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CONTENTS / Muc Luc PAGE / TRANG 4. INTRODUCTION / GIGI THIEU. 5 2. PT SLAB CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCES / TRINH TU’ THI CONG SAN DUL 6 3. MATERIAL/ VAT TU. 7 3.4. Strand / Cép... oT 2. Live End (stressing) Anchorage and Dead End Anchorage /Hé du neo Kéo va né du neo chet... 3.3. Anti-Bursting Reinforcement / Cét thép gia cuémg cho déu neo. 8 3.4. Barchair/ Con ké. 8 3.5. Ducting | Ong chia cap. 8 3.6. Plastic Grout Vent / Van bom vita bang nhva 9 3.7. HDPE Grout Hose / Véi bom vita bang nha 8 3.8. Grout Mure / Hén hop vaa. 10 4, EQUIPMENT / THIET BI 10 4.1. Hydraulic Stressing Jack, Hydraulic Pump / Kich kéo céng thay ly, May born thiy ive 10 4.1.1. Hydraulic Stressing Jack / Kich kéo cdng thay lye "1 441.2. Hydraulic Pump { May bom thiy IY .s.sssnsnsnninnnnninnennnniennnnninnmnsnnnnntt 4.2. Frame Jack Type H / Loai kich dénh 165i kid H: 14 43. Nam Cong Grout Mixer / May tron vira cia Nam Céng 12 5, BASIC DATA FOR FRICTION AND ELONGATION CALCULATION / CO SO DU LIEU DE TINH TOAN MA SAT VA BO DAN DAI CUA CAP sonsnsnnn susnnneannnnannnannininnnennsene $ 6. STORAGE AND HANDLING / BAO QUAN VA VAN CHUYEN 14 7. WORKING PLATFORM / SAN GONG TAC 18 8, INTALLATION WORKS / CONG TAC LAP BAT. 16 8.1. Installation of Tendons - Option 1 (For short Tendon) / Ldp dit dung cap - Gach 1 (vi cic during cap nga) 16 8.1.1. Placing of Tendon Ducts / Lép éng chira cép 16 8.1.2. Threading of Strands for Pre-fabricated Tendons / Ludn cép cho durtng cép 6 8.1.3. Fabrication Type H Dead End Anchorages / Ché (0 hé du neo chét kidu H 16 8.1.4. Lifting of Pre-fabricated Tendons / Néng céc during cép da gia cong. 7 8.1.5. Installation of Pre-fabricated Tendons / Lép dat during cép d gia céng. 7 8.1.6. Installation of NAMCONG Type H Dead End Anchorages / Ldp dt déu neo chét kidu H..18 8.2. Installation of Tendons - Option 2 (for long tendons) / Lép dat duréng cép - Gach 2 (dBi véi céc during cép dai) 18 8.2.1. Placing of Tendon Ducts / Lp éng chiza cép 18 8.2.2. Threading of Strands for Single and Double Live End Anchorages / Ludn cép cho mét dau neo kéo va hai déu neo kéo 19 8.2.3. Fabrication and Installation Type H Dead End Anchorages / Ché tao va lép dat déu neo chét kidu chorH. 19 10. 1" 2 28. 14 45. 16. 1 8.3. Installation Live End Anchorages / Lép dat hé déu neo kéo loai dep 19 8.4. Definition of Tendon Profiles / Binh hinh bién dang cong cia during cap. 20 8.5. Finishing Works before Conereting / Cac céng viée hoan thign trate Khi dé béténg a 8.6. Concreting / 86 bé tong. 2 8.7. Installation of Anchor Head / Lép déu neo 2 STRESSING OF TENDONS / KEO CANG BUONG CAP. 24 9.1. Preparation for Stressing | Chudn bj cho kéo cang, 24 8.2. Stressing of Flat Tendons / Kéo céing cic duvéng cép loei dep. 24 9.2.1. Stressing sequence / Trinh te kéo cng c&c soi cép 26 9.2.2. Acceptance Tolerances of Tendon Elongation / Dung sai d} gidn dai aia dung cép. .....27 GROUTING OF TENDONS / BOM VOA DUONG CAP susssunnsoninninursnninnnnnannnanesonnn 2B 10.1. Preparation for Grouting / Chudn bj bom vita 28 10.2. Mixing Procedure / Quy trink tron vara 28 10.3, Grouting Procedure / Quy trinh bom Vira, 29 GROUT TEST THU VO'A .snsnsnsesnninnnnininnnninnininienmnninnnnaninninnnensnnne8O 11.4. Viscosity / 6 chy. 30 11.2. Compressive Strength / Curéng d6 chiu nén 30 REPAIR / REMEDIAL METHODS / BIEN PHAP SUA CHUA 3t 12.1. Installation & pouring concrete problems / Cac vin dé xdy ra khildp dt va dd bé téng. 3t 12.2. Stressing problem: Broken strand, slippage strand... / Cac vn dé khi céing kéo: dit, tudt cép ... 31 12.3. Grouting problem: stuck at grout hose, tendon blocked... / Cac vin dé khi bom vita: téc vei, téc WEN CAP so ssessnsnononsnonnnsninaninsnninniannmninennninnninmnnnnnnnnnnnsnnS® SPECIFIC SAFETY REQUIREMENTS & PRECAUTION MEASURES / CAC YEU CAU CU THE VE AN TOAN VA BIEN PHAP PHONG NGUA 33 13.1. General requirement | Yéu cdu chung 33 19.2. Lifting of Material and Equipment / Néng ha Vét tur V€ thi Biou.nnsnnnsnsnininnnneninonnne 38 13.3. PT Tendon installation / Lap dat cap. 33 13.4, PT Tendon Stressing / Cang kéo cap 34 13.5. Grouting / Bom vita 34 EQUIPMENT & MANPOWER LIST / DANH MUC THIET BI VA NHAN LUC. .o.nsnnsnnnnsnnosonnne 35 ORGANISATION CHART / S080 TO CHUC 35 APPENDIX A: PARTICULARS FOR GROUT MIX / PHY LUG A: THANH PHAN HON HOP VU 36 16.1. Technical Data for Holcim Cement PCB 40 / Thong sé kV thuat cla xi mang PCB 40 36 16.2. Technical Data for Grout Additive Intraplast Z-HV / Théng sé ky thuat ca phu gia cho vita: Sika Intraplast Z-HV 37 16.3. Technical Data for Grout Additive Sikament NN / Théng s6 ky thuét ciia phu gia cho via SikaMENINN nnn 39 APPENDIX B: CARE OF DUCTS AND TENDONS DURING CONCRETING / PHU LUC B: BAO VE ONG CHUA CAP VA DUONG CAP KH! DO BE TONG 42 18. APPENDIX D - EQUIPMENT LIST/ PHU LUC D ~ DANH MUC THIET BI. 19. APPENDIX E - MANPOWER LIST / PHU LUC E- NHAN LUC THI CONG 20. APPENDIX F - ORGANISATION CHART / PHY LUC F- S080 TO CHU 45 46 2. PT SLAB CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCES / TRINH TY’ THI CONG SAN DUL INSTALL FORMWORK LAP BAT VAN KHUON j USL) eh iai og aka oda Uoaas LAY DAU DUONG CAP LEN VAN KHUON | INSTALL BOTTOM REBAR: LAP BAT COT THEP DUO Sion Te) tae ee cen ised INSTALL TOP REBAR LAP BAT COT THEP TREN 1 PLACE CONCRETE BO BE TONG | Scere) KEO CANG CAP DY UNG LYC enc) BOM VU; [L] Work will be carry out by MC / COng tic duoc thuc hién béi Nha Thdu Chinh Notes / Ghi chi : Work willbe carry out by Namcong / Céng tac duge thu hign bai Nam Cong Page 6 of 47 3. MATERIAL/ VAT TU" 3. Strand / Cép + Sever-wire stress-relieved strand (Cap ake tng hrc foal 7 sof + Nominal Diameter Buemg kinh danh dinh 127mm + Nominal Area Dién tich mat cét dann dinh 98.7 mm? + Nominal Weight rong lzong danh dinh 0.785 kalm + Yield Strength Git han chy 1670 MPa + Tensile Strength Gisihan bén 1860 Mpa + Minimum Breaking Load “Lure kéo dit cap 61 thidu 183.7 KN + Modulus of Elasticity Médun dan hdi 195 10GPa + Relaxation max 2.5% at 70% of GUTS or max 3.5% at 80% of GUTS 6 ching {6i da 2.5% fg 70% cia gidi han bén t6i han hoi 3.5% tei 80% cia gid han bén t6i han + Identification Tag on each coil with heat and collno Nhén mac Bang nhs trén mBi cusn cép ghi 5 s& hiéu cur va sb + Cotticates Mil certtcate for each shipment oniing ch Cchimg chi edp cho mBi 6 hang. + Strand quality in accordance to ASTM A416 Grade 270 chit tong cap theo tu chudn ASTM A416 Grado 270 Strand will be tested for each 20 tons for one sample with 3 strands will be taken from nominated strand coil by ConsultantOwner. Cép s6 croc thi nghiém cho méi 20 tén cho mét t6 mau 3 soi s® doe lay tir cubn cap duaye chi dinh b6i Tur vin gidm sat node Cixi déu tr Page 7 of 47 32. 