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2017 Data Breach

10th Edition


Tips on Getting the
Most from This Report
In the 2009 report, we wrote:
Incidents vs breaches
These findings relate specifically to the occurrence
(likelihood) of security breaches leading to data We talk a lot about incidents and breaches and we use
compromise not attacks, not impact, not general security the following definitions:
incidents and not risk.
Incident: A security event that compromises
The study has since evolved to include security incidents the integrity, confidentiality or availability of an
and not just breaches for many findings, but the rest of the information asset.
statement holds true to this day. The information, provided
in aggregate, is filtered in many ways to make it relevant Breach: An incident that results in the confirmed
to you (e.g., by industry, actor motive). It is a piece of the disclosurenot just potential exposureof data to an
information security puzzlean awesome corner piece that unauthorized party.
can get you startedbut just a piece nonetheless. The rest is
filled in by you. You (hopefully) know the controls that you do
or do not currently have to mitigate the effectiveness of the
VERIS resources
threat actions most commonly taken against your industry.
You know the assets that store sensitive data and the data VERIS is free to use and we encourage people to
flow within your environment. If you dont get on that. You integrate it into their existing incident response
also know your own incident and data-loss history. Use your reporting, or at least kick the tires.
own knowledge combined with the data from our report; they features information on the
complement each other.
framework with examples and enumeration listings.

First-time reader? features the full VERIS schema. provides access to our

Dont be shywelcome to the party. As always, this report
database on publicly disclosed breaches, the VERIS
is comprised of real-world data breaches and security
Community Database.
incidentseither investigated by us or provided by one of
our outstanding data contributors.

The statements you will read in the pages that follow Cybercrime case studies
are data-driven, either by the incident corpus that is the
This report doesnt focus
foundation of this publication, or by non-incident datasets
on individual eventsif you Data
contributed by several security vendors. ch Dig
is Realit
y. est
want to dive deeper into
breach scenarios check out
We combat bias by utilizing these types of data as opposed
the cybercrime case studies
to surveys, and collecting similar data from multiple sources.

collected in the Verizon Data

We use analysis of non-incident datasets to enrich and 300

Breach Digest1. This is a


support our incident and breach findings. Alas, as with any

collection of narratives based
security report, some level of bias does remain, which we
on real-world investigations
discuss in Appendix D.
and from the perspective
of different stakeholders Read now
involved in breach response.

2017 Data Breach Investigations Report

Introduction 2
Executive Summary 3
Breach Trends 4
Introduction to Industries 9
Accommodation and Food Services 14
Educational Services 17
Financial and Insurance 19
Healthcare 22
Information 24
Manufacturing 26
Public Administration 28
Retail 30
Attack the Humans! 32
Ransom Notes are the Most Profitable Form of Writing 35
Introduction to Incident Classification Patterns 38
Crimeware 39
Cyber-Espionage 42
Denial of Service 44
Insider and Privilege Misuse 48
Miscellaneous Errors 50
Payment Card Skimmers 52
Point of Sale Intrusions 54
Physical Theft and Loss 56
Web Application Attacks 57
Everything Else 59
Wrap Up 60
Appendix A: Countering an Evolving Transnational Cybercrime Threat 62
Appendix B: The Patch Process Leftovers 64
Appendix C: Year in Review 67
Appendix D: Methodology 69
Appendix E: Contributing Organizations 72

2017 Data Breach Investigations Report

It is true that the DBIR will never be blank aschoose

your clichthere is no such thing as 100% secure or
perfection is the enemy of good enough. It is also true that
due to the nature of the report we admittedly have a lack of

Hope is success stories. After all, this is at its core a report about
confirmed data breaches. However, we are aware that there
are numerous success stories out thereit is not all bad

the pillar of
news for the good guys. Our hope comes from the fact that
we have been able to present these findings to the public
for 10 years running. Our hope comes from how we have
grown this publication from only one organization to include

the world
Pliny the Elder
contributions from 65 sources, providing a solid corpus
sample of security incidents and data breaches from which
to learn.

Our hope is that while this report will not be able to

definitively answer the macro-level question of are we
getting better? you the readers, can leverage the combined
Welcome to the 10th anniversary of the Data Breach efforts (thank you again data contributors!). Use the results
Investigations Report (DBIR). We sincerely thank you for of this study as a platform to improve your organizations
once again taking time to dig into our InfoSec coddiwomple awareness of tactics used by the adversary, to understand
that has now culminated in a decade of nefarious deeds what threats are most relevant to you and your industry,
and malicious mayhem in the security world. 2016 was an and as a tool to evangelize and garner support for your
extremely tumultuous year, both in the United States and information security initiatives.
abroad. Political events, such as a divisive presidential
election and the United Kingdom European Union So what is new in the 2017 publication? One of our favorite
membership referendum (aka Brexit), raised many a blood evolutions in the DBIR series was the definition of nine
pressure reading, while memes focused on getting through incident classification patterns and the ability to map them
the year without the loss of another beloved celebrity against industry. We felt, and still feel, that it was a boost that
flooded social media. Despite the tumult and clamor, made the DBIR more actionable. The report goes one step
cybercrime refused to take a year off, and added to the further this year and includes sections that are specific to
feelings of uncertainty with numerous breaches being key industries. These sections dive deeper into who targets
disclosed to the publicthereby debunking the no such specific verticals, how they go about reaching their goal
thing as bad publicity myth. and discuss why particular industries are in the crosshairs
of certain threat actors. We examine what is unique about
Why the hope quote you ask? Isnt this report about each industry and how that influences the results we find
doom and gloom and when things go wrong with real-world in our dataset. It is our hope (theres that word again) that
consequences? There is no doubt that you can view this these industry sections will resonate with the security
report, throw up your arms in despair, and label us (the professionals and will provide a lens into our data that is
risk management and information security community) as beneficial to you personally.
losing. All of us (authors, analysts and readers alike) must
take a realistic approach to this and similar reports by our So the report will follow this path: It starts off with an
peers and acknowledge that we can do better. Yet we do executive summary comprised of high-level findings in
firmly believe there is great cause for hope. this years data. As in other reports, we will then look back
into history and discuss what has (and hasnt) changed
over the years. Next, we will hop to the aforementioned
industry sections, and then focus on the human element in
information security and this ransomware thing all the kids
are talking about. The nine incident classification patterns
make their annual appearance, and we will wrap this party up
with a review of the good, the bad and the ugly of 2016.

Executive Summary
Whos behind the breaches? What tactics do they use?

75% 62%
perpetrated by outsiders. of breaches featured hacking.

25% 51%
involved internal actors. over half of breaches included malware.

18% 81%
conducted by state-affiliated actors. of hacking-related breaches leveraged either
stolen and/or weak passwords.

3% 43%
featured multiple parties. were social attacks.

2% 14%
involved partners. Errors were causal events in 14% of breaches.
The same proportion involved privilege misuse.

51% 8%
involved organized criminal groups. Physical actions were present in 8% of

Who are the victims? What else is common?

24% 66%
of breaches affected financial organizations. of malware was installed via malicious email
15% 73%
of breaches involved healthcare organizations. of breaches were financially motivated.

12% 21%
Public sector entities were the third most of breaches were related to espionage.
prevalent breach victim at 12%.

15% 27%
Retail and Accommodation combined to of breaches were discovered by third parties.
account for 15% of breaches.

Breach Trends
untries represented in combined caseload

Country represented

Figure 1: Countries represented in combined caseload

In 2014, we pointed out that were not very good at We will disclose when changes or findings of interest are a
maintaining the status quo. The sources of data grow and product of the former. For example, a spike in data received
diversify every year. The focus of our analysis shifts. The associated with Dridex botnet breaches in last years report
way we visualize data and organize results evolves over was responsible for several spikes in certain enumerations.
time. There are changes, both in addition and subtraction, of This year we will see many of those come down to levels
external organizations that are able to provide data year to seen in prior years.
year (as well as shifts in the types of incidents investigated
by the community). These can influence the results as much, However, in 2014 we also said measuring deltas has value
if not more, than changes in threat actor behavior. and we know readers appreciate some level of continuity
between reports. And this section is an attempt to do so.

2017 Data Breach Investigations Report

Figure 2 shows a downtick in the percentage of breaches In 2016, financial and espionage were still the top two
involving external actors, which causes a corresponding motives combining to account for 93% of breaches. Fun,
increase in internal actors. In absolute numbers, however, Ideology and Grudge are motives we have combined and
breaches driven by internal parties have remained relatively labeled as FIG in Figure 3, and other graphs throughout the
constant, with an increase of around 12%. report. The rise in espionage is partially due to the simple
fact that we featured more of these breaches in our dataset
this year, but also due to the previously discussed drop in
80% banking Trojan botnets and POS. Organized criminal groups
continue to utilize ransomware to extort money from their
victims, and since a data disclosure in these incidents is
60% often not confirmed, they are not reflected in Figure 3.

40% Internal Hacking


Breach frequency
20% Malware

Multiple Actors
Partner Social
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
20% Error
Figure 2: Threat actor categories over time
In other words, we will not be making any proclamations Physical
about internal threats on the rise and would not bet the farm 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
that this line will continue to trend upward. The convergence
of the two lines in 2016 is due to a decrease of two types of
Figure 4: Percentage of breaches per threat action category over time
external attack that commonly feature a high actor-to-victim
ratio: password-stealing botnets and opportunistic point-of- For many of us, 2016 was a year in which we were afraid to
sale (POS) intrusions. Breaches involving multiple parties even accept dinner invitations due to the fear that someone
and/or business partners2 exist but are much less frequent would demand we discuss current events. So much upheaval
and have maintained their lower profile year to year. and change on a global scale is difficult to take in. For that
reason, Figure 4 above is oddly comforting. The triple threat
100% of hacking, malware and social has been on top and trending
upward for the last few years, and it does not appear to be
going away any time soon. It represents a potent mixture for
cyber-attacks, but at least it is something we can all agree
on. We actually did see a decrease in numbers of these three
actions in this years dataset, due (yet again) to the reduction

of POS and botnet-driven breaches.


25% Espionage

Everything else
10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Figure 3: Threat actor motives over time

Note: for Partner to be selected as a threat actor, they need to be behind the action(s) that are causal to the breach. If a business partner is hacked and it
affects an upstream organization in the chain, we still apply the actor tag to the party that is behind the hacking.
2017 Data Breach Investigations Report

The actions taken and assets compromised are influenced The associations between actors, their motives, and their
heavily by the actors and their motives. Numerous areas of modus operandi are found in several industry and incident
concentration are quickly observable in Figure 5 (e.g., use of pattern sections throughout this report. The specific
keylogging malware by financially motivated actors). actors and motives represented in Figure 5 are: FIG (Fun,
Ideology, Grudge motives OR activist group threat actors),
ESP (Espionage motive OR state-affiliated OR nation-state
actors), FIN (Financial motivation OR organized criminal
group actors).

Variety Vector


Use of stolen creds (hacking) 27 6 598 Website (social) 19

Use of backdoor/C2 (hacking) 12 1 557 Web drive-by (malware) 26

Theft (physical) 39 Web application (hacking) 5 23 507

Tampering (physical) 27 Victim work area (physical) 16

Surveillance (physical) 21 Victim public area (physical) 39

SQLi (hacking) 14 Victim grounds (physical) 31

Spyware/Keylogger (malware) 38 557 Remote access (misuse) 7 7

Skimmer (physical) 60 Public facility (physical) 6

Ransomware (malware) 14 Physical access (misuse) 8 11 34

Ram scraper (malware) 191 Phone (social) 5

Privilege abuse (misuse) 17 37 74 Personal vehicle (physical) 7

Pretexting (social) 39 Partner facility (physical) 5

Possession abuse (misuse) 6 9 29 Partner (hacking) 108

Phishing (social) 16 3 490 LAN access (misuse) 19 31 68

Knowledge abuse (misuse) 7 12 In-person (social) 5

Footprinting (hacking) 18 Email unknown (malware) 9

Export data (malware) 49 451 Email link (malware) 23

Exploit vulnerabilities (malware) 6 Email attachment (malware) 110 452

Downloader (malware) 38 5 Email (social) 15 6 523

Disabled controls (physical) 23 Download by malware (malware) 33

Data mishandling (misuse) 16 5 22 Direct install (malware) 184

Capture stored data (malware) 49 Desktop sharing (hacking) 74

Capture app data (malware) 8 Backdoor or C2 (hacking) 12 3 557

C2 (malware) 119 559

Brute force (hacking) 73
Bribery (social) 8
Backdoor (malware) 112 21
Adminware (malware) 53
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%

Figure 5: Action varieties and vectors by actor/motive groupings in breaches

2017 Data Breach Investigations Report

Remember the 2011 DBIR when the number of records lost This year, the heavy hitters from a record-loss standpoint
went down from 144 million to 4 million?3 Mega-breaches of are from victims in the Information industry, specifically
PCI data, which were front and center in prior reports, were NAICS 519, which includes web portals and sites that are
absent that year, and didnt make a big comeback until a not online retail. Consumers are logging into a multitude of
couple of years later. In the meantime, we began expanding websites with single-factor authentication and providing
our data sourcesincluding publicly disclosed breaches names, addresses etc. as part of the enrollment process.
and found that million-record losses were not going away. When millions of people are members of a website and said
Personal information harvested by activists from online site suffers a data breach, the word newsworthy comes to
websites and databases, then dumped to sites like Pastebin, mind4.
was the biggest bounty of stolen records in the 2012 report
and a sign of things to come. Keeping in mind that the And we arent trying to throw out these splashy numbers
numbers in Figure 6 below are aligned to the actual incident just to get folks riled up for no purpose. There are several
date, many were not part of the DBIR corpus until years after reasons why we should at least be aware of these breaches.
the initial compromise (as discovery of breaches is not an Obviously, if your organization has an external login for
instantaneous revelation). customers or members then you are not wanting for external
forces that are aiming to capitalize by stealing those details.
Fast forward to the present day and Figure 6 highlights the Even if you are not breached, there are armies of botnets
fact that data types that are apt to be stored in bulk have with millions (or billions) of credentials attempting to reuse
some monster numbers associated with them, with personal them against other sites. In other words, even though
data and credentials totaling in the billions some years. It components of authentication werent compromised from
should be noted that some of the credentials may be hashed, you, it doesnt mean they were not compromised. Again, if
and some may be salted to strengthen the encryption, but you are relying on username/email address and password,
the sheer volume of records speaks well volumes. you are rolling the dice as far as password re-usage from
other breaches or malware on your customers devices
are concerned. Those are two things you shouldnt have to
worry about.





2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Personal Credentials Payment Medical Bank Internal Other

Figure 6: Number of records per data variety over time

Pepperidge Farm remembers.
For those that just have to know gory details, go take a look at the raw public data in the VERIS Community Database:
tree/master/data and you can read more into the individual breaches. Tactics and methods used can be found in the Information industry and
Web Application Attacks pattern sections.

2017 Data Breach Investigations Report

One of the metrics that seems to be most volatile is the Figure 8 examines breach timeline trends. The reduction
method of breach discovery. Figure 7 shows that 2016 of botnet and POS breaches results in a corresponding
brought a sharp correction from the 2015 spike in law reduction in the number of compromises that took seconds
enforcement disclosure caused by the Dridex botnet or minutes. Even so, compromises5 are measured in minutes
takedown. Decreases in card skimming and POS crime or less 98% of the time.
sprees also influence the massive decrease in law
enforcement and fraud detection. Employee notifications Long-time readers might be wondering where is the
were the most common internal discovery method for Detection Deficit figure? It compared the percentage
the second straight year and there was also an uptick in of breaches where the time-to-compromise was days or
detection through internal financial audits, associated with less against the percentage of breaches where the time-
business email compromise (BEC). Third-party disclosure is to-discovery was days or less. After much thought, we
up due to an increase in numbers of breaches disclosed by determined that comparing time-to-compromise to time-
the affected customer or an external threat actor bragging or to-discovery when only looking at confirmed breaches is
extorting their victims. unlikely to ever show any improvement. The reasons are
two-fold: First, we cannot expect to see much improvement
in the time-to-compromisewhen the common methods of
Fraud compromise work, they work quickly. When they dont, there
detection party is no compromise. Secondly, if discovery is done quickly
(e.g., outbound traffic back to a C2 server is identified and
Proportion of breaches

blocked), then theres a much better chance that the event

would be defined as an incident, not a breach, and therefore
Law not applicable.

The increases in breaches discovered in minutes, hours, or

days must be caveated with disclosing that almost two-thirds
of those are associated with the Miscellaneous Errors or
Physical Theft and Loss patterns. Breaches that are taking
Internal months or longer to discover in this years dataset are
likely to fall into Point of Sale Intrusions, Privilege Misuse,
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Everything Else or Cyber-Espionage.

To turn this somber story into a catalyst for action, track these
Figure 7: Breach discovery methods over time
metrics internally. Focus on increasing time-to-exfiltration and
lowering time-to-discovery. By so doing, hopefully you can stop
incidents from becoming breaches.

