Ikaria Maze Dungeon's Traps

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Melting Coins : Gold coins that when placed with other coins melts into
acid that specificly diolves gold.
Self flammable ropes
Diamond string bow
Genius Gold : Hive mind gold can illusion and influence the party when
enough is gathered.
Spider Venom Poison -. Yeah its venom. ADRENALINE VENOM buffs
them before killing them lol.
Epoxy trap : Two puddles or liquids that solidify when combined
Explosive root bulbs: a corridor with a number of bulbs hanging from a
rock ceiling that explode when flames touch them such as a torch.
Flamable Web explosive: A web with no spiders sticky and when lit will
burn away into the wall and set off an explosive.
Crossed Swords fireplace: Twin jewelled sword over a fire place when
pulled off release a container of oil onto the fire releasing flaming oil over
the person in front of the fire.
Water that glimmers shimmers and falls: Diamond dust water full falling
fast enough to slash a persons arm off or Damage a steel sword or
Gem coated in expanding skin poison
Russion roulette stair case
Invisibile lower ceiling over obvious trap to hit head on.
Foot Cutter maims foot with spring loaded blades.
Pillar jump game A bunch of pillars that you can jump too some are
quite dangerous, invisible pole, oil, collapsing
Slaming Room: Ceiling lowers down crushing the group except there are
spots for people to step into but there not quite big enough for any more
than one person. The ceiling losses a spot each round.
Greed Room: A table with X(party-1) coins and riddle about Greed after
all the coins have been picked up the remaining person is sent to a room
where he can watch his comrades greed. And X(newparty-1) coins are
there this happens till one is left then he dies OR Untill the remaining
party members refuse to pick up a coin after the 1 st lot.
The Greed of Diamond A diamond that allows underwater breathing in
a chandeler if someone trys to grab it with a rope or anything else they
can loot it but the door locks shut and the water fills the room a minute
later a door opens and they can exit if they can breath underwater.
A normal looking room However when the party enters a blast of light
blinds the party and monsters appear leaving the room is a mistake as
they were teleported away and the other room is much worse and locks
you in the first room however is an illusion?
Carpet of gold its glass that breaks upon 75 lb. of weight followed by a
lake underneath of carnivourous fish. The gold is also wood painted to
look gold.
THE Fire of Sun : Huge diamond that when taken causes the sun to
bounce into a glass statue burning the carpet? Behind and setting the
room to slowly burn. The carpet has the door behind it.
A vacuum sealed room that when they open the door sucks them all in
A revolving room. When someone opens the chest the area where he
opens it flicks around and he gets treasure the rest or whoever stood
back is left to fight whatever comes back around.
Another greed room water. They can swim through the tunnel and get to
the next room but in doing so they see treasure. If the treasure is
looted the water begins to freeze.
Slanted roam with pit. Cant jump no height.
A Large pit That require gold to get across. The amount of gold
required and the poem to reveal it requires gold is still undecided.
Illusion spike pit that becomes real when dispelled.
The Spike pit of Oops. A pit filled with spikes. But only inch high
the first person falls into it. But its ok they wont even take much
dmg and two ropes appear if they are pulled on the ceiling opens and
the player can get out however cutting them raises the spikes inflicting
massive dmg
Pit of blood drain a pit that is filled with tiny needles an inch high
anything metal can break them but leather and clothe wearers are sucked
dry unless helped by the others. The blood being sucked out poors down
from the walls over time
Teleporting pad. On floor and roof to constantly speed him dropping him
over and over. A way top stop it and a way to stop it is also needed
A pit with poles in it. A perception roll reveals the poles a good
perception roll reveals the poles spinning and the small blades on it.
A bunch of spikes jumping them is fine for the first person the
second person hits an invisible wall that came down. And falls onto the
CLICK PLATE: when stepped on simply makes a CLICK noise LOL
Teleporting door. Travels a path but yeah whenever closed the door
teleports again.
A stair that becomes and escalator. Slowly slowly then when at the
bottom they go to step off and are shot across the room or into the
Spinning wooden sticks that break off easy however as more break off
they speed up and eventually the spinning force releases the metal blades
DUCK: A room with duck written in a language if they walk down the
corridor eventually you hear CLICK and the roof shudders if they duck
then no harm if they dont no harm lol A second duck shoots a bar
across nocking anyone down who doesnt duck low dmg but funny lol.
DUCK: is yelled again this time the bar swings back but it has spikes on
it so if they dont duck they get hit hehehe. At the end of the corridor
have a sign You got three warnings
Beware of doplegangers sprawled in blood appears to be a warning
written by a former adventurer when someone walks into the room and
steps on a pressure plate they are teleported away then back.