3.3, 34, 38. Live End (Stressing) Anchorage and Dead End Anchorage / Hé dau neo kéo va hé dau neo chat ‘Stressing Anhchorage have Casting, Anchor head and wegdes 6 dau neo kéo gdm c6 dé neo, khod neo va ném. At the position of stressing anchorage, the casting with plastic, recess former will be fixed onto the side of formwork before concreting, the plastic recess former should be oiled prior to concrete Tai dau neo bo, thin neo v8 khuén hg dau neo bang nhya sé urge 6 dink vao van khuén thanh trube Khi ab béténg, Khuén hdc du neo phai axe boi dau true Kh dé béténg {At the position of dead end anchorage, a plastic end cap with grout vent is provided to prevent ingress of grout. Tai dau neo chet, mi bit déu neo chét cing véi dng bom vira duce ip va bit kin dB nue xi maing bing P61 vdo trong qui trinh a8 béténg ‘Anti-Bursting Reinforcement Gét thép gia curéng cho déu noo Anti-bursting reinforcement for stressing anchorages and dead end anchorages is steel cage that has rectangular or spiral ties in shape as per the shop drawings (provided and installed by the Main Contractor) Git thép gia ci’ng cho ddu neo kéo va dau neo chét oé dang lang thép hinh chie nhét nh trong bn v8 thi cng (do nha thdu chinh cung cép va lip dt). Barchalr / Con ké ‘The tendon profile is achieved by using bar chair supported at 800 mm up to 1000 mm intervals to the under side ofthe tendon unless noted otherwise. cae éng cép dupe dé biing céc con kB dit céch nhau 800mm (6i 1 000mm phia dus cia éng tir hi c6 quy dinh Khe. Bar chairs with height varies should be made by steel like strand. The bottom part ofthe steel bar chair is painted for corrosion protection. Cc thanh a6 bi chiéu cao khae nhau pha dugc lam bing tao cép. Chan ala thanh dé thép due phi son chéng gt ‘At beam location, tendons can be normally supported on horizontal bars (supplied by MC) fixed to stirrups or suspended to the top reinforcement with tie wire where appropriate. Tai v tri dém, ca during cap thutmg dure k6 trén thanh do né m ngang (cung eép béi NTC), géin 5 dinh v6i edt dai hofie dvve treo vao abt chi phia trén va bub tai vi tr thich hop. At the highest and lowest points, the tendon can be fixed to top and bottom layer of rebar to achieve their profile without bar chair. Tai cdc diém cao nhét va thép nhét, dung cap o6 thé c6 din véo lop thép trén cing va dusi ciing «dé dat duye bién dang mong muén ma khéng cin dén con ké Ducting / Ong chira cép The sheathing consists of corrugated spiral type ducts made from galvanized steel strip width by 0.23 - 0.30 mm thickness, V6 boc cap lé céc éng chira cép 66 gan xodn bc diye lim tr ¢ de di thép me kém diy tir 0.23 - 0.30mm. Plastic/Steel duct coupler is provided at the end of every duct for intermediate connection. Coupler should be properly sealed with tape to avoid ingress of grout. The duct coupler consists of the Page 8 of 47 37. larger dimension of duct so that the regular duct can be passed through the coupler. Length of coupler is usually 150-200 mm. ‘ng ndi bing nhyarthép duge cting dé néi cc 8ng chita cép véi nhau cho céc méi ni tung gian. ng nbi dure qué kin bang bing dinh a8 nave x1 mang K nang rbd veo trong qua trinh dB bevong. Ong n8i co kinh thu ln hom d8 éng chia cép dé o6 thé aé dang kp dat. Chidu dai cia éng ndi thug 150-200, Plastic Grout Vent / Van bom vita bing nhya Intermediate plastic grout vents are provided at highest points along the tendon allow water and air can flow outside. NC recommends avoiding installing grout vents at lowest points since the outlet here is dificult to seal and may cause blockage. A distance between vents varies with duct ‘ype and size, tendon profile, grouting procedures and equipment used, normally 30m af maximum is applied, Van bom via bing nha due dat 6 cée aiém cao nhét doc theo auwing cép cho phép ruxsc va hi ¢6 thé thodt ra. Nam Céng khuyén cdo khéng nén lép van bom vita tai diém thép nhdt béi vi véi vi tr ny Bt kind qué kin va do dé o6 thé gay r8 1 trong qua trinh a8 bé tong. Khosing céch git cdc van bom vita tuy thuge vao loai va kich e& cia éng chive cép, bién dang cia duéng cép, quy trinh bom va va tit bj siz dung, thutmg ti dala 30m. Anhole is drilledicut through the top surface of the duct at each vent location for the passage of the {grout from the duct through the vent, The plastic vent is fixed by tie wire and sealed using tape. ‘Mt 15 khoan dupe khoan xuyén qua 66 mat trén aia ng cép tal tong vj tri dgt van bom dé vita cé thé di va0 dng chira cép qua van bom vita. Van bom via dye cé dinh bing day thép bude va quén chat bang bang dinh. HDPE Grout Hose / Véi bom vira bing nhya HOPE grout hose with 14mm ID is provided at all casting inlets and at the outlets of the end caps for dead end anchorages and all intermediate grout vents where water, and air can accumulate, Vent hose should be extended 300mm outside the concrete surface for future grouting and sealing. Voi bom wa bing nha ¢é dudng kinh trong khong 14mm duge dét tai t8t cd cde déu véo aia than neo, du ra cia mi bit déu neo chét va tt od ode van bom via {rung gian ma nue v8 Khi cé thé thodt ra duyc. Voi bom ia tho ra Khai mait bé tng Khong 300mm dé 6 thé bom vita va Khéa lai sau nay. Page 9 of 47 In case the grout vent is located at the column or core wall position, the HDPE grout hose should be so aligned such thatthe hose outlet can be avoided from damages due to formwork erection. Trong trating hop éng vite durgc dat trong cét hodc véch, vSi bom vita phai duge dat sao cho déu ra aia voi bom khong bi fur dng trO ng qué trinh thi cng Idp van khuén, 3.8. Grout Mixture / Hén hop vira The grout consists of / Hén hgp vite bao gdm + Portland Cement PCB-40 in 50 kg bag - Holcim Ximéng Portland PCB-40 trong bao 50 kg - Holcim + Potable Water Nude sach + Grout Adaitve SiKalIARaBIASEZAW Pha gia Sik@NINttaplastZHV cho vite + Grout Adaitive Sikament NN Phu gia Sikament NN cho va Grout mix tials should be performed prior to grouting of tendons in order to establish the most suitable mix Via phi dupe thirnghigm tnxéc ki bom dé xée inh tle thich hop. Proposed grout mix proportion / 71/6 trén via cdp phdi duge dé nghj ti: Technical requirements / Yéu cdu kj thudt: = Viscosity $28 sec. BY chay 5 28 sec, ‘+ Compressive cube strength shall be not loss than 30 Mpa at 28 days or 27 Mpa at 7 days if itis, proposed to estimate the likely 28 day strength at 7 days. (BS EN 447-2007) Cuéng dé nén ciia mau vita sau 28 ngdy t5ithiéu phai dat 30 Mpa hoa 27 Mpa tei thoi diém 7 gay trong trutng hep duge dé xudt dénh gid cutng dO nén tai thoi aidém 28 ngay da vio ccudng 46 nén tai thei diém 7 ngay. (BS EN 447-2007) + Temperature s'o+ 35°C hist a BC+ 35°C ‘+ Mixing time min. 4 minutes Thai gian tron ‘6ithiéu 4 phat For more information on additive type, please refer to “PARTICULARS FOR GROUT MIX’ in Appendix A 188 biét thém v8 phy gia dking cho vita, xin vui ling tham Kho “Thanh phan hén hop vita” trong Phu luc A 4, EQUIPMENT / THIET B| 4.1. Hydraulic Stressing Jack, Hydraulic Pump / Kich kéo cng thy Ive, May bom thiy lye Page 10 of 47 4.4.4. Hydraulic Stressing Jack / Kich kéo cing thay lyre Hydraulic Stressing Jacks are used to stressing tendons. The calibration certfcate of hydraulic stressing jacks must be valid prior to construction. Kich thuy luc 66 tac dung kéo céc soi cép trong duéing cap. Cac kich thuy Ive diva vo sit dung phai co ching chi kiém dinh dé dém bdo do chinh xac Ive khi kéo cing. Hydraulic Stressing Jacks for Flat Duct/Kich thuy Ive kéo cdp cho cde dung cép dep Capacity / khd nding tao lyre t5i da: 256 kN. 44.2, Hydraulic Pump / May bom thay lye Hydraulic Pump is used to provide the pressure for the jack. The pressure shall be measured by a calibrated pressure gauge May bom thuy lve c6 téc dung truyén 4p Ic cho ich thuy tye theo ding luc tht ké, ap iwc nay duge do bing déng hé do ép. Bbng hb do ép pphai e6 chimg chi kiém dinh a dm bo a9 chinh xdc khi do p lye. Hydraulic Pump 2YB220-80 Bom thiy lve 2¥8220-80 + Max Pressure / Kh ndng tao 4p: 60MPa ‘| Weight / Trong luong: 105 Kg ‘© Dimension /Kich thurse. ngoat: 740 x 500 x 860mm 4.2. Frame Jack Type H Logi kich dénh réi kiéu H: Frame Jacks are using for the purpose of forming the onion shape which give the additional bonding capacity of dead end anchorage. ich dénh ri cia Nam Cong duge thst ké dé bist cho vigc tao du ri hinh ci anh lam tang kha nang bam dinh vs bét6ng ca déu neo chét kiéu H. Page 11 of 47 4.3. Nam Cong Grout Mixer / May trén vira ca Nam Géng The Namcong mixers are specially designed for the purpose of mixing and agitating the grout and carrying out the grout operation in a single unit of equipment. ‘May trén via Nam Céng duge thiét ké dac biét cho vibe trén, knudy via va tién hanh bom via voi mot may duy nha. ‘They enable the grout constituents to be metered accurately and an absolutely homogeneous mixture passes through a standard sieve to the pump. The ump fitted to the mixer is capable of exerting a constant working