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Chapter 1 Challenges

1. What device will be the brain of your BOE Shield-Bot?
The Arduino module

2. When the Arduino sends a character to your PC/laptop, what type of numbers are used to
send the message through the programming cable?
Binary numbers, that is, 0s and 1s. We also saw examples of how the numbers
that represent characters are ASCII codes, like 109 = m.

3. What is the difference between the setup and loop functions?

The setup functions statements get executed once when the sketch starts. After
finishing the setup function, the sketch advances to the loop function. Its code
block gets repeated indefinitely.

4. Whats the difference between a variable name and a variable type?

The variables name is used for assignment and comparison in the sketch. The
variables type defines the kind and range of values it can store.

5. Whats the difference between global and local variables?

Global variables can be accessed and modified by any function in the sketch. Local
variables can only be accessed and modified within the block where they are

6. What are the arithmetic operators? What does each one do?
The arithmetic operators are + add, - subtract, * multiply, / divide, and % modulus.

7. What variable type will the Arduino editor apply to 21.5 if it appears in your code?
It will be treated as a float type because it has a decimal point.

8. What three elements are included between parentheses in a for loop?

Initialization, condition, increment.

9. Whats the difference between a block comment and a line comment?

A block comment starts with /* and ends with */, and allows you to write
comments that span multiple lines. A line comment starts with // and makes
whatever is to its right on that particular line a comment.

1. Write a piece of code that displays the value of i = followed by the value of stored in
the variable i in the Serial Monitor. Both should display on the same line, and then move the
cursor to the beginning of the next line for displaying more messages.
Serial.print("the value of i = ");
2. Declare a long variable named bigVal, and initialize it to 80 million.
long bigVal = 80000000;

3. Write an ifelse statement that takes the modulus of a variable divided by 2 and
compares it to zero. If the result is zero, display The variable is even. If not, display The
variable is odd.
if(myVar % 2 == 0)
Serial.println("The variable is even. ");
Serial.println("The variable is odd. ");

4. Write a for loop that starts counting at 21 and stops at 39, and counts in steps of 3.
for(int i = 21; i <= 39; i+=3)
Serial.print("i = ");

5. Write a piece of code that displays the character a variable stores along with its ASCII
char c = "a";
Serial.print("Character = ");
Serial.print(" ASCII value = ");
Serial.println(c, DEC);

6. Write a for loop, but instead of counting from one value to another, make it count from
'A' to 'Z' and display the letters in the alphabet.
for(char c = 'A'; c <='Z'; c++){}

1. Write a sketch to display the printable ASCII characters. The first printable character is
the space character, which is one press/release of your keyboards space bar between
apostrophes, like this: . The last printable character is the tilde character ~. Alternately, you
could use 32 for the loops start value and 126 for the end value.
2. Write a sketch that tells you if a variable is odd or even. Hint: when a number is even,
the remainder of the number divided by 2 is 0. Hint: variable % 2 == 0.

Chapter 2 Challenges
1. How do you connect two leads together using a breadboard?
Plug the two leads into the same 5-socket row on the breadboard.

2. What function sets a digital pins direction?

The pinMode function.

3. What function sets pin 13 to 5 V? What function sets it to 0 V?

The digitalWrite function does both, depending on its value parameter:
4. How can a sketch control the duration of a 5 V signal?
Assuming a pin has just been set high, the delay call can keep it high for a certain
amount of time. Then, a digitalWrite call can set it low.
5. What are the pulse durations that tell a continuous rotation servo to turn
a. full speed clockwise: 1.3 ms pulses for full speed clockwise
b. full speed counterclockwise: 1.7 ms pulses for full speed clockwise
c. stay still:1.5 ms pulses for stay still
6. Which call would make a servo turn faster?
B:servoLeft.writeMicroseconds(1420. Full speed clockwise is
servoLeft.writeMicroseconds(1300), and stop is
servoLeft.WriteMicroseconds(1500). Since 1420 is further from stop and closer
to full speed, its the correct value for faster clockwise rotation even though it is
7. How can a sketch control the duration of a certain servo signal?
Servo.writeMicroseconds(value) followed by delay(ms) followed by
Servo.writeMicroseconds(newValue) or Servo.detach(pin) will keep the servo turning
for ms milliseconds.

1. Write a loop function that makes an LED blink 5 times per second, with an on time
thats 1/3 of its off time. (Disconnect the servos for this exercise!)

void loop() // Main loop auto-repeats

{ // 200 ms -> 5 blinks/second
digitalWrite(13, HIGH); // Pin 13 = 5 V, LED emits light
delay(50); // ..for 0.05 seconds
digitalWrite(13, LOW); // Pin 13 = 0 V, LED no light
delay(150); // ..for 0.15 seconds

2. Write a setup function that makes the pin 13 servo turn full speed clockwise for 1.2
seconds, while the pin 12 servo stays still. After that, set both servos to stop.
void setup() // Built in initialization block
servoLeft.attach(13); // Attach left signal to pin 13
servoRight.attach(12); // Attach right signal to pin 12

servoLeft.writeMicroseconds(1300); // 1.3 ms -> clockwise

servoRight.writeMicroseconds(1500); // 1.5 ms -> stop
delay(1200); // ..for 1.2 seconds
servoLeft.writeMicroseconds(1500); // 1.5 ms -> stop

3. Write a setup function that makes one servo turn the same direction for 3 seconds.
The other servo should turn the opposite direction for the first 1.5 seconds and the same direction
for the second 1.5 seconds. Then, make both servos stop.
void setup() // Built in initialization block
servoLeft.attach(13); // Attach left signal to pin 13
servoRight.attach(12); // Attach right signal to pin 12

servoLeft.writeMicroseconds(1700); // 1.7 ms -> cc-wise

servoRight.writeMicroseconds(1300); // 1.3 ms -> clockwise
delay(1500); // ..for 1.5 seconds
servoRight.writeMicroseconds(1700); // 1.7 ms -> cc-wise
servoLeft.writeMicroseconds(1500); // 1.5 ms -> stop
servoRight.writeMicroseconds(1500); // 1.5 ms -> stop

1. Look up the servo librarys detach function and use it in place
of servoLeft and servoRight.writeMicroseconds(1500) to stop servos after
they turn for 3 seconds.
2. Write a program that makes the pin 13 servo turn counterclockwise while the pin 12
servo turns clockwise. After 3 seconds, make both servos turn counterclockwise for 0.6
seconds. Then, make both turn clockwise for 0.6 seconds. Then, make the pin 13 servo turn
clockwise and the pin 12 servo turn counterclockwise for 3 seconds.

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