Seconds Minutes Hours Days Weeks Months Years Never





10 16 10 16 10 16 10 16 10 16 10 16 10 16 10 16
Figure 8: Timespan of breach events over time
We do not record a time-to-compromise when the incident involves a lost device or misuse of privileges.
to Industries
Incidents Breaches
In previous years, we have released
separate industry reports for key
verticals. As mentioned in the Total Small Large Unk Total Small Large Unk
Introduction, this year we opted to
Total 42,068 606 22,273 19,189 1,935 433 278 1,224
focus even more on industry-specific
findings in the main report. Were going Accommodation (72) 215 131 17 67 201 128 12 61
to take a deeper look at them as a
Administrative (56) 42 6 5 31 27 3 3 21
whole in this section, examining some of
the differences in industry findings. Agriculture (11) 11 1 1 9 1 0 1 0

Construction (23) 6 3 1 2 2 1 0 1
The next couple of pages provide an
overview of the industries, followed Education (61) 455 37 41 377 73 15 15 43
by individual sections examining the Entertainment (71) 5,534 7 3 5,524 11 5 3 3
differences in detail. Weve selected
a few specific industries to focus on Finance (52) 998 58 97 843 471 39 30 402

because of both readership interest and Healthcare (62) 458 92 108 258 296 57 68 171
statistical significance6.
Information (51) 717 57 44 616 113 42 21 50

The totals within Table 1 provide Management (55) 8 2 3 3 3 2 1 0

information on the sample size for this
Manufacturing (31-33) 620 6 24 590 124 3 11 110
years study and are not indicative of
one industry being more or less secure Mining (21) 6 1 1 4 3 0 1 2
than another. It is more of an indication
Other Services (81) 69 22 5 42 50 14 5 31
of how well an industry is represented
by our data contributors7. With only one Professional (54) 3,016 51 21 2,944 109 37 8 64
recorded breach of a large construction
Public (92) 21,239 46 20,751 442 239 30 59 150
company, thats a good sign we
probably wont be able to draw any Real Estate (53) 13 2 0 11 11 2 0 9
conclusions based on it. However, if,
Retail (44-45) 326 70 36 220 93 46 14 33
as is the case with Financial Services,
there are 471 breaches, thats a solid Trade (42) 20 4 10 6 10 3 6 1
sample size for some statistical fun.
Transportation (48-49) 63 5 11 47 14 3 4 7

Think of Table 1 as opening up the Utilities (22) 32 2 5 25 16 1 1 14

fridge to see just what ingredients
Unknown 8,220 3 1,089 7,128 68 2 15 51
you have to cook with, and if you have
enough of an industry to make the Total 42,068 606 22,273 19,189 1,935 433 278 1,224
bread rise.
Table 1: Number of security incidents by victim industry and organization size, 2016 dataset.

If your favorite industry isnt listed, ping us at and well help you out!
To quote the 2015 report, Dont give much credence to the huge number for the public sector; we have many government Computer Security Incident
Response Teams (CSIRTs) participating in this report, and they handle a high volume of incidents.
2017 Data Breach Investigations Report









Denial of Service 4 228 445 3 508 10 617 180 1 2 1

Privilege Misuse 5 7 48 125 23 13 7,417 9 5 5 26 104 13 8 58 6

Lost and Stolen Assets 5 13 10 92 4 2 5,519 4 4 3 2 42 2 1 7

Everything Else 8 106 20 40 32 213 88 8 8 14 16 28 24 4 19 3


Point of Sale 182 3 4 1 9 180 3 3 8

Miscellaneous Errors 2 24 14 114 13 3 2,246 16 1 16 10 96 9 2 38 12

Web App Attacks 4 25 376 32 73 4 148 28 3 11 364 15 61 13 24

Crimeware 5 32 30 54 63 261 5,102 14 5 7 12 1 2 5 1

Payment Card Skimmers 6 53 1 1 57 5 44 1 39

Cyber-Espionage 22 5 2 4 115 112 3 19 5 1 4 108 98 1

Hacking 176 394 850 84 616 588 958 220 171 43 387 48 89 111 130 30

Misuse 5 7 48 125 23 13 7,417 9 5 5 26 104 13 8 58 6

Physical 12 11 64 73 4 2 18 62 10 2 46 31 2 11 39

Social 9 131 385 37 47 390 147 24 9 32 372 23 37 109 102 20

Error 2 28 18 154 16 5 7,763 16 1 19 11 119 10 3 47 12

Malware 187 58 395 66 111 358 5,219 42 180 26 370 18 42 92 103 24


Server 185 367 874 184 634 68 880 234 175 34 399 123 101 10 100 38

Media 8 12 14 145 6 1 1,440 11 7 5 10 105 5 1 31 8

User Dev 178 43 393 76 50 302 5,691 36 174 18 367 25 34 63 109 23


Person 10 132 387 41 48 390 149 24 10 33 372 27 38 109 104 20

Network 2 6 3 6 3 1 2 1

Kiosk/Terminal 4 57 1 2 57 3 45 1 38


0% 25% 50% 75% 100%

Figure 9: Industry comparison (left: all security incidents, right: breaches only)

Figure 9 is far more useful for comparing verticals. We are In addition to our incident data, we extracted a lot of good
going to let the figures speak for themselves and invite information from our non-incident datasets that can add to
you to identify the hot spots for your industry, which are our industry focus. If the above is what we cooked from our
explained in greater detail in the individual sections. fridge, what follows is the spice rack.

2017 Data Breach Investigations Report

Industry DDoS Industry Phishing

Finance Manufacturing
(52) 765K 13.35%
365K Information
(44-45) 10.76%
(51) Retail 10.66%
(92) Healthcare
Education (62)
Accommodation (72)
Manufacturing 9.23%
600 (92)
Figure 10: Median DDoS size (pps) by industry (n=2,133)
(52) 2.7B

Retail Figure 12: Median click rate per campaign by industry (n=7,153)
(44-45) 1.43B
Figure 12 gives an idea of how susceptible industries are
(51) 1.58B to phishing attacks. The results from security-awareness
training exercises show us that no industry is at 0% and
(92) 588M the majority of industries are not significantly different with
regard to the percentage of users that click on phishing links
(61) 997M or attachments. For more information on phishing, cast your
line into the Attack the Humans! section.
(72) 532M

(31-33) 4.5M

Figure 11: Median DDoS size (bps) by industry (n=2,133)

In Figures 10 and 11 we see that industries that rely on their

internet presence for doing business or communications
seem to suffer larger Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS)
attacks. In our incident dataset, numerous industries feature
Denial of Service as their most prominent pattern.

Even for those that dont, such as Manufacturing, it doesnt

mean they are immune, simply that it is not represented in
our data. Check out the Denial of Service pattern to get a full
rundown on the lifecycle of these attacks against availability.

2017 Data Breach Investigations Report

Industry malware

Office App








App App




Accommodation Education Finance Healthcare Office

Information Manufacturing Public Retail Other

Figure 13: Malware detection details per industry (n=42,821,799)

Figure 13 allows us to compare malware from 50 million on- For example, the finding that manufacturing organizations
the-wire detections8. We normalized the data so as not to are often the intended recipients of email-based malware
be influenced by the number of organizations in a particular supports the incident data we will discuss in that industry
industry within the sample. The amount of space represents section and also ties in with the click rates in Figure 12.
the amount of malware detonations in each category per Across industries, email is the road most traveled to deliver
industry. This dataset is not part of the incident corpus, but malware into organizations. The vectors of mail and web
the vectors of malware installation align with our real-word browser are further broken down into malware packaged in
data. an Office document, an executable application, or Other.

JavaScript malware is prominent in the Crimeware pattern. However, while 50 million samples, the dataset used to generate Figure 13 did not measure
JavaScript malware.
2017 Data Breach Investigations Report

Industry patching
We received vulnerability-scanning data from six So, based on Figure 14, the Information industry is the
contributors, and are thankful for the opportunity to roll greatest and the Education industry is just the worst right?
up our sleeves and find some interesting talking points in Not necessarily. Prior research has shown that vulnerabilities
the combined dataset. Our research focused on time-to- are either patched during that initial cycle or tend to hang
patch, and the amount of findings that are left over or not around for a long time. There are several valid reasons for
addressed. We geek out with statistically-sound abandon this phenomenon and the continued existence of vulnerability
in Appendix B: The Patch Process Leftovers, but wanted to findings could be expected. Potential justifications are that
give you a preview here with a comparison of patching per other controls are in place, or the vulnerabilities may not be
industry. Before you dive brain first into the visual below (and exploitable, or even a false positive. It is, however, interesting
who wouldnt?), lets clarify some things. to see how some industries trend towards a big early push
and others are more slow and steady. It is important for
In your environment, you may have longer or shorter patch organizations to understand what their leftover findings are.
cycles that are dependent on the particular vulnerabilities And we reheat those leftovers in Appendix B and stuff our
discovered as well as the assets on which the findings are faces by looking into how they are laid out across devices
triggered. The vulnerabilities are treated as equals in the and asset types.
chart beloworganizations will need to factor in threat rates
as well as potential impact to establish their own time-to-
patch duration to review COTB.

Information 78.8% / 97.5%
Manufact. 83.6% / 92.0%
Healthcare 77.5% / 85.0%

Percent of findings fixed

Accomm. 55.1% / 66.0%

Retail 57.3% / 62.0%


Public 30.6% / 33.0%

Finance 25.0% / 33.0%

Education 12.4% / 18.0%

0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Weeks taken to fix finding
A. Area under the curve (AUC) B. Completed on time (COT)
A measurement of how much potential vulnerability is Represents the percentage of findings that are
addressed during the patch process9. More simply, if addressed at some point within a patch cycle. The
you patch a large percentage of findings immediately leftovers are findings that are still present in scans
you will have a higher percentage in AUC than if you after a patch cycle is over. In the figure above we
address those findings on day 80. see all industries level off by week 12, so that is the
duration for on time used for this example.

Figure 14: Comparison of industry patch cycles

Note to professional data wonks: our usage of area under a curve is not the same as area under a ROC curve
and Food Services
Frequency 96% External, 4% Internal (breaches)

Point of Sale Intrusions, Everything Else and Privilege Misuse represent 96% of all data breaches
Top 3 patterns
within Accommodation

Threat actors 96% External, 4% Internal (breaches)

Actor motives 99% Financial, <1% Grudge (breaches)

Data compromised 96% Payment, 2% Personal, 1% Credentials

This vertical was dominated by POS breaches. Most of them are opportunistic and financially
motivated and involve primarily malware and hacking threat actions. Time-to-compromise is
quick but time-to-discovery and containment remains in the months category. Fraud detection is
increasing compared to previous years.

Be our guest
The hospitality industry continues to be inhospitable, at least Lets begin by reviewing the incident patterns most relevant
when it comes to POS breaches, which continue to be as to Accommodation. As Figure 15 illustrates, the POS trend
ubiquitous and unsatisfying as the continental breakfast. has decreased compared to the previous two years, but
While hotels likely come to mind first, restaurants also fall remains the forerunner, while Everything Else and Privilege
into this industry and comprise the majority of the victim Misuse patterns have both increased, but only slightly. Thus,
population. Often food service victims are smaller businesses we will focus on POS breaches below.
without IT departments, CISOs etc., but they do accept
payment cards and are therefore a target for opportunistic

2017 Data Breach Investigations Report

Percentage of breaches



2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Crimeware Denial of Service Physical Theft and Loss Payment Card Skimmers Privilege Misuse
Cyber-Espionage Everything Else Miscellaneous Errors Point of Sale Web App Attacks

Figure 15: Frequency of incident classification patterns over time across Accommodation industry breaches

As mentioned above, 96% of breaches involved external The specific threat action varieties in Figure 16 present the
actorsalmost all by financially-motivated organized criminal chefs special of cage-free RAM scrapers sauted with C2,
groups attacking targets of opportunity and compromising and served over keyloggers and credentials with a balsamic
payment card data. The threat action categories of malware brute force reduction10.
and hacking were ubiquitous in attacks against this industry,
with third-party managed POS devices (both terminals and
controllers) accounting for the majority of the assets that
were compromised.

Gluten-free keyloggers available, ask your server.
2017 Data Breach Investigations Report

RAM scraper 168


Use of You can check out any time you

stolen creds 113
(Hacking) like, but you can never leave
C2 105
Apparently, it is not only The Eagles that are destined
Use of
backdoor/C2 104 for a long stay at the hotel. The hackers continue to be
(Hacking) checked in indefinitely as well. Breach timelines continue
Spyware/ to paint a rather dismal picturewith time-to-compromise
keylogger 104 being only seconds, time-to-exfiltration taking days, and
(Malware) times to discovery and containment staying firmly in the
Brute force months camp. Not surprisingly, fraud detection was the
(Hacking) most prominent discovery method, accounting for 85% of all
breaches, followed by law enforcement which was seen in
Backdoor 8 4% of cases.

To wrap it up, lets focus on the obvious. POS attacks are

Phishing 6
(Social) absolutely rampant in this industry; Accommodation was the
top industry for Point of Sale Intrusions in this years data,
Export data with 87% of breaches within that pattern. Feel free to skip to
(Malware) that incident pattern section for even more details.
abuse 4

Figure 16: Top threat action varieties within Accommodation industry

breaches (n=197)

With regard to malware-related breaches, 96% represented

RAM scrapers, while 60% featured C2 and spyware/
keyloggersall of which were installed after an initial access
was gained. Out of the 170 breaches specifically containing
these three top malware varieties, 102 contained all three in Things to consider:
a given breach. This implies that over half of these breaches
(that contain at least one of the three varieties) are a product Killing me softly with malwareThe level of software
of a mature, multidimensional variant of POS malware with installation occurring in this industry needs to decrease
C2 capabilities. We must point out that this is more of a as this particular variety of integrity compromise
characteristic of a particular type of POS breach and not represents 94% of breaches this year.
necessarily a sweeping trend (we just tell the datas story).
Remove this tab before useDont use default
Use of stolen credentials and backdoor/C2 were the most passwords as doing so makes criminals lives
prominent hacking varieties (represented in over half of the much easier.
breaches), with brute force attacks reporting just under
a third. Many of these attacks involved actors using valid You cant get there from hereFilter remote access
partner credentials and backdoors, while a third of them to your POS network. Only allow connections from
represented desktop sharing as the hacking vector. whitelisted IP addresses.

Dont be outdatedPatch promptly and consistently

and make certain all terminals and servers are running
the most recent version of software.

Frequency 455 incidents, 73 with confirmed data disclosure

Cyber-Espionage, Miscellaneous Errors and Everything Else represent 67% of all data
Top 3 patterns
breaches within Education

Threat actors 71% External, 30% Internal, 3% Partner (breaches)

Actor motives 45% Financial, 43% Espionage, 9% Fun (breaches)

Data compromised 56% Personal, 27% Secrets, 8% Credentials

This section will focus on confirmed data breaches, but Education remains a consistent target of
Summary Denial of Service (DoS) attacks also. 2016 results reflect a substantial increase in the number of
espionage-related breaches.

A for effort, right? Breach percent

Espionage and errors were definitely in the backpacks of

the Education industry this past year. Cyber-Espionage
was present in 26% of breaches, with Miscellaneous Errors
closely following at 22%. Last year the Cyber-Espionage
pattern accounted for under 5% of breaches while Web
Application Attacks dominated the chalkboard. Figure 17
shows how espionage has been increasing over time. So
college isnt just pizza and tailgatesresearch studies
across myriad disciplines conducted at universities put them
in the sights of state-affiliated groups.

Our breach findings showed that over half involved the

compromise and disclosure of stored personal information
of both students and employees, while a little over a 10%
quarter resulted in the disclosure of intellectual property.
This industry faces numerous challenges that are unique
when it comes to keeping sensitive information secure. Not
least among these is the very nature of the vertical itself
which is, and always has been, based on the free and open
exchange of ideas and information. Add to that the student/ 0%
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
user population whose varying degrees of technical skills
Crimeware Miscellaneous Errors
and curiosity must be taken into account, not to mention
Cyber-Espionage Payment Card Skimmers
their roles as data subjects, whose personally identifiable Denial of Service Point of Sale
information (PII) and other information must be protected. Everything Else Privilege Misuse
Implementing security controls while still maintaining the Physical Theft and Loss Web App Attacks
culture of openness is practically MIT Course Number 16.512.
Figure 17: Frequency of incident classification patterns over time within
Education breaches

2017 Data Breach Investigations Report

Next you may be asking, Who is behind these breaches? Hacking 43

Are they targeted or more opportunistic in nature? Good
questionsheres a gold star. The data showed that state-
affiliated actors (involved in over half of the breaches) were Social 32
targeting these educational institutions. We also saw a
handful of breaches where organized criminal groups were
involved with their mind on the money (and the money on Malware 26
their mind). The breaches involving internal actors were
mostly attributable to human errornotably misdelivery of
Social and 25
sensitive data and publishing errors, as opposed to malicious Hacking

Social and 24
Now that we have covered the what and who, lets briefly Malware
discuss the how.
The threat categories that were the real troublemakers Hacking and 23
within the patterns mentioned above were hacking, social
and malware. We saw more breaches involving social
and malware attacks compared to last year, where social
Figure 18: Relationships between actions within Education breaches
was represented in almost 44% of breaches and malware (n=73)
featured in a little over a third. Phishing via email was the
most prevalent variety of social attacks, while use of stolen
credentials against web applications was the dominant
hacking tactic. We wanted to look into the representation
of the breaches that had an explicit link between our top
three actions (hacking, social and malware). In other words,
we were interested in how often breaches had at least two
of these three categories as threat actions are certainly not
mutually exclusive. As you can see in Figure 18, a little over
a third of the breaches posted to social media that theyre
in a relationship and are indicative of multi-faceted attack

Although we focused on breaches in this section, the

fact remains that DDoS attacks are a significant threat
to educational institutions, representing one half of all
security incidents. These attacks are akin to a realization
that your 30-page research paper is due the next morning,
while you thought you had another week to conquer your
procrastination and churn out something brilliant. Panic sets
in, your brain shuts off, and you crawl into a dark corner and
assume the fetal position. Just as this nightmare is a type
Things to consider
of availability degradation, so too were the DDoS incidents
against this vertical. All aboardddTrain your employees and students on
security awareness, and encourage/reward them for
reporting suspicious activity such as potential phishing
or pretexting attacks.

Classes are cancelledBe sure to develop a response

plan and practice your disaster and recovery plans
annually/biannually to make sure you are adequately
prepared for any unreasonably high traffic densities.

and Insurance
Frequency 998 Incidents, 471 with confirmed data disclosure

Denial of Service, Web Application Attacks and Payment Card Skimming represent
Top 3 patterns
88% of all security incidents within Financial Services

Threat actors 94% External, 6% Internal, <1% Partner (all incidents)

Actor motives 96% Financial, 1% Espionage (all incidents)

Data compromised 71% Credentials, 12% Payment, 9% Personal

DoS attacks were the most common incident type.

