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2014 International Conference on Circuit, Power and Computing Technologies [ICCPCT]

An Embedded Web server based Remote Motor

Control system using Virtual Panel
Shalini.N Siva Sakthi.S
PG-Scholar, Associate Professor,
Embedded System Technologies, Dept. of EEE,
Krishnasamy College of Engineering and Technology, Krishnasamy College of Engineering and Technology,
Tamilnadu, India. Tamilnadu, India.

Abstract In modern industrial field, the requirement for programmable and high efficiency controller webpage is
monitoring and controlling system is one of the most important necessary for the world competition [6]. With the increasing
criteria for minimizing the power consumption. In this paper, an scale of control systems in industrial field, an embedded web
effort is made to monitor and control the speed of the motor server as a gateway to connect serial devices and networks to
through TCP/IP connection using virtual instrumentation, achieve the minimum cost can be used as web-based remote
LabVIEW. A design of PIC microcontroller along with Ethernet
control.The client through the network to send control
module is presented. Parameters such as Temperature, voltage,
current can be monitored and read out with the help of internal commands to the motor, while the motor is running the state
ADC. A web server can be embedded into any appliance and through the network back to the client [7]. LabVIEW front
connected to the Internet so the appliance can be monitored and panel is designed for user interface to display waveforms of
controlled from remote places through the browser in a desktop. By measured physical quantities from serial port, connected to
typing the IP address on the web browser the user get a web page embedded board and display waveform on waveform chart.
on the screen; this page contains all the information about the The software designed in LABVIEW offers high flexibility for
status of the devices. By providing password, we can log on to the dynamic user requirements and variety of data to be acquired
system and proceed the monitoring and controlling process. With and also user can monitor and control number of processes
the help of LabVIEW software the system provides high accuracy
from remote location or choose any function to handle process
and flexibility.
Keywords Embedded web server, Ethernet, microcontroller, parameters to automate system and avoid human interventions
LabVIEW, TCP/IP protocol. [8].
The paper is organized as follows: in Section II we will
I. INTRODUCTION introduce the details of hardware implementation. Section III
The embedded web server technology is combination of will describe the embedded web server system architecture. In
embedded device and internet technology, which provides a section IV will describe the demonstration and software
flexible remote device monitoring based on internet browser. implementation of system. Section V presents the results and
The implementation methods of core protocols in protocol discussion.VI will describe the conclusion and future work.
stack such as 802.3, ARP, IP, TCP and HTTP were analyzed
in detail [1]. Through introducing internet in to control II.HARDWARE IMPLEMENTATION
network, it is possible to achieve remote sensing monitoring A.PIC 18F458Microcontroller
and controlling for equipments [2].An embedded web server is In our proposed work, we use PIC 18F458 Micro
a hardware component of a system that implements the HTTP controller, it has the special feature of inbuilt CAN Module.
protocol interfaced with an application. It can be used to PIC18f458 is 28/40-Pin High performance, Enhanced Flash
provide a application or to design application for the Microcontrollers. It has High performance RISC CPU. It has
distribution and acquisition of information to be displayed in Advanced Analog Features like 10-bit, up to 8-channel
regular interface, it has an advantage of easily being interfaced Analog-to-Digital Converter module (A/D).It has Special
with a Network through Ethernet [3]. An Embedded web Microcontroller Features like Power-on Reset (POR), Power-
server is a microcontroller that contains an internet software up Timer (PWRT) and Oscillator Start-up Timer (OST)
suite as well as application Code for monitoring and Watchdog Timer (WDT) with its own on-chip RCoscillator.
controlling systems.Embedded web server for embedded It has FlashTechnology with Low-power, high-speed
devices provide a network interfaces to realize the remote Enhanced Flash technology, fully static design and Wide
management and control, which is an important technology of operating voltage range (2.0V to 5.5V).
the networked embedded equipment [4]. The purpose of this
project is to build a remote control system through a webpage B.Ethernet Controller (ENC28J60)
which is controlled through local area network/internet by Ethernet controller is a standalone Ethernet controller
using an embedded TCP/IP ENC28J60 module [5] .A web with an industry standard peripheral interface (SPI). It is
base control and monitoring system can make us control a designed to serve as Ethernet network interface for any
system without distance. So developing a cost effective,

