Assorted Question and Answer

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Prof. Juan gave a failing grade to one of his students, Sixto. When the
two met the following day, Sixto slapped Prof. Juan on the face. What was the
crime committed by Sixto?
a. Corruption of Public Officials
b. Direct Assault - ANS
c. Slight Physical Injuries
d. Grave Coercion


A warrant of arrest was issued against Pekto for the killing of his parents. Wh
en PO2 Tapang tried to arrest him, Pekto gave him 1 million Pesos to set him fr
ee. PO2 Tapang refrained in arresting Pekto. What was the crime committed by
PO2 Tapang?
a. Indirect Bribery
b. Direct Bribery
c. Corruption of Public Officials
d. Qualified Bribery - ANS
Felony committed by a public officer who agrees to commit an act in consideratio
n of a gift and this act is connected with the discharge of his public duties.
a. qualified bribery b. direct bribery - ANS
c. estafa d. indirect bribery


Exemption to the hearsay rule made under the consciousness of an impending death
a. parol evidence b. ante mortem statement
c. suicide note d. dead man statute - AN


Which of the following is not covered by the Rules on Summary Procedure?

a. Violation of rental laws
b. Violation of traffic laws
c. The penalty is more than six months of imprisonment - ANS
d. The penalty does not exceed 6 months imprisonment

It refers to a territorial unit where the power of the court is to be exercised.
a. jurisdiction b. jurisprudence
c. venue - ANS d. bench

The deprivation of a private person of the liberty of another person without leg
al grounds.
a. illegal detention -ANS b. arbitrary detention
c. forcible abduction d. forcible detention
Age of absolute irresponsibility in the commission of a crime.
a. 15-18 years old b. 18-70 years old
c. 9 years old and below - ANS d. between 9 & 15 year
s old

The loss or forfeiture of the right of the government to execute the final sente
nce after the lapse of a certain time fixed by law.
a. prescription of crime
b. prescription of prosecution
c. prescription of judgement
d. prescription of penalty - ANS
An alternative circumstance.
a. insanity b. intoxication - ANS
c. passion or obfuscation d. evident premeditation
At what time may the accused move to quash the complaint or information?
a. at any time before his arrest
b. only after entering his plea
C. any time before entering his plea -ANS
d. Monday morning
The process whereby the accused and the prosecutor in a criminal case work out a
mutually satisfactory disposition on the case subject to court approval.
a. arraignment b. plea bargaining - ANS
c. preliminary investigation d. trial

The examination before a competent tribunal, according to the laws of the land,
of the acts in issue in a case, for the purpose of determining such issue.
a. trial - ANS b. arraignment
b. pre-trial d. judgment
It is evidence of the same kind and to the same state of facts.
a. secondary evidence b. prima facie evidence
c. corroborative evidence - ANS d. best evidence
A question which arises in a case the resolution of which is the logical antece
dent of the issue involved in said case and the cognisance of which pertains to
another rtribunal.
a. legal question b. juridical question
c. prejudicial question - ANS d. judicial question

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