pressure and the pressure can be maintained on completely grout tendon, May 6 kre nang cung cdp hin hop vita v6i dinh trong chinh xéc va ding déu so véi téu chun <6 bom vita. May bom duge gin voi may tron va c6 Kha nang tao mét ap Ie én dink, ép lve nay dure duy ti dén khi bor via xong ding cép. + Productivity / Nang suat torm chuyén vita: 500L/h + Dimension /Kich thud chung: 1030 x 630 x 1200 mm + Weigh / Tiong mong: 200 kg Page 12 of 47 BASIC DATA FOR FRICTION AND ELONGATION CALCULATION / CO'S¢ DO LIEU BE TINH TOAN MA SAT VA BO DAN DAI CUA CAP Friction coefclent 03 ‘H6 sé ma sat p 03 Wobble coetfcentk 0.004 He 85 chéch hating i 0.004 Draw-in of wedge ‘6mm (mean value) Khoang tut ném 6mm (gid tri danh dinh) Loss in stressing anchorage 3% (mean value) Live mat tid neo Keo 3% (Gi tr danh ind) Stressing length for calculation of elongation Chiu dai dudng cép a8 tinh oan a gidn dai Bonded length of H anchorage for calculation of elongation Chéu dai doan bam dinh déu neo chét kiéu H dé tinh tod d6 gin dai Page 13 of 47 STORAGE AND HANDLING / BAO QUAN VA VAN CHUYEN {items marked “by MO" should be done by the Main Contractor) {Cée céng vie Ki higu "b6i NTC" do Nh Thu chinh thy hién) A storage yard should be prepared in advance and with sufficient space to accommodate all the required material for the project. Ideally, the storage yard should be able to prevent the stored material from damage, vandalism, heat causing deformation of plastic elements and moisture induced rusting process of steel components (yc) Kho chira phai doc chudn bj trabe va dit réng cho tét cd cdc v ét tr alla dy én. Theo diing quy ‘inh, kho bai phai dit tiéu chun dé bao quan vat tur khéng bj hur hai, khdi céc hanh déng pha ogi, cdc vét ligu bang nhya khdng bj bién dang do nhiét, céc phy ting bing thép khéng bi sét gid a9 &m. (08i NTC) Unloading, storing and transportation operations inside the site should be the responsibilty of Namcong with tower crane or mobile crane, forklift, elevator, covered and secure storage area and storage faites should be supplied ty the Main Contractor. (by MC, Namcong) Viée thao dé, mu kho va van chuyén vat ti trong pham vi cong truimg li trich nhiém ctia Nameong vi sy hS try cia Nha Thau chinh vé can cdu thép hay xe cdu ty hanh, xe nang, vn thang, an ninh kho bi vé cdc phuong tign cd thiét kh (61 NTC, Namcong) Al material should be stored off the ground (with underlay, e.g. timber), covered and not exposed to the weather. (by Nameong) Tit 08 vt te phai duce dt céch khdi mat dat (c6 lop ké, nhur G8), duuye che phi chit kinéng dé phoi ra ngoai tres, (61 Namcong) Wedges and anchor heads should be stored in a room or container whereas for the other material, a temporary cover is adequate (by Namcong) [Nem va du neo phai duoc bao quai trong phong hod trong container, céc foal vat tr kha cht cin phit bat. (o¢i Namcong) All materials should be periodically examined, say at 6 monthly intervals or anytime if required (ay MC, Namcong) Vat tur phai duoc kiém tra dinh ki, thuémg khoang 6 thang 1 lén. (b6i NTC, Namcong) Care should be taken during handling to avoid mechanical damages. (by Namcong) Cn than Khi vin chuyén 6 tranh hur ing vb mit co Wj (65 Namcong) ‘These main elements are to be considered when setting up a storage yard capacity: (Céc loai vat tr chinh cdn phai kru y khi xac dinh dién tich kho + Strand coil) Cudn cp. © Duct/ Ong chia cép + Casting / Than neo + Anchor head / Bau neo © Wedge / Nem + Materials for grouting (cement, Expanfluid, Sika Intraplast Z-HV, Sika NN) / Vét tr bom wire (xi ‘mang, Expanfiuid, Sika Intraplast Z-HV, Sika NN...) = Other material (plastic production, mastic, tape...) / Cac vét tur khac (BB nhyra, matic, bang keo...) ‘+ Equipment (pushing machine, stressing jack, hydraulic pump, grouting mixer, frame jack...) | Cc thiét bi (may ay cép, kich kéo cng, bom thu Ive, may tron vita, khung kich... + Hand tools and other temporary equipment / Cae dung ow dling tay va céc thi8t bj tam that khée. Page 14 of 47 WORKING PLATFORM / SAN CONG TAC {items marked “by MC" should be done by the Main Contractor) (Céc cing viéc duge kj hiéu “béi NTC" sé do Nha Thdu chinh thc hign) A safety working platform system is needed for installation (casting installation, threading strands...) stressing and grouting works. (by Mc) Hé théng san céng tée an toan la can phai c6 cho viée lép dit (Idp dét than neo, ludn cp...) kéo cng va bom vita. (ooi NTC) The installation, stressing end grouting works of tendons are to be done from a working platform (yc) Kai thi céng ip d3t, K60 c&ng va bom va cho cée dung cap yéu cb u san cbng tec (boi NTO) The working platform should be able to cary the load of working personnel and equipment (approx. 300 kg} (yc) ‘San céng tée c6 Kha nang chju dug ta trong ngu va thidt bj (kho’ng 300 kg) (081 NTC) Page 15 of 47 INTALLATION WORKS / CONG TAC LAP BAT {items marked “by Mc ‘should be done by the Main Contractor) (Céc céng vibe dug ky higu “béi NTC" sé do Nha Thdu chinh thre hign) There are three options of tendons installation on site as following (C6 ba Iva chon cho lép ldp dt céc ducing cap nhu sau: Option 1: Pre-fabricated tendons on ground before lifting to installation position, ach 1: Gia céng cde dung cp doi met dit trate Khi dra Ién v tr Iep dat. Option 2: Pre-cut strand on ground and form the onion dead end before Iifting to installation position Cach 2: Cat cap dubi mat dét va tao dau r6i dang of hanh truse khi da I6n v tri ldp dat Option 3: install tendons directly from strand coils to installation position, Cach 3: Lép dat cée duéng cép true tiép vao w tri tr cudn cap. In this project, due to high, Namcong proposes to use option 1 or 2 for easier, quicker and safer. However, we sill show the option 3as reference. i voi dir an nay, do thi céng & 06 cao nén Nam Céng dé nghi nn lip dét dung cép theo Céch 1 hose 2.86 dé ding, nhanh chéng va an ton hon. Tuy nhién ching ti vin tinh ba y ed ba c&ich 48 quy vi tham Kho. a. Installation of Tendons - Option 1 (For short Tendon) / Lép dit durémg cap - Céch 1 (véi cae diving cép ngin) 8.1.1, Placing of Tendon Ducts / Lép éng chira cp ‘The tendon ducts are placed on the ground by manpower and connected with plastic duct couplers to meet the required length as per the shop drawing. (by Namcong) Ce dng chira cép dpe det dt mt dat va due nd véi nau bang éng nbi nha theo ding d6 da rong ban v8 th cng (b6% Namcong) 8.1.2. Throading of Strands for Pre-fabricated Tendons / Luén cép cho diréng cép Each tendon should be formed by strands from the same batch as far as practical (by Namcong) Cac 99% cdp dling cho mpt duéng cap trén thuc (6 nén ding loai duye san xudt cong mot mé. (05) Namcong) The strands should be pulled from strand cols and threaded one by one into the tendon duct by means of manpower and/or pushing machine on the ground. (by Namcong) Cp dure kéo ra tir cugn cép va lubn ting soi met vo éng chia cép dat si mat dit bi cng nhan vamhoBe my aby cap, (bi Namcong) Cut the strand when its length meets required length (including stressing length). It is not allowed to cut the strands by oxy-acetylene fire or equivalent heating method. Disk culting machine is recommended. (by Namcong) Cap dupe at theo ding a9 dBi yéu cu (bao gém cd phén kéo cng). Khong dure cit bang oxy-acetyien hoje cée phwong phép nhigt trang tw. Nén dling may cé ia ct. (651 Namcong) 8.1.3, Fabrication Type H Dead End Anchorages / Ché tao hé dau neo chét kiéu H ‘Type H dead end anchorage should be used for every tendon with single ive end anchorage uniess noted otherwise. 