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Saphi Eraladaine, a woman so beautiful and kind, that people would say even an

angel could fall for her grace, and it just so happens one did.
An Angel came to Saphi one day declaring his love and desire for her, they
shared in each others company before he had to return to the celestial plain from
which he came. 9 months after the angels visit Mykiel was born.

All though Mykiel the baby boy with unnaturally lustrous hair, flawless skin,
and piercing eyes appeared to be human, he seemed too perfect, radiant,
Saphi knew why but never revealed this secret even to him.
A year passed and Saphi, who also loved the Angel who spoke so kindly and
honestly, grew lonely and unfortunately, she did not just attract good, for even
evil can appreciate beauty and that evil came, in the form of a man name Horva.
Horva Gath, a long-time admirer of Saphi, begun to woo her and eventually won
her over, they married and raised the young boy together, Saphi never telling
Mykiel or Horva of his true heritage.
Mykiel was a kind child, and loved his parents, he never quite understood why
his father treated him so poorly, when Mykiel turned nine he gained a half-sister,
a spitting image of their mother You know, besides her unnatural eyes and.
Tail The little girl Saphi named Varin was born a tiefling.
Run Saphi!, run, take our child and flee, the one you named Varin and her father
are evil, touched by a demonic fiend! Mykiels father spoke to her from the
celestial plain. You should leave the demon spawn and get out! Saphi heed his
warning and left Hova, but would not leave her daughter behind.
Saphi always managed to provide for her kids, even whilst on the run. Thankfully
the ordeal of giving birth twice or the years that had passed had not quenched
her stunning good looks, or the fire men felt for her, 8 years had passed living
such a lifestyle.
Saphi came home one day, exhausted from work, she had managed to get a job
at a local bar in this town. Mykiel, Varin? It was odd they did not run to greet
her, she was staying in the Whistling Pixy, an Inn next to the bar, and the kids
were always running about a recognizable sight for any who visited.
Kids? she called out again, where is the Innkeeper? She thought to herself as
she walked around the corner The sight before her scared her stiff, the
innkeeper lay on the ground blood covered the floor, she whirled and begun to
run for her room.
Saphi. She stopped and shuddered eyes wide in shock .Horva. even
after 8 years and one word, she knew that cold calculating voice Standing
before her walking out from the shadows It was Horva.
What have you done! Where are my kids?! She screamed, YOUR KIDS?! He
yelled back, bringing a sword to her throat. They are as much MINE!... I am here
to take them, I have need for them and you You deserting wench I have no
need for anymore. The sword pierced her throat she hit the ground spluttering
trying to hold her throat closed as the blood poured out.
Horva stood there watching as she died, anger filled his eyes, but he was also
sad, for better or worse he did love her, but she got in his way and it cost him
dearly, he could not forgive her even if he loved her.
Horva You have the girl?... The darkness spoke directly to his mind. Yes
master I have her I will bring her back and send her to you. He responded
out loud speaking to the darkness.
Horva was a warlock who sold his soul for the power to rule his guild of thieves
and murderers, more than his soul his first born was promised to his master.
Horva travelled back to his guild the kids in tow.
Mykiel, now 15, wanted to protect his sister and dove at Horva the first chance
he got, Die you murderer! He screamed, Horva swung his sword around and
killed him in an instant sword piercing his chest.
Light flooded the room as Mykiel hit the ground, the next thing Varin
remembered was being on the streets her father and mother gone, her brother
disappeared. She grew up begging on the streets running and relying on the help
of those kind enough to do so.

Character name: Varin Eraladaine

Race: Tiefling (V)

Class: Rogue

Short term goals: Make enough, honestly, to live comfortably.

Long term goals: Find out the fate of her brother, and start a guild of rogues but an honest
one that sometimes works for the government, wants to bring in kids from the streets, who,
like her had to grow up in harsh environments.

Brief background: Varin is a 16 year old orphan whose mother was thought of to be quite a
divine beauty, her father was a warlock who is believed to be dead, she also has a brother
whom she hasn't seen of since she was 8 and has no idea what befell him, growing up on
the streets she grew to be stealthy and cunning, which led to her enrollment in college at the
young age of 12 a prodigy in her field.

How you see your character at epic levels: Living a quiet life until she hears of people
threatining or endangering her guild/friends/family.

Potential bonds, boons, etc: She has no friends or family, mostly because of her fearful
looking eyes and demeanor, she might look quite hostile but she is actually willing to make
friends to those who speak to her, she can't stand those who judge her for her eyes, not that
she would let the distaste show.
Anything else you want to add:

Varin is a girl thou, no one knows that fact, she learnt it best to hide it growing up on the

Varin keeps (her) his hair relatively short and wears baggy clothes (to help hide
her gender. She) He has cat like eyes and is clearly not entirely human.

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