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Dr. Sebastian Rupert Mampilly


Contact Address
X/672, High School N.P. Mugal Road,
Santhi Nagar, Kusumagiri P.O., Kakkanad,
Cochin 682 030, Kerala, India. Cochin 682 022, Kerala, India.
Phones: +919495812944; +914842424378

 PhD (in Management under the faculty of Social Science
Sciences), MBA (Business Administration), MSW
(Personnel Management & Industrial Relations), and M A (Sociology).
 Three decades' s' teaching experience in management at masters level (in India), experience includes
tenure assignments at an accredited college and an accredited B
School of one of the prestigious
universities in India.
 Trainer in HRD/Organisational Behavior/ Management areas for public and private sector
companies, central, and state government departments etc
 Resource person and Trainer for Seminars and Workshops in Research Methodology for Social

 PhD Guide & PhD Thesis Adjudicator in Management Area
 External Evaluator for targeted intervention projects
 Project Guide for Master's level dissertations in management for more than30 years
 Research Advisor/Consultant for funded projects sponsored by Government and International
 Research Advisor/Consultant to the Centre for Research Studies, Rajagiri CCollege
ollege of Social Sciences,
 Research work published in refereed journals (see web pages,,,

 Head of Postgraduate Teaching Department of Personnel Management & Industrial Relations at
Rajagiri College of Social Sciences, Rajagiri, Kalamassery, Kerala, a 50
50-year-old, well--established
re of higher education in Kerala for ten years (1988-1998).
 Administrative Head, Computer Centre, Rajagiri College of Social Sciences, Rajagiri, Kalamassery,
 Director of Student Field Work and Placement Program for Masters programs in Social Work and
Human Resources Management.

Main Teaching Areas

- Research Methodology in Social Sciences

- Organizational Behavior
- Organizational Theory and Design
- Principles of Management
- Industrial Relations
- Human Resource Management
- Industrial Sociology
- Development Programs (in the above areas)

 Secured Second Rank in the University at the Master's degree examination in Business Administration.
 Outstanding Paper Award Winner at the Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2013.

Academic Qualifications:
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D. in Management under the faculty of Social Sciences, 1999)
Cochin University of Science and Technology, India.

Master of Business Administration (MBA 1988)

Cochin University of Science and Technology, In

Sociology with elective in Industrial Sociology, 1981)

Master of Arts (MA -Sociology
University of Kerala, India.

Master of Social Work (MSW

(MSW-Personnel Management and Industrial Relations, 1978)
University of Kerala, India

Bachelor of Science (BSc - Chemistry1975)

University of Kerala, India.

 Certificate in Research
Research Methodology in Social Sciences
Sciences from Loyola College of Social
Sciences,, Trivandrum, 1982.
 Certificates in (1) Applied Behavioural and Social Sciences
Sciences, 1990
(2) Management of Social Research
Research, 1991
(3) Human Resources Management
Management, 1995 from Tata Institute of Social
Sciences (TISS),
), Bombay, India.
 Certificate in The Management of University
University-Enterprise Partnerships from International
Institute for Educational Planning, Paris, France, 2004 ((Distance
Distance Education Mode)

Employment History:

(March 2007 April 2015)

Professor, School of Management Studies, Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kerala,
India. (See website in the area of Human Resource Management, Organisational
Behaviour and Industrial Relations.

(November 1998 March 2007

Reader (Equivalent to Associate Professor), School of Management Studies, Cochin University of
Science and Technology, in the area of Human Resource Management, Organisational Behaviour
and Industrial Relations.

(September 1988 November1998)

Head of Personnel Management Department Rajagiri College of Social Sciences (RCSS) affiliated
to Mahatma Gandhi, University, Kerala, India. (Rajagiri College of Social Sciences is a Five Star
rated (highest grade) Graduate (Doctorate/Masters level) institution affiliated to Mahatma Gandhi
University, Kerala, and accredited by the University Grants Commission (UGC), Govt. of India
(See website

The Department of Personnel Management of the college was founded in 1984 My initial role in
the department comprised designing the MA (Personnel Management & Industrial Relations)
program and teaching
hing courses and, later as the Department Head (1988 onwards) was in charge of
executing all administrative responsibilities including curriculum design, quality assurance,
student admissions, performance evaluation, and general administration of the department.
depar At
present the program is rated among the top 3% amongst the bb-school
school programs in India.