1H dau neo chét kiéu H cia Namcong duge sir dung cho nhiing auéng cp chi e6 mot dau neo kéo tir Kh cé quy dinh khéc. Page 16 of 47 Fabrication type H dead end anchorage should be done as soon as the tendon ‘uct is installed and the strands are threaded. (by Nameong) bu neo chét kiéu H sé dupe ché tao ngay sau khi lép éng chita cép va luén xong cap. (b6i Namcong) [At the position of dead end anchorage, a plastic end cap with grout vent is provided to prevent ingress of grout (by Nameong) Tai vitri dau neo chét sé daxc gin m6t ma bit nhya c6 van bom via dB nue xi ‘mang khéng rf v8o trong qué tinh 8 baténg. (05 Namcong) Form the onion shape at the dead end using H frame jack. (by Namcong) ‘Sir dung kich dinh r6i dé tao hinh ci hanh cia déu neo chét. (b6i Namcong) 8.1.4, Lifting of Pre-fabricated Tendons / Nang cdc duréng cap di [After threading of strands, the pre-fabricated tendons shouldbe lifted to instalation position by using special liting frame with the help of tower erane supplied by the Main Contractor. (by MC, Nameong) ‘Sau khi adn cép, ding cép gia céng sén s8 duge nang Kn ¥ tr lép dat bang nung ndng dic biét va cdn céu thép do Nha Thu chinh cung cép. (si NTC, Namcong) jia céng Loading the pre-fabricated tendons to the lifting frame by means of manpower ‘making sure that tendons are not damaged during liting operations, (by Nameong) Chai ¥ ait cac avong cép da gia cong vao khung nang mot céch cdn than dé tranh bj 07 hod nr hai trong khi néng. (081 Nameong) Lift up the lifting frame with pre-fabricated tendons slowiy to the installation position, (yc) ‘Nang cham Khung nang in ding vit dp dt (o8i NTC) Unload the pre-abricated tendons to the installation position by means of ‘manpower. (by Nameong) Vibe bdc do céc airing cép ra khdI khung nang va dua vao vj tr tép dat s6 do ‘cong nan tte hig. (b35 Namcong) 8.1.5. Installation of Pre-fabricated Tendons / Lap dt dong cép di gia cong The tendon profile is set-out and marked on the bottom formwork, or other fixed reference along the structure in accordance with the vertical and horizontal profiles specified on the shop drawings. (by Nameong) Cao a v8 vt clia dubng cp phal duye xéc dinh va dénh du 6 van khu bn aay hhodc mét hé quy chiéu cé dinh khéc doc theo chidu dai aia két cu theo ding bién dang cong theo phyong dmg vé phuong ngang nhu trong bin v6 thi céng. (béi Namcong) Page 17 of 47 Each pre-fabricated tendons should be installed at the right position as per the shop drawing by means of manpower. (by Namcong) [MBi duvéng cap sé duge lép dat vo ding v tri nfur trong ban vé thi céng bai céng nha. (b61 Nameong) [At the intersection points of horizontal and vertical drection tendons, the ‘arrangement of mult-dirction tendons should be checked carefully to make sure that they can meet the right profi (by Namcong) O nhéng ché giao nhau cilia céc dung cép theo phwong ngang va phuong doc, viée sép xép nhiéu duémg cép phai argc kiém tra cén thén a dim bo céc ching at dye ding bién dang cong sau nay. (065 Namcong) ‘Alter the pre-fabricated tendons have been installed at the right postion, a plastic sleeve should be inserted to the casting of stressing end anchorage and whole tendon is pushes through casting and sie of formwork upto the rght length as per the shop drawing. (by Nameong) ‘Sau khi lép dat avng cép vao ding vt, dng n6i nhwa sé duge gin vao than neo iia dau neo, va toan bp duéng cép due ddy vo than neo va vin khudn thanh ccho din khi dat dupe chiéu dai v tra du theo thiétké trong ban v8 thi céng. (béi Namcong) 8.1.6. Installation of NAMCONG Type H Dead End Anchorages | Lép dat dau neo chét kiéu H Make sure that whole tendon has been pushed through casting and side of formwork and the dead end anchorage has been atthe right position {by Nameong) Bim bao rang toan bp duéng cép di dugc déy qua than neo va thanh ala vin khuén va du neo chdt da duge dat ding v tr (68 Namcong) ‘Arrange the onion end with the help of rebar and make sure thatthe bond length of strand is right as shown in the shop drawing. (by Namcong) (8 dinh phan hinh al hanh & dau neo bang cét thép va dim bdo 6 dai aia phén cap bam dinh dat yéu cu theo ban v6 thi céng. (661 Namcong) ‘The dead end anchorage should be fixed perpendicularly to the tendon axes as detailed in the shop drawings. (by Namcong) ‘Bau neo chét phai duce cd dinh vuéng géc voi truc cua duéng cap duge néu chi 1tét trong ban vé thi céng. (b6i Namcong) Fix ant-bursting reinforcement as per the shop drawings behind the dead end anchorage. (yc) CB dinh o8t thép gia cuing nhur bin vé ti céng tev tri ddu neo chét (wi NTC) 8.2. Installation of Tendons - Option 2 (for long tendons) / Lap dit dung cép - Céch 2 (d6i véi ‘cdc durong cép dai) 8.2.1. Placing of Tendon Ducts / Lap éng chira cap The tendon profile is set-out and marked on the bottom formwork, or other fixed reference along the structure in accordance with the vertical and horizontal profiles specified on the shop drawings. (by Namcong) Cao 46 v4 Vt cia dung cap phal dugc xéc dl nh va dénh déu 6 van khuén diy hoc mét hé quy chidu cé dinh khnéc doc theo chiéu dai aia két cdu theo diing bién ddang cong theo phwong ding vi phuong ngang nhur trang bin vé thicéng. (b6i Namcong) ‘The tendon ducts are placed on the installation position by manpower and connected with duct couplers to meet the required length as per the shop srawings, (by Namcong) Page 18 of 47 8.3, Cae dng chita cép dupe céng nhén lép vio v tr va nbi voi nhau bang éng nbi a8 dat dye chidu di tht ké trong bain vé thi cng (663 Namcong) At the stressing end anchorage, a plastic sleeve is used to connect the casting and the fist section of duct whichis fixed by tie wire and sealed by tape after threading of strands, (by Namcong) Tal déu neo kéo ang, mot éng néinhyra dupe sir dung dé nd thén neo va dng chia cép, dupe dige bute chit bing day thép bube va quén kin bing bang dinh sau khi ud cép. (065 Namcong) 8.2.2. Threading of Strands for Single and Double Live End Anchorages / Luén cép cho m6t dau neo kéo va hai dau neo Threading of strands for either single or double live end anchorages should be done before concreting as soon as the live end anchorage and the tendon duct are installed. . . (by Namcong) Gang vibe luén céip cho atrong cép mot dau kéo hey hal déu kéo dupe thie hign ngay sau khi ddu neo kéo va dng chia cép lép dt xong va trate Khi d8 béténg. (béi Namcong) Each tendon should be formed by strands from the same batch as far as practical, (oy Nameong) Cée 39% cép dling cho m6t duéng cp trén thc #6 nén ding loai duoc san xudt ‘eung mat mé: (061 Namcong) ‘The strands should be pulled from strand coils and threaded one by one into the tendon duct by means of manpower or pushing machine located front of anchorage. - . . (by Namcong) Cép duge Kéo ra tir cubn cdp vd lubn ting soi v80 éng chita cép b8 ng tay hoge may ay cép dat trréc déu neo. (béi Namcong) Cut the strand when its length meets required length (including stressing length. It is not allowed to cut the strands by oxy-acetylene fire or equivalent heating method. Disk cutting machine is recommended. (by Namcong) Cp duge cat theo dung d6 di yéu edu (bao gém cd phén kéo ang). Khéng duge cit bang oxy-acetylen hodc cc phyeng phap mhiét twong ty. Nén ding may co a cit. (665 Namcong) 8.2.3. Fabrication and installation Type H Dead End Anchorages / Ché tg0 va lip dt dau neo chétkidu chor ‘for threading strands into duct, forming union shape at dead end by using H- frame jack {by Namcong) Sau khi lain cép vao 6g gen, tg0 hinh ai hanh cho du neo chét bang kich dénh ri. (06; Namcong) Further executions are similar to statement in section 8.1.4-6 (by Namcong) Cae bude cin lg ging nhur dtrinh bay rong myc 8.1.4-6 (651 Namcong) Installation Live End Anchorages / Lap dt hé dau neo kéo logi dep Live end anchorage is connected with the recess former by tie wire and plastic tape. The casting is tied to the duct by steel wire, The casting and recess former shall be fixed to the slab side form conforming to design elevation shown in the shop drawing. The plastic recess former should be olled prior to concrete, Ensure the grout