Summary Confirmed data breaches were often associated with banking Trojans stealing and reusing
customer passwords, along with ATM skimming operations.

While there are no traditional bank robbers in our dataset, And you know what, while we are in a spring-cleaning kind
the summary section above calls out that external parties are of mood, lets acknowledge again that banking Trojans are
still looking to make a (dis)honest dollar. a thing, but the sheer amount of those breaches, if we
allowed them to remain, would dominate the conversation
The Financial Services umbrella is comprised of many like a telemarketer phoning a Trappist monastery. We will
subsectors and not all share similarities in threat actor filter those out as well in efforts to uncover more interesting
tactics. For instance, having to worry about dudes in hoodies findings.
and track pants installing skimmers and cameras on ATMs
is a commercial bank or credit-union reality, but not so for
insurers and investment bankers. The charts that follow will
exclude that niche attack as it is unique enough to have its
own pattern if you want to learn more. DoS, on the other
hand, while an equal opportunity attack method, will also be
removed from the following analysis so we can focus more
on confirmed (non-ATM skimming) data breaches in the

2017 Data Breach Investigations Report

After filtering ATM skimming, DoS, and botnets, Figure

A bit about botnets 19 uncovers:

Botnets continue to be a powerful tool built and utilized

(either by renting out or direct use) by organized 26
criminal groups for financial gain. One type of zombie
herd that is leveraged in attacks against banking Everything
institutions is DoS botnets, which use strength in 16
numbers to spew unwanted traffic at their victims
infrastructure. These gained national attention in 2012 Miscellaneous
with ideology-driven attacks against US banks. Another Errors
threat worthy of note is consumer devices infected with
banking Trojans. Banking Trojans are not new on the Web App
cybercrime scene, but are still omnipresent and ever
evolving. The difficulty for banking institutions is that
many of the nefarious acts or, in VERIS lingo, Threat Crimeware 7
Actions are against their customers, not internally-
managed devices. Cyber-
A common event chain is:
1. Send malicious attachment to consumer. Point of Sale 3
2. Malware installs on consumer device and identifies
when they are accessing a banking site.
Physical Theft
3a. Keyloggers capture user credentials to be reused 2
and Loss
fraudulently. Or,
3b. User web request is redirected to a fake site where Breaches
credentials are entered and captured.
4. Threat actor issues legitimate credentials to
Figure 19: Incident classification patterns within select Financial
application acting as the customer potentially
industry breaches (n=71)
triggering an SMS second factor authorisation
5. The second factor is presented to the fake website Banking employees have access to data in their normal
and step 4 is repeated. work day that can absolutely be used to give themselves
6. Account balances get smaller. that bonus that they feel they so richly deserve. Accessing
systems to fraudulently transfer money or using personal
In July 2016, the National Institute of Standards information of customers for identity theft are two financially-
and Technology listed the above scenario, as well motivated examples of misuse. Interestingly, personal
as malicious code on mobile endpoints designed information is found to be the desired data more often than
to capture second factors delivered via SMS, as banking information. Perhaps they are more aware of the
reasons for recommending moving away from texting breadcrumb trail left behind when you transfer money, and
codes as a second authentication factor. We are not would prefer to use personal information to open up lines of
suggesting using two-factor authentication via SMS credit or to conduct other fraud that occurs outside of their
is akin to building a house of sticks (as opposed to a own workplace.
straw house) for the mitigation of wolf attacks, but it
is a window into the thinking of the adversary. When
faced with defeating multi-factor authentication they
will pragmatically try to devise a way to capture both
factors for reuse.

2017 Data Breach Investigations Report

There is a saying Dont fraud where you work (or

something similar) that may be adhered to due to the risk of
An alternative solution to tackling
being caught.
cyber fraud
Mishcon de Reya
The majority of fraud today takes place online, and the
Accessing systems to fraudulently police are simply unable to keep pace with the rate at
transfer money or using personal which, and the scale on which, it is being committed.
information of customers for identity The public sector is under-resourced, meaning that
money stolen is rarely recovered and cybercrimes
theft are two examples of financially- go unpunished. As cybercriminals become more
motivated misuse. sophisticated, this kind of crime shows no sign of
slowing down.

Not only does the financial industry need to protect data that A creative solution is now being piloted by the City of
is easy to monetize, but investment banks and other non- London Police in the UK. It will see law enforcement
commercial entities have information surrounding investment working with Mishcon de Reya and others in the private
strategies, mergers and acquisitions, and market influencers sector in a new two-year initiative to identify, seize and
that would be sought after by actors motivated by espionage. recover assets from criminals under normal civil law
Skip over to the Cyber-Espionage pattern to learn more remedies rather than criminal law.
about the tactics associated with that motive.
It is anticipated the fraud panel will make it possible
If you are curious about the breaches in the Everything for victims of crime to recover their losses from the
Else category, many featured hacking and/or phishing assets of fraudsters in circumstances where they may
attacks without further descriptors to draw any actionable otherwise have been unable to. If the claim is financially
conclusions or allow for them to be categorized in one of our and legally viable, the panel will prepare the case to be
nine patterns. offered to the victims and use the police evidence for

The sharing of information between the police and

the private sector will enable law enforcement to
introduce groups of victims of the same perpetrator(s)
to the possibility of forming a joint instruction that
Things to consider considers the civil routein addition to the criminal
routeunder a joint criminal and civil steering group. In
Taunt them a second timeUse two-factor or these matters, the victims obtain third-party disclosure
multi-factor authentication to help secure all web orders, Search Orders and Freezing Orders in the
applications. UK and similar types of orders abroad to track down
wrongdoers, freeze assets and seize evidence. Through
Make a new plan, StanIn this industry you are likely this civil route, the process can be rapid, giving victims
to be the target of DoS attack. Have a DoS protection the best chance of recovering their losses.
and mitigations service in place and make it your job to
know the details of the agreement with the provider. Going forward, this joint strategy could have huge
implications for the future of enforcement, as
Its not that I dont trust you, butKeep an eye on cybercriminals are pursued through civil as well as
employees and periodically monitor their activities. Do criminal courts. In a world where no business or
not give them permissions they do not need to do their individual is immune to cyber fraud, the ability to act
job, and make sure you disable accounts immediately quickly to identify wrongdoers and quickly regain
upon termination or voluntary departure. control of assets is critical.

Frequency 458 incidents, 296 with confirmed data disclosure

Privilege Misuse, Miscellaneous Errors and Physical Theft and Loss

Top 3 patterns
represent 80% of breaches within Healthcare

Threat actors 32% External, 68% Internal, 6% Partner (breaches)

Actor motives 64% Financial, 23% Fun, 7% Grudge (breaches)

Data compromised 69% Medical, 33% Personal, 4% Payment

Healthcare has the unenviable task of balancing protection of large amounts of personal and
Summary medical data with the need for quick access to practitioners. Internal actors are well represented
with employees accessing patient data out of curiosity, or to commit identity fraud.

Far from a piece of cake

Financial 28
Being an information security professional for a healthcare
organization is not easy. You have to deal with a multitude
of medical records, stored electronically (in centralized Fun 24
databases and laptops alike), and possibly still on paper.
Those records also have personal information (name,
address, social security number) often riding along. This Espionage 5
information needs to be accessible quickly for patient care,
so draconian access control mechanisms may do more harm
than good. Another item to add to the Things-that-stress- Grudge 4
out-healthcare-CISOs list is the disclosure requirements for
the industry.
Other 2
Insider misuse is a major issue for the Healthcare industry;
in fact it is the only industry where employees are the
predominant threat actors in breaches. Interestingly enough, Convenience 1
Figure 20 shows the insiders motives are almost equally
divided between financial and fun11. This is a product of a lot Breaches
of sensitive data that may be accessed by legions of staff
Figure 20: Internal actor motive breaches within the Healthcare industry
members containing PII that is perfect for identity theft (n=64)
and medical history (sometimes of friends or relatives), that
is very tempting for enquiring minds (that want to know!).

Errors, which are discussed later, do not have a motive associated with them.

2017 Data Breach Investigations Report

A comedy of errors
Misdelivery 57
Doctors losing laptops, X-rays accidentally ending up in
landfills, and employees giving J. Tinkers discharge papers Disposal error 17
to J. Evers (and Evers to Chance) all help Miscellaneous
Errors remain a top 3 pattern again this year. The breach
Loss 14
counts in Figure 21 show that misdelivery, disposal errors
and lost assets combine for almost 30% of all Healthcare
breachesshowing that it isnt just malicious insiders that Publishing error 9
you need to worry about.
Misconfiguration 6
Tall, dark and ransom
In our dataset, ransomware attacks are not counted as
breaches because typically we cannot confirm that data Figure 21: Top varieties of error within Healthcare industry breaches
confidentiality was violated. However, the US Department
of Health and Human Services (HHS) has given guidance 24
that ransomware incidents should be treated as a breach for 23
reporting purposes12. This year, ransomware accounts for 20
72% of malware incidents in the Healthcare industry.


The discovery timeline for Healthcare, Figure 22, appears
healthier than the overall dataset. Unfortunately, when we
got lab results back (by digging into the breaches discovered 7
in days or less) we found out that the majority of them were
breaches involving misdeliveries of information or stolen
assets. In the future, we hope that we find more instances of 1
quick identifications of improper access of medical records






based on correlation of records viewed and patients under
direct care of that employee.

Figure 22: Time-to-discovery within Healthcare industry breaches (n=103)

Things to consider
Achtung, babyPay attention to what you are doing. See a doctor and get rid of itAs misuse is so common,
Many of the problems in Healthcare are errors that could routinely check on employee activity to make sure they
have been prevented. Have a process that mandates a are not viewing, downloading or printing information that
second individual must sign off on any online changes they have no business need for. Use warning banners that
to avoid publishing errors. Have a policy in place for make it clear that monitoring is taking place and it isnt
disposal of any PII and make sure that it is monitored for worth it to snoop around.
compliance. Encrypt all mobile devices to limit the impact
of lost or stolen devices. Token of my appreciationWhere feasible, tokenize
sensitive information (such as social security number)
I love it when a backup plan comes togetherAlthough when it is only used to identify a record and the employee
not discussed in detail in this section, ransomware is doesnt need it for billing purposes or patient care.
increasingly prevalent in the Healthcare vertical. Backup
all systems routinely and have them ready to fall back on
in case of such an attack.


Frequency 717 incidents, 113 with confirmed data disclosure

Denial of Service, Web Application Attacks and Crimeware

Top 3 patterns
represent 90% of all security incidents within Information

Threat actors 97% External, 3% Internal (all incidents)

Actor motives 75% Financial, 18% Fun/Ideology/Grudge, 6% Espionage (all incidents)

Data compromised 56% Credentials, 45% Personal, 6% Internal

Both incidents and breaches within the information sector have a strong association with internet-
facing web servers.

Thats just TMI

The Information industry (NAICS 51) encompasses everything When the situation escalates from a security incident to
from software publishers to telecommunication carriers; a confirmed data breach, it is most often credentials and
from cloud providers to social media sites, and even online personal data that are harvested via web applications,
gambling. Speaking of gambling, the evidence provided by where the number of members affected is often measured
the pattern breakout shows that information organizations, in the millions. Our data shows that almost 60% of breaches
much like James Wild Bill Hickok, have suffered significant involved web applications either as the asset affected, and/
availability issues (but not necessarily while holding aces and or a vector to the affected asset13. Directing our focus to
eights). Historical references aside, the fact that the results these breaches14, what are the tactics used and what are the
gravitate toward hackingspecifically Denial of Service (71% unique issues within the organizations in this industry that
of all incidents)is a common-sense finding indicative that influence the results?
most of the incidents are based on disruption of access to
web-based sites/applications.

It is quite possible, and actually common, for a breach to feature a web application as the vector and the asset affected.
Where asset variety OR hacking vector is a web application.
2017 Data Breach Investigations Report

Figure 23 reveals a strong grouping of the top six threat So, they are a web-based entity storing user information and
action varieties that follow the well-traveled path of phishing hackers go after the web applications for user information
users to install C2 and keylogging software in order to got it. Another commonality is the organization sizeover
capture credentials that are used to authenticate into, and three-quarters of these victims are small businesses and
exfiltrate data out of, organizations. It should be noted that may not have dedicated security staff and/or processes. The
this group is followed by unknown hacking (not shown) and data-loss numbers can be massive, but they are (typically)
SQL injection (SQLi), so attacks against application code are considered less sensitive than regulated data varieties (e.g.,
alive, well, and possibly underrepresented. Payment Card Information, Protected Health Information).
The site administrators may not be as concerned about
disclosure of usernames and passwords, and it may be
Use of stolen creds easier for them to notify and force password changes than
(Hacking) to implement two-factor authentication, conduct penetration
testing, or ensure the Content Management Platform is up
Use of backdoor/C2 to date.

Spyware/keylogger Well, Im not running a forum for macram enthusiasts

31 operating on outdated WordPress, you say? Fair enough.
When we filter out breaches that involved web applications
Phishing the results are all over the place. The Everything Else pattern
(Social) rises to the top, and further exploration uncovers breaches
where we know a database was hacked, but not enough
Export data
31 additional details are available for it to be categorized
further. It is certainly feasible that a web app was involved,
C2 but we cannot make that leap of faith.

Things to consider:
Publishing error
Establish your cred(entials)Implement two-factor
Forced browsing authentication for administrative access to web
(Hacking) applications and any other devices that are data stores.
Reduce the effectiveness of stolen credentials being
Programming error reused to unlock the door to member or customer
information. If feasible, extend the use of strong
Breaches authentication to your user base.

Figure 23: Top threat action breach varieties within Information Dont be deniedDevelop a DDoS response plan
involving web applications, (n=48) and make fast friends with your business continuity/
disaster recovery guru. Monitor capacity usage and
prepare for spikes in traffic that are a product of larger
When we have enough demographic information available than normal legitimate usage.
to extrapolate the victim NAICS code to six digits, over
a third fall into category 519130 (Internet Publishing and All sysadmins must update server software before
Broadcasting and Web Search Portals). This is a catch-all returning to workA drum that has been beaten
category for web-based organizations that are not retailers. to oblivion: security hygiene. The act of keeping
Their business is their web presence and thus the web server software (OS, web applications, plug-ins)
application is the prime target of compromise to harvest up to date, and a method of becoming aware when
data, frequently some combination of usernames, passwords security vulnerabilities are disclosed and patches
(sometimes encrypted, sometimes not), and email addresses. made available, isnt mind blowing. But the results of
Shodan searches show that there are still plenty of
misconfigured servers in this imperfect world of ours.

Frequency 620 incidents, 124 with confirmed data disclosure

Cyber-Espionage, Privilege Misuse and Everything Else represent 96% of breaches

Top 3 patterns
within Manufacturing

Threat actors 93% External , 7% Internal (breaches)

Actor motives 94% Espionage, 6% Financial (breaches)

Data compromised 91% Secrets, 4% Internal, 4% Personal

Gains in strategic advantage via espionage-related actions comprise the majority of breaches
Summary within this industry. Most are conducted by state-affiliated actors, but instances of internal
espionage pilfering trade secrets are present as well.

Spies like us Cyber- 108

In our salad days, one of the chief complaints we received
on the report went like this: That is great if you are a Privilege 8
bank, a restaurant or in retail, but I know the APT is after Misuse
my secrets and this does not help me. Years ago, our
Everything 4
breach data expanded from payment card hauls to the Else
common issues experienced by those protecting intellectual
property as their main security focus. The NAICS code Miscellaneous
for Manufacturing comprises establishments engaged in Errors
the mechanical, physical, or chemical transformations of
materials, substances, or components into new products.15 Crimeware 2
In other words, they make stuff. And when you make stuff,
there is always someone else who wants to make it better, Physical Theft
or at least cheaper. A great way to make something cheaper 1
and Loss
is to let someone else pay for all of the R&D and then simply
steal their intellectual property. With that in mind, it will Web App
probably be of no surprise that Cyber-Espionage is by far Attacks
the most predominant pattern associated with breaches in
Manufacturing as evidenced by Figure 24. Point of Sale

Payment Card

Denial of
Figure 24: Frequency of incident classification patterns within
Manufacturing industry breaches (n=124)
2017 Data Breach Investigations Report

Can you keep a secret?

Benjamin Franklin said, Three may keep a secret if two are When state-affiliated actors are involved, their operations are
dead. If you are in Manufacturing, it is a safe bet that you targeted attacks, rather than opportunistic. In other words,
worry quite a bit about hanging on to secrets. A whopping the criminals are coming directly for a particular organization
90% of data stolen in Manufacturing was of the Secrets with a specific purpose in mind.
variety. Figure 25 does nothing to ease those concerns.
The next most common incident pattern, Privilege Misuse,
(while only a very small sample size) is in some ways akin
111 to the external espionage breaches discussed above. It
often occurs when a disgruntled employee is tired of being
kept down by the man and sets off to make their fortune
Personal 5 elsewherebut wants to take as much data as possible with

Internal 5

Credentials 2

Source code 1

Payment 1

Other 1

Copyrighted 1

Things to consider:
Figure 25: Varieties of data breached within the Manufacturing industry
(n=122) Keep em separatedIf you have highly-sensitive
For a manufacturer, the intellectual property it possesses information, keep that data segregated and only allow
is of the utmost importancewhether it is a secret recipe, access to those who require it to perform their job.
a creative new concept or a less expensive way to make a
widget, it makes a tempting target for thieves. Unlike the Click not, lest ye be phished Many attacks against this
more run of the mill, grab-the-loot-and-scram attacks we vertical are initiated via a phishing email. Train your
see in other verticals, espionage attacks are typically aimed employees with regard to phishing, and provide them
at more long-term results. The criminals want to infiltrate with a quick and easy way to report suspicious emails.
the network, find out where the secrets are kept, and then
sit and slowly siphon off the nectar for as long as they can. Just look at yourselfInternal monitoring of networks,
In many cases these attacks begin with a move against the devices and applications is critical. Attempt to
carbon layer. An employee of the organization receives a implement account monitoring, audit log monitoring
phishing email, and clicks on the malicious link or attachment and network/IDS monitoring.
it contains. Then malware is installed in the form of a
backdoor or C2, and the bad guys return at their leisure to No parting giftsImplement data loss prevention (DLP)
footprint the network and take what they need. In fact, the controls to identify and block improper transfers of
social and malware combination occurred in 73% of these data by employees.

