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MAY 19, 2017

VOL. LXXXVI NO. 33 $1.00 86 2017


On Wisconsin
How Teaneck's Ariela Rifkin
beat BDS in Madison page 20

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Page 3

Wordsmiths toy with Israeli ambassador

cancels party for kicks
Hebrew word for fidget spinner l Rather than celebrating Israels uniforms, balls, and coaches.
birthday with a fancy embassy party, Our intention was to bring a
l The fidget spinner, the simple palm-
Israels ambassador to Nigeria funded message of hope to the children,
size toy that has spun its way into the
a soccer league for refugee children. which is also the Zionist message,
hearts of kids around the world, has
Ambassador Guy Feldman Feldman said.
Israeli linguists twisting their tongues
used the money budgeted for the League members are from 8 to 12
trying to come up with a Hebrew name
embassys Yom Haatzmaut reception years old and live in refugee camps
for the tchotchke.
to set up a league for 225 children in the Nigerian state of Adamawa, on
Scholars at the Academy of the
who escaped Boko Haram, Ynet the border with Cameroon.
Hebrew Language, the institution that is
reported. The embassy provided JTA Wire Service
the authority on modern Hebrew, have
turned to the Israeli public for help,
asking kids and teachers to try their
hands at coming up with the right term
for the propeller-like toy.
Its a good learning opportunity,
Ronit Gadish said. She is the academys
scientific secretary. We decided to
take advantage of it.
Gadish said that most toys and its necessary to make up a new word
commercial products have proper for a trend that may be over within a
names that end up being used by few months.
Hebrew speakers. Among the suggestions getting likes
Lego doesnt have a Hebrew name, are sahriron, which combines sahrir, or
she said. But spinner is just a basic spin, with the structure of sevivon, the
English word. Its not a commercial Hebrew word for a dreidel or top, and
name. And there are plenty of Hebrew savsevet, which uses the root sav, or
words and roots that have to do with turn. But neither of them are as popular
spinning. as an idea to make it an homage to the
The academy put forth its challenge spinner-in-chief, Benjamin Netanyahu
on Facebook, listing 18 different calling it a Bibi, or perhaps a Sabibi.
Hebrew words that have to do with Were not taking it that seriously,
spinning, turning, and circling. Gadish said. Its just a great
The Facebook post already has opportunity to think about how a new
David Friedman, left, ran into Steven Tyler at the Western Wall on May
received more than 1,000 comments, word is formed, about language and its
15, 2017. Rob Ghost/Flash90
including from people who dont feel formation.Jessica Steinberg/Times of Israel

For convenient home delivery, call 201-837-8818 or Aerosmith singer meets
PUBLISHERS STATEMENT: (USPS 275-700 ISN 0021-6747) is
ambassador at the Kotel
CONTENTS published weekly on Fridays with an additional edition every
October, by the New Jersey Jewish Media Group, 1086 Teaneck
l Just another day at the Western Aerosmith was in town for a
Noshes4 Road, Teaneck, NJ 07666. Periodicals postage paid at Hackensack,
Wall. concert at Tel Avivs Yarkon Park. It
briefly local16 NJ and additional offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes Aerosmith singer Steven Tyler, who was the bands first performance in
to New Jersey Jewish Media Group, 1086 Teaneck Road, Teaneck,
cover story20 NJ 07666. Subscription price is $30.00 per year. Out-of-state sub- is in Israel to play a concert, ran into the Jewish state in 22 years. Tyler
jewish world 24 scriptions are $45.00, Foreign countries subscriptions are $75.00. the new U.S. ambassador to Israel, reportedly requested a slew of
healthy living & The appearance of an advertisement in The Jewish Standard does
David Friedman, at the holy site. specific healthy foods: organic goat
adult lifestyles 37 not constitute a kashrut endorsement. The publishing of a paid

