packet data call with the reason
PDSNNotResponding meaning that the RRQ timed out and the maximum
number of retransmissions have been reached.

Table 511
TotalRP_SessionHandoffFailuresReasonPDSN_NotResponding OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
14 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

PCU_InitiatedSessionReleasePacketSessionDisconnect OM (ID 16)

This OM is pegged against a PDSN when the PCU releases an R-P
session for a release received from the BSC. The ESEL or ACP sends a
session release to the PCU when an active packet call is normally ended
by the mobile user. In this case, the mobile also sends the release using
PPP to the PDSN. The PDSN also sends session release to the PCU. If
the R-P session is released by the PCU due to receiving a release from
the PDSN, this OM will not be pegged. Thus, this OM may not capture all
the PCU initiated releases for R-P sessions due to normal call releases.

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Table 512
PCU_InitiatedSessionReleasePacketSessionDisconnect OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
16 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

PCU_InitiatedSessionReleasePacketSessionDrop OM (ID 17)

This OM is pegged against a PDSN when the PCU drops an R-P session
due to PCU lock or PDSN deleted actions.

Table 513
PCU_InitiatedSessionReleasePacketSessionDrop OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
17 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

PCU_InitiatedSessionReleasePDSN_Reject OM (ID 20)

This OM is pegged against a PDSN when the PDSN sends a
RegistrationResPonse (RRP) with a failure code. This OM is also pegged
when Registration Request retries are exhausted.

Table 514
PCU_InitiatedSessionReleasePDSN_Reject OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
20 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

PCU_InitiatedSessionReleaseOther OM (ID 21)

This OM is pegged against a PDSN when the PCU releases a packet
session for reasons other than individual pegging reasons captured by
PCU_InitiatedSessionRelease* OMs in this OM group.

Table 515
PCU_InitiatedSessionReleaseOther OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
21 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

TotalRegistrationRequestMsgSent OM (ID 22)

This OM is pegged against a PDSN every time a registration request
message is sent to the PDSN after an R-P session setup or handoff
is completed. This OM is not pegged for RRQs sent for session
setup, handoff, session release (that is, RRQ with lifetime 0) and RRQ

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RP Session Signaling OM group (ID 22) 193

retransmissions. This OM is pegged when the RRQ is sent for session

refresh or for transmitting accounting records during Dormant to Active
and Active to Dormant transitions.

Table 516
TotalRegistrationRequestMsgSent OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
22 12.1 -- Yes Word32 Ext

TotalRegistrationRequestRetries OM (ID 23)

This OM is pegged against a PDSN every time a registration request
message is resent to the PDSN. The registration request messages
include Refresh and Release Registration ReQuests (RRQ). The
registration request is sent again when the PCU times out waiting for the
registration response message.

Table 517
TotalRegistrationRequestRetries OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
23 12.1 -- Yes Word32 Ext

TotalRegistrationRequestRejectReasonOther OM (ID 24)

This OM is pegged against a PDSN for all the other reject reasons that
are not captured by a specific reason OM when the PDSN rejects a
registration request message after the R-P session setup or handoff is
complete (that is, the RRQs sent for setup and handoff are not included).

Table 518
TotalRegistrationRequestRejectReasonOther OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
24 12.1 -- Yes Word32 Ext

TotalRegistrationRequestRejectReasonIdMismatch OM (ID 25)

This OM is pegged against a PDSN every time a registration request
message is rejected by the PDSN for ID Mismatch reason after the R-P
session setup or handoff is complete (that is, the RRQs sent for setup and
handoff are not included).

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Table 519
TotalRegistrationRequestRejectReasonIdMismatch OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
25 12.1 -- Yes Word32 Ext

TotalRegistrationRequestRejectReasonInsufficientResources OM (ID
This OM is pegged against a PDSN every time a registration request
message is rejected by the PDSN due to Insufficient Resources after the
R-P session setup or handoff is complete (that is, the RRQs sent for setup
and handoff are not included).

Table 520
TotalRegistrationRequestRejectReasonInsufficientResources OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
26 12.1 -- Yes Word32 Ext

TotalRegistrationRequestRejectReasonMobileAuthFailure OM (ID 27)

This OM is pegged against a PDSN every time a registration request
message is rejected by the PDSN due to Mobile Authentication Failure
after the R-P session setup or handoff is complete (that is, the RRQs sent
for setup and handoff are not included).

Table 521
TotalRegistrationRequestRejectReasonMobileAuthFailure OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
27 12.1 -- Yes Word32 Ext

TotalRegistrationRequestRejectReasonPDSN_NotResponding OM (ID
This OM is pegged against a PDSN every time the PDSN does not send
response to a registration request message after the session setup or
handoff is complete ((that is, the RRQs sent for setup and handoff are not

Table 522
TotalRegistrationRequestRejectReasonPDSN_NotResponding OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
28 12.1 -- Yes Word32 Ext

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RP Session Signaling OM group (ID 22) 195

TotalSignalingMsgReceived OM (ID 29)

This OM is pegged against a PDSN for each signaling message (RRP, or
RUPD- Registration UPDate) received from that PDSN. This OM is not
pegged when unroutable signaling messages (that is, messages with
unrecognized or erroneous RPSession Id) and unknown message types
are received.

Table 523
TotalSignalingMsgReceived OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
29 12.1 -- Yes Word32 Ext

TotalRegistrationReplyDiscardReasonAuthFail OM (ID 30)

This OM is pegged against a PDSN every time a registration reply
message from the PDSN is discarded by the PCU because the
authentication check failed. This can occur during session setup, handoff,
refresh or release.

This failure can occur due to message corruption, malicious messaging,

or mismatched Authentication Key configuration between the PDSN and
the PCU.

In all cases above, the reply from specific PDSN will be simply discarded
as if it is never received.

In the case of message corruption, and malicious messaging, there are no

direct impacts to calls.

In the cas of mismatched keys, all calls from the misconfigured-PCU to the
specific PDSN will fail. Session Setup Failure OMs can help identify where
the problem happens.

Table 524
TotalRegistrationReplyDiscardReasonAuthFail OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
30 16 -- Yes Word32 Ext

TotalRegistrationUpdateDiscardReasonAuthFail OM (ID 31)

This OM is pegged against a PDSN every time a registration update
message from the PDSN is discarded by the PCU because the
authentication check failed. This can occur during session setup, handoff,
refresh or release.

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196 Operational measurements reference

This failure can occur due to message corruption, malicious messaging,

or mismatched Authentication Key configuration between the PDSN and
the PCU.

In all cases above, the update from specific PDSN will be simply discarded
as if it is never received.

In the case of message corruption, malicious messaging, there are no

direct impacts to calls.

In the case of mismatched keys, PDSN-initiated releases between the

misconfigured-PCU and the specific PDSN will fail. Debug information on
the PDSN side can help solve the problem.

Table 525
TotalRegistrationUpdateDiscardReasonAuthFail OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
31 16 -- Yes Word32 Ext

RP Session Data OM group (ID 23)

The RP Session Data OMs count interesting events related to OpenRP
Interface Data.

Table 526
RP Session Data OM group values
Group ID Physical Pegging Multi ID pegging Aggregate Output file
entity type types prefix
23 PCUFP PCU IP -- Yes --

RPTotalOutofSequencePacketsReceived OM (ID 1)
This OM is pegged for all out of sequence GRE packets received over an
R-P link in the forward direction and dropped by the PCU. All the packets
having lower than the expected sequence number are dropped by the
PCU. This OM provides good information regarding link performance
between PCU and PDSN, Congestion on the link, as well as router issues.

Table 527
RPTotalOutofSequencePacketsReceived OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
1 12.1 -- Yes Word32 Ext

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PCU Manager OM group (ID 24) 197

RPTotalUnreliableBytesTransmitted OM (ID 2)
This OM provides the cumulative number of bytes the R-P sessions in the
PCU transmitted to the PDSN. This OM is pegged on a per PDSN basis.

Table 528
RPTotalUnreliableBytesTransmitted OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
2 12.1 -- Yes Word32 Ext

RPTotalUnreliableBytesReceived OM (ID 3)
This OM provides the cumulative number of bytes the R-P sessions in the
PCU received from the PDSN. This OM is pegged on a per PDSN basis.

Table 529
RPTotalUnreliableBytesReceived OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
3 12.1 -- Yes Word32 Ext

PCU Manager OM group (ID 24)

This OM Group provides information on PCU Allocation Requests, Failure
and Successes per PCU manager.

Table 530
PCU Manager OM group values
Group ID Physical Pegging Multi ID pegging Aggregate Output file
entity type types prefix
24 PCUFP CAC Node -- No --

DormantToActiveHandoffs OM (ID 1)
This OM counts the number of dormant-to-active transitions for which a
different PCU had to be assigned because the original PCU was too busy
or no longer available.

Table 531
DormantToActiveHandoffs OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
1 12.1 -- Yes Word32 Ext

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DormantHandoffRequests OM (ID 2)
This OM counts the number of dormant handoffs. This OM is pegged
when the dormant handoff message is received from MSC CAU.

Table 532
DormantHandoffRequests OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
2 12.1 -- Yes Word32 Ext

PCU_AllocRequests OM (ID 3)
This OM counts the total PCU allocation requests received by the PCU
manager; that is, requests for a new dormant session or a transition to an
active session on a PCU. This OM is pegged on null-to-active transition,
dormant-to-active transition, active packet data hard handoff; and dormant

Table 533
PCU_AllocRequests OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
3 12.1 -- Yes Word32 Ext

PCU_AllocFailures OM (ID 4)
This OM counts the number of PCU allocation failures because the IMSI
table is full or a PCU is not available.

Table 534
PCU_AllocFailures OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
4 12.1 -- Yes Word32 Ext

PCU_AllocSuccessful OM (ID 5)
This OM counts the number of PCU allocation requests successfully

Table 535
PCU_AllocSuccessful OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
5 12.1 -- Yes Word32 Ext

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PCU Overload OM group (ID 25) 199

IMSI_TableFull OM (ID 6)
This OM counts the number of PCU allocation failures due to the
IMSI table being full. These are a subset of the failures pegged by the
PCUAllocFailures OM. This means that there is no space left in the IMSI
table to add an entry for the session being setup.

Table 536
IMSI_TableFull OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
6 12.1 -- Yes Word32 Ext

PCUM_TotalRSDB_Received OM (ID 7)
This OM is pegged when an R-SDB is received at the PCUM from the

Table 537
PCUM_TotalRSDB_Received OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
7 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

PCUM_TotalRSDB_Forwarded OM (ID 8)
This OM is pegged when an R-SDB is sent by the PCUM to the PCU.

Table 538
PCUM_TotalRSDB_Forwarded OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
8 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

PCUM_TotalRSDB_Dropped OM (ID 9)
This OM is pegged when an R-SDB is not sent by the PCUM to the PCU.

Table 539
PCUM_TotalRSDB_Dropped OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
9 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

PCU Overload OM group (ID 25)

This OM group counts interesting events related to Packet Control Unit
(PCU) overload.

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Table 540
PCU Overload OM group values
Group ID Physical Pegging Multi ID pegging Aggregate Output file
entity type types prefix
25 PCUFP PCU Node -- No --

GRE_DataDiscardMode OM (ID 1)
This OM is pegged when bearer traffic discard mode is entered. This
is a node-based OM on the PCU. The PCU enters overload condition
when available memory and the CPU is only enough to process queued
packets but not enough to accept any more incoming data messages.
Data pitching is triggered when the overload condition occurs.

Table 541
GRE_DataDiscardMode OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
1 12.1 -- No Word16 Ext

TotalGRE_PacketsDropped OM (ID 2)
This node-based OM on PCU is pegged for each dropped bearer traffic
packet when in the GRE data pitching mode.

Table 542
TotalGRE_PacketsDropped OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
2 12.1 -- No Word32 Ext

GRE_ExitDataDiscardMode OM (ID 3)
This OM is pegged when the individual PCU exits out of the GRE data
discard mode.

Table 543
GRE_ExitDataDiscardMode OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
3 12.1 -- No Word16 Ext

DormantToActiveTransitionsInhibited OM (ID 4)
This OM is pegged when a request for dormant-to-active transition
by an individual packet session is inhibited by the PCU from doing a
dormant-to-active transition because of being in a CPU overload mode.

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BCN Enhanced Socket Layer OM group (ID 26) 201

Table 544
DormantToActiveTransitionsInhibited OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
4 12.1 -- No Word16 Ext

BCN Enhanced Socket Layer OM group (ID 26)

This OM group counts interesting events related to the Base-station
Communication Network (BCN) Enhanced Socket Layer.

Table 545
BCN Enhanced Socket Layer OM group values
Group ID Physical Pegging Multi ID pegging Aggregate Output file
entity type types prefix
26 DSFP-D CAC, Node -- No --

ESL_SignalingReliableTxMsg OM (ID 1)
This OM provides the number of reliable ESL signaling messages sent.

Table 546
ESL_SignalingReliableTxMsg OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
1 12.1 -- No Word32 Ext

ESL_SignalingReliableRxMsg OM (ID 2)
This OM provides the number of reliable ESL signaling messages

Table 547
ESL_SignalingReliableRxMsg OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
2 12.1 -- No Word32 Ext

ESL_SignalingUnreliableTxMsg OM (ID 3)
This OM provides the number of unreliable ESL signaling messages sent.

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Table 548
ESL_SignalingUnreliableTxMsg OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
3 12.1 -- No Word32 Ext

ESL_SignalingUnreliableRxMsg OM (ID 4)
This OM provides the number of unreliable ESL signaling messages

Table 549
ESL_SignalingUnreliableRxMsg OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
4 12.1 -- No Word32 Ext

ESL_SignalingConnectionFailure OM (ID 5)
This OM provides the number of connection failures for ESL signaling

Table 550
ESL_SignalingConnectionFailure OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
5 12.1 -- No Word32 Ext

ESL_SignalingUnknownDestinationMsg OM (ID 6)
This OM provides the number of ESL signaling messages received without
a socket registered for it.

Table 551
ESL_SignalingUnknownDestinationMsg OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
6 12.1 -- No Word32 Ext

ESL_SignalingReliableTxMsgFailure OM (ID 7)
This OM provides the number of ESL signaling messages unsuccessfully
sent by reliable messaging.

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BCN Enhanced Socket Layer OM group (ID 26) 203

Table 552
ESL_SignalingReliableTxMsgFailure OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
7 12.1 -- No Word32 Ext

ESL_SignalingUnreliableTxMsgFailure OM (ID 8)
This OM provides the number of ESL signaling messages unsuccessfully
sent by unreliable messaging.

Table 553
ESL_SignalingUnreliableTxMsgFailure OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
8 12.1 -- No Word32 Ext

ESL_SignalingReliableAckWaitTimeout OM (ID 9)
This OM provides the number of times the socket timed out waiting for an
ACK to a reliable ESL signaling message.

Table 554
ESL_SignalingReliableAckWaitTimeout OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
9 12.1 -- No Word32 Ext

ESL_CongestedSignalingReliableTxMsg OM (ID 10)

This OM provides the number of reliable ESL congested signaling
messages sent.

Table 555
ESL_CongestedSignalingReliableTxMsg OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
10 12.1 -- No Word32 Ext

ESL_CongestedSignalingReliableRxMsg OM (ID 11)

This OM provides the number of reliable ESL congested signaling
messages received.

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Table 556
ESL_CongestedSignalingReliableRxMsg OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
11 12.1 -- No Word32 Ext

ESL_CongestedSignalingConnectionFailure OM (ID 12)

This OM provides the number of congested ESL signaling connection

Table 557
ESL_CongestedSignalingConnectionFailure OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
12 12.1 -- No Word32 Ext

ESL_CongestedSignalingUnknownDestinationMsg OM (ID 13)

This OM provides the number of congested ESL signaling messages
received without a socket registered for it.

Table 558
ESL_CongestedSignalingUnknownDestinationMsg OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
13 12.1 -- No Word32 Ext

ESL_CongestedSignalingTxMsgFailure OM (ID 14)

This OM provides the number of congested ESL signaling messages
unsuccessfully sent.

Table 559
ESL_CongestedSignalingTxMsgFailure OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
14 12.1 -- No Word32 Ext

ESL_CongestedSignalingReliableAckWaitTimeout OM (ID 15)

This OM provides the number of times the socket timed out waiting for an
ACK to a reliable congested ESL signaling message.

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BCN Enhanced Socket Layer OM group (ID 26) 205

Table 560
ESL_CongestedSignalingReliableAckWaitTimeout OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
15 12.1 -- No Word32 Ext

ESL_NodeInitTxMsg OM (ID 16)

This OM provides the number of ESL Node Init messages sent.

Table 561
ESL_NodeInitTxMsg OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
16 12.1 -- No Word32 Ext

ESL_NodeInitRxMsg OM (ID 17)

This OM provides the number of ESL Node Init messages received.

Table 562
ESL_NodeInitRxMsg OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
17 12.1 -- No Word32 Ext

ESL_NodeInitTxMsgFailure OM (ID 18)

This OM provides the number of ESL Node Init messages unsuccessfully

Table 563
ESL_NodeInitTxMsgFailure OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
18 12.1 -- No Word32 Ext

ESL_InvalidMsgRx OM (ID 19)

This OM provides the number of invalid ESL messages received.

Table 564
ESL_InvalidMsgRx OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
19 12.1 -- No Word32 Ext

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RFCH Gating OM group (ID 27)

This OM Group consists of OMs that provide information on how many
mobile users in a Carrier-Sector were allowed to gate the transmission of
eighth rate frames on the reverse fundamental channel with a 50% duty

Table 565
RFCH Gating OM group values
Group ID Physical Pegging Multi ID pegging Aggregate Output file
entity type types prefix
27 ESEL, DS EBID -- Yes --

RFCHGatingRequests OM (ID 1)
This OM is pegged for link setups for which gating is requested by the
mobile in Origination or Page Response messages. It is pegged only when
resources are available for the call (that is, the call will not be blocked).

Table 566
RFCHGatingRequests OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
1 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

RFCHGatingGrantedRequests OM (ID 2)
This OM is pegged whenever a call is setup with 1/8 rate FCH gating

Table 567
RFCHGatingGrantedRequests OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
2 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

RFCHGatingDeniedRequests OM (ID 3)
This OM is pegged when the BTS denies a 1/8 rate RFCH gating
request from the BSC due to the forward power in use being above the
ReverseFCHGatingCapacityThreshold set in the AdvancedSector MO of
the BTS.

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Reference Sector Frame Count OM group (ID 28) 207

Table 568
RFCHGatingDeniedRequests OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
3 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

RFCHGatingEnabledHandoffs OM (ID 4)
This OM is pegged when a soft handoff link is added for a call that has 1/8
rate FCH gating enabled. Gating is maintained regardless of the forward
power level in the sector, that is, ReverseFCHGatingCapacityThreshold is
not checked for soft/softer handoff. This peg is made for all of the links

Table 569
RFCHGatingEnabledHandoffs OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
4 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

RFCHGatingDeactivations OM (ID 5)
This OM is pegged when 1/8 rate FCH gating is deactivated on soft
handoff for a call in progress due to differences in the reverse power
control delay values between two BTSs. It is also pegged for soft handoff
to a BTS that does not support gating. Each EBID that has gating
deactivated is pegged. Gating is deactivated after the resources are setup
successfully. That is, RFCHGatingEnabledHandoffs will be pegged first,
then RFCHGatingDeactivations will be pegged.

Table 570
RFCHGatingDeactivations OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
5 12.1 -- Yes Word16 Ext

Reference Sector Frame Count OM group (ID 28)

This OM group consists of OMs that count the total forward frames sent to
the mobile on the FCH and SCH. The frame counts are pegged against
the reference sector where "reference" is defined as the strongest pilot in
the active set reported in the most recent PSMM/PPSMM. The OMs get
pegged upon the changing of the reference sector or call release. If the
reference sector changes during the life of a call, then the subsequent
frames are pegged against the new reference sector.

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Note: These are Multi-ID pegging type OMs. Granularity is provided on a

per EBID, per RC and per SO basis. The OMs in this group start pegging
after the mobile acknowledges the base station acknowledgement order.
These OM counts include the NULL traffic frames sent from the selector
element to the mobile during call setup.

The OMs in this group peg only for the following service options: 13K
voice, EVRC, EVRCB, SMS, asynchronous data services, group 3 fax,
analog fax, Markov, OTAPA, Loopback, Packet Data, Location Services
and CSD (separate for each CSD type).

Table 571
Reference Sector Frame Count OM group values
Group ID Physical Pegging Multi ID pegging Aggregate Output file
entity type types prefix
28 ESEL, DS MultiID SO, RC, EBID Yes --

ReferenceSectorFrameCount_FFCH OM (ID 1)
This OM counts the total number of forward fundamental channel frames
sent to the mobiles in a carrier-sector for a specific radio configuration and
service option.

Table 572
ReferenceSectorFrameCount_FFCH OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
1 13 -- Yes Word32 Ext

ReferenceSectorFrameCount_FSCH OM (ID 2)
This OM counts the total number of forward supplemental channel frames
sent to the mobiles in a carrier-sector for a specific radio configuration and
service option.

Table 573
ReferenceSectorFrameCount_FSCH OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
2 13 -- Yes Word32 Ext

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Reference Sector FER OM group (ID 29) 209

Reference Sector FER OM group (ID 29)

This OM group consists of OMs that count the total number of bad frames
and total frames that are received on the forward and reverse FCH and
SCH. The frame counts are maintained only for the reference sector where
"reference" is defined as the strongest pilot in the active set reported in the
most recent PSMM/PPSMM. The forward frame counts are updated based
on the information in the PMRM. The reverse link OMs are pegged after
the reverse link frame selection process at the BSC. The OMs get pegged
upon the receipt of a PSMM/PPSMM. If the reference sector changes
during the life of a call, then the subsequent frames are counted for the
new reference sector.

Note that these are Multi-ID pegging type OMs. Granularity is provided on
a per EBID per RC basis. This feature differentiates between non-packet
data (voice, CSD, markov, etc.) and packet data service groups. For
RC3, RC4 and RC5 PMRM reporting, the PWR_THRESH_ENABLE bit
located in the SectorSystemParameters attribute of the AdvancedSector
MO has to be set. For SCH frame count reporting in the PMRM, the
OMCollection bit located in the OMCollectionControl attribute of the SBSC
MO (DSInterface MO for EBSC) has to be set.

Table 574
Reference Sector FER OM group values
Group ID Physical Pegging Multi ID pegging Aggregate Output file
entity type types prefix
29 ESEL, DS MultiID RC, EBID Yes --

FFCH_BadNonDataFrames OM (ID 1)
This OM counts the total number of bad forward fundamental channel
frames reported by the mobiles, for all non-packet data calls in a
carrier-sector for a specific radio configuration.

Table 575
FFCH_BadNonDataFrames OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
1 13 -- Yes Word32 Ext

FFCH_TotalNonDataFrames OM (ID 2)
This OM counts the total number of forward fundamental channel frames
reported by the mobiles, for all non-packet data calls in a carrier-sector for
a specific radio configuration.

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210 Operational measurements reference

Table 576
FFCH_TotalNonDataFrames OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
2 13 -- Yes Word32 Ext

RFCH_BadNonDataFrames OM (ID 3)
This OM counts the total number of bad reverse fundamental channel
frames, for all non-packet data calls in a carrier-sector for a specific radio

Table 577
RFCH_BadNonDataFrames OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
3 13 -- Yes Word32 Ext

RFCH_TotalNonDataFrames OM (ID 4)
This OM counts the total number of reverse fundamental channel
frames, for all non-packet data calls in a carrier-sector for a specific radio

Table 578
RFCH_TotalNonDataFrames OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
4 13 -- Yes Word32 Ext

FFCH_BadDataFrames OM (ID 5)
This OM counts the total number of bad forward fundamental channel
frames reported by the mobiles, for all packet data calls in a carrier-sector
for a specific radio configuration.

Table 579
FFCH_BadDataFrames OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
5 13 -- Yes Word32 Ext

FFCH_TotalDataFrames OM (ID 6)
This OM counts the total number of forward fundamental channel frames
reported by the mobiles, for all packet data calls in a carrier-sector for a
specific radio configuration.

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Reference Sector FER OM group (ID 29) 211

Table 580
FFCH_TotalDataFrames OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
6 13 -- Yes Word32 Ext

RFCH_BadDataFrames OM (ID 7)
This OM counts the total number of bad reverse fundamental channel
frames, for all packet data calls in a carrier-sector for a specific radio

Table 581
RFCH_BadDataFrames OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
7 13 -- Yes Word32 Ext

RFCH_TotalDataFrames OM (ID 8)
This OM counts the total number of reverse fundamental channel frames,
for all packet data calls in a carrier-sector for a specific radio configuration.

Table 582
RFCH_TotalDataFrames OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
8 13 -- Yes Word32 Ext

FSCH_BadFrames_2X OM (ID 9)
This OM counts the total number of bad forward supplemental channel
frames reported by the mobiles, for all 2X packet data calls in a
carrier-sector for a specific radio configuration.

Table 583
FSCH_BadFrames_2X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
9 13 -- Yes Word32 Ext

FSCH_BadFrames_4X OM (ID 10)

This OM counts the total number of bad forward supplemental channel
frames reported by the mobiles, for all 4X packet data calls in a
carrier-sector for a specific radio configuration.

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212 Operational measurements reference

Table 584
FSCH_BadFrames_4X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
10 13 -- Yes Word32 Ext

FSCH_BadFrames_8X OM (ID 11)

This OM counts the total number of bad forward supplemental channel
frames reported by the mobiles, for all 8X packet data calls in a
carrier-sector for a specific radio configuration.

Table 585
FSCH_BadFrames_8X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
11 13 -- Yes Word32 Ext

FSCH_BadFrames_16X OM (ID 12)

This OM counts the total number of bad forward supplemental channel
frames reported by the mobiles, for all 16X packet data calls in a
carrier-sector for a specific radio configuration.

Table 586
FSCH_BadFrames_16X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
12 13 -- Yes Word32 Ext

FSCH_TotalFrames_2X OM (ID 13)

This OM counts the total number of forward supplemental channel frames
reported by the mobiles, for all 2X packet data calls in a carrier-sector for a
specific radio configuration.

Table 587
FSCH_TotalFrames_2X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
13 13 -- Yes Word32 Ext

FSCH_TotalFrames_4X OM (ID 14)

This OM counts the total number of forward supplemental channel frames
reported by the mobiles, for all 4X packet data calls in a carrier-sector for a
specific radio configuration.

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Reference Sector FER OM group (ID 29) 213

Table 588
FSCH_TotalFrames_4X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
14 13 -- Yes Word32 Ext

FSCH_TotalFrames_8X OM (ID 15)

This OM counts the total number of forward supplemental channel frames
reported by the mobiles, for all 8X packet data calls in a carrier-sector for a
specific radio configuration.

Table 589
FSCH_TotalFrames_8X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
15 13 -- Yes Word32 Ext

FSCH_TotalFrames_16X OM (ID 16)

This OM counts the total number of forward supplemental channel frames
reported by the mobiles, for all 16X packet data calls in a carrier-sector for
a specific radio configuration.

Table 590
FSCH_TotalFrames_16X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
16 13 -- Yes Word32 Ext

RSCH_BadFrames_2X OM (ID 17)

This OM counts the total number of bad reverse supplemental channel
frames, for all 2X packet data calls in a carrier-sector for a specific radio

Table 591
RSCH_BadFrames_2X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
17 13 -- Yes Word32 Ext

RSCH_BadFrames_4X OM (ID 18)

This OM counts the total number of bad reverse supplemental channel
frames, for all 4X packet data calls in a carrier-sector for a specific radio

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214 Operational measurements reference

Table 592
RSCH_BadFrames_4X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
18 13 -- Yes Word32 Ext

RSCH_BadFrames_8X OM (ID 19)

This OM counts the total number of bad reverse supplemental channel
frames, for all 8X packet data calls in a carrier-sector for a specific radio

Table 593
RSCH_BadFrames_8X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
19 13 -- Yes Word32 Ext

RSCH_BadFrames_16X OM (ID 20)

This OM counts the total number of bad reverse supplemental channel
frames, for all 16X packet data calls in a carrier-sector for a specific radio

Table 594
RSCH_BadFrames_16X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
20 13 -- Yes Word32 Ext

RSCH_TotalFrames_2X OM (ID 21)

This OM counts the total number of reverse supplemental channel
frames, for all 2X packet data calls in a carrier-sector for a specific radio

Table 595
RSCH_TotalFrames_2X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
21 13 -- Yes Word32 Ext

RSCH_TotalFrames_4X OM (ID 22)

This OM counts the total number of reverse supplemental channel
frames, for all 4X packet data calls in a carrier-sector for a specific radio

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Hard Handoff Trigger OM group (ID 30) 215

Table 596
RSCH_TotalFrames_4X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
22 13 -- Yes Word32 Ext

RSCH_TotalFrames_8X OM (ID 23)

This OM counts the total number of reverse supplemental channel
frames, for all 8X packet data calls in a carrier-sector for a specific radio

Table 597
RSCH_TotalFrames_8X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
23 13 -- Yes Word32 Ext

RSCH_TotalFrames_16X OM (ID 24)

This OM counts the total number of reverse supplemental channel
frames, for all 16X packet data calls in a carrier-sector for a specific radio

Table 598
RSCH_TotalFrames_16X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
24 13 -- Yes Word32 Ext

Hard Handoff Trigger OM group (ID 30)

This OM group consists of OMs that are related to Signal Quality hard
handoff trigger for EC cell and OMs that are related to RTD delay timer for
EC and Border cells.

Table 599
Hard Handoff Trigger OM group values
Group ID Physical Pegging Multi ID pegging Aggregate Output file
entity type types prefix
30 ESEL, DS EBID -- Yes --

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216 Operational measurements reference

RTD_AboveRTDmin OM (ID 1)
This OM is pegged when the measured RTD in the received RTD report
becomes greater than the datafilled value of RTDmin. This OM is pegged
only against the reference sector (the sector with the smallest RTD value)
where the call is going on. The reference sector is determined by the
smallest RTD value in each RTD report. In case that the current reference
sector (determined by the current RTD report) becomes different than the
previous reference sector (determined by a previous RTD report) and the
measured RTD is greater than the current reference sectors datafilled
value of RTDmin, this OM is pegged against the current reference sector.
This OM is only pegged for the EC cell for IS95B+ mobile calls.

Table 600
RTD_AboveRTDmin OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
1 13 -- Yes Word16 Ext

RTD_DroppedBelowRTDmin OM (ID 2)
This OM is pegged when the measured RTD in the received RTD report
becomes less than the datafilled value of RTDmin. This OM is pegged
only against the reference sector (the sector with the smallest RTD) where
the call is currently going on. The reference sector is determined by the
smallest RTD value in each RTD report. This OM is only pegged for the
EC cell for IS95B+ mobile calls.

Table 601
RTD_DroppedBelowRTDmin OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
2 13 -- Yes Word16 Ext

RTDdelaytimerHHO_Attempts OM (ID 3)
This OM is pegged when the call came to this target sector after a
successful hard handoff and the RTD report shows that RTD hard handoff
trigger conditions or EC hard handoff trigger conditions are met and the
RTD delay timer has been started. This OM is pegged only against the
reference sector (the sector with the smallest RTD) where the call is going
on. This OM is only pegged for an EC cell or Border cell for all call types

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Pegging Limitation Exceeded OM group (ID 31) 217

Table 602
RTDdelaytimerHHO_Attempts OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
3 13 -- Yes Word16 Ext

RTDdelaytimerHHO_Triggers OM (ID 4)
This OM is pegged when the call came to this target sector after a
successful hard handoff and the RTD report shows that RTD hard handoff
trigger conditions or EC cell hard handoff trigger conditions are met and
the RTD delay timer has expired. Thus the BSC will send the hard handoff
request to the MSC. This OM is pegged against the reference sector (the
sector with the smallest RTD) where the call is going on. This OM is only
pegged for an EC cell or Border cell for all call types combined.

Table 603
RTDdelaytimerHHO_Triggers OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
4 13 -- Yes Word16 Ext

RTDdelaytimerHHO_Blocks OM (ID 5)
This OM is pegged when the call came to this target sector after a
successful hard handoff and the RTD report shows that RTD hard handoff
trigger conditions or EC hard handoff trigger conditions are met but the
RTD delay timer has not expired. Thus no hard handoff is possible due to
the unexpired delay timer. This OM is pegged against the reference sector
(the sector with the smallest RTD) where the call is going on. This OM is
only pegged for an EC cell or Border cell for all call types combined.

Table 604
RTDdelaytimerHHO_Blocks OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
5 13 -- Yes Word16 Ext

Pegging Limitation Exceeded OM group (ID 31)

In a BSC, if an OM group is of the EBID pegging type, or MultiID pegging
type where one of the pegging IDs is EBID, the OM Framework will only
allow the first 400 EBIDs to be pegged. In an EBSC, the limitation is 5000.
The OMs in this group track the EBIDs that the applications attempted to
peg against and the EBIDs that are failed to peg due to the EBID limitation
for such groups. Currently only the Reference Sector Frame Count group

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218 Operational measurements reference

and the Reference Sector FER group are tracked. The OMs are pegged
on a per EBID basis. Obviously the EBID limit should not apply to this
group so it has a pegging ID type of NoLimitEBID.