978-1-4799-2397-7/14/$31.00 2014 IEEE 1049

2014 International Conference on Circuit, Power and Computing Technologies [ICCPCT]

microcontroller equipped with SPI.It has integrated MAC Current Sensor

and 10BASE-T PHY. It also support unicast, multicast and The Winson WCS2720 provides economical and precise
broadcast address. It meets all the specifications for IEEE solution for both DC and AC current sensing in industrial,
802.3.It also provides an internal DMA module for fast data commercial and communications systems. It has Min.
throughput and hardware assisted IP checksum calculations. sensing current 0~20A at 5V voltage supply, Sensitivity 64
It supports full duplex and half duplex modes. It has mV/A, and Wide operating voltage range 3.0~12 V.
programmable automatic re-transmit on collision. It has SPI Voltage Sensor
interface speeds up to 10 Mb/s. A Voltage Sensor (PC-3160) is a device that measures the
voltage dispersed through the circuit depends upon whether
the current is AC or DC. It has maximum voltage: 27 V,
DRIVER and Resolution up to 10mV. The measurement capabilities of
UNIT DC different voltage sensors differ widely due to many ranges of
their usage from computer circuitry to large transformer
Speed Sensor
A sensor device TBT1C is used for reading the speed of a
5V POWER motor rotation. Speed sensors are machines used to detect
D CONDITIONING the speed of an object, usually a transport vehicle. When
C referring to speed sensors in industry, it is usually the rotary
LCD PIC18F458 speed which is being measured. It has Operating temperature
DISPLAY ranges between -25~+100 and the Supply voltage range
TEMPERATURE between 12VDC~30VDC and also its Frequency range
between 1.83Hz~2500Hz.
D.DC Motor
A DC motor is designed to run on DC electric power,
which will operate in the ratings of 12Vdc and supports
0.6A. DC motors have been popular in the industry control
area for a long time, because they have many good
characteristics, for example: high starting torque
LabVIEW CONTROLLER characteristics, high response performance, easier to be
(ENC28J60) linear control etc.


Embedded Web server (EWS) refers to the Web server
will be introduced to the field test and control equipment in
hardware platform and software system, with the support of
the traditional test and control equipment for a change in the
TCP/IP for the bottom communication protocol. The Fig 2
shows the concept of embedded web server. Web technology
as the core based on the Internet network testing and control
equipment Embedded Web server to simplify the traditional
server system structure, in equipment and to realize
information transmission and the function of the network
Embedded Web server software system usually include
Fig 1 Basic block diagram center processing module, HTTP engine, file system,
configuration module, security module, application program
C.Sensor interface. The server is the core of the central processing
Temperature Sensor module, it is the control and the scheduling, HTTP engine
LM35 is the temperature sensor from National realize the HTTP protocol, the file system access to
Semiconductor. This sensor output voltage is linearly resources, configuration module and security module
proportional to the Celsius. The LM35 does not require any implements the server configuration and security
external calibration or trimming to provide typical accuracies mechanism, application server interface implementation and
of 1 4C at room temperature and 3 4C over a full 55 application interaction. The most common use of web
to +150C temperature range.

2014 International Conference on Circuit, Power and Computing Technologies [ICCPCT]

servers is to host websites, but there are other

o uses such as logically closer to the user annd deal with more abstract data,
gaming, data storage or running enterprise applications. relying on lower layer protoccols to translate forms that can
eventually be physically trannsmitted. The TCP/IP reference
EB SERVER model consists of four layers.
The TCP/IP flow uses appplication layer (HTTP) then the
INDUSTRY HTTP CGI data will send to the transpoort layer (TCP) and go to the
WEB PROGRAM network (IP) and lastly go to the
t data link.



