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The S in STEM stands for science. Science is relate to my everyday life by using a

calculator and using a phone. We use gps tracking to get where we going.We use science for

medicine and to look inside people's bodies with x-ray due to notably discovered .Heart

transplants and various critical procedures are only due to science and innovations.The careers in

science is doctors/nurse.Science also important because scientists use the scientific method. The

T in STEM stands for technology ,we use television everyday and 21st century the most

important technology we use now is internet .It's good for teens to find about health. 1 in 6 teens

use the internet to find information about drugs, sexual health or depression. It's good for

learning in the last 5 years the numbers of students taking online courses has increased by

96%.The careers in tech is architect ,electrical engineers,mechanical engineers,bio

engineers,music engineers,construction engineers. The E in STEM is engineering ,we use

engineering in our everyday lives by designing clothes ,shoes,and cars.The M in STEM is

mathematics we use that everyday to count money ,use calculator ,and menu when you going out

to eat. Stem is important because it pervades to our everyday lives .Science is everywhere in the

world around us .Technology keep expanding into our lives.Engineering is the basic designs of

roads and bridges, but also help with global weather .Scientists use petri dish to stir, mixing and

heating liquids.

Section 2

Science is related to technology by using the scientific method to make or use

experiments.Scientists use telescopes to detect waves and clearer shot of everything.Scientists


Electrical engineers relate to science by using the scientific method to solve problems to make
new electrical equipment.Electrical engineering relate to technology by fixing on household
appliances and computers. It relate to math by using measurement to see what size they need
to fix the appliances in the houses.Doctors relate to science by using medical science in the
field.They use scientific study to find out about diseases and how they come about such as
cancer and
use microscopes for the existence of microorganisms, study the structure of cells, and see the

smallest parts of plants, animals, and fungi.Science use technologies that engineers create such as

monitors and meters to do research. Science relate to math by using calculations.In physics

calculus and differential equations.Science also relate to math by using statistics to rely on and

use statistics to summarize data .Scientist use charts to easily to get more data,they used to

organize the information they getting. Scientists use thermometers to measure

food,air,weather,and gas.Scientists use goggles to protect their eyes from hazardous

chemicals.Scientists use Petri dish to see growing bacteria .Technology relate to engineering buy

building bridges,houses,and skyscrapers.Technology relate to building by Structural engineering

and Architectural technology.They use computer engineering to draw highly accurate blueprint

of the building.Technology relate to engineering by building by using measurements to make

tools. Technology related to math by using calculators to solve problems.Technology also relate

to science when building something by using the scientific method.Technology also relate to

teachers using smart boards to teach students.The last thing it relate to is computers and tablets to

teach students about new lesson It students do online classes.

Section 3

Electrical engineers relate to science by using the scientific method to solve problems to make
new electrical equipment.Electrical engineering relate to technology by fixing on household
appliances and computers. It relate to math by using measurement to see what size they need
to fix the appliances in the houses.Doctors relate to science by using medical science in the
field.They use scientific study to find out about diseases and how they come about such as
cancer and
Where we encounter science in our everyday lives is by boiling water to cook.That's state

of matter and that's chemistry which is science. We use communication such as

phone,laptop,tablet,and gps system all those electronics have something to do with science. We

use technology everyday by using social media such as facebook ,instagram,twitter,and snapchat

to talk to people. We use the game system to play games with others or yourself that's part of

technology. We watch t.v. everyday to get caught up on the latest shows or news that's happening

around the world.We also use technology for education such as the library app to read books or if

you don't have no way to a library. We can use tutor app to get extra help at home on the laptop

or if you home schooled. You can use technology for banking to keep track of credit/debit card

transactions such as visa app.We use mathematics when we cooking to get the right amount for

the food. We also use it when we getting something to eat at the menu we do the math in our

head to know how much we getting back.We also use math when we looking at the time to see

how much time we got left to do something.We use math to travel to see how many gallons we

need to get there and how many miles it will get us.We use electrical engineering when we

plugging your charger cord into the socket .

Section 4

Electrical engineers relate to science by using the scientific method to solve problems to make
new electrical equipment.Electrical engineering relate to technology by fixing on household
appliances and computers. It relate to math by using measurement to see what size they need
to fix the appliances in the houses.Doctors relate to science by using medical science in the
field.They use scientific study to find out about diseases and how they come about such as
cancer and
Doctors relate to math by using when writing for medication.So they can use the right

amount of dosage for the patient.It also uses it for the right amount of time to be in body.Medical

professional use math drawing up statistics about epidemics.Doctors use science to find how

people get sick and to prevent the disease. Doctors also study the body to see how everything

working.Doctors need basic science to study the cells and how they work in the body.Doctors

use engineering to build technology.Doctors use technology to do a lot of stuff like using x ray

machine to see if you got a broken bone or tumor growing.They use technology to check their

patients health like diabetics to see how they high/low they sugar is.Most Doctors use blood

pressure monitors to check their patient blood pressure.Doctors use ultrasound machines to

determine the gender of the baby or to see cancer cells.They use patients monitor to check the

heartbeat of a patient that's sleep or in surgery.Doctors use science with medicine that has

something to do with chemicals that's chemistry and that's part of science.Electrical Engineers

relate to science by using the scientific method on experiments.It relate to engineering by using

measurement to build electrical equipments.They use it to keep building and upgrading

software.They use linear algebra to fix on outlets.They deal with a lot of equations and statistics.

Electrical engineers relate to science by using the scientific method to solve problems to make
new electrical equipment.Electrical engineering relate to technology by fixing on household
appliances and computers. It relate to math by using measurement to see what size they need
to fix the appliances in the houses.Doctors relate to science by using medical science in the
field.They use scientific study to find out about diseases and how they come about such as
cancer and

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