Table 605
Pegging Limitation Exceeded OM group values
Group ID Physical Pegging Multi ID pegging Aggregate Output file
entity type types prefix
31 ESEL, DS NoLimitEBI EBID Yes --

ReferenceSectorFrameCountGroupPeggingAttempts OM (ID 1)
This OM is the total number of attempts to peg the reference sector frame
count OM group for a specific EBID.

Table 606
ReferenceSectorFrameCountGroupPeggingAttempts OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
1 13 -- Yes Byte Ext

ReferenceSectorFrameCountGroupPeggingFailures OM (ID 2)
This OM is the total number of failures to peg the reference sector frame
count OM group for a specific EBID.

Table 607
ReferenceSectorFrameCountGroupPeggingFailures OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
2 13 -- Yes Byte Ext

FrameErrorRateGroupPeggingAttempts OM (ID 3)
This OM is the total number of attempts to peg the reference sector FER
OM group for a specific EBID.

Table 608
FrameErrorRateGroupPeggingAttempts OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
3 13 -- Yes Byte Ext

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Pegging Limitation Exceeded OM group (ID 31) 219

FrameErrorRateGroupPeggingFailures OM (ID 4)
This OM is the total number of failures to peg the reference sector FER
OM group for a specific EBID.

Table 609
FrameErrorRateGroupPeggingFailures OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
4 13 -- Yes Byte Ext

SCH_PrimaryRadioLinkSetupGroupPeggingAttempts OM (ID 5)
This OM is the total number of attempts to peg the SCH Primary Radio
Link Setup OM group for a specific EBID.

Table 610
SCH_PrimaryRadioLinkSetupGroupPeggingAttempts OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
5 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

SCH_PrimaryRadioLinkSetupGroupPeggingFailures OM (ID 6)
This OM is the total number of failures to peg the SCH Primary Radio Link
Setup OM group for a specific EBID.

Table 611
SCH_PrimaryRadioLinkSetupGroupPeggingFailures OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
6 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

SCH_HandoffRadioLinkSetupGroupPeggingAttempts OM (ID 7)
This OM is the total number of attempts to peg the SCH Handoff Radio
Link Setup OM group for a specific EBID.

Table 612
SCH_HandoffRadioLinkSetupGroupPeggingAttempts OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
7 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

SCH_HandoffRadioLinkSetupGroupPeggingFailures OM (ID 8)
This OM is the total number of failures to peg the SCH Handoff Radio Link
Setup OM group for a specific EBID.

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220 Operational measurements reference

Table 613
SCH_HandoffRadioLinkSetupGroupPeggingFailures OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
8 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

RLP_DataThroughputGroupPeggingAttempts OM (ID 9)
This OM is the total number of attempts to peg the RLP Data Throughput
OM group for a specific EBID.

Table 614
RLP_DataThroughputGroupPeggingAttempts OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
9 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

RLP_DataThroughputGroupPeggingFailures OM (ID 10)

This OM is the total number of failures to peg the RLP Data Throughput
OM group for a specific EBID.

Table 615
RLP_DataThroughputGroupPeggingFailures OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
10 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

Call Resource Request Processing OM group (ID 33)

This OM group consists of OMs that are pegged at the NRM and provides
an indication of the total resource allocation request traffic received by the

For resource allocation requests that are actually accepted by the NRM
and processed further, refer to the Call Resource Setup OM Group.

Table 616
Call Resource Request Processing OM group values
Group ID Physical Pegging Multi ID pegging Aggregate Output file
entity type types prefix
33 CNFP NRM Node -- No --

AllocationRequestReceived OM (ID 1)
This OM is pegged when the NRM receives a resource allocation request
message from the CAU.

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Call Resource Request Processing OM group (ID 33) 221

Table 617
AllocationRequestReceived OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
1 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

AllocationRequestRejectedDueToOverload OM (ID 2)
This OM is pegged when the NRM rejects the resource allocation request
message from the CAU due to an NRM CPU overload condition. In this
overload condition, the NRM sends a reject message to the CAU.

Table 618
AllocationRequestRejectedDueToOverload OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
2 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

AllocationRequestDenied OM (ID 3)
This OM is pegged when the NRM denies the incoming resource allocation
request from the CAU. The possible reasons for request denial are:
CAU provided an empty service option list, invalid service option, NRM
is administratively locked, or the message can not be decoded. In any
case, the NRM does not accept the request for further processing, and, if
not locked, sends a resource allocation response message to the CAU
indicating the reason for denial.

Table 619
AllocationRequestDenied OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
3 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

AllocationRequestReceivedWithTrFO2_Suspended OM (ID 4)
This OM is pegged when the TrFO2_Suspended parameter is set to true
in the ResourceAllocationRequest message received by the NRM from
the CAU.

ConnectionAllocationRequestReceived is pegged along with this OM.

Table 620
AllocationRequestReceivedWithTrFO2_Suspended OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
4 16 -- Yes Word32 Ext

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222 Operational measurements reference

AllocationResourceUnavailWithTrFO2_Suspended OM (ID 5)
This OM is pegged when the NRM could not allocate a resource even after
re-direction when the TrFO2_Suspended parameter is set to true in the
ResourceAllocationRequest message. In this case, call setup is blocked
and the NRM sends a failure response to the CAU.

ConnectionAllocationResourceUnavailable is pegged along with this OM.

Table 621
AllocationResourceUnavailWithTrFO2_Suspended OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
5 16 -- Yes Word32 Ext

AllocationResourceFailuresWithTrFO2_Suspended OM (ID 6)
This OM is pegged when the TrFO2_Suspended parameter is set to true
in the ResourceAllocationRequest received by the NRM from the CAU
and the NRM fails to allocate the resource from either the BSC or EBSC

These failures are typically due to internal error conditions and

communication errors such as internal failures, timeouts, or a mismatch in
the resource availability status information. Call setup is blocked.

ConnectionAllocationResourceFailures is pegged along with this OM.

Table 622
AllocationResourceFailuresWithTrFO2_Suspended OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
6 16 -- Yes Word32 Ext

Call Resource Setup OM group (ID 34)

This OM group consists of OMs that are pegged at the NRM and provides
an indication of the resource allocation request traffic processed by the
NRM on a per Service Group basis.

There are three Service Groups: voice, packetData and other. The voice
Service Group pegs for voice and CSD services. The packetData Service
Group pegs for the Packet PPP service. The other Service Group pegs for
all other services such as SMS, OTAPA, Location Services, Markov and

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Call Resource Setup OM group (ID 34) 223

Table 623
Call Resource Setup OM group values
Group ID Physical Pegging Multi ID pegging Aggregate Output file
entity type types prefix
34 CNFP NRM MultiID ServiceGroup Yes --

AllocationRequestAccepted OM (ID 1)
This OM is pegged when the NRM accepts the resource allocation request
message from the CAU and continues to process that resource allocation
request. Note that NRM may reject or deny the CAUs resource allocation
request and hence not accept all incoming requests. Refer to the Call
Resource Request Processing OM Group.

Table 624
AllocationRequestAccepted OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
1 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

AllocationRequestResourceUnavailable OM (ID 2)
This OM is pegged when the NRM has determined that the requested
service option resources are unavailable in the entire system. The
NRM consults its own internal resource availability status information to
determine this condition. In this case, call setup is blocked.

Table 625
AllocationRequestResourceUnavailable OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
2 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

AllocationRequestSuccesses OM (ID 3)
This OM is pegged when the NRM is successful in allocating resources for
the incoming resource allocation request from the CAU.

Table 626
AllocationRequestSuccesses OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
3 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

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AllocationRequestFailures OM (ID 4)
This OM is pegged when the NRM determines that resources are available
to satisfy the CAUs resource allocation request, but fails to allocate them
within the system for that request. In this case, call setup is blocked.
These resource allocation failures are typically due to error conditions such
as: internal failures, timeouts, mismatch in resource availability status
information between NRM and platform resource managers, etc.

Table 627
AllocationRequestFailures OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
4 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

Service Resource Setup OM group (ID 36)

This OM group consists of OMs that are pegged at the NRM and provides
an indication of the resource allocation request traffic that is directed by
the NRM to the SBS, and CPDS and CSVS platform resource managers
on a per Service Group and per Service Type basis.

All OMs in this group are pegged during the NRM processing of a resource
allocation request from the CAU and after the NRM has selected either the
SBS, or CPDS or CSVS platform for allocating resources. If the selected
platform fails to allocate resources, then the NRM alternatively tries to
obtain them from the alternate platform. If the alternate platform does
not exist or if the required resources are unsupported or unavailable on
the alternate platform, then the NRM returns a failed resource allocation
response to the CAU. In this case, call setup may be blocked. Refer to the
"Call flow diagrams with OMs" chapter in the 411-2133-525 NTP for NRM
call resource allocation flow diagrams.

The Service Group voice includes the Service Types evrc8k, evrcb,
highRateVoice13k, and csd.

The Service Group packetData includes only the Service Type packetPpp.

The Service Group other includes the Service Types smsRateSet1,

markov, msLoopback, otapa1, and lcsRateSet1.

Table 628
Service Resource Setup OM group values
Group ID Physical Pegging Multi ID pegging Aggregate Output file
entity type types prefix
36 CNFP NRM MultiID ServiceGroup, Yes --

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Service Resource Setup OM group (ID 36) 225

SelectedEBSC_AllocationAttempts OM (ID 1)
This OM is pegged when the NRM has selected the CPDS/CSVS platform
for allocating resources and sends a resource allocation request to the
CSRM (in the case of voice Service Group) or SDRM (in the case of a
Service Group of packetData or other) for the required service option.

Table 629
SelectedEBSC_AllocationAttempts OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
1 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

SelectedEBSC_AllocationSuccesses OM (ID 2)
This OM is pegged when the NRM receives a successful resource
allocation response(s) from both the CSRM and SDRM (in the case of
voice Service Group) or SDRM only (in the case of a Service Group
of packetData or other), where the CPDS/CSVS platform was initially
selected for allocating resources.

Table 630
SelectedEBSC_AllocationSuccesses OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
2 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

SelectedEBSC_MG_AllocationFailures OM (ID 3)
This OM is pegged when the NRM fails to allocate the Media Gateway
resource (that is, DSP or CIC) in the case of the voice Service Group only,
when the CSVS platform was initially selected for resource allocation.
The resource allocation failure may be due to resource unavailability at
the CSRM, due to internal failure at the CSRM or due to an NRM timeout
waiting for a response from the CSRM.

Table 631
SelectedEBSC_MG_AllocationFailures OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
3 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

SelectedEBSC_SDU_AllocationFailures OM (ID 4)
This OM is pegged when the NRM fails to allocate the SDU (Selection
and Distribution Unit) resource, when the CSVS or CPDS platform was
initially selected for resource allocation. The resource allocation failure
may be due to resource unavailability at the SDRM, due to internal failure
at the SDRM or due to the NRM timeout waiting for a response from the

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226 Operational measurements reference

SDRM. In the case of voice Service Group, the resource allocation failure
may be due to the NRM failure in sending a resource allocation request to
the SDRM.

Table 632
SelectedEBSC_SDU_AllocationFailures OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
4 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

AlternateEBSC_AllocationAttempts OM (ID 5)
This OM is pegged when the NRM sends an alternate resource allocation
request to the CSRM (in the case of voice Service Group) or SDRM (in the
case of a Service Group of packetData or other) for the required service
option, after a failed resource allocation attempt on the initially selected
SBS platform.

Table 633
AlternateEBSC_AllocationAttempts OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
5 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

AlternateEBSC_AllocationSuccesses OM (ID 6)
This OM is pegged when the NRM receives a successful resource
allocation response from both the CSRM and SDRM (in the case of voice
Service Group) or the SDRM only (in the case of a Service Group of
packetData or other) for an alternate resource allocation request that was
made after a failed resource allocation attempt on the initially selected SBS

Table 634
AlternateEBSC_AllocationSuccesses OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
6 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

AlternateEBSC_MG_AllocationFailures OM (ID 7)
This OM is pegged when the NRM fails to allocate the Media Gateway
resource (that is, DSP or CIC) in the case of voice Service Group only, for
an alternate resource allocation request (to the CPDS or CSVS platform)
that was made after a failed resource allocation attempt on the initially
selected SBS platform. The resource allocation failure may be due to
resource unavailability at the CSRM, due to internal failure at the CSRM or
due to an NRM timeout waiting for a response from the CSRM.

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Service Resource Setup OM group (ID 36) 227

In this scenario, the NRM returns a failed resource allocation response to

the CAU. Hence, call setup is blocked.

Table 635
AlternateEBSC_MG_AllocationFailures OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
7 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

AlternateEBSC_SDU_AllocationFailures OM (ID 8)
This OM is pegged when the NRM fails to allocate the SDU (Selection and
Distribution Unit) resource for an alternate resource allocation request
(to the CPDS or CSVS platform) that was made after a failed resource
allocation attempt on the initially selected SBS platform. The resource
allocation failure may be due to resource unavailability at the SDRM,
due to internal failure at the SDRM, or due to an NRM timeout waiting
for a response from the SDRM. In the case of voice Service Group, the
resource allocation failure may be due to the NRM failure in sending the
alternate resource allocation request to the SDRM.

In this scenario, the NRM returns a failed resource allocation response to

the CAU. Hence, call setup is blocked.

Table 636
AlternateEBSC_SDU_AllocationFailures OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
8 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

SelectedBSC_AllocationAttempts OM (ID 9)
This OM is pegged when the NRM has selected the SBS platform for
allocating resources and sends a resource allocation request to the
SBSRM for the required service option.

Table 637
SelectedBSC_AllocationAttempts OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
9 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

SelectedBSC_AllocationSuccesses OM (ID 10)

This OM is pegged when the NRM receives a successful resource
allocation response from the SBSRM where the SBS platform was initially
selected for allocating resources.

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228 Operational measurements reference

Table 638
SelectedBSC_AllocationSuccesses OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
10 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

SelectedBSC_AllocationFailures OM (ID 11)

This OM is pegged when the NRM fails to allocate the SBS resource
when the SBS platform was initially selected for resource allocation. The
resource allocation failure may be due to resource unavailability at the
SBSRM, due to internal failure at the SBSRM or due to an NRM timeout
waiting for a response from the SBSRM.

Table 639
SelectedBSC_AllocationFailures OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
11 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

AlternateBSC_AllocationAttempts OM (ID 12)

This OM is pegged when the NRM sends an alternate resource allocation
request to the SBSRM for the required service option after a failed
resource allocation attempt on the initially selected CPDS or CSVS

Table 640
AlternateBSC_AllocationAttempts OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
12 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

AlternateBSC_AllocationSuccesses OM (ID 13)

This OM is pegged when the NRM receives a successful resource
allocation response from the SBSRM for an alternate resource allocation
request that was made after a failed resource allocation attempt on the
initially selected CPDS or CSVS platform.

Table 641
AlternateBSC_AllocationSuccesses OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
13 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

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ACP Resource Capacity OM group (ID 43) 229

AlternateBSC_AllocationFailures OM (ID 14)

This OM is pegged when the NRM fails to allocate the SBS resource for
an alternate resource allocation request (to the SBS platform) that was
made after a failed resource allocation attempt on the initially selected
CPDS or CSVS platform. The resource allocation failure may be due to
resource unavailability at the SBSRM, due to internal failure at the SBSRM
or due to an NRM timeout waiting for a response from the SBSRM.

In this scenario, the NRM returns a failed resource allocation response to

the CAU. Hence, call setup is blocked.

Table 642
AlternateBSC_AllocationFailures OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
14 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

ACP Resource Capacity OM group (ID 43)

The ACP Resource Capacity Group provides an indication of the capacity
of the ACPs. This OM pegs at the CAC node of the DSFP card. This OM
is pegged on a per Voice or Packet Data service type depending on the
DSFP-V or DSFP-D card type.

Table 643
ACP Resource Capacity OM group values
Group ID Physical Pegging Multi ID pegging Aggregate Output file
entity type types prefix
43 DSFP-V CAC, MultiID ServiceGroup Yes --

AvailablePhysicalSDU_Capacity OM (ID 1)
This OM captures the installed SDU capacity (that is, the number of
Selector Elements) in the entire system. The entire installed SDU
capacity may not be available to carry traffic due to license limitations.
The value of this OM is not affected by changes in ACP states such as
Lock or out-of-service situation. AvailablePhysicalSDU_Capacity with
a service group of Voice indicates the number of SDUs on DSFP-Vs.
AvailablePhysicalSDU_Capacity with a service group of PacketData
indicates the number of SDUs on DSFP-Ds. SDUs on DSFP-Vs can
support calls with a service group of Voice or Other and SDUs on
DSFP-Ds can support calls with a service group of PacketData or Other.

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230 Operational measurements reference

Table 644
AvailablePhysicalSDU_Capacity OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
1 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

BSC Resource Setup OM group (ID 45)

This OM group consists of OMs that are pegged at the SBSRM and
provides an indication of the resource allocation request traffic processed
by the SBSRM on a per Service Group and per Service Type basis. These
OMs also measure the SBSRMs resource allocation performance. Refer
to the "Call flow diagrams with OMs" chapter in the 411-2133-525 NTP for
SBSRM call resource allocation flow diagrams.

The Service Group voice includes the Service Types evrc8k,

highRateVoice13k, and csd.

The Service Group packetData includes only the Service Type packetPpp.

The Service Group other includes the Service Types smsRateSet1,

markov, msLoopback, otapa1, and lcsRateSet1.

Table 645
BSC Resource Setup OM group values
Group ID Physical Pegging Multi ID pegging Aggregate Output file
entity type types prefix
45 CNFP SBSRM MultiID ServiceGroup, Yes --

BSC_AllocationRequestAccepted OM (ID 1)
This OM is pegged when the SBSRM accepts the resource allocation
request message from the NRM and continues to process that request.

Note that the SBSRM may discard or deny the NRMs resource allocation
request and hence not accept all incoming requests. Refer to BSC
Resource Request Processing OM Group.

Table 646
BSC_AllocationRequestAccepted OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
1 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

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BSC Resource Setup OM group (ID 45) 231

BSC_ResourceUnavailableOnInitialAttempt OM (ID 2)
This OM is pegged when the SBSRM has determined that the requested
SBS service option resources are unavailable. The SBSRM consults its
own internal resource availability status information to determine this

Table 647
BSC_ResourceUnavailableOnInitialAttempt OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
2 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

BSC_AllocationInitialAttempts OM (ID 3)
This OM is pegged when the SBSRM selects an available ESEL Service
Resource Manager (SRM) and sends a resource allocation request
message to it, for the first SBSRM attempt.

Table 648
BSC_AllocationInitialAttempts OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
3 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

BSC_AllocationInitialFailures OM (ID 4)
This OM is pegged when the SBSRM receives a resource allocation failure
response from the SRM, on the first SBSRM attempt. This is a failure
scenario that may indicate mismatch between the SBSRM and the SRM
resource availability status information for resources that are actually

In this scenario, the SBSRM retries allocation using another available

SRM. If another SRM is not available, then the SBSRM sends a failed
resource allocation response to the NRM.

Table 649
BSC_AllocationInitialFailures OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
4 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

BSC_AllocationInitialTimeouts OM (ID 5)
This OM is pegged when the SBSRM does not receive a resource
allocation response from the SRM within the stipulated time period for the
first SBSRM attempt. In this scenario, the SBSRM sends failed resource
allocation response to the NRM.

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232 Operational measurements reference

Table 650
BSC_AllocationInitialTimeouts OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
5 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

BSC_AllocationInitialSuccesses OM (ID 6)
This OM is pegged when the SBSRM is successful in allocating resources
at the SRM on the first SBSRM attempt for the incoming resource
allocation request from the NRM.

Table 651
BSC_AllocationInitialSuccesses OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
6 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

BSC_ResourceUnavailableOnRetryAttempt OM (ID 7)
This OM is pegged when the SBSRM is ready to retry the resource
allocation but has determined that the requested SBS service option
resources are unavailable. The SBSRM consults its own internal resource
availability status information to determine this condition.

Table 652
BSC_ResourceUnavailableOnRetryAttempt OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
7 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

BSC_AllocationRetryAttempts OM (ID 8)
This OM is pegged when the SBSRM selects another available ESEL
Service Resource Manager (SRM) and sends a resource allocation
request message to it for the retry SBSRM attempt.

Table 653
BSC_AllocationRetryAttempts OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
8 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

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BSC Resource Setup OM group (ID 45) 233

BSC_AllocationRetryFailures OM (ID 9)
This OM is pegged when the SBSRM receives a resource allocation failure
response from the SRM on the retry SBSRM attempt. This is a failure
scenario that may indicate mismatch between the SBSRM and the SRM
resource availability status information for resources that are actually

In this scenario, the SBSRM sends a failed resource allocation response

to the NRM.

Table 654
BSC_AllocationRetryFailures OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
9 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

BSC_AllocationRetryTimeouts OM (ID 10)

This OM is pegged when the SBSRM does not receive a resource
allocation response from the SRM within the stipulated time period on
the retry SBSRM attempt. In this scenario, the SBSRM sends a failed
resource allocation response to the NRM.

Table 655
BSC_AllocationRetryTimeouts OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
10 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

BSC_AllocationRetrySuccesses OM (ID 11)

This OM is pegged when the SBSRM is successful in allocating resources
at the SRM on the retry SBSRM attempt for the incoming resource
allocation request from the NRM.

Table 656
BSC_AllocationRetrySuccesses OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
11 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

BSC_AllocationInternalFailures OM (ID 12)

This OM is pegged when an internal failure at the SBSRM causes it to
send a failed resource allocation response to the NRM for an incoming
resource allocation request that is already accepted for processing.

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Table 657
BSC_AllocationInternalFailures OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
12 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

BSC Resource Request Processing OM group (ID 46)

This OM group consists of OMs that are pegged at the SBSRM (SBS
Resource Manager) and it provides an indication of the total resource
allocation request traffic received by the SBSRM. Refer to the "Call flow
diagrams with OMs" chapter in the 411-2133-525 NTP for SBSRM call
resource allocation flow diagrams.

For resource allocation requests that are actually accepted by the SBSRM
and processed further, refer to the BSC Resource Setup OM Group.

Table 658
BSC Resource Request Processing OM group values
Group ID Physical Pegging Multi ID pegging Aggregate Output file
entity type types prefix
46 CNFP SBSRM Node -- No --

BSC_AllocationRequestReceived OM (ID 1)
This OM is pegged when the SBSRM receives a resource allocation
request message from the NRM.

Table 659
BSC_AllocationRequestReceived OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
1 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

BSC_AllocationRequestDiscardedDueToOverload OM (ID 2)
This OM is pegged when the SBSRM discards or drops the resource
allocation request message from the NRM due to SBSRM CPU overload

Table 660
BSC_AllocationRequestDiscardedDueToOverload OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
2 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

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Resource Availability Check OM group (ID 47) 235

BSC_AllocationRequestDenied OM (ID 3)
This OM is pegged when the SBSRM denies the incoming resource
allocation request from the NRM. The possible reasons for request denial
are: the SBSRM is administratively locked or the message cannot be
decoded. If the SBSRM denies an incoming resource allocation request
while unlocked, it sends a resource allocation response message to the
NRM indicating the reason for denial.

Table 661
BSC_AllocationRequestDenied OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
3 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

Resource Availability Check OM group (ID 47)

This OM group consists of OMs to track the number of times SBS or
CSVS/CPDS resources are unavailable for resource allocation on a per
Service Group and per Service Type basis.

OMs from this group are pegged by the NRM during the Resource
Availability Check Phase after the NRM accepts the Resource allocation
request and before the Platform Selection Phase starts. Refer to the "Call
flow diagrams with OMs" chapter in the 411-2133-525 NTP for NRM call
resource allocation flow diagrams.

OMs from this OM Group peg regardless of a preferred or an alternate

service in case of voice services. Hence, these OMs may be pegged
multiple times (due to voice service re-direction) for a single CAU voice
resource request.

Note that service redirection is applicable to voice services only. The first
service is the Prefrerred service and the next services are the Alternate
Service in the list sent in the Resource Allocation Request. Service
Re-direction occurs when the NRM re-directs the resource request from
the Preferred service to an Alternate service.

Table 662
Resource Availability Check OM group values
Group ID Physical Pegging Multi ID pegging Aggregate Output file
entity type types prefix
47 CNFP NRM MultiID ServiceGroup, Yes --

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236 Operational measurements reference

ResourceCheckAttempts OM (ID 1)
This OM is pegged when the NRM checks resource availability in the
entire system for a service type.

Table 663
ResourceCheckAttempts OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
1 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

ResourceCheckUnavailable OM (ID 2)
This OM is pegged when the NRM determines that there are no resources
available in the entire system for a service type.

Table 664
ResourceCheckUnavailable OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
2 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

ResourceCheckAvailable OM (ID 3)
This OM is pegged when the NRM determines that the resources are
available in the system for a service type.

Table 665
ResourceCheckAvailable OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
3 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

Platform Selection OM group (ID 48)

This OM Group consists of OMs to measure the NRM Platform selection
Performance. The OMs peg at the NRM during the Platform Selection
Phase to count the number of attempts and successes on the Primary
and Secondary Platforms on a per Service Group per Service Type basis.
Refer to the "Call flow diagrams with OMs" chapter in the 411-2133-525
NTP for NRM call resource allocation flow diagrams.

Primary and Secondary platform choices can be configured in the NRM

preference table for a service that is supported on both platforms.

The Selection Attempt OM on the Primary and Secondary platform peg

only once per CAU request regardless of any internal hopping during
algorithm execution.

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Platform Selection OM group (ID 48) 237

Pegging of Selection success OMs on the Primary and Secondary platform

does not mean the resources are actually allocated but it means that
resources are to be allocated on that selected platform.

The platform selection OMs from this group dont peg for the followings:

- When the sub-resource managers (CSRM or SBSRM) are in CPU

overload or the Transaction Queue associated with a platform is beyond
its threshold.

- For packet data calls for mobiles with P_REV = 7 and the ADS required
flag is true. These calls are always directed to CPDS and Platform
selection is not performed.

- For DTA calls and DHO requests. These calls have a different platform
selection algorithm.

- Directed calls. These are test calls which direct the allocation request to
a particular platform.

- For Service types supported on both platforms, if the secondary platform

is set to "None", then the secondary platform OMs for that service type will
not be pegged.

Table 666
Platform Selection OM group values
Group ID Physical Pegging Multi ID pegging Aggregate Output file
entity type types prefix
48 CNFP NRM MultiID ServiceGroup, Yes --

SelectionAttemptsOnPrimaryPlatform OM (ID 1)
This OM is pegged when the NRM attempts to select the primary platform
for a service type.

Table 667
SelectionAttemptsOnPrimaryPlatform OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
1 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

SelectionSuccessOnPrimaryPlatform OM (ID 2)
This OM is pegged when the NRM selects the primary platform for a
service type.

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Table 668
SelectionSuccessOnPrimaryPlatform OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
2 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

SelectionAttemptsOnSecondaryPlatform OM (ID 3)
This OM is pegged when the NRM attempts to select the secondary
platform for a service type.

Table 669
SelectionAttemptsOnSecondaryPlatform OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
3 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

SelectionSuccessOnSecondaryPlatform OM (ID 4)
This OM is pegged when the NRM selects the secondary platform for a
service type.

Table 670
SelectionSuccessOnSecondaryPlatform OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
4 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

DTA Call Resource Setup OM group (ID 49)

This OM group consists of OMs that are pegged at the NRM and indicates
the SDU (Selection and Distribution Unit) resource allocation success rate
for Dormant-to-Active (DTA) requests processed by the NRM. These OMs
also measure how often the PCU is changed between SBS and CPDS
platforms and vice versa for DTA resource allocation requests. Refer to
the "Call flow diagrams with OMs" chapter in the 411-2133-525 NTP for
NRM call resource allocation flow diagrams.

This OM group is pegged on a per Service Type basis, and the only
applicable Service Type is packetPpp.

Table 671
DTA Call Resource Setup OM group values
Group ID Physical Pegging Multi ID pegging Aggregate Output file
entity type types prefix
49 CNFP NRM MultiID ServiceType Yes --

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DTA Call Resource Setup OM group (ID 49) 239

DTA_BSC_AllocationRequestAccepted OM (ID 1)
This OM is pegged when a DTA resource allocation request is received
from the CAU and is accepted by the NRM for processing, where the
request indicates that the dormant session exists on the SBS platform.

Table 672
DTA_BSC_AllocationRequestAccepted OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
1 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

DTA_EBSC_AllocationRequestAccepted OM (ID 2)
This OM is pegged when a DTA resource allocation request is received
from the CAU and is accepted by the NRM for processing, where the
request indicates that the dormant session exists on the CPDS platform.

Table 673
DTA_EBSC_AllocationRequestAccepted OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
2 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

DTA_AllocationRequestResourceUnavailable OM (ID 3)
This OM is pegged when the NRM has determined that selector element
(that is, SDU) resources are unavailable in the entire system to satisfy
the DTA Resource Allocation request. The NRM consults its own internal
resource availability status information to determine this condition. In this
case, DTA call setup is blocked.

Table 674
DTA_AllocationRequestResourceUnavailable OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
3 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

DTA_BSC_RequestedSuccessOnBSC OM (ID 4)
This OM is pegged when the NRM is successful in allocating a selector
element (that is, SDU) resource on the SBS platform, where the incoming
resource allocation request from the CAU indicated that the dormant
session exists on the SBS platform.

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Table 675
DTA_BSC_RequestedSuccessOnBSC OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
4 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

DTA_BSC_RequestedSuccessOnEBSC OM (ID 5)
This OM is pegged when the NRM is successful in allocating a selector
element (that is, SDU) resource on the CPDS platform, where the
incoming resource allocation request from the CAU indicated that the
dormant session exists on the SBS platform.

Table 676
DTA_BSC_RequestedSuccessOnEBSC OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
5 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

DTA_EBSC_RequestedSuccessOnEBSC OM (ID 6)
This OM is pegged when the NRM is successful in allocating a selector
element (that is, SDU) resource on the CPDS platform, where the
incoming resource allocation request from the CAU indicated that the
dormant session exists on the CPDS platform.

Table 677
DTA_EBSC_RequestedSuccessOnEBSC OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
6 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

DTA_EBSC_RequestedSuccessOnBSC OM (ID 7)
This OM is pegged when the NRM is successful in allocating a selector
element (that is, SDU) resource on the SBS platform, where the incoming
resource allocation request from the CAU indicated that the dormant
session exists on the CPDS platform.

Table 678
DTA_EBSC_RequestedSuccessOnBSC OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
7 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

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DTA BSC PCU Lookup OM group (ID 50) 241

DTA_AllocationRequestsFailures OM (ID 8)
This OM is pegged when the NRM determines that selector element
(that is, SDU) resources are available to satisfy the CAUs DTA resource
allocation request, but fails to allocate them within the system for that
request. In this case, call setup is blocked. These resource allocation
failures are typically due to error conditions such as: internal failures,
time-outs, mismatch in resource availability status information between the
NRM and platform resource managers, etc.

Table 679
DTA_AllocationRequestsFailures OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
8 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

DTA BSC PCU Lookup OM group (ID 50)

This OM group consists of OMs that are pegged at the SBSRM and
indicates how often the PCU is changed within the SBS platform when
processing Dormant-to-Active (DTA) requests. The PCU is changed within
the SBS platform if the SBS shelf where the dormant packet session
resides has no available selector element resources for the DTA transition,
and hence a new packet session must be set up on another SBS shelf.

This OM group is pegged on a per Service Type basis, and the only
applicable Service Type is packetPpp.

Table 680
DTA BSC PCU Lookup OM group values
Group ID Physical Pegging Multi ID pegging Aggregate Output file
entity type types prefix
50 CNFP SBSRM MultiID ServiceType Yes --

DTA_PacketSessionFound OM (ID 1)
This OM is pegged when the SBS PCU Manager reports to the SBSRM
that it successfully found the PCU associated with the Mobile IMSI (that is,
the PCU where the dormant packet session resides).

Table 681
DTA_PacketSessionFound OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
1 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

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242 Operational measurements reference

DTA_PCU_Changed OM (ID 2)
This OM is pegged when the PCU associated with the Mobile IMSI (that
is, the PCU where the dormant packet session resides) is successfully
found but the SBSRM failed to allocate a selector element (that is, SDU)
resource on the same SBS shelf as the found PCU. Hence, the PCU (and
packet session) must change to another SBS shelf.

Table 682
DTA_PCU_Changed OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
2 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

DTA_PCU_NotChanged OM (ID 3)
This OM is pegged when the PCU associated with the Mobile IMSI (that is,
the PCU where the dormant packet session resides) is successfully found
and the SBSRM successfully allocated a selector element (that is, SDU)
resource on the same SBS shelf as the found PCU.

Table 683
DTA_PCU_NotChanged OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
3 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

DHO Call Resource Request Processing OM group (ID 51)

This OM group consists of OMs that are pegged at the NRM and provides
an indication of the total PCU allocation request traffic received by the
NRM for Dormant Handoff (DHO). Refer to the "Call flow diagrams with
OMs" chapter in the 411-2133-525 NTP for DHO PCU resource allocation
flow diagrams.