Frequency 21,239 incidents, 239 with confirmed data disclosure

Cyber-Espionage, Privilege Misuse and Miscellaneous Errors represent

Top 3 patterns
81% of breaches within Public Administration

Threat actors 62% External, 40% Internal, 4% Multiple parties, 2% Partner (breaches)

Actor motives 64% Espionage, 20% Financial, 13% Fun/Ideology/Grudge (breaches)

Data compromised 41% Personal, 41% Secrets, 14% Credentials, 9% Medical

Almost one half of attacks resulting in confirmed data disclosure are state-affiliated. Timeline for
breach to discovery is over 50% in the years category.

First, we kill all the incidents

As we have mentioned ad infinitum already in this report, our Consequently, there is little value in examining them in
data is in large part dependent on our contributors for the depth. If we were guessing, we would hazard that many of
year. What they investigated or witnessed, what they had the the policy violations were issues such as web-content filters
resources to provide to us and so on. Certain contributors reporting on inappropriate web usage, or employees utilizing
tend to give us particular types of data, and this is probably effective but unauthorized workarounds, but you dont pay
nowhere more marked than in the public sector. The us to speculate so we wont. Also, there were a great number
government is required to report up the chain on incidents of lost and stolen assets reported, but since that is already
that would remain unremarked upon in many organizations. covered adequately in the Physical Theft and Loss section
Governments are also very large and due to these two (and there is no way of proving definitively that data was
factors, Public Administration continues to feature a large actually compromised or simply at risk), we will move on to
number of incidents. Many of these were comprised mostly what we do know a bit more about. Namely, the 239 cases
of unknown events, or nebulous policy violations. that resulted in confirmed data disclosure.

2017 Data Breach Investigations Report

Finding your inner breach

The breakdown of Public breaches across patterns has As a rule, the government is only in a hurry if you owe them
remained relatively constant for the last few years with something. Otherwise their mills may grind fine, but they
Cyber-Espionage, Privilege Misuse and Miscellaneous Errors grind very slowly. Certainly, it would appear that is the case
usually in the top three. Approximately 41% of the breaches when it comes to breach discovery. In almost 60% of cases
in this vertical were related to espionage, which should in Figure 27 (when discovery is known) it takes them years to
come as no surprise, since it stands to reason that other learn that they have been breached. This may be due to the
governments want to know what our government is thinking high number of espionage-related attacks, which often aim to
regarding important issues, such as aliens, crop circles cloak themselves in the victim network and remain hidden for
and microwave surveillance. As is generally the case when a lengthy period of time. Or, it may be more representative of
external espionage is conducted, the actors lean heavily smaller government agencies that do not have the resources
towards the state-affiliated side of the spectrum as shown in to spot the problem sooner. Either way, it is bad news for us
Figure 26. humble citizens.

State- 39

Nation-state 7 Breaches

Activist 6

8 9
Unaffiliated 5
3 3 4









Figure 26: External actor varieties within Public breaches (n=113) Figure 27: Time-to-discovery within Public breaches (n=66)

At this point the reader might wonder, Am I reading the

Manufacturing section again? No, you arent but there are
some very definite similarities between the two. Both deal in Things to consider:
secrets, and both appeal to a certain type of criminal who, by
the way, tends to use very similar tactics. Is that my data?Know your own data, particularly the
more sensitive type. Know where it resides, who has
Speaking of similarities, let us now turn to an interesting access to it, and who, in fact, does access it.
difference. For Manufacturing the actor was 93% external
and they went after trade secrets 91% of the time. Here, Exits are located above the wingsTo prevent
we see a much greater number of internal actors making your data from flying out of your organization, set up
up a sizeable 40%16, and the data variety was roughly controls to monitor data egress. If data leaves, you
equal between trade secrets and personal information. need to know about it and where it is headed.
The insiders represented here in many instances fall into
scenarios such as a police officer who misuses his or her Know your enemyThe public sector includes
ability to access criminal databases inappropriately. This everything from organizations responsible for national
scenario helps to explain the 13% of breaches with fun/ security to local zoning boards. Understand what
curiosity as the motive. type of threat actor will be most interested in your

The 40% representation of internal actors is not all malicious activity


about half of insider representation stems from errors.

Frequency 326 incidents, 93 with confirmed data disclosure

Denial of Service, Web Application Attacks and Payment Card Skimming

Top 3 patterns
represent 81% of all security incidents within Retail

Threat actors 92% External, 7% Internal, <1% Partner (incidents)

Actor motives 96% Financial, 2% Espionage, 2% Curiosity (incidents)

Data compromised 57% Payment, 27% Personal, 17% Credentials

Online retailers are consistent targets of DoS attacks, and POS environments continue to be
compromised for financial motivations.

Ye olde e-commerce shoppe Hacking 209

The Retail industry, in terms of this report, is best segmented
into brick-and-mortar retailers and online shopping
(understanding that a retailer can be both). When analyzing Malware 19
incidents that involved a web application, we find that DoS
attacks represent over 80% of incidents and are behind the
Social 15
majority of the 209 hacking incidents displayed in Figure
28. Breaches involving e-commerce sites typically involve
hacking the web applicationfairly straightforward. What is
Error 3
interesting is the varieties of hacking involved; credentials
stolen from customers as part of phishing attacks are the
predominant method of web application compromise. We are
Misuse 1
not convinced that retailers across the globe have cleared up
all input validation vulnerabilities, but they are not landing in
our combined dataset in significant numbers.
Figure 28: Frequency of threat action categories within Retail
incidents involving web applications (n=214)

2017 Data Breach Investigations Report

Are you being served?

Things to consider:
Traditional storefront retailers have an entirely different
attack surface; installation of skimmers inside gas pump
terminals and ATMs account for almost 60% of non-e- What do we want? Uptime! When do we want it?
commerce retailer breaches. We were surprised at the data Now!Make certain that you have DoS mitigation
found in Figure 29, specifically the lack of POS breaches plans, know the limitations of your protection and the
within Retail. We will keep an eye on this as we dont have an details of your provider agreement in the event of
enlightening explanation for it. an attack.

No man is an islandBut perhaps your assets should

Payment Card be. Keep critical assets on separate network circuits.
Skimmers 39
The flatter the network, the easier it is to jump from
an initial foothold to the promised land. Using default
11 or easily-guessable passwords simply will not cut it in
todays world. Implement multi-factor authentication
across your enterprise but especially for remote
Point of Sale 8 access into payment card processing networks.



Web App


Figure 29: Frequency of incident classification patterns within Retail

breaches not involving web application assets (n=67)

Size matters not?

Small retailers have historically been well represented in the
Point of Sale Intrusions pattern. In the 2013 DBIR we called
the scalable and automated attacks on internet-facing POS
systems smash-and-grab operations. Large retailers were
(thankfully) not being victimized due to rampant exposure
of POS assets to the entire internet combined with default
passwords. The 2014 DBIR focused on large retailers that
began to disclose sizable breaches associated with POS
attacks, and many times these involved credentials that
were stolen, not guessed. This year we do not have any
large retailers in the Point of Sale Intrusions pattern, which is
hopefully an indicator of improvements and lessons learned.
We are interested in finding out if smaller retailers also
learned this lesson, or if single small breaches just arent
making it into our dataset.

Attack the Humans!
Frequency 1,616 incidents, 828 with confirmed data disclosure

Web Applications Attacks, Cyber-Espionage and Everything Else represent 96% of all security
Top 3 patterns
breaches involving social attacks

Threat actors 99% External, 1% Internal, <1% Partner (breaches)

Actor motives 66% Financial, 33% Espionage, <1% Grudge (breaches)

Data compromised 61% Credentials, 32% Secrets, 8% Personal

Social attacks were utilized in 43% of all breaches in this years dataset. Almost all phishing
attacks that led to a breach were followed with some form of malware, and 28% of phishing
breaches were targeted. Phishing is the most common social tactic in our dataset (93% of social

Grifters and marks Wings of reason

Eagerness. Distraction. Curiosity. Uncertainty. All of these First, lets take a step back and examine the picture as a
are drivers of human behavior, and one or more can be whole. There were a little over 1,600 incidents and more
leveraged to influence someone to disclose information, than 800 breaches featuring social actions in this years
click a link or wire money to a vendor account. Although corpus (all external actor driven). Phishing was again the top
there are a number of different types of social engineering variety, found in over 90% of both incidents and breaches.
attacks, we will be focusing on phishing and pretexting in this Once successfully phished, a number of things can happen:
section given that together, they represented almost 98% software installation, influencing disclosure of sensitive
of both incidents and breaches that involved a social action. data, repurposing of assets and so on. In last years report,
Specifically, we will examine financial pretexting as it pertains we discussed how the majority of remote breaches began
to business email compromise (BEC). Then we will add some with the same chain of events; phishing to gain a foothold
additional context by discussing some findings from the via malware, then leveraging stolen credentials to pivot off
non-incident data acquired from security awareness training of the foothold. It also holds true this year95% of phishing
exercises. attacks that led to a breach were followed by some form of
software installation.

The actor/motive combinations that represent the vast

majority of phishing breaches fall into two categories:
three-quarters were financially-motivated organized criminal
groups, and a quarter were state-affiliated actors conducting
espionage operations. A significant amount of the financially-
motivated phishing was associated with banking Trojan
botnets. In Figures 30 and 31, we remove the subset of
botnet-driven phishing, and focus on human targets under
the victim organizations employ.

2017 Data Breach Investigations Report

Public 67 Secrets 150

Personal 30
Manufacturing 49

Payment 15

Other Services 17
Credentials 15

Education 17 12

Medical 7
Professional 16

System 6
Finance 11

Bank 2

Utilities 10
Source code 1

Healthcare 10 Classified 1

Breaches Breaches

Figure 30: Top victim industry within social breaches, excluding Figure 31: Compromised data variety within phishing breaches,
botnet-driven campaigns (n=216) excluding botnet-driven campaigns (n=211)

Public Administration and Manufacturing represent over half Security through education
of the victims in this subset of data (where the industry was
known). But since youve read the industry sections already, The main focus of this report has, and always will be, the
you probably guessed that. This is yet another example of breach data. However, we also review results from our
how our data illustrates the strong association between non-incident datasets not only to glean what we can from
cyber-espionage and phishing. Figure 31 adds to this story, them on their own merit, but also to provide context for our
with trade secrets as the top data variety targeted, followed breach corpus. Our non-incident phishing data is comprised
by personal information. of 7.3 million records (campaign data down to user level),
over 14,000 campaigns, and over three million unique users
across 2,280 different organizations.

2017 Data Breach Investigations Report

7.3% of users across multiple data contributors were This years data features numerous incidents involving
successfully phishedwhether via a link or an opened the impersonation of an executive to trick someone to
attachment. That begged the question, How many users transfer money (sometimes six-figure amounts) from the
fell victim more than once over the course of a year? The corporate accounts. Many of these pretexting incidents were
answer is, in a typical company (with 30 or more employees), discovered by internal financial audits and a few by fraud
about 15% of all unique users who fell victim once, also detection. In these cases, external fraud detection is actually
took the bait a second time. 3% of all unique users clicked the preferred method as it typically means the transfer was
more than twice, and finally less than 1% clicked more than blocked, whereas internal audits discovered the fraud after
three times. the proverbial horse had left the stable. Email was the top
vector of communication, accounting for 88% of financial
Reporting pretexting incidents18, with phone communications in second
place with just under 10%.
Now that we have an idea of how many people were
phishedand how many were phished repeatedlylets see Areas of focus
how many reported the event. In other words, those who
saw something and said something. This is paramount. The data shows simulated phishing makes a difference, but
Youre never going to completely stop phishing emails getting someone will always click. Focus on detection and reporting
through and being clicked, but if you have a good process of clicks rather than just prevention. Implement and test a
for detecting and handling them, theyre less likely to impact phishing response plan that:
your organization. Some (but not all) of the sanctioned Empowers users to alert on phishy emails.
phishing campaigns provided a mechanism for users to
Identifies phishing recipients and recalls the email.
report the email. Of those that had recorded instances of
Identifies phishing recipients who clicked the link or
reporting, the percentage of users who reported was 20%.
opened the attached file.
So, there are approximately 1 in 5 good Samaritans out there
Expires credentials accessed from compromised hosts.
who upon noticing something odd, follow policy and report it.
Ah, faith in humanity is restored! Reporting is key to limiting Investigates post-click communications from the infected
the effectiveness of phishing that makes it past your email
filters. We are happy that the reporting percentages from Isolates the system so that the malware cannot spread.
the aforementioned subset of campaigns are higher than the Identifies and removes the malware.
overall click percentage, but this is definitely a number we Considers the use of sandboxing technologies, including
hope to see increase in the future17. operating systems that sandbox applications natively. Also
discounts cloud applications that sandbox emails and
Office documents from the user device.
You sit on a throne of lies!
Prepend external emails with [External] or [E] or [Not from
Pretexting is a form of social engineering focused on the CEO!] in the subject header to help detect spoofed
creating a scenario, or pretext, to influence your target. Yes, messages purporting to be coming from a big wig. Thats
its a bit like dating in high school only more cyber-y. The real not enough though, as some BEC involves hacked email
pros seem to be organized criminal groups who are masters accounts. So while the email is not coming from the
at tall tales aimed at financial gain. Although pretexting was executive, it is coming from his/her legitimate email address.
not as common as phishing, there are a few important things Have a process for approving payments that includes some
to note. It was almost always targeted in nature (and hence form of communication other than email. Train the employees
over half of the marks were from the finance department), who can pull the trigger on money transfers that they will
which means actors are doing their research to identify the never ever be asked over email to transfer funds outside of
right employee, and invent a believable story. the documented approval policy. Work with your banking
institution to block and alert on large or anomalous transfers
of funds.

From campaigns that featured at least one tracked instance of reporting. Most campaigns did not contain a reported phish. This could be because there
isnt a trackable reporting tool built in, or it was not implemented by the customer. It could also be because the users did not report it. We cannot say for
sure, but are optimistically inferring in those cases that reporting was not tracked.
We use phishing for emails with a particular hook in the form of a link or attachment as the bait, whereas pretexting involves a persona and dialogue
between the actor and victim.
Ransom Notes are
the Most Profitable
Form of Writing
Ransomware is the latest scourge of the internet, extorting millions of dollars from people
and organizations after infecting and encrypting their systems. It has moved from the
22nd most common variety of malware in the 2014 DBIR to the fifth most common in this
years data. It is our pleasure to turn this section over to McAfee, who leverage their threat
intelligence to shed some light on significant ransomware technical enhancements that
are transforming both the nature of the threat and ways in which the security industry is
fighting back.

The rise of ransomware








Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
2015 2016

Figure 32: New ransomware samples per quarterSource: McAfee Labs

While ransomware dates back to 198919, in the past year Through most of 2015 and 2016, telemetry at McAfee Labs
we have seen more technical and process innovation in recorded a steady increase in new ransomware samples,
ransomware than we have seen since the invention of as bad actors modified code and implemented new attack
Bitcoin-enabled anonymous payments. Fueled by the forms, encryption methods, exploit kits and evasion
success of early attacks, the number of ransomware techniques. However, there was a slight decline in new
incidents increased to 228 in this years report from 159 in samples in Q3 2016, and a drastic 70% drop in Q4. This big
the 2016 DBIR. Figure 32 above supports the DBIR findings. decline is mostly due to a reduction in generic ransomware
detections, as well as a decrease in Locky and CryptoWall

2017 Data Breach Investigations Report

Technical and process Changes to targeting and

innovations attack vectors
Last year we saw impressive innovation in ransomware Perhaps the most significant change to ransomware in 2016
technology and extortion methods. Moving on from file was the swing away from infecting individual consumer
encryptionthe standard practice of ransomware authors systems toward targeting vulnerable organizations. Overall,
attackers introduced master boot record locking, and partial ransomware is still very opportunistic, relying on infected
and full disk encryption in an effort to make it more difficult websites and traditional malware delivery for most attacks.
to recover systems without paying. They also experimented Looking again through the lens of DBIR data, web drive-by
with a variety of methods to avoid detection by security downloads were the number one malware vector in the 2016
sandboxes. These included execution time differences report, but were supplanted by email this year. Social actions,
between real and virtual machines, unexpected command- notably phishing, were found in 21% of incidents, up from
line arguments and an abnormally short list of Microsoft just 8% in the 2016 DBIR. These emails are often targeted at
Office recent files. Mid-year, we witnessed a sudden shift in specific job functions, such as HR and accountingwhose
exploit kits used for ransomware from Angler to Neutrino, employees are most likely to open attachments or click on
followed by another shift in September from Neutrino to linksor even specific individuals.
RIG. Tracking these kits helps identify which vulnerabilities
are targeted, which patches to prioritize and how to Healthcare ransomware campaigns got the most publicity
strengthen defenses. in 2016, due in part to the potential impact that obscuration
of medical data can have on patient care. The DBIR data
Encouraged by the profitability of ransomware, criminals reveals that Public Administration organizations were the
began offering ransomware-as-a-service, enabling anyone to number one industry target, with Healthcare number two and
extort their favorite targets, while taking a cut of the action. Financial Services number three. Ransomware campaigns
This approach was followed by a variety of experiments targeting organizations often have additional characteristics,
in ransom demands. Criminals introduced time limits after such as credential theft to spread the attack throughout
which files would be deleted, ransoms that increased over the organization, delayed encryption to infect as many
time, ransoms calculated based on the estimated sensitivity machines as possible before detection, and code that targets
of filenames, and even options to decrypt files for free if the corporate servers as well as user systems.
victims became attackers themselves and infected two or
more other people. Multi-level marketing at its finest!