Fig 3 Cliennt Server Model

C. HTTP Protocol
CLIENT The protocol used for thhe communication between web
server and web browser is Hyyper Text Transfer Protocol. Port
numbers are the mechanism for identifying particular client
and server applications .Servvers select a port to wait for a
Fig 2 Embedded web server architeecture connection. Most services haave well known port numbers.
For example, HTTP uses port 80. When a web browser
A. Client/Server Approach fies port 80 when contacting the
requests a web page it specifi
The client/server paradigm requires soome computers to server. Clients usually have ephemeral port numbers since
dedicate to be serving other computers. A server application they exist only as long as the session lasts. HTML pages are
waits for a client application to initiate conntact. A server is a used for data communicatioon between the client and the
system which hosts websites and providess services for any server.
requesting clients. A server application waitsw for a client
application to initiate contact.The embeddded web server, 1) When there is a connecttion request from a client, Web
responding to the ping command made by thhe client. The user server is responsible for receiving the request saving related
has to enter128.213.1.1 IP to access thee server. If the IP information.
address entered is correct and matches to thhat of the server, a 2) After receiving the connnection request, Server analyzes
request is sent to the server and a TCP P/IP connection is the request, calls analysis moodule, and works out solutions,
established and finally server starts sendingg the web pages to URL target, and information of the list. At the same time, it
the client. A Client can access the industrys web server processes the request accordinngly.
through internet. The client server model is shown in Fig 3. 3) After the correspondingg treatment is finished, the Web
B. TCP/IP Protocol server sends responses to thee client browser and then closes
The Internet protocol suite is the set of
o communications the TCP connection with thhe client. For different request
protocols that implement the protocol staack on which the methods, the embedded Web W server makes different
Internet and most commercial networks runn. It has also been responses. If the request method is HEAD, the response
referred to as the TCP/IP protocol suite, whhich is named after header will be sent to the broowser; If the request method is
two of the most important protocols in it: the Transmission GET, in addition to sending thet response header, it will also
Control Protocol (TCP) and the Internet Prrotocol (IP), which read out from the server thee URL target file of the client
were also the first two networking protocolss defined. request and send it to the client browser; If the request
The Internet Protocol suite like many protocol
p suites can method is POST, the informaation of the list will be sent to
be viewed as a set of layers. Each layeer solves a set of corresponding CGI program, and a then take the information as
problems involving the transmission of datta, and provides a a CGI parameter to execute CGI
C program. Finally, the results
well-defined service to the upper layer prrotocols based on will be sent to client browser.
using services from some lower layers. Upper layers are

2014 International Conference on Circuit, Power and Computing Technologies [ICCPCT]

config.C for the expansion of function increase a command

GET/page.htmlHTTP/1.1 yards flag, and the processinng of the designated it response
Host function. And then in thee cgihead.c to complete the
useragent: Mozilla/5.09 processing of the response funnction of the code can. Through
SERVER the Web server realize setting embedded system IP address to
illustrate the expansion of thhe CGI method and process of
CLIENT development.
HTTP/1.1200OK Remote control system is realized using LabVIEW (short
<html><title>my for Laboratory Virtual Instrumentation Engineering
page</title> Workbench) is a platform andd development environment for
a visual programming languaage from National Instruments.
LabVIEW is commonly used for data acquisition, instrument
Fig 4 HTTP Protocol mation on a variety of platforms
control, and Industrial autom
including Microsoft Window ws, various flavours of UNIX,
E.HTML Pages Linux, and Mac OS. The mainn idea behind the remote control
In the embedded web server, web pages
p are selected system is to access and conttrol the speed of motor from a
as the media of interaction. HTML is used in designing these distant place using suitable communication method. The
web pages. The html pages are saved on thee board. The status structure of communication through
t web interface is shown
of the motor is shown on the web page. We can view the in fig 6.
status of motor as shown and change the staatus by clicking on
it and update the system. Hence, results shhow that the client LABVIEW LabVIEW WEB
can access the resources from any remote place via its own APPLICATION SERVICES
local browser.


Fig 6 Communicatioon through web interface

The web server circuit is connnected to the internet.The user

at the other end having a Graphical
G User Interface (GUI)
control the motor speed by changing different parameters
allowed by the virtual lab architect. The server will take care
of the data traffic and the connection to the clients. The
remote clients access the system connected to the internet
through a web browser.
Fig 5 HTML Pages
A. Remote Panels
F.Design of CGI This is the simplest methhod of interfacing a LabVIEW
Common Gateway Interface (CGI) iss the abbreviation application with the World Wide
W Web. In this method, panel
of, it is the Web server hosting with external expansion images of the application can be constantly broadcast to users
application interaction of a standard Innterface. Its main through the web at relativeely short time intervals. This
function is in Web environment, from the t client transfer method is simple since the fuull VI (Virtual Instrument) front
some information to the Web server, the Web
W server receives panels are broadcasted, configguration of the LabVIEW built-
the information into the environment variiable, and then to in Web Server is very simple and straightforward.
start specified CGI scripts to accomplish a specific work, a
CGI script from environment variables in getg information to B. Web Services
run, finally in HTML output format annd implementation It enables the invocation of
o a method on a remote target
results returned to the browser. Because the customer can using standard Web-based prootocols. A client sends a request
send different parameters to the CGI scripts, so CGI to a remote server, which prrocesses the request and replies
technology makes between the browser annd the web server with a response, which is theen interpreted and displayed by
interactive The expansion of the CGI is thhat development in the client application. This communication
c method is used