For PCU allocation requests that are actually accepted by the NRM and
processed further, refer to the DHO Call Resource Setup OM Group.

Table 684
DHO Call Resource Request Processing OM group values
Group ID Physical Pegging Multi ID pegging Aggregate Output file
entity type types prefix
51 CNFP NRM Node -- No --

DHO_AllocationRequestReceived OM (ID 1)
This OM is pegged when the NRM receives a DHO PCU allocation request
message from the CAU.

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DHO Call Resource Setup OM group (ID 52) 243

Table 685
DHO_AllocationRequestReceived OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
1 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

DHO_AllocationRequestRejectedDueToOverload OM (ID 2)
Currently there are no scenarios for which this OM is pegged.

Table 686
DHO_AllocationRequestRejectedDueToOverload OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
2 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

DHO_AllocationRequestDenied OM (ID 3)
This OM is pegged when the NRM denies the incoming DHO PCU
allocation request from the CAU. The possible reasons for request
denial are: the request message cannot be decoded, or the NRM is
administratively locked. In that case, the NRM does not accept the request
for further processing, and if not locked, sends a PCU allocation response
message to the CAU indicating the reason for denial.

Table 687
DHO_AllocationRequestDenied OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
3 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

DHO Call Resource Setup OM group (ID 52)

This OM group consists of OMs that are pegged at the NRM and provides
an indication of the PCU allocation success rate for Dormant Handoff
(DHO). Refer to the "Call flow diagrams with OMs" chapter in the
411-2133-525 NTP for DHO PCU resource allocation flow diagrams.

This OM group is pegged on a per Service Type basis, and the only
applicable Service Type is packetPpp.

Table 688
DHO Call Resource Setup OM group values
Group ID Physical Pegging Multi ID pegging Aggregate Output file
entity type types prefix
52 CNFP NRM MultiID ServiceType Yes --

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244 Operational measurements reference

DHO_AllocationRequestSuccesses OM (ID 1)
This OM is pegged when the NRM is successful in allocating the PCU on
either the SBS or CPDS platform, in response to the DHO PCU allocation
request received from the CAU.

Table 689
DHO_AllocationRequestSuccesses OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
1 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

DHO_AllocationRequestFailures OM (ID 2)
This OM is pegged when the NRM fails to allocate a PCU on any platform
in response to the DHO PCU allocation request received from the CAU.
These PCU allocation failures are typically due to error conditions such
as internal failures and time-outs.

Table 690
DHO_AllocationRequestFailures OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
2 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

DHO Service Resource Setup OM group (ID 53)

This OM group consists of OMs that are pegged at the NRM and provides
an indication of how the PCU allocation (for DHO requests processed by
the NRM) is distributed between the SBS and CPDS platforms.

OMs in this group are pegged during the NRM processing of a DHO PCU
allocation request from the CAU and after the NRM has selected either
the SBS or CPDS platform for allocating the PCU. Refer to the "Call flow
diagrams with OMs" chapter in the 411-2133-525 NTP for DHO PCU
resource allocation flow diagrams.

This OM group is pegged on a per Service Type basis, and the only
applicable Service Type is packetPpp.

Table 691
DHO Service Resource Setup OM group values
Group ID Physical Pegging Multi ID pegging Aggregate Output file
entity type types prefix
53 CNFP NRM MultiID ServiceType Yes --

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DHO Service Resource Setup OM group (ID 53) 245

DHO_SelectedEBSC_AllocationAttempts OM (ID 1)
This OM is pegged when the NRM has selected the CPDS platform and
sends the PCU allocation request to the CPDS PCU Manager.

Table 692
DHO_SelectedEBSC_AllocationAttempts OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
1 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

DHO_SelectedEBSC_AllocationSuccesses OM (ID 2)
This OM is pegged when the NRM is successful at PCU allocation for
a DHO request on the CPDS platform (by interaction with CPDS PCU
Manager), where the CPDS platform was initially selected for PCU

Table 693
DHO_SelectedEBSC_AllocationSuccesses OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
2 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

DHO_SelectedEBSC_AllocationFailures OM (ID 3)
This OM is pegged when the NRM fails at PCU allocation for a DHO
request on the CPDS platform (by interaction with CPDS PCU Manager),
where the CPDS platform was initially selected for PCU allocation.

Table 694
DHO_SelectedEBSC_AllocationFailures OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
3 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

DHO_AlternateBSC_AllocationAttempts OM (ID 4)
This OM is pegged when the NRM attempts PCU allocation for a DHO
request on the SBS platform (by interaction with SBS PCU Manager) after
a failed PCU allocation attempt on the initially selected CPDS platform.

Table 695
DHO_AlternateBSC_AllocationAttempts OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
4 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

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246 Operational measurements reference

DHO_AlternateBSC_AllocationSuccesses OM (ID 5)
This OM is pegged when the NRM is successful at PCU Allocation for a
DHO request on the SBS platform (by interaction with SBS PCU Manager)
after a failed PCU allocation attempt on the initially selected CPDS

Table 696
DHO_AlternateBSC_AllocationSuccesses OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
5 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

DHO_AlternateBSC_AllocationFailures OM (ID 6)
This OM is pegged when the NRM fails at PCU Allocation for a DHO
request on the SBS platform (by interaction with SBS PCU Manager) after
a failed PCU allocation attempt on the initially selected CPDS platform.

Table 697
DHO_AlternateBSC_AllocationFailures OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
6 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

DHO_SelectedBSC_AllocationAttempts OM (ID 7)
This OM is pegged when the NRM has selected the SBS platform for
allocating a PCU and sends the PCU allocation request to the SBS PCU

Table 698
DHO_SelectedBSC_AllocationAttempts OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
7 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

DHO_SelectedBSC_AllocationSuccesses OM (ID 8)
This OM is pegged when the NRM is successful at PCU allocation for a
DHO request on the SBS platform (by interaction with SBS PCU Manager),
where the SBS platform was initially selected for PCU allocation.

Table 699
DHO_SelectedBSC_AllocationSuccesses OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
8 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

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DHO Service Resource Setup OM group (ID 53) 247

DHO_SelectedBSC_AllocationFailures OM (ID 9)
This OM is pegged when the NRM fails at PCU allocation for a DHO
request on the SBS platform (by interaction with SBS PCU Manager),
where the SBS platform was initially selected for PCU allocation.

Table 700
DHO_SelectedBSC_AllocationFailures OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
9 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

DHO_AlternateEBSC_AllocationAttempts OM (ID 10)

This OM is pegged when the NRM attempts PCU allocation for a DHO
request on the CPDS platform (by interaction with CPDS PCU Manager)
after a failed PCU allocation attempt on the initially selected SBS platform.

Table 701
DHO_AlternateEBSC_AllocationAttempts OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
10 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

DHO_AlternateEBSC_AllocationSuccesses OM (ID 11)

This OM is pegged when the NRM is successful at PCU Allocation for
a DHO request on the CPDS platform (by interaction with CPDS PCU
Manager) after a failed PCU allocation attempt on the initially selected SBS

Table 702
DHO_AlternateEBSC_AllocationSuccesses OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
11 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

DHO_AlternateEBSC_AllocationFailures OM (ID 12)

This OM is pegged when the NRM fails at PCU Allocation for a DHO
request on the CPDS platform (by interaction with CPDS PCU Manager)
after a failed PCU allocation attempt on the initially selected SBS platform.

Table 703
DHO_AlternateEBSC_AllocationFailures OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
12 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

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248 Operational measurements reference

Resource Utilization OM group (ID 59)

This OM group consists of OMs that reflect the percentage of resource
utilization for various resource types at the CPDS, CSVS and SBS. The
OMs in this group are pegged on a per Resource Type basis at the CSRM,
SDRM or SBSRM. The resource utilization is sampled every one second.
Utilization reflects the Licensed resource types only. Refer to the "Call
resource allocation and management" chapter in the 411-2133-525 NTP
for additional details.

The Resource Types are as follows:

- cic (circuit identification code): Reports the utilization of CIC resources

within the entire EBSC (pegs at CSRM).

- ebscSduVoiceAndOther: Reports the utilization of SDU (Selection &

Distribution Unit) resources at the non-TrFO2Enabled DSFP-V cards within
the entire EBSC (pegs at SDRM).

- ebscSduPacketDataAndOther: Reports the utilization of SDU (Selection

& Distribution Unit) resources at the DSFP-D cards within the entire EBSC
(pegs at SDRM).

- ebscCct : Reports the utilization of Media Gateway (MG) resources (that

is, vocoding or DSP resources) connected to SPMs or DTCs within the
entire EBSC (pegs at CSRM).

- ebscPkt : Reports the utilization of MG resources (that is, vocoding or

DSP resources) connected to Trunk PVGs within the entire EBSC (pegs at

- ebscTrfo: Reports the utilization of MG resources (that is, vocoding or

DSP resources) connected to TrFO capable PVGs within the entire EBSC
(pegs at CSRM).

Note that the ebscCct, ebscPkt and ebscTrfo are MG resources for Voice
services reported from the 2pVSs connected to a DTC/SPM, Trunk PVG
and TrFO PVG, respectively. These resources are reported without
consideration of CIC usage and by taking the lesser of EVRC CFDS and
CCDS licensed capacity. For CFDS and CCDS licensing information,
please refer to NTP NN20000-272.

- bscCct: Reports the SE utilization for ESEL cards that are connected
to DTCs (pegs at SBSRM).

- bscPkt: Reports the SE utilization for ESEL cards that are connected to
PVGs (pegs at SBSRM).

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Resource Utilization OM group (ID 59) 249

Note that bscCct and bscPkt are SE resources for Voice, Packet Data
and Other services reported from the BSC connected to DTC and PVG,
respectively. The SE resource on the ESEL card is the combination of
vocoding, trunk and SDU resources.

- ebscEvrcbLicense: Reports the utilization of EVRCB licenses (pegs at


- ebscSduTrfo2VoiceAndOther: Reports the EBSC SDU (Selection/Distribu

tion Unit) Voice and Other (non-voice and non-packet data, such as SMS,
Markov, LBS, Loopback and OTAPA) utilization for all TrFO2Enabled
DSFP-V cards within the entire EBSC with and without A2P connectivity
to the MG (pegs at SDRM).

- ebscSduConnectedTrfo2VoiceAndOther: Reports the EBSC SDU

(Selection/Distribution Unit) Voice and Other (non-voice and non-packet
data, such as SMS, Markov, LBS, Loopback and OTAPA) utilization
for all TrFO2Enabled DSFP-V cards within the entire EBSC with A2P
connectivity to the MG (pegs at SDRM).

- ebscEvrcLicense: Reports the utilization of EVRC licenses (pegs at


- ebscCsdLicense: Reports the utilization of CSD licenses (pegs at


Table 704
Resource Utilization OM group values
Group ID Physical Pegging Multi ID pegging Aggregate Output file
entity type types prefix
59 CNFP CSRM, MultiID ResourceType No --

MaxAvailableConfiguredCapacity OM (ID 1)
This OM indicates the maximum number of licensed resources which are
available for carrying traffic (that is, voice, packet data, SMS, OTAPA, etc.)
in the collection interval. This OM value is sampled every 1 seconds.

This OM value is not sensitive to the number of calls in the system, but
may be reduced due to equipment failure that persists for the duration
of any particular collection interval. Equipment failure refers to both the
failure of physical components (such as ESEL, 2pVS, DSFP cards, T1s,
etc.) and application and logical components (such as PCU, PCU-M, L2TP
tunnels, CICs, etc.) that directly or indirectly reduce or affect the systems
call carrying capacity.

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250 Operational measurements reference

At each 1 second interval the current available configured capacity is

used as the denominator in the computation of other Resource Utilization
percentage OMs.

When this OM has the value 0 for a particular resource, then none of the
UtilizationIndex OMs will be pegged for that resource.

Table 705
MaxAvailableConfiguredCapacity OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
1 14 -- No Word32 Ext

ResourceUtilizationIndex_1 OM (ID 2)
This OM counts the number of times that the sampled resource utilization
was greater than or equal to 0% and less than 1% in the collection interval.
If the resource capacity is 0 (that is, no resources of this type are present
in the system), this OM will not be pegged. Resource utilization is sampled
every 1 second.

Table 706
ResourceUtilizationIndex_1 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
2 14 -- No Word16 Ext

ResourceUtilizationIndex_2 OM (ID 3)
This OM counts the number of times that the sampled resource utilization
was greater than or equal to 1% and less than 5% in the collection interval.
Resource utilization is sampled every 1 second.

Table 707
ResourceUtilizationIndex_2 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
3 14 -- No Word16 Ext

ResourceUtilizationIndex_3 OM (ID 4)
This OM counts the number of times that the sampled resource utilization
was greater than or equal to 5% and less than 10% in the collection
interval. Resource utilization is sampled every 1 second.

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Operational Measurements Reference
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Resource Utilization OM group (ID 59) 251

Table 708
ResourceUtilizationIndex_3 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
4 14 -- No Word16 Ext

ResourceUtilizationIndex_4 OM (ID 5)
This OM counts the number of times that the sampled resource utilization
was greater than or equal to 10% and less than 15% in the collection
interval. Resource utilization is sampled every 1 second.

Table 709
ResourceUtilizationIndex_4 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
5 14 -- No Word16 Ext

ResourceUtilizationIndex_5 OM (ID 6)
This OM counts the number of times that the sampled resource utilization
was greater than or equal to 15% and less than 20% in the collection
interval. Resource utilization is sampled every 1 second.

Table 710
ResourceUtilizationIndex_5 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
6 14 -- No Word16 Ext

ResourceUtilizationIndex_6 OM (ID 7)
This OM counts the number of times that the sampled resource utilization
was greater than or equal to 20% and less than 25% in the collection
interval. Resource utilization is sampled every 1 second.

Table 711
ResourceUtilizationIndex_6 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
7 14 -- No Word16 Ext

ResourceUtilizationIndex_7 OM (ID 8)
This OM counts the number of times that the sampled resource utilization
was greater than or equal to 25% and less than 30% in the collection
interval. Resource utilization is sampled every 1 second.

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252 Operational measurements reference

Table 712
ResourceUtilizationIndex_7 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
8 14 -- No Word16 Ext

ResourceUtilizationIndex_8 OM (ID 9)
This OM counts the number of times that the sampled resource utilization
was greater than or equal to 30% and less than 35% in the collection
interval. Resource utilization is sampled every 1 second.

Table 713
ResourceUtilizationIndex_8 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
9 14 -- No Word16 Ext

ResourceUtilizationIndex_9 OM (ID 10)

This OM counts the number of times that the sampled resource utilization
was greater than or equal to 35% and less than 40% in the collection
interval. Resource utilization is sampled every 1 second.

Table 714
ResourceUtilizationIndex_9 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
10 14 -- No Word16 Ext

ResourceUtilizationIndex_10 OM (ID 11)

This OM counts the number of times that the sampled resource utilization
was greater than or equal to 40% and less than 45% in the collection
interval. Resource utilization is sampled every 1 second.

Table 715
ResourceUtilizationIndex_10 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
11 14 -- No Word16 Ext

ResourceUtilizationIndex_11 OM (ID 12)

This OM counts the number of times that the sampled resource utilization
was greater than or equal to 45% and less than 50% in the collection
interval. Resource utilization is sampled every 1 second.

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Resource Utilization OM group (ID 59) 253

Table 716
ResourceUtilizationIndex_11 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
12 14 -- No Word16 Ext

ResourceUtilizationIndex_12 OM (ID 13)

This OM counts the number of times that the sampled resource utilization
was greater than or equal to 50% and less than 55% in the collection
interval. Resource utilization is sampled every 1 second.

Table 717
ResourceUtilizationIndex_12 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
13 14 -- No Word16 Ext

ResourceUtilizationIndex_13 OM (ID 14)

This OM counts the number of times that the sampled resource utilization
was greater than or equal to 55% and less than 60% in the collection
interval. Resource utilization is sampled every 1 second.

Table 718
ResourceUtilizationIndex_13 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
14 14 -- No Word16 Ext

ResourceUtilizationIndex_14 OM (ID 15)

This OM counts the number of times that the sampled resource utilization
was greater than or equal to 60% and less than 65% in the collection
interval. Resource utilization is sampled every 1 second.

Table 719
ResourceUtilizationIndex_14 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
15 14 -- No Word16 Ext

ResourceUtilizationIndex_15 OM (ID 16)

This OM counts the number of times that the sampled resource utilization
was greater than or equal to 65% and less than 70% in the collection
interval. Resource utilization is sampled every 1 second.

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254 Operational measurements reference

Table 720
ResourceUtilizationIndex_15 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
16 14 -- No Word16 Ext

ResourceUtilizationIndex_16 OM (ID 17)

This OM counts the number of times that the sampled resource utilization
was greater than or equal to 70% and less than 75% in the collection
interval. Resource utilization is sampled every 1 second.

Table 721
ResourceUtilizationIndex_16 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
17 14 -- No Word16 Ext

ResourceUtilizationIndex_17 OM (ID 18)

This OM counts the number of times that the sampled resource utilization
was greater than or equal to 75% and less than 80% in the collection
interval. Resource utilization is sampled every 1 second.

Table 722
ResourceUtilizationIndex_17 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
18 14 -- No Word16 Ext

ResourceUtilizationIndex_18 OM (ID 19)

This OM counts the number of times that the sampled resource utilization
was greater than or equal to 80% and less than 85% in the collection
interval. Resource utilization is sampled every 1 second.

Table 723
ResourceUtilizationIndex_18 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
19 14 -- No Word16 Ext

ResourceUtilizationIndex_19 OM (ID 20)

This OM counts the number of times that the sampled resource utilization
was greater than or equal to 85% and less than 90% in the collection
interval. Resource utilization is sampled every 1 second.

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Resource Utilization OM group (ID 59) 255

Table 724
ResourceUtilizationIndex_19 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
20 14 -- No Word16 Ext

ResourceUtilizationIndex_20 OM (ID 21)

This OM counts the number of times that the sampled resource utilization
was greater than or equal to 90% and less than 91% in the collection
interval. Resource utilization is sampled every 1 second.

Table 725
ResourceUtilizationIndex_20 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
21 14 -- No Word16 Ext

ResourceUtilizationIndex_21 OM (ID 22)

This OM counts the number of times that the sampled resource utilization
was greater than or equal to 91% and less than 92% in the collection
interval. Resource utilization is sampled every 1 second.

Table 726
ResourceUtilizationIndex_21 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
22 14 -- No Word16 Ext

ResourceUtilizationIndex_22 OM (ID 23)

This OM counts the number of times that the sampled resource utilization
was greater than or equal to 92% and less than 93% in the collection
interval. Resource utilization is sampled every 1 second.

Table 727
ResourceUtilizationIndex_22 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
23 14 -- No Word16 Ext

ResourceUtilizationIndex_23 OM (ID 24)

This OM counts the number of times that the sampled resource utilization
was greater than or equal to 93% and less than 94% in the collection
interval. Resource utilization is sampled every 1 second.

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256 Operational measurements reference

Table 728
ResourceUtilizationIndex_23 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
24 14 -- No Word16 Ext

ResourceUtilizationIndex_24 OM (ID 25)

This OM counts the number of times that the sampled resource utilization
was greater than or equal to 94% and less than 95% in the collection
interval. Resource utilization is sampled every 1 second.

Table 729
ResourceUtilizationIndex_24 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
25 14 -- No Word16 Ext

ResourceUtilizationIndex_25 OM (ID 26)

This OM counts the number of times that the sampled resource utilization
was greater than or equal to 95% and less than 96% in the collection
interval. Resource utilization is sampled every 1 second.

Table 730
ResourceUtilizationIndex_25 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
26 14 -- No Word16 Ext

ResourceUtilizationIndex_26 OM (ID 27)

This OM counts the number of times that the sampled resource utilization
was greater than or equal to 96% and less than 97% in the collection
interval. Resource utilization is sampled every 1 second.

Table 731
ResourceUtilizationIndex_26 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
27 14 -- No Word16 Ext

ResourceUtilizationIndex_27 OM (ID 28)

This OM counts the number of times that the sampled resource utilization
was greater than or equal to 97% and less than 98% in the collection
interval. Resource utilization is sampled every 1 second.

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Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks

EBSC Voice Resource Request Processing OM group (ID 61) 257

Table 732
ResourceUtilizationIndex_27 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
28 14 -- No Word16 Ext

ResourceUtilizationIndex_28 OM (ID 29)

This OM counts the number of times that the sampled resource utilization
was greater than or equal to 98% and less than 99% in the collection
interval. Resource utilization is sampled every 1 second.

Table 733
ResourceUtilizationIndex_28 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
29 14 -- No Word16 Ext

ResourceUtilizationIndex_29 OM (ID 30)

This OM counts the number of times that the sampled resource utilization
was greater than or equal to 99% and less than 100% in the collection
interval. Resource utilization is sampled every 1 second.

Table 734
ResourceUtilizationIndex_29 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
30 14 -- No Word16 Ext

ResourceUtilizationIndex_30 OM (ID 31)

This OM counts the number of times that the sampled resource utilization
was equal to 100% in the collection interval. Resource utilization is
sampled every 1 second.

Table 735
ResourceUtilizationIndex_30 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
31 14 -- No Word16 Ext

EBSC Voice Resource Request Processing OM group (ID 61)

This OM group consists of OMs that are pegged at the CSRM (Circuit
Switched Resource Manager) and provides an indication of the total
resource allocation request traffic received by the CSRM.

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258 Operational measurements reference

Table 736
EBSC Voice Resource Request Processing OM group values
Group ID Physical Pegging Multi ID pegging Aggregate Output file
entity type types prefix
61 CNFP CSRM Node -- No --

EBSC_VoiceAllocationRequestReceived OM (ID 1)
This OM is pegged when the CSRM receives a resource allocation request
message from the NRM.

Table 737
EBSC_VoiceAllocationRequestReceived OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
1 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

EBSC_VoiceAllocationRequestAccepted OM (ID 2)
This OM is pegged when the CSRM accepts the resource allocation
request message from the NRM and continues to process that request.

Note that CSRM may discard or deny the NRMs resource allocation
request and hence not accept all incoming requests.

Table 738
EBSC_VoiceAllocationRequestAccepted OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
2 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

EBSC_VoiceAllocationRequestDenied OM (ID 3)
This OM is pegged when the CSRM denies the incoming resource
allocation request from the NRM. Possible reasons for request denial are:
the request message cannot be decoded, invalid SO, or the CSRM is
administratively locked.

Table 739
EBSC_VoiceAllocationRequestDenied OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
3 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

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DHO Platform Selection Overload OM group (ID 63) 259

EBSC_VoiceAllocationRequestDiscardedDueToOverload OM (ID 4)
This OM is pegged when the CSRM discards or drops the resource
allocation request message from the NRM due to a CSRM CPU overload

Table 740
EBSC_VoiceAllocationRequestDiscardedDueToOverload OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
4 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

NRM Message Request Processing OM group (ID 62)

This OM Group provides an indication of messages discarded by the NRM.

Table 741
NRM Message Request Processing OM group values
Group ID Physical Pegging Multi ID pegging Aggregate Output file
entity type types prefix
62 CNFP NRM Node -- No --

ACN_NOIS_MsgDiscardedDueToOverload OM (ID 1)
This OM is pegged whenever the NRM discards every NOIS message
(regardless of message type) received over the ACN due to CPU overload
condition. Other entities are not informed about the NRM discards and
they time out.

Table 742
ACN_NOIS_MsgDiscardedDueToOverload OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
1 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

DHO Platform Selection Overload OM group (ID 63)

This OM Group consists of OMs to measure the effects of SBSPCUM CPU
Overload on Resource Allocation at the NRM (such as, failures or change
in platform selection) for Dormant Handoff Packet data requests.

The Primary and Secondary platform choices are configured in the NRM
preference table.

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260 Operational measurements reference

Table 743
DHO Platform Selection Overload OM group values
Group ID Physical Pegging Multi ID pegging Aggregate Output file
entity type types prefix
63 CNFP NRM Node -- No --

DHO_PlatformSelectionFailuresDueToTQ_Exceeded OM (ID 1)
This OM pegs when the dormant handoff request fails because the
Transaction Queue (TQ) associated with both platforms (EBSC and BSC)
exceeds internal thresholds. Failures can also happen when exceeding the
TQ has eliminated any one platform and the remaining platform selection
fails due to any error condition (such as SBSPCUM unavailability).

The DHO Call Resource Setup:AllocationRequestFailures OM is also

pegged in this case.

Table 744
DHO_PlatformSelectionFailuresDueToTQ_Exceeded OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
1 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

DHO_PlatformPreferenceChange OM (ID 2)
This OM pegs when the Primary and Secondary platforms are exchanged
compared to the Platform table configuration. This exchange can
occur because the Transaction Queue exceeds the internal thresholds
associated with primary platform and/or the SBSPCUM is in overload
where the BSC is the primary platform.

Table 745
DHO_PlatformPreferenceChange OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
2 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

DHO_SecondaryPlatformDroppedDueToTQ_Exceeded OM (ID 3)
This OM pegs when NRM drops the Secondary Platform choice from
consideration. This can happen because the Transaction Queue size
associated with the secondary platform exceeds internal thresholds.

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DTA Platform Selection Overload OM group (ID 64) 261

Table 746
DHO_SecondaryPlatformDroppedDueToTQ_Exceeded OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
3 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

DTA Platform Selection Overload OM group (ID 64)

This OM Group consists of OMs to measure the effects of SBSRM and
SDRM CPU Overload on resource allocation at the NRM (such as, failures
or change in platform selection) for Dormant to Active Packet data calls.

For Dormant to Active packet data requests, the CAU indicates the
platform in the resource allocation request where the dormant session
exists. This platform is considered as the Primary platform and the
remaining platform is considered the Secondary platform.

Table 747
DTA Platform Selection Overload OM group values
Group ID Physical Pegging Multi ID pegging Aggregate Output file
entity type types prefix
64 CNFP NRM Node -- No --

DTA_PlatformSelectionFailuresDueToTQ_Exceeded OM (ID 1)
This OM pegs when Resource Allocation fails because the Transaction
Queue (TQ) associated with both platforms (EBSC and BSC) exceeds
internal thresholds. Failures can also happen when exceeding the TQ
threshold has eliminated any one platform and the remaining platform has
no resources.

The DTA Call Resource Setup:DTA_AllocationRequestsFailures OM will

also peg.

Table 748
DTA_PlatformSelectionFailuresDueToTQ_Exceeded OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
1 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

DTA_PlatformPreferenceChange OM (ID 2)
This OM pegs when the Primary and Secondary platforms are exchanged
compared to the platform requested by the CAU. This exchange can occur
because the Transaction Queue exceeds the internal thresholds for the
primary platform.

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262 Operational measurements reference

Table 749
DTA_PlatformPreferenceChange OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
2 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

DTA_SecondaryPlatformDroppedDueToTQ_Exceeded OM (ID 3)
This OM pegs when the NRM drops the Secondary Platform choice from
consideration. This can happen because the Transaction Queue size
associated with the secondary platform exceeds internal thresholds.

Table 750
DTA_SecondaryPlatformDroppedDueToTQ_Exceeded OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
3 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

Platform Selection Overload OM group (ID 65)

This OM Group consists of OMs to measure the effects of CSRM and
SBSRM CPU Overload on resource allocation at the NRM (such as,
failures or change in platform selection) for Voice, Null to Active Packet
Data and other service type calls.

The Primary and Secondary platform choices are configured in the NRM
preference table.

Table 751
Platform Selection Overload OM group values
Group ID Physical Pegging Multi ID pegging Aggregate Output file
entity type types prefix
65 CNFP NRM Node -- No --

PlatformSelectionFailuresDueToTQ_Exceeded OM (ID 1)
This OM pegs when Resource Allocation fails because the Transaction
Queue (TQ) associated with all applicable platforms (EBSC and/or BSC)
exceeds internal thresholds. Failure can also happen when exceeding the
TQ has eliminated any one platform and the remaining platform has no

The Call Resource Setup:AllocationRequestFailures OM will also peg.

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Short Data Burst OM group (ID 66) 263

Table 752
PlatformSelectionFailuresDueToTQ_Exceeded OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
1 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

PlatformPreferenceChange OM (ID 2)
This OM pegs when the Primary and Secondary platforms are exchanged
compared to the Platform table configuration for services that are
supported on both platforms. This exchange can occur because the
Transaction Queue exceeds the internal thresholds associated with the
primary platform and/or the SBSRM or CSRM is in overload.

Table 753
PlatformPreferenceChange OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
2 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

SecondaryPlatformDroppedDueToTQ_Exceeded OM (ID 3)
This OM pegs when the NRM drops the Secondary Platform choice from
consideration for services supported on both platforms. This can happen
when the Transaction Queue size associated with the secondary platform
exceeds internal thresholds.

Table 754
SecondaryPlatformDroppedDueToTQ_Exceeded OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
3 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

Short Data Burst OM group (ID 66)

This OM group consists of OMs that count the total number of R-SDBs
(Reverse Short Data Bursts) received at the PCU (PCUFP in the eBSC)
from the PCU-M, the total number of R-SDBs forwarded to the PDSN and
the total number of R-SDBs dropped at the PCU (PCUFP in the eBSC).

This OM group is defined in the PCU for the eBSC only.

Note that the EACH_RSDB_Histogram and RFCH_RSDB_Histogram OMs

peg for the entire size (in bytes) of the CHARi fields of the Mobile-initiated
R-SDB which contains the SDB header and the data block. These
histogram OMs peg for the Mobile-initiated R-SDBs that were received by
the CPDS PCU (from the PCU-M).

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264 Operational measurements reference

Table 755
Short Data Burst OM group values
Group ID Physical Pegging Multi ID pegging Aggregate Output file
entity type types prefix
66 PCUFP PCU Node -- No --

EACH_RSDB_Histogram_1 OM (ID 1)
This OM is pegged when an R-SDB of size 1 to 25 bytes is received by the
PCU (PCUFP). The R-SDB was sent by the mobile on the R-EACH.

Table 756
EACH_RSDB_Histogram_1 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
1 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

EACH_RSDB_Histogram_2 OM (ID 2)
This OM is pegged when an R-SDB of size 26 to 50 bytes is received by
the PCU (PCUFP). The R-SDB was sent by the mobile on the R-EACH.

Table 757
EACH_RSDB_Histogram_2 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
2 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

EACH_RSDB_Histogram_3 OM (ID 3)
This OM is pegged when an R-SDB of size 51 to 75 bytes is received by
the PCU (PCUFP). The R-SDB was sent by the mobile on the R-EACH.

Table 758
EACH_RSDB_Histogram_3 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
3 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

EACH_RSDB_Histogram_4 OM (ID 4)
This OM is pegged when an R-SDB of size 76 to 100 bytes is received by
the PCU (PCUFP). The R-SDB was sent by the mobile on the R-EACH.

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Short Data Burst OM group (ID 66) 265

Table 759
EACH_RSDB_Histogram_4 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
4 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

EACH_RSDB_Histogram_5 OM (ID 5)
This OM is pegged when an R-SDB of size 101 to 125 bytes is received by
the PCU (PCUFP). The R-SDB was sent by the mobile on the R-EACH.

Table 760
EACH_RSDB_Histogram_5 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
5 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

EACH_RSDB_Histogram_6 OM (ID 6)
This OM is pegged when an R-SDB of size 126 to 150 bytes is received by
the PCU (PCUFP). The R-SDB was sent by the mobile on the R-EACH.

Table 761
EACH_RSDB_Histogram_6 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
6 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

EACH_RSDB_Histogram_7 OM (ID 7)
This OM is pegged when an R-SDB of size 151 to 175 bytes is received by
the PCU (PCUFP). The R-SDB was sent by the mobile on the R-EACH.

Table 762
EACH_RSDB_Histogram_7 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
7 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

EACH_RSDB_Histogram_8 OM (ID 8)
This OM is pegged when an R-SDB of size 176 to 200 bytes is received by
the PCU (PCUFP). The R-SDB was sent by the mobile on the R-EACH.

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266 Operational measurements reference

Table 763
EACH_RSDB_Histogram_8 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
8 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

EACH_RSDB_Histogram_9 OM (ID 9)
This OM is pegged when an R-SDB of size 201 to 225 bytes is received by
the PCU (PCUFP). The R-SDB was sent by the mobile on the R-EACH.

Table 764
EACH_RSDB_Histogram_9 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
9 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

EACH_RSDB_Histogram_10 OM (ID 10)

This OM is pegged when an R-SDB of size 226 to 255 bytes is received by
the PCU (PCUFP). The R-SDB was sent by the mobile on the R-EACH.

Table 765
EACH_RSDB_Histogram_10 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
10 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

RFCH_RSDB_Histogram_1 OM (ID 11)

This OM is pegged when an R-SDB of size 1 to 25 bytes is received by the
PCU (PCUFP). The R-SDB was sent by the mobile on the R-FCH.

Table 766
RFCH_RSDB_Histogram_1 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
11 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

RFCH_RSDB_Histogram_2 OM (ID 12)

This OM is pegged when an R-SDB of size 26 to 50 bytes is received by
the PCU (PCUFP). The R-SDB was sent by the mobile on the R-FCH.