political advertisement does not constitute an endorsement of any The grizzled rocker and the white- milk, organic almonds and cashews,
candidate political party or political position by the newspaper or
dvar torah 53 any employees.
haired diplomat were quite the odd washed blueberries, Pink Lady
THE FRAZZLED HOUSEWIFE54 The Jewish Standard assumes no responsibility to return unsolicit- couple, making for an interesting apples, and flavored seltzer.
crossword puzzle54 ed editorial or graphic materials. All rights in letters and unsolicited photo op. Gabe Friedman/JTA Wire Service
editorial, and graphic material will be treated as unconditionally
ARTS & CULTURE 55 assigned for publication and copyright purposes and subject to
calendar 56 JEWISHSTANDARDs unrestricted right to edit and to comment
shavuot 59 editorially. Nothing may be reprinted in whole or in part without
written permission from the publisher. 2017
GALLERY60 Candlelighting: Friday, May 19, 7:53 p.m.
classifieds 62 Shabbat ends: Saturday, May 20, 9:00 p.m.
real estate64

march 3, 2017 3
may 19,
Very emotional day for me. Hoping people
will congratulate me on this momentous
occasion. It was my idea, after all...
Twitter post on May 14 by @HerzlTweets, one of a series of historical twitter
accounts set up by Israels Ministry of Foreign Affairs and retweeted under the @
Tweeting67 feed.

Jason Ian Drucker Zachary Gordon Alicia Silverstone Emory Cohen


Movies in theaters and on your couch

Mayim Bialik Diary of a Wimpy tion. (Opens May 19.) Operators, by the late who is based on Crystal,
Kid: The Long Drucker was born and Michael Hastings. You and War Machine fol-

Big Bang and book

Haul is the fourth grew up in Hollywood, may recall that in 2010 lows the events leading
installment in the Diary Florida. His father is an Hastings did a Rolling up to his firing. EMORY
click for Mayim Bialik series. It takes place a
year after the events in
anesthesiologist and
his mother is a fitness
Stone interview with
General Stanley McCrys-
COHEN, 27, plays Willy
Dunne, an important
As usual, the season finale of The Big Bang Theory the third film, but the instructor. Your intrepid tal, then the head of member of McMahons
ended with a surprise teaser. I wont spoil it for those principal cast has been reporter was able to find NATO forces in Afghani- staff. Cohen burst into
who didnt see the episode, except to say that it involved replaced. Newcomer out they belong to a lo- stan, in which the general prominence with his
MAYIM BIALIKs character, Amy, and her boyfriend, JASON IAN DRUCKER, 11, cal Reform synagogue heavily criticized Presi- lovely performance as an
stars as Greg Heffley, and were generous do- dent Obama and his Italian guy who courts an
Sheldon. Its now certain that the series main the focus
replacing ZACHARY nors to this years Purim administration. He was Irish girl in the acclaimed
will be on Amy and Sheldon during at least the first half GORDON, now 19. ALICIA celebration there. subsequently forced to film Brooklyn (2015).
of next season. SILVERSTONE, 40, plays The original Netflix resign. In 2012, Hastings, Other notable cast
Bialiks present worldwide stardom is a far cry from Gregs mom. Long Haul film War Ma- who died in a car crash in members include Ben
where she was before she joined the show in 2009. On finds Greg and his brother chine premieres on 2013, turned the year he Kinsley as Hamid Karzi,
May 10, she told Seth Meyers that a motivation for work- convincing their family to Friday, May 26. A satirical spent traveling with and the former president of
ing on the hit show was making sure that her health go on a road trip for their film about the seemingly interviewing McCrystal Afghanistan, and Antho-
grandmas 90th birthday. endless Afghanistan war, into The Operators. ny Michael Hall as Gen-
insurance didnt lapse. I gather that her sporadic work
But they actually intend it is loosely based on a Brad Pitt stars as eral Michael Flynn (yes,
in show business and as a part-time teacher (she got to go to a video conven- nonfiction book, The General Glen McMahon, that Michael Flynn). N.B.
a doctorate in neuroscience in 2007) did not provide
enough financial stability for her, her then-husband, and
her two children. anywhere other than this country; I want to go where being female and how it varies across culture.
Youd think that it would be smooth sailing for an Im not the only one who doesnt shave my legs and arm- On her books cover, Bialik wears a cape like Supergirls
actress who was in a major hit film (Beaches, 1988) pits. I want to go where its not weird to like sports cars as she jumps joyfully in the air. She says: Im writing a
when she was 13 and was the star of Blossom, a hit and comic books and veganism. book about girls feeling empowered and feeling intelli-
sit-com, when she was 16. But, in a recent Marie Claire Her new book, Girling Up: How to Be Strong, Smart gent and embracing their quirky sides, I dont want to be
article, Bialik recounts her insecurities, year by year, and Spectacular is aimed to be a guide for all girls, those presented as the pretty girl wearing glasses on the cover
from the time she was 4 until she was 17. Heres 17: I who are quirky and those who are not, on how to cope of this book. I actually suggested that we do something
dont like the boys the other girls like. I dont want to with the challenges of growing up. Bialik says that it comic-y and superhero-y and empowering with me in
act dumb so boys will like me. I want to find someone teaches girls about themselves through learning about sneakers, the way I always am.
who looks and thinks like Elvis Costello. I want to live the cultural experience, or a scientific experience, of N.B.

