Script 3

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Act 2, Scene

(Scene is set with Madame Kino at her desk doing work . Riley enters in a raging fury.)

You You did this!

(Madame looks up from papers not surprised at all)

Madame Kino:
I did what?

I let you go the first time and even the second time when you threatened me. But this is where I
draw the line. How could you?

( Looks up from papers not the least bit affected by Rileys outburst)

Madame Kino:
I wondered how long it would take you to come to me (sets papers down) So Riley, are you
finally considering leaving my son alone with your crazy ideas you fill his head with?

Im here to tell you ( hesitates) Im here to tell you that you win. I give up. Just leave me and my
family alone. What is it going to take you to leave us alone?

Madam Kino:
Riley Riley Riley (teasing manner) Im disappointed in you, Id thought you would last longer
than this. I was actually looking forward to it. ( Pauses ) But I guess the funs over.

What is wrong with you? Why are you so cruel?

Madame Kino:
No Riley, Im not cruel I am simply protecting my son from the likes of you and people just like
you you do not belong in a rich students school riley you never had belonged and you even
know it and you should just leave before i make you you retched brat.

The likes of me?

Madame Kino:
Yes, you fill my son's head with little dreams that will never happen.

Those dreams are his own. Its his right to follow his dream!( yelling)
Madame Kino: His dream was to lead the family business till you came along and filled his head
with lies!

They are not lies!( on the verge of crying )
Madame Kino:
They are. He will never follow the lies you placed in his head. I wont allow it. Its either you
leave this town forever or I continue to make your families life terrible.

W-what( stutters) I-I d-dont u-understand I thought you said I was perfect for you son and I was
able to help him run your family business and help him succeed in the business world! But I
was so wrong so so wrong about you and your son I trust him more than I trust you you sick
wench !

Madame Kino:
( stands up and walks to Riley) In exchange for me to stop messing with your family I want you
to leave this town and never come back. ( glares down on Riley) How could you call me that you
ungrateful little brat I gave you my chance but now You will never be able to come back here
and you will now leave my son alone you disaster of a child

Fine. But I have a condition.

( hesitates for a moment )

Madame Kino:
Go ahead Im listening (says under her breath ) pitiful witch

( Raises eyebrow in question )

Give me one more day to fill his head with lies. Let me convince him that I never loved him. That
I never wanted to be with him. That I only wanted to be with him for his social status. Give me
one day to end everything.

Madame Kino:
How do I know that you will not just go to London and tell him what Im saying right now?

( Hesitates and looks at Riley in uncertainty)

And risk my family?

Madame Kino:
Hah your family? I'll tell you this if you were my daughter I would be raising you to be a lady not
a tomboy like you once were. Honestly you were never wanted here in this household, this
family, but you do have a point there. But I swear to you Riley that if he so much as utters a
word in my direction saying its my fault, you and your family better watch their backs

( holds out hand for Riley to shake )

You are an evil person.
( shakes hand )

Madame Kino:

I know

( smiles and shakes Riley's hand)


Fine we have a deal.

( releases Madame Kinos hand)

Madame Kino:
Even right on time for prom tomorrow. How sad.

You really are an evil person.

Madame Kino:
Youve really got to stop complimenting me Riley it messes with a woman's head you know.

( Rolls eyes and walks off stage. Lights fade and it transitions into prom setting. Students
dance and talk causally. London and his group are c stage talking. Riley is stage r hiding )

Has anyone seen Riley?

You havent? I thought you were supposed to pick her up. What happened?

I went to her house to pick her up. I rang the doorbell and everything. But inside the house it
was dark so maybe shes here.

Maybe shes playing hide and seek!

( yells excitedly.)

( everyone looks at Jackson like hes crazy)

Really? Have you met Riley I dont think she would hide from our boy here.

( Slaps London on the shoulder)

Get off.

( looks down at Arden in a glare)

( throws hands up in a surrender kind of way)

Dont bit my head off man. Im not the one who took your girlfriend

I know man Im sorry its just I plan on telling her I love her tonight

(runs hands through hair in a worried manner.)