Provided leadership in establishing the well equipped and modern Computer Centre at Rajagiri
College of Social Sciences it was one of the earliest such facility
ity in an affiliated college in the
whole of Mahatma Gandhi University.

(September 1978 to November 1995)

Joined Rajagiri College of Social Sciences as Junior Lecturer (1978), was promoted as Lecturer
(1980), as Senior Lecturer (1986), promoted as Selection Grade Lecturer (1994); appointed as
Head of Personnel Management Department in September 1988.

Research Guidance Experience

PhD Guide in Management Studies under the faculty of Social Sciences, Cochin University of
Science and Technology, Kerala, India. Presently supervising five Ph. D. scholars.

Phd Theses completed:

1. Effect of Gender-role
role Orientations and Communication Styles on Executive Performance
(Doctoral Degree awarded
warded by CUSAT in 2008).
2. Moving from Margin to Mainstream
Mainstream-AA study on the effectiveness of formal and teacher
initiated mentoring in B-schools in Kerala (Doctoral Degree awarded by CUSAT in 2010).
3. Innovative Human Resource Practices and selected HR Outcomes in Software Firms in
Kerala (Doctoral
Doctoral Degree awarded by CUSAT in 2012).

Supervision of Master's Level Dissertations

Project Guide for MSW and MA (Personnel Management) students for 20 years and for MBA
and MIB (Master of International Business) programmes during the la last 16 years - guided
dissertations in the areas of Human Resource Management, Industrial Relations, Organizational
Behaviour, Industrial Sociology, and Labor Economics and Marketing Management.

Research and Academic Work:

Research work published in natinational and international refereed journals,, Papers presented in
national and international conferences
conferences- Authored/ co-authored research reports - developed case
studies, course materials and designed training modules for the training of executives.

Was intimately
ately involved with the work of the Research Institute of Rajagiri College of Social
Sciences - Co-directed
directed and offered methodological assistance to more than a dozen major funded
research studies sponsored by national/international agencies like Government
Governmen of Kerala,
Government of India, UNESCO, WHO, ILO, WB, Indo Indo-Swiss Project, etc.

Served as State level Consultant to National Institute of Public Co Co-operation

operation and Child
Development (NIPCCD), New Delhi, for its project on Monitoring and Evaluation of Social
Components in Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS) in Kerala.

Research Advisor/Consultant to the Centre for Research Studies Rajagiri College of Social

Resource person for training and workshop programmes in Social Science Research Methodology
in Social Sciencess including Management, Commerce and Social Work.

Experience in working as member on academic bodies like Boards of studies, Academic Councils
of Universities and Strategic planning bodies of academic institutions and Professional
rofessional bodies and
membership organisations of managers
Publications and presentations:

 Career Advancement, Personal Orientations and Managerial Styles, Management and

Labour Studies, # 4, Vol. 15, 1990.

 Time: Let us make intelligent use of it, Malabar Herald, # 2, Vol. 92, 2000.

 Research and Evaluation Framework for Rural Development and Appropriate

Technology, International Kick Off Workshop on Rural Development and Appropriate
Technology, IRTC, Palghat, organised jointly by TU Delft, The Netherlands, WAU, The
Netherlands and Cochin University of Science and Technology, India, October 2000.

 Tales and Truth of Leadership, International Roundtable Conference on Developing

Teams, Leaders and Organisations, Management Development Institute, Gurgaon, Delhi,
December 2000.

 Effectiveness of Bank Managers- an empirical elucidation, Organisational Management,

# 2, Vol. 18, July September 2002.

 Manage Self to Manage Time, Organisational Management, # 3, Vol.19, October-

December 2003.

 Power is the Truth in Managerial Leadership, Management Matters, # 2, Vol. 1, March-

August 2004.