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Finding their political voices
Representative Josh Gottheimer talks to students at Yavneh in Paramus

arents send their kids to school
to learn. They learn how to read
and write, they learn about his-
tory and math, and at the Yavneh
Academy in Paramus they learn about the
importance of using their voices to make
positive changes in their environment and
their country.
Dr. Aliza Frohlich, the director of guidance
at Yavnehs middle school, oversees the advi-
sory program; part of that programs focus is
Do not stand idly by. This biblical directive
is connected to bullying and cheating within
the school, and expands to getting involved
with political action, Dr. Frohlich said.
Every student should know that bullying will
not be tolerated; they should not just stand
by and say nothing. They have the power to
do something. The program empowers stu-
dents to speak up and have a chance to make
a difference.
As they get older, students learn that they
have the power to make a difference in the
political arena, if they so desire. Rabbi Jona-
than Knapp, Yavnehs principal, spoke about
the activism that these students are learning.
They learn, he said, that they must stand up
to eradicate evil and to protect peace.
Teach NJS is a division of the Orthodox Congressman Josh Gottheimer takes a question from a student at the Yavneh Academy in Paramus during a program on
Union that works to gain funding for nonpub- political activism.
lic schools. Part of its programming includes
bringing congressional representatives and of Israel, a subject that is very close to these
senators to local schools. As part of Teach students hearts.
NJS, Representative Josh Gottheimer (D-5th Mr. Gottheimer talked about his accom-
Dist.) paid a visit to 113 very politically aware plishments since he was sworn into office
seventh graders. He told these young people for his first term in January. They include an
how much he enjoys meeting students, and amendment he introduced to help veterans
he encouraged them to follow their politi- both those fresh out of the service and those
cal aspirations and lobby for issues that are who are older get jobs. He told the students
important to them. that his hopes for his time in office include
The congressman was even so honest as to working on Israel, fixing tax codes, and fix-
talk to the audience about the anti-Semitism ing roads, bridges, and trains. The students
that he experienced in his own campaign, were surprised to hear that New Jersey has
how upsetting it was to him, and how impor- been rated as having the ninth worst roads
tant education is in eradicating these issues. in the country.
When he was asked about bullying, Mr. Got- Students at the Yavneh School were pas-
theimer said, As Americans, we should sionately engaged in learning about Ameri-
value and treat one another with respect. My can civics and good government, and their
advice to middle schoolers is that we must questions made it clear that they share my
be brave and stand up against hate in all its unshakeable commitment to Israel and its
forms. Hate and intolerance have no place in security, Mr. Gottheimer said. I look for-
the greatest democracy in the world. ward to seeing the great things these young Congressman Gottheimer accepts a presentation from two Yavneh students at
An innocent onlooker might assume that people will do in service of our community the assembly.
because these students are only 13 years old, and nation.
their questions would be benign. But they Ozzie Wimpfheimer, one of the seventh Ozzie said. He explained every question to Gottheimer? Yes, Ozzie said. I personally
werent. These students came up with ques- graders, was very excited about hearing from all the kids. He would dissect the question felt like he really covered everything that he
tions ranging from What is a typical day for a Mr. Gottheimer. I thought the congressman and explain that first, and then explain every- came here to do. He spoke about Israel and
congressman? to What do you think about really answered the questions very well, for thing that he was talking about. what it is like to be a congressman. I mostly
President Trumps plans for healthcare in the kids who either knew generally what was I feel like he really got to every kid in enjoyed him talking about his day-to-day life,
United States? A lot of time was spent ask- going on in Washington or kids who didnt the room. learning what a congressman does every day,
ing and answering questions about the state even know who their congressman was, And did he learn anything from Mr. and how he manages it.