However, they now sound distorted for the next minute and perception
reveals abnormalitys but they are really the party member.
The one on his own (or more than one) is met with 4 party members
bearing down on him which he is lead to believe there the dopplegangers
and vica versa
A door that has antigravity when something touches the handle slamming
the player or others into the celing Perception reveals the strange
A drop down door that opens on a tug slamming them into the ground.
Bucket on the door lol
Spinning door case of spikes. An illusion of a goblin appears and it flees
seeing them pulling a torch next to a bookcase if they do the same
spikes appear when it spins if they are standing on the spin bit. If they
pull the other one spikes dont appear it alternates between the torches.
Roller floor door a door everything fails to open it and when someone
runs up to hit it the floor slides back from him hittin the door and when
it slides back it reveals a pit of spikes.
Spinning door blades sliding the door to the side causes it to start
spinning it takes a few seconds but the next blade eventually spins
around hitting the next person to walk through
Spikes spit out from the sides of the door.
Spikes inside a door when you try break it down with physical part as
apposed to a weapon you could get spikes in your hand or side.
Ears to you! A door with adhesive noise can be heard on the other side
and when someone touches the door a blade flings down severing there
ear from the wall and anything else they have touching it at that height.
Simple Flank monsters appear in a corridor on both sides Scary battle
READ THE LABEL A chest that has a piece of paper on the top. Which
reads DO NOT OPEN! Instructions inside. when open releases gas lol
dmgs and the warning is inside the folded piece of papper.
Trap Potions some have great effects others not so much all the
labels are fucked up so you dont know what youre going to be
drinking. Or giving enemys lol
Pond with Gift for gold YEAAAHHH no amount of gold is going to give
you anything. Lol
Glowing sword in stone. That slowly poisons the holder yeah its magic
but not in a good way.
Dagger when it is thrussed at somone the base pops out and blades
spring from the bottom into your wrist.
Magic ring.. Gold ring with shrink magic yeah when you put it on it
shrinks but you dont it cuts off your finger
Magci ring Gold ring with teleport magic Teleports away with out you
Magic book that tells the day from its own perspective. When a player
makes a short rest the DM can decide to reveal things through the book.
Magic ring (10 foot Teleport.) It works but you lose the knuckle the
finger sat on. That remains behind lol.
Acid proof boots They have an acid pouch inside that breaks when they
run its not enough dmg to do much but burn.
Crowned skeleton when the crown is taken off and worn the player who
wears it is locked into the chains the crowned skeleton was locked into.
Magic gems that when touched turn the person into a magic gem until
removed from the room then become Human again.
There is nothing in this chest its true the chest deletes anything that is
placed inside it and then closed anything Loose in the room is sucked in
including air until it is closed.
Spinning key. A room with a key and when the key is used by a normal
hand it spins out hurtin the person who used it or shoots out hitting
anyone in that line.
A magic chest that cuts at anything going in. hands etc and the likes
and then animates them. Half of a sword attacks,. A hand attacks lol
etc if reattached to the person etc then the spell ends animating them
or they can destroy his hand lol. Also there is some magic weapon or
something inside just need to get it out like with mage hand or
something lol
Also there is a rock inside that mage hand cant pick up. Its an Anti-
magic Stone.
A rope that when pulled. Pulls down a monster to them.
Plant that will try to eat peoples heads lol roll for save after smelling the
plants scent without stopping it in some form like with a cloth and then
the ones who fail go up to smell the flower and need to be pulled free.
5 gold for a kiss An old blind man with that sign sits on a chair if he is
killed the frogs turn into monsters if kissed they turn into a monster if
you pick one up without paying the man will turn them all into monsters
one is a sorcerer who when turned human grants knowledge - a gift before
he ages and dies.
GIANT TREASURE ROOM. But its not the party shrinks as hey enter lol.
And when they leave it expands. Magic is muddled up
Coffiers that spring out when one is pulled the rest shoot out dealing
A room filled with treasure well hidden. When everyone has entered
they are teleported stark naked into another room. The thing is. The
room is an illusion those of organic material who walk through are
teleported away but it shows an illusion of the person who walked in
happily looting the treasure lol
Squishroomwithbitchchest A room that appears to be normal with a
chest on the other side is a door and a hidden door is in a wall which
when open shows a wall the chest when open shuts said door and the
walls close in as the other doors close too. The door that was hidden and
a wall now is openable lol
Swing rope a number of ropes to swing across when one actually has
spikes in it so when grabbed ouch.
