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HIV is a disease trans- HIV Prevention
mitted by having un-
protected sex or shar-
ing a needle. HIV is
known to destroys a
persons immune sys-
tem. It does this by de-
stroying vital cells. No Brochure done by
effective cure exists Noah Schelling
for HIV. But with
proper medical care,
HIV can be controlled.
Combivir combines Most people who
two drugs into a are diagnosed with
single medication, HIV and treated
making HIV correctly are
medications easier to generally known to
SYMPTOMS take. Drugs include live long lives. Side
Fever Atripla, Complera, affects only last for a
Chills Striblid and short time but the
Rash Triumeq. You can disease generally
Night sweats determine how much lasts for a life time
Muscle aches of the HIV virus is in
Sore throat your blood (viral
Fatigue load) by taking a test.
Swollen lymph notes
Mouth ulcers

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