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Volunteering for Israel

Local women describe how packing medical supplies is good medicine for them
ABIGAIL KLEIN LEICHMAN how to pack and seal medical supplies into
plastic bags. They then placed the sealed
They ate mediocre meals, slept in spar- bags into trunk-sized canvas bags and into
tan rooms, and donned drab work clothes 13-compartment backpacks in which each
to perform repetitive tasks from 8 in the item had to be in a specific compartment
morning until 4 in the afternoon for five for fast access.
straight days. The big bags, which were extremely
And they cant wait to do it again. heavy and would require multiple people
Hilda Froelke of Hoboken, Tobey Lyden or machinery to carry, contained medi-
of Fort Lee, and Iris Coleman of Leonia cines and equipment for any medical situ-
a trio of 60-something friends who met ation you could imagine, Ms. Lyden said.
through their mutual membership in the These were used both within Israel and
JCC of Fort Lee/Congregation Gesher Sha- outside of Israel in countries that require
lom took off on April 21 for a stint with medical aid due to disasters. The smaller
Volunteers for Israel. backpacks held field supplies for medics.
VFIs partner organization, Sar-El She never will forget what the civilian
National Project for Volunteers Israel, supervisor said when they performed a
places the visitors on Israel Defense Forces related task, she added. The volunteers
supply bases and oversees their activities. were asked to disassemble medical bags
Approximately 1,200 Americans each that came back from the field. After a
year join thousands of volunteers, 17 and certain amount of time, they must be
older, from more than 60 countries. Not updated with fresh items. When we
because theyre expecting fabulous food opened the unused backpacks to resup-
or four-star accommodations, but only ply them, our manager said, Thank God
to contribute their time and labor to the they were not used.
defenders of the Jewish state. Israelis want peace. They dont want to
Marion and Steve Mittelman of Mor- have to use this equipment.
ris County, voluntary North New Jersey Ms. Coleman recalled that on the last
Ambassadors for Volunteers for Israel, day, All the bags Tobey and Hilda
emphasize that no training or skills are had put together were wrapped up
required and participants may choose on a pallet to be sent out. I thought
one-week, two-week, or three-week stints about how these items might help
all year round. wounded soldiers or Syrian women
When Israel has a crisis or a need, Hilda Froelke stands with some of the and children who come to the bor-
people are clamoring to volunteer, Ms. medical backpacks she assembled on der for medical assistance. To me,
Mittelman said. This year is a little qui- an IDF supply base. that was totally amazing.
eter, but usually we have about 12 groups She was working under a differ-
per year from northern New Jersey. calling in reservists when there is a flare- ent civilian supervisor, unpacking
Ms. Froelke, Ms. Lyden, and Ms. Cole- up or conflict. There arent enough stand- and checking medical gear, includ-
man were assigned to a group of 19 and ing soldiers for the unglamorous day-to- ing CPR kits, stethoscopes, and
put to work checking and packing medi- day jobs required to keep the army ready blood-pressure cuffs that had been
cal supplies. for action. packed two years before. Equip-
Ms. Froelke admits to a moment of So thats why they count on volun- ment found to be in perfect work-
cynicism on the first day. It was hard teers to do the prep work, Ms. Froelke ing order was then repackaged and
work, and at one point I said, Well, said. After I heard that, I felt a lot better sealed for another two years.
this is just cheap labor. But in the eve- and very motivated to do my part. One At first, I thought, Israelis are
ning we all met in the club room and the day we were asked to work till 5:30, and so inventive; cant they build a
commander who handles the volunteers we all said okay, even though its all day machine to package all this stuff and
explained why they do this. doing the same thing. check the gauges?, Ms. Coleman
He told them that as a defense army on They also came to realize the vital said. But then I looked at a piece
a tight budget, the IDF keeps the number importance of their repetitive tasks. From left, Hilda Froelke, Iris Coleman, and of tubing and saw some cracks, and
of active-duty personnel to a minimum, Ms. Lyden and Ms. Froelke were shown Tobey Lyden worked for Volunteers for Israel. I realized maybe we cant develop a