I knew youd come to your senses.

Never thought Id see the day our number one play decides to settle down.


( yelling pulls attention to the group of boys.)

London: Yeah guys, shes different

( small smile)

(to London) We got you man.
( to the other boys) Let's go.


( looks at Jackson like hes stupid) To find Londons girl.

Even I knew that.

( hits Jackson on his head)

( Boys leave London and exit Stage left. London stays in center stage for a moment looking
around and running his hands through his hair. After a moment he exits stage left. Riley enters
center stage looking around for any sign of the boys. She sighs in relief when she doesnt see
them. Madame Kino enters center stage and talks to Riley)

Madame Kino:
If you are looking for the boys they just went outside into the hall looking for you.

( jumps when she hears Madame Kino behind her)

H-how do you know that?

( stutters)

Madame Kino:
You should know by now that I know everything Riley.

You dont know anyth-

(Madame Kino interrupts her.)

Madame Kino:
Dont ever underestimate me Riley. Now besides that what are you waiting for end it with my
son and leave!

(quietly says after she is interrupted)

( Mordecai is behind Riley and can hear the whole conversation. He runs to go find London and
tell him. )

Madame Kino:
Oh great one of Londons lackeys heard our conversation. You need to hurry this up.

I will, I am.

( Lights fade on RIley and Madame Kino and shine on London and the guys.)

(finds london in the opposite stage with the rest of the guys)

London! Dude!

Whoa wheres the fire?

Shut it Arden.

Um ok that was mean. Say sorry.
What no, London man-

No say sorry first.

Jackson I swear if you dont move and shut up Ill make you regret being my friends.

Say sorry!

Thats it!

( pounces on Jackson. )

Ok Ok! Im sorry. Now get off!

Will someone please tell me what is happening?

Your mother is what happened!

What are you talking about?

What I was talking about I just saw your mother telling Riley that she has to break up with you.

Wait what?

No! No time to wait you need to go now!


( nods and runs off stage.)

( Lights fade on London and the guys and returns to Riley and Madame Kino. They finish their

Madame Kino:
Good, now go. You have my sons heart to break

( Sneers at Riley the leaves center stage.

Riley rubs her face in despair. Tears gather in her eyes.)
What am I going to do?

( whispers to herself in question.)


( Off stage)

(Riley looks up and attempts to hold her tears in. London quickly walks over to Riley and
attempts to pull her into a hug. Riley takes a step back and away from him. He frowns in
confusion and tries again. This time Riley hits his arms away.)

Just stop and leave me alone!



London what do you want from me? Why cant you just leave me alone

(still stunted)

Please just leave me be cant you see it was all a lie, our love was fake

Riley please stop this nonsense

(tears in eyes )

I never loved you !

( Tears begin to roll down her face. By now the light background music has stopped and all
students face them.)

Riley what are you talking about?

( reaches out to Riley in an attempt to hug her again.)

( slaps his hands away)
I hate you I always have

( sneers )

( inhales sharply and stares at her in shock.)

I never loved you London
( her voice shakes )
I was only using you.

( eyes narrow at Riley)
Youre lying.

Im not! I only wanted you for your money! For your social status! I never loved you!

Why are you lying? Mordecai already told me what my mother said to you. If its her that is
making you say this I swear-

No its not her London, its me. I guess I just couldnt take it anymore.


Madam kino:
(hears everything from across the room talking to herself )

yes my dear girl tell him you hate him then run away never seeing him again

( shrugs shoulders )

This is all I could take. All the money and wealth attached to you isnt worth it.


( small tear rolls down his face )

Lets face it after all,
( Chuckles humorlessly)
all you have going for you is following in your mother's footsteps

( Riley and London stare at each other. Tears shine in both of their eyes. Riley goes to leave
but London grabs her hand and spins her back toward him. She hits his chest and gasps.)

Youre lying and I wont believe you for one damn second.

( Sneers in Rileys ear.)