 An Effective Manager is a Credible Manager too, Personnel Today # 4, Vol. XXV,

January March 2005.

 Power Precept for Managers, Vilakshan: XIMB Journal of Management, # 1, Vol. 4,

March 2007.

 Effect of Psychological Empowerment on Individual and Organisational Performance,

12th International and 43rd National Conference of the Indian Academy of Applied
Psychology (IAAP, 2008), Kolkata, February 2008. (Co-authored paper)

 HRM System Pathway to Psychological Empowerment and beyond, GIM Journal of

Management, # 2, Vol. 4, July December 2009.

 Relationship between Neo-five Personality Profile and Psycho-social Maturity exhibited

by B-school students in Coimbatore, Far East Journal of Psychology and Business, # 2,
Vol. 7 June 2012 (Co-authored Paper).

 Human Resource Management Innovations and Employee outcomes, The Twelfth

International Conference on Knowledge, Culture and Change Management, University
Centre, Chicago, USA, July 6-8, 2012 (Co-authored Paper).

 Satisfaction with HR Practices and Employee Engagement: A Social Exchange

Perspective, Journal of Economics and Behavioural Studies, # 7, Vol. 4, July 2012 (Co-
authored Paper).

 A Model for Student Mentoring in Business Schools, International Journal of Mentoring

and Coaching in Education, # 2, Vol. 1, August 2012 (Co-authored Paper).
 Psychological Empowerment and Employee Engagement, Seventh National Conference
on Business Research 2012
2012,, PSG Institute of Management Coimbatore, India. November 23-
24, 2012. (Co-authored
authored Paper)

 HRM Innovations and HRM Outcomes in Software firms a structuralructural equation

model, 12th International HRM Conference, Management Development Institute, Gurgaon,
India, December 10 13, 2012 (Co-authored paper)

 Personality Fit between Mentor and Protg Dyads and its influence on the
Effectiveness of Formal Mentoring in a PCCM Level 4/5 certified IT Company in
Chennai, India.,, Far East Journal of Psychology and Business, #3, Vol. 10, March 2013
(Co-authored Paper)

 A power based explanation for managerial effectiveness

effectiveness,, International Journal of
Business andd Management Invention, # 6, Vol.2, June 2013.

 Psychological Empowerment as a predictor of Employee Engagement: An Empirical

Attestation,, Global Business Review, # 1, Vol. 15, March 2014. (Co
authored paper)

 Role of Human Capital Management Practices in inculcating learning orientation and

its relationship with performance
performance,, IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-
JBM), #7, Vol. 16, (Ver.III), July 2014. (C

The impact of Performance Management System on Employee Involvement and
Interpersonal Trust: A study among scientists
scientists, International Journal of Scientific Research
and Management ( # 7,Volume 3, July 2015. (Co-authored)

Seminars and Conferences:

As faculty member and Head of Department at Rajagiri College, have had organised and
supervised national seminars and conferences in the areas of HR Strategies, Change Management,
Human Resource and Industrial Trends in India, Industrial Relations and Trad
Tradee Union Practices
etc. Later, as a faculty member at School of Management Studies, CUSAT seminars and
conferences have been attended as participant or speaker/resource person.. A list of such
seminars/workshops and conferences would include:

National Seminarar on Youth and Development (1978), Rajagiri College of Social Sciences,
Kalamassery, Kerala.
U.G.C. sponsored Faculty Development Workshop on Field Work (1981), Delhi School of
Social Work, University of Delhi.
ASSWI Workshop on Writing Skills Its Forms and Techniques (1982), Madras School of
Social Work, Madras.
UNICEF Workshop on AIDS Prevention and Control (1983), Kerala Press Academy,
Ernakulam, Kerala.
National Institute of Personnel Management Programme on Legal Update, 1998.
National Institute
itute of Personnel Management Programme on Neuro- Neuro Linguistic
Programming, 1999.
National Institute of Personnel Management Programme on Quality Management ISO 9000
& ISO 14000, 1999.
AICTE & AIMS Workshop on Managing Management Schools, (1999), XIME, XIM Bangalore.
National Seminar on Business Education for the new Millennium, (2000), SMS, CUSAT.
New Day Workshop on Achieving Peak Performance, (2000), Cochin.
IMG, Kerala Programme on PSRS Development , (2000), Cochin.
International Kick-off Workshop on Rural Development and Appropriate Technology, IRTC
Palghat, organised jointly by TU Delft, The Netherlands, WAU The Netherlands and Cochin
University of Science and Technology, India, October 2000. (Paper Presenter)
International Roundtable Conference on Developing Leaders, Teams and Organizations,
(2000), MDI, Gurgaon, Haryana, Delhi. (Paper Presenter)
Excel Crest 2002 Workshop & Management Training, Cochin Junior Chamber, May 2002.
University Workshop on Teaching Methodology CUSAT & TU Delft, July 2003.
Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT) Seminar on Contributions of
Science and Technology in the Development of Kerala, December 19-20, 2006.
Albertian Workshop on Research Methodology and Application of SPSS for Data Analysis,
Albertian Institute of Management, Cochin, June 11 to 14, 2008. (Resource Person)
UGC sponsored workshop on Research Methodology, Rajagiri School of Management,
Kakkanad, Cochin, October 13 to17, 2008. (Resource Person)
National Seminar on Strategic Marketing for the Emerging Environment, School of
Management Studies, CUSAT, February 20-21, 2009.
UGC Training on Research Methodology for Doctoral Research Guides in Social Sciences,
Academic Staff College, University of Kerala, Trivandrum, March 23 27, 2009. (Resource
Advanced Certificate Course on Research Methodology, Research Institute, Rajagiri College
of Social Sciences, Kalamassery, Kerala, July 6 11, 2009. (Resource Person)
Faculty Development Programme on Research Methodology and application of SPSS,
Marthoma College of Management and Technology, Perumbavoor. Kerala, Dec. 4-5, 2009
(Resource Person).
Research Methodology Workshop for Social Work Educators in University of Calicut,
Vimala College, Thrissur, Kerala, December 11, 2009 (Resource Person).
ICSSR Training on Research Methodology for Doctoral Students in Social Sciences,
Academic Staff College, University of Kerala, Trivandrum, March 15 27, 2010. (Resource
Refresher Course cum Workshop on Research Methodology for Social Scientists, Mar
Theophilus Training College, Trivandrum, May 17 22, 2010. (Resource Person)
Management Research for the Post Graduate Diploma in Teaching and Research Management
PGDTRM Programme, Kerala Management Association, May 29, 2010. (Resource Person)
Short-term Course for Research Guides in Social Sciences, UGC-Academic Staff College,
University of Kerala, Trivandrum, June 21 26, 2010. (Resource Person)
Research Methodology and Data Analysis for researchers in Social/Behavioural Sciences,
IGNOU Institute of Professional Competency Advancement of Teachers (IIPCAT), Cochin,
June 26-28, 2010. (Resource Person)
National Workshop on Tools and Techniques of Social Science Research, Bharata Mata
Institute of Management, Cochin, October 11 13, 2010. (Resource Person)
UGC Sponsored National Seminar on Exploring New Strategies in Social Science
Research, St. Teresas College, Ernakulam, February 16 18, 2011. (Resource Person)
UGC Sponsored National Seminar on Science of Identifying Research Problems and