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Short Data Burst OM group (ID 66) 267

Table 767
RFCH_RSDB_Histogram_2 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
12 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

RFCH_RSDB_Histogram_3 OM (ID 13)

This OM is pegged when an R-SDB of size 51 to 75 bytes is received by
the PCU (PCUFP). The R-SDB was sent by the mobile on the R-FCH.

Table 768
RFCH_RSDB_Histogram_3 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
13 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

RFCH_RSDB_Histogram_4 OM (ID 14)

This OM is pegged when an R-SDB of size 76 to 100 bytes is received by
the PCU (PCUFP). The R-SDB was sent by the mobile on the R-FCH.

Table 769
RFCH_RSDB_Histogram_4 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
14 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

RFCH_RSDB_Histogram_5 OM (ID 15)

This OM is pegged when an R-SDB of size 101 to 125 bytes is received by
the PCU (PCUFP). The R-SDB was sent by the mobile on the R-FCH.

Table 770
RFCH_RSDB_Histogram_5 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
15 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

RFCH_RSDB_Histogram_6 OM (ID 16)

This OM is pegged when an R-SDB of size 126 to 150 bytes is received by
the PCU (PCUFP). The R-SDB was sent by the mobile on the R-FCH.

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268 Operational measurements reference

Table 771
RFCH_RSDB_Histogram_6 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
16 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

RFCH_RSDB_Histogram_7 OM (ID 17)

This OM is pegged when an R-SDB of size 151 to 175 bytes is received by
the PCU (PCUFP). The R-SDB was sent by the mobile on the R-FCH.

Table 772
RFCH_RSDB_Histogram_7 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
17 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

RFCH_RSDB_Histogram_8 OM (ID 18)

This OM is pegged when an R-SDB of size 176 to 200 bytes is received by
the PCU (PCUFP). The R-SDB was sent by the mobile on the R-FCH.

Table 773
RFCH_RSDB_Histogram_8 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
18 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

RFCH_RSDB_Histogram_9 OM (ID 19)

This OM is pegged when an R-SDB of size 201 to 225 bytes is received by
the PCU (PCUFP). The R-SDB was sent by the mobile on the R-FCH.

Table 774
RFCH_RSDB_Histogram_9 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
19 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

RFCH_RSDB_Histogram_10 OM (ID 20)

This OM is pegged when an R-SDB of size 226 to 246 bytes is received by
the PCU (PCUFP). The R-SDB was sent by the mobile on the R-FCH.

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PLCM Performance OM group (ID 68) 269

Table 775
RFCH_RSDB_Histogram_10 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
20 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

TotalRSDB_Forwarded OM (ID 21)

This OM is pegged when an R-SDB is sent by the PCU (PCUFP) to the

Table 776
TotalRSDB_Forwarded OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
21 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

TotalRSDB_Dropped OM (ID 22)

This OM is pegged when an R-SDB is not sent by the PCU (PCUFP) to
the PDSN.

Table 777
TotalRSDB_Dropped OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
22 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

PLCM Performance OM group (ID 68)

This OM group consists of OMs that indicate the success rate at the ESEL
and ACP for MEID capable mobiles. They count call setup successes,
failures and call drops on a per PLCM basis.

Table 778
PLCM Performance OM group values
Group ID Physical Pegging Multi ID pegging Aggregate Output file
entity type types prefix
68 ESEL, DS Node -- No --

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PLCM_CallSetupAttemptsPseudoESN OM (ID 1)
This OM is pegged when the BSC sends a radio link resource indication
message to the CAU (radio link setup response in the case of Hard
Handoff) indicating that a pESN based PLCM will be used during call
setup. This means that the MEID mobile should use a pESN based PLCM
on the traffic channel.

Table 779
PLCM_CallSetupAttemptsPseudoESN OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
1 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

PLCM_CallSetupAttemptsBS_Assigned OM (ID 2)
This OM is pegged when the BSC sends a radio link resource indication
message to the CAU (radio link setup response in the case of Hard
Handoff) indicating that a BTS assigned PLCM will be used during call
setup. This means that the MEID mobile should use a BTS assigned
PLCM on the traffic channel.

Table 780
PLCM_CallSetupAttemptsBS_Assigned OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
2 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

PLCM_CallSetupAttemptsMEID OM (ID 3)
This OM is pegged when the BSC sends a radio link resource indication
message to the CAU (radio link setup response in the case of Hard
Handoff) indicating that a MEID based PLCM will be used during call
setup. This means that the MEID mobile should use a MEID based PLCM
on the traffic channel.

Table 781
PLCM_CallSetupAttemptsMEID OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
3 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

PLCM_CallSetupSuccessesPseudoESN OM (ID 4)
This OM is pegged when the BSC sends a service connect response
message to the CAU indicating that a MEID mobile successfully set up
the call on a pESN based PLCM.

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PLCM Performance OM group (ID 68) 271

The CAUOSUCC, CAUTSUCC, or CAUHSUCC OM is pegged along with

this OM.

Table 782
PLCM_CallSetupSuccessesPseudoESN OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
4 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

PLCM_CallSetupSuccessesBS_Assigned OM (ID 5)
This OM is pegged when the BSC sends a service connect response
message to the CAU indicating that a MEID mobile successfully set up
the call on a BTS assigned PLCM.

The CAUOSUCC, CAUTSUCC, or CAUHSUCC OM is pegged along with

this OM.

Table 783
PLCM_CallSetupSuccessesBS_Assigned OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
5 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

PLCM_CallSetupSuccessesMEID OM (ID 6)
This OM is pegged when the BSC sends a service connect response
message to the CAU indicating that a MEID mobile successfully set up the
call on a MEID based PLCM.

The CAUOSUCC, CAUTSUCC, or CAUHSUCC OM is pegged along with

this OM.

Table 784
PLCM_CallSetupSuccessesMEID OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
6 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

PLCM_CallSetupFailuresPseudoESN OM (ID 7)
This OM is pegged when a call setup fails due to RF related reasons and a
response from a request made to the BTS to check for a pESN PLCM type
collision, indicates there is a possible collision. Collision means that the
pESN PLCM used for call setup is already in use by a different mobile.

The CAUERLFL or CAUHRLFL OM is pegged along with this OM.

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272 Operational measurements reference

Table 785
PLCM_CallSetupFailuresPseudoESN OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
7 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

PLCM_CallSetupFailuresBS_Assigned OM (ID 8)
This OM is pegged when a call setup fails due to RF related reasons and
a response from a request made to the BTS to check for a BTS assigned
PLCM type collision, indicates there is a possible collision. Collision means
that the BTS assigned PLCM used for call setup is already in use by a
different mobile.

The CAUERLFL or CAUHRLFL OM is pegged along with this OM.

Table 786
PLCM_CallSetupFailuresBS_Assigned OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
8 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

PLCM_CallSetupFailuresMEID OM (ID 9)
This OM is pegged when a call setup fails due to RF related reasons and a
response from a request made to the BTS to check for a MEID PLCM type
collision, indicates there is a possible collision. Collision means that the
MEID PLCM used for call setup is already in use by a different mobile.

The CAUERLFL or CAUHRLFL OM is pegged along with this OM.

Table 787
PLCM_CallSetupFailuresMEID OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
9 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

PLCM_CallDropsPseudoESN OM (ID 10)

This OM is pegged after successful call setup when the call fails due to RF
related reasons and a response from a request made to the BTS to check
for a pESN PLCM type collision, indicates there is a possible collision.
Collision means that the pESN PLCM used during the call is already in use
by a different mobile.

The CAUDROPR OM is pegged along with this OM.

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Packet Session Signaling Overload OM group (ID 69) 273

Table 788
PLCM_CallDropsPseudoESN OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
10 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

PLCM_CallDropsBS_Assigned OM (ID 11)

This OM is pegged after successful call setup when the call fails due to RF
related reasons and a response from a request made to the BTS to check
for a BTS Assigned PLCM type collision, indicates there is a possible
collision. Collision means that the BTS Assigned PLCM used during the
call is already in use by a different mobile.

The CAUDROPR OM is pegged along with this OM.

Table 789
PLCM_CallDropsBS_Assigned OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
11 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

PLCM_CallDropsMEID OM (ID 12)

This OM is pegged after successful call setup when the call fails due to RF
related reasons and a response from a request made to the BTS to check
for a MEID PLCM type collision, indicates there is a possible collision.
Collision means that the MEID PLCM used during the call is already in use
by a different mobile.

The CAUDROPR OM is pegged along with this OM.

Table 790
PLCM_CallDropsMEID OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
12 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

Packet Session Signaling Overload OM group (ID 69)

These OMs are pegged on the BSC and EBSC to measure:

1. The performance of Dynamic Call Admission Control Algorithm running

in the PCU when the Dynamic Network Initiated Dormant-to-Active
Throttling feature is enabled.

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274 Operational measurements reference

2. To record the failure reason codes returned by the CAU during the
NIDTA transition.

Table 791
Packet Session Signaling Overload OM group values
Group ID Physical Pegging Multi ID pegging Aggregate Output file
entity type types prefix
69 ESCI, PCUFP Node -- No --

NIDTA_Arrivals OM (ID 1)
This OM is pegged on every NIDTA request arrival at the PCU.

Table 792
NIDTA_Arrivals OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
1 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

NIDTA_ArrivalRateMinorThreshold OM (ID 2)
This OM is pegged when the NIDTA transitions arrival rate exceeds the
predefined minor threshold level at the PCU.

Table 793
NIDTA_ArrivalRateMinorThreshold OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
2 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

NIDTA_ArrivalRateMajorThreshold OM (ID 3)
This OM is pegged when the NIDTA transitions arrival rate exceeds the
predefined major threshold level at the PCU.

Table 794
NIDTA_ArrivalRateMajorThreshold OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
3 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

NIDTA_ArrivalRateCriticalThreshold OM (ID 4)
This OM is pegged when the NIDTA transitions arrival rate exceeds the
predefined critical threshold level at the PCU.

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17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks

Packet Session Signaling Overload OM group (ID 69) 275

Table 795
NIDTA_ArrivalRateCriticalThreshold OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
4 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

NIDTA_MaxArrivalRate OM (ID 5)
This OM records the highest value of the NIDTA arrival rate for the OM
period at the PCU.

Table 796
NIDTA_MaxArrivalRate OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
5 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

NIDTA_Discarded OM (ID 6)
This OM is pegged when the NIDTA transition is discarded at the PCU.

Table 797
NIDTA_Discarded OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
6 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

NIDTA_DiscardRateMinorThreshold OM (ID 7)
This OM is pegged when the NIDTA transition discard rate exceeds the
predefined minor threshold level at the PCU.

Table 798
NIDTA_DiscardRateMinorThreshold OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
7 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

NIDTA_DiscardRateMajorThreshold OM (ID 8)
This OM is pegged when the NIDTA transition discard rate exceeds the
predefined major threshold level at the PCU.

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276 Operational measurements reference

Table 799
NIDTA_DiscardRateMajorThreshold OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
8 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

NIDTA_DiscardRateCriticalThreshold OM (ID 9)
This OM is pegged when the NIDTA transition discard rate exceeds the
predefined critical threshold level at the PCU.

Table 800
NIDTA_DiscardRateCriticalThreshold OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
9 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

NIDTA_MaxDiscardRate OM (ID 10)

This OM records the highest value of the NIDTA transition discard rate for
the OM period at the PCU.

Table 801
NIDTA_MaxDiscardRate OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
10 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

NIDTA_DiscardedDueToResponsePendingQueue OM (ID 11)

This OM is pegged when a NIDTA request is discarded due to the NIDTA
request response pending queue length exceeding a predefined threshold
at the PCU.

Table 802
NIDTA_DiscardedDueToResponsePendingQueue OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
11 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

NIDTA_DiscardedDueToRMU_Overload OM (ID 12)

The OM is pegged when a NIDTA request is discarded at the PCU
because the number of NIDTA failures due to RMU overload exceeds the
predefined threshold.

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Packet Session Signaling Overload OM group (ID 69) 277

Table 803
NIDTA_DiscardedDueToRMU_Overload OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
12 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

NIDTA_DiscardedDueToTransportError OM (ID 13)

The OM is pegged when a NIDTA request is discarded at the PCU
because the number of NIDTA failures due to AWS failure exceeds the
predefined threshold.

Table 804
NIDTA_DiscardedDueToTransportError OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
13 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

NIDTA_DiscardedDueToCAU_Failure OM (ID 14)

The OM is pegged when a NIDTA request is discarded at the PCU
because the number of NIDTA failures due to CAU failure exceeds the
predefined threshold.

Table 805
NIDTA_DiscardedDueToCAU_Failure OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
14 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

NIDTA_DiscardedDueAckTimeout OM (ID 15)

The OM is pegged when a NIDTA request is discarded at the PCU
because the number of NIDTA failures due to ACK timeout exceeds the
predefined threshold.

Table 806
NIDTA_DiscardedDueAckTimeout OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
15 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

NIDTA_AttemptsForwardedToMTX OM (ID 16)

This OM is pegged when a NIDTA request is forwarded to the MTX by the

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Table 807
NIDTA_AttemptsForwardedToMTX OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
16 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

NIDTA_FailurePagingTimeout OM (ID 17)

The OM is pegged when the PCU receives a failure response with a Page
Timeout reason code for a NIDTA request.

Table 808
NIDTA_FailurePagingTimeout OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
17 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

NIDTA_FailureRMU_NoResource OM (ID 18)

The OM is pegged when the PCU receives a failure response with a
RMUNo Resource reason code for a NIDTA request.

Table 809
NIDTA_FailureRMU_NoResource OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
18 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

NIDTA_FailureCAU_Internal OM (ID 19)

The OM is pegged when the PCU receives a failure response with a CAU
Internal Failure reason code for a NIDTA request.

Table 810
NIDTA_FailureCAU_Internal OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
19 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

NIDTA_FailureCM_Internal OM (ID 20)

The OM is pegged when the PCU receives a failure response with a CM
Internal Failure reason code for a NIDTA request.

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Packet Session Signaling Overload OM group (ID 69) 279

Table 811
NIDTA_FailureCM_Internal OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
20 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

NIDTA_FailureRMU_Overload OM (ID 21)

The OM is pegged when the PCU receives a failure response with a
RMUOverload or RMUInternal reason code for a NIDTA request.

Table 812
NIDTA_FailureRMU_Overload OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
21 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

NIDTA_AckTimeout OM (ID 22)

The OM is pegged when the PCU does not receive an acknowledgement
for a NIDTA request.

Table 813
NIDTA_AckTimeout OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
22 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

NIDTA_Timeout OM (ID 23)

The OM is pegged when the PCU times out on receiving the trigger to
transition from dormant to active state after the PCU has received an
acknowledgement from the CAU for the NIDTA request.

Table 814
NIDTA_Timeout OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
23 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

NIDTA_OtherFailures OM (ID 24)

This OM is pegged when the PCU receives a failure response for a NIDTA
request with one of the following failure cause codes: Unknown Failure,
Mobile Power Down, Active Voice, Mobile Trouble, Mobile Inactive, Cell
Site Trouble, No VLR, Mobile In AMPS, Active Data, or Page Response In

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280 Operational measurements reference

Table 815
NIDTA_OtherFailures OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
24 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

NIDTA_MaxFailureRMU_Overload OM (ID 25)

This OM captures the high water mark for the number of NIDTA failures
due to RMU overload or RMU internal failure occurring per queue
monitoring period.

Table 816
NIDTA_MaxFailureRMU_Overload OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
25 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

NIDTA_MaxFailureCAU_Internal OM (ID 26)

This OM captures the highwater mark for the number of NIDTA failures
due to CAU internal failure occurring per queue monitoring period.

Table 817
NIDTA_MaxFailureCAU_Internal OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
26 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

NIDTA_MaxTransportError OM (ID 27)

This OM captures the highwater mark for the number of NIDTA failures
due to transport error occurring per queue monitoring period.

Table 818
NIDTA_MaxTransportError OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
27 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

NIDTA_MaxAckTimeout OM (ID 28)

This OM captures the highwater mark for the number of NIDTA failures
when the PCU does not receive acknowledgement for a NIDTA request
occurring per queue monitoring period.

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SCH Handoff Radio Link Setup OM group (ID 70) 281

Table 819
NIDTA_MaxAckTimeout OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
28 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

SCH Handoff Radio Link Setup OM group (ID 70)

This OM group captures the supplemental channel (SCH) link setup
attempts, blocks, successes, and radio link access failures in the forward
and reverse directions on the handoff link only. Any link setup after the
primary/initial link is considered a soft handoff link.

Table 820
SCH Handoff Radio Link Setup OM group values
Group ID Physical Pegging Multi ID pegging Aggregate Output file
entity type types prefix
70 ESEL, DSFP- MultiID EBID Yes --

SHO_FSCHLinkSetupAttempt OM (ID 1)
This OM provides the number of forward supplemental channel (FSCH)
setup attempts for all data rates combined.

Table 821
SHO_FSCHLinkSetupAttempt OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
1 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

SHO_FSCHLinkSetupBlock OM (ID 2)
This OM provides the number of FSCH setup attempts that are blocked
due to a lack of resources (failure reason OMs are given below - see
sequence numbers 5 to 9, and 50 to 53) or failed communications between
the BSC and the BTS. This OM is pegged for all data rates combined.

Table 822
SHO_FSCHLinkSetupBlock OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
2 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

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282 Operational measurements reference

SHO_FSCHLinkSetupSuccess OM (ID 3)
This OM provides the number of FSCH setup successes for all data rates

Table 823
SHO_FSCHLinkSetupSuccess OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
3 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

SHO_FSCHRadioLinkAccessFailure OM (ID 4)
This OM is pegged when the resources for the FSCH are set up
successfully but the mobile does not arrive on the FSCH. It is pegged
against each handoff link in the SCH active set for all data rates combined.

Table 824
SHO_FSCHRadioLinkAccessFailure OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
4 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

SHO_FSCHNoFwdPower OM (ID 5)
This OM is pegged if the FSCHBlock reason indicates a lack of available
forward power.

Table 825
SHO_FSCHNoFwdPower OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
5 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

SHO_FSCHNoWalshCode OM (ID 6)
This OM is pegged if the FSCHBlock reason indicates a lack of available
Walsh codes.

Table 826
SHO_FSCHNoWalshCode OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
6 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

This OM is pegged if the FSCHBlock reason indicates there are no
available channel elements.

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SCH Handoff Radio Link Setup OM group (ID 70) 283

Table 827
SHO_FSCHNoPhysRes OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
7 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

SHO_FSCHNoFrameOffset OM (ID 8)
This OM is pegged if the FSCHBlock reason indicates there is no available
frame offset.

Note that this OM never pegs since the Qualcomm ASIC has such a high
processing capacity in the forward direction that its capacity can not be
exceeded with current usage.

Table 828
SHO_FSCHNoFrameOffset OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
8 14 15 Yes Word16 Ext

SHO_FSCHTimeout OM (ID 9)
This OM is pegged if a response to the BTS Resource Request is never
received due to failed communications with the BTS.

Table 829
SHO_FSCHTimeout OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
9 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

SHO_RSCHLinkSetupAttempt OM (ID 10)

This OM provides the number of reverse supplemental channel (RSCH)
setup attempts for all data rates combined.

Table 830
SHO_RSCHLinkSetupAttempt OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
10 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

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284 Operational measurements reference

SHO_RSCHLinkSetupBlock OM (ID 11)

This OM provides the number of RSCH setup attempts that are blocked for
a lack of resources (failure reason OMs are given below - see sequence
numbers 14 to 17, and 54) or failed communications between the BSC and
the BTS. This OM is pegged for all data rates combined.

Table 831
SHO_RSCHLinkSetupBlock OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
11 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

SHO_RSCHLinkSetupSuccess OM (ID 12)

This OM provides the number of RSCH setup successes for all data rates

Table 832
SHO_RSCHLinkSetupSuccess OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
12 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

SHO_RSCHRadioLinkAccessFailure OM (ID 13)

This OM is pegged in the event the resources for the RSCH are set up
successfully but the mobile does not arrive on the RSCH. It is pegged
against each handoff link in the SCH active set for all data rates combined.

Table 833
SHO_RSCHRadioLinkAccessFailure OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
13 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

SHO_RSCH_CFDS_HighSpeed OM (ID 14)

This OM is pegged if the RSCHBlock reason indicates high speed RSCH
has not been enabled through CFDS.

Table 834
SHO_RSCH_CFDS_HighSpeed OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
14 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

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SCH Handoff Radio Link Setup OM group (ID 70) 285

SHO_RSCHNoPhysRes OM (ID 15)

This OM is pegged if the RSCH Block reason indicates there are no
available channel elements.

Table 835
SHO_RSCHNoPhysRes OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
15 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

SHO_RSCHNoFrameOffset OM (ID 16)

This OM is pegged if the RSCH Block reason indicates there is no
available frame offset.

Table 836
SHO_RSCHNoFrameOffset OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
16 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

SHO_RSCHTimeout OM (ID 17)

This OM is pegged if a response to the BTS Resource Request is never
received due to failed communications with the BTS.

Table 837
SHO_RSCHTimeout OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
17 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

SHO_FSCHLinkSetupAttempts_2X OM (ID 18)

This OM provides the number of forward supplemental channel (FSCH)
setup attempts for the 2X data rate.

Table 838
SHO_FSCHLinkSetupAttempts_2X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
18 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

SHO_FSCHLinkSetupAttempts_4X OM (ID 19)

This OM provides the number of forward supplemental channel (FSCH)
setup attempts for the 4X data rate.

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286 Operational measurements reference

Table 839
SHO_FSCHLinkSetupAttempts_4X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
19 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

SHO_FSCHLinkSetupAttempts_8X OM (ID 20)

This OM provides the number of forward supplemental channel (FSCH)
setup attempts for the 8X data rate.

Table 840
SHO_FSCHLinkSetupAttempts_8X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
20 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

SHO_FSCHLinkSetupAttempts_16X OM (ID 21)

This OM provides the number of forward supplemental channel (FSCH)
setup attempts for the 16X data rate.

Table 841
SHO_FSCHLinkSetupAttempts_16X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
21 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

SHO_FSCHLinkSetupBlock_2X OM (ID 22)

This OM provides the number of FSCH setup attempts at the 2X data rate
that are blocked for lack of resources or failed communications between
the BSC and BTS.

Table 842
SHO_FSCHLinkSetupBlock_2X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
22 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

SHO_FSCHLinkSetupBlock_4X OM (ID 23)

This OM provides the number of FSCH setup attempts at the 4X data rate
that are blocked for lack of resources or failed communications between
the BSC and BTS.

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SCH Handoff Radio Link Setup OM group (ID 70) 287

Table 843
SHO_FSCHLinkSetupBlock_4X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
23 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

SHO_FSCHLinkSetupBlock_8X OM (ID 24)

This OM provides the number of FSCH setup attempts at the 8X data rate
that are blocked for lack of resources or failed communications between
the BSC and BTS.

Table 844
SHO_FSCHLinkSetupBlock_8X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
24 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

SHO_FSCHLinkSetupBlock_16X OM (ID 25)

This OM provides the number of FSCH setup attempts at the 16X data
rate that are blocked for lack of resources or failed communications
between the BSC and BTS.

Table 845
SHO_FSCHLinkSetupBlock_16X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
25 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

SHO_FSCHLinkSetupSuccess_2X OM (ID 26)

This OM provides the number of FSCH setup successes for the 2X data

Table 846
SHO_FSCHLinkSetupSuccess_2X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
26 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

SHO_FSCHLinkSetupSuccess_4X OM (ID 27)

This OM provides the number of FSCH setup successes for the 4X data

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Table 847
SHO_FSCHLinkSetupSuccess_4X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
27 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

SHO_FSCHLinkSetupSuccess_8X OM (ID 28)

This OM provides the number of FSCH setup successes for the 8X data

Table 848
SHO_FSCHLinkSetupSuccess_8X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
28 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

SHO_FSCHLinkSetupSuccess_16X OM (ID 29)

This OM provides the number of FSCH setup successes for the 16X data

Table 849
SHO_FSCHLinkSetupSuccess_16X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
29 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

SHO_FSCHRadioLinkAccessFailure_2X OM (ID 30)

This OM is pegged in the event the resources for the 2X data rate FSCH
are set up successfully but the mobile does not arrive on the FSCH. It is
pegged against each handoff link in the SCH active set.

Table 850
SHO_FSCHRadioLinkAccessFailure_2X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
30 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

SHO_FSCHRadioLinkAccessFailure_4X OM (ID 31)

This OM is pegged in the event the resources for the 4X data rate FSCH
are set up successfully but the mobile does not arrive on the FSCH. It is
pegged against each handoff link in the SCH active set.

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SCH Handoff Radio Link Setup OM group (ID 70) 289

Table 851
SHO_FSCHRadioLinkAccessFailure_4X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
31 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

SHO_FSCHRadioLinkAccessFailure_8X OM (ID 32)

This OM is pegged in the event the resources for the 8X data rate FSCH
are set up successfully but the mobile does not arrive on the FSCH. It is
pegged against each handoff link in the SCH active set.

Table 852
SHO_FSCHRadioLinkAccessFailure_8X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
32 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

SHO_FSCHRadioLinkAccessFailure_16X OM (ID 33)

This OM is pegged in the event the resources for the 16X data rate FSCH
are set up successfully but the mobile does not arrive on the FSCH. It is
pegged against each handoff link in the SCH active set.

Table 853
SHO_FSCHRadioLinkAccessFailure_16X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
33 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

SHO_RSCHLinkSetupAttempts_2X OM (ID 34)

This OM provides the number of reverse supplemental channel (RSCH)
setup attempts for the 2X data rate.

Table 854
SHO_RSCHLinkSetupAttempts_2X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
34 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

SHO_RSCHLinkSetupAttempts_4X OM (ID 35)

This OM provides the number of reverse supplemental channel (RSCH)
setup attempts for the 4X data rate.

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290 Operational measurements reference

Table 855
SHO_RSCHLinkSetupAttempts_4X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
35 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

SHO_RSCHLinkSetupAttempts_8X OM (ID 36)

This OM provides the number of reverse supplemental channel (RSCH)
setup attempts for the 8X data rate.

Table 856
SHO_RSCHLinkSetupAttempts_8X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
36 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

SHO_RSCHLinkSetupAttempts_16X OM (ID 37)

This OM provides the number of reverse supplemental channel (RSCH)
setup attempts for the 16X data rate.

Table 857
SHO_RSCHLinkSetupAttempts_16X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
37 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

SHO_RSCHLinkSetupBlock_2X OM (ID 38)

This OM provides the number of RSCH setup attempts at the 2X data rate
that are blocked for lack of resources or failed communications between
the BSC and BTS.

Table 858
SHO_RSCHLinkSetupBlock_2X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
38 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

SHO_RSCHLinkSetupBlock_4X OM (ID 39)

This OM provides the number of RSCH setup attempts at the 4X data rate
that are blocked for lack of resources or failed communications between
the BSC and BTS.

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SCH Handoff Radio Link Setup OM group (ID 70) 291

Table 859
SHO_RSCHLinkSetupBlock_4X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
39 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

SHO_RSCHLinkSetupBlock_8X OM (ID 40)

This OM provides the number of RSCH setup attempts at the 8X data rate
that are blocked for lack of resources or failed communications between
the BSC and BTS.

Table 860
SHO_RSCHLinkSetupBlock_8X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
40 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

SHO_RSCHLinkSetupBlock_16X OM (ID 41)

This OM provides the number of RSCH setup attempts at the 16X data
rate that are blocked for lack of resources or failed communications
between the BSC and BTS.

Table 861
SHO_RSCHLinkSetupBlock_16X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
41 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

SHO_RSCHLinkSetupSuccess_2X OM (ID 42)

This OM provides the number of RSCH setup successes for the 2X data

Table 862
SHO_RSCHLinkSetupSuccess_2X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
42 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

SHO_RSCHLinkSetupSuccess_4X OM (ID 43)

This OM provides the number of RSCH setup successes for the 4X data

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292 Operational measurements reference

Table 863
SHO_RSCHLinkSetupSuccess_4X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
43 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

SHO_RSCHLinkSetupSuccess_8X OM (ID 44)

This OM provides the number of RSCH setup successes for the 8X data

Table 864
SHO_RSCHLinkSetupSuccess_8X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
44 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

SHO_RSCHLinkSetupSuccess_16X OM (ID 45)

This OM provides the number of RSCH setup successes for the 16X data

Table 865
SHO_RSCHLinkSetupSuccess_16X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
45 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

SHO_RSCHRadioLinkAccessFailure_2X OM (ID 46)

This OM is pegged in the event the resources for the 2X data rate RSCH
are set up successfully but the mobile does not arrive on the RSCH. It is
pegged against each handoff link in the SCH active set.

Table 866
SHO_RSCHRadioLinkAccessFailure_2X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
46 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

SHO_RSCHRadioLinkAccessFailure_4X OM (ID 47)

This OM is pegged in the event the resources for the 4X data rate RSCH
are set up successfully but the mobile does not arrive on the RSCH. It is
pegged against each handoff link in the SCH active set.

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SCH Handoff Radio Link Setup OM group (ID 70) 293

Table 867
SHO_RSCHRadioLinkAccessFailure_4X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
47 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

SHO_RSCHRadioLinkAccessFailure_8X OM (ID 48)

This OM is pegged in the event the resources for the 8X data rate RSCH
are set up successfully but the mobile does not arrive on the RSCH. It is
pegged against each handoff link in the SCH active set.

Table 868
SHO_RSCHRadioLinkAccessFailure_8X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
48 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

SHO_RSCHRadioLinkAccessFailure_16X OM (ID 49)

This OM is pegged in the event the resources for the 16X data rate RSCH
are set up successfully but the mobile does not arrive on the RSCH. It is
pegged against each handoff link in the SCH active set.

Table 869
SHO_RSCHRadioLinkAccessFailure_16X OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
49 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

SHO_FSCHBackHaulExhaustion OM (ID 50)

This OM is pegged when the forward SCH blocking reason indicates
that the setup request failed due to BTS Backhaul Link Exhaustion. It is
pegged along with the SHO_FSCHLinkSetupBlock OM and the appropriate
SHO_FSCHLinkSetupBlock_<data_rate> OM.

Table 870
SHO_FSCHBackHaulExhaustion OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
50 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

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294 Operational measurements reference

SHO_FSCHBCNLinkExhaustion OM (ID 51)

This OM is pegged when the forward SCH blocking reason indicates that
the setup request failed due to BTS BCN Link exhaustion. It is pegged
along with the SHO_FSCHLinkSetupBlock OM and the appropriate
SHO_FSCHLinkSetupBlock_<data_rate> OM.

Table 871
SHO_FSCHBCNLinkExhaustion OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
51 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

SHO_FSCHAcnIdExhaustion OM (ID 52)

This OM is pegged when the forward SCH blocking reason indicates that
the setup request failed due to BTS ACN ID Exhaustion. It is pegged
along with the SHO_FSCHLinkSetupBlock OM and the appropriate
SHO_FSCHLinkSetupBlock_<data_rate> OM.

Table 872
SHO_FSCHAcnIdExhaustion OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
52 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

SHO_FSCHLinkSetupBlockSW_Error OM (ID 53)

This OM is pegged when the forward SCH blocking reason indicates
that the setup request failed due to non-resource and non-timeout
related software conditions or errors for FSCH handoff links. It is pegged
along with the SHO_FSCHLinkSetupBlock OM and the appropriate
SHO_FSCHLinkSetupBlock_<data_rate> OM.

Table 873
SHO_FSCHLinkSetupBlockSW_Error OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
53 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

SHO_RSCHLinkSetupBlockSW_Error OM (ID 54)

This OM is pegged when the reverse SCH blocking reason indicates
that the setup request failed due to non-resource and non-timeout
related software conditions or errors for RSCH handoff links. It is pegged
along with the SHO_RSCHLinkSetupBlock OM and the appropriate
SHO_RSCHLinkSetupBlock_<data_rate> OM.

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SDU Queue Occupancy OM group (ID 71) 295

Table 874
SHO_RSCHLinkSetupBlockSW_Error OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
54 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

SDU Queue Occupancy OM group (ID 71)

This OM group consists of OMs that provide the queue occupancy for the
RLPQ on the ESEL and ACP.

For the FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth_* histogram OMs, the bin

represents the rolling average of the queue occupancy at the time the
burst allocation is requested.

Table 875
SDU Queue Occupancy OM group values
Group ID Physical Pegging Multi ID pegging Aggregate Output file
entity type types prefix
71 ESEL, DSFP- Node -- No --

FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth_1 OM (ID 1)
This OM provides the number of times the RLPQ queue depth is 0 <= x
< 200 bytes when a forward burst is requested. The bin represents the
rolling average value of the queue occupancy used to request allocation
of the forward burst.

Table 876
FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth_1 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
1 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth_2 OM (ID 2)
This OM provides the number of times the RLPQ queue depth is 200 <=
x< 400 bytes when a forward burst is requested. The bin represents the
rolling average value of the queue occupancy used to request allocation
of the forward burst.