Draw me a weapon and you shall pass. Drawin a picture of a weapon will
allow a person to pass through
Acid lock to destroy keys
Evil nock nock door. Lol
The golden archway that turns anything organic that passes through it to
become gold until pulled back!
Low burning lanten that when picked up explodes after X time.
Acid filled coins perception makes them notice somethings off if enough
force is applied they leak acid not overly potent but enough to dmg metals
and defienetly flesh
Fake iron bar
CAPTURE ALL ADVENTURERS THEN Strap them with explosives that
require liquid to put out the fuse
An amulet that turns red on traps and green when they are disarmed
but it also turns green if you fail to disarm it and once a trap is set off it
disappears back to the maze it was in littered with dead adventurers
dying on obvious traps
Sword that stuns those who touch it. And those who touch those who
touch it. Only way to get them off is say hitting them away or lol
touching the sword as well then the sword comes free and they get a
sweet item.
The trick trap room so a room begins to close in on the party members
and there is a thick wooden pole in the ground hopefully they use it to
block the walls from closing to which it pierces the wall and oil floods in
so hopefully they have no torch and I fthey do they better find a way to
put it out lol
A room with a fake chest and loot on a grided floor if the chest is opened
everything drops to the ground if someone checks the chest enough they
might find it has a fake bottom you can climb through they they want to
be careful to many people on the floor below makes it snap shut crushing
those still below.
A shoot that when sliding down those who slow themselves are not going
fast enough to do a loop de loop and end up falling whilst going around
a loop the others would go fast enough to slide all the way around and hit
a fake ground falling harmlessly into the next room
A hole in a wall with a gem at the end, if they stick a finger in it will get
stuck like a Chinese finger trap.
A Plaque with push to go up is written on it and a small ruby is inset
below it with gold inlay like a button Pushing the ruby drops the floor
pushing the sign goes up.
Corridor trap a conveyer built Is taking them forward and after 300 feet
they see a wall of spikes rapidly approaching and they must now run
slowly back along the conveyer built.
A ladder then when weight is applied to the bottom rung the ladder
disappears and they all full the last on down falling into the others doing
dmg etc
Leaver trap a stone wall ahead is blocking view and a massive metal
pole sticks out from the wall and onto a raised platform so that when
pushed down on balances onto the raised platform and raises the stone
enough for a person to get under/through however if they take to long
then a rope now being burnt through by a flint on the end of the pole.
Burns the rope and the roof falls in onto the delvers.
A pole that when sliding down to get to the room below doesnt do much
till you hit the ground at quite the speed which pushes the ground down
slightly with a click and the pole comes loose no longer held in place by
the ground now the other higher members need a way down.
Dripping tunnel that is dripping oil that when touches a torch or fire
lights. And the ground is covered in oil
Ivy to get down its just normal ivy relax
A rope that seems normal unless cut into the rope has a fuse attached
to the top that when enough weight is applied to the rope 1 or more
people on it it lights and burns dropping the party to the ground
Iron holds on the rood over an acid pit when one is pulled the floor opens
up to reveal a much larger pit of acid. Which vapour damages.
Floor gives way but its ok the pit has a ladder. So thats good except the
ladder falls away too. Now you take 2 lots of fall dmg and still need a
way out lol
A door with fake hinges and knob all you have to do is push on the other
side and it will slide open.
Trap door that isnt even locked but locks when someone stands on the
first 10 feet of it.CLICK it will budge slightly with physical contact but
when smashed into with enough force spikes emerge into the delver.
Glass door filled with acid. That looks normal
A cursed mirror that when viewed causes an annoying mime to begin
following you.. lol it will peal and eat fake bananas lean against the wind
pretend it is stuck in a glass box its just a -2 to many rolls from distraction
but lol it ends when mirror breaks till they look in another mirror lol
over and over till it is smashed or they have he curse removed.
A book you cant stop reading. Someone will need to free its one of
those easy if you have a team mate trap lol
A torch then when burning for 1 hour sends out a switch blade cutting
finger off or into a hand.
A magical lantern that shines average light but constantly screams
enemies are coming Unless a half-orc or an orc is present.
Glass bottle with a substance. The lid is tied to the base and holds sodium
apparently in it that makes it explode when opened
bring a person back to life with this potion as a zombie
A rope to jump across. But the rope falls down when it has weight on it
into the fire below
The unlocked door of many locks a door sits there with 10 locks all that do
horrible things.. and 5 keys on a key ring they should really just open it
Maze portals that mess with appearances and other minute things.