2014 International Conference on Circuit, Power and Computing Technologies [ICCPCT]

for all the internet activities such as browsing the Web, including collect the data of the controlled object, dynamic
checking e-mails, and even reading this article online. Web display and real-time control. In control system the computer
services can act as a web application programming interface compares the signal coming from the sensor with the reference
(API) to any type of software, whether that software is value which is called as set point here. According to the set
controlling complex instrumentation or simply a database point the controller makes a decision and sends a control
store. To use a web service, a client sends a request to the signal to hardware equipment.
remote system hosting the service, which then processes the
request and sends back a response. V. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
C. Front Panel An embedded web server based remote control system
LabVIEW front panel is designed for user interface to has been designed which can be used for industrial
display waveforms of measured physical quantities, control applications.The general hardware structure of the remote
number of byte counts, setting baud rate, selection of control system based on PIC microcontroller. Sensor inputs
communication port number i.e. VISA resources name, and are connected through signal conditioning circuits to PIC
error control techniques etc. It contains a knob for selecting Controller. It processes the signals and then parameter
the number of measurements per average, a control for values such as voltage, current, temperature, speed of the
selecting the measurement type, a digital indicator to display motor are measured. Status of the working devices or
the output value, and a stop button. An elaborate front panel appliances is decided based on the measured value. So, it is
can be created without much effort to serve as the user necessary to measure the parameters and control if it exceeds
interface for an application. some certain limit to avoid any changes in the systems.
Serial communication is done between processor and
Ethernet controller.This system adopts Browser/Server mode
and control the remote systems. By using PC with
LAbVIEW act as a web server it is connected to the internet
and the whole device is connected to remote PC through
internet. User can monitor and control number of processes
from remote location or choose any function to handle
process parameters to automate system and avoid human
interventions. The software designed in LAbVIEW offers
high flexibility for dynamic user requirements and variety of
data to be acquired.
We have introduced the general design concept of the
embedded web server and the policy of TCP/IP reduction,
special the reduction of TCP, whose goal is to allow easy
access to and exploitation of remote equipment. This web
server gives the common devices an Internet interface and
gains a good performance.So it is find that virtual
instruments have the good flexibility and powerful functions
in the application of the measurement system, which means
it is a good choice in the design of industrial control system
with high measuring precision, easily manipulation, high
accuracy, better stability etc.This system is very suitable for
acquiring data or signals form a large scale industry field.
Fig 7 Front Panel for graphical programming in LabVIEW for Motor In this paper, we have demonstrated system design and
control system.
implementation of embedded web server using remote
control system is well suited for Industrial automation
D. Block Diagram Panel
through internet is a good solution, which is faster and
The block diagram or source code window holds the
graphical source code of LabVIEW VIs. We can construct the accurate. So that, it is possible to access that web page
block diagram by writing together objects that perform through internet and can able monitor and control the speed
specific functions. When we place a control or indicator on the of the motor. The system has been implemented, tested and
we have achieved accurate and reliable transmission of data
front panel, Lab VIEW automatically creates a corresponding
to the IP address and representation of waveform in
terminal on the block diagram. By default, we cannot delete a
block diagram terminal that belongs to a control or indicator. LabVIEW.In the future, we can upgrade this system to its
LabVIEW software is simple and easy to use, when you portable or handy form of system by replacing the PC to a
need to implement measurement and control, adding a data PIC based mobile computers so that approach to the
acquisition card you can achieve the following functions,

2014 International Conference on Circuit, Power and Computing Technologies [ICCPCT]

parameters to be measured become easier and can perform

remote measurements and monitoring.


The authors thank the Management and Principal, of

Krishnasamy College of Engineering and Technology,
Cuddalore, Tamilnadu for providing excellent computing
facilities and encouragement.
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