2017 Data Breach Investigations Report

The fall of ransomware, or how the

security industry is fighting back
The security industry is not taking the rise in ransomware Working with law enforcement
lying down. Security vendors are working on multiple The security industry is also collaborating with law
fronts to: detect ransomware before infections become enforcement agencies to disrupt and take down malicious
critical, protect individuals and organizations from criminal infrastructure and, when possible, to identify and arrest
campaigns, and help rescue ransomed systems without those responsible. Several takedowns took place in 2016 and
enriching attackers. more are underway.

Security software

The expected response from the security industry to most Perhaps the most significant action taken to combat
threats is enhancing tools to enable earlier detection. ransomware in the past year is the creation and ongoing
Combating ransomware is no exception. Endpoint protection development of the No More Ransom! collaboration.
systems can now detect millions of ransomware samples, Begun by four founding members in July 2016, this group
with more added as they are discovered. Because this now comprises 57 members, including security vendors,
process is obviously insufficient to stop all attacks, the consultants, law enforcement agencies, incident response
security industry has also added detection techniques such groups, insurance companies, information sharing centers,
as sandboxes that can mimic a user environment to catch and hosting companies that provide necessary web services.
obfuscated ransomware, behavioral analysis to prevent The groups goal is to share information, educate users and
ransomware from executing completely and file creation help victims recover their encrypted data without having to
blocks to prevent ransomware from writing encrypted pay ransomware attackers20.
files. Although these actions have increased detection and
prevention rates, the volume of ransomware variants and To that end, currently hosts 27
the criminals speed of adaptation mean the techniques decryption tools, which can recover files from a wide range
are unlikely to be 100% effective, thus necessitating of ransomware families. No More Ransom! calculates that
further actions. they have successfully diverted more than US$3 million from
criminals by offering free decryption tools to thousands of
Threat intelligence sharing victims around the world.
In addition to catching criminals in the act, security vendors,
law enforcement agencies and organizations of all sizes are
increasingly sharing threat intelligence information to help
detect ransomware (and other malicious activities) before
they reach systems. The rapid sharing of threat information
acts like a vaccine; immunizing systems and organizations
from known and suspected ransomware attacks, before they
can cause lasting damage.

Verizon is now part of the No More Ransom! collaboration.
Introduction to Incident
Classification Patterns
Web App
Web App DenialDenial
of of
571 571 11,24611,246
Attacks Service
Cyber-Cyber- Privilege
289 289 7,7437,743
Espionage Misuse Misuse
277 277 Crimeware
Crimeware 6,9256,925
Misuse Misuse
Miscellaneous Web App
Web App
222 222 6,5026,502
ErrorsErrors Attacks
Theft Theft
Point of
of Sale 207 207 5,6985,698
and Loss
and Loss
Everything Miscellaneous
184 184 2,4782,478
Else Else ErrorsErrors
Card Card Everything
89 89 870 870
Skimmers Else Else
Theft Theft Cyber-Cyber-
74 74 328 328
and Loss
and Loss Espionage

Crimeware 47
Crimeware 47 Point of
Sale 212
of Sale 212
5 of 5 Payment
Card Card
118 118
Service Skimmers
Breaches Incidents

Figure 33: Percentage and count of breaches per pattern (n=1,935) Figure 34: Percentage and count of incidents per pattern (n=42,068)

Legend has it that Sir Isaac Newton discovered gravity when As we state each year, the real value of the incident patterns
an apple fell on his head. Likewise, Einstein was purported is not in how they compare to each other, but as guidance on
to have come up with the theory of relativity in a dream. what is most likely to negatively impact your organization. For
Inspiration can strike anywhere. A few years ago, we on the example, if you are in the Accommodation industry your main
DBIR team noticed as a result of a casual conversation that areas of concern center on POS intrusions. On the other
most breaches seemed to fall into a few broad categories or hand, retailers have less of a worry about espionage than
patterns that kept repeating themselves. Thus was created manufacturers. Does that mean that those are the only areas
the nine patterns that we have showcased in subsequent that you should protect against if you find yourself in one
reports. Naturally, we are not comparing this observation of those demographics? Of course not, but understanding
to the genius of Einstein or Newton, because clearly our these areas of concern goes a long way to help struggling
inspiration is of much greater importance21. security professionals gain insight on where and how to
invest their limited resources. The patterns provide a quick
We first included the incident patterns in the 2014 report and easy way to assess a baseline of where the most likely
when over 90% of confirmed breaches fell into one of danger will ariseyou are less likely to be bitten by a snake
them. This year 88% of breaches fall into those same in Antarctica than Arizona.
basic patterns. Web Application Attacks remains the most
prevalent, helped again by a multitude of botnet data that Think of the patterns as reading your security horoscope
skews the data toward that pattern (see Figure 33). If we (only based on data rather than celestial movements). Of
were to rank this years set of breaches without that botnet, course, this report can only inform the reader of the trends
then Cyber-Espionage would assume the top spot and Web we observe and not actually foretell your entire future.
Application Attacks would fall to sixth place. However, our data does indicate that 7, 29 and 60 are your
lucky numbers, and you will find love and riches on Flag Day.
Examining all incidents (Figure 34) rather than breaches
shows that DoS attacks dethroned Miscellaneous Errors (last
years #1) by a large margin in 2016.

All instances involving malware that did not fit into a more specific pattern. The majority
of incidents that comprise this pattern are opportunistic in nature and are financially
motivated. This pattern will often affect customers and is where typical malware
infections are placed.

At a glance
Top Industries Ransomware 214

Public and Manufacturing

C2 156

6,925 total incidents, 47 with confirmed data disclosure Backdoor 30

Key Findings
Worm 24
Ransomware has continued to increase for the last few
years and is now the number one malware variety within
this pattern. When examining non-incident data, 99% of Downloader 21
malware is sent via email or webserver.

Spyware/keylogger 20
The Crimeware pattern has always been a bit like having a
rich uncle who constantly drops hints that he will give you
Client-side attack 9
part of his fortune on your birthday, but it is always on your
next birthday. In other words, he appears to have the money,
he appears to want to give it to you, but, alas, he never does. Export data 8
Year after year, this pattern is comprised of thousands of
incidents, but only a handful of actual data breaches or
incidents that provide enough information to be actionable or Password dumper 5
even very useful for analysis.
Capture app data 5
Typically they come to us from Computer Emergency
Response Teams (CERTs) or Computer Security Incident Incidents
Response Teams (CSIRTs), which derive the data from a
Figure 35: Top malware varieties within Crimeware incidents (n=430)
large variety of contributors and are very loosely categorized
in aggregate. Nevertheless, we soldier on and, in spite of the
lack of detail, we can glimpse useful data points from time
to time.

2017 Data Breach Investigations Report

Ransomware! Why didnt I think

of that? When things go right
Ransomware, as you no doubt know, is a type of malware There is some good news, however. When we look at our
that can infect your system and then be used to encrypt your non-incident data (malware detonationsa sample of 50
data until you pay the ransom the criminal demands to give million on-the-wire detections), over 99% of malware is sent
you the data back. If you are an unscrupulous villain it is a by either email or web server. This means its coming through
great way to make a living. In the overall dataset, there are your mail server or web proxy where you can take steps to
actually more botnet malware incidents than ransomware. squash it. This dataset of successfully squashed malware
However, bots tend to fall in the Web Application Attack supports the data taken from our incident corpus that also
pattern as they routinely steal credentials for use against shows that almost 80% of crimeware is email-based and
financial websites. That leaves ransomware as the reigning drive-by downloads check in at 8%.
champion in the Crimeware patterns shown in Figure 35. This
isnt out of nowhere like Leicester City, ransomware has been
increasing each year. This is likely a trend we should expect
to continue as it offers the criminal a number of benefits.
Ransomware short-circuits the normal attack path, so the
actor doesnt have to persist. Its easily monetizable, very fast
and represents a low risk for the attacker.

Email, Total=93.8%


Browser, Total=5.8%



Other, Total=0.4%




Oct 2015 Jan 2016 Apr 2016 Jul 2016
Figure 36: Malware count per day by vector (n=50,366,956)

2017 Data Breach Investigations Report

JavaScript, Total=59.9%


MS Office, Total=26.3%

Windows 32 bit Executable, Total=8.0%


Other, Total=3.3%


Android, Total=2.5%


Jan 2016 Apr 2016 Jul 2016 Oct 2016

Figure 37: Malware count per day by file type (n=227,109,781)

Areas of focus
Its also streaky, as we can see in Figure 36. Its very cyclical,
likely driven by the work week, with significantly larger weeks Unless your organization mails around software
between March and August, with peaks differing between the updates, you need to block executables at your email
delivery methods. gateway. Disable macro-enabled office documents22,
specifically MS Word and Excel, for anyone who
Shifting gears a bit and diving into another non-incident doesnt explicitly need it. Stopping malicious JavaScript
dataset, Figure 37 sheds light on how malware is packaged. starts with blocking .js via email and keeping browser
The main takeaway is the prominence of JavaScript software up to date.
malware, followed by malicious Office documents and 32 bit
Windows executables. Implement a robust malware defense strategy
that incorporates client-based malware detection,
While the VERIS framework has enumerations for both application whitelisting, sandboxing and network
malware variety and vector, this data gives us information on defenses to detect communications from infected
what file types are most often used to smuggle it in. hosts.

Prioritize patching vulnerabilities associated with

browser exploitation. This includes the browser
software, but also plug-ins.

Incidents in this pattern include unauthorized network or system access linked to
state-affiliated actors and/or exhibiting the motive of espionage.

At a glance
Manufacturing 115
Top Industries

Public, Manufacturing, Professional Services, Education Public 112

Professional 28
328 incidents, 289 with confirmed data disclosure

Education 22
Key Findings
Targeted phishing campaigns continue to be the tip of
the spear for espionage-related breaches. Educational Other Services 17
organizations made a bigger appearance in the victim base
this year. Utilities 15

Strategic manoeuvres in the dark Finance 5

Acquisition of information to obtain a strategic advantage

Information 4
has been around since the days of Sun Tzu, who wrote of
five classes of spies: local, inward, converted, doomed and
surviving. We are not quite sure what class a dude crafting Retail 3
a malicious PDF is, so we will create a sixth classcomfy
spies. Transportation 2

Unlike organized criminal groups, who are typically after

directly monetizable data, state-affiliated actors are playing Healthcare 2
the long game and are more selective of their targets.
Figure 38 lists what industries represent the unfortunate Trade 1
chosen ones.

Agriculture 1


Figure 38: Count and percentage of breaches within

Cyber-Espionage (n=271)
2017 Data Breach Investigations Report

Manufacturing and Public Administration lead the pack of Phishing 181

targeted industries yet again, and Professional Services
Use of backdoor/C2 138
take the bronze for the second straight year. The interesting (Hacking)
change is the rise of academia as a target of these
C2 136
attacks. Colleges are centers of innovation and are building (Malware)
technologies that would certainly be targeted by state-
Backdoor 118
affiliated groups. The chemical laser prototype designed by (Malware)
Pacific Technical University students in support of the 1985
Adminware 63
Crossbow project is an excellent, albeit completely fictional (Malware)
example. It is important to understand that these attacks Capture stored data
(Malware) 62
with higher levels of pre-attack research, sophistication,
patience and targeting will not be documented at the rate Export data
(Malware) 60
of opportunistic attacks. Even if your industry is not well
represented in the statistics in Figure 38, if you have or Downloader
(Malware) 53
may be perceived to haveuseful information, then you are a
potential target. Spyware/Keylogger
(Malware) 51

The spy who phished me Use of stolen creds

(Hacking) 28

Over 90% of breaches were attributed to state-affiliated Incidents

groups, with nation-states, competitors and former
employees present, but not nearly as common. The tactics
Figure 39: Top threat action varieties within Cyber-Espionage, (n=271)
used have remained consistent, with phishing remaining a
favorite technique of attackers23. Typically, an attacker will
send a malicious email with an attachment to their intended
victim. If the attachment is opened, it will drop command
and control malware to establish and maintain control of the Areas of focus
device. From there the methods used by the actor are more
about blending in with the crowd. They have accomplished Make it difficult to establish a foothold in your internal
the first phase of their mission, and typically avoid noisy network. Anti-malware protection at the email gateway,
approaches like launching a barrage of exploits to escalate security awareness training and keeping web browsers
privileges. Unlike millennials binge-watching shows on Netflix, (and plug-ins) up to date are essential controls. Test
instant gratification does not influence post-compromise and implement Data Execution Prevention (DEP) and
actions. Endpoint Threat Detection and Response (ETDR)
Figure 39 sheds a bit of light on the types of activities
that occur once the beachhead is established, such as If a potential phish is identified, formalize a process for
downloading additional malware, mapping out the internal users to bring it to the attention of the security team,
network, and using keylogging and password dumping and for your organization to gather the necessary
malware to advance towards the finish line of exportation information regarding the behavior of their device. Find
of data. Seven of the top 15 threat action varieties are out who they have been talking to both internally and
functionalities of malware, and the data shows that the externally. Ensure you have the monitoring and logging
malicious payloads are commonly delivered via email (73%) enabled to review account and device activity.
and drive-by downloads (13%).
Reduce the impact of a compromised user device.
If a username and password is the only barrier to
escalating privilege or compromising the next device,
you have not done enough to stop these actors.
Network segmentation establishing more granular
security zones that require multi-factor authentication
may require the attackers to shift their tactics and
stand out from the crowd.

If you skipped to this section before reading Attack the Humans! flip to
that page next.
Denial of Service
Any attack intended to compromise the availability of networks and systems. Includes
both network and application attacks designed to overwhelm systems, resulting in
performance degradation or interruption of service.

At a glance
Top Industries HTTP 503 Error: Service Unavailable
Entertainment, Professional Services, Public, Information, For people in charge of keeping their web presence up and
running on all cylinders, DDoS attacks (or the threat thereof)
Frequency can be in equal parts frustrating and annoying. Like self-
diagnosing the root cause of a headache by reading internet
11,246 incidents, five with confirmed data disclosure forums24, you research the newest, biggest, attack in the
news and officially become a worrywart.
Key Findings
There is a lack of ultimate control associated with this
When we knew the organization size, DDoS attacks were
attack. You cant prevent attempts, and likely need to
disproportionately (98%) targeted at large organizations.
Most attacks are not sustained for more than a couple of rely on help from some upstream allies to defend if/when
days. attempts are made. If someone points their botnet at you,
hopefully you have a plan of action to engage your ISP(s)
and DoS mitigation service to thwart the attack with minimal
interruption or service degradation. Either way, its akin to
watching the end of the salmon run. Sure, there are a lot of
salmon, but you never think about where they all came from
or how many ended up as bear food.

The salmon/packet analogy extends to the beginning stages

of the DDoS process. Our ocean is the internet filled with
compromised devices being monetized as worker bees in
botnets. The creation of Mirai botnets using devices hacked
via default telnet credentials25 is a timely example.

Its (likely) not a tumor!
Much of the focus was around the Internet of Things (IoT) aspect. If you are on the other end of an availability attack, you dont care that the botnets
are cameras versus desktops. Also these devices with remote-access ports open to the internet and default credentials resemble an early 90s insecure
server, just in a smaller plastic box. Dont focus on the buzzword, but on the vulnerability that made compromise so darn easy.
2017 Data Breach Investigations Report

Taskings of Mirai botnet over time n=3,542

ll l l lll llll llllll ll l llll l l lllll lll ll l ll llll lll ll
l l l l l l lllll ll ll ll
l l ll ll llll lll llllllllllll lll l llll
l ll ll l llllll ll l l l l ll l l l ll ll lll ll l ll l l l l l
lll l l l l ll l l lll ll ll l l
lll l ll ll
lllll l ll lll ll ll l llllll ll ll lll l ll lll ll ll ll ll ll l ll l
ll lllllll l l l l l l
l l l l ll l ll l ll
l l ll ll lllll ll ll l l lllllll ll ll lllll l l l ll ll ll l l l l l l l l ll l ll ll lllllllllll ll lll ll ll l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l ll ll l l l l l l
l l ll l ll ll
l l ll l l
l ll l ll ll lllllll lll ll l l ll lll
ll lll
l l
ll l lllll
l ll lll lll ll l l l l l l l l l l
ll ll llll l l
lllll lll ll l l l l l l l l l
ll ll l lllll l ll l l l ll ll l l l l ll l l l l l l ll l l l l l ll l l l l l l l l l l l l l
llll l
l l ll l ll l l l lll l ll A
Total C2 Source

l l ll lll ll ll lllllll l l lll l l ll

l l l l ll ll l l ll
ll ll llllllll l l ll ll lll l ll llllllllllllllllllll lll llll l l l l
l l
l ll lll ll ll llllll l l ll ll lllllll l lll l ll ll ll lllllll ll llllllllllllllllll ll l l
l l l lllllllllllllllllll

l l lllllllll lll l l llllll l ll l lll l l llllll lllllll llllll llllllllll llllllllll lll lll l lllllll llllllllllll lllllllllllllllll lll llllllllllllllllllllll l ll lllll ll l llllll l l ll llllll l lllll llll l lllllllll lll llllllllll l ll l l l l lll l lllll ll llllllllll llll l lllllllll l lll l lll l lll ll ll l l l llllllll llllllll lllllll ll l llllllllll lllllllll lll llll lllll lll l ll l lllll ll

1 Nov2016 15 Nov2016 1 Dec 2016 15 Dec 2016

Figure 40: Taskings of Mirai botnet per C2 source over time

Running the numbers The net is vast and infinite

After the botnet is created, devices are tasked to send the From there, the packets must cross the ocean of the internet.
packets from the four corners of the internet, up the stream, Along the way, some get eaten by network infrastructure
and to their target. Figure 40 displays the tasking of various blocking packets exceeding rate limits on certain protocols.
Mirai botnets by roughly 50 C2 sources from October 22, Others are swallowed by DDoS mitigation equipment used
2016 to December 18, 2016. Its a bit anecdotal, but it does to minimize traffic. Still, many make it upstream to their
demonstrate one thing. While we heard a lot about Mirai, its intended target.
not this juggernaut that is continuously attacking the world.
Many C2 sources tasked it for a period of time and then
never again. It appears only one source A was continuously
active between the beginning of November and mid-
December. Only the total aggregate begins to approach a
constant use of the botnet.