Duplicat a cat that when it touches a player becomes them the player
then controls two of itself and they must determine which is which. The
cat has the originals memories and knowledge and is identical also they
both have half the stats of the originals
Lightless hallway a dark hallway with light dampening magic and a
gem at the end that absorbs it all. If they spend to long in the hallway it
unleashes the light for radiant damage.
Airless Corridor A corridor full of baskets of coins but the coins cover
Pryogallol a chemical that absorbs air the more they uncover and if
they use torches the more air they burn through!
The Life potion A potion that grants life. And years of it all though it
will heal them full from a sip it will also age them. To much means death
A goblin wishing well a well that when a coin is thrown in a squid
attacks and goblins attack. The end they can run or die or kill it that
Crystals into flammable gas room there are torches on the walls and the
room is full of crystals that when water touches they turn in to hydrogen
and the room will adventually become a room of fire if they all get wet on
that note at the end of the room is a case filled with water and a small
fountain pooring out into a pool. If they break the case to get the
powerful item inside then the water will poor out and oh shit. The gas can
do some damage but the flames is much worse
The Butchers knife a room with a man sitting in the center he looks like
he should be dead but jumps up knife at the ready and attacks the knife is
enchanted to cause the wielder to kill someone with it only once thou
so if he kills someone the knife is dropped and he is released from what
he has done and another player can then take the knife and kill him with it
or if he is dead will fight there party members till they kill someone
the best bet is for someone to disarm him and take the knife kill him with
it and bam he can use the dagger without any worry.
Deaths Head Compass. Points to the nearest undead all the time
which is I guess useful lol
Sight Scope : A magic eye glass that embeds into an eye destroying it it
now allows you to see things hidden by magic, not magic just things
hidden by magic, not through illusions JUST THINGS HIDDEN BY MAGIC
And also you cant see ANYTHING else from that eye So you lose and cant
have proficiency in perception that uses sight anymore. And passive
perception is reduced by 5. If he doesnt cover his magic eye when rolling
for perception, he also must roll at disadvantage.
Reverse rolling ball another somewhat helpful item. A ball that will roll
up to 20 feet before rolling back 20 more feet and stopping.
Rubber cement room so you can bounce off the walls and roof however
when the treasure in the ceiling is pulled out the cement becomes solid
and they fall to a solid ground then not long later the cement crumbles to
the ground dealing more damage.
Spinning top with monsters on it when spun they come to life only to
disappear as quickly as they came when the top stops spinning.
The sword of masked presence yeah it also makes you smell very bad
but you cant smell it but enemies can lol
Black Sword A sword that grants the power of the Ravens. It explodes
when it hits something releasing a swarm of ravens to attack whoever is
closest to the wielder but not the wielder no alignment.
A pool that is full of water its 20 ft. deep and harmless there are urns
sitting on the side that are harmless until they try to move them then they
break and their contents fills the water and hatch into tiny baby
piranhas that grow quick.
Tarnways Magic Lamp grants 3 wishes but it cant do much lol Like it
can summon some food kind of thing. And its not very strong so lol
Evil Mirror. A mirror will summon a demon if the person who looks into
it is evil it hopes out and fights and if killed they can no longer see there
reflection in it lol
A Hooded lantern that seems unnaturally bright it is to the point where
it burns those who walk in its light
Cloak of invibility that requires there to only be organic living material
underneath lol
Explosive Gauntlets that deal a lot of damage but also harm the user.
Mummy that when set on fire release poison into the air.
Treasure chest guarded lol the chest isnt a treasure chest it is a chest
filled with a monster/monsters
Copper disk when lifted shocks the party as it is connected to a rope that
is connected to a weight that when pulled up the weight falls down
spinning a disc attached to the top disk that obviously generates a charge
it will stop dealing damage after a while
A magic trap that is set of when dispelled lol
A treadmill staircase that when walked on actually lowers the ceiling
thou they dont know them running on it is causing it to lower. Lol
A door that will shoot out bolts when its pulled open no save unless they
pull it open from a distance using a rope or something
Acid water only effects organic matter
Crossbow inside art/wall traps
Bear traps hidden in the ground
Smoke room, dmg each turn unless holding breath, can hold breath for
1+con mod turns.
Kicked in door releases gas that deals damage.
Gas that doesnt deal damage till there con mod in turns then it deals
damage each turn when deals there conx2 mod in damage they pass out,
and keeps taking damage.

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