Crafting of Proposals, St. Josephs Training College, Mannanam, Kottayam, Kerala,
February 25-26, 2011. (Resource Person)
Workshop on Research Methodology, School of Management and Business Studies, Mahatma
Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala, March 9-10, 2011. (Resource Person)
Training Programme in Research Methodology and Data Analysis, IGNOU Institute for
Competency Advancement of Teachers (I-CAT), Cochin, April 27-30, 2011. (Resource
Short-term Course for Research Guides in Social Science faculties, UGC-Academic Staff
College, University of Kerala, Trivandrum, June 27 July 1, 2011. (Resource Person)
Refresher Course for College Teachers in Education, UGC- Academic Staff College,
University of Kerala, Trivandrum, December 7 - 22, 2011. (Resource Person)
Refresher Course in Research Methodology for Teachers from Universities, UGC- Academic
Staff College, Kannur University, Kannur, January 4 - 24, 2012. (Resource Person)
Training Programme on Preparation of Research Project Proposal, IGNOU Institute for
Competency Advancement of Teachers (i-CAT), Cochin, January 16-17, 2012. (Resource
National Workshop on Research Methodology sponsored by the Directorate of Collegiate
Education, Government of Kerala at the Government Brennen College of Teacher Education,
Thalassery, Kannur (Dt.), February 1-3, 2012. (Resource Person)
UGC Sponsored National Workshop on Research Methodology and Statistical Analysis for
Management Teachers, Rajagiri College of Social Sciences, Kakkanad, Ernakulam, March
13 15, 2012. (Resource Person)
Workshop on Research Methodology and Data Analysis for Teachers and Research Aspirants,
Department of Management Studies, Sree Narayana Guru Institute of Science and
Technology (SNGIST), Ernakulam, April 27 28, 2012. (Resource Person)
AICTE sponsored Staff Development Programme on Research Methodology and Advances in
Computing, Department of MCA, Union Christian College, Aluva, Ernakulam, May 14-25,
2012. (Resource Person)
Workshop on Problem Formulation and Data Analysis in Social Science Research, Career
Guidance Cell and Research & P.G. Department of Commerce, St. Peters College,
Kolencherry, Kerala, November 5-7, 2012. (Resource Person)
ICSSR sponsored National Level Course in Research Methodology, School of Management
Studies, Cochin University of Science and Technology, January 16 25, 2013. (Resource
ICSSR sponsored workshop on Research Methodology: Application of Research Methods and
Statistics, Inter University Centre (IUCDS), Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Jan. 28
Feb. 1, 2013. (Resource Person)
National Seminar on Perspectives of Research Methodology, Government College, Munnar,
sponsored by Directorate of Collegiate Education, Government of Kerala, March 12 13,
2013. (Resource Person)
Social Science Research Methodology Workshop 2013, Centre for Public Policy Research,
Cochin, May 23 25, 2013. (Resource Person)
AICTE Sponsored National Seminar on Research Methodology and Statistical Analysis: New
Trends, Rajagiri Centre for Business Studies, Kakkanad, Cochin, July 16 18, 2013.
(Resource Person)
ICSSR sponsored Workshop on Social Research Methods, Loyola College of Social Sciences,
Sreekaryam, Thiruvananthapuram, Nov. 18 27, 2013. (Resource Person)
Workshop on Research Methodology for the Department of Management Studies, Kannur
University, Kerala, March 8 & 9, 2014. (Resource Person)
ICSSR sponsored Capacity Building Programme for Social Science Faculties, Equal
Opportunity Cell, Cochin University of Science and Technology, March 16 - 28, 2015.
(Resource Person)
Workshop on Research Methodology, School of Management and Business Studies, Mahatma
Gandhi University, Kottayam, March 27 April 1, 2015. (Resource Person)
U.G.C. sponsored National Workshop on Research Methodology and Statistical Analysis,
Rajagiri College of Social Sciences (Autonomous), Kakkanad, Ernakulam, June 4 6, 2015.
(Resource Person)
Major Studies done with support grants:
The details are given in the order of personal involvement, title of study, year, and sponsoring agency.