2017 Data Breach Investigations Report

bps pps
2013 2013
(n=1,929) (n=1,929)
4.65Gbps 0.28Mpps
0.42Gbps 2.83Mpps

2014 2014
(n=2,782) 8.57Gbps (n=2,782)
1.2Gbps 0.51Mpps 3.1Mpps

2015 1.57Gbps 5.67Gbps 2015 0.49Mpps

(n=6,149) (n=6,149) 1.86Mpps

1.09Gbps 0.25Mpps
2016 2016
(n=10,427) 4.97Gbps (n=10,427)


100 1K 10K 100K 1M 10M 100M 1B 100 1K 10K 100K 1M 10M 100M
Count Count
Figure 41: DoS attack bandwidth and packet count levels

Median: 2 days

100 200 300

Figure 42: Density plot of days per year under attack by organization

Figure 41 shows that the median attack size of DDoS Areas of focus
incidents measured by mitigation services has actually
decreased. Theres also a wide range for how long Understanding the types and levels of mitigation
organizations are attacked. you need is key. What assets do you have exposed
to potential DDoS? What is the impact of not having
In Figure 42, we can see that only a few companies get those assets? Business as usual? End of the world?
attacked constantly throughout the year. However, the DDoS services all have different capacities, detection
majority are only dealing with these barrages for a few days. methods and types of services. Do you need to resist
the median attack (both in size and duration) or do you
want to be safe from the bigger and longer attacks that
are possible?

2017 Data Breach Investigations Report

TDoSBecause you didnt have

enough problems already
Packet-based DDoS isnt the only type of DoS around. Figure 43 provides an anecdotal example of a single TDoS
Telephone Denial of Service (or TDoS) is another attack type attack and does not imply anything about all TDoS, the
made possible by the rise of Voice over Internet Protocol average TDoS, or anything else. It is interesting (in our
(VoIP) calling systems. humble opinion) and can help give you an idea about what
this attack can look like.
Like traditional DDoS, TDoS can be a real threat to
organizations. Services exist to help mitigate the risk and are A represents a normal day.
improving with advancements in data science and machine At B the TDoS starts.
learning. So, just like DDoS, weigh the business impact of For a while it looks like things are keeping up.
not having defenses vs. the cost of acquiring them. If youre But at C, the call volumes increase from the
going to need them, its better to know how to get them existing sources.
before the attack starts. And at D a second source is added to the attack.
The attack stops for about a day, but returns at E and to a
lesser extent, F (without the source from D).



300 E

200 C F


Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday

Figure 43: Call volumes during TDoS attack

Insider and
Privilege Misuse
All incidents tagged with the action category of Misuseany unapproved or malicious
use of organizational resourcesfall within this pattern. This is mainly insider-only
misuse, but outsiders (due to collusion) and partners (because they are granted
privileges) show up as well.

At a glance
Top Industries This pattern also features espionage motives (15%) involving
data stolen to either start up a competing company or take
Public, Healthcare, Finance to a new employer. In those cases, sensitive internal data
and/or trade secrets were stolen (24%), which could include
Frequency sales projections, marketing plans, the Glengarry leads, or
other intellectual property.
7,743 total incidents, 277 with confirmed data disclosure

Threat actors within this pattern are kicking back inside

Key Findings
your perimeter, plundering your databases (57%), rifling
When the threat actor is already inside your defenses, through your printed documents (16%) and accessing other
they can be quite a challenge to detectand most of the employees email (9%).
incidents are still taking months and years to discover.
Most of these perpetrators are financially motivated,
but dont rule out those who want to use your data for
competitive advantage. Collusion

With employees like these, who needs Internal

enemies? 81.6%
Malicious insiders are not always the people snarfing up vast
troves of data and packing it off to WikiLeaks tied up with
a bow. Those breaches are the ones that get the headlines, 2.9%
the glory and, potentially, land the actor in a prison cell. What
is more common is the average end-user absconding with Figure 44: Percentage of breaches per threat actor category within
data in the hope of converting it to cash somewhere down Insider and Privilege Misuse (n=277)
the line (60%). Sometimes employees let their curiosity get
the better of them and they engage in some unsanctioned In this pattern, youd expect the internal actor to feature
snooping (17%). These misuse scenarios are reflected in prominentlyand they do. But while internal actors
the types of data compromised. Personal information and accounted for 89% of the incidents, we see in Figure 44 that
medical records (71%) are targeted for financial crimes, such External and Partner actors were also represented. That is
as identity theft or tax-return fraud and occasionally just for the pattern where we most commonly see multiple actors
gossip value. that are potentially colluding (8%).

2017 Data Breach Investigations Report

The insider threat, while not as common in breaches as

external actors, is still very significant, accounting for 15%
of breaches (across all patterns, not including errors). The
practice of limiting, logging and monitoring internal account
usage extends beyond rogue employees. One of the main
goals of external adversaries is to gain access to legitimate
internal credentials to advance their assault.

Even if everyone on your payroll is a model employee devoid

of greed, dishonesty or malice, the same security controls
that are designed to identify employee misuse can also
detect external attackers masquerading as privileged users.


6 6

Secs Mins Hours Days Weeks Months Years

Figure 45: Breach discovery timeline within Insider and Privilege Misuse

The discovery timeline for this pattern, displayed in Figure

45, shows that these breaches are more likely to take
months and years to detect rather than weeks or less. When Areas of focus
it takes years to discover your organization has lost control
of sensitive data, it is a bit like watching a celestial novathe This section has touched on the following
original event occurred far back in the past, but were just commonalities: Public Administration and Healthcare
now learning the details. industries, inappropriate access of databases, financial
motivation, as well as curiosity. If we take those data
points we can tell three common stories.

Healthcare workers are accessing medical databases

either to steal PII for identity theft, or snooping on
patient medical histories.
Public administration breaches often involve workers
employed in law enforcement that are accessing
criminal databases to get dirt on somebody.
Acceptable use training, and a banner that makes it
clear that any access of personal information without
a legitimate need will be flagged and dealt with can
deter snooping.

Some of the breach discovery stems from forensic

investigations of employees devices after their
departure from the company. While important,
organizations should also focus on monitoring designed
to capture (and prevent) data transfers or USB usage
closer to real time to reduce the potential impact.

Incidents in which unintentional actions directly compromised an attribute of a security
asset. This does not include lost devices, which are grouped with theft.

At a glance
Top Industries The majority of errors in our corpus come from the
government organizations that contributed to the report, not
Healthcare, Public, Education, Professional Services because they are more prone to mistakes than the rest of us,
(breaches only)
but because they have more stringent reporting requirements
Frequency than most other industries. This year, the data from those
organizations was substantially smaller than in previous
2,478 incidents, 222 with confirmed data disclosure years. This may be due to a myriad of causes, but most of
them have more to do with the samples we were provided
Key Findings with than any massive change in human behavior.

Misdelivery of information in either electronic or paper See, what had happened was.
format continues to be the primary form of error. Publishing
and disposal errors also make a respectable showing. Figure 46 confirms that error varieties this year fall
mostly into the same camps they always do, misdelivery,
publishing errors, disposal errors and misconfiguration.
The most common form of misdelivery by far is mailing
Mistakes were made paper documents to an unintended recipient (sadly, we did
not have one instance of a clay tablet or a papyrus scroll
Alexander Pope wrote that To err is human, to forgive is going astray).
divine, but he wrote it long before the advent of breach
notification laws. You can rest assured that we all continue to Publication errors occur when information becomes available
be human, but we now have a much larger stage on which to or viewable electronically to an unintended audience, e.g.,
showcase our folly. the document you intended for your intranet page is open to
the internet at large. Disposal error may be in third place with
It is important to make two distinct points with regard to regard to Figure 46, but it is always the Blue Ribbon winner
error. Firstly, according to VERIS, error is only selected when when it comes to jaw-dropping disbelief and downright
that error itself is the proximate cause of the breach. One comedy.
could persuasively argue that all breaches have an error
somewhere in the chain of events, but if it did not directly
lead to the breach, it is classified under some other pattern.
Secondly, the results of this report are based largely on the
data derived from contributing organizations, and those
organizations do not remain consistent year after year. New
ones join, some depart or take a temporary hiatus.

2017 Data Breach Investigations Report

Misdelivery 114 External 154

Publishing error 43 Internal 19

Disposal error Customer

20 117

Misconfiguration Found documents

12 17

Omission Reported by employee

11 12

Programming error Actor disclosure

8 2

Malfunction Incident response

4 1

Gaffe Law enforcement

4 1

Data entry error Other

3 1
Other 1
Figure 47: Breach discovery methods within Miscellaneous Errors (n=174)

Figure 46: Top 10 threat action varieties within Miscellaneous Error

breaches (n=212) Figure 47 shows it is usually the customer (76%) who lets
you know you messed up. If they find their information on
Our corpus is rife with such antics as selling filing cabinets display on your website, or get someone elses medical
that are full of medical records, and even organizations records delivered to their house, they will typically give you a
attempting to surreptitiously discard PII at a city dump shout out to let you know about it.
while a reporter from a major newspaper looked on
unbeknownst to them. Perhaps we should create a Darwin Coming in at the number two spot like a game show
Award for data disposal screw-ups? contestant with a parting gift at 11% are documents found
by external parties. These are notifications from people like
Bringing up the rear is misconfiguration, similar to publishing the guy who received the filing cabinets from the auction
error but different. A couple of examples are when your site mentioned above. If we were to disclose all the various
admin mistypes a firewall rule that allows certain private ways and means external parties find sensitive documents,
information to be viewable to everyone rather than a select the reader would lose faith in humanity, so we will draw a veil
audience as intended. Or an administrator turns on debug over this and move on.
logging thus dumping sensitive information into clear-
text files. To end on a positive note, in about 8% of cases the error
was found by a conscientious and attentive employee who
noticed something odd and reported it.

Areas of focus
There are no firewall rules for human inattentiveness, no Keep records of past mistakes and use them in security
alerting system for carelessness. But, there are a few training. Leaving PII on a park bench could be just as
basic policy and procedure-related steps to minimize damaging, and as costly, to your organization as spear
human error. phishing, so dont forget to cover the basics of handling,
storage, delivery and disposal of anything that could be or
Have a formal procedure for discarding ANYTHING that has been an issue in the past.
might have the slightest chance of containing sensitive
information. This includes everything from desktops to Ensure there is a second reviewer who approves anything
wastepaper baskets. Then make sure that the policy that is published or posted to company servers and web
is enforced and there are records kept to prove they pages. Monitor webpages to catch publishing errors
were enforced. before an external party does.

Payment Card
All incidents in which a skimming device was physically implanted (tampering) on an
asset that reads magnetic stripe data from a payment card
(e.g. ATMs, gas pumps, POS terminals, etc.).

At a glance
Top Industries Generally speaking, the findings in this area do not change a
great deal from year to year. However, this year we saw one
Retail, Finance particular shift from previous years that is worthy of remark.
The number of incidents involving gas pump terminals
Frequency increased over three-fold from last year, while at the same
time, there was approximately a 25% decrease from last year
118 total incidents, 89 with confirmed data disclosure
in the number of incidents with ATMs as the affected asset.
This may simply be a result of the number and type of cases
Key Findings
our contributors provided us for this year, or it may be a
ATMs continue to account for the majority of incidents, developing trend, but either way we will keep a weather eye
however, the number of ATM attacks fell by 25%, while the out to see if it continues.
number of gas pump terminal-related attacks more than
tripled. Attackers are mostly from Eastern Europe and
Cuba. Nobodys fault but thine
One of the basic human needs is the need to have someone
to blame. Which brings us to the next question, who is
The song remains the same responsible for these crimes? As we have stated in the
almost past, due to the organizations who contribute the relevant
data for this section, it is almost entirely US-centric from
Payment Card Skimmers continue to be a lucrative method a victim standpoint. However, from a perpetrator point of
of obtaining cash for criminals, and as we have pointed out view it can be laid squarely at the door of organized crime.
before, those criminals clearly do not want to rock the boat As in previous reports, Eastern Europe continues to loom
by changing their methods. No doubt you, gentle reader, large when it comes to payment card skimming, with 60%
have seen the videos on YouTube in which an ATM skimmer of attacks attributed to actors from Romania when the
is installed quicker than Superman can change clothes criminals origin could be definitively determined. Cuba
in a phone booth. The speed and ease with which these is making an appearance this year, with approximately
attacks are carried out, the potential for relatively high yield 16% of skimming cases. Naturally, the heads of these
results, and the comparatively low chance of being caught all criminal groups arent canoeing over here and installing
combine to make skimming a very popular threat action type them themselves, they have local helpers that do the
in our dataset. physical labor.

2017 Data Breach Investigations Report

Chip and pin the shot heard across

the living room
Back in 2015, we included a brief section in anticipation of
the adoption of EMV (Chip and Pin) that was mandated for External 64
the US by October of that year. So, now that we are two
years further along we thought it only fair to look back at
Internal 8
how the technology may have changed things with regard
to skimming. At the time, we reminded readers that they
should curb their enthusiasm as the primary change taking Fraud detection
place (at first anyway) was simply a shift in liability. Namely,
whomever had the lesser technology in place at the time of Law enforcement
a breach, be it merchants who had yet to upgrade terminals 21
or banks that failed to issue shiny new EMV cards would
bear the blame. So, having said all that, the jury is still out. Customer
It is not often, (well, ok, almost never) that one sees an ATM (External)
that is EMV-ready, while there are substantially more reports
Reported by employee
of Bigfoot sightings than there are gas pumps with a chip 4
reader26. So, given their relative scarcity, it is not likely that
Chip and Pin technology has to any great degree changed Other
our findings within this pattern. However, chip readers are 2
slowly becoming more prevalent and it will be interesting
to see how the tactics used by criminals change when that Partner 2
happens. According to creditcards.com27, as of late 2016
approximately 25% of US ATMs are chip-ready. However, it is
Fraud detection
important to remember that these ATMs are primarily those (Internal) 1
owned by the very large consumer banks that see a great
deal of traffic. The relatively high cost of installation on the Incident response
(Internal) 1
one hand, and the financial liability for non-compliance on the
other, may combine to make lower-traffic convenience store
ATMs a thing of the past.
Figure 48: Discovery methods for Payment Card Skimmer breaches (n=74)

Your time is gonna come

External parties continue to account for almost all breach
discovery. It is noteworthy that discovery by law enforcement
has increased from last year and has almost caught up
with fraud detection via Common Point of Purchase (CPP) Areas of focus
algorithms. Figure 48 indicates that internal discovery is
lagging behind. Hope and optimism allows us to speculate Monitor your outdoor terminals via video surveillance
that when discovered by internal mechanisms the situation is and make a point to review the tapes periodically.
handled in such a way that it does not end up in our corpus. This may enable you to learn of tampering sooner and
However, with small gas stations we also must be realists thereby reduce the impact. Check the machinery as
the attendant is more concerned with selling lotto tickets part of routine closing or opening procedure. Include
and tree-shaped air fresheners and cant be expected to be a visual inspection of all terminals as part of your
everywhere at once. schedule and train your employees to know what to
look for.

Use tamper-evident controls when possible. For

example, place tamper resistant tape over the doors of
the gas pump terminals and check physically each day
to see if the tape has been disturbed. Also check the
In fairness, ATMs and gas terminals have yet to reach their liability shift
deadline. inside of the terminal for evidence of foreign objects.
Point of Sale
Remote attacks against the environments where card-present retail transactions
are conducted. POS terminals and POS controllers are the targeted assets. Physical
tampering of PIN entry device (PED) pads or swapping out devices is covered in the
Payment Card Skimmers section.

At a glance
Top Industries 45.4%

Accommodation and Food services, Retail


212 total incidents, 207 with confirmed data disclosure

Key Findings
Accommodation, specifically restaurants, was the
most prevalent victim of POS Intrusions. Use of stolen 6.7%
credentials to access POS environments continues 0%
to rise and is almost double that of brute force for 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
hacking actions.
RAM scraping continues to be very pervasive, but
Figure 49: Point of Sale Intrusions pattern as a percentage of all breaches
keylogging/spyware malware increased substantially as over time
part of multi-function malware targeting POS systems.
Continuing the trend over the last several years, the sprees
(single threat actor, many victims) represented in this data The point we are trying to get across
are a byproduct of successful attacks against POS vendors
and cannot be attributed to automated attacks targeting POS breachesprimarily opportunistic and external-actor-
poorly configured, internet-facing POS devices. drivenrepresented a little over 10% of all breaches this
year. As you can see in Figure 49 POS breaches have
declined over the years.

Back in our 2011 report, our findings were dominated by

scalable, automated attacks targeting internet-visible
POS servers with default credentials. We saw this method
of compromise over and over again in primarily small
organizations. Fast forward to the 2014 report where 2013
was referred to as the year of the retailer breach, not
because of how many organizations fell victim, but the
fact that POS intrusions were affecting big retailers with
significant impacts. The good news is that this pattern has
(for this year at least) gone back to being primarily a small
business problem.

2017 Data Breach Investigations Report

Use of
of stolen
credscreds 113 113 Partner
Partner 105 105

Use of
of backdoor/C2 106 106 Backdoor
or C2or C2 105 105

forceforce 58 58 Desktop
sharing 65 65

SQLiSQLi 1 Third-party
desktop 3
desktop 3

overflow 1
overflow 1 Web Web
application 1
application 1

1 1

Breaches Breaches
Figure 50: Hacking varieties (n=175) and vectors (n=176) within Point of Sale Intrusions

Figure 50 focuses on some specifics around POS 100%

hacking. Almost 65% of breaches involved the use of
stolen credentials as the hacking variety, while a little
over a third employed brute force to compromise POS
systems. Following the same trend as last year, 95% of
breaches featuring the use of stolen credentials leveraged Fraud Detection
vendor remote access to hack into their customers POS 75%

Malware almost always scraped data from running memory

(95%), while a little over half of POS breaches featured
Breach percent

keyloggers. This is a significant increase from last year.