Table 877
FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth_2 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
2 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

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296 Operational measurements reference

FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth_3 OM (ID 3)
This OM provides the number of times the RLPQ queue depth is 400 <=
x< 600 bytes when a forward burst is requested. The bin represents the
rolling average value of the queue occupancy used to request allocation
of the forward burst.

Table 878
FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth_3 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
3 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth_4 OM (ID 4)
This OM provides the number of times the RLPQ queue depth is 600 <=
x< 800 bytes when a forward burst is requested. The bin represents the
rolling average value of the queue occupancy used to request allocation
of the forward burst.

Table 879
FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth_4 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
4 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth_5 OM (ID 5)
This OM provides the number of times the RLPQ queue depth is 800 <=
x< 1000 bytes when a forward burst is requested. The bin represents the
rolling average value of the queue occupancy used to request allocation
of the forward burst.

Table 880
FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth_5 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
5 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth_6 OM (ID 6)
This OM provides the number of times the RLPQ queue depth is 1000 <=
x< 1250 bytes when a forward burst is requested. The bin represents the
rolling average value of the queue occupancy used to request allocation
of the forward burst.

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SDU Queue Occupancy OM group (ID 71) 297

Table 881
FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth_6 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
6 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth_7 OM (ID 7)
This OM provides the number of times the RLPQ queue depth is 1250 <=
x< 1500 bytes when a forward burst is requested. The bin represents the
rolling average value of the queue occupancy used to request allocation
of the forward burst.

Table 882
FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth_7 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
7 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth_8 OM (ID 8)
This OM provides the number of times the RLPQ queue depth is 1500 <=
x< 1750 bytes when a forward burst is requested. The bin represents the
rolling average value of the queue occupancy used to request allocation
of the forward burst.

Table 883
FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth_8 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
8 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth_9 OM (ID 9)
This OM provides the number of times the RLPQ queue depth is 1750 <=
x< 2000 bytes when a forward burst is requested. The bin represents the
rolling average value of the queue occupancy used to request allocation
of the forward burst.

Table 884
FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth_9 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
9 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

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298 Operational measurements reference

FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth_10 OM (ID 10)

This OM provides the number of times the RLPQ queue depth is 2000 <=
x< 2250 bytes when a forward burst is requested. The bin represents the
rolling average value of the queue occupancy used to request allocation
of the forward burst.

Table 885
FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth_10 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
10 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth_11 OM (ID 11)

This OM provides the number of times the RLPQ queue depth is 2250 <=
x< 2500 bytes when a forward burst is requested. The bin represents the
rolling average value of the queue occupancy used to request allocation
of the forward burst.

Table 886
FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth_11 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
11 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth_12 OM (ID 12)

This OM provides the number of times the RLPQ queue depth is 2500 <=
x< 2750 bytes when a forward burst is requested. The bin represents the
rolling average value of the queue occupancy used to request allocation
of the forward burst.

Table 887
FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth_12 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
12 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth_13 OM (ID 13)

This OM provides the number of times the RLPQ queue depth is 2750 <=
x< 3000 bytes when a forward burst is requested. The bin represents the
rolling average value of the queue occupancy used to request allocation
of the forward burst.

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SDU Queue Occupancy OM group (ID 71) 299

Table 888
FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth_13 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
13 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth_14 OM (ID 14)

This OM provides the number of times the RLPQ queue depth is 3000 <=
x< 3500 bytes when a forward burst is requested. The bin represents the
rolling average value of the queue occupancy used to request allocation
of the forward burst.

Table 889
FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth_14 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
14 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth_15 OM (ID 15)

This OM provides the number of times the RLPQ queue depth is 3500 <=
x< 4000 bytes when a forward burst is requested. The bin represents the
rolling average value of the queue occupancy used to request allocation
of the forward burst.

Table 890
FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth_15 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
15 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth_16 OM (ID 16)

This OM provides the number of times the RLPQ queue depth is 4000 <=
x< 4500 bytes when a forward burst is requested. The bin represents the
rolling average value of the queue occupancy used to request allocation
of the forward burst.

Table 891
FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth_16 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
16 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

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300 Operational measurements reference

FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth_17 OM (ID 17)

This OM provides the number of times the RLPQ queue depth is 4500 <=
x< 5000 bytes when a forward burst is requested. The bin represents the
rolling average value of the queue occupancy used to request allocation
of the forward burst.

Table 892
FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth_17 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
17 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth_18 OM (ID 18)

This OM provides the number of times the RLPQ queue depth is 5000 <=
x< 7500 bytes when a forward burst is requested. The bin represents the
rolling average value of the queue occupancy used to request allocation
of the forward burst.

Table 893
FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth_18 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
18 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth_19 OM (ID 19)

This OM provides the number of times the RLPQ queue depth is 7500 <=
x< 10000 bytes when a forward burst is requested. The bin represents the
rolling average value of the queue occupancy used to request allocation
of the forward burst.

Table 894
FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth_19 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
19 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth_20 OM (ID 20)

This OM provides the number of times the RLPQ queue depth is 10000 <=
x< 15000 bytes when a forward burst is requested. The bin represents the
rolling average value of the queue occupancy used to request allocation
of the forward burst.

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SDU Queue Occupancy OM group (ID 71) 301

Table 895
FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth_20 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
20 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth_21 OM (ID 21)

This OM provides the number of times the RLPQ queue depth is 15000 <=
x< 20000 bytes when a forward burst is requested. The bin represents the
rolling average value of the queue occupancy used to request allocation
of the forward burst.

Table 896
FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth_21 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
21 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth_22 OM (ID 22)

This OM provides the number of times the RLPQ queue depth is 20000 <=
x< 30000 bytes when a forward burst is requested. The bin represents the
rolling average value of the queue occupancy used to request allocation
of the forward burst.

Table 897
FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth_22 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
22 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth_23 OM (ID 23)

This OM provides the number of times the RLPQ queue depth is 30000 <=
x< 40000 bytes when a forward burst is requested. The bin represents the
rolling average value of the queue occupancy used to request allocation
of the forward burst.

Table 898
FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth_23 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
23 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

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302 Operational measurements reference

FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth_24 OM (ID 24)

This OM provides the number of times the RLPQ queue depth is 40000 <=
x< 50000 bytes when a forward burst is requested. The bin represents the
rolling average value of the queue occupancy used to request allocation
of the forward burst.

Table 899
FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth_24 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
24 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth_25 OM (ID 25)

This OM provides the number of times the RLPQ queue depth is 50000
bytes <=x when a forward burst is requested. The bin represents the
rolling average value of the queue occupancy used to request allocation
of the forward burst.

Table 900
FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth_25 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
25 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

FwdRLPQ_SCH_BurstAvgDepth_2x OM (ID 26)

This OM provides the average queue depth percentage (average of 100
ms samples) over all 2X bursts measured in the forward direction during
the OM reporting period.

Table 901
FwdRLPQ_SCH_BurstAvgDepth_2x OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
26 14 -- Yes Byte Ext

FwdRLPQ_SCH_BurstAvgDepth_4x OM (ID 27)

This OM provides the average queue depth percentage (average of 100
ms samples) over all 4X bursts measured in the forward direction during
the OM reporting period.

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SDU Queue Occupancy OM group (ID 71) 303

Table 902
FwdRLPQ_SCH_BurstAvgDepth_4x OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
27 14 -- Yes Byte Ext

FwdRLPQ_SCH_BurstAvgDepth_8x OM (ID 28)

This OM provides the average queue depth percentage (average of 100
ms samples) over all 8X bursts measured in the forward direction during
the OM reporting period

Table 903
FwdRLPQ_SCH_BurstAvgDepth_8x OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
28 14 -- Yes Byte Ext

FwdRLPQ_SCH_BurstAvgDepth_16x OM (ID 29)

This OM provides the average queue depth percentage (average of 100
ms samples) over all 16X bursts measured in the forward direction during
the OM reporting period.

Table 904
FwdRLPQ_SCH_BurstAvgDepth_16x OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
29 14 -- Yes Byte Ext

RevRLPQ_SCH_BurstAvgDepth_2x OM (ID 30)

This OM provides the average queue depth percentage (average of 100
ms samples) over all 2X bursts measured in the reverse direction during
the OM reporting period.

Table 905
RevRLPQ_SCH_BurstAvgDepth_2x OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
30 14 -- Yes Byte Ext

RevRLPQ_SCH_BurstAvgDepth_4x OM (ID 31)

This OM provides the average queue depth percentage (average of 100
ms samples) over all 4X bursts measured in the reverse direction during
the OM reporting period.

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304 Operational measurements reference

Table 906
RevRLPQ_SCH_BurstAvgDepth_4x OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
31 14 -- Yes Byte Ext

RevRLPQ_SCH_BurstAvgDepth_8x OM (ID 32)

This OM provides the average queue depth percentage (average of 100
ms samples) over all 8X bursts measured in the reverse direction during
the OM reporting period.

Table 907
RevRLPQ_SCH_BurstAvgDepth_8x OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
32 14 -- Yes Byte Ext

RevRLPQ_SCH_BurstAvgDepth_16x OM (ID 33)

This OM provides the average queue depth percentage (average of 100
ms samples) over all 16X bursts measured in the reverse direction during
the OM reporting period.

Table 908
RevRLPQ_SCH_BurstAvgDepth_16x OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
33 14 -- Yes Byte Ext

FwdRLPQ_SCH_BurstPeakDepth_2x OM (ID 34)

This OM provides the peak queue depth percentage of any given 2X burst
measured in the forward direction during the OM reporting period.

Table 909
FwdRLPQ_SCH_BurstPeakDepth_2x OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
34 14 -- Yes Byte Ext

FwdRLPQ_SCH_BurstPeakDepth_4x OM (ID 35)

This OM provides the peak queue depth percentage of any given 4X burst
measured in the forward direction during the OM reporting period.

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SDU Queue Occupancy OM group (ID 71) 305

Table 910
FwdRLPQ_SCH_BurstPeakDepth_4x OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
35 14 -- Yes Byte Ext

FwdRLPQ_SCH_BurstPeakDepth_8x OM (ID 36)

This OM provides the peak queue depth percentage of any given 8X burst
measured in the forward direction during the OM reporting period.

Table 911
FwdRLPQ_SCH_BurstPeakDepth_8x OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
36 14 -- Yes Byte Ext

FwdRLPQ_SCH_BurstPeakDepth_16x OM (ID 37)

This OM provides the peak queue depth percentage of any given16X burst
measured in the forward direction during the OM reporting period.

Table 912
FwdRLPQ_SCH_BurstPeakDepth_16x OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
37 14 -- Yes Byte Ext

RevRLPQ_SCH_BurstPeakDepth_2x OM (ID 38)

This OM provides the peak queue depth percentage of any given 2X burst
measured in the reverse direction during the OM reporting period.

Table 913
RevRLPQ_SCH_BurstPeakDepth_2x OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
38 14 -- Yes Byte Ext

RevRLPQ_SCH_BurstPeakDepth_4x OM (ID 39)

This OM provides the peak queue depth percentage of any given 4X burst
measured in the reverse direction during the OM reporting period.

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306 Operational measurements reference

Table 914
RevRLPQ_SCH_BurstPeakDepth_4x OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
39 14 -- Yes Byte Ext

RevRLPQ_SCH_BurstPeakDepth_8x OM (ID 40)

This OM provides the peak queue depth percentage of any given 8X burst
measured in the reverse direction during the OM reporting period.

Table 915
RevRLPQ_SCH_BurstPeakDepth_8x OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
40 14 -- Yes Byte Ext

RevRLPQ_SCH_BurstPeakDepth_16x OM (ID 41)

This OM provides the peak queue depth percentage of any given 16X
burst measured in the reverse direction during the OM reporting period.

Table 916
RevRLPQ_SCH_BurstPeakDepth_16x OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
41 14 -- Yes Byte Ext

PCU Queue Occupancy OM group (ID 72)

This OM group contains OMs that provide the queue occupancy for the
DCR (Dedicated Common Router, data destined for the mobile) and RR
(Reverse Router, data destined for the network) queues on the PCU.

For the DormantDCR_QueueAtD2A_* histogram OMs, the queue depth is

measured when the session transitions from Dormant to Active.

Table 917
PCU Queue Occupancy OM group values
Group ID Physical Pegging Multi ID pegging Aggregate Output file
entity type types prefix
72 ESCI, PCUFP Node -- No --

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PCU Queue Occupancy OM group (ID 72) 307

DormantDCR_QueueAtD2A_10 OM (ID 1)
This OM provides the number of times the DCRQ queue depth is 0
<=x<10 percent.

Table 918
DormantDCR_QueueAtD2A_10 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
1 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

DormantDCR_QueueAtD2A_20 OM (ID 2)
This OM provides the number of times the DCRQ queue depth is 10
<=x<20 percent.

Table 919
DormantDCR_QueueAtD2A_20 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
2 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

DormantDCR_QueueAtD2A_30 OM (ID 3)
This OM provides the number of times the DCRQ queue depth is 20
<=x<30 percent.

Table 920
DormantDCR_QueueAtD2A_30 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
3 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

DormantDCR_QueueAtD2A_40 OM (ID 4)
This OM provides the number of times the DCRQ queue depth is 30
<=x<40 percent.

Table 921
DormantDCR_QueueAtD2A_40 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
4 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

DormantDCR_QueueAtD2A_50 OM (ID 5)
This OM provides the number of times the DCRQ queue depth is 40
<=x<50 percent.

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308 Operational measurements reference

Table 922
DormantDCR_QueueAtD2A_50 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
5 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

DormantDCR_QueueAtD2A_60 OM (ID 6)
This OM provides the number of times the DCRQ queue depth is 50
<=x<60 percent.

Table 923
DormantDCR_QueueAtD2A_60 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
6 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

DormantDCR_QueueAtD2A_70 OM (ID 7)
This OM provides the number of times the DCRQ queue depth is 60
<=x<70 percent.

Table 924
DormantDCR_QueueAtD2A_70 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
7 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

DormantDCR_QueueAtD2A_80 OM (ID 8)
This OM provides the number of times the DCRQ queue depth is 70
<=x<80 percent.

Table 925
DormantDCR_QueueAtD2A_80 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
8 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

DormantDCR_QueueAtD2A_90 OM (ID 9)
This OM provides the number of times the DCRQ queue depth is 80
<=x<90 percent.

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PCU Queue Occupancy OM group (ID 72) 309

Table 926
DormantDCR_QueueAtD2A_90 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
9 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

DormantDCR_QueueAtD2A_100 OM (ID 10)

This OM provides the number of times the DCRQ queue depth is
90<=x<=100 percent.

Table 927
DormantDCR_QueueAtD2A_100 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
10 14 -- Yes Word16 Ext

PeakActiveDCR_QueueDepth OM (ID 11)

This OM provides the peak queue depth percentage among all DCRQs
measured in the forward direction during the OM reporting period.

Table 928
PeakActiveDCR_QueueDepth OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
11 14 -- Yes Byte Ext

AvgActiveDCR_QueueDepth OM (ID 12)

This OM provides the average queue depth percentage (average of 100
ms samples) over all DCRQs measured in the forward direction during the
OM reporting period.

Table 929
AvgActiveDCR_QueueDepth OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
12 14 -- Yes Byte Ext

PeakActiveRR_QueueDepth OM (ID 13)

This OM provides the peak queue depth percentage among all RRQs
measured in the reverse direction during the OM reporting period.

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310 Operational measurements reference

Table 930
PeakActiveRR_QueueDepth OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
13 14 -- Yes Byte Ext

AvgActiveRR_QueueDepth OM (ID 14)

This OM provides the average queue depth percentage (average of 100
ms samples) over all RRQs measured in the reverse direction during the
OM reporting period.

Table 931
AvgActiveRR_QueueDepth OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
14 14 -- Yes Byte Ext

Connection Resource Redirection OM group (ID 73)

This OM Group consists of OMs that peg at the NRM to measure the
re-direction from the preferred Connection Type to the next suitable
Connection Type that is also available, as well as OMs that count the
Connection Type allocated for the call when the TrFO2_Suspended
parameter is set to true in the allocation request. . These OMs peg after
the Platform Selection Phase.

Refer to the "Call flow diagrams with OMs" chapter in the 411-2133-525
NTP for the pegging details.

Table 932
Connection Resource Redirection OM group values
Group ID Physical Pegging Multi ID pegging Aggregate Output file
entity type types prefix
73 CNFP NRM Node -- No --

AllocationRequestRedirectionTrFO_ToCct OM (ID 1)
This OM is pegged when resources for TrFO connection type are
requested by the CAU but instead, the NRM successfully finds resources
for circuit connection type.

Table 933
AllocationRequestRedirectionTrFO_ToCct OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
1 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

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Connection Resource Redirection OM group (ID 73) 311

AllocationRequestRedirectionTrFO_ToPkt OM (ID 2)
This OM is pegged when resources for TrFO connection type are
requested by the CAU but instead, the NRM successfully finds resources
for packet connection type.

Table 934
AllocationRequestRedirectionTrFO_ToPkt OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
2 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

AllocationRequestRedirectionPktToTrFO OM (ID 3)
This OM is pegged when resources for packet connection type are
requested by the CAU but instead, the NRM successfully finds resources
for TrFO connection type.

Table 935
AllocationRequestRedirectionPktToTrFO OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
3 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

AllocationRequestRedirectionPktToCct OM (ID 4)
This OM is pegged when resources for packet connection type are
requested by the CAU but instead, the NRM successfully finds resources
for circuit connection type.

Table 936
AllocationRequestRedirectionPktToCct OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
4 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

AllocationRequestRedirectionCctToTrFO OM (ID 5)
This OM is pegged when resources for circuit connection type are
requested by the CAU but instead, the NRM successfully finds resources
for TrFO connection type.

Table 937
AllocationRequestRedirectionCctToTrFO OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
5 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

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312 Operational measurements reference

AllocationRequestRedirectionCctToPkt OM (ID 6)
This OM is pegged when resources for circuit connection type are
requested by the CAU but instead, the NRM successfully finds resources
for packet connection type.

Table 938
AllocationRequestRedirectionCctToPkt OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
6 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

AllocationRequestRedirectionUnspecifiedToCct OM (ID 7)
This OM is pegged when the CAU requests resources with an empty
Connection Type indicator and the NRM successfully finds resources for
circuit connection type.

Table 939
AllocationRequestRedirectionUnspecifiedToCct OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
7 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

AllocationRequestRedirectionUnspecifiedToPkt OM (ID 8)
This OM is pegged when the CAU requests resources with an empty
Connection Type indicator and the NRM successfully finds resources for
packet connection type.

Table 940
AllocationRequestRedirectionUnspecifiedToPkt OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
8 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

AllocationRequestRedirectionUnspecifiedToTrFO OM (ID 9)
This OM is pegged when the CAU requests resources with an empty
Connection Type indicator and the NRM successfully finds resources for
TrFO connection type.

Table 941
AllocationRequestRedirectionUnspecifiedToTrFO OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
9 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

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Connection Resource Redirection OM group (ID 73) 313

AllocationRequestRedirectUnspecifiedToTrFO2 OM (ID 10)

This OM is pegged when the CAU requests resources with an empty
Connection Type indicator and the NRM successfully finds resources for
TrFO2 connection type.

Table 942
AllocationRequestRedirectUnspecifiedToTrFO2 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
10 16 -- Yes Word32 Ext

AllocationRequestRedirectonTrFO_ToTrFO2 OM (ID 11)

This OM is pegged when resources for TrFO connection preference is
specified and the NRM successfully finds resources for TrFO2 connection

Table 943
AllocationRequestRedirectonTrFO_ToTrFO2 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
11 16 -- Yes Word32 Ext

AllocationRequestRedirectionPktToTrFO2 OM (ID 12)

This OM is pegged when resources for packet connection type is
requested by the CAU but instead, the NRM successfully finds resources
for TrFO2 connection type.

Table 944
AllocationRequestRedirectionPktToTrFO2 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
12 16 -- Yes Word32 Ext

AllocationRequestRedirectionCctToTrFO2 OM (ID 13)

This OM is pegged when resources for circuit connection type is requested
by the CAU but instead, the NRM successfully finds resources for TrFO2
connection type.

Table 945
AllocationRequestRedirectionCctToTrFO2 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
13 16 -- Yes Word32 Ext

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AllocationRequestRedirectionTrFO2_ToTrfo OM (ID 14)

This OM is pegged when resources for TrFO2 connection preference is
requested and the NRM successfully finds resources for TrFO connection

Table 946
AllocationRequestRedirectionTrFO2_ToTrfo OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
14 16 -- Yes Word32 Ext

AllocationRequestRedirectionTrFO2_ToCct OM (ID 15)

This OM is pegged when resources for the TrFO2 connection type is
preferred, but instead, the NRM successfully finds resources for circuit
connection type.

Table 947
AllocationRequestRedirectionTrFO2_ToCct OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
15 16 -- Yes Word32 Ext

AllocationRequestRedirectionTrFO2_ToPkt OM (ID 16)

This OM is pegged when resources for a TrFO2 connection type is
preferred, but instead, the NRM successfully finds resources for packet
connection type.

Table 948
AllocationRequestRedirectionTrFO2_ToPkt OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
16 16 -- Yes Word32 Ext

AllocationRequestFlex_ToTrFO OM (ID 17)

This OM is pegged when resources for a flex connection type is requested
by the CAU and the NRM successfully finds resources for TrFO connection

Table 949
AllocationRequestFlex_ToTrFO OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
17 16 -- Yes Word32 Ext

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Connection Resource Redirection OM group (ID 73) 315

AllocationRequestFlex_ToTrFO2 OM (ID 18)

This OM is pegged when resources for a flex connection type is requested
by the CAU and the NRM successfully finds resources for TrFO2
connection type.

Table 950
AllocationRequestFlex_ToTrFO2 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
18 16 -- Yes Word32 Ext

AllocationRequestFlex_ToPkt OM (ID 19)

This OM is pegged when resources for a flex connection type is requested
by the CAU and the NRM successfully finds resources for packet
connection type.

Table 951
AllocationRequestFlex_ToPkt OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
19 16 -- Yes Word32 Ext

AllocationRequestFlex_ToCct OM (ID 20)

This OM is pegged when resources for a flex connection type is requested
by the CAU and the NRM successfully finds resources for circuit
connection type.

Table 952
AllocationRequestFlex_ToCct OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
20 16 -- Yes Word32 Ext

AllocationRequestTrFO2_SuspendedToCkt OM (ID 21)

This OM is pegged when the TrFO2_Suspended parameter is set to true
in the ResourceAllocationRequest message received by the NRM from
the CAU and the NRM successfully finds resources for circuit connection
type. Along with this OM, the appropriate redirection OM will peg to count
the actual redirection.

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Table 953
AllocationRequestTrFO2_SuspendedToCkt OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
21 16 -- Yes Word32 Ext

AllocationRequestTrFO2_SuspendedToPkt OM (ID 22)

This OM is pegged when the TrFO2_Suspended parameter is set to true
in the ResourceAllocationRequest message received by the NRM from
the CAU and the NRM successfully finds resources for packet connection
type. Along with this OM, the appropriate redirection OM will peg to count
the actual redirection.

Table 954
AllocationRequestTrFO2_SuspendedToPkt OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
22 16 -- Yes Word32 Ext

AllocationRequestTrFO2_SuspendedToTrFO OM (ID 23)

This OM is pegged when TrFO2_Suspended parameter is set to true in
the ResourceAllocationRequest message received by the NRM from the
CAU and the NRM successfully finds resources for TrFO connection type.
Along with this OM, the appropriate redirection OM will peg to count the
actual redirection.

Table 955
AllocationRequestTrFO2_SuspendedToTrFO OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
23 16 -- Yes Word32 Ext

AllocationRequestTrFO2_SuspendedToTrFO2 OM (ID 24)

This OM is pegged when the TrFO2_Suspended parameter is set to true
in the ResourceAllocationRequest message received by the NRM from
the CAU and the NRM could not find any other resources than TrFO2
connection type. Along with this OM, the appropriate redirection OM will
peg to count the actual redirection.

Table 956
AllocationRequestTrFO2_SuspendedToTrFO2 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
24 16 -- Yes Word32 Ext

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Connection Resource Availability Check OM group (ID 74) 317

Connection Resource Availability Check OM group (ID 74)

This OM Group consists of OMs to track the number of times resources
are unavailable for resource allocation for EVRC and EVRC-B on a per
Connection Type basis.

OMs from this group are pegged by the NRM during the Resource
Availability Check Phase after the NRM accepts the Resource allocation
request and before the Platform Selection Phase starts.

The NRM may check resource availability multiple times during resource
allocation for a single CAU EVRC or EVRC-B resource request. Hence,
these OMs may be pegged multiple times during each resource availability

These OMs peg for the EVRC and EVRC-B service only. Pegging
granularity of the OMs is on a per connection type and service option
basis as follows: circuit (means circuit with Evrc), packet (means packet
with Evrc), trfo (means TRFO with EVRC), unspecified, evrcbCircuit,
evrcbTrfo2, evrcbPacket and evrcbPacketTrfo.

Refer to the "Call flow diagrams with OMs" chapter in the 411-2133-525
NTP for the pegging details.

Table 957
Connection Resource Availability Check OM group values
Group ID Physical Pegging Multi ID pegging Aggregate Output file
entity type types prefix
74 CNFP NRM MultiID ConnectionType No --

ConnectionResourceCheckAttempts OM (ID 1)
This OM is pegged when the NRM checks resource availability in the
entire system for a connection type.

Table 958
ConnectionResourceCheckAttempts OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
1 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

ConnectionResourceCheckUnavailable OM (ID 2)
This OM is pegged when the NRM determines that there are no resources
available in the entire system for a connection type.

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Table 959
ConnectionResourceCheckUnavailable OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
2 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

ConnectionResourceCheckAvailable OM (ID 3)
This OM is pegged when the NRM determines that resources are available
in the entire system for a connection type.

Table 960
ConnectionResourceCheckAvailable OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
3 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

Connection Call Resource Setup OM group (ID 75)

This OM Group consists of OMs to track the resource allocation attempts,
resource unavailable, successful resource allocations and failure situations
on a per Connection Type basis. The possible connection types are trfo,
packet, circuit, trfo2, flextrfo and unspecified. These OMs peg for voice
services only. Refer to the "Call flow diagrams with OMs" chapter in the
411-2133-525 NTP for the pegging details.

Table 961
Connection Call Resource Setup OM group values
Group ID Physical Pegging Multi ID pegging Aggregate Output file
entity type types prefix
75 CNFP NRM MultiID ConnectionType No --

ConnectionAllocationRequestReceived OM (ID 1)
This OM is pegged when the NRM receives resource allocation request
for a connection type.

Table 962
ConnectionAllocationRequestReceived OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
1 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

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Connection Resource Setup OM group (ID 76) 319

ConnectionAllocationResourceUnavailable OM (ID 2)
This OM is pegged when the NRM could not allocate a resource for a
requested connection type even after resource re-direction. In this case,
call setup is blocked and the NRM sends a failure response to CAU.

Table 963
ConnectionAllocationResourceUnavailable OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
2 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

ConnectionAllocationResourceAvailable OM (ID 3)
This OM is pegged when NRM successfully allocates resources for a
requested connection type.

Table 964
ConnectionAllocationResourceAvailable OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
3 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

ConnectionAllocationResourceFailures OM (ID 4)
This OM is pegged when the NRM fails to allocate the resource from any
or both systems (that is, BSC and EBSC systems as datafilled in NRM
preference table).

These failures are typically due to internal error conditions and

communication errors such as: internal failures, timeouts, mismatch in
resource availability status information, etc. In this case, call setup is be

Table 965
ConnectionAllocationResourceFailures OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
4 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

Connection Resource Setup OM group (ID 76)

OMs from this OM group are pegged by the NRM for each Connection
Type to track the attempts, success and failures on a per platform basis
(that is, CSVS or SBS) after the NRM has successfully determined the
platform for resource allocation.

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The OMs for the CSVS platform peg on a per trfo, circuit, and packet
connection type. The OMs for the SBS platform peg on a per circuit or
packet connection type. These OMs peg after the Platform Selection
Phase. Refer to the "Call flow diagrams with OMs" chapter in the
411-2133-525 NTP for the pegging details.

Table 966
Connection Resource Setup OM group values
Group ID Physical Pegging Multi ID pegging Aggregate Output file
entity type types prefix
76 CNFP NRM MultiID ConnectionType No --

EBSC_ConnectionAllocationAttempts OM (ID 1)
This OM is pegged when the NRM sends a resource allocation request to
the CSRM and the SDRM for the required Connection Type.

Table 967
EBSC_ConnectionAllocationAttempts OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
1 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

EBSC_ConnectionAllocationSuccesses OM (ID 2)
This OM is pegged when the NRM receives a successful resource
allocation response for a Connection Type from both the CSRM and

Table 968
EBSC_ConnectionAllocationSuccesses OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
2 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

EBSC_MG_ConnectionAllocationFailures OM (ID 3)
This OM is pegged when the NRM fails to allocate the MG (Media
Gateway) resource (that is, DSP or CIC) for a requested Connection Type.

This can happen upon a failure response from the CSRM due to resource
unavailability, internal failure or if the NRM times out waiting for a response
from the CSRM.

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Connection Resource Setup OM group (ID 76) 321

Table 969
EBSC_MG_ConnectionAllocationFailures OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
3 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

EBSC_SDU_ConnectionAllocationFailures OM (ID 4)
This OM is pegged when the NRM fails to allocate the SDU (Selection
Distribution Unit) resource for a requested Connection Type.

The resource allocation fails upon a failure response from the SDRM due
to resource unavailability, internal failure or if the NRM times out waiting
for a response from the SDRM.

Table 970
EBSC_SDU_ConnectionAllocationFailures OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
4 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

BSC_ConnectionAllocationAttempt OM (ID 5)
This OM is pegged when the NRM sends a resource allocation request to
the SBSRM for a requested Connection Type.

Table 971
BSC_ConnectionAllocationAttempt OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
5 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

BSC_ConnectionAllocationSuccess OM (ID 6)
This OM is pegged when the NRM receives a successful resource
allocation response for a Connection Type from the SBSRM.

Table 972
BSC_ConnectionAllocationSuccess OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
6 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

BSC_ConnectionAllocationFailures OM (ID 7)
This OM is pegged when the NRM fails to allocate the SBS resource for a
requested connection type.

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The resource allocation fails upon a failure response from the SBSRM due
to resource unavailability, internal failure or if the NRM times out waiting
for a response from the SBSRM.

Table 973
BSC_ConnectionAllocationFailures OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
7 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

BSC Connection Resource Availability Check OM group (ID 77)

This OM Group consists of OMs to track the number of times resources
are unavailable for resource allocation for 13K on a per connection type

OMs from this group are pegged by the SBSRM during the Resource
Availability Check after the SBSRM accepts the Resource allocation
request. The SBSRM may check resource availability multiple times during
resource allocation. Hence, these OMs may be pegged multiple times
during each resource availability check. Refer to the "Call flow diagrams
with OMs" chapter in the 411-2133-525 NTP for the pegging details.

These OMs peg for 13K service only. Pegging granularity of the OMs is on
a per Connection Type as follows: packet and circuit.

Table 974
BSC Connection Resource Availability Check OM group values
Group ID Physical Pegging Multi ID pegging Aggregate Output file
entity type types prefix
77 CNFP SBSRM MultiID ConnectionType No --

BSC_ConnectionResourceCheckAttempts OM (ID 1)
This OM is pegged when the SBSRM checks resource availability for a
connection type.

Table 975
BSC_ConnectionResourceCheckAttempts OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
1 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

BSC_ConnectionResourceCheckUnavailable OM (ID 2)
This OM is pegged when the SBSRM determines that there are no
resources available for a connection type.

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EVRC-B Distribution OM group (ID 78) 323

Table 976
BSC_ConnectionResourceCheckUnavailable OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
2 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

BSC_ConnectionResourceCheckAvailable OM (ID 3)
This OM is pegged when the SBSRM determines that resources are
available for a connection type.

Table 977
BSC_ConnectionResourceCheckAvailable OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
3 14 -- Yes Word32 Ext

EVRC-B Distribution OM group (ID 78)

This OM group is pegged on a per EBSC basis. It contains OMs that are
pegged based on the BTS loading report and the mode threshold selection
table (event-based) as well as OMs that are pegged based on the number
of frames sent for each selected mode (time-based). These OMs are
pegged for modes selected in both the forward and reverse directions.

The event-based OMs are pegged after the EBSC received the
CATSOM_SOMServiceConnectReq message and successfully initialized
the service.The frame-based OMs are pegged for the duration of the call
so if the mode changes after initial selection it will still be captured.

The ACP sends the selected forward mode to the 2pVS and the reverse
mode to the mobile using the Service Option Control Message (SOCM).

Table 978
EVRC-B Distribution OM group values
Group ID Physical Pegging Multi ID pegging Aggregate Output file
entity type types prefix
78 DSFP-V ACP Node -- No --

EVRCB_FrameCountFwdMode_0 OM (ID 1)
This OM counts the forward mode 0 frames sent for all the EVRC-B calls
in the entire system.

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Table 979
EVRCB_FrameCountFwdMode_0 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
1 15 -- Yes Word32 Ext

EVRCB_FrameCountFwdMode_4 OM (ID 5)
This OM counts the forward mode 4 frames sent for all the EVRC-B calls
in the entire system.