inlet is at the top of casting vey at 3 (by Nameong) H neo kéo durgc ni v6i déu hic bang kém bude vi bang keo. Than neo dupe bubt véo ng kém bang thép soi. Than neo va déu hdc nha dupe gin cé dinh vio van khuén Page 19 of 47 84, thanh ct pha theo nhu ban vé thiétké. Khuén héc du neo phai duaye bi trom trutc Khi «5 bé tng, Bm bio IS bom va ten than neo phi quay len phia trén {651 Nameong) ‘A suitable hole should be made on side of formwork at casting position to be outlet of protruding strands, i.e. the strands can be pushed through out of formwork after threading, (ey Mey Mgt bén eda van Khuén ch6 vit than neo dupe duc 15 d8 lam du ra cho cép, nghia 18 ap 66 thé ud age qua mat bén aia vin Khusn thi ra ngodi (esi NTC) ‘The casting shouls be fxed perpendicularly to the tendon axes either onto the side of formwork as detailed in the shop drawings. The edge of the casting should be sealed to prevent ingress of conerete during concreting (by Namcong) Than neo pili due lip vudng gbc véi truc dig cép hose van khudn thanh nhur chi tt trong bin v8 thi cong. Mép cila than neo quot bit kin dé nue xi mang khong 16 r vio trong qué tinh 8 bét6ng. {051 Nameong) Fix anti-bursting reinforcement as per the shop drawings behind the casting. (by mc) 5 dinh cit thép gia cudng tal ddu neo theo nhu ban vé thi céng phia sau than neo. (bi NTC) Definition of Tendon Profiles / Binh hinh bién dang cong cila during cép Bar chairs are provided at regular intervals of 800 mm up to 1000 mm spacing or as ‘specified (1000mm) by the Designer are laid and fixed on the bottom of formwork and secured tothe reinforcement with te wire (by Nameong) nosing cich thong thtng gida cc con ké fd 800mm ti 1 GOOmm ho8e theo quy dinh cu tné eta nguedithit ké (100mm) dat trén vin khuén day va duge gén chét vao obt thép bang dy thep buse. {067 Namcong The ducts should be fastened properly to the bar chairs by tie wire in order to avoid displacement during concreting, Do not fasten so tight that any damage occurs. (by Namcong) ng chia cép duyc c6 dinh voi con Ké bing day thép bude 48 trénh bj di chuyén trong (qué trinh dé bét6ng. Tuy nhién khéng nén oBt qua chat sé lam hing éng (061 Namcong) Deviation from the theoretical cable axis (placing tolerance of duct) should not exceed +5. mm vertically and #100 mm horizontally. (by Namcong) 86 léch cla true cép cho phép so véi ly thuy&t khong durge qué 45mm theo phurong ding va £100mm theo phurong ngang. (061 Namcong) ‘The Main Contractor should ensure that all rebar works has been finished correctly within acceptable tolerances, especially highest and lowest points. The incorrect rebar arrangement may cause the exceeding deviation of PT tendons. (by Mc) Page 20 of 47 as. Nha Théu Chinh phéi dém béo rang t&t c8 cc cbt thép d& dug ldp dat xong ding theo dung sai cho phép, dc biét lé cdc diém cao nhét va thép nhét. BS tr thép sai oé thé gay 12 d6 l6ch wigt qué d6i v6i cdc dudng cép avy ing ie. (bsiNTC) Check visually axis of tendons and fixation at supports before concreting. Repair any damages with tape and tie wire. (by MC. Nameong) Kiém tra truc duing cap bang mat va céc vi tri d6 trusc khi dé béténg. S a chika co chd ‘hur hing bang bang dinh vé day thép bute. (08 NTC.Nemeong) Finishing Works before Concreting / Céc céng vige hoan thién trirée khi dé béténg The grout inlet or outlet hole is provided at each live end and dead end anchorages for grouting operation. (by Namcong) Cae B bom vita duye dat tg tét cd cde déu neo kéo va dau neo chét cho céng téc bom wa (031 Namcong) Provide grout vents at all grout inlets of intermediate highest along the tendons with 30m ‘maximum of intervals, fx by tie wires and seal by tape. (by Namcong) Ce van bom vita cén dupe dat tal tét cd cc dau via vao tai cée aiém trung gian cao inhét doc theo duting cép vai khodng cdch t5i da 30m, o& dinh bing déy thép buge 1a «qué kin bang bang dinh (061 Namcong) Al grout hoses should be closed after installation immediately to prevent any water, dust fr concrete can come inside duct during other work. These hoses can be opened before grouting only. (by Namcong) Tat cd céc v6i bom vita phai dugc déng chet ngay sau khi lép dat dé tranh nub, byi ban ode bé f6ng 6 thé xdm nhdp vao ben trong éng chia cép khi thre hin c&e cong viée dc. Tht 08 cée vi nay cht ye ma ra tase kh bom va. (065 Namcong) The edge of the casting and between side of formwork and recess former should be sealed to prevent ingress of concrete during concreting (by Namcong) Khe hi glia than neo va Khudn tie dau neo va vin khuén thanh phi due gén kin dé inréc xi mang khéng 01 vdo trong qua tri dé béténg. (1 Namcong) Fix the connection between casting and plastic sleeve by te wire and seal by tape to prevent ingress of concrete during concreting (by Nameong) C8 dinh phn n6t gia than neo vi éng néi nhya bang day thép, quén kin bang bang din a ruréc xi mang khong rd vao trong qué trinh dé béténg. (663 Namcong) Seal the connection between casting and duct by tape to prevent ingress of concrete during concreting. (by Nameong) Quédn kin phan ndi gia than neo va éng chia cép bang bang dinh dé mute xi mang tong rr vo trong qué trinh a8 beténg, (béi Namcong) Cover the strand bundles by nylon strip to prevent any dust, corrosion or slury during concreting, . ___ (by Namcong) ‘Boc cdc bé cap thai ra ngoai bang nylon dé trénh bul, an man va vita trong khi dé béténg. (bai Namcong) Check again everything to ensure the quality, repair any damages with tape and tie wire and record in Form “Tendon Installation & Pre-pour Inspection’ (&y MC, Namcong) ‘kiém tra lai moi chi tét d6 dim bao chét luong, sia chira céc hu héng bang bang dinh vd day thép bude, dién vo méu “Lp dat cép va kiém tra truéc khi dé bé tng”. (b6i NTC, Namcong) The good co-operation & co-ordination between the Main-Contractor and the PT Contractor is needed due to complicatedness of arrangement for Rebar works and Post-tensioning works on site. (by MC, Nameong) Page 21 of 47 a7. Sy phéi hop chét ché gitra Nha Théu chinh va Nha Théu phu vé Dyr eng Ive la diéu ccdn thiét do sy phite tap cia céng vic lép dit cét thép va dvr ting lyre trén céng trig. (051 NTC, Nameong) For reference in other projects, the co-ordination between the Main-Contractor and PT Sub- Contractor shall be: Tir vi6c tham khao & cae ave én khdc, sw phéi hep gitka nha théu Chinh va nha thé dr tng lero rnén thy hin nhur sau: ‘+ Installation of Bottom Formwork (yc) Lp at van khuén san (06i NTC) + Hand-over to Namcong for marking of tendon profile on formwork (ey Nameong) Bin glo cho Namcong dann du vit. cao d® ducing cép wén van Khuén (B61 Namcong) + Installation of Bottom Rebar layers (yc) Lip dat thép lop dust (061 NTC) + Hand-over to Namcong for installation of PT Tendons (by Namcong) Ban giao cho Namcong lip dat cae diréng cap av tg Ive (061 Namcong) + Installation of top rebar layers (yc) Lp dit lp thép trén (06i NTC) The hand-over work can be done area-by-atea to achieve planning and schedule as required by the Client (by MCINamcon) Vige ban giao céng vie cé thé thye hign theo amg Khu vue nhém dp tmg ké hoach va ‘ibn a ma Chi Bu tr you céu (651 NTC/Namcong) Conerating / Dé bé tang Pour conerete carefully and avoid any damage of duct by vibrators. (eymc) 188 béténg phi due thyc hign cén than trénh khéng lam hur héng éng chita cép do dém nung gay va (61 NTC) Vibration at stressing end and dead end anchorages should be carefully performed to protect voids or honeycomb after concrete. (yc) Bim béténg tg vj tri dau neo kéo va du neo chét phai duge thyc hign cdn than ab tran ché 15 rBng trong bét6ng. (661 NTC) During Pour coner Namcong will on site in order to checking and repairing. (by Namcong) Trong subt qué tinh a6 Bé tng, Namcong s6 cb ngwdi tyre aé kiém tra v a ska chia, (boi Namcong) Installation of Anchor Head / Lap dau neo When the concrete has