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Active learning can be more engaged role in the Lindberg, 2001; Bransford,

defined as engaging learning process and are Brown, & Cocking, 2000).

students in some activity less reliant on the teacher. Through facilitating direct

that forces them to reflect Active learning experiences experience with content

upon ideas and how they require opportunities for and engaging students

are using those ideas students to work both intellectually, socially and

(Collins & OBrien, 2003, p. independently and physically, children are

5). Thereby children must cooperatively with their more likely to retain the

consider their own peers on rich learning tasks content we want them to

understandings of (Roj-Lindberg, 2001). learn (Edwards, 2015). This

mathematical concepts and Establishing these newsletter aims to support

how they may apply these conditions allows students middle school teachers in

understandings to solve a to go beyond memorisation facilitating active learning

particular problem. of meaningless environments, specifically

Edwards (2015) states that mathematical algorithms through effective use of

if students are and towards higher order concrete materials in the

participating in active thinking in their role of classroom.

learning, they are playing a active problem solver (Roj-

St Brendans Primary school


What are Manipulatives in Mathematics? MATERIALS

Swan and Marshal decades, stating they are 1989;

(2010) define manipulatives excellent tools to engage Post,

as physical objects that can students in various 1981).

be handled by an individual mathematical topics. Over

in a sensory manner during the past four decades many

which conscious and studies have been

unconscious mathematical conducted which indicate

thinking will be fostered that understanding,

(p. 14). The National motivation and

Council of Teachers achievement of middle

Mathematics (NCTM, 2000) school children in

has advocated the use of mathematics increases

concrete materials in when manipulatives are

mathematics learning for used effectively (Sowell,

What potential do these tools have to strengthen mathematics


A number of theorists have suggested that children

for some time that children's' concepts specifically between ages 7-11 form

evolve through direct interaction with mathematical concepts through a physical

their environment and concrete objects reconstruction of reality, not through an

provide an excellent tool through which imitation of it (Post, 1981). Thereby it is

this can happen. Piaget (1971) suggested more effective to allow students to
St Brendans Primary school

actively construct their own true for low achievers, students with

understandings of mathematics by doing learning disabilities and English

and not just listening. Furthermore the language learners as objects provide a

work of Dienes (1971) suggests that needed visual and kinesthetic avenue for

students this age need opportunities to understanding (Sowell, 1989). Studies

construct their own ideas through further highlight manipulatives as

experience rather than having concepts excellent tools to address misconception

imposed upon them. as students are directly able to view why

their ideas may not be correct (Bransford,

Hartshorn & Boren (1990) assert that

good learning experiences are contingent

upon students having opportunities to J., Brown, A., & Cocking, R. 2000). These

acquire knowledge through active and materials also facilitate a deeper

engaging processes. This is supported by understanding of mathematics through

John Deweys (1924) claim that learning making evident the interconnected nature

is an active, personally conducted affair of mathematics (Doias, 2013; Post, 1981).

(p. 390). Manipulatives facilitate such

active learning experiences through Additionally, manipulatives can be

allowing students to learn and participate used to create authentic learning

both physical and socially on a task (Ross problems which present real-life

& Kurt, 1993). situations thereby allowing students to

think and reason in more meaningful

Sowell (1989) emphasises that research ways (Doias, 2013). Moreover students

into manipulatives reveals such materials can more easily explain and reflect on

help make math concepts more accessible their thinking when using manipulatives

to young learners. Still this is especially

St Brendans Primary school

to solve a problem (Stein & Bovalino students interests far longer than direct

2001; Sowell, 1989). instruction. Manipulatives provide

students with an exciting, personally

Doias (2013) and Sowell (1989) discuss engaging classroom environment which

that using manipulatives, especially promotes positive attitudes toward maths

through student-centered activities holds tasks (Doias, 2013; Moch, 2001; Sowell,


What does this mean for me in my classroom?

While considerable research has highlighted the many benefits of manipulatives to

facilitate active learning, teachers require an understanding of how to utilise them

effectively in order to reap the rewards (Doias, 2013). As Back (2013) states, it is not just

the materials we use that will impact student learning but more so how we use them.

Below are key considerations for teachers to gain the greatest impact from manipulatives.

learning objective (Ross, 1993; Post,

1. Select an objective 1981).

Thompson (1994) states that when

2. Know your materials
looking at manipulatives teachers must

consider What do I want my students to Teachers need a clear understanding of

understand. Teachers should chose a which particular materials are best suited

manipulative rich activity which will to develop particular mathematical skills

assist students to reach a particular (Swan & Marshal, 2010; Moch, 2001).
St Brendans Primary school

3. Materials are not for imposing upon their mathematical thinking and

algorithms processes (Ross, 1993). As advised by

Thompson (1994) teachers should keep

A variety of research into manipulatives
students actively involved pair/group
mention the problems which occur when
work and encouraging conversations
teachers impose a set
centered on these materials. Asking

students to use manipulatives as focus of

their learning greatly aids discussion and

algorithm for students to acquire when
reflection (Thompson, 1994).
performing an activity (Thompson, 1994;

Back, 2013). Doing this obstructs

5. Act as a facilitator
students from having the freedom to use

their own critical thinking skills and Activities involving manipulative usage

processes to solve (Back, 2013). An should focus more on a student-centered

additional issue is addressed by approach whereby students take on a

Thompson (1994) revealing this aim could greater degree of responsibility for their

cause students to view mathematics as learning. Post (1981) asserts this allows

memorising a set process, resulting in the students to explore materials and use

belief that their own mathematical their own creative processes when solving

thinking is invaluable or incorrect. problems. Teachers should focus their

attention on facilitating interactions

4. Provide time for mathematical between students and materials, giving

discussion and reflection appropriate direction when necessary and

asking guiding questions (Thompson,

Manipulatives can be very powerful in
supporting students to explain and reflect
St Brendans Primary school


Research into manipulatives demonstrates that incorporating these item into mathematics

lessons in effective ways provides optimal opportunity for active and meaningful learning.

It is hugely important for teachers to utilise concrete materials to help middle school

students develop mathematical understandings and positive experiences in mathematics.


Below are 2 mathematics tasks created for a year 4 classroom which have been designed

with a focus on concrete materials as a facilitator for active and purposeful learning.

Activity 1

Curriculum Content Descriptor: Compare objects using familiar metric units of area

and volume (VCMMG166)

For this activity, student will be placed in pairs. Each

pair will be provided with 3 sheets of paper and will

use these to make 3 rectangular prisms of different

dimensions (eg: 6x4x2) by cutting out square corners

and folding the flaps (see example on right).

Students will estimate the volume of their self-constructed

prisms prior to using unifix cubes and the table below to

determine to actual volume.

St Brendans Primary school

Number of Number of Number of cubes Number of total Volume

cubes along cubes along along the width cubes needed to

the height the length (side) fill box

2 units 4 units 3 units 24 units 24cm2

Using the table tudents should discover that the shortcut to finding volume is to follow

the formula length x width x height and thereby realise they are not require to fill the

entire box with unifix cubes. Unifix cubes develop students concept of volume to help them

understand volume as the measurable space within an area.

Activity 2
Curriculum Content Descriptor: Use scaled instruments to measure and compare

lengths, masses, capacities and temperatures (VCMMG165)

Students will be grouped into tables of 5 students. On each table there will be a variety of

containers/cartons (eg: butter container, shampoo bottle, milk carton). Looking at each

container students must come to an agreed estimate on how much liquid each will hold.

They will order these from largest to smallest capacity and take a photo. Students will be

given a clear cylindrical container and use this to measure the actual capacity of the

containers. Gradients on these jugs require labelling which the teacher will demonstrate

to the students (using 100ml increments) and discuss how we

use these lines

to measure. Students will then use their measuring jugs to find

the capacity of their household containers and use their

recorded results to order these items from greatest capacity to

the smallest capacity and use Ipads to take a picture. Groups will discuss with the class

their estimations and how these compared to actual measurements as well as how/if their

ordering of items changed.

WORD TOTAL: 1482 words


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Bransford, J., Brown, A., & Cocking, R. (2000). How people learn (1st ed.). Washington,
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Collins, J., & O'Brien, N. (Eds.). (2003). The Greenwood Dictionary of Education.
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Rj-Lindberg, A. (2001). Active learning of mathematics. In N. Benton & R. Benton

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Ross, R. & Kurtz, R. (1993). Making manipulatives work: A strategy for success. The
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Sowell, E. (1989). Effects of Manipulative Materials in Mathematics Instruction. Journal

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Stein, M., & Bovalino, J. (2001). Manipulatives: One piece of the puzzle. Mathematics
Teaching in the Middle School, 6(6), 356-359. Retrieved from

Swan, P., Marshall, L. (2010). Revisiting mathematics manipulative materials. Australian

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