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Ikaria Maze Dungeon

Ikaria was a once famous wizard hundreds of years ago who found massive
wealth, powerful artefacts and tamed as well as created many monstrosities. A
greedy and cruel man he hid all his treasures within a massive dungeon hidden
inside a mountain side, the dungeon is said to be filled with many features to
hinder would be adventurers and looters who sought out his power.
The players will be playing as level 5 adventurers with rolled stats and 1k extra
gold which you can spend in almost any way you see fit.
Players who die It will happen can enter a new character into the dungeon and
try join up with the party or roll a trapped character trapped characters are
brought in at the DMs discursion at certain points.

Entrance Room
A 40-foot by 35-foot room 20 foot high sits ahead of the party, the room is
comprised entirely of stone and at the end of the room is a stone water feature 2
torches on the side walls somewhat reveal the room shedding dim light across
the floor, there are two wooden doors at the end of the room on either side of the
Inspecting the torches
The torches appear to be normal torches.
You are surprised that they shed such dim light thou and find it somewhat
unusual torches are even in such a place.
The torches are giving off a weak Light Spell.
Inspecting the fountain
The fountain base is roughly a couple feet from the floor and filled with
water the 3 spout at its top, the centre of which is a few foot higher than
the other two, continuously pours more water into the pool below.
Examining the fountain, you see inside the pool a number of items a metal
gauntlet a few daggers a sword and a gold ring.
Reaching into the water you notice the water is a bit harder to reach into
then normal liquid.
About half way to the bottom of the water you find you are unable to
reach any further into the water, and you can feel pressure being applied
to your arm.
As you struggle against the liquid you notice the water begun to climb up
your arm almost flowing up it.
Agonizing pain begins to set in on your arm as thou the liquid is dissolving
your arm.
The Fountain has a Gelatinous cube spawn in it, it is too young to come
out and directly attack the party but it will cling to anyone who touches it
dealing damage until they can break free from it, it also has a more liquid
appearance at this early stage of life.
The arm being cut off stops the cube, a DC X (1 higher than the player
rolls or 15 which ever is higher) is required to break out of the oozes hold.
If the ooze is attacked and isnt holding onto a party member or (even if
holding someone) gets low in hp it will flee into the pipes taking the
treasure with it. Everyone must roll perception and on a 17
You can hear creaking above and the faint sound liquid running through
From the ceiling water like substance is building up on the ceiling leaking
through the cracks, it is roughly only a cup fall but it is growing slowly.
Then it will leak (a few pseudo pod attacks)
Before disappearing back into the roof.
The doors
The two doors at the end of the room have a word engraved on it.
The door is unlocked but the room is pitch black and you cannot see
The Mirror Rooms
The room is pitch black and smells musty and dry you cannot see even an inch
into the unnaturally dark room, (roll perception) okay even thou you cannot see
you can however hear faint shuffling and moaning from the room.
When finally getting light into the opposing room. (even if just by opening both
A 25-foot by 25-foot room with a 20-foot high ceiling lies ahead of yous,
the room is comprised entirely of stone like the previous room and you
can see 6 skeletons shuffling about the room holding small metal swords,
they seem to be ignoring the light and your presence.
Skeletons - AC 12 HP 67 (9d10+18) 5 ft. : 14 str 6 dex 14 con 6 int 8 wis 5
cha : Immunities poison exhaustion : Senses darkvision 60ft. passive
perception 9 +4 to hit ignores AC of armor. 1d6+2 and wont take damage
as it goes to the other rooms skeletons. swords pass through unless skele
in other room is in that square.
Perception on left room - You notice a wooden door at the back of the
On a really high perception/Investigation slightly lower roll - you will notice
the shuffling does not match up with their movements neither do their
moans. They will open their bone jaws and no sound comes out like wise
noise seems to come from other parts of the room where no skeletons
As you step into the room the skeletons turn to face you and begin
shuffling extremely slowly towards you.
Ok as you swing at the skeleton your sword passes straight through the
You hear a crunch/sizzle/w.e even thou the skeleton appears completely
The skeletons will not leave the room and if the party completely leaves
the room the skeletons will shuffle away back into the room.
Information on The Mirror Rooms
The room requires light however the light provided is only shown in the
opposite room that the light is shining in
The rooms have 6 VERY slow skeletons in it however they do not take
damage nor will they leave the room the damage they inflict on the
skeletons is instead dealt to the opposing skeletons. (If they are in the
right square.)
The left room has a door There is a wooden door in the wall. With a small
metal ring for a handle to pull on.
Beyond the door you see nothing but a stone wall. Again any damage
inflected is dealt to the neighbouring rooms wall.
The door begins to close not long after being opened
If they enter the hallway that opens in the right room when the left one is
open it will close on them unless propped open.
Trap Chest spike hallway
(Looking in) The following corridor is quite dark made entirely of stone and you
can see a chest in the middle of the hallway.
6 sets of armour are in the hallway that come around to attack.
(Stepping in - if they didnt take door of its hinges or prop It open) As you step
into the Corridor the wooden door slams closed behind you and becomes a stone
Perception check
It appears to be a normal corridor.
If a player runs their hands along the wall
they can find that it has illusion magic on the walls in some spots their
