5 Elessonplan

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MUED 211

5 Es Lesson Plan Form

Name _____Carlos Rojo______________________Date_____5/10/15____________

Grade Level _9-12___Quarter ___3rd_______School ______________________

Section I: Big Picture Planning

Central Concept __Cadences_____________

Instructional Objectives:
Which of your CMP Teaching Plan Outcomes is this lesson designed to instruct?
Cadences and their identification.

To what CMP Teaching Plan Strategy is this lesson connected?

This strategy is tied to a visual and auditory strategy where the students will first learn what the
cadences are when notated then will be able to hear each cadence played to them.

What do you expect your students to KNOW / be able to DO at the end of the period that they did
not know/ could not do at the beginning of the period? These must be measurable. Look at the
Blooms Taxonomy verb sheet. Do not use the words know or understand!
Students will be able to recognize and recall the three different types of cadences taught and will
be able to exemplify them by creating their own cadences and demonstrating them to the class.

Wisconsin Model Academic Standard (WMAS) Connection:

List one (or two) at most.
Improvement of music literacy which can lead into student compositions.

What materials do you need to have prepared for the lesson?

Blank staff paper and a white board.

What will be the next activity in this unit for which this lesson is a preparation?
We would go through our current choral repertoire while rehearsing it and explore the different
cadences used in each piece and hypothesize why the composer would use such cadence at a given point.
Section II: Lesson Planning
Include time estimates.

1. Engage: Include what happened yesterday, what they will be doing in class today and how it ties to
future learning. Then catch the students interest by posing a question, showing something, doing
something funny, or reading a quote. Do anything that gets their attention and allows you to focus on
the goals of the lesson. Make a connection to the students lives (ie. Compelling Why).
I would begin the class by reminding them that we had learned how the triads are built off of ever
note in a major scale and what the qualities of those chords are. The why I would talk while explaining this
would put an emphasis on the endings of the sentences. (1-2 minutes)

2. Explore: Students interact with each other through discussion and/or materials in small groups.
They explore a limited area of inquiry requiring them to categorize, classify, or answer questions.
How will you assess that students are exploring?
I will ask the students to try to identify what it is I am doing oddly by having them talk to each
other in their groups. After coming back together, I will ask what they think it is and I will immediately
assess right there what they are thinking. (1-2 minutes)

3. Explain: Concepts under exploration are expressed through a book, teaching of vocabulary, short
lecture, video, etc. Students then share what they said/discovered in the exploration stage and connect
it to this new info. Differing views are shared. How will you assess students explanations?
Through a short lecture, I will explain what kinds of cadences there are by writing them on the
board and having them follow along and writing them in their own staff paper and then I would play the
cadences on the piano and have them identify the cadences through volunteers shouting out the answers. I
will listen to what students said they talked about in groups and assess what it is they are thinking. (5

4. Elaborate or extend: Students apply information to a new situation. How will you assess students
ability to apply information?
I will ask students to write cadences of their own then ask for volunteers to come to the board and
write out the cadence they created and have the rest of the class try to identify it. I can assess at the moment
whether or not the student creating the cadence was correct and whether or not the students are identifying
the cadences correctly. (1-2 minutes)

5. Evaluate: Assess students knowledge and/or skills. What evidence will you use to prove that
students have changed their thinking or behavior?
We would go to our Biebl scores and identify the cadences used in the piece. The evidence would
be in the students actually being able identify these cadences. In the previous lesson, they were able to
identify the different chords used and the phrases of the piece. After todays lesson, they can now see where
the cadences are.
Section III (to be completed AFTER teaching the lesson!):

Reflection: What went well, what needs to be changed? List specific ideas that might improve your

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