20 Things Educators Need To Know About Digital Literacy Skills

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20 Things Educators Need To

Know About Digital Literacy Skills

By Saga Briggs

July 26th, 2014 9 Comments Features

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Widely understood to be essential to success in the workplace and modern life, digital literacy is beginning to emerge as a necessary component

of curricula across the globe. As current undergraduates have never known a life without the internet, its only natural that universities should

nurture their familiarity with technology, encouraging its use in teaching and learning. Instructors should also be prepared to offer guidance on what

students arent as familiar withturning their technical skills into skills for lifelong learning and employability.

But where does one begin? Teaching digital literacy is about more than just integrating technology into lesson plans; its about using technology to

understand and enhance modern communication, to locate oneself in digital space, to manage knowledge and experience in the Age of

Digital literacy isnt about knowing computers inside and out; its about using technology to change the way you think. If critical
thinking skills havent yet become a part of your students digital citizenship, its time to rethink your teaching strategy.

These are vague descriptions, as are most of the descriptions youll find of digital literacy in blog posts and journal articles online. What teachers

need, more than a fancy synopsis of how digital publication affects the meaning of a text, is a practical and applicable guide to helping students

think productively about the digital world.

Below are the top dos and donts weve come acrossin research and in our own experiencewhen it comes to making students digitally literate.

5 Teaching Practices That Destroy Digital Literacy

Literacy specialists at Central Michigan University and the Fordham Graduate School of Education published a report in 2013 entitled No Longer a

Luxury: Digital Literacy Cant Wait which identified the following practices as harmful to the growth of the movement:

1. Criticizing digitalk

At some point, weve all been irked by the influence texting and Gchat have had on our students language use. Weve said it is causing students

to become less literate and to ignore proper English. But digitalk actually shows a complex understanding of language. Rather than destroying

students grammar and spelling, research has proven that digitalk actually improves students linguistic competence. In other words, you have to

understand the rules to break them. In addition, students develop an enhanced understanding of audience, purpose, and voice in their digital

writing communities. In treating digitalk as wrong, rather than as an example of legitimate linguistic code-switching, you will fail to validate the

digital literacy that students bring to your course.

2. Using a blog without blogging

Dont confuse the act of using a blog with the act of blogging. Blogging is an act of connective writing where the intention is to share, exchange,

and discuss information. If the interaction isnt there, youre not doing much to serve your own digital literacy.

3. Relying on slideshows
Many of our colleagues feel that asking students to create PowerPoint presentationsor even using them in their own lecturesfulfills the

requirements of teaching digital literacy. Not so. In the same way that some reductive writing pedagogies (five paragraphs of five sentences, for

example) limit creativity, slideshows with a set number of slide, image, transition, and link requirements do little to support active learning.

4. Asking (only) questions that can be answered with a Google search

Digital literacy isnt about knowing computers inside and out; its about using technology to change the way you think. If critical thinking skills

havent yet become a part of your students digital citizenship, its time to rethink your teaching strategy.

5. Using cool technology to deliver a planned lesson

Just because a tool is listed on some new version of Blooms Taxonomy as collaborative or evaluative doesnt mean we are using it in ways that

actually manifest collaboration and evaluation. If you want to spruce up a planned lesson, be sure that it gives your content a lift as well.

15 Habits to Cultivate in Your Students

1. Preach originality in the rough.

The sameor highly similarinformation can now be found on countless websites, forums, blogs, and the like. The true test is to find a diamond in

the rough: an original fact or thought that contributes something unique to the discussion. This is what students should be trained to look for.
2. Hold open discussions about plagiarism.

Every teacher should hold a discussion of what plagiarism means in the Digital Age. What was once considered copying can now be regarded as

repurposing in many cases. Refer to Kenneth Goldsmiths Uncreative Writing for inspiration on this topic.

3. Help students develop a nose for quality.

Ideally, someone with digital literacy should be able to rate the relevance and quality of a source almost instantaneously. Obvious markers include

phrasing of titles, reputation of source, standard of web design, publication date, and keywords.