Table 980
EVRCB_FrameCountFwdMode_4 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
5 15 -- Yes Word32 Ext

EVRCB_FrameCountFwdMode_6 OM (ID 7)
This OM counts the forward mode 6 frames sent for all the EVRC-B calls
in the entire system.

Table 981
EVRCB_FrameCountFwdMode_6 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
7 15 -- Yes Word32 Ext

EVRCB_FrameCountRevMode_0 OM (ID 9)
This OM counts the reverse mode 0 frames received for the EVRC-B calls
in the entire system.

Table 982
EVRCB_FrameCountRevMode_0 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
9 15 -- Yes Word32 Ext

EVRCB_FrameCountRevMode_4 OM (ID 13)

This OM counts the reverse mode 4 frames received for the EVRC-B calls
in the entire system.

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EVRC-B Distribution OM group (ID 78) 325

Table 983
EVRCB_FrameCountRevMode_4 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
13 15 -- Yes Word32 Ext

EVRCB_FrameCountRevMode_6 OM (ID 15)

This OM counts the reverse mode 6 frames received for the EVRC-B calls
in the entire system.

Table 984
EVRCB_FrameCountRevMode_6 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
15 15 -- Yes Word32 Ext

EVRCB_SelectionCountFwdMode_0 OM (ID 17)

This OM counts the number of times Mode 0 is selected in the forward
direction during call setup based on the BTS loading report and the mode
selection threshold table.

Table 985
EVRCB_SelectionCountFwdMode_0 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
17 15 -- Yes Word16 Ext

EVRCB_SelectionCountFwdMode_4 OM (ID 21)

This OM counts the number of times Mode 4 is selected in the forward
direction during call setup based on the BTS loading report and the mode
selection threshold table.

Table 986
EVRCB_SelectionCountFwdMode_4 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
21 15 -- Yes Word16 Ext

EVRCB_SelectionCountFwdMode_6 OM (ID 23)

This OM counts the number of times Mode 6 is selected in the forward
direction during call setup based on the BTS loading report and the mode
selection threshold table.

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Table 987
EVRCB_SelectionCountFwdMode_6 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
23 15 -- Yes Word16 Ext

EVRCB_SelectionCountRevMode_0 OM (ID 25)

This OM counts the number of times Mode 0 is selected in the reverse
direction during call setup based on the BTS loading report and the mode
selection threshold table.

Table 988
EVRCB_SelectionCountRevMode_0 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
25 15 -- Yes Word16 Ext

EVRCB_SelectionCountRevMode_4 OM (ID 29)

This OM counts the number of times Mode 4 is selected in the reverse
direction during call setup based on the BTS loading report and the mode
selection threshold table.

Table 989
EVRCB_SelectionCountRevMode_4 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
29 15 -- Yes Word16 Ext

EVRCB_SelectionCountRevMode_6 OM (ID 31)

This OM counts the number of times Mode 6 is selected in the reverse
direction during call setup based on the BTS loading report and the mode
selection threshold table.

Table 990
EVRCB_SelectionCountRevMode_6 OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
31 15 -- Yes Word16 Ext

RTP Signaling OM group (ID 79)

The new RTP Signaling OM Group is introduced on TRFO2 enabled
DSFP-V card. OMs in this group are pegged on a per IP basis.

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RTP Signaling OM group (ID 79) 327

Table 991
RTP Signaling OM group values
Group ID Physical Pegging Multi ID pegging Aggregate Output file
entity type types prefix
79 DSFP-V ACP IP -- Yes --

RTP_RateControlAttempts OM (ID 1)
This OM is pegged for every Rate Control attempt.

Table 992
RTP_RateControlAttempts OM values
Seque Releas Releas Maskabl OM registe Internal or Peg Type Node
nce e introd e obso e r size external
uced leted
1 16 -- Yes Word32 Ext IP EBSC

RTP_RateControlSuccesses OM (ID 2)
This OM is pegged for every Rate Control success.

Table 993
RTP_RateControlSuccesses OM values
Seque Releas Releas Maskabl OM registe Internal or Peg Type Node
nce e introd e obso e r size external
uced leted
2 16 -- Yes Word32 Ext IP EBSC

RTP_RateControlFailures OM (ID 3)
This OM is pegged for every Rate Control failure.

Table 994
RTP_RateControlFailures OM values
Seque Releas Releas Maskabl OM registe Internal or Peg Type Node
nce e introd e obso e r size external
uced leted
3 16 -- Yes Word32 Ext IP EBSC

RTP_RateControlTimeouts OM (ID 4)
This OM is pegged after the maximum number of retries expires for a Rate
Control message.

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328 Operational measurements reference

Table 995
RTP_RateControlTimeouts OM values
Seque Releas Releas Maskabl OM registe Internal or Peg Type Node
nce e introd e obso e r size external
uced leted
4 16 -- Yes Word32 Ext IP EBSC

RTP_DTMF_Attempts OM (ID 5)
This OM is pegged for every DTMF attempt.

Table 996
RTP_DTMF_Attempts OM values
Seque Releas Releas Maskabl OM registe Internal or Peg Type Node
nce e introd e obso e r size external
uced leted
5 16 -- Yes Word32 Ext IP EBSC

RTP_DTMF_Successes OM (ID 6)
This OM is pegged for every DTMF success.

Table 997
RTP_DTMF_Successes OM values
Seque Releas Releas Maskabl OM registe Internal or Peg Type Node
nce e introd e obso e r size external
uced leted

6 16 -- Yes Word32 Ext IP EBSC

RTP_DTMF_Failures OM (ID 7)
This OM is pegged for every DTMF failure.

Table 998
RTP_DTMF_Failures OM values
Seque Releas Releas Maskabl OM registe Internal or Peg Type Node
nce e introd e obso e r size external
uced leted
7 16 -- Yes Word32 Ext IP EBSC

RTP_DTMF_Timeouts OM (ID 8)
This OM is pegged after the maximum number of retries expires for a
DTMF message.

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RTP Signaling OM group (ID 79) 329

Table 999
RTP_DTMF_Timeouts OM values
Seque Releas Releas Maskabl OM registe Internal or Peg Type Node
nce e introd e obso e r size external
uced leted
8 16 -- Yes Word32 Ext IP EBSC

RTP_TimeAlignmentAttempts OM (ID 9)
This OM is pegged for every Time Alignment attempt.

Table 1000
RTP_TimeAlignmentAttempts OM values
Seque Releas Releas Maskabl OM registe Internal or Peg Type Node
nce e introd e obso e r size external
uced leted
9 16 -- Yes Word32 Ext IP EBSC

RTP_TimeAlignmentSuccesses OM (ID 10)

This OM is pegged for every Time Alignment success.

Table 1001
RTP_TimeAlignmentSuccesses OM values
Seque Releas Releas Maskabl OM registe Internal or Peg Type Node
nce e introd e obso e r size external
uced leted
10 16 -- Yes Word32 Ext IP EBSC

RTP_TimeAlignmentFailures OM (ID 11)

This OM is pegged every time a Time Alignment Response indicates that
time alignment was not fully or partially possible.

Table 1002
RTP_TimeAlignmentFailures OM values
Seque Releas Releas Maskabl OM registe Internal or Peg Type Node
nce e introd e obso e r size external
uced leted
11 16 -- Yes Word32 Ext IP EBSC

RTP_TimeAlignmentPartialSuccesses OM (ID 12)

This OM is pegged every time the full time alignment amount requested in
the Time Alignment Request could not be accommodated, and a failure
did NOT occur.

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330 Operational measurements reference

Table 1003
RTP_TimeAlignmentPartialSuccesses OM values
Seque Releas Releas Maskabl OM registe Internal or Peg Type Node
nce e introd e obso e r size external
uced leted
12 16 -- Yes Word32 Ext IP EBSC

RTP_TimeAlignmentTimeouts OM (ID 13)

This OM is pegged after the maximum number of retires expires for a Time
Alignment message.

Table 1004
RTP_TimeAlignmentTimeouts OM values
Seque Releas Releas Maskabl OM registe Internal or Peg Type Node
nce e introd e obso e r size external
uced leted
13 16 -- Yes Word32 Ext IP EBSC

Voice Pass Through OM group (ID 80)

This OM Group consists of OMs that count interesting events related to
Voice Pass-through calls.

OMs from this group are pegged by the ESEL during the Voice
Pass-through call setup and Hard handoff. Hence, these OMs are pegged
twice during each Voice Pass-through call or Hard handoff, one is attempt,
the other is the result, which may be success, reject or failure.

These OMs peg for the Voice Pass-through service only.

Table 1005
Voice Pass Through OM group values
Group ID Physical Pegging Multi ID pegging Aggregate Output file
entity type types prefix
80 ESEL Node -- No --

VPT_Attempts OM (ID 1)
This OM is pegged when the BSC receives the VPT Service Request from
the mobile.

Table 1006
VPT_Attempts OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
1 15 -- Yes Word32 Ext

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Voice Pass Through OM group (ID 80) 331

VPT_Successes OM (ID 2)
This OM is pegged when the EVRC call has been changed to a VPT call
after Service Negotiation.

Table 1007
VPT_Successes OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
2 15 -- Yes Word32 Ext

VPT_Rejects OM (ID 3)
This OM is pegged when the BSC receives the VPT Service Request from
the mobile but the VPT feature is turned off or the mobile is not in a stable
EVRC call.

Table 1008
VPT_Rejects OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
3 15 -- Yes Word32 Ext

VPT_FailureInternal OM (ID 4)
This OM is pegged when a software error occurs in the BSC during VPT
Service Negotiation.

Table 1009
VPT_FailureInternal OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
4 15 -- Yes Word32 Ext

VPT_MobileTimeout OM (ID 5)
This OM is pegged when the BSC times out on the mobiles Service
Connect Complete response.

Table 1010
VPT_MobileTimeout OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
5 15 -- Yes Word32 Ext

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332 Operational measurements reference

VPT_Releases OM (ID 6)
This OM is pegged when the BSC has received the VPT Service Request,
the BSC is working on setting up the service, and the mobile releases the

Table 1011
VPT_Releases OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
6 15 -- Yes Word32 Ext

VPT_HHO_Attempts OM (ID 7)
This OM is pegged when the BSC receives a request for the hard handoff
of a VPT call.

Table 1012
VPT_HHO_Attempts OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
7 15 -- Yes Word32 Ext

VPT_HHO_Successes OM (ID 8)
This OM is pegged when the hard handoff of a VPT call to the target BSC
is successful.

Table 1013
VPT_HHO_Successes OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
8 15 -- Yes Word32 Ext

VPT_HHO_Rejects OM (ID 9)
This OM is pegged when the BSC receives a hard handoff request for a
VPT call from the MSC, but the VPT feature is turned off.

Table 1014
VPT_HHO_Rejects OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
9 15 -- Yes Word32 Ext

VPT_HHO_FailureInternal OM (ID 10)

This OM is pegged when a software error occurs in the BSC during a VPT
call hard handoff.

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RTP Bearer OM group (ID 81) 333

Table 1015
VPT_HHO_FailureInternal OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
10 15 -- Yes Word32 Ext

RTP Bearer OM group (ID 81)

The new RTP Bearer OM Group is introduced on TRFO2 enabled DSFP-V
card. OMs in this group are pegged on a per IP basis.

Table 1016
RTP Bearer OM group values
Group ID Physical Pegging Multi ID pegging Aggregate Output file
entity type types prefix
81 DSFP-V ACP IP -- Yes --

RTP_ZeroLengthPackets OM (ID 1)
This OM is pegged for every RTP packet discarded because the length of
the message is zero or the payload data pointer is null.

Table 1017
RTP_ZeroLengthPackets OM values
Seque Releas Releas Maskabl OM registe Internal or Peg Type Node
nce e introd e obso e r size external
uced leted
1 16 -- Yes Word32 Ext IP EBSC

RTP_UnknownPayloadTypePackets OM (ID 2)
This OM is pegged for every RTP packet discarded because the payload
type of the packet is not a supported RTP payload type.

Table 1018
RTP_UnknownPayloadTypePackets OM values
Seque Releas Releas Maskabl OM registe Internal or Peg Type Node
nce e introd e obso e r size external
uced leted
2 16 -- Yes Word32 Ext IP EBSC

RTP_UnsupportedProtocolPackets OM (ID 3)
This OM is pegged for every RTP packet discarded because the RTP
packet has an invalid header field (for example, the RTP version is wrong).

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Table 1019
RTP_UnsupportedProtocolPackets OM values
Seque Releas Releas Maskabl OM registe Internal or Peg Type Node
nce e introd e obso e r size external
uced leted
3 16 -- Yes Word32 Ext IP EBSC

RTP_InvalidCodecPayloadLengthPackets OM (ID 4)
This OM is pegged for every RTP codec+R[-19]C packet discarded
because the payload length is either less than the minimum supported
length or greater than the maximum supported length.

Table 1020
RTP_InvalidCodecPayloadLengthPackets OM values
Seque Releas Releas Maskabl OM registe Internal or Peg Type Node
nce e introd e obso e r size external
uced leted
4 16 -- Yes Word32 Ext IP EBSC

RTP_InvalidControlPayloadLengthPackets OM (ID 5)
This OM is pegged for every RTP control packet discarded because the
payload length is either less than the minimum supported length or greater
than the maximum supported length.

Table 1021
RTP_InvalidControlPayloadLengthPackets OM values
Seque Releas Releas Maskabl OM registe Internal or Peg Type Node
nce e introd e obso e r size external
uced leted
5 16 -- Yes Word32 Ext IP EBSC

RTP_UnexpectedPayloadCodecPackets OM (ID 6)
This OM is pegged for every RTP packet discarded because the codec
received is different than the coded expected.

Table 1022
RTP_UnexpectedPayloadCodecPackets OM values
Seque Releas Releas Maskabl OM registe Internal or Peg Type Node
nce e introd e obso e r size external
uced leted
6 16 -- Yes Word32 Ext IP EBSC

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RTP Bearer OM group (ID 81) 335

RTP_ReceivedCodecPackets OM (ID 7)
This OM is pegged for every RTP codec packet received, processed and
sent to the upper layer by the RTP. This does not include packets that are

Table 1023
RTP_ReceivedCodecPackets OM values
Seque Releas Releas Maskabl OM registe Internal or Peg Type Node
nce e introd e obso e r size external
uced leted
7 16 -- Yes Word32 Ext IP EBSC

RTP_ReceivedControlPackets OM (ID 8)
This OM is pegged for every RTP control packet received and processed
by the RTP. This does not include packets received out of order.

Table 1024
RTP_ReceivedControlPackets OM values
Seque Releas Releas Maskabl OM registe Internal or Peg Type Node
nce e introd e obso e r size external
uced leted
8 16 -- Yes Word32 Ext IP EBSC

RTP_LostPackets OM (ID 9)
This OM is pegged for every RTP packet missed at the RTP. Pegging is
based on the RTP sequence number of the received RTP packet.

Table 1025
RTP_LostPackets OM values
Seque Releas Releas Maskabl OM registe Internal or Peg Type Node
nce e introd e obso e r size external
uced leted
9 16 -- Yes Word32 Ext IP EBSC

RTP_OutofOrderCodecPackets OM (ID 10)

This OM is pegged for every RTP codec packet discarded because it is
received either as a duplicate or as a re-ordered packet.

Table 1026
RTP_OutofOrderCodecPackets OM values
Seque Releas Releas Maskabl OM registe Internal or Peg Type Node
nce e introd e obso e r size external
uced leted
10 16 -- Yes Word32 Ext IP EBSC

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336 Operational measurements reference

Bearer Update OM group (ID 82)

This OM group contains OMs that track the Bearer Update status on

Table 1027
Bearer Update OM group values
Group ID Physical Pegging Multi ID pegging Aggregate Output file
entity type types prefix
82 DSFP-V ACP Node -- No --

BearerUpdateAttempts OM (ID 1)
This OM is pegged when the ACP receives a Service Change Command
from the MTX

Table 1028
BearerUpdateAttempts OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
1 16 -- Yes Word32 Ext

BearerUpdateSuccesses OM (ID 2)
This OM is pegged when the ACP receives the bearer path update
acknowledgement from the mobile which indicates that the bearer path
update was successful.

Table 1029
BearerUpdateSuccesses OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
2 16 -- Yes Word32 Ext

BearerUpdateTimeouts OM (ID 3)
This OM is pegged when the ACP times out waiting for the bearer path
update acknowledgement from the mobile. This might be caused by the
bad RF conditions such that mobile doesnt receive the bearer path update
message from the EBSC or the acknowledgement message back to the
EBSC is lost.

Table 1030
BearerUpdateTimeouts OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
3 16 -- Yes Word32 Ext

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RTP Network OM group (ID 83) 337

BearerUpdateInternalFailures OM (ID 4)
This OM is pegged when the ACP encounters any internal failures, such
as the Service Connect IS95 message could not be created, packed, or
sent successfully.

Table 1031
BearerUpdateInternalFailures OM values
Sequence Release Release Maskable OM register size Internal or
introduced obsoleted external
4 16 -- Yes Word32 Ext

RTP Network OM group (ID 83)

The new RTP Network OM Group is introduced on TRFO2 enabled
DSFP-V card. OMs in this group are pegged on a per IP basis.

Table 1032
RTP Network OM group values
Group ID Physical Pegging Multi ID pegging Aggregate Output file
entity type types prefix
83 DSFP-V ACP IP -- Yes --

RTP_JitterThresholdExceeded OM (ID 1)
This OM is pegged for every RTP packet for which the jitter value
exceeded the system engineered value of jitter.

Table 1033
RTP_JitterThresholdExceeded OM values
Seque Releas Releas Maskabl OM registe Internal or Peg Type Node
nce e introd e obso e r size external
uced leted
1 16 -- Yes Word32 Ext IP EBSC

RTP_LatencyThresholdExceeded OM (ID 2)
This OM is pegged for every RTP packet for which the latency value
exceeded the system engineered value of latency.

Table 1034
RTP_LatencyThresholdExceeded OM values
Seque Releas Releas Maskabl OM registe Internal or Peg Type Node
nce e introd e obso e r size external
uced leted
2 16 -- Yes Word32 Ext IP EBSC

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RTP_SyncSsrcChange OM (ID 3)
This OM is pegged for every RTP packet for which the received SSRC is
different from the existing SSRC value. An SSRC change will represent
either a restart of the existing source or a change of source.

Table 1035
RTP_SyncSsrcChange OM values
Seque Releas Releas Maskabl OM registe Internal or Peg Type Node
nce e introd e obso e r size external
uced leted
3 16 -- Yes Word32 Ext IP EBSC

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The following table lists OMs alphabetically by name for easier mapping
between OM name and their sequence or group ID.

OMs listed alphabetically

Table 1036
OMs listed by Name, Sequence, Group Name and Group ID
OM Group
OM Name OM Sequence OM Group Name ID
ACN_NOIS_MsgDiscardedDue 1 NRM Message Request 62
ToOverload Processing
ActiveSessionTransitionsQueu 11 Packet Session Signaling 12
AllocationRequestAccepted 1 Call Resource Setup 34
AllocationRequestDenied 3 Call Resource Request 33
AllocationRequestFailures 4 Call Resource Setup 34
AllocationRequestFlex_ToCct 20 Connection Resource 73
AllocationRequestFlex_ToPkt 19 Connection Resource 73
AllocationRequestFlex_ToTrFO 17 Connection Resource 73
AllocationRequestFlex_ToTrFO 18 Connection Resource 73
2 Redirection
AllocationRequestReceived 1 Call Resource Request 33
AllocationRequestReceivedWith 4 Call Resource Request 33
TrFO2_Suspended Processing
AllocationRequestRedirectionCc 6 Connection Resource 73
tToPkt Redirection

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340 Appendix

Table 1036
OMs listed by Name, Sequence, Group Name and Group ID (contd.)
OM Group
OM Name OM Sequence OM Group Name ID
AllocationRequestRedirectionCc 5 Connection Resource 73
tToTrFO Redirection
AllocationRequestRedirectionCc 13 Connection Resource 73
tToTrFO2 Redirection
AllocationRequestRedirectionPk 4 Connection Resource 73
tToCct Redirection
AllocationRequestRedirectionPk 3 Connection Resource 73
tToTrFO Redirection
AllocationRequestRedirectionPk 12 Connection Resource 73
tToTrFO2 Redirection
AllocationRequestRedirectionT 1 Connection Resource 73
rFO_ToCct Redirection
AllocationRequestRedirectionTr 2 Connection Resource 73
FO_ToPkt Redirection
AllocationRequestRedirectionTr 15 Connection Resource 73
FO2_ToCct Redirection
AllocationRequestRedirectionTr 16 Connection Resource 73
FO2_ToPkt Redirection
AllocationRequestRedirectionTr 14 Connection Resource 73
FO2_ToTrfo Redirection
AllocationRequestRedirectionUn 7 Connection Resource 73
specifiedToCct Redirection
AllocationRequestRedirectionUn 8 Connection Resource 73
specifiedToPkt Redirection
AllocationRequestRedirectionUn 9 Connection Resource 73
specifiedToTrFO Redirection
AllocationRequestRedirectonTr 11 Connection Resource 73
FO_ToTrFO2 Redirection
AllocationRequestRedirectUnsp 10 Connection Resource 73
ecifiedToTrFO2 Redirection
AllocationRequestRejectedDue 2 Call Resource Request 33
ToOverload Processing
AllocationRequestResourceUn 2 Call Resource Setup 34
AllocationRequestSuccesses 3 Call Resource Setup 34
AllocationRequestTrFO2_Susp 21 Connection Resource 73
endedToCkt Redirection

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OMs listed alphabetically 341

Table 1036
OMs listed by Name, Sequence, Group Name and Group ID (contd.)
OM Group
OM Name OM Sequence OM Group Name ID
AllocationRequestTrFO2_Susp 22 Connection Resource 73
endedToPkt Redirection
AllocationRequestTrFO2_Suspe 23 Connection Resource 73
ndedToTrFO Redirection
AllocationRequestTrFO2_Susp 24 Connection Resource 73
endedToTrFO2 Redirection
AllocationResourceFailuresWith 6 Call Resource Request 33
TrFO2_Suspended Processing
AllocationResourceUnavailWith 5 Call Resource Request 33
TrFO2_Suspended Processing
AlternateBSC_AllocationAttem 12 Service Resource Setup 36
AlternateBSC_AllocationFailure 14 Service Resource Setup 36
AlternateBSC_AllocationSucces 13 Service Resource Setup 36
AlternateEBSC_AllocationAttem 5 Service Resource Setup 36
AlternateEBSC_AllocationSucc 6 Service Resource Setup 36
AlternateEBSC_MG_AllocationF 7 Service Resource Setup 36
AlternateEBSC_SDU_Allocatio 8 Service Resource Setup 36
AttachedActiveUsers 7 Packet Session Data 13
AttachedDormantUsers 9 Packet Session Data 13
AvailablePhysicalSDU_Capacity 1 ACP Resource Capacity 43
AvgActiveDCR_QueueDepth 12 PCU Queue Occupancy 72
AvgActiveRR_QueueDepth 14 PCU Queue Occupancy 72
BCCAllocationRejects 2 V5.2 Interface Layer 3 4
BCCDeallocationRejects 4 V5.2 Interface Layer 3 4
BCCProtocolSyntaxErrors 7 V5.2 Interface Layer 3 4
BCCProtocolTimeOutErrors 6 V5.2 Interface Layer 3 4
BCCSuccessfulAllocations 1 V5.2 Interface Layer 3 4
BCCSuccessfulDeallocations 3 V5.2 Interface Layer 3 4

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342 Appendix

Table 1036
OMs listed by Name, Sequence, Group Name and Group ID (contd.)
OM Group
OM Name OM Sequence OM Group Name ID
BearerUpdateAttempts 1 Bearer Update 82
BearerUpdateInternalFailures 4 Bearer Update 82
BearerUpdateSuccesses 2 Bearer Update 82
BearerUpdateTimeouts 3 Bearer Update 82
BSC_AllocationInitialAttempts 3 BSC Resource Setup 45
BSC_AllocationInitialFailures 4 BSC Resource Setup 45
BSC_AllocationInitialSuccesses 6 BSC Resource Setup 45
BSC_AllocationInitialTimeouts 5 BSC Resource Setup 45
BSC_AllocationInternalFailures 12 BSC Resource Setup 45
BSC_AllocationRequestAccep 1 BSC Resource Setup 45
BSC_AllocationRequestDenied 3 BSC Resource Request 46
BSC_AllocationRequestDiscard 2 BSC Resource Request 46
edDueToOverload Processing
BSC_AllocationRequestReceiv 1 BSC Resource Request 46
ed Processing
BSC_AllocationRetryAttempts 8 BSC Resource Setup 45
BSC_AllocationRetryFailures 9 BSC Resource Setup 45
BSC_AllocationRetrySuccesses 11 BSC Resource Setup 45
BSC_AllocationRetryTimeouts 10 BSC Resource Setup 45
BSC_ConnectionAllocationAtte 5 Connection Resource Setup 76
BSC_ConnectionAllocationFailu 7 Connection Resource Setup 76
BSC_ConnectionAllocationSucc 6 Connection Resource Setup 76
BSC_ConnectionResourceChe 1 BSC Connection Resource 77
ckAttempts Availability Check
BSC_ConnectionResourceChe 3 BSC Connection Resource 77
ckAvailable Availability Check
BSC_ConnectionResourceChec 2 BSC Connection Resource 77
kUnavailable Availability Check
BSC_ResourceUnavailableOnIn 2 BSC Resource Setup 45

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OMs listed alphabetically 343

Table 1036
OMs listed by Name, Sequence, Group Name and Group ID (contd.)
OM Group
OM Name OM Sequence OM Group Name ID
BSC_ResourceUnavailableOnR 7 BSC Resource Setup 45
CallDropLossOfTraffic 15 FW BCM EBID 2
CallDropNetworkRelated 19 FW BCM EBID 2
CallDropRadioRelated 18 FW BCM EBID 2
CallingNumberDuringTerminat 2 FW BCM 1
CommonControlProtocolLayer3 9 V5.2 Interface Layer 3 4
CommonControlProtocolSyntax 10 V5.2 Interface Layer 3 4
CommonControlProtocolTimeO 8 V5.2 Interface Layer 3 4
ConnectionAllocationRequestRe 1 Connection Call Resource Setup 75
ConnectionAllocationResource 3 Connection Call Resource Setup 75
ConnectionAllocationResourceF 4 Connection Call Resource Setup 75
ConnectionAllocationResource 2 Connection Call Resource Setup 75
ConnectionResourceCheckAtte 1 Connection Resource Availability 74
mpts Check
ConnectionResourceCheckAvai 3 Connection Resource Availability 74
lable Check
ConnectionResourceCheckUna 2 Connection Resource Availability 74
vailable Check
CPU_UsageExceededThresho 8 CPU Usage 19
CPU_UsageIndex_1 1 CPU Usage 19
CPU_UsageIndex_2 2 CPU Usage 19
CPU_UsageIndex_3 3 CPU Usage 19
CPU_UsageIndex_4 4 CPU Usage 19
CPU_UsageIndex_5 5 CPU Usage 19
CPU_UsageIndex_6 6 CPU Usage 19
CPU_UsageIndex_7 7 CPU Usage 19

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344 Appendix

Table 1036
OMs listed by Name, Sequence, Group Name and Group ID (contd.)
OM Group
OM Name OM Sequence OM Group Name ID
DataCallAbnormalRelease 5 FW CSD 5
DataCallMITAcknowledge 7 FW CSD 5
DataCallMITRequest 6 FW CSD 5
DataCallOriginationAttempt 1 FW CSD 5
DataCallOriginationCompleted 2 FW CSD 5
DataCallServNegTarget 8 FW CSD 5
DataCallTerminationAttempt 3 FW CSD 5
DataCallTerminationCompleted 4 FW CSD 5
DCRBufferOverflows 3 Packet Session Data 13
DCRNumOfStopTransmitMsgsS 4 Packet Session Data 13
DHO_AllocationRequestDenied 3 DHO Call Resource Request 51
DHO_AllocationRequestFailures 2 DHO Call Resource Setup 52
DHO_AllocationRequestReceiv 1 DHO Call Resource Request 51
ed Processing
DHO_AllocationRequestRejecte 2 DHO Call Resource Request 51
dDueToOverload Processing
DHO_AllocationRequestSucces 1 DHO Call Resource Setup 52
DHO_AlternateBSC_Allocation 4 DHO Service Resource Setup 53
DHO_AlternateBSC_AllocationF 6 DHO Service Resource Setup 53
DHO_AlternateBSC_AllocationS 5 DHO Service Resource Setup 53
DHO_AlternateEBSC_Allocation 10 DHO Service Resource Setup 53
DHO_AlternateEBSC_Allocatio 12 DHO Service Resource Setup 53
DHO_AlternateEBSC_Allocatio 11 DHO Service Resource Setup 53
DHO_PlatformPreferenceChan 2 DHO Platform Selection 63
ge Overload
DHO_PlatformSelectionFailures 1 DHO Platform Selection 63
DueToTQ_Exceeded Overload

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OMs listed alphabetically 345

Table 1036
OMs listed by Name, Sequence, Group Name and Group ID (contd.)
OM Group
OM Name OM Sequence OM Group Name ID
DHO_SecondaryPlatformDropp 3 DHO Platform Selection 63
edDueToTQ_Exceeded Overload
DHO_SelectedBSC_Allocation 7 DHO Service Resource Setup 53
DHO_SelectedBSC_AllocationF 9 DHO Service Resource Setup 53
DHO_SelectedBSC_AllocationS 8 DHO Service Resource Setup 53
DHO_SelectedEBSC_Allocation 1 DHO Service Resource Setup 53
DHO_SelectedEBSC_Allocatio 3 DHO Service Resource Setup 53
DHO_SelectedEBSC_Allocatio 2 DHO Service Resource Setup 53
DormantDCR_QueueAtD2A_10 1 PCU Queue Occupancy 72
DormantDCR_QueueAtD2A_1 10 PCU Queue Occupancy 72
DormantDCR_QueueAtD2A_20 2 PCU Queue Occupancy 72
DormantDCR_QueueAtD2A_30 3 PCU Queue Occupancy 72
DormantDCR_QueueAtD2A_40 4 PCU Queue Occupancy 72
DormantDCR_QueueAtD2A_50 5 PCU Queue Occupancy 72
DormantDCR_QueueAtD2A_60 6 PCU Queue Occupancy 72
DormantDCR_QueueAtD2A_70 7 PCU Queue Occupancy 72
DormantDCR_QueueAtD2A_80 8 PCU Queue Occupancy 72
DormantDCR_QueueAtD2A_90 9 PCU Queue Occupancy 72
DormantHandoffRequests 2 PCU Manager 24
DormantReleaseIndDroppedDu 16 Packet Session Signaling 12
DormantToActiveHandoffs 1 PCU Manager 24
DormantToActiveIndDroppedDu 15 Packet Session Signaling 12
DormantToActiveTransitionsInhi 4 PCU Overload 25
DTA_AllocationRequestResourc 3 DTA Call Resource Setup 49

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346 Appendix

Table 1036
OMs listed by Name, Sequence, Group Name and Group ID (contd.)
OM Group
OM Name OM Sequence OM Group Name ID
DTA_AllocationRequestsFailur 8 DTA Call Resource Setup 49
DTA_BSC_AllocationRequestAc 1 DTA Call Resource Setup 49
DTA_BSC_RequestedSuccess 4 DTA Call Resource Setup 49
DTA_BSC_RequestedSuccess 5 DTA Call Resource Setup 49
DTA_EBSC_AllocationRequest 2 DTA Call Resource Setup 49
DTA_EBSC_RequestedSucces 7 DTA Call Resource Setup 49
DTA_EBSC_RequestedSucces 6 DTA Call Resource Setup 49
DTA_PacketSessionFound 1 DTA BSC PCU Lookup 50
DTA_PCU_Changed 2 DTA BSC PCU Lookup 50
DTA_PCU_NotChanged 3 DTA BSC PCU Lookup 50
DTA_PlatformPreferenceChan 2 DTA Platform Selection Overload 64
DTA_PlatformSelectionFailures 1 DTA Platform Selection Overload 64
DTA_SecondaryPlatformDroppe 3 DTA Platform Selection Overload 64
EACH_RSDB_Histogram_1 1 Short Data Burst 66
EACH_RSDB_Histogram_10 10 Short Data Burst 66
EACH_RSDB_Histogram_2 2 Short Data Burst 66
EACH_RSDB_Histogram_3 3 Short Data Burst 66
EACH_RSDB_Histogram_4 4 Short Data Burst 66
EACH_RSDB_Histogram_5 5 Short Data Burst 66
EACH_RSDB_Histogram_6 6 Short Data Burst 66
EACH_RSDB_Histogram_7 7 Short Data Burst 66
EACH_RSDB_Histogram_8 8 Short Data Burst 66
EACH_RSDB_Histogram_9 9 Short Data Burst 66
EBSC_ConnectionAllocationAt 1 Connection Resource Setup 76