Y-youre wrong
( stutters)

H-honestly i do not love you there is nothing that i wanted more than a social status and i know
that i wanted your money just so i could make you miserable and for god sakes keep it to
yourself keep all of that devil cash i dont need you or want you and you are so wrong so so

Really? Am I really wrong Riley? Look me in the eyes and say that you hate me.
( Riley has tears in her eyes and faces London, and London begins to sing rewritten Say

Say something, I wont give up on you
And I'll be the one, if you let me be
Anywhere, I will follow you
Say something, I wont give up on you

But I
Im feeling so lost
It was to protect you all
You know nothing at all

And I
Will stay here and fight
I'm still learning to love
Cant give up now
Say something, I wont give up on you
I'm not sorry that I wont give up on you
But anywhere I will follow you
Say something, I wont give up on you

But I
Will swallow my pain
You're the one that I love
And I'm saying goodbye
Stay silent, I will not fight for you

I'm sorry that I couldn't save you
But anywhere, I will follow you
Say something, I wont give up on you

Stay silent, I will not fight for you
Stay silent

( Song slows and Riley and London are staring at eachother. Riley speaks lies.)

I hate yo-

( London cuts RIley off by kissing her. Riley cries into the kiss and after a moment or two she
pushes him back.)

( breathing heavily)

I wont believe your lies Riley.

( Pushes out of Londons arms)
Im sorry.

( Runs off stage Mordecai, Jackson, and Arden slip away, but Londons mom keeps London

Madame Kino:
London dear I need to speak with you.

Mother now is not the time for you to act like you actually care about anything. I know youve
never actually cared about something youve only cared about yourself and only yourself not me
not dad. Not me or dads happiness youve only ever wanted all my father's money

Madame Kino:

London I have always cared about you and your fathers happiness. Dont say such nonsense
about you or your fathers happiness. I can show you your truth about your precious girlfriend
and her family
Ill tell you what mother, her family is better than you ever have been to me. They havent
treated me like some rich boy, they let me cook for them, and they let me show off my cooking
skills. I want to be a chief. I dont want to run the family business. And Im warning you mother if
you had anything to do with this, so help me god Ill ruin you and the family business.

(Charges past his mother and leaves stage following the boys and Riley)

Act 2 Scene

( Lights fade on the scene and the scene changes to outside of Riley house. Riley is packing
boxes. Her family has already left and now it is time for her to leave too. Mordecai, Jackson,
and Arden arrive and talk to Riley.)


Go away Mordecai.


Why are you doing this? Riley, I know you like the back of my hand. You wouldnt do this unless
someone is threatening you!

Just leave.

(Everyone looks at him surprised because he doesn't really talk a lot.)
Im sick of that witch getting away with hurting my friends!

What are you talking about?

(Charges at Riley in anger. Stops right in front of her and grabs her shoulders. Shakes her and
begins to yell.)

You cant do this to him! You cant do this to us! You are the only one probably in the entire
world who actually likes us not for our money, but for us! And if you think we will let you just
leave for one second, youre wrong!

(emotionless voice)
Just stop. I was only using you for your money. How do you think I afford to hang out with all of
you. I knew if I had acted like I didnt want you guys money you guys would automatically
become my friends. You guys practically forced me to let you pay for everything. In the end you
guys just happened to be walking ATMs.

Youre lying!

Leave now or Im calling the police.
(Is quiet for a moment then nods)
Dont think London will just let you go. Youre his first love Riley. He wont just stop fighting for

(Mordecai, Jackson, and Arden walk and hide in the bushes. London comes running onto the
stage but Mordecai grabs his arm and pulls him into the bushes.)

What the heck?

Just watch.

(Slowly crumbles to the ground sobbing her heart out.)
Oh god, Im so sorry.

I knew she was lying.

Mordecai let me go before I make you.

London, you have to let her go.

(looks at Mordecai with hurt.)
I thought you were my friend?

I am thats why Im doing this.

Let me go Mordecai.

(Looks at Jackson and Arden to help him hold London back.)
London calm down!

Let me go!
( London stops struggling as he hears Riley begin to sing.