attained its specified strength and the side of formwork is removed, the recess former can be taken out and re-use for next pour (Namcong recommend within 24 hours) (by Nameong) Khi bé tng dat t61 aréng dé quy dinh va van khuén thanh d durgc théo ra thi cé thé go khuén hoc déu neo va tai sir dung cho nhing In dé béténg sau (Nameong kién nghj trong ving 24 gi). (651 Namcong) Arrange the protruding strand in the correct pattern to facilitate anchor block installation. It is not necessary to cut the cable accurately to length; itis only necessary to ensure that the lenath is adequate. (by Namcong) Sép xép lgi nhimng déu cép thé ra ngoai vao diing ¥ tri sé giip cho vige Idp du neo dé dang hon. Khéng nhit thiét phai cét cép thét chinh xéc béng nhau, chi can dam béo ati 6 di khi ko. (651 Namcong) Page 22 of 47 It is important for the installation of anchor block to be carried out after concreting so that the anchorage is not fouled by cement slury. (by Namcong) Lap dit déu neo cén dirge thyre hign sau khi dé béténg la rét quan trong, nhm trénh vio dau neo bj dinh vira ximang. (b6i Nameong) ‘Check and clean the surface of the casting by removing any cement slurry adhered to it during concreting (by Namcong) idm tra va lam sach oc vét vita ximéng dinh bam trén mgt cua thén neo trong qué trinh <6 béténg. (05) Namcong) (Check and clean strands if necessary. (by Namcong) ‘Kiém tra va lam sach cap néu cén thiét (661 Namcong) Install anchor block onto the casting by manpower and place wedges to hold the anchor block in position and ready for stressing. A special pipe should be used to knock the wedges to ensure the gripping of wedges on strands. (by Nameong) Lap déu noo vdo than neo bang tay va lép ném vao 15 neo a8 gitt dBu neo & ating v tr vi ‘in sang cho vise kéo cdng. Ding éng ding ném a8 dm bao ném duge dm kit voi cp. (651 Nameong) Page 23 of 47 ‘STRESSING OF TENDONS / KEO CANG DUONG CAP (Items marked “by MC" should be done by the Main Contractor) (Cac cng viéc durgc dénh déu ‘bai NTC’ sé do nha théu chinh thurc hién) 9.4. Preparation for Stressing / Chun bj cho kéo cang Check the validity ofthe jack and gauge calibration certificate. Ifit is over 10 months, the jacks and gauges should be calibrated before sending to the job site for stressing operation, The jack should be recalbrated every 10 months. (by Namecong) Kiém tra tinh hop If cla chimg chi kiém dinh kich va déng hd thiy Ive trrée Ki sit dung. 1Néu qué. 10 thang, kich va dBng hé thiy luc phi dupe kiém dinh lei truce Khi der ra ‘ing truéng a8 kéo céng. Kich phai duge higu chudn dinh Ki 10 thang 1 Bn. (06) Namcong) Cheok whether the access facilities and working platforms for the stressing anchorages and dead-end anchorages have been erected. (by Mc) ikiém tra xom I6i di Iai va san thao tac 6 Khu vec dau neo kéo va du neo chét 45 duge Bp dat chwra (661 NTC) ‘Check that the bearing plates and block-outs have been cleaned of residual concrete (by Namcong) iém tra déu neo va hdc neo da dusgc vé sinh sach nhimg manh vun bé tong (031 Namong) Verty that any damaged pockets atthe anchorages have already been rectified (yc) ibm tra xem nhimg fur hing & Khu vy neo di duge sia chi (06i NTC) Check how the jack can be fited up to the tendon; by hand, by erane or with special iting equipment (by MC, Namcong) ibm tra xem kich o6 thé lip at vdo dung cép nhu thé nao: bing tay, cn cd hay thiét binéng dgc bgt (051 NTC.Namcong) ‘stressing can begin after the concrete has attained its specified strength shown in the design drawing is B25 (Mac 350) for Cube and NamCong receive the order in written from the Main Contractor. (ey CS.Namoong) Chi duge kéo cng cap khi béténg da dat t6i cuéng dé quy dinh duge diva ra trong ban ve thiét ké fa B25 (Mac350) cho Mu lép phuong va NamCong nhén dupe yéu céu bang van bin cla Nha Thu chinh (051 TVGS.Namcong) The stressing force and stressing sequence as specified on the shop drawings should be followed. (by Namcong) Luc kéo va trinh ty k6o céing phal tuan thi theo diing chi dinh trong ban vé thi cong. (b6i Namcong) 9.2. Strossing of Flat Tendons / Kéo cing ede durémg cép loal dep Stressing is carried out one-by-one of strands in each tendon. {by Namcong) KKéo céng op durge thus hién ting soi mt tai mBi duting cép. (061 Namcong) Carefully check the working conxition of hydraulic pump, stressing jack and gauge, power source, hydraulic hoses connection and so on to ensure a good working for whole system. (by Namcong) ibm tra cén than Onh tang cia may bom thuy luc, Kich Kéo cng va ding hé do, nguén ibn, to thuy lve dé dém bao ton b6 he théng trong tinh trang lam vibe inh thang. (bi Namcong) A reference point for extension measurement is marked on every strand by painting and using a template (Ruler), (by Nameong) ‘Mt dim chudn cho vige do dp dan dai duxye dénh déu Ién tét c& céc soi cép bang son hod butt x6a va thud. (661 Nameong) Page 24 of 47 The recess plate for wedges draw-in is threaded through the strand and set on top of the anchor block. (by Namcong) ‘Tm chin ném (cn gpl é du dém) durge ludn qua spi cép, sau dé ép sat vo mét dau reo. (064 Namcong) ‘The jack Is then threaded through the strand and set on top of the recess plate. General practice is that the jack is installed by means of hand. (by Namcong) Kich duge luén qua cép 181 ép sat vo du dém, vie lép kich thong thutng durge the hin bang tay. (b6i Namcong) Apply an initial force, usually SMPa, to eliminate the slack of the strands. Then Stressing at 100% design force. Release the pressure back to zero and then removed the hydraulic stressing jack from the stressed strand. (by Namcong) Qué trinh kéo céing duge bat dau, thye hign kéo 5MPa dé Khir ching céc soi cép. Sau dé kéo cng abn 100% arc thiét kb, gidm dp luc v6 0 va hd kich, {(b8i Nemcong) ‘The jack and recess plate is then removed (by Namcong) Théo kich va déu dim (68; Namcong) The elongation is measured by the painting marks on strand after the jack has been removed. Place the template (ruler) on strand then spray a new painting mark, the elongation is distance taken from the new mark to the old mark. (by Nameong) BS din dai duge do bai céc diém vach son trén soi cép sau khi dé thio kich. Bt ditng (thse) én soi cép v8 dénh dé u mot vach son méi, d6 dan dai cia soi cép chink Ii knioang céich gia vach som méi va vach som cd. (681 Nameong) Record the stressing force and extension (elongation) of strands to “Tendon Stressing Report for Flat Tendon” (by Namcong) Page 25 of 47 Ghi fi luc k6o cng va dé din dai cia céc soi cép vio “Béo cdo két qué céng cép cho dusng cép dep” (b5i Nameong) Repeat all the steps for the other strands. (by Namcong) Lap lai ede bute nfur trén cho cac soi cap khac. (b6i Namcong) Strossing report should be calculated, comploted and checked by Namcong's Project Engineer prior to submission to the Engineer for approval in “Tendon Stressing Calculation for Fiat Tendon". The strands should not be cut without approval. (by Nameong) Béo céo kéo cfing va d} dan dai sé tinh tod, hoan chinh va kibm tra béi ky su chr dn ‘Nameong, rude knitrinh cho tr vin duyét trong “Béo cdo tinh todn céing cép cho dung cp dep". Cap thira ngoai dlu neo s® Kning dug cit cho dén kh cb sy ding ¥ cia tur van, (bdi Nameong) 9.2.4. Stressing sequence / Trinh ty kéo cing céc soi cap # Tendon of 5 strands | B6 cdp 5 sof: Buoc4 Buoc 5 — Step 1 > Stress strand No 3 Buoc 1: Kéo spi cap 56 3, = Step 2: Stress strand No 1 (5) Bubc 2: Kéo soi cap s6 1 hose 5; = Step 3: Stress strand No 5 (1) Buoe 3: Kéo soi cap s6 5 hode 1; Step 4: Stress strand No 2 (4) Bute 4: Kéo soi cap s6 2 hoe 4; Step 5 = Stress strand No 4 (2) Buse §: Kéo spi cap s6 4 hod 2. ‘+ Tendon of 4 strands / B6 cép 4 soi: Buoc 1 Buoc2 Buoe3 Byoc 4 = Step 1: Stress strand No 2 (3) Buoe 1: Kéo soi cap s6 2 hoae 3; Stress strand No 3 (2) Bude 2: Kéo soi cap s6 3 hoge 