Nortel CDMA BSC and EBSC

Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks

OMs listed alphabetically 347

Table 1036
OMs listed by Name, Sequence, Group Name and Group ID (contd.)
OM Group
OM Name OM Sequence OM Group Name ID
EBSC_ConnectionAllocationSuc 2 Connection Resource Setup 76
EBSC_MG_ConnectionAllocatio 3 Connection Resource Setup 76
EBSC_SDU_ConnectionAlloca 4 Connection Resource Setup 76
EBSC_VoiceAllocationRequest 2 EBSC Voice Resource Request 61
Accepted Processing
EBSC_VoiceAllocationRequest 3 EBSC Voice Resource Request 61
Denied Processing
EBSC_VoiceAllocationRequest 4 EBSC Voice Resource Request 61
DiscardedDueToOverload Processing
EBSC_VoiceAllocationRequest 1 EBSC Voice Resource Request 61
Received Processing
EFBytesReceived 1 V5.2 Link Layer 2 3
EFFramesAborted 3 V5.2 Link Layer 2 3
EFFramesBadFCS 4 V5.2 Link Layer 2 3
EFFramesReceived 2 V5.2 Link Layer 2 3
EFFramesTooLong 6 V5.2 Link Layer 2 3
EFFramesTooShort 5 V5.2 Link Layer 2 3
EnteredActiveSessionTransitio 9 Packet Session Signaling 12
EnteredNullSessionTransitionT 10 Packet Session Signaling 12
EnteredSessionTransitionThrottl 11 Packet Session Data 13
EnteredSessionTransitionType 17 Packet Session Signaling 12
EnteredSessionTransitionTypeT 18 Packet Session Signaling 12
ESL_CongestedSignalingConne 12 BCN Enhanced Socket Layer 26
ESL_CongestedSignalingReliab 15 BCN Enhanced Socket Layer 26
ESL_CongestedSignalingReliab 11 BCN Enhanced Socket Layer 26

Nortel CDMA BSC and EBSC

Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks

348 Appendix

Table 1036
OMs listed by Name, Sequence, Group Name and Group ID (contd.)
OM Group
OM Name OM Sequence OM Group Name ID
ESL_CongestedSignalingReliab 10 BCN Enhanced Socket Layer 26
ESL_CongestedSignalingTxMsg 14 BCN Enhanced Socket Layer 26
ESL_CongestedSignalingUnkno 13 BCN Enhanced Socket Layer 26
ESL_InvalidMsgRx 19 BCN Enhanced Socket Layer 26
ESL_NodeInitRxMsg 17 BCN Enhanced Socket Layer 26
ESL_NodeInitTxMsg 16 BCN Enhanced Socket Layer 26
ESL_NodeInitTxMsgFailure 18 BCN Enhanced Socket Layer 26
ESL_SignalingConnectionFailu 5 BCN Enhanced Socket Layer 26
ESL_SignalingReliableAckWai 9 BCN Enhanced Socket Layer 26
ESL_SignalingReliableRxMsg 2 BCN Enhanced Socket Layer 26
ESL_SignalingReliableTxMsg 1 BCN Enhanced Socket Layer 26
ESL_SignalingReliableTxMsgF 7 BCN Enhanced Socket Layer 26
ESL_SignalingUnknownDestin 6 BCN Enhanced Socket Layer 26
ESL_SignalingUnreliableRxMsg 4 BCN Enhanced Socket Layer 26
ESL_SignalingUnreliableTxMsg 3 BCN Enhanced Socket Layer 26
ESL_SignalingUnreliableTxMsg 8 BCN Enhanced Socket Layer 26
EVRCB_FrameCountFwdMode 1 EVRC-B Distribution 78
EVRCB_FrameCountFwdMode 5 EVRC-B Distribution 78
EVRCB_FrameCountFwdMode 7 EVRC-B Distribution 78
EVRCB_FrameCountRevMode 9 EVRC-B Distribution 78
EVRCB_FrameCountRevMode 13 EVRC-B Distribution 78
EVRCB_FrameCountRevMode 15 EVRC-B Distribution 78

Nortel CDMA BSC and EBSC

Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks

OMs listed alphabetically 349

Table 1036
OMs listed by Name, Sequence, Group Name and Group ID (contd.)
OM Group
OM Name OM Sequence OM Group Name ID
EVRCB_SelectionCountFwdMo 17 EVRC-B Distribution 78
EVRCB_SelectionCountFwdMo 21 EVRC-B Distribution 78
EVRCB_SelectionCountFwdMo 23 EVRC-B Distribution 78
EVRCB_SelectionCountRevMo 25 EVRC-B Distribution 78
EVRCB_SelectionCountRevMo 29 EVRC-B Distribution 78
EVRCB_SelectionCountRevMo 31 EVRC-B Distribution 78
ExitedActiveSessionTransitionT 13 Packet Session Signaling 12
ExitedNullSessionTransitionThr 14 Packet Session Signaling 12
ExitedSessionTransitionThrottl 13 Packet Session Data 13
ExitedSessionTransitionTypeOn 21 Packet Session Signaling 12
ExitedSessionTransitionTypeTw 22 Packet Session Signaling 12
FailedCallSoftwareTimeout 16 FW BCM EBID 2
FFCH_BadDataFrames 5 Reference Sector FER 29
FFCH_BadNonDataFrames 1 Reference Sector FER 29
FFCH_PhysicalFrames 1 RLP Data Throughput 11
FFCH_ReTxRLP_DataBytes 11 RLP Data Throughput 11
FFCH_RLP_DataBytes 6 RLP Data Throughput 11
FFCH_RLP_Frames 16 RLP Data Throughput 11
FFCH_RLP_OverheadFrames 41 RLP Data Throughput 11
FFCH_RLP_ZeroPayloadFram 42 RLP Data Throughput 11
FFCH_TotalDataFrames 6 Reference Sector FER 29
FFCH_TotalNonDataFrames 2 Reference Sector FER 29
FlashMessage 3 FW BCM 1

Nortel CDMA BSC and EBSC

Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks

350 Appendix

Table 1036
OMs listed by Name, Sequence, Group Name and Group ID (contd.)
OM Group
OM Name OM Sequence OM Group Name ID
ForwardCapacityFull 13 FW BCM EBID 2
FrameErrorRateGroupPegging 3 Pegging Limitation Exceeded 31
FrameErrorRateGroupPeggingF 4 Pegging Limitation Exceeded 31
FSCH_BadFrames_16X 12 Reference Sector FER 29
FSCH_BadFrames_2X 9 Reference Sector FER 29
FSCH_BadFrames_4X 10 Reference Sector FER 29
FSCH_BadFrames_8X 11 Reference Sector FER 29
FSCH_BTS_Release_16X 8 SCH Radio Link Release 21
FSCH_BTS_Release_2X 5 SCH Radio Link Release 21
FSCH_BTS_Release_4X 6 SCH Radio Link Release 21
FSCH_BTS_Release_8X 7 SCH Radio Link Release 21
FSCH_CFDS_RadioConfig 11 SCH Primary Radio Link Setup 10
FSCH_PhysicalFrames_16X 5 RLP Data Throughput 11
FSCH_PhysicalFrames_2X 2 RLP Data Throughput 11
FSCH_PhysicalFrames_4X 3 RLP Data Throughput 11
FSCH_PhysicalFrames_8X 4 RLP Data Throughput 11
FSCH_PilotRelease_16X 16 SCH Radio Link Release 21
FSCH_PilotRelease_2X 13 SCH Radio Link Release 21
FSCH_PilotRelease_4X 14 SCH Radio Link Release 21
FSCH_PilotRelease_8X 15 SCH Radio Link Release 21
FSCH_RequestRetract_16X 4 SCH Radio Link Release 21
FSCH_RequestRetract_2X 1 SCH Radio Link Release 21
FSCH_RequestRetract_4X 2 SCH Radio Link Release 21
FSCH_RequestRetract_8X 3 SCH Radio Link Release 21
FSCH_ReTxRLP_DataBytes_1 15 RLP Data Throughput 11
FSCH_ReTxRLP_DataBytes_2 12 RLP Data Throughput 11
FSCH_ReTxRLP_DataBytes_4 13 RLP Data Throughput 11

Nortel CDMA BSC and EBSC

Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks

OMs listed alphabetically 351

Table 1036
OMs listed by Name, Sequence, Group Name and Group ID (contd.)
OM Group
OM Name OM Sequence OM Group Name ID
FSCH_ReTxRLP_DataBytes_8 14 RLP Data Throughput 11
FSCH_RLP_DataBytes_16X 10 RLP Data Throughput 11
FSCH_RLP_DataBytes_2X 7 RLP Data Throughput 11
FSCH_RLP_DataBytes_4X 8 RLP Data Throughput 11
FSCH_RLP_DataBytes_8X 9 RLP Data Throughput 11
FSCH_RLP_Frames_16X 20 RLP Data Throughput 11
FSCH_RLP_Frames_2X 17 RLP Data Throughput 11
FSCH_RLP_Frames_4X 18 RLP Data Throughput 11
FSCH_RLP_Frames_8X 19 RLP Data Throughput 11
FSCH_TotalFrames_16X 16 Reference Sector FER 29
FSCH_TotalFrames_2X 13 Reference Sector FER 29
FSCH_TotalFrames_4X 14 Reference Sector FER 29
FSCH_TotalFrames_8X 15 Reference Sector FER 29
FSCH_UpgradeRelease_2X_T 23 SCH Radio Link Release 21
FSCH_UpgradeRelease_2X_T 21 SCH Radio Link Release 21
FSCH_UpgradeRelease_2X_T 22 SCH Radio Link Release 21
FSCH_UpgradeRelease_4X_T 25 SCH Radio Link Release 21
FSCH_UpgradeRelease_4X_T 24 SCH Radio Link Release 21
FSCH_UpgradeRelease_8X_T 26 SCH Radio Link Release 21
FSCHAcnIdExhaustion 64 SCH Primary Radio Link Setup 10
FSCHBackHaulExhaustion 62 SCH Primary Radio Link Setup 10
FSCHBCNLinkExhaustion 63 SCH Primary Radio Link Setup 10
FSCHDowngradePowerReqCha 68 SCH Primary Radio Link Setup 10
FSCHDowngradePowerReqCha 69 SCH Primary Radio Link Setup 10
FSCHDowngradePowerReqCha 70 SCH Primary Radio Link Setup 10

Nortel CDMA BSC and EBSC

Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks

352 Appendix

Table 1036
OMs listed by Name, Sequence, Group Name and Group ID (contd.)
OM Group
OM Name OM Sequence OM Group Name ID
FSCHDowngradePowerReqCha 65 SCH Primary Radio Link Setup 10
FSCHDowngradePowerReqCha 66 SCH Primary Radio Link Setup 10
FSCHDowngradePowerReqCha 67 SCH Primary Radio Link Setup 10
FSCHLinkDowngrade 3 SCH Primary Radio Link Setup 10
FSCHLinkSetupAttempt 1 SCH Primary Radio Link Setup 10
FSCHLinkSetupAttempts_16X 26 SCH Primary Radio Link Setup 10
FSCHLinkSetupAttempts_2X 23 SCH Primary Radio Link Setup 10
FSCHLinkSetupAttempts_4X 24 SCH Primary Radio Link Setup 10
FSCHLinkSetupAttempts_8X 25 SCH Primary Radio Link Setup 10
FSCHLinkSetupAttempts_Chan 61 SCH Primary Radio Link Setup 10
FSCHLinkSetupAttempts_Chan 59 SCH Primary Radio Link Setup 10
FSCHLinkSetupAttempts_Chan 60 SCH Primary Radio Link Setup 10
FSCHLinkSetupBlock 2 SCH Primary Radio Link Setup 10
FSCHLinkSetupBlock_16X 30 SCH Primary Radio Link Setup 10
FSCHLinkSetupBlock_2X 27 SCH Primary Radio Link Setup 10
FSCHLinkSetupBlock_4X 28 SCH Primary Radio Link Setup 10
FSCHLinkSetupBlock_8X 29 SCH Primary Radio Link Setup 10
FSCHLinkSetupBlockSW_Error 71 SCH Primary Radio Link Setup 10
FSCHLinkSetupSuccess 4 SCH Primary Radio Link Setup 10
FSCHLinkSetupSuccess_16X 34 SCH Primary Radio Link Setup 10
FSCHLinkSetupSuccess_2X 31 SCH Primary Radio Link Setup 10
FSCHLinkSetupSuccess_4X 32 SCH Primary Radio Link Setup 10
FSCHLinkSetupSuccess_8X 33 SCH Primary Radio Link Setup 10
FSCHNoFrameOffset 9 SCH Primary Radio Link Setup 10
FSCHNoFwdPower 6 SCH Primary Radio Link Setup 10
FSCHNoPhysRes 8 SCH Primary Radio Link Setup 10
FSCHNoWalshCode 7 SCH Primary Radio Link Setup 10

Nortel CDMA BSC and EBSC

Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks

OMs listed alphabetically 353

Table 1036
OMs listed by Name, Sequence, Group Name and Group ID (contd.)
OM Group
OM Name OM Sequence OM Group Name ID
FSCHRadioLinkAccessFailure 5 SCH Primary Radio Link Setup 10
FSCHRadioLinkAccessFailure_ 38 SCH Primary Radio Link Setup 10
FSCHRadioLinkAccessFailure_ 35 SCH Primary Radio Link Setup 10
FSCHRadioLinkAccessFailure_ 36 SCH Primary Radio Link Setup 10
FSCHRadioLinkAccessFailure_ 37 SCH Primary Radio Link Setup 10
FSCHTimeout 10 SCH Primary Radio Link Setup 10
FwdBurstBSC_Downgrade 7 SCH Burst Setup 9
FwdBurstBSC_DowngradeCha 79 SCH Burst Setup 9
FwdBurstBSC_NonDowngrade 8 SCH Burst Setup 9
FwdBurstBSC_NonDowngrade 80 SCH Burst Setup 9
FwdBurstBSC_Release_16X 4 SCH Burst Release 20
FwdBurstBSC_Release_2X 1 SCH Burst Release 20
FwdBurstBSC_Release_4X 2 SCH Burst Release 20
FwdBurstBSC_Release_8X 3 SCH Burst Release 20
FwdBurstBTS_PilotRelease_16 12 SCH Burst Release 20
FwdBurstBTS_PilotRelease_2X 9 SCH Burst Release 20
FwdBurstBTS_PilotRelease_4X 10 SCH Burst Release 20
FwdBurstBTS_PilotRelease_8X 11 SCH Burst Release 20
FwdBurstDelayIndex_1 9 SCH Burst Setup 9
FwdBurstDelayIndex_2 10 SCH Burst Setup 9
FwdBurstDelayIndex_3 11 SCH Burst Setup 9
FwdBurstDowngrade_16X_To_ 44 SCH Burst Setup 9
FwdBurstDowngrade_16X_To_ 45 SCH Burst Setup 9
FwdBurstDowngrade_16X_To_ 46 SCH Burst Setup 9

Nortel CDMA BSC and EBSC

Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks

354 Appendix

Table 1036
OMs listed by Name, Sequence, Group Name and Group ID (contd.)
OM Group
OM Name OM Sequence OM Group Name ID
FwdBurstDowngrade_4X_To_2 41 SCH Burst Setup 9
FwdBurstDowngrade_8X_To_2 42 SCH Burst Setup 9
FwdBurstDowngrade_8X_To_4 43 SCH Burst Setup 9
FwdBurstDowngradeChange_1 82 SCH Burst Setup 9
FwdBurstDowngradeChange_1 83 SCH Burst Setup 9
FwdBurstDowngradeChange_8 81 SCH Burst Setup 9
FwdBurstNonDowngrade_16X 50 SCH Burst Setup 9
FwdBurstNonDowngrade_2X 47 SCH Burst Setup 9
FwdBurstNonDowngrade_4X 48 SCH Burst Setup 9
FwdBurstNonDowngrade_8X 49 SCH Burst Setup 9
FwdBurstNonDowngradeChang 86 SCH Burst Setup 9
FwdBurstNonDowngradeChan 84 SCH Burst Setup 9
FwdBurstNonDowngradeChan 85 SCH Burst Setup 9
FwdBurstSetupAttempts 1 SCH Burst Setup 9
FwdBurstSetupAttempts_16X 20 SCH Burst Setup 9
FwdBurstSetupAttempts_2X 17 SCH Burst Setup 9
FwdBurstSetupAttempts_4X 18 SCH Burst Setup 9
FwdBurstSetupAttempts_8X 19 SCH Burst Setup 9
FwdBurstSetupFailures 3 SCH Burst Setup 9
FwdBurstSetupFailures_16X 28 SCH Burst Setup 9
FwdBurstSetupFailures_2X 25 SCH Burst Setup 9
FwdBurstSetupFailures_4X 26 SCH Burst Setup 9
FwdBurstSetupFailures_8X 27 SCH Burst Setup 9
FwdBurstSetupSuccesses 2 SCH Burst Setup 9
FwdBurstSetupSuccesses_16X 24 SCH Burst Setup 9

Nortel CDMA BSC and EBSC

Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks

OMs listed alphabetically 355

Table 1036
OMs listed by Name, Sequence, Group Name and Group ID (contd.)
OM Group
OM Name OM Sequence OM Group Name ID
FwdBurstSetupSuccesses_2X 21 SCH Burst Setup 9
FwdBurstSetupSuccesses_4X 22 SCH Burst Setup 9
FwdBurstSetupSuccesses_8X 23 SCH Burst Setup 9
FwdBurstUpgradeAttempts_2X 63 SCH Burst Setup 9
FwdBurstUpgradeAttempts_2X_ 61 SCH Burst Setup 9
FwdBurstUpgradeAttempts_2X_ 62 SCH Burst Setup 9
FwdBurstUpgradeAttempts_4X 65 SCH Burst Setup 9
FwdBurstUpgradeAttempts_4X_ 64 SCH Burst Setup 9
FwdBurstUpgradeAttempts_8X 66 SCH Burst Setup 9
FwdBurstUpgradeFailures_2X_ 75 SCH Burst Setup 9
FwdBurstUpgradeFailures_2X_ 73 SCH Burst Setup 9
FwdBurstUpgradeFailures_2X_ 74 SCH Burst Setup 9
FwdBurstUpgradeFailures_4X_ 77 SCH Burst Setup 9
FwdBurstUpgradeFailures_4X_ 76 SCH Burst Setup 9
FwdBurstUpgradeFailures_8X_ 78 SCH Burst Setup 9
FwdBurstUpgradeSuccesses_2 69 SCH Burst Setup 9
FwdBurstUpgradeSuccesses_2 67 SCH Burst Setup 9
FwdBurstUpgradeSuccesses_2 68 SCH Burst Setup 9
FwdBurstUpgradeSuccesses_4 71 SCH Burst Setup 9
FwdBurstUpgradeSuccesses_4 70 SCH Burst Setup 9

Nortel CDMA BSC and EBSC

Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks

356 Appendix

Table 1036
OMs listed by Name, Sequence, Group Name and Group ID (contd.)
OM Group
OM Name OM Sequence OM Group Name ID
FwdBurstUpgradeSuccesses_8 72 SCH Burst Setup 9
FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth 1 SDU Queue Occupancy 71
FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth 10 SDU Queue Occupancy 71
FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth 11 SDU Queue Occupancy 71
FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth 12 SDU Queue Occupancy 71
FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth 13 SDU Queue Occupancy 71
FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth 14 SDU Queue Occupancy 71
FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth 15 SDU Queue Occupancy 71
FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth 16 SDU Queue Occupancy 71
FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth 17 SDU Queue Occupancy 71
FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth 18 SDU Queue Occupancy 71
FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth 19 SDU Queue Occupancy 71
FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth 2 SDU Queue Occupancy 71
FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth 20 SDU Queue Occupancy 71
FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth 21 SDU Queue Occupancy 71
FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth 22 SDU Queue Occupancy 71
FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth 23 SDU Queue Occupancy 71
FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth 24 SDU Queue Occupancy 71

Nortel CDMA BSC and EBSC

Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks

OMs listed alphabetically 357

Table 1036
OMs listed by Name, Sequence, Group Name and Group ID (contd.)
OM Group
OM Name OM Sequence OM Group Name ID
FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth 25 SDU Queue Occupancy 71
FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth 3 SDU Queue Occupancy 71
FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth 4 SDU Queue Occupancy 71
FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth 5 SDU Queue Occupancy 71
FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth 6 SDU Queue Occupancy 71
FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth 7 SDU Queue Occupancy 71
FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth 8 SDU Queue Occupancy 71
FwdRLPQ_BurstRequestDepth 9 SDU Queue Occupancy 71
FwdRLPQ_SCH_BurstAvgDep 29 SDU Queue Occupancy 71
FwdRLPQ_SCH_BurstAvgDept 26 SDU Queue Occupancy 71
FwdRLPQ_SCH_BurstAvgDept 27 SDU Queue Occupancy 71
FwdRLPQ_SCH_BurstAvgDept 28 SDU Queue Occupancy 71
FwdRLPQ_SCH_BurstPeakDep 37 SDU Queue Occupancy 71
FwdRLPQ_SCH_BurstPeakDe 34 SDU Queue Occupancy 71
FwdRLPQ_SCH_BurstPeakDe 35 SDU Queue Occupancy 71
FwdRLPQ_SCH_BurstPeakDe 36 SDU Queue Occupancy 71
GRE_DataDiscardMode 1 PCU Overload 25
GRE_ExitDataDiscardMode 3 PCU Overload 25
IMSI_TableFull 6 PCU Manager 24
LandRelease 5 FW BCM 1

Nortel CDMA BSC and EBSC

Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks

358 Appendix

Table 1036
OMs listed by Name, Sequence, Group Name and Group ID (contd.)
OM Group
OM Name OM Sequence OM Group Name ID
LAUInitiatedRelease 4 FW BCM 1
LL_CongestedSignalingFrameR 5 BCN Link Layer 18
LL_CongestedSignalingFrameT 4 BCN Link Layer 18
LL_DataFrameRx 11 BCN Link Layer 18
LL_DataFrameTx 10 BCN Link Layer 18
LL_InvalidFrameType 1 BCN Link Layer 18
LL_NodeInitFrameRx 3 BCN Link Layer 18
LL_NodeInitFrameTx 2 BCN Link Layer 18
LL_SignalingFrameRx 7 BCN Link Layer 18
LL_SignalingFrameTx 6 BCN Link Layer 18
LL_TrafficFrameRx 9 BCN Link Layer 18
LL_TrafficFrameTx 8 BCN Link Layer 18
MaxAvailableConfiguredCapaci 1 Resource Utilization 59
MCTACDABlocked 10 FW BCM 1
MCTACDAFailureAllFull 23 FW BCM EBID 2
MCTACDAFailureAllTimedOut 22 FW BCM EBID 2
MCTACDAFailureMixed 24 FW BCM EBID 2
NIDTA_AckTimeout 22 Packet Session Signaling 69
NIDTA_ArrivalRateCriticalThre 4 Packet Session Signaling 69
shold Overload
NIDTA_ArrivalRateMajorThresh 3 Packet Session Signaling 69
old Overload
NIDTA_ArrivalRateMinorThresh 2 Packet Session Signaling 69
old Overload
NIDTA_Arrivals 1 Packet Session Signaling 69
NIDTA_AttemptsForwardedTo 16 Packet Session Signaling 69
MTX Overload
NIDTA_Discarded 6 Packet Session Signaling 69

Nortel CDMA BSC and EBSC

Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks

OMs listed alphabetically 359

Table 1036
OMs listed by Name, Sequence, Group Name and Group ID (contd.)
OM Group
OM Name OM Sequence OM Group Name ID
NIDTA_DiscardedDueAckTime 15 Packet Session Signaling 69
out Overload
NIDTA_DiscardedDueToCAU_ 14 Packet Session Signaling 69
Failure Overload
NIDTA_DiscardedDueToRespo 11 Packet Session Signaling 69
nsePendingQueue Overload
NIDTA_DiscardedDueToRMU_ 12 Packet Session Signaling 69
Overload Overload
NIDTA_DiscardedDueToTrans 13 Packet Session Signaling 69
portError Overload
NIDTA_DiscardRateCriticalThr 9 Packet Session Signaling 69
eshold Overload
NIDTA_DiscardRateMajorThre 8 Packet Session Signaling 69
shold Overload
NIDTA_DiscardRateMinorThre 7 Packet Session Signaling 69
shold Overload
NIDTA_FailureCAU_Internal 19 Packet Session Signaling 69
NIDTA_FailureCM_Internal 20 Packet Session Signaling 69
NIDTA_FailurePagingTimeout 17 Packet Session Signaling 69
NIDTA_FailureRMU_NoResou 18 Packet Session Signaling 69
rce Overload
NIDTA_FailureRMU_Overload 21 Packet Session Signaling 69
NIDTA_MaxAckTimeout 28 Packet Session Signaling 69
NIDTA_MaxArrivalRate 5 Packet Session Signaling 69
NIDTA_MaxDiscardRate 10 Packet Session Signaling 69
NIDTA_MaxFailureCAU_Intern 26 Packet Session Signaling 69
al Overload
NIDTA_MaxFailureRMU_Overl 25 Packet Session Signaling 69
oad Overload

Nortel CDMA BSC and EBSC

Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks

360 Appendix

Table 1036
OMs listed by Name, Sequence, Group Name and Group ID (contd.)
OM Group
OM Name OM Sequence OM Group Name ID
NIDTA_MaxTransportError 27 Packet Session Signaling 69
NIDTA_OtherFailures 24 Packet Session Signaling 69
NIDTA_Timeout 23 Packet Session Signaling 69
NullSessionTransitionsQueued 12 Packet Session Signaling 12
NumberOfDormantCallsGoingA 10 Packet Session Data 13
NumberOfTunnelFailures 4 RP Session L2TP 14
OriginationAttempts 5 FW BCM EBID 2
OriginationBlocked 7 FW BCM EBID 2
OriginationReleased 9 FW BCM EBID 2
OriginationReorder 8 FW BCM EBID 2
Originations 3 FW PAM 6
OriginationSuccess 6 FW BCM EBID 2
OrigSubscriberMobilityRestricte 8 FW PAM 6
OrigSubscriberUnavailable 6 FW PAM 6
OrigValidationFailed 10 FW PAM 6
PageRequests 1 FW PAM 6
PageResponse 1 FW BCM EBID 2
PageTimeOut 2 FW PAM 6
PCU_AllocFailures 4 PCU Manager 24
PCU_AllocRequests 3 PCU Manager 24
PCU_AllocSuccessful 5 PCU Manager 24
PCU_InitiatedSessionReleaseO 21 RP Session Signaling 22
PCU_InitiatedSessionReleaseP 16 RP Session Signaling 22
PCU_InitiatedSessionReleaseP 17 RP Session Signaling 22
PCU_InitiatedSessionReleaseP 20 RP Session Signaling 22

Nortel CDMA BSC and EBSC

Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks

OMs listed alphabetically 361

Table 1036
OMs listed by Name, Sequence, Group Name and Group ID (contd.)
OM Group
OM Name OM Sequence OM Group Name ID
PCUM_TotalRSDB_Dropped 9 PCU Manager 24
PCUM_TotalRSDB_Forwarded 8 PCU Manager 24
PCUM_TotalRSDB_Received 7 PCU Manager 24
PeakActiveDCR_QueueDepth 11 PCU Queue Occupancy 72
PeakActiveRR_QueueDepth 13 PCU Queue Occupancy 72
PeakNumberOfAttachedActive 8 Packet Session Data 13
PeakNumberOfAttachedDorman 6 Packet Session Data 13
PlatformPreferenceChange 2 Platform Selection Overload 65
PlatformSelectionFailuresDueTo 1 Platform Selection Overload 65
PLCM_CallDropsBS_Assigned 11 PLCM Performance 68
PLCM_CallDropsMEID 12 PLCM Performance 68
PLCM_CallDropsPseudoESN 10 PLCM Performance 68
PLCM_CallSetupAttemptsBS_A 2 PLCM Performance 68
PLCM_CallSetupAttemptsMEID 3 PLCM Performance 68
PLCM_CallSetupAttemptsPseu 1 PLCM Performance 68
PLCM_CallSetupFailuresBS_As 8 PLCM Performance 68
PLCM_CallSetupFailuresMEID 9 PLCM Performance 68
PLCM_CallSetupFailuresPseud 7 PLCM Performance 68
PLCM_CallSetupSuccessesBS_ 5 PLCM Performance 68
PLCM_CallSetupSuccessesMEI 6 PLCM Performance 68
PLCM_CallSetupSuccessesPse 4 PLCM Performance 68
PortControlProtocolLayer3Addr 12 V5.2 Interface Layer 3 4
PortControlProtocolSyntaxErro 13 V5.2 Interface Layer 3 4

Nortel CDMA BSC and EBSC

Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks

362 Appendix

Table 1036
OMs listed by Name, Sequence, Group Name and Group ID (contd.)
OM Group
OM Name OM Sequence OM Group Name ID
PortControlProtocolTimeOutErr 11 V5.2 Interface Layer 3 4
PortUsage 5 V5.2 Interface Layer 3 4
ProtectionProtocolSyntaxErrors 15 V5.2 Interface Layer 3 4
ProtectionProtocolTimeOutErro 14 V5.2 Interface Layer 3 4
PSTNProtocolLayer3AddressErr 17 V5.2 Interface Layer 3 4
PSTNProtocolSyntaxErrors 18 V5.2 Interface Layer 3 4
PSTNProtocolTimeOutErrors 16 V5.2 Interface Layer 3 4
RadioLinkFailNoTrafficChannel 17 FW BCM EBID 2
RadioLinkSetupError 10 FW BCM EBID 2
RadioResourceAllocated 21 FW BCM EBID 2
ReferenceSectorFrameCount_ 1 Reference Sector Frame Count 28
ReferenceSectorFrameCount_F 2 Reference Sector Frame Count 28
ReferenceSectorFrameCountGr 1 Pegging Limitation Exceeded 31
ReferenceSectorFrameCountGr 2 Pegging Limitation Exceeded 31
Registrations 4 FW PAM 6
ReliablePacketReceived 3 RP Session L2TP 14
ReliablePacketReTransmitted 2 RP Session L2TP 14
ReliablePacketSentSuccess 1 RP Session L2TP 14
ResourceCheckAttempts 1 Resource Availability Check 47
ResourceCheckAvailable 3 Resource Availability Check 47
ResourceCheckUnavailable 2 Resource Availability Check 47
ResourceUtilizationIndex_1 2 Resource Utilization 59
ResourceUtilizationIndex_10 11 Resource Utilization 59
ResourceUtilizationIndex_11 12 Resource Utilization 59
ResourceUtilizationIndex_12 13 Resource Utilization 59
ResourceUtilizationIndex_13 14 Resource Utilization 59
ResourceUtilizationIndex_14 15 Resource Utilization 59

Nortel CDMA BSC and EBSC

Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks

OMs listed alphabetically 363

Table 1036
OMs listed by Name, Sequence, Group Name and Group ID (contd.)
OM Group
OM Name OM Sequence OM Group Name ID
ResourceUtilizationIndex_15 16 Resource Utilization 59
ResourceUtilizationIndex_16 17 Resource Utilization 59
ResourceUtilizationIndex_17 18 Resource Utilization 59
ResourceUtilizationIndex_18 19 Resource Utilization 59
ResourceUtilizationIndex_19 20 Resource Utilization 59
ResourceUtilizationIndex_2 3 Resource Utilization 59
ResourceUtilizationIndex_20 21 Resource Utilization 59
ResourceUtilizationIndex_21 22 Resource Utilization 59
ResourceUtilizationIndex_22 23 Resource Utilization 59
ResourceUtilizationIndex_23 24 Resource Utilization 59
ResourceUtilizationIndex_24 25 Resource Utilization 59
ResourceUtilizationIndex_25 26 Resource Utilization 59
ResourceUtilizationIndex_26 27 Resource Utilization 59
ResourceUtilizationIndex_27 28 Resource Utilization 59
ResourceUtilizationIndex_28 29 Resource Utilization 59
ResourceUtilizationIndex_29 30 Resource Utilization 59
ResourceUtilizationIndex_3 4 Resource Utilization 59
ResourceUtilizationIndex_30 31 Resource Utilization 59
ResourceUtilizationIndex_4 5 Resource Utilization 59
ResourceUtilizationIndex_5 6 Resource Utilization 59
ResourceUtilizationIndex_6 7 Resource Utilization 59
ResourceUtilizationIndex_7 8 Resource Utilization 59
ResourceUtilizationIndex_8 9 Resource Utilization 59
ResourceUtilizationIndex_9 10 Resource Utilization 59
RevBurstBSC_Downgrade 12 SCH Burst Setup 9
RevBurstBSC_NonDowngrade 13 SCH Burst Setup 9
RevBurstBSC_Release_16X 8 SCH Burst Release 20
RevBurstBSC_Release_2X 5 SCH Burst Release 20
RevBurstBSC_Release_4X 6 SCH Burst Release 20
RevBurstBSC_Release_8X 7 SCH Burst Release 20
RevBurstBTS_PilotRelease_16 16 SCH Burst Release 20