Wed like to caveat this by saying this finding came from a
spree that featured POS malware with both RAM scraping
and keylogging functionalities. We expect POS malware
families to continue to perform multiple jobs, including Law
communications to C2 infrastructure along with the capture Enforcement
and exporting of data.

Finally, lets move onto discovery. Figure 51 shows that 25%

most breaches were discovered via fraud detectiona 25%
increase on last year. While law enforcement dropped to
nine times less and customers fell to six times less when Third Party
comparing years. Regardless of which external discovery
method is present, the means in which that external party Internal
made the discovery is almost always related to the post-
compromise fraud or in the case of law enforcement, 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
additional victims are notified after one victim is identified via
Figure 51: Select discovery methods within Point of Sale Intrusion
CPP or customer notification. breaches over time

Areas of focus
We continue to hope that POS vendors apply more efforts Strengthening authentication and limiting remote access
in securing their remote access mechanisms to their into the POS environments is essential. For a small mom-
customers. We recommend all businesses, small and large, and-pop operation it may be merely ensuring that the
ask the right questions to any third-party management systems are not internet-visible. For larger targets, it will
vendors about their security practices, specifically about be a more arduous task, but as our data shows this year, it
use of two-factor authentication. is not an impossible one.

Physical Theft
and Loss
Any incident where an information asset went missing, whether through misplacement
or malice.

At a glance
Top Industries It starts with encryption. Full disk encryption is available
natively on both Windows (BitLocker) and Mac (FileVault).
Public, Healthcare Implementation is simple, and is either a three or four-
step process respectively for an individual device28. For a
Frequency community of mobile devices, these technologies can be
part of the standard build, and implemented and validated via
5,698 Incidents, 74 with confirmed data disclosure
centralized management.
Key Findings
Not all assets can be encryptedpaper documentation in
Consistent with prior reports, misplacement is more particular. The majority of confirmed breaches involve lost
common than theft. Top industries are influenced by our documents (several with record-loss totals in the thousands).
data contributors and regulatory requirements rather than We dont assume a confidentiality loss for every lost device,
a higher likelihood of loss. but we can be more liberal in inferring disclosure when the
data is literally printed in black and white. This requires
adjusting corporate culture to not print out sensitive data if
not necessary for business operations, or tokenizing data
Hasta la vista, assets when printing is required. This will also help with disposal
errors covered in another pattern.
This pattern is the yin to the Cyber-Espionage yang. Big in
terms of number of incidentsbut not a heck of a lot to talk We do have instances where the misuse action category
about. We can rehash recommendations around security- is present, such as cases where a user either prints or
awareness training to educate your user base to not leave downloads sensitive data to an external drive, which is then
laptops in cars, or being more careful to not leave their subsequently lost or stolen. Hammer home data-handling
tablets on a subway. But the best take-away from this section policies and monitor for inappropriate data transfers.
is to understand that people will inevitably lose things. Oscar
Wilde once quipped To lose one parent may be regarded
as a misfortune; to lose both looks like carelessness. His Areas of focus
witticism does, in a circuitous manner, apply to theft and loss:
people are often careless. We can, however, take appropriate We cant eliminate losing assets, but we can do
measures to significantly reduce the impact of the physical a better job of putting ourselves in a defensible
loss of assets. position to avoid the unpleasant experience of
breach notifications.

Web Application
Any incident in which a web application was the vector of attack. This includes
exploits of code-level vulnerabilities in the application as well as thwarting
authentication mechanisms.

At a glance
Top Industries Battling the bots
Finance, Public, Information Moving on to breaches, 77% were the targets of botnet
activity, which has been a prominent and repeating trend
Frequency in this pattern (Hello, Dridex my old friend). So we decided
6,502 total incidents (3,583 additional with secondary to examine web application breaches with and without the
motivation) 571 with confirmed data disclosure botnet subset to get the full picture and accommodate
for bias. With botnets included, 93% of breaches were
Key Findings associated with organized crime. The actions taken tell the
The breaches within this pattern are heavily influenced by same story as last year; hundreds of breaches involving
information gathered by contributors involved in the Dridex social attacks on customers via email attachments, followed
botnet takedown. Hundreds of breaches involving social by banking Trojans, and the subsequent use of stolen
attacks on customers, followed by the Dridex malware and credentials captured by keyloggers or form grabbers.
subsequent use of credentials captured by keyloggers
dominate the actions.
Removing the bot bias
When we analyzed the data with the botnet breaches
Compared to last year, we saw a higher number of web excluded to uncover any hidden treasures, we found that
application incidents, yet a lower number of breaches. many things had shifted for the remaining 131 breaches
Specifically, a majority of the incidents in this pattern compared to what we mentioned above. The top external
involved website defacements reported by several CERTs, actor became unaffiliated persons (42%), which bumped
where data disclosure was not confirmed. Honing in on the organized crime down to second place (32%). The use of
incidents that were not defacement or repurposing (see stolen credentials still leads the way from a hacking variety
secondary motives call-out below), the data reflects that, standpoint, but our old friend SQL injection (SQLi) makes a
once again, use of stolen credentials, phishing and C2/ solid showing as well in Figure 52.
backdoors were the lead action varieties this yearpresent
in over 60% of the remaining incidents.

2017 Data Breach Investigations Report

Personal 76
Use of stolen creds 33

Credentials 40

SQLi 23
Payment 17

Internal 16
Brute force 7

Medical 13

Use of backdoor/C2 5
Bank 7

Other 6
Forced browsing 4

Secrets 4

Abuse of functionality 4
Virtual currency 1

Source code 1
Figure 52: Top hacking varieties within Web Application Attack breaches
botnet activity excluded (n=72)

Figure 53 clues us into the types of data targeted and

Figure 53: Varieties of compromised data within Web Application Attack
captured via web applications. Personal data takes the place breachesbotnet activity excluded (n=161)
of credentials as the most frequently compromised type of
data, found in more than half of breaches.

A means to an end Areas of focus

Lets not disregard the secondary characters in our As websites are becoming more interactive and
story, they too have a purpose. As we mentioned in the versatileand thus complexto provide a solid user
2015 DBIR, we noticed utilitarianism in the works; there experience, we should focus more on the underlying
were high-profile instances of hackers targeting web infrastructure, logic, and functionality of these assets
servers as a means to set up an attack on a different and the data that they store.
target, a tactic known as a Strategic Web Compromise.
When modeling the incident from the standpoint of Limit the amount of personal information or site
the site affected, the motive is secondary. The primary credentials stored on a web application or backend
motive of espionage was applied to the visitors to databases to the minimum needed to run your
the website. An even more common occurrence is operation, and protect the rest via encryption.
opportunistic compromises of websites to build an Use a second factor of authentication into a web
attackers infrastructure (e.g., C2 server, serve up application that would require a completely different
malware, turn into a phishing site). We now have attack pattern to compromise than the initial
over 34,000 total incidents in our corpus that had a password.
secondary motive, almost all of which are associated Patch CMS and plug-ins consistently and ensure you
with organized criminal groups. As in previous years, are notified when out-of-cycle patches are made
we are limited in the details of these attacks, which is available.
the primary reason we again culled them from our main Yes, SQLi is still around; perform web application
analysis. It is good to have situational awareness of the scanning and testing to find potential SQLi and other
adversary infrastructure, but the usefulness of these input validation weaknesses.
incidents in this study ends there.

Everything Else
Any incident that did not classify as one of the nine patterns.

At a glance
Top Industries The second bar represents footprinting incidents and these
were mostly from the same data contributor. We just dont
Manufacturing, Education, Public (incidents) know what threat actions preceded or followed the network
mapping. We know, the suspense is killing us too!
The third and most interesting bar represents business
870 total incidents, 184 with confirmed data disclosure
email compromises (BEC). These incidents involve
communications, typically via email and from THE CEO
Key Findings
ordering a wire transfer, and providing a scenario that is
believable and requires quick attention.
Participants in DoS bots, social engineering and
information gathering via network footprinting comprise
the majority of incidents in this pattern. Phishing

Details, details (Hacking)

Everything else is the catch-all pattern; particularly for Pretexting

incidents and breaches that have some information, but are 48
lacking enough information to help classify them better. We
can wish all we want for those details to fall out of the sky, Use of stolen creds
but a better activity is to utilize what we do have. When we (Hacking)
do, we can uncover some useful findings. The first three bars
in Figure 54 represent distinct attack narratives. Brute force
The first bar represents low-fidelity phishing breaches where
we know phishing was involved and the bait was taken, but C2
not much else. Since most phishing involves malware, we can (Malware)
infer that at least some of the phishing incidents went down
that path.
Figure 54: Top threat action varieties within Everything Else (n=529)

Wrap Up

So, that wraps up our 10th installment of this report. Ten From the beginning our primary goal was, and still remains,
years is a long time. It took 10 years to build the Brooklyn to help organizations understand the threats they are
Bridge, Michelangelo spent roughly 10 years working on the facing, and enable them to make sound evidence-based risk
Sistine chapel, and 10 years is the average length of time management decisions. Again, we thank you, our readers,
required to play a standard game of Monopoly. No, not really, and our contributors for helping to make this report a
but it sometimes feels like it. A lot can happen in a decade. In success, and we hope that it continues to provide you with
that time, the DBIR went from a brief report totally comprised insight and helpful, actionable data.
of breaches investigated by one entity (Verizon), which
were primarily focused on Financial and Retail verticals,
to a collaborative effort with as many as 70 organizations
spanning the globe. Over the last decade our scope has
broadened to encompass a bit of almost everything cyber- We are stronger together.
related that is occurring in enterprises around the world.

Many new threats have emerged or evolved in that time span:

hacktivism moving from availability attacks to full-blown data At the end of the day, we are stronger together than any one
breaches, the prevalence of nation-state and state-affiliated of us is alone, so we encourage you to continue to share your
espionage, the rise and dominance of phishing, DDoS data, your ideas and your feedback. Due in large part to your
attacks, more sophisticated and polymorphic malwarthe support, we have enjoyed 10 years of publishing in-depth
list goes on. analysis and sharing. Here is hoping for number 11, because
as the great sage Nigel Tufnel once so eloquently stated, 11
Likewise, the DBIR has evolved and matured along with the is one louder than 10.
industry and the threats that it must combat. From its more
humble and simplistic beginnings the DBIR has become
more robust and expansive over the years. The addition
of the United States Secret Service as a contributor in
the 2010 report helped to open the floodgates for other
organizations to feel comfortable sharing breach-related
datasomething that was more or less unheard of prior
to that event. The addition and refinement of the VERIS
framework, the inclusion of non-incident data to enrich our
view of data breaches, the introduction of the nine patterns
in 2014, and the creation of specific industry vertical sections
have combined to help organizations prepare to meet the
challenges that each new year brings.


Appendix A:

Countering an
Evolving Transnational
Cybercrime Threat
Robert Novy
Deputy Assistant Director
United States Secret Service

Transnational cybercrime has steadily evolved over the past Secret Service cybercrime investigations have resulted
20 years, requiring continued adaptation to strategically in the arrest and successful prosecution of numerous
counter this threat. In the late 1990s and early 2000s, cybercriminals that have been involved in some of the largest
websites like Boa Factory, Carder Planet and ShadowCrew known data breaches, including many of the leaders of these
were established to coordinate this transnational cybercrime early transnational cybercriminal groups.
activity. However, these websites were just the visible
manifestations of a complex network of cybercriminals, Despite this, some of the participants in those early days of
located primarily in Eastern Europe, that were being formed cybercrime have engaged in multi-year campaigns totaling
to exploit cyberspace for their illicit financial gain. US hundreds of millions (if not billions) in financial fraud losses,
financial and payment systems were, and remain, the natural in addition to other costs to victim businesses and their
target for much of this criminal activityfor the simple customers. These criminals have reinvested their proceeds
reason, as the bank robber Willie Sutton was once reported to develop formidable criminal enterprises, and facilitated
to have quipped, Thats where the money is at. the development of a robust underground for a wide range
of cybercrime services, which enable a wide range of illicit
cyber activity.

However, some of the most significant cyber threat actors

Thats where the moneys at. generally do not participate in these criminal marketplaces.
Instead, they have developed organizations that have cartel-
like qualities and coordinate their criminal activity through
a closely trusted collective. These criminal organizations
The Secret Service has a long history of safeguarding are rapidly growing in both technical and financial
financial and payment systems from criminal exploitation. sophisticationas they find new ways to gain unauthorized
In 1865, the threat we were founded to address was that of access to networks and new ways to profit from that access.
counterfeit currency. As our financial payment systems have
evolved, from paper to plastic to, now, digital information, Countering transnational criminal organizations like these
so too has our investigative mission. Today, our modern has become a critical priority of the Secret Service as we
financial system depends heavily on information technology work to safeguard the integrity of US financial and payment
for convenience and efficiency. Accordingly, criminals systems. The sophistication, capabilities, and financial
have adapted their methods and are increasingly using incentives for these cyber criminal enterprises largely render
cyberspace to exploit our nations financial payment system network defenses and traditional efforts at deterrence
by engaging in fraud and other illegal activities. insufficient. Instead, what is required is a proactive campaign
for countering, degrading and containing their unlawful

2017 Data Breach Investigations Report

We believe such a campaign presents our best opportunity The purpose of information sharing should not be narrowly
to reduce the substantial homeland security risks posed by considered in the context of cybersecuritybut rather, we
these organizations, and to degrade the malicious cyber need to broadly consider how to minimize the illicit gains for
capabilities of a broad range of cyber threatsfrom nation- the perpetrator and financial harm
state organizations to less sophisticated criminals. to victims.

Such a campaign to counter transnational cybercrime Through our network of Electronic Crimes Task Forces
involves numerous activities and objectives, most of which and trusted partnerships with private sector and other law
the Secret Service cannot accomplish in isolation. As a enforcement agencies, the Secret Service has been able
first step, we need to shift some of the current focus on to effectively share critical information on cybercrime,
preventing unauthorized access or damage to our computer while protecting privacy interests and our investigative
networks, to preventing and minimizing the ability of criminals sources and methodsincluding highly sensitive undercover
to profit from their malicious cyber activities. The Secret operations and confidential informants that have penetrated
Service does this through a variety of means, from targeting some of the most sophisticated transnational cybercriminal
the money laundering and digital currencies they use, like we organizations.
did in our cases that shutdown Liberty Reserve and eGold,
to notifying victims of ongoing network intrusions. Certainly It is for this information sharing purpose that the Secret
one purpose of our victim notifications is to enable them to Service first partnered with Verizon for the Data Breach
restore the security of their networks, but more importantly Investigations Report. We are proud to see so many
it is to minimize the cybercriminals opportunity to profit organizations have also come to contribute data to this
from their activities and inflict financial harms on victim report, and we encourage more to do so. No organization can
organizations. singlehandedly develop an understanding of the full range of
cybersecurity threats, much less be effective at countering
Sadly, some companies continue to react to notifications these threats.
of a cybersecurity incident with denial and are far too slow
to take action to protect themselves, their customers,
partners and other businesses from financial losses from
the malicious cyber activity. To help prepare companies The DBIR has developed into
and their security, legal and IT departments to respond
a critical resource...
swiftly and responsibly to cybersecurity incidents, the
Secret Service encourages organizations to develop and
exercise a cybersecurity incident response plan that involves
specialized expert legal counsel, outside cyber incident The DBIR has developed into a critical resource for
response and forensics organizations, and law enforcement. assessing the nature of cybersecurity threats and
drives our ability, collectively, to identify opportunities
Second, as a community we need to get better at sharing to effectively counter these threats. The Secret Service
information on threats and incidents. This includes sharing remains committed to working with all potential partners
not just the indicators of compromise (malware hashes, for the purpose of preventing, detecting and investigating
YARA rules and such), but also working with law enforcement cybercrimes.
to investigate and bring the perpetrators to justice. It also
requires sharing the more general context of cybersecurity
incidents to inform prioritization of cybersecurity actions and
law enforcement efforts to counter particularly damaging

Appendix B:

The Patch
Process Leftovers
Only a single-digit percentage of breaches in this DBIR The top line patches some findings immediately and then
involved exploiting a vulnerability. That is comforting, but it again before the one-month scan. The bottom line patches
doesnt mean we are condoning a moratorium on vulnerability before the one-week and one-month scans, after which
scanning or patching vulnerabilities. Having a good patch they have patched everything theyll be patching. In reality,
process is a fundamental security practice. But how do you organizations have vastly different curves. Some patch a
define what good is for you and how can you measure majority of what they plan to patch immediately. Others
against it? patch slowly over time.

Figure 55 gives us a way to look at patching progress. It Each organizations patching can be represented by
shows how, over time, the vulnerability scan findings29 of an two numbers: The area under the curve (AUC) and
organization are fixed. The green line roughly represents a the percentage completed on time (COT). AUC is a
normal organization30 while the orange line represents, (all representation of how protected you are while you are
other things being equal) an organization better than almost actively patching, knocking a majority of the findings out
three-quarters of their peers. These examples demonstrate quickly will result in a higher AUC. COT is the amount of
patching happens multiple times. vulnerabilities patched at cut-off time (12 weeks in Figure 57).
As we demonstrated in last years DBIR31, findings that arent
patched quickly tend to go unpatched for a long period of
time. We call these the leftovers.

100% 76.6% AUC/94% COT

Percent of findings fixed

43.6% AUC/61% COT



0 4 8 12
Weeks taken to fix finding

Figure 55: Comparison of organization area under the curve (AUC) percentage

While all analysis in this section has informational findings removed, you need to consider findings in the context of your organization. Telnet enabled is
informational until you find default creds on webcams.
Technically its the 55th percentile, not the 50th like the median would be, but you get the idea.
2016 Data Breach Investigations Report, Page 16, Paragraph 1 and Figure 13
2017 Data Breach Investigations Report

Completed on what time?