2; - Step 3 > Stress strand No 1 (4) Buéc 3: Kéo soi cp s6 1 hoae 4; = Step 4 : Stress strand No 4 (1) Bude 4: Kéo soi cép s6 4 hoge 1; g Page 26 of 47 9.22. + Tendon of 3 strands / Bung of COO SOO > Buoc 1 Buoc 2 Buoc 3 = Step 1 : Stress strand No 2 Buoe 1: Kéo soi cap s6 2; = Step 2 : Stress strand No 1 (3) Buoe 2: Kéo soi cap s6 7 hoge 3; = Step 3: Stress strand No 3 (1) Buoe 3: Kéo soi cap s6 3 hode 1; Acceptance Tolerances of Tendon Elongation | Dung sai dé gin dai ciia duéng cép. For longer Tendon than 1m, <#10% on an individual strands, but not more than 47% on the average of al strand in a Tendon DSi vii duting céip 66 chiéu dai > 15m, d6 gian di gibi han 410% trén m 6i soi cp nhung knéng qua £7% trén a6 gidn da trung binh aia cac soi cép trong mét ding cép. For less Tendon than 15m, <£15% on an individual strands, but not more than 10% on the average of all strand in a Tendon. i v6i avvéng cép C6 chiéu dai < 18m, a6 gin dai gibi han +15% trén mdi soi cép nhumg khéng qué £10% trén d6 gin dai trung binh aia céc sof cép trong mot ducing cap. Page 27 of 47 10. GROUTING OF TENDONS / BOM VU‘A DUONG CAP {Items marked “by MC” should be done by the Main Contractor) (Céc céng vibe due dn h cu ‘boi NTC’ sé do Nha Thu chinh thyrc hign) 10.4. 10.2. Preparation for Grouting / Chudn bj bom viba ‘+ To provide the equipment for mortar testing on site: (by Namcong) (Ca thiét bi chudn bj thi nghiérm vit trén céng trurang: (661 Nameong) Grouting machine: 1 set May bom vita: 1 bé Cube AOOKFOOHO0 mould: 2 set Khuén méu 1O0XTOORT00 mm: — 2 b6 Viscosity funnel: 1 set Phéu thir d6 chay: 166 + Upon receipt of approval ofthe stressing result, protruding strands outside the anchor block are cut at a distance measured from the anchor block of approximately two times the strand diameter or 20mm, which ever isthe bigger. (by Nameong) ‘Sau khi k&t qué kéo cang duge chip thudn va cho phép cit cp, cfc doan cp thira én ngoai than neo duge cat khosng hai lén duémg kin cép hoe 20mm, By git nao lon hon, (b6i Namcong) ‘+ For small anchorage sizes such as used for Post-tensioned slab, the recess can be patched up with cement mortar (cement'sand ratio 1:2) instead with concrete 24 hours before grouting to prevent grout leakage through the wedges. (by Mc) 186i v6i céc loai neo cé kich thyrée nhé nbur ogi ding cho sén dur img luc, héc neo 8 thé trat bang vie xi mang (t7 16 xi mang/eét 1:2) thay vi bé t6ng 24 gid taxsc Khi born via dé trénh vita rb qua ném, (bi NTO) ‘+The grouting equipment should be positioned as near as possible to the grout points in order to avoid unnecessary pressure looses in the lines. (by Nameong) Thi6t bj bom vit phal disc dat cing gin cée diém bom cng tt a8 trénh mt mat 8p vc khéng cdn tht. (ci Namcong) ‘+ Cement and admixtures should be made available in sufficient quantities in the immediate vicinity of the grouting equipment and be protected from moisture (splashing from the mixer, rain..) and the water supply should be assured, if necessary by means of a water tank. (by Namcong) Xi méing va phu gia phi sn sang véi kh6i ugg day di 48 nap vao thiét bj born vita vv phaitranh knéng bi &m (bi ban tir may ten, mura...) vd nguén nuxic phi ce di ‘bdo, néu cén thiét phai cé thing chira nube: (61 Namcong) + Immediately before grouting, the tendons should be blown through with compressed air in order to detect possibie blockages and expel water present. Free air flow should be chacked at all rout hosos. (by Nameong) Ngay tras khi born vita, cc dutng cép pha dupe thdi bang khi dé ph hién ning ché téc c6 thé va dby mute ra ngoa. Khi thodt ra phai airge kiém ta ta tét c& ca voi bom vra (bi Namcong) Mixing Procedure / Quy trinh trén vira Page 28 of 47 Carefully check an operation state of grout mixer before grouting to ensure that itis ready for operation, (by Namcong) kKiém tra can thén tinh trang may trén vita truéc khi sir dung dé dam bao rang may trén sn sang hoat déng. (béi Nameong) Pour the required volume of water into the grout mixer. (by Nameong) Dong mat kung nude vao may tron vita theo nfur yéu céu. (béi Nameong) Turn on the grout mixer and adé the pre-determined amount of grout additive Sikamont NN. {by Namcong) Khdi déng may trén viva va cho phy gia Sikament NN theo wong da dinh. (b6i Namcong) ‘Add the pre-determined amount of grout adcitive SiKAIRISBIASEZIHY and mix for another approximately 2 minutes. (by Namcong) Cho mit hong phu gia SiKAInPaBIASIZAW 48 dinh sn vao va trén khoding 2 pht. bi Namcong) Then add the pre-determined amount of cement, bag by bag, to the grout pump and then mix for approximately 2 minutes until a consistent grout mixis formed. (by Nameong) ‘Sau dé cho ximang vao ting bao mét theo lugng da dinh sn va trén trong khoding 2 pit nite cho t61khi hin hop vita déng du (065 Namcong) ‘A screen should be provided in the path of the grout circulation in order to catch cement lump (f any) (by Namcong) Ding lu6i foc trong chu tanh bom tuan hoa dé foal bé ximaing cue clue tan o6 trong tia (ndu 6). (bd Nameong) Alll grout tests should be carried out as in accordance with Section 11. (by Namcong) Cac thi nghidm vie sé due thy hién theo yéu edu trong Phin 11. (05 Namcong) AS soon as the necessary quality control tests have been made, pumping can commence (by Namcong) ‘gay sau hi céc thi nghigen kiém tra chat krgmg cén thidt duge thc hign, c6 thé tén hhanh bom via. (bé5 Namcong) 10.3. Grouting Procedure / Quy trinh bom vira Grout is pumped from one end of tendon and grout expelled from the grout hoses should be checked until no more air bubble and the consistency of the grout is similar to that in the mixer before closing off the hoses, (by Nameong) Vita cte7e bom tr mt du cia dung cép va phi Kiém tra vita tai cc dBu ra cho dén hi va khéng cin bot khi va d6 déng déu cila vite gidng nh ur trong may tron tnde khi dng ing (bi Namcong) Grouting of each tendon should be carried out in one continuous operation. if grouting is interrupted for more than 30 minutes, the tendon should be flushed with water in order to clear the grout before resuming the grouting operation. (by Namcong) Qué trinh bom vita cho méi duéng cép nén dune thurc hién mét cach lién tue, Néu 2700 [3600 [Dé én dink thé tieh: [mm [10 loa (Phuong phap LE Chatelics) ‘soa be E33 20 Page 36 of 47 16.2. Technical Data for Grout Additive Intraplast Z-HV// Théng sé kj thuat cla phy gia cho vira: Sika Intraplast Z-HV = oO = o =) fee = 72) = Oo oO Biron sino Ney mrrone a oe timate | bevanmigeo?| ‘sa 20 Intraplast® Z-HV Phy gia héa déo va bd co ngét ‘nee ZV Wi ga ing os ey Bara ae! 234” wo Ns ap ng rg nw Hin Ve toh cic tanglt oan Set sun ag ny ae (tring ay phn rapt ZV guna natorg nts SSpeinevne street ap gam ugrg ace an Tay eves oe essence ara inten oredr aoa ‘nasa 2 nana tc cing afta g aie a vara icone (Give vigesi op roopes zo worgcachdanp dategee corse. On ‘esntng on ancngcaa nn nn ep Ras ‘ipsa nrg srt ney cine 49 SNe. ‘crmon ing veal vee ‘cn deteatrg ncn may es yc 8 gt re, Blow ora ecning as samen ‘apa nb en) iano meh rorya Tac og bovt cays an non cb ing eo, Tramindgevasebbin eanites cde srg gabe ving ay. 2 voaretcheg au amcoeiacan rn te byw [rc STL ia Ta reg aa wo Tahealang SCRA ag Se RG eng anergsece BG wee Doma Tae Realname Dinpciehd ly -04-1 Daihen nahin re Doeeerte «50-124 eoina uma nie Dag crehd diy :04-Cae neotNGNOG Se 1 mi! 2 12 Page 37 of 47 ‘Tee “Tirhavtr os a: te apie 220 va a argc vo berg ‘iva agnn fess) aga. thd ae cho osm TH (Sartor paras sebon ha peas Sangre ‘Twemg Toye corg is a corgi argon carey STEEN Wane ine dWegtasecriby gt ornate gua aon wang nd Ne aug cae aS an rhode vbr ng Stn dr cng end Goan THE wv rg ev aa grey em AH ‘= Détaraupctent cng etl g8nn0 Sushi meng Hi ‘nda org hepa 2 pra apexaedem con i 12 Udstomotainapins 240 aunesacambing! agen cuicing vcd fetneo nore mute f= caspreéy nnn noe ex mia taste: WC 