4. Train students to react skeptically.

Especially when they read the phrase, Research says or A recent study revealed People are obsessed with data, and quick to believe

dramatic figures when they see them. Be sure that whoever claims to back your facts is a credible source, and that the facts themselves are not

skewed to manipulate your perspective.

5. Get used to multiple literacies, not just one.

The Digital Age has brought us not a single new type of literacy but several literacies that overlap and define one another. New literacies include

Layered Literacy, which describes the way that print and digital overlap, creating intertextuality; Transliteracy, or the ability to read and write across

a wide variety of media formats; Electracy, which refers to the pedagogical skills necessary for new digital skills; and digital citizenship, which

covers the role and rights of a person within the digital world.

6. Read past the first page of Google results.

SEO controls a lot of what shows up on the first page. Most of us have the patience only to scan what shows up on the first page. Teach your

students to delve deeper, search in different channels such as Scholar and News, and keep it going until information no longer seems relevant to

the topic.

7. Use tools like Feedly and Twitter to filter the deluge of information.

Managing the volume of information on the Internet is a huge task, and completely overwhelming without a filter. Encourage students to use Twitter

and Feedly for news updates and customize the content to fit their subjects of interest.

8. Teach your students to use WordPress.

Think of WordPress as a replacement for the cursive writing we once required in schools. Its a way to formalize your writing and lend authority to

your voice. And it demonstrates the basics of a rapidly growing medium.

9. Teach your students to write HTML.

Coding is hitting schools hard, but the important thing is to cover the basics. Once students know the fundamentals of the language, they can

easily make more advanced programming part of their continuing self-education.

10. Encourage interviews via e-mail and Skype.

Whats better than asking Google a question? How about talking face-to-face with the person who wrote the article youre reading? Well, face-to-

grainy-face, perhaps, but still significantly more informativeand motivatingthan citing a passage from a text.
11. Require students to create their own digital products.

This is the best way for students to learn digital citizenship, hands down. Learning-by-doing could not be more effective than it is in the digital

sphere. Have your students create blogs, record videos, engineer new appsthe possibilities are endless, and the benefits just about as


12. Be sure they evaluate two, if not three, competing sources before drawing a conclusion.

The best research approaches a topic from as many angles as possible. If youre crafting an argument, search for facts that may prove your theory

wrong. If youre looking for supporting evidence, be sure it comes from a diverse selection of sources.

13. Teach your students to understand scientific discourse.

Unfortunately, most research papers are not written for the layman. But understand them the layman must. Your students need to be able to

interpret scientific language in order to benefit from scientific research, as it will not always be summarized for them. Believe it or not, this is

especially important in the Digital Age, as information consumers become more and more accustomed to receiving their news in 140-character

Tweets and single-sentence Facebook updates. Part of digital literacy is knowing when the unabridged version is worth your time.

14. Teach digital writing.

Technology has fundamentally changed how writing is produced, delivered, and received. One of the goals of teaching digital writing is that

students will increase their ability to produce a relevant, high-quality product, instead of just a standard academic paper.

15. Use digital resources for empowerment.

Having a voice and a presence online can be more empowering than we think. As students form online identities and personas, help them

visualize the scale of the impact they could make on various communities and the confidence they will gain from doing so.

Basic Technology in the Classroom Tools

Digital literacy implies the same reading-writing skills, but without paper, pencils, books, or lectures. It's purpose-built and student-driven. As a teacher, you'll
want to provide the following:

Digital devices -- such as laptops, iPads, Chromebooks, or desktops, for daily use.

A digital class calendar -- with due dates, activities, and other events.

An annotation tool (like Acrobat, Notability, or iAnnotate), to take notes.

A class Internet start page -- to curate websites, widgets, and other digital tools used for learning.

A backchannel device -- to assess student learning while it's happening (with tools such as Socrative, Today's Meet, or Google Apps).

A class website or blog -- to share class activities with parents and other stakeholders.

Student digital portfolios -- to curate and collect student work for viewing and sharing.

Student e-mail -- or some method of communicating quickly with students outside class time. This can be messaging, Twitter, or a dedicated

Vocabulary tool -- so students can quickly decode words they don't understand in their reading. Make this dictionary tool easily accessible from
any digital device being used.

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