We just mentioned completed on time, but what time is
that? Its the cut-off time before which findings are actively 100%
worked. Your organizations patch cycle, if you will. We found
12 weeks was where most organizations had completed
their patch process through analysis of roughly 116,000
vulnerabilities within organizations. This also aligns with a
quarterly patch process. We used the phrase earlier All
things being equal and we know they arent. You should
ground your process around the exploitability of the findings
you are addressing.
User device
53.5% AUC
Not all vulnerabilities get to experience the joy of exploitation

Percent of findings fixed

83% COT
in the wild so a universal patch cycle or on-time metric
for all the findings is infeasible and inefficient. Ultimately Server
you want to fix findings before the actors start exploiting. 45.8% AUC
Findings that have real-world exploitation will have an 75% COT
escalated patch cycle, as well as vulnerabilities on identified
critical assets. So on time may be seven days for those
findings, where a quarterly patch cycle may be the norm for
the rest. In other words, AUC and COT can be calculated for
any subset of the findings. Network
31.8% AUC
68% COT
Each subset can be prioritized by the exploitability of the
finding, the business criticality of the asset, and/or its 25%
threat actor exposure. And just like the fourth Friday in
November, leftovers can be fine. It is however, important for
organizations to know what these unpatched findings are 24.9% AUC
and how they have addressed the risk or documented their 44% COT
acceptance of it. We will analyze the leftover findings in
this years combined vulnerability scan dataset later in the
section. 0%
10 30 100
Days taken to fix finding
Going back to the overall numbers, if you need a starting
point, half of all companies have an AUC below 51% and
Figure 56: Comparison of patching per asset type
COT of 76%. The top quarter of companies have an AUC of
about 80% and COT nearing 100%. In Figure 55, the upper
line has an AUC of 76.8%, meaning they are only potentially In Figure 56, we break the results out by asset type and use
vulnerablewe cant account for false positives within this a cut-off time of 100 days. The graph illustrates user devices
datasetto roughly 23% of the findings over the course of have a higher AUC and COT (53% and 83% respectively) vs.
12 weeks. The bottom line has a much lower AUC of 43.6% servers (46% AUC and 75% COT), network devices (32%
meaning they are vulnerable to over half of the findings AUC and 68% COT) and embedded devices32 (25% AUC and
across the duration of the patch cycle. At the cut-off time of 44% COT). User devices are patched quickly and then again
12 weeks, the upper line has a COT of 94% meaning theyve after about a month, while servers receive their biggest jump
fixed 94% of their findings. On the other hand, with a COT of closer to a month after discovery. Network devices arent
61%, almost 40% of the lower lines findings are leftovers. patched until the end of the quarter.

These are mostly VOIP adapters and environmental monitors.
2017 Data Breach Investigations Report


User device Server Network Embedded

Figure 57: Analysis of leftover findings

Leftover analysis
So what exactly is up with the findings that are still hanging What is important is to understand what pockets of
around? Figure 57 shows some patterns in the remaining vulnerabilities are lingering in your environment and not be
or leftover findings. Each spot is a single finding on a single surprised by their existence.
host. How dark a spot is indicates if the finding was found
repeatedly. In the end, this section provides some bars you can measure
yourself by, but whats more important is understanding
The berry colored dots A are an indication that a few your AUC and COT and the leftover findings in the context
network devices have repeat findings that are simply not of your organization. Measure the threat and impact to your
being patched. organization to turn findings into risks. And, ultimately, put
your risks in context with each other to understand your
On the other hand, the B column indicates a single device organizations full
that has many vulnerabilities that appeared one or a few attack surface33.
times. This is an opportunity to investigate why it was
found vulnerable when other assets were not.

Finally, C represents a suite of similar vulnerabilitiesin

this case SSL vulnerabilities that are repeatedly found
on multiple servers. Those findings could be false positives,
or be determined to be low-risk by the organization and
thus that scary orange bar could be a non-issue.

For more information about attack surfaces, see the 2016 Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report, Appendix D.

Appendix C:

Year in Review

January March
The Verizon Threat Research Advisory Center looks back Ransomware in healthcare organizations continued in
on 2016 as being a year stacked with monumental events March, striking 10 hospitals and 250 outpatient centers in
impacting information security risk. 2016 stands out in this the MedStar network in the Washington DC area. Methodist
respect more so than any other year since we launched Hospital in Henderson, KY was hit by Locky ransomware.
the DBIR. The electricity blackout that struck Ukraine on Samsam ransomware struck two facilities in California, the
December 23, 2015 became the first of these events as Chino Valley Medical Center and Desert Valley Hospital in
developing related intelligence became a priority tasking Victorville. 21st Century Oncology provides services across
in January and through the first quarter. To be sure, as we the US and reported a data breach that compromised 2.2
experienced in past years, other trends developed as well. million patient records. As the US approached the deadline
Austria-based aerospace manufacturer FACC AG was the for income tax reporting, cybercriminals mounted a variation
victim of a 50 million business email compromise (BEC) on BEC by targeting W-2 income statement forms. According
attack. Over the next several days after the company to Cloudmark, 68 companies had W-2 phishing breaches in
announced the attack, it lost almost 45 million in market the first four months of the year. Top-tier websites including
capitalization. Almost simultaneously, Belgian bank Crelan the New York Times, BBC, AOL and MSN exposed visitors
announced they were the victim of a 78 million BEC fraud. to TeslaCrypt ransomware via malvertising with the Angler
exploit kit.
Four milestones emerged in February: A collaborative April
effort by more than a dozen security companies and Four major events set the tone for April beginning with
response teams produced the Operation Blockbuster report revelations that over 11 million documents were stolen or
detailing the November 2014 cyberattack on Sony Pictures leaked from the law firm Mossack Fonseca. The Panama
Entertainment (SPE). We began collecting the emerging Papers had a global impact on business and international
reports of a US$80 million compromise of the central bank in relations similar to, but on a smaller scale than, Edward
Bangladesh. Attackers used social engineering and malware Snowdens leaks. The next event occurred when a GozNym
to abuse the SWIFT system. We would later learn the same malware campaign struck 22 US and Canadian banks to the
threat actor was probably responsible for both SPE and tune of US$4 million. Every major website in the Netherlands
Bangladesh Bank. Kaspersky led reporting on the Equation suffered from a malvertising attack in April. About half the
Group, a cyber-espionage threat actor most analysts link to population of the Republic of the Philippines were victims of
the USAs National Security Agency. Ransomware attacks on the data breach at the Commission on Elections.
healthcare organizations were the next milestone and trend.
Ransomware caused Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center
to declare an internal emergency. They were successful in
negotiating the ransom down from US$3.5 million to US$17K.

2017 Data Breach Investigations Report

May September
The first major operation in 2016 by a cyber-espionage In September, Yahoo announced a data breach from 2014
threat actor was Mays milestone. The Turla group has been that compromised the accounts of 500 million. Three
operating since 2008. In May, Switzerlands CERT reported months later, it announced a different breach from 2013
a 20-month Turla operation targeting the Swiss defense had compromised one billion accounts. On September 20,
company, RUAG. BAE Systems analyzed the malware used the website of security journalist Brian Krebs suffered a
in the Bangladesh Bank fraud and linked it to the Lazarus 600+Gbps DDoS attack. Two days later, French hosting
threat actor. We learned The Tien Phong Joint Stock Bank company OVH reported they had been the target of a 1Tb
in Vietnam and Banco del Austro in Ecuador had thwarted Gbps DDoS attack. We later learned both of these DDoS
attempted SWIFT frauds similar to Februarys attack on attacks were delivered using the Mirai worm that infected IoT
Bangladesh Bank. devices.

June October/November
The good guys greatest success of the year came in June Major events in autumn in the Northern Hemisphere included
when Russian law enforcement made 55 arrests of the Lurk waves of Internet of Things DDoS malware attacks. Two
group. Those arrests crippled the Angler and Nuclear exploit with far-reaching impacts were DoS attacks on hosted DNS
kits. A bank in Ukraine lost US$10 million to SWIFT fraud. On provider DYN on October 21 and on Deutsche Telekom
June 15, CrowdStrike published, Bears in the Midst: Intrusion on November 27. Palo Alto Networks released their
into the Democratic National Committee. In the US, for SilverTerrier report and they characterized it as the next
the remainder of 2016, information security and geopolitics evolution in Nigerian cybercrime. Palo Alto analyzed 8,000+
became inseparable. malware samples to identify 500+ domains being abused
by about 100 threat actors to launch 5,000-8,000 BEC and
July 419 fraud attacks per month.
If only we could have known beforehand that July was the
best month to schedule vacations. The customary Oracle December
and JavaScript critical patch update was the most significant Moscow-based security company Group-IB issued press
security announcement. A new offering in the malware releases claiming the Cobalt threat actor was infecting
marketplace launched in the form of the Petya and Mischa banks with ATM jackpotting malware. But we had no
ransomware-as-a-service. The attacks abusing the SWIFT technical details on Cobalt ATM attacks until a December
network earlier in the year exemplified taking Suttons law report from Positive Technologies. One of the worst
to an extreme. In July, a variation on that theme led the cybercriminal groups, Anunak is almost certainly linked to the
Union Bank of India to thwart an attack on a US dollar nostro Cobalt gangs ATM jackpotting attacks. Trustwave reported
account. Anunak, was targeting the hospitality sector. The Verizon
Threat Research Advisory Center is still working to define
August the relationships between Anunak, Buhtrap and Cobalt. The
On August 1, the threat actor Peace listed 200 million best news of 2016 came in December with the takedown of
Yahoo account logins on The Real Deal cybercrime the Avalanche cybercrime operation including five arrests
marketplace. Miscreants stole almost 120,000 bitcoin, valued and seizure of 39 infrastructure servers.
at that time at about $65 million from the bitcoin exchange
Bitfinex. The Shadow Brokers began their campaign to
peddle 250MB of files stolen or leaked from the NSAs
Equation Group. The Anunak threat actor breached the
customer support portal of Oracles MICROS point-of-sale
system. Leoni AG, the worlds 4th largest manufacturer of
wire and electrical cables lost 40 million in a BEC scam.
Brisbane, Australia lost AUD $450,000 to a BEC attack.

Appendix D:

Based on feedback, one of the things readers value most Incident eligibility
about this report is the level of rigor and integrity we employ
when collecting, analyzing and presenting data. Knowing For a potential entry to be eligible for the incident/breach
our readership cares about such things and consumes this corpus, a couple of requirements must be met. The entry
information with a keen eye helps keep us honest. Detailing must be a confirmed security incident defined as a loss of
our methods is an important part of that honesty. confidentiality, integrity, or availability. In addition to meeting
the baseline definition of security incident, the entry is
Our overall methodology remains intact and largely assessed for quality. We create a subset of incidents (more
unchanged from previous years. All incidents included in on subsets later) that pass our quality filter. The details of
this report were individually reviewed and converted (if what is a quality incident are:
necessary) into the VERIS framework to create a common,
anonymous aggregate dataset. If you are unfamiliar with The incident must have at least seven enumerations (e.g.
the VERIS framework, it is short for Vocabulary for Event threat actor variety, threat action category, variety of
Recording and Incident Sharing, it is free to use and links to integrity loss and so on) across 34 fields OR be a DDoS
VERIS resources are at the beginning of this report. attack. Exceptions are given to confirmed data breaches
with less than seven enumerations.
The collection method and conversion techniques differed
between contributors. In general, three basic methods The incident must have at least one known VERIS threat
(expounded below) were used to accomplish this: action category (hacking, malware and so on).

1. Direct recording of paid external forensic investigations In addition to having the level of details necessary to pass
and related intelligence operations conducted by Verizon the quality filter, the incident must be within the time frame
using VERIS. of analysis. The 2016 caseload is the primary analytical
focus of the report, but the entire range of data is referenced
2. Direct recording by contributors using VERIS. throughout, notably in trending figures. We also exclude
incidents and breaches affecting individuals that cannot
3. Converting contributors existing schema into VERIS. be tied to an organizational attribute loss. If your friends
laptop was hit with CryptoLocker it would not be included in
All contributors received instruction to omit any information this report.
that might identify organizations or individuals involved.
Lastly, for something to be eligible for inclusion in the DBIR,
we have to know about it, which brings us to sample bias.

2017 Data Breach Investigations Report

Acknowledgement of sample bias Statistical analysis

We would like to reiterate that we make no claim that the We strive for statistical correctness in the DBIR. In this years
findings of this report are representative of all data breaches data sample, the confidence interval is at least +/- 1.4% for
in all organizations at all times. Even though the combined breaches and +/- 0.4% for incidents34. Subsets of the data
records from all contributors more closely reflect reality (such as breaches within the Espionage pattern) will be even
than any of them in isolation, it is still a sample. And although wider as the sample size is smaller. We have tried to treat
we believe many of the findings presented in this report to every statement as a hypothesis (knowing they were made
be appropriate for generalizationand our confidence in after seeing the data, which cannot be helped), and check
this grows as we gather more data and compare it to that of that each statement is accurate at a given confidence level
othersbias undoubtedly exists. Unfortunately, we cannot (normally 95%).
measure exactly how much bias exists (i.e. in order to give a
precise margin of error). We have no way of knowing what Our data is non-exclusively multinomial meaning a single
proportion of all data breaches are represented because feature, such as Action, can have multiple values (i.e.,
we have no way of knowing the total number of data social, malware and hacking). This means that
breaches across all organizations in 2016. Many breaches go percentages do not necessarily add up to 100%. For
unreported (though our sample does contain many of those). example, if there are five botnet breaches, the sample size
Many more are as yet unknown by the victim (and thereby is five. However, since each botnet used phishing, installed
unknown to us). keyloggers and used stolen credentials, there would be
five social actions, five hacking actions and five malware
While we believe many of the findings presented in actionsadding up to 300%. This is normal, expected and
this report to be appropriate, generalization, bias and handled correctly in our analysis and tooling.
methodological flaws undoubtedly exist. However, with
65 contributing organizations this year, were aggregating Another important point is that when looking at the
across the different collection methods, priorities and goals findings, unknown is equivalent to unmeasured. Which
of contributors. We hope this aggregation will help minimize is to say that if a record, or collection of records, contains
the influence of any individual shortcomings in each of the elements that have been marked as unknownwhether
samples and the whole of this research will be greater than it is something as basic as the number of records involved
the sum of its parts. in the incident, or as complex as what specific capabilities
a piece of malware containedit means that we cannot
make statements about that particular element as it stands
in the record. We cannot measure where we have too little
information. Because they are unmeasured, they are
not counted in sample sizes. The enumeration Other is
however, counted as it means the value was known but not
part of VERIS. Finally, Not Applicablenormally NAmay
be counted or not counted depending on the hypothesis.

Wilson method, 95% confidence level.

2017 Data Breach Investigations Report

Data subsets
We already mentioned the subset of incidents that passed
our quality requirements, but as part of our analysis there
are other instances where we define subsets of data. These
subsets consist of legitimate incidents that would eclipse
smaller trends if left in. These are removed and analyzed
separately (as called out in the relevant sections). This
year, the only subset analyzed separately across the board
consisted of web servers that were identified as secondary
targets (such as taking over a website to spread malware).

Finally, we create some subsets to help further our analysis.

This year we created a botnet subset that helps us analyze
the impact of botnets on the data. As with last year, we left
this subset in the data for the core analysis and removed
it in some figures to allow the other results to present
themselves. Anytime we did this it is noted in the figure
header and/or supporting text.

Non-incident data
The 2016 DBIR includes sections that required the analysis
of data that did not fit into our usual categories of incident
or breach. Examples of non-incident data include malware,
patching, phishing, DDoS and other types of data. The
sample sizes for non-incident data tend to be much larger
than the incident data, but from fewer sources. We make
every effort to normalize the data. For example reporting
on the median organization rather than the average of all
data. We also attempt to combine multiple contributors with
similar data to conduct the analysis wherever possible. Once
analysis is complete, we try to discuss our findings with the
relevant contributor(s) to validate it against their knowledge
of the data.

Appendix E:

Contributing Organizations







2017 Data Breach Investigations Report



Contributing Organizations
Akamai Technologies Lares Consulting
Arbor Networks LIFARS
AsTech Consulting McAfee
BeyondTrust Mishcon de Reya
Center for Internet Security mnemonic
CERT Insider Threat Center MWR InfoSecurity
Champlain Colleges Senator Patrick Leahy Center for National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration
Digital Investigation Center (NCCIC)
Check Point Software Technologies LTD NetDiligence
Chubb Palo Alto Networks
Cisco Security Services Panaseer
Computer Incident Response Center Luxembourg (CIRCL) Pavan Duggal Associates
CrowdStrike Pwnie Express
Cybercrime Central Unit of the Guardia Civil (Spain) Qualys
CyberSecurity Malaysia, an agency under the Ministry of Rapid7
Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) S21sec
Cylance Skycure
Deloitte Social-Engineer, Inc.
DFDR Forensics Spark Cognition
Digital Edge SwissCom
DSS Tripwire
EMC Critical Incident Response Center US Secret Service
Fortinet US Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US CERT)
GRA Quantum Veracode
Industrial Control Systems Cyber Emergency Response VERIS Community Database
Verizon Digital Media Services
Verizon DOS Defense
Irish Reporting and Information Security Services
Verizon Fraud Team
Verizon Network Operations and Engineering
Verizon Enterprise Services
Verizon RISK Team
Juniper Networks
Vestige Ltd
Kaspersky Lab
WhiteHat Security
Winston & Stawn, LLP
Kryptos Logic
Wombat Security Technologies
2017 Verizon. All Rights Reserved. The Verizon name and logo and all other names, logos, and slogans identifying Verizons products and services are trademarks and service marks or registered trademarks and service
marks of Verizon Trademark Services LLC or its affiliates in the United States and/or other countries. All other trademarks and service marks are the property of their respective owners. WP16943 04/17

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