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Aaron Burr

On February 6,1756 in Newark, New Jersey Esther Edwards Burr and Aaron Burr, Sr.

gave birth to Aaron Burr, Jr., who has played a huge role in American history. His father was the

president of The College of New Jersey, known today as Princeton University. Once the college

relocated, Burr and his family relocated as well. It was soon after their relocation when his father

died of illness, followed by his mothers death shortly thereafter . At the age of two Aaron Burr

and his older sister Sally had become orphans due to the death of both of their parents. After

having to live with family friends, their uncle Timothy Edwards had become their legal guardian.

Burr followed in the footsteps of his father and grandfather, he went onto pursue an

educational career at The College of New Jersey. At the age of thirteen, Burr entered the

sophomore class in 1769. Soon after, in 1772 at the age of sixteen, Burr graduated from The

College of New Jersey, a year after James Madison. After realizing that the ministry was not for

him, he went go study law under his brother in law.

Years have gone by and in 1779 Burr found himself retired from the military and had

fallen in love. Her name was Theodosia Prevost, she was ten years older than Burr, but that did

not stop him from being intrigued by her. In 1782 the couple had married, and Burr was now an

attorney in New York. Soon his rise in the political world had begun. He managed to be

appointed to the states attorney general followed by him taking a seat in the senate. In the year

of 1794 Burrs wife passed away leaving him with his only daughter, Theodosia. She than

became the most important person in his life.

In 1800 Burr was chosen to be Thomas Jeffersons running mate. After counting the

votes, they had tied resulting in Jefferson becoming president and Burr vice president . Being
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Jeffersons vice president left Burr with very little power, causing him to close to the federalists.

With him doing this, Alexander Hamilton feared that Burr would jeopardize the power he had

within the federalists party. Hamilton began to bad mouth Burr, leaving Burr to be upset. After

acting upon impulse and anger Burr challenged Hamilton in a duel resulting in the death of


Soon after Burrs life began to fall down hill. It started off with him being a wanted man

in the United States to the death of his daughter Theodosia. He began to feel severed from the

human race. He then remarried in 1833 to Eliza Jumel, but died three years later in 1836.
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Works Cited Page

The Duel, Aaron Burr, PBS, All Rights Preserved.,

Aaron Burr, 3rd Vice President, All Rights Preserved.,
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The two songs that I have chosen based upon my character are Dear Theodosia , and

Wait For It. These two songs play a huge role in figuring out who and why Burr is a big aspect

to the musical Hamilton. As we all know, Burr is the one who ended Hamiltons life and was one

of his greatest enemies. As majority of the world, and the viewers of this musical may think of

Burr as some sort of villain because all we really know is that he killed one of our founding

fathers. But of course there is more to him than that, and I believe these two songs have the

power of showing a side of him that many of us are unaware of.

In Dear Theodosia there was confusion at first, I did believe it was about his wife being

that her name was Theodosia as well. After listening to the song, you began to realize that it is

about his daughter whom was named after his late wife. She was the only child of him that had

survived, so she held a special place in his heart. After his wife has passed, Theodosia became

the most important person and woman in his life. Being that Burr was an orphan because his

father had passed, he wanted to give his daughter the world and be the father he had never had.

This song touches on the most sensitive subject to him. It portrays his soft side, which is

something we do not see often.

While picking apart the lyrics of Dear Theodosia, you can see where Lin-Manuel

wanted to capture how vulnerable Burr became when dealing with Theodosia. When they say

Theodosia became Burrs whole world, they meant it. The lyrics, Im dedicating everyday to

you portrayed Burr dedicating how he taught Theodosia with everything in his power. He raised

her with the education and privilege normally only a son would receive at that time. Also,

considering the song consists of both Burr and Hamilton talking about the love for their children,

there is some irony in the lyrics. In the end they sing, And you'll blow us all away someday,
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someday. Yeah, you'll blow us all away. These lyrics are the only ones sung in unison by the

two enemies because this is one thing they have in common. Figuratively speaking, bother

Theodosia and Philip were blown away. Theodosia died in a storm at sea, and Philip was got


Wait For It, is a difficult song to pick apart. I believe that the ultimate goal of song is to

show that no matter what has come his way he is still fighting. He has been around death,

sorrow, and failure but he is determined to wait for it to happen to him. He never saw the

purpose behind all of the events in his life but he knows his outcome will be worth it, and he will

be great. I believe this song shows the fight in him, and the determination he has to make his

name forever known.

The lyrics of Wait For It is ultimately Burr trying to tell the audience a story. He

begins the song by singing, Im keeping the bed warm while her husband is away, Hes on the

British side in GeorgiaBut he can keep all of Georgia Theodosia, shes mine. Here Burr

portrays his selfishness before worrying about anything else. Hed rather put his needs, his love

for Theodosia, rather than what is going on with their country. Also, the chorus of the song,

Love doesn't discriminate between the sinners and the saints. This gives Burr the chance to

show his duality.Him and Hamilton are both considered to have a sinner and saint persona.

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