1. Principal investigator, Study

tudy for the assessment of fodder development potential among farmers of
high range areas of Kerala (1983) Indo Swiss Project and KLD & MM M Board, Government of
2. Consultant, Monitoring
onitoring & Evaluation of Social Components in ICDS under Phase II from 1986-88.
(1988)- National Institute of Public Co
Co- Operation & Child Development, New Delhi.
3. Consultant, Evaluation of Mahila Samajams in Kerala. (1990), Ministry of Human Resource
Development, Govt. of India.
4. Consultant, Role
ole of Mahila Samajams under CPWP & ICDS. (1990) WFP & UNICEF.
5. Consultant, Impact
mpact of Growth Monitoring of Children under ICDS & Non Non-ICDS
ICDS Schemes in Kerala.
(1994), Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India.
6. Consultant, Social
ocial Aspects of Solid Waste Management in Cochin City. (1994) World Bank &
Corporation of Cochin.
7. Consultant, Baseline
aseline Survey of Selected Islands of Cochin. (1994), World Bank & Corporation
of Cochin.
8. isheries Forecast Study. (1995) ISRO, Ahemadabad & NSRA, Hyderabad.
Consultant, Fisheries
9. Consultant, Evaluation
valuation of Working Womens Hostels in Kerala. (1995) Ministry of Human
Resources Development,
velopment, Govt. of India.
10. Consultant, Impact
mpact of TV on Urban Families in Kerala (1996) Pastoral Orientation Centre,
11. Consultant, Situational
ituational Study on Child Labourers in Cochin Corporation (1996) ILO
12. Consultant, Situational Studyy on Child Labourers in Calicut Corporation (1996) ILO
13. Consultant, Status
tatus of Husband Wife Relationship. (1997), Malayala Manorama, Kottayam
14. Consultant, Situational
ituational Analysis of Beggars in Kerala (1997) Ministry of Welfare, Govt. of India.
15. Consultant, Socio-economic
economic Assessment of Tribals in Edamalayar (1998) Dept. of Forests, Govt. of
16. Consultant, KAPAP Study on ICDS Functionaries in Kerala. (1998), UNICEF.
17. Chief Evaluator, Mid-term
term Evaluation of a PSH Project in Kerala. (1999), SMA, Trivandrum.
18. Chief Evaluator, Mid-term
term Evaluation of a PSH Project in Kerala. (2000), SMA, Trivandrum.
19. Co-director, Manpower
anpower Assessment & VRS Implementation. (2001), State Bank of Travancore,
20. Co-director, Dipstick
ipstick Study of BIMEG DESH- RCH Projects in Kerala. rala. (2002) Deepam
Educational Society for Health, Chennai.
21. Chief Evaluator, Mid-term term Evaluation of RCTC
PSH Project in Muvattupuzha, Kerala. (2002),
SMA, Trivandrum.
22. Co-investigator, Study
tudy on the Customer Satisfaction of Selected Loan Products of SBT
SBT (2002), State
Bank of Travancore, Trivandrum.
23. Co-investigator,
investigator, Final Evaluation of BIMEG
BIMEG-DESH-RCH RCH Projects in Kerala. (2003), Deepam
Educational Society for Health, Chennai.

Community Service/ Participation in Higher Education (Past and recent):

Former Member, Board of Studies in Personnel Management, Mahatma Gandhi University

Former Member, Board of Studies in Social Work, University of Kerala
Former Member, Academic Council, Mahatma Gandhi University.
Former Member, Academic Council, Cochin UnivUniversity
ersity of Science and Technology.
Research Consultant, Rajagiri Doctoral Centre, Rajagiri College of Social Sciences.
Former Member Co--ordinator,
ordinator, Quality Advisory Committee, Cochin University of Science
and Technology.
Chairperson, Board of Postgraduate E
xaminations in Management, Cochin University of
Science and Technology.
Member, Departmental Research Committee for Ph.D. program in Management Studies,
Cochin University of Science and Technology
Member of the Consulting Team for Organisational Intervent
ion Services offered by the
School of Management Studies, Cochin University of Science and Technology.
Member, Board of Studies in Business Studies and Industrial Management, Cochin University
of Science and Technology.
Member, Internal Quality Assurance Cell, Cochin University of Science and Technology.
Member, Faculty of Social Sciences, Cochin University of Science and Technology.
Member Board of Studies in Personnel Management, Rajagiri College of Social Sciences
(Autonomous), Kalamassery, Kerala.

Professional Affiliations and positions held:

Member, National Institute of Personnel Management (NIPM), Kerala Chapter.

Personal Details:
Age and date of birth: 60 years (March 27, 1955)
Nationality: Indian
Marital status: Married,
Religious affiliation:
liation: Christian, Roman Catholic


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