I really hope I can do it
'Cause they're looking at me
I know that I must leave the only home I've ever known
And brave the dangers of the world
Saving them before they're forced away
I mean, how hard can this be?
Looking up at a gloomy sky, so black and grey
Well, isn't that a super fantastic sign
It's going to be a hard time to get moving
Such misery fun leaving the only place ive ever known
It's time to take a pocket of some cash and a set of car keys
( the car doesnt start up right away)
And I'm ready to take on anything (screams ) If this car would work (it starts up)
I'm not giving up today
There's nothing getting in my way
And if you get in my way i will not let you push me over
And I will get back up again
If something goes a little wrong
Well you can go ahead and bring it on
'Cause if you knock me over, I will get back up again
I'm marching along I got confidence
I'm not as cool as a pack of ice im shaking
I haven't been this nervous since
I can't remember when
Lifes gotten me down now and now i have to leave
Im all alone leaving by myself at only the age of sixteen
Im sorry for leaving but his mother is making me leave

( Riley cries and gets into her car. London and his friends hear the whole thing. Just as they are
about to go and stop her but she drives off.)
( Looks at his friends and has a tear in his eye.)
Shes gone.
( collapses)

( drops down to try and help him. London pushes him away.)

This is your fault, if you would of just let me go the first time I could've stopped her!.
( Turns away from them.)

London man-
( London intturpts him yelling)

Just Go!
( yelling)

( Mordecai leaves the stage with Jackson and Arden. Lights fade to a light blue and London
sings a song. )


chance, just one breath

Just in case there's just one left
'Cause you know you know, you know
That I love you I have loved you all along and I miss you
Been far away for far too long
I keep dreaming you'll be with me and you'll never go
Stop breathing if I don't see you This time, this place misused, mistakes
Too long, too late, who was I to make you wait?
Just one more time
On my knees, I'll ask last chance for one last chance
'Cause with you, I'd withstand
All of hell to hold your hand
I'd give it all I'd give for us
Give anything, but I won't give up
'Cause you know you know, you know
That I love you I have loved you all along and I miss you
Been far away for far too long
I keep dreaming you'll be with me and you'll never go
Stop breathing if I don't see you anymore
So far away, so far away
Been far away for far too long
So far away, so far away
Been far away for far too long
But you know, you know, you know
I wanted, I wanted you to stay
'Cause I needed, I need to hear you say
That I love you, I have loved you all along

( London sobs as the scene fades. Future London comes onto the stage.)

As a little kid I got everything I ever wanted. And if I didnt? I did what any other child would of
done. I threw a tantrum till I got what I wanted. In that moment I wanted to yell and scream like a
three year old till she came back. But I knew that would do nothing. It wouldnt be years again till
I saw her. When I did see her again what did I do you may ask? I did what any other rational
human being would of done. I made her mine.

( Future London leaves stage and future Mordecai, Jackson, and Arden enter stage. Mordecai
has a ulalia.)

Mordecai, Jackson, and Arden:

(Mordecai Jackson Arden )

A long long time ago there was a boy and girl

Living all alone in the world
He sat high above the street watching all the couples walk
And wishing that he had someone too
And from his mouth came this song of hope that he sang
Out loud everyday for years and years

I have a dream I hope will come true
That you're here with me and I'm here with you
I wish that the earth, sea, the sky up above
Will send me back my love.

( Mordecai Jackson Arden )

Years of singing all alone turned his heart into stone
Until he was on the brink of losing hope
But little did he know that living in the street below
Riley was listening to his song
Everyday she heard his tune her heart grew and grew
Because she knew his song was meant for her
Now she was so ready to meet him above the street
As he sang his song of hope for the last time

I have a dream I hope will come true
That you're here with me and I'm here with you
I wish that the earth, sea, the sky up above
Will send me back my love

(Mordecai Jackson Arden)

Rising from the sea below stood Riley
Looking all around but she could not see him
He tried to sing to let her know that she was not there alone
But with no heart his song was all gone
He filled the street with his tears and watched his dreams disappear
As she remembered what his song meant to her