Nortel CDMA BSC and EBSC

Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks

364 Appendix

Table 1036
OMs listed by Name, Sequence, Group Name and Group ID (contd.)
OM Group
OM Name OM Sequence OM Group Name ID
RevBurstBTS_PilotRelease_2X 13 SCH Burst Release 20
RevBurstBTS_PilotRelease_4X 14 SCH Burst Release 20
RevBurstBTS_PilotRelease_8X 15 SCH Burst Release 20
RevBurstDelayIndex_1 14 SCH Burst Setup 9
RevBurstDelayIndex_2 15 SCH Burst Setup 9
RevBurstDelayIndex_3 16 SCH Burst Setup 9
RevBurstDowngrade_16X_To_2 54 SCH Burst Setup 9
RevBurstDowngrade_16X_To_4 55 SCH Burst Setup 9
RevBurstDowngrade_16X_To_8 56 SCH Burst Setup 9
RevBurstDowngrade_4X_To_2 51 SCH Burst Setup 9
RevBurstDowngrade_8X_To_2 52 SCH Burst Setup 9
RevBurstDowngrade_8X_To_4 53 SCH Burst Setup 9
RevBurstNonDowngrade_16X 60 SCH Burst Setup 9
RevBurstNonDowngrade_2X 57 SCH Burst Setup 9
RevBurstNonDowngrade_4X 58 SCH Burst Setup 9
RevBurstNonDowngrade_8X 59 SCH Burst Setup 9
RevBurstSetupAttempts 4 SCH Burst Setup 9
RevBurstSetupAttempts_16X 32 SCH Burst Setup 9
RevBurstSetupAttempts_2X 29 SCH Burst Setup 9
RevBurstSetupAttempts_4X 30 SCH Burst Setup 9
RevBurstSetupAttempts_8X 31 SCH Burst Setup 9
RevBurstSetupFailures 6 SCH Burst Setup 9
RevBurstSetupFailures_16X 40 SCH Burst Setup 9
RevBurstSetupFailures_2X 37 SCH Burst Setup 9
RevBurstSetupFailures_4X 38 SCH Burst Setup 9
RevBurstSetupFailures_8X 39 SCH Burst Setup 9
RevBurstSetupSuccesses 5 SCH Burst Setup 9

Nortel CDMA BSC and EBSC

Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks

OMs listed alphabetically 365

Table 1036
OMs listed by Name, Sequence, Group Name and Group ID (contd.)
OM Group
OM Name OM Sequence OM Group Name ID
RevBurstSetupSuccesses_16X 36 SCH Burst Setup 9
RevBurstSetupSuccesses_2X 33 SCH Burst Setup 9
RevBurstSetupSuccesses_4X 34 SCH Burst Setup 9
RevBurstSetupSuccesses_8X 35 SCH Burst Setup 9
ReverseCapacityFull 14 FW BCM EBID 2
RevRLPQ_SCH_BurstAvgDep 33 SDU Queue Occupancy 71
RevRLPQ_SCH_BurstAvgDept 30 SDU Queue Occupancy 71
RevRLPQ_SCH_BurstAvgDept 31 SDU Queue Occupancy 71
RevRLPQ_SCH_BurstAvgDept 32 SDU Queue Occupancy 71
RevRLPQ_SCH_BurstPeakDep 41 SDU Queue Occupancy 71
RevRLPQ_SCH_BurstPeakDe 38 SDU Queue Occupancy 71
RevRLPQ_SCH_BurstPeakDe 39 SDU Queue Occupancy 71
RevRLPQ_SCH_BurstPeakDe 40 SDU Queue Occupancy 71
RFCH_BadDataFrames 7 Reference Sector FER 29
RFCH_BadNonDataFrames 3 Reference Sector FER 29
RFCH_PhysicalFrames 21 RLP Data Throughput 11
RFCH_ReTxRLP_DataBytes 31 RLP Data Throughput 11
RFCH_RLP_DataBytes 26 RLP Data Throughput 11
RFCH_RLP_Frames 36 RLP Data Throughput 11
RFCH_RLP_OverheadFrames 43 RLP Data Throughput 11
RFCH_RLP_ZeroPayloadFram 44 RLP Data Throughput 11
RFCH_RSDB_Histogram_1 11 Short Data Burst 66
RFCH_RSDB_Histogram_10 20 Short Data Burst 66
RFCH_RSDB_Histogram_2 12 Short Data Burst 66
RFCH_RSDB_Histogram_3 13 Short Data Burst 66

Nortel CDMA BSC and EBSC

Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks

366 Appendix

Table 1036
OMs listed by Name, Sequence, Group Name and Group ID (contd.)
OM Group
OM Name OM Sequence OM Group Name ID
RFCH_RSDB_Histogram_4 14 Short Data Burst 66
RFCH_RSDB_Histogram_5 15 Short Data Burst 66
RFCH_RSDB_Histogram_6 16 Short Data Burst 66
RFCH_RSDB_Histogram_7 17 Short Data Burst 66
RFCH_RSDB_Histogram_8 18 Short Data Burst 66
RFCH_RSDB_Histogram_9 19 Short Data Burst 66
RFCH_TotalDataFrames 8 Reference Sector FER 29
RFCH_TotalNonDataFrames 4 Reference Sector FER 29
RFCHGatingDeactivations 5 RFCH Gating 27
RFCHGatingDeniedRequests 3 RFCH Gating 27
RFCHGatingEnabledHandoffs 4 RFCH Gating 27
RFCHGatingGrantedRequests 2 RFCH Gating 27
RFCHGatingRequests 1 RFCH Gating 27
RLP_DataThroughputGroupPe 9 Pegging Limitation Exceeded 31
RLP_DataThroughputGroupPeg 10 Pegging Limitation Exceeded 31
RLPSetupAttempts 1 RLP Setup 8
RLPSetupFailures 3 RLP Setup 8
RLPSetupSuccesses 2 RLP Setup 8
RMNoAvailableResources 8 FW BCM 1
RMServiceResourceNAK 6 FW BCM 1
RMUnsupportedServiceOption 9 FW BCM 1
RP_DormantSessionDeletions 23 Packet Session Signaling 12
RP_SessionSetupAttempts 13 RP Session L2TP 14
RP_SessionSetupRejectReaso 17 RP Session L2TP 14
RP_SessionSetupRejectReaso 15 RP Session L2TP 14
RP_SessionSetupRejectReason 16 RP Session L2TP 14

Nortel CDMA BSC and EBSC

Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks

OMs listed alphabetically 367

Table 1036
OMs listed by Name, Sequence, Group Name and Group ID (contd.)
OM Group
OM Name OM Sequence OM Group Name ID
RP_SessionSetupRejectReaso 22 RP Session L2TP 14
RP_SessionSetupRejectReaso 19 RP Session L2TP 14
RP_SessionSetupRejectReason 18 RP Session L2TP 14
RP_SessionSetupRejectReaso 21 RP Session L2TP 14
RP_SessionSetupRejectReason 20 RP Session L2TP 14
RP_SessionSetupSuccesses 14 RP Session L2TP 14
RPTotalOutofSequencePackets 1 RP Session Data 23
RPTotalUnreliableBytesReceiv 3 RP Session Data 23
RPTotalUnreliableBytesTransmi 2 RP Session Data 23
RRBufferOverflows 5 Packet Session Data 13
RSCH_BadFrames_16X 20 Reference Sector FER 29
RSCH_BadFrames_2X 17 Reference Sector FER 29
RSCH_BadFrames_4X 18 Reference Sector FER 29
RSCH_BadFrames_8X 19 Reference Sector FER 29
RSCH_BTS_Release_16X 12 SCH Radio Link Release 21
RSCH_BTS_Release_2X 9 SCH Radio Link Release 21
RSCH_BTS_Release_4X 10 SCH Radio Link Release 21
RSCH_BTS_Release_8X 11 SCH Radio Link Release 21
RSCH_CFDS_HighSpeed 18 SCH Primary Radio Link Setup 10
RSCH_CFDS_RadioConfig 17 SCH Primary Radio Link Setup 10
RSCH_PhysicalFrames_16X 25 RLP Data Throughput 11
RSCH_PhysicalFrames_2X 22 RLP Data Throughput 11
RSCH_PhysicalFrames_4X 23 RLP Data Throughput 11
RSCH_PhysicalFrames_8X 24 RLP Data Throughput 11
RSCH_PilotRelease_16X 20 SCH Radio Link Release 21
RSCH_PilotRelease_2X 17 SCH Radio Link Release 21

Nortel CDMA BSC and EBSC

Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks

368 Appendix

Table 1036
OMs listed by Name, Sequence, Group Name and Group ID (contd.)
OM Group
OM Name OM Sequence OM Group Name ID
RSCH_PilotRelease_4X 18 SCH Radio Link Release 21
RSCH_PilotRelease_8X 19 SCH Radio Link Release 21
RSCH_ReTxRLP_DataBytes_1 35 RLP Data Throughput 11
RSCH_ReTxRLP_DataBytes_2 32 RLP Data Throughput 11
RSCH_ReTxRLP_DataBytes_4 33 RLP Data Throughput 11
RSCH_ReTxRLP_DataBytes_8 34 RLP Data Throughput 11
RSCH_RLP_DataBytes_16X 30 RLP Data Throughput 11
RSCH_RLP_DataBytes_2X 27 RLP Data Throughput 11
RSCH_RLP_DataBytes_4X 28 RLP Data Throughput 11
RSCH_RLP_DataBytes_8X 29 RLP Data Throughput 11
RSCH_RLP_Frames_16X 40 RLP Data Throughput 11
RSCH_RLP_Frames_2X 37 RLP Data Throughput 11
RSCH_RLP_Frames_4X 38 RLP Data Throughput 11
RSCH_RLP_Frames_8X 39 RLP Data Throughput 11
RSCH_TotalFrames_16X 24 Reference Sector FER 29
RSCH_TotalFrames_2X 21 Reference Sector FER 29
RSCH_TotalFrames_4X 22 Reference Sector FER 29
RSCH_TotalFrames_8X 23 Reference Sector FER 29
RSCHLinkDowngrade 14 SCH Primary Radio Link Setup 10
RSCHLinkSetupAttempt 12 SCH Primary Radio Link Setup 10
RSCHLinkSetupAttempts_16X 42 SCH Primary Radio Link Setup 10
RSCHLinkSetupAttempts_2X 39 SCH Primary Radio Link Setup 10
RSCHLinkSetupAttempts_4X 40 SCH Primary Radio Link Setup 10
RSCHLinkSetupAttempts_8X 41 SCH Primary Radio Link Setup 10
RSCHLinkSetupBlock 13 SCH Primary Radio Link Setup 10
RSCHLinkSetupBlock_16X 46 SCH Primary Radio Link Setup 10
RSCHLinkSetupBlock_2X 43 SCH Primary Radio Link Setup 10
RSCHLinkSetupBlock_4X 44 SCH Primary Radio Link Setup 10
RSCHLinkSetupBlock_8X 45 SCH Primary Radio Link Setup 10

Nortel CDMA BSC and EBSC

Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks

OMs listed alphabetically 369

Table 1036
OMs listed by Name, Sequence, Group Name and Group ID (contd.)
OM Group
OM Name OM Sequence OM Group Name ID
RSCHLinkSetupBlockSW_Error 72 SCH Primary Radio Link Setup 10
RSCHLinkSetupSuccess 15 SCH Primary Radio Link Setup 10
RSCHLinkSetupSuccess_16X 50 SCH Primary Radio Link Setup 10
RSCHLinkSetupSuccess_2X 47 SCH Primary Radio Link Setup 10
RSCHLinkSetupSuccess_4X 48 SCH Primary Radio Link Setup 10
RSCHLinkSetupSuccess_8X 49 SCH Primary Radio Link Setup 10
RSCHNoFrameOffset 20 SCH Primary Radio Link Setup 10
RSCHNoPhysRes 19 SCH Primary Radio Link Setup 10
RSCHRadioLinkAccessFailure 16 SCH Primary Radio Link Setup 10
RSCHRadioLinkAccessFailure 54 SCH Primary Radio Link Setup 10
RSCHRadioLinkAccessFailure 51 SCH Primary Radio Link Setup 10
RSCHRadioLinkAccessFailure 52 SCH Primary Radio Link Setup 10
RSCHRadioLinkAccessFailure 53 SCH Primary Radio Link Setup 10
RSCHTimeout 21 SCH Primary Radio Link Setup 10
Rsptopage1 12 FW PAM 6
Rsptopage2 13 FW PAM 6
RTD_AboveRTDmin 1 Hard Handoff Trigger 30
RTD_DroppedBelowRTDmin 2 Hard Handoff Trigger 30
RTDdelaytimerHHO_Attempts 3 Hard Handoff Trigger 30
RTDdelaytimerHHO_Blocks 5 Hard Handoff Trigger 30
RTDdelaytimerHHO_Triggers 4 Hard Handoff Trigger 30
RTP_DTMF_Attempts 5 RTP Signaling 79
RTP_DTMF_Failures 7 RTP Signaling 79
RTP_DTMF_Successes 6 RTP Signaling 79
RTP_DTMF_Timeouts 8 RTP Signaling 79
RTP_InvalidCodecPayloadLen 4 RTP Bearer 81
RTP_InvalidControlPayloadLen 5 RTP Bearer 81

Nortel CDMA BSC and EBSC

Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks

370 Appendix

Table 1036
OMs listed by Name, Sequence, Group Name and Group ID (contd.)
OM Group
OM Name OM Sequence OM Group Name ID
RTP_JitterThresholdExceeded 1 RTP Network 83
RTP_LatencyThresholdExceed 2 RTP Network 83
RTP_LostPackets 9 RTP Bearer 81
RTP_OutofOrderCodecPackets 10 RTP Bearer 81
RTP_RateControlAttempts 1 RTP Signaling 79
RTP_RateControlFailures 3 RTP Signaling 79
RTP_RateControlSuccesses 2 RTP Signaling 79
RTP_RateControlTimeouts 4 RTP Signaling 79
RTP_ReceivedCodecPackets 7 RTP Bearer 81
RTP_ReceivedControlPackets 8 RTP Bearer 81
RTP_SyncSsrcChange 3 RTP Network 83
RTP_TimeAlignmentAttempts 9 RTP Signaling 79
RTP_TimeAlignmentFailures 11 RTP Signaling 79
RTP_TimeAlignmentPartialSuc 12 RTP Signaling 79
RTP_TimeAlignmentSuccesses 10 RTP Signaling 79
RTP_TimeAlignmentTimeouts 13 RTP Signaling 79
RTP_UnexpectedPayloadCode 6 RTP Bearer 81
RTP_UnknownPayloadTypePa 2 RTP Bearer 81
RTP_UnsupportedProtocolPack 3 RTP Bearer 81
RTP_ZeroLengthPackets 1 RTP Bearer 81
SCH_HandoffRadioLinkSetupGr 7 Pegging Limitation Exceeded 31
SCH_HandoffRadioLinkSetupGr 8 Pegging Limitation Exceeded 31
SCH_PrimaryRadioLinkSetupGr 5 Pegging Limitation Exceeded 31
SCH_PrimaryRadioLinkSetupGr 6 Pegging Limitation Exceeded 31
SCHDrop 22 SCH Primary Radio Link Setup 10

Nortel CDMA BSC and EBSC

Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks

OMs listed alphabetically 371

Table 1036
OMs listed by Name, Sequence, Group Name and Group ID (contd.)
OM Group
OM Name OM Sequence OM Group Name ID
SCHDrop_16X 58 SCH Primary Radio Link Setup 10
SCHDrop_2X 55 SCH Primary Radio Link Setup 10
SCHDrop_4X 56 SCH Primary Radio Link Setup 10
SCHDrop_8X 57 SCH Primary Radio Link Setup 10
SecondaryPlatformDroppedDue 3 Platform Selection Overload 65
SelectedBSC_AllocationAttemp 9 Service Resource Setup 36
SelectedBSC_AllocationFailures 11 Service Resource Setup 36
SelectedBSC_AllocationSucces 10 Service Resource Setup 36
SelectedEBSC_AllocationAttem 1 Service Resource Setup 36
SelectedEBSC_AllocationSucc 2 Service Resource Setup 36
SelectedEBSC_MG_AllocationF 3 Service Resource Setup 36
SelectedEBSC_SDU_Allocatio 4 Service Resource Setup 36
SelectionAttemptsOnPrimaryPla 1 Platform Selection 48
SelectionAttemptsOnSecondary 3 Platform Selection 48
SelectionSuccessOnPrimaryPla 2 Platform Selection 48
SelectionSuccessOnSecondary 4 Platform Selection 48
ServNegSourceAbandoned 4 Service Negotiation 7
ServNegSourceAttempts 1 Service Negotiation 7
ServNegSourceFailures 2 Service Negotiation 7
ServNegSourceSuccess 3 Service Negotiation 7
ServNegTargetAbandoned 8 Service Negotiation 7
ServNegTargetAttempts 5 Service Negotiation 7
ServNegTargetFailures 6 Service Negotiation 7
ServNegTargetSuccess 7 Service Negotiation 7

Nortel CDMA BSC and EBSC

Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks

372 Appendix

Table 1036
OMs listed by Name, Sequence, Group Name and Group ID (contd.)
OM Group
OM Name OM Sequence OM Group Name ID
SessionTransitionsQueued 12 Packet Session Data 13
SessionTransitionsTypeOneQu 19 Packet Session Signaling 12
SessionTransitionsTypeTwoQu 20 Packet Session Signaling 12
SHO_FSCHAcnIdExhaustion 52 SCH Handoff Radio Link Setup 70
SHO_FSCHBackHaulExhausti 50 SCH Handoff Radio Link Setup 70
SHO_FSCHBCNLinkExhaustion 51 SCH Handoff Radio Link Setup 70
SHO_FSCHLinkSetupAttempt 1 SCH Handoff Radio Link Setup 70
SHO_FSCHLinkSetupAttempts 21 SCH Handoff Radio Link Setup 70
SHO_FSCHLinkSetupAttempts 18 SCH Handoff Radio Link Setup 70
SHO_FSCHLinkSetupAttempts 19 SCH Handoff Radio Link Setup 70
SHO_FSCHLinkSetupAttempts 20 SCH Handoff Radio Link Setup 70
SHO_FSCHLinkSetupBlock 2 SCH Handoff Radio Link Setup 70
SHO_FSCHLinkSetupBlock_16 25 SCH Handoff Radio Link Setup 70
SHO_FSCHLinkSetupBlock_2X 22 SCH Handoff Radio Link Setup 70
SHO_FSCHLinkSetupBlock_4X 23 SCH Handoff Radio Link Setup 70
SHO_FSCHLinkSetupBlock_8X 24 SCH Handoff Radio Link Setup 70
SHO_FSCHLinkSetupBlockSW 53 SCH Handoff Radio Link Setup 70
SHO_FSCHLinkSetupSuccess 3 SCH Handoff Radio Link Setup 70
SHO_FSCHLinkSetupSuccess 29 SCH Handoff Radio Link Setup 70
SHO_FSCHLinkSetupSuccess 26 SCH Handoff Radio Link Setup 70
SHO_FSCHLinkSetupSuccess 27 SCH Handoff Radio Link Setup 70
SHO_FSCHLinkSetupSuccess 28 SCH Handoff Radio Link Setup 70
SHO_FSCHNoFrameOffset 8 SCH Handoff Radio Link Setup 70

Nortel CDMA BSC and EBSC

Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks

OMs listed alphabetically 373

Table 1036
OMs listed by Name, Sequence, Group Name and Group ID (contd.)
OM Group
OM Name OM Sequence OM Group Name ID
SHO_FSCHNoFwdPower 5 SCH Handoff Radio Link Setup 70
SHO_FSCHNoPhysRes 7 SCH Handoff Radio Link Setup 70
SHO_FSCHNoWalshCode 6 SCH Handoff Radio Link Setup 70
SHO_FSCHRadioLinkAccessF 4 SCH Handoff Radio Link Setup 70
SHO_FSCHRadioLinkAccessFa 33 SCH Handoff Radio Link Setup 70
SHO_FSCHRadioLinkAccessF 30 SCH Handoff Radio Link Setup 70
SHO_FSCHRadioLinkAccessF 31 SCH Handoff Radio Link Setup 70
SHO_FSCHRadioLinkAccessF 32 SCH Handoff Radio Link Setup 70
SHO_FSCHTimeout 9 SCH Handoff Radio Link Setup 70
SHO_RSCH_CFDS_HighSpeed 14 SCH Handoff Radio Link Setup 70
SHO_RSCHLinkSetupAttempt 10 SCH Handoff Radio Link Setup 70
SHO_RSCHLinkSetupAttempts 37 SCH Handoff Radio Link Setup 70
SHO_RSCHLinkSetupAttempts 34 SCH Handoff Radio Link Setup 70
SHO_RSCHLinkSetupAttempts 35 SCH Handoff Radio Link Setup 70
SHO_RSCHLinkSetupAttempts 36 SCH Handoff Radio Link Setup 70
SHO_RSCHLinkSetupBlock 11 SCH Handoff Radio Link Setup 70
SHO_RSCHLinkSetupBlock_16 41 SCH Handoff Radio Link Setup 70
SHO_RSCHLinkSetupBlock_2X 38 SCH Handoff Radio Link Setup 70
SHO_RSCHLinkSetupBlock_4X 39 SCH Handoff Radio Link Setup 70
SHO_RSCHLinkSetupBlock_8X 40 SCH Handoff Radio Link Setup 70
SHO_RSCHLinkSetupBlockSW 54 SCH Handoff Radio Link Setup 70
SHO_RSCHLinkSetupSuccess 12 SCH Handoff Radio Link Setup 70
SHO_RSCHLinkSetupSuccess 45 SCH Handoff Radio Link Setup 70

Nortel CDMA BSC and EBSC

Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks

374 Appendix

Table 1036
OMs listed by Name, Sequence, Group Name and Group ID (contd.)
OM Group
OM Name OM Sequence OM Group Name ID
SHO_RSCHLinkSetupSuccess 42 SCH Handoff Radio Link Setup 70
SHO_RSCHLinkSetupSuccess 43 SCH Handoff Radio Link Setup 70
SHO_RSCHLinkSetupSuccess 44 SCH Handoff Radio Link Setup 70
SHO_RSCHNoFrameOffset 16 SCH Handoff Radio Link Setup 70
SHO_RSCHNoPhysRes 15 SCH Handoff Radio Link Setup 70
SHO_RSCHRadioLinkAccessF 13 SCH Handoff Radio Link Setup 70
SHO_RSCHRadioLinkAccessFa 49 SCH Handoff Radio Link Setup 70
SHO_RSCHRadioLinkAccessF 46 SCH Handoff Radio Link Setup 70
SHO_RSCHRadioLinkAccessF 47 SCH Handoff Radio Link Setup 70
SHO_RSCHRadioLinkAccessF 48 SCH Handoff Radio Link Setup 70
SHO_RSCHTimeout 17 SCH Handoff Radio Link Setup 70
SL_MaxLargeStreamBufferUse 4 BCN Socket Layer 15
SL_MaxMediumStreamBufferU 5 BCN Socket Layer 15
SL_MaxSmallStreamBufferUsed 6 BCN Socket Layer 15
SL_STLA_UnknownDestination 1 BCN Socket Layer 15
SL_STLB_UnknownDestination 2 BCN Socket Layer 15
SL_STLD_UnknownDestination 3 BCN Socket Layer 15
SL_StreamBufferAllocFailure 8 BCN Socket Layer 15
SL_StreamBufferAllocSuccess 7 BCN Socket Layer 15
SoftHandoff 1 FW BCM 1
STLA_BestEffortReassemblyT 17 BCN STLA Transport Layer 16
STLA_BestEffortRxMsg 4 BCN STLA Transport Layer 16

Nortel CDMA BSC and EBSC

Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks

OMs listed alphabetically 375

Table 1036
OMs listed by Name, Sequence, Group Name and Group ID (contd.)
OM Group
OM Name OM Sequence OM Group Name ID
STLA_BestEffortTxMsg 3 BCN STLA Transport Layer 16
STLA_ConnectionFailed 22 BCN STLA Transport Layer 16
STLA_ConnectionFailedDueTo 23 BCN STLA Transport Layer 16
STLA_ConnectionFailedDueTo 24 BCN STLA Transport Layer 16
STLA_ConnectionFault 21 BCN STLA Transport Layer 16
STLA_FailedMsgCRC 20 BCN STLA Transport Layer 16
STLA_MaxOpenRxConnection 33 BCN STLA Transport Layer 16
STLA_MaxOpenTxConnection 34 BCN STLA Transport Layer 16
STLA_MaxRxBuffer 14 BCN STLA Transport Layer 16
STLA_MaxRxQueue 31 BCN STLA Transport Layer 16
STLA_MaxTxLargeBuffer 11 BCN STLA Transport Layer 16
STLA_MaxTxMediumBuffer 10 BCN STLA Transport Layer 16
STLA_MaxTxQueue 32 BCN STLA Transport Layer 16
STLA_MaxTxSmallBuffer 9 BCN STLA Transport Layer 16
STLA_OpenRxConnection 6 BCN STLA Transport Layer 16
STLA_OpenTxConnection 5 BCN STLA Transport Layer 16
STLA_OutOfRxFrameBuffer 13 BCN STLA Transport Layer 16
STLA_OutOfTxBuffer 12 BCN STLA Transport Layer 16
STLA_OutOfWindowMsg 15 BCN STLA Transport Layer 16
STLA_OutOfWindowMsgDueT 26 BCN STLA Transport Layer 16
STLA_OutOfWindowMsgDueTo 25 BCN STLA Transport Layer 16
STLA_OutOfWindowMsgDueT 27 BCN STLA Transport Layer 16
STLA_ProtocolRevisionError 30 BCN STLA Transport Layer 16
STLA_RefusedRxConnection 7 BCN STLA Transport Layer 16
STLA_RefusedTxConnection 8 BCN STLA Transport Layer 16
STLA_ReliableAckWaitTimeout 19 BCN STLA Transport Layer 16
STLA_ReliableReassemblyTime 16 BCN STLA Transport Layer 16

Nortel CDMA BSC and EBSC

Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks

376 Appendix

Table 1036
OMs listed by Name, Sequence, Group Name and Group ID (contd.)
OM Group
OM Name OM Sequence OM Group Name ID
STLA_ReliableRetransmittedM 18 BCN STLA Transport Layer 16
STLA_ReliableRxMsg 2 BCN STLA Transport Layer 16
STLA_ReliableTxMsg 1 BCN STLA Transport Layer 16
STLA_TxWindowReduced 28 BCN STLA Transport Layer 16
STLA_TxWindowShut 29 BCN STLA Transport Layer 16
STLD_BestEffortReassemblyT 11 BCN STLD Transport Layer 17
STLD_BestEffortRxMsg 2 BCN STLD Transport Layer 17
STLD_BestEffortTxMsg 1 BCN STLD Transport Layer 17
STLD_MaxRxBuffer 10 BCN STLD Transport Layer 17
STLD_MaxRxQueue 12 BCN STLD Transport Layer 17
STLD_MaxTxBufferWithoutCop 7 BCN STLD Transport Layer 17
STLD_MaxTxLargeBuffer 5 BCN STLD Transport Layer 17
STLD_MaxTxMediumBuffer 4 BCN STLD Transport Layer 17
STLD_MaxTxQueue 13 BCN STLD Transport Layer 17
STLD_MaxTxSmallBuffer 3 BCN STLD Transport Layer 17
STLD_OutOfRxFrameBuffer 9 BCN STLD Transport Layer 17
STLD_OutOfTxBuffer 6 BCN STLD Transport Layer 17
STLD_OutOfTxBufferWithoutC 8 BCN STLD Transport Layer 17
TCEUnavailable 11 FW BCM EBID 2
TerminationBlocked 3 FW BCM EBID 2
TerminationReleased 4 FW BCM EBID 2
TerminationSuccess 2 FW BCM EBID 2
TermSubscriberMobilityRestric 9 FW PAM 6
TermSubscriberUnavailable 7 FW PAM 6
TermValidationFailed 11 FW PAM 6
TotalActiveSessionSeconds 15 Packet Session Data 13
TotalDormantBufferLimitOverflo 14 Packet Session Data 13

Nortel CDMA BSC and EBSC

Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks

OMs listed alphabetically 377

Table 1036
OMs listed by Name, Sequence, Group Name and Group ID (contd.)
OM Group
OM Name OM Sequence OM Group Name ID
TotalDormantSessionSeconds 16 Packet Session Data 13
TotalFwdPacketsDropped 1 Packet Session Data 13
TotalGRE_PacketsDropped 2 PCU Overload 25
TotalInitialRP_SessionSetupAt 1 RP Session Signaling 22
TotalInitialRP_SessionSetupFa 7 RP Session Signaling 22
TotalInitialRP_SessionSetupRej 4 RP Session Signaling 22
TotalInitialRP_SessionSetupRej 5 RP Session Signaling 22
TotalInitialRP_SessionSetupRej 6 RP Session Signaling 22
TotalInitialRP_SessionSetupRej 3 RP Session Signaling 22
TotalInitialRP_SessionSetupSuc 2 RP Session Signaling 22
TotalInitialRPSessionSetupFailu 5 Packet Session Signaling 12
TotalRegistrationReplyDiscardR 30 RP Session Signaling 22
TotalRegistrationRequestMsgS 22 RP Session Signaling 22
TotalRegistrationRequestReject 25 RP Session Signaling 22
TotalRegistrationRequestReject 26 RP Session Signaling 22
TotalRegistrationRequestReject 27 RP Session Signaling 22
TotalRegistrationRequestReject 24 RP Session Signaling 22
TotalRegistrationRequestReject 28 RP Session Signaling 22
TotalRegistrationRequestRetrie 23 RP Session Signaling 22

Nortel CDMA BSC and EBSC

Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks

378 Appendix

Table 1036
OMs listed by Name, Sequence, Group Name and Group ID (contd.)
OM Group
OM Name OM Sequence OM Group Name ID
TotalRegistrationUpdateDiscard 31 RP Session Signaling 22
TotalReleasesBeforeHandoffSe 8 Packet Session Signaling 12
TotalReleasesBeforeInitialSessi 7 Packet Session Signaling 12
TotalRevPacketsDropped 2 Packet Session Data 13
TotalRP_SessionHandoffAttem 8 RP Session Signaling 22
TotalRP_SessionHandoffFailure 14 RP Session Signaling 22
TotalRP_SessionHandoffReject 11 RP Session Signaling 22
TotalRP_SessionHandoffReject 12 RP Session Signaling 22
TotalRP_SessionHandoffReject 13 RP Session Signaling 22
TotalRP_SessionHandoffReject 10 RP Session Signaling 22
TotalRP_SessionHandoffSucce 9 RP Session Signaling 22
TotalRPSessionHandoffFailures 6 Packet Session Signaling 12
TotalRSDB_Dropped 22 Short Data Burst 66
TotalRSDB_Forwarded 21 Short Data Burst 66
TotalSessionSetupFailures 4 Packet Session Signaling 12
TotalSessionSetupInitialAttemp 1 Packet Session Signaling 12
TotalSessionSetupReconnectAt 2 Packet Session Signaling 12
TotalSessionSetupSuccess 3 Packet Session Signaling 12
TotalSignalingMsgReceived 29 RP Session Signaling 22
TotalUnreliableBytesReceived 6 RP Session L2TP 14
TotalUnreliableBytesTransmitte 5 RP Session L2TP 14
TunnelSetupFailuresReasonBa 10 RP Session L2TP 14

Nortel CDMA BSC and EBSC

Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks

OMs listed alphabetically 379

Table 1036
OMs listed by Name, Sequence, Group Name and Group ID (contd.)
OM Group
OM Name OM Sequence OM Group Name ID
TunnelSetupFailuresReasonRe 11 RP Session L2TP 14
TunnelSetupFailuresReasonRe 8 RP Session L2TP 14
TunnelSetupFailuresReasonSys 12 RP Session L2TP 14
TunnelSetupFailuresReasonUn 7 RP Session L2TP 14
TunnelSetupFailuresReasonVe 9 RP Session L2TP 14
UnexpectedPageResponse 5 FW PAM 6
VPT_Attempts 1 Voice Pass Through 80
VPT_FailureInternal 4 Voice Pass Through 80
VPT_HHO_Attempts 7 Voice Pass Through 80
VPT_HHO_FailureInternal 10 Voice Pass Through 80
VPT_HHO_Rejects 9 Voice Pass Through 80
VPT_HHO_Successes 8 Voice Pass Through 80
VPT_MobileTimeout 5 Voice Pass Through 80
VPT_Rejects 3 Voice Pass Through 80
VPT_Releases 6 Voice Pass Through 80
VPT_Successes 2 Voice Pass Through 80
WalshCodeUnavailable 12 FW BCM EBID 2

Nortel CDMA BSC and EBSC

Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks

380 Appendix

Nortel CDMA BSC and EBSC

Operational Measurements Reference
NN20000-255 03.11 Standard
17 October 2008
Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks

Nortel CDMA BSC and EBSC

Operational Measurements Reference

Copyright 2006-2008 Nortel Networks
All Rights Reserved.

Printed in Canada and the United States of America

Release: NBSS 16.0
Publication: NN20000-255
Document status: Standard
Document revision: 03.11
Document release date: 17 October 2008
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