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machine that looks for cracked tubing. And

that could be a matter of life and death. You
everyones efforts to annihilate the Jew-
ish people, we are strong and we have our
Tobey, Hilda, and Iris are three
really need eyes on this equipment because own army and a future. My group leader of the most enthusiastic
lives are at stake.
In the evenings, two female soldiers
said that evening and she was all of 20
Thank God we can defend ourselves now.
volunteers I have processed for
assigned to the group led programming The next day, we stood at attention for our program in Israel.
for the volunteers. Many people wanted two minutes when the siren was sounded BEV COHEN
to learn more about the base and the throughout Israel.
army and the volunteer programs in gen- Although most of this cadre of overseas processed for our program in Israel, Ms. They were in Tel Aviv for Memorial Day
eral, so they brought us speakers, Ms. volunteers was Jewish, thats not always the Cohen continued. They were meticu- and Independence Day, back-to-back hol-
Froelke said. case. Ms. Lyden and Ms. Coleman went to lous in submitting their applications and idays on which the somber mood of the
She noted that there were both reli- Israel with VFI last year as well, and about in their preparation for this great adven- first gives way to the joy of the second as
gious and secular military personnel on half of that group was gentile. ture. I just knew they would be outstand- night falls. On that transitional evening,
the base. They learned that Israel pro- One mans grandfather had liberated a ing volunteers and contribute in a mean- they joined the crowd at Rabin Square,
vides civil-service alternatives for men, camp and said that he felt he owed it to the ingful way to their assigned IDF base. the plaza next to the municipal building.
and especially for women, whose strin- Jewish people, Ms. Lyden said. We also They will be active ambassadors for our There were thousands of people
gently religiously observant lifestyles pre- had two German women in our group. program, and I hope they will return as there families with children, everyone
clude military service. Bev Cohen, co-manager of the VFI Phila- participants in the near future. out in the streets and everyone at ease,
The friends stay in Israel coincided with delphia Region which covers New Jersey, After the women finished their week on Ms. Froelke said. We felt that we all
three special commemorative days: Yom Pennsylvania, Delaware, and West Virginia base, they traveled to Jerusalem for Shab- belonged there, and were all the same.
Hashoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day), said that in recent years, New Jersey resi- bat. Walking in the Old City on Friday Before leaving for the airport on May
Yom Hazikaron (Memorial Day), and Yom dents have accounted for 55 to 60 percent night, they spontaneously joined a ser- 2 at the end of Independence Day, they
Haatzmaut (Independence Day). of volunteers from the region. The number vice at Robinsons Arch, a continuation watched the annual Air Force flyover on
On the night of Yom Hashoah, we went ranges from 80 to 100 annually. of the Western Wall, with a group from the Tel Aviv beach.
with the soldiers for a very meaningful cer- It takes a special person to leave the a Reform congregation in North Carolina The impression I got from our trip was
emony where one of the young women read comfort of home and family and live in a that had just come from the March of the that Israel is a growing and thriving econ-
a story her great-grandmother had written barracks and do physical labor all day, Living in Poland. They found it especially omy under constant threat of war, yet
about being a survivor, Ms. Lyden said. she said. moving to see a 94-year-old Holocaust Israelis live their lives each day happily and
The program was extremely mov- Tobey, Hilda, and Iris are three of survivor, a member of the congregation, seemed to appreciate that we cared enough
ing, and made me realize that in spite of the most enthusiastic volunteers I have lead the prayers. to give our time, Ms. Lyden said.