( Riley )
I have a dream I hope will come true
That you're here with me and I'm here with you
I wish that the earth, sea, the sky up above
Will send me back my love
( Mordecai Jackson Arden)
Oh they were so happy to finally meet above the street
All together now their hearts grew and grew
No longer are they all alone with the world as their new home
And when you visit them this is what they sing

(London and Riley)

I have a dream I hope will come true
That you'll grow old with me and I'll grow old with you
We thank the earth, sea, the sky we thank too
I love you
I love you
I love you

( Mordecai Jackson and Arden exit stage. Future Riley and Future London stand center stage )

I never thought Id see you again
( breathless)

I knew Id see you again, fate had put this into motion years ago.

What about your mother. I should probably go.

Youve run away from me enough dont you think?


I wont let you run from me again Riley.

London we cant-

Remember prom five years ago. On that night I was going to tell you that I loved you.
(Riley Gasps)
But instead you left. The guys and us went to stop you, but you had already gotten in your car
and was driving away.

I n-never knew.
After that night I hired a private investigator. My mother of course tried to stop me, but I told her
that shed let me hire a PI or Id go find you myself. The only reason I didnt go myself is
because I had no idea where I could start.




After a year of restless nights and countless dead-ends we finally found you. I first saw you in a
park. You were sitting under a tree. A light violet coat on and was reading a book. I wanted to
approach you right off the back, but then you looked up and I froze. You had looked different,
more carefree. So after that I night I left.


London stop. I- we can't. I have to go there is nothing to show that i have feelings for
you.Besides you wouldn't want to give up your job just to travel the world with me.To watch me
sing on stages every night you wouldnt want that. Me and you are in two totally different worlds
(london cuts her off)


The next time I saw you it was an accident. I was doing my first real job as a chef. I was
cooking and one of the waiters had come back and told me one of the customers loved my food
and wanted to give me a compliment. I asked the waiter who it was. And guess who it was Riley.
It was you. You were going up to the register to pay when I saw you.


London I said stop!


Dont you see that I cant Riley? I love you! And and
(music starts to play. He sings to Riley. )


I met you in the dark, you lit me up

You made me feel as though I was enough
We danced the night away, we drank too much
I held your hair back when
You were throwing up
Then you smiled over your shoulder
For a minute, I was stone-cold sober
I pulled you closer to my chest
And you asked me to stay over
I said, I already told ya
I think that you should get some rest
I knew I loved you then
But you'd never know
'Cause I played it cool when I was scared of letting go
I know I needed you
But I never showed
But I wanna stay with you until we're grey and old
Just say you won't let go
Just say you won't let go
I'll wake you up with some breakfast in bed
I'll bring you coffee with a kiss on your head
And I'll take the kids to school
Wave them goodbye
And I'll thank my lucky stars for that night
When you looked over your shoulder
For a minute, I forget that I'm older
I wanna dance with you right now
Oh, and you look as beautiful as ever
And I swear that everyday you'll get better
You make me feel this way somehow
I'm so in love with you
And I hope you know
Darling your love is more than worth its weight in gold
We've come so far my dear
Look how we've grown
And I wanna stay with you until we're grey and old
Just say you won't let go
Just say you won't let go
I wanna live with you
Even when we're ghosts
'Cause you were always there for me when I needed you most
I'm gonna love you till
My lungs give out
I promise till death we part like in our vows
So I wrote this song for you, now everybody knows
'Cause now it's just you and me till we're grey and old
Just say you won't let go
Just say you won't let go
Just say you won't let go
Oh, just say you won't let go
London: say you wont let me go.

I wont. I dont think I can now.
( Cries happily. London and Riley kiss.)
(Scene fades but a single spot light. Future London stays on the stage and talks.)

In the end fate had always knew wed end up together. But thats what fate does. It makes
things that you could never imagine happen. I always thought itd just be me. I was wrong. Fate
gave me something that I could never forgot. Fate gave me love.

( scene ends and London leaves stage. The End)

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