0306098. eu Loa raat ZV 04-10% (8 rp cng pu pane le Sas cay vad So Mean, ‘hcl Cade ang WIC C0 dn Orel 2 1.2 meanee ademas: etog c WIC W 040 26045, re ian 21 1.045% Xnang a xemoncootnagten hepa argvasal ZV routs bring te tne ving doh un ing bch be Aiton ag ory meat pe tae vag Tat aba pn Sag ch ig aa na eg v8 [aero eaes —Trpae Ta eat [ Vanes rude [aan Rouson ON ong Sp Sa rorgibibre: | Sha Rosson Grout eu es sau Pongo Wrigsioe | SaaS ASST | mhananrzT Vie ciao] Skagen FETT Tia oH iat i “Thang tin v8 edo Khe vl An tn Seva tera cord Leja tog Mae series setae Fe nach soo 2 mpat 2o 22 Page 38 of 47 16.3. Technical Data for Grout Additive Sikament NN / Théng sé ky thudt cua phy gia cho via ‘SikamentNN = fe) oJ oO = ct Ss 7) = fo) oO nae ‘etn. 4.1002 Sikament® NN High Range Water-Reducing Concrete Admixture Descpon “StamerMlahghy eect nao gud ae uperpier x ‘ne peau of tna sven sn ar a sunaareal wong Gheorghe ane ate cera ‘Snel cmles AST CuBr “Stanwa N sato @spepstone he preducn of ovate fF Sercer compares wth dean poke einrererts ‘Stanwrthiabo eda aaeredirg went ecg nhheaty Stongerconre sao rege ond cominver sree ‘Samer proves he elma open nevetoaes ‘a oeptace f= venti cy eos fF Slcaty shes he of senator ser eaicon up SO depend on dane ‘Alou snare! cont eon compte pli coe Product Data ia rm ry cot shade ae Formitour Mi yea toed sop nga opened pecogh 1 stone Page 39 of 47 ‘Technical Data Bose Nanton Fomolehye Supronste Specie aray 110-1220 ge vesage (260-200 er 00 coment ‘Application “yplct dosege 60.1208 per Oty caren compatity ezrieocomsne wih a Somer Sis Aor Ska Purp, Sac er bt rs babe cpus We moe Pt Be mIES wo! coment ype 1 Patan carat nang sult eset arent pening ‘Samer Ne tsa on gaugg wae pro ation ‘nny soa te pace or ans in er hen aed diy te eed conse, the asikeng ec. ‘Sete ponunsee For adain at ob ste, Skament NV 6 asdes tthe concrte Inte percep an ter eer ming has taken ce rhe rae overtoneg ‘Spnicat venoage wl ent a a much ncase fowa coat pat ander ire often To sa Bow or een ecormenied oat ute trp fos pond specs ange ster pocorert cf crete vom Tp nies Saou cae RS co ea Somatic a sia [er oem fae Peas ie ieee [ie am[isi [Si ‘eid cers holon POA Her POSAD gh Son POBKD ewes enappeon/imns wal mas ae econeende to estabish exact cosa ates ‘aque o cut nau ogame W azektance ogre, ‘iste const nen oom serve Deport 1 scuatedipesing ean canbe sapla by Sa La 5 Ue an appoprite ie add nt iby hand 2 stare 2 Page 40 of 47 Page 41 of 47 17. APPENDIX B: CARE OF DUCTS AND TENDONS DURING CONCRETING / PHY LUC B: BAO VE ONG CHUA CAP VA DUONG CAP KHI 96 BE TONG For the purposes of avoiding potential problem areas that may occur on site the main contractor is reminded of his responsiblties in the care of NamCong ducts or tendons during the concreting phase of works. 8 trénh nhiing sy 66 66 khd nang xay ra tal cic khu wre 66 duéng cap cia Nam Céng trén céng trutng, ‘Nha Thdu chinh phai c3 trach nhiém chi ¥ dén éng chira cép va dong cép cila NAMCONG trong gial Goan dgtthép va dé bé téng ‘This Appendix is extremely Important as for the interest of the contract as an attempt to prevent problems ‘occurring during the concreting phase and prior to or during the stressing operation Phu lye nay rt quan trong nfur Ia mot phan hiéu lve caa hop déng nhém ob gang dé trénh xay ra sy o6 di vei dng cap va dung cap trusc va trong khi dB bé t6ng hod trong khi van hanh kéo céng, ‘The following steps should be taken to minimize the Main Contractor's risk of untimely site problems: 88 giém thiéu cae nti ro do v0 y c6 thé xdy ra d6i voi Nha Théu chinh, Nha Thu chinh cén tuan thi cc bude sau ~ Prior to concreting, the supervisor must familiarize himself with the layout of cables and advice the cconcretors of critical areas where the reinforcement and cable arrangement i particularly congested Truse khi dé 68 t6ng, céc giém sat vién ném 16 mét bang b6 tri duting cap va phai co fusing dn ingueéi dbs téng trénh nhiing vi tri nguy hiém, noi cdt thép va éng cap duvge bé tr day dc. = Throughout the concreting operation adequate chairs and planking should be used to bridge over the prestressing ducts and prevent construction loads from damaging the ducts. Typical construction loads include conerete pumping equipment, hand tools and treading of workers. Trong subt qué tinh dé bé tong phai sir dung céc tém van Ké trén céc chén dé dé lam céu bac qua cdc duéng éng cép dir tg lye tranh cc tai trong khi thi cng gay hang éng cép. Cac tai trong khi thi cing bao gém thiét bj bom bé téng, dung cu cém tay va dé phéng céng nhan déim kn ng, - Vibrators of suitable diameters should be used in areas having limited spacing, especially in between ‘ucts and reinforcement, otherwise indentation of ducts will occur. hai str dung cac ogi dam bé téng c6 duing kinh thich hop tai nhimg khu vac c6 din tich han ché, ie bigt i & hing ché gitta duemg cap dv img lve va odt thép néu khéng 6 thé dn aén lam bep dng. ~All poker vibrators should be labeled with color marks fr the gauging of depth of penetration. This will ‘enable the supervisor to monitor, contro! and ensure correct placing and compaction of concrete around the post - tensioning components Tét od nhing loai dém alii pha due dé nh dé béing som mau a8 dénh déu a su dim. Vige nay cho phép céc giém sat vién c6 thé kiém soat va dim béo divge qué trinh d va dim bé téng xung quanh Khu vue 66 he théng dtr ting lve = Concrete should be poured layer by layer. This will increase the visibility and worker awareness of cables and ducts. Ba tong nén aS mét céch trtir.Vige nay gli cho céng nhén c6 thé d& dang nhin thdy toan bp dung cp va 6ng cép trong khi a6, = If the ducts are covered by a thin layer of concrete, compaction of concrete can be performed reasonably well without damaging the adjacent ducts. Truréng hop cé mét lop méng bé tong phi trén dng cép, nén dim bé tng wie phai trénh khéng im bep hay sai lgch auong cép = Rigorous or abrupt dipping / pulling of poker vibrator should be avoided. This will cause the poker Page 42 of 47 vibrator to bounce off the reinforcement, and puncture or dent the ducts. The golden rule for dipping / pulling the poker vibrator is “fade in’ and “fade out". Tran ci bode dby aud ment, apt ng c&c og dim cB qué man 28 gby cbt thép choc thing ode Him réch éng cép. M6t nguyén tc co ban trong khi dm li day xubng va rt rato to: Furthermore, the poker vibrator should not be blindly submerged into the conerate without knowing where the cables are located Hon nia, khéng duge phép dam b8 tng ma khang bibt & a6 cb ding éng cap dy img Ive hay knng, Concrete should not be discharged directly onto the duc. Knéng duye phép 45 b6 tong tne tip lén duréng éng cap. Page 43 of 47 48, APPENDIX D - EQUIPMENT LIST/ PHY LUC D- DANH MYC THIET B] 1 _ | Equipment for fabricating tendons Thiét bi phyc vy céng téc gia cng cap 1.1 | Cutting Machine / Nay ot cép 1 VietNam 4.2. | Hydraulic Pump / Bom thiy lye 1 China 4.9 | H Frame Jack /Kich danh au 161 1 China 2 _ | Eauipment for installation of tendon Thiét bi phyc vy céng tac lap dat cap 2.1 | Liting Frame / Khung eu cap 1 VietNam 2.4 | Cutting Machine 1 May oft cp 1 Germany 3 | Equipment for stressing Thit bi phuc vu céng téc kéo cng 3.1. | Hydraulic Pump / 80m thiy lee 2 China 3.2 | Hydraulic Jack / Kich thay lye 2 China 7 _| Eauipment for grouting work Thiét bi bom via 4.4 | Grouting Machine / May bom vita 1 VietNam 4.2 | Air Compressor / May nén khi 1 Taiwan 4.3 | Driling machine / May khoan bé tng 1 Germany Page 44 of 47 49. APPENDIX E - MANPOWER LIST / PHY LUC E- NHAN LUC THI CONG No ne Manpower / Nhén ive Quantity / sé meng | Remarks / Ghi chit 1 | ste Manager / Chi huy ting 1 2 | Ste Engineer /ky su cong tudng 1 3. | PT Supervisor / Giém sét thi cdng 2 4 | Skilled Worker / Cong nha c6 tay ngh’ 18 5 6 Page 45 of 47

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