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Bringing back old pictures

The Foundation for Preserving the Visual History
of the Jewish People works to save rare footage, photos
JOANNE PALMER Its the kind of idea that makes sense

intuitively, but its far harder to imple-
hen Eric Mayer of Wayne, ment than it is to grasp, the filmmakers
who was born in Worms, said. Thats why it was so encouraging to
Germany, escaped the them when Mr. Meyer began to run with
H o l o c au s t , a n d h a s the idea.
devoted his life to preserving the memory I got interested in it from a historical
of the worlds it demolished, and to the point of view, he said. I think that it is
state of Israel, has a project in mind, that very important as a teaching tool, a visual
project happens. witness to our history. It is something that
Recently, his attention has been focused needs to be told to a younger generation
on the Foundation for Preserving the of Jews, who are falling away from our
Visual History of the Jewish People, a foun- history.
dation on whose small board he sits. Hes put Ms. Lappa and Mr. Eliav in
Last week, at the foundations din- touch with Cory Bookers office; New
ner at the Museum of Jewish Heritage Jerseys junior U.S. senator is working to
in lower Manhattan in a room whose allow their images to be available through
huge windows overlook New York Har- the Library of Congress.
bor and the Statue of Liberty, whose Abraham Foxman of Bergen County,
presence makes it hard to forget our past the retired longtime head of the Anti-
its founders talked with passion about Defamation League, is a fan of Mr. May-
the images that are disintegrating, taking
parts of our past with it.
Vanessa Lappa is a film director, Tomer These two pictures show Sir Winston
Eliav is a sound designer, both are Israeli, Churchill in Jerusalem in 1921; the
and both are film producers. Together, one above is the original, and the
they worked on a documentary, The one the right has been restored.
Decent One, about Heinrich Himmler.
The film took eight years to make; four see often, but you always see the same
of those years were spent on archival footage, Mr. Eliav said. But most of the
research, all over Europe, in more than 30 footage is never published.
countries, Ms. Lappa said. They learned There are many images taken during
that there is a vast amount of footage of the Holocaust, but there also are many
our Jewish history all over the world, she that show Jewish life before then, and it
said, but it is not in one place. It is not in is vitally important to preserve those pic-
one archive. tures as well, the filmmakers said.
Lets say that in about 90 percent of the Because there are so very many images,
archives worldwide, no matter how big or so very much work to do, they must priori-
how small, in any country, there are film tize it. Their triage plan is to allow donors
reels and nobody knows their contents. Its to chose which of the many subjects the
in a corner or a cupboard or on a shelf; its images show to chose the one that is clos-
disintegrating. There are rooms with hun- est to their hearts, Mr. Eliav said. Once the
dreds and hundreds of reels, thousands of broad field is chosen, the work will focus
them, all disintegrating. first on the most decayed images; the goal
The oldest one she knows of is from is to preserve as much as possible.
1897, she said, but there may be some that The foundations goal is to find, docu- researchers and to the general public. Its ers, and he spoke at the dinner. There is
are older. ment, contextualize, and digitize the very important to make it available to the so much to save, he said; there are worlds
There are some films and stills that we images, and to make it available both to public free of charge, Ms. Lappa said. that will be lost to memory if their images
are allowed to vanish. Vanessa and Tomer
and also Eric care so much. They are
so dedicated, and so talented, and so
understated. Its that simple its not ego
for them. Its that they really care.
There is more information about the
foundation at

A Jewish man in Warsaw in

1941; the picture on the left
is the original, and the other
has been restored.


Generations Lucille J. Amster

Angelica Berrie

Tradition Nancy G. Brown

Geri Cantor
Israel Mariam Davis

Sharyn J. Gallatin
Jewish values
Community Adrienne M.
Greenblatt, MD

LOJE is a wonderful thing.

June Kozak Kane

Giving