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Term Definition

Effective communication strategies

communication The ability to send and receive messages that are clearly

preference Something a person likes better; a favorite choice

response The way a person reacts to a comment or action

Parents as volunteers

parent involvement A pattern of participation in early childhood programs by


volunteers Those who offer to help or participate

orientation session A meeting design to prepare parents for their volunteer roles

Parent-teacher conferences

assessment Any form or method used to evaluate student;s growth or


work samples Any product or task done by a child that represents his/her

developmental checklists A form for checking off skills or milestones that a child has

anecdotal records Any notes kept by a teacher about childrens learning and
play behaviors

availability The ability to come to a meeting

Additional strategies for positive relationships with parents

home visit A trip to a childs home to talk with parents and see the home

discussion group Parents and teachers meet to talk about child-related issues
and topics

lending library A place where parents can check out books and magazines

family resource center A place to share with parents information about community

traveling backpack A system for children to carry home favorite books, etc. to

problem-solving file A file where parents borrow reading materials on parenting


bulletin board A place to post helpful information for parents

sunshine call A telephone call to share positive comments with parents

theme bag A bag of activities organized around a theme for children to

take home and share with parents and siblings

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