hand passes through the wall and they take some damage.
When people walk over the ground they also roll perception
On high enough they can feel the holes in the ground and if they stick
their hand in they take 1 damage.
Inspecting the chest
The chest Is wooden with gold trim and a gold lock.
If a rogue tries to pick it
You want to try pick the lock? You have and use lock picking tools? Ok as
you try to pick the lock the tool is pulled into the chest and clangs against
something metal inside.
If a decent perception is performed on the lock looking inside
Ok you can see a lock hole, but it appears to be quite dark you cant make
out the mechanisms.
Open Chest
If they open the chest finally they get nothing it is empty. And of course
the trap goes off skewering anyone in the back area of the room.
Dexterity save for damage or 2d6 damage.
At the end of the hallway (for both) You see a wall with a large rune that
you cannot recognize made of what looks like gold, it cant be removed.
And is teleportation magic.
After the Chest
The hallway ahead diverges into another hallway perpendicular from the
one you were in. Down this hallway, you can see 2 small rooms at each
end of the corridor again everything appears to be constructed of stone,
there is no visible lights or objects of any kind.
The small rooms
The room appears empty and actually requires you to step over a wide
brick gap that doesnt follow the pattern on the original hallway or the 4
stone slabs of the small room.
Detect magic
The rooms floor has some sort of displacement magic on it. (if high
enough) You can vaguly make out that the magic appears divided and
slightly different for each of the four floor tile.
If they step onto a tile
Ok you feel a tingling sensation and numbness as you are whisked away
into another room. The rest of yous see him disappear in a flash of light
Further magic detect
Magic detect reveals that the tile stepped on has lost magic stepping on
it also obviously no longer teleports as this is designed to split the party.
The rooms from the first is quite simple Characters will teleport to the
corresponding adjacent rooms based on squares, the bottom left square is
the bottom left room on the bottom left group of 4 etc.
Teleporting rooms
The rooms have no light and require some way to move between all in
following descriptions all rooms are 10 ft. high
1 Mirror Room : NAME You arrive at a room it is 10 by 10 foot you can see a
large mirror in one of the rooms corners it is a large full body mirror.
The mirror gives off magic all that can be made out is transmutation,
displacement and some complex editions to magic that cannot be understood.
A person who looks into the mirror has their soul checked
If they are evil in alignment As you stare into the mirror your reflection warps it
grows horns and a demonic appearance skin begins to turn a shade of red, it
bends forward raises a leg and steps out from the mirror. ROLL INITATIVE (The
creature will fight to the death and has the same stats as the player.)
If the player is good alignment As you stare into the mirror your reflection
seems to display an odd aura of light and eventually white angelic wings sprout
from its back and it disappears in a flash of blinding light. (They are forgiven for
looking into the mirror)
If the player is neutral in alignment Your reflection looks back at you it winks
and jumps from the mirror into you vanishing from sight. (They gain a 2 nd life if
they would die they reappear from the closest reflective surface.)
2 Ok you are standing in a square room 10 x 10 feet, in the top right hand
corner you can see a blatantly obvious hole and that is all you see in the room. It
appears quite deep the darkness continues on.
If they drop a torch it hits the floor and stays there flickering against the Fake
image. You drop the torch? Ok it hits an invisible surface before the hole and
stays there flickering.
The real hole will swallow anything dropped on it into the fake image.
Trick hole its actually on the bottom right side as shown in above image to get
to the next room you must jump onto the trick trap hole. The other one deals
bludgeoning damage as you fall to the bottom 30 ft. (2d6 if jump down) - (3d6 if
falls down) You cannot climb down or up without some type of rope and grapple
hook, there is nothing to tie it too properly.
3 You arrive at a room similar to the others, however there is a treasure chest
is on the floor its quite large over a meter in length and appears to have iron
holding it together and a brass lock
A treasure chest if a person loots it they actually get an item however they can
no longer leave the room Someone needs to come in and they need to touch
the wall together to leave. The wall they touch teleports them to the adjoining
cube room.
4 , 5 , 7 , 8 , 9 , (12 -16) Touch a wall to move from room to room.
You arrive in (another) cubed stone room, it is (also) empty.
6 You arrive at (another) cubed stone room, in the centre is a stone pedestal 4
feet from the ground there appears to be a hole in its centre.
You can detect magic inside.
Looking inside the pedestal you see (darkness if no light) a ruby sitting at the
bottom of the hole it looks like an eye crafted with a pupil and even has an optic
nerve at the back all crafted out of ruby.
If using their hand their hand expands getting stuck it requires A LOT of water
to break the hold it has on you.
Sight Scope: A magic eye glass that embeds into an eye destroying it it now
allows you to see things hidden by magic, not magic just things hidden by magic,
not through illusions JUST THINGS HIDDEN BY MAGIC And also, you cant see
ANYTHING else from that eye So you lose and cant have proficiency in
perception that uses sight anymore. And passive perception is reduced by 5. If
he doesnt cover his magic eye when rolling for perception, they also must roll at
10 like the other teleporting rooms except it has spikes so if they teleport to it
from above the side or below they take 1d6 damage.
11 You enter ANOTHER stone cube room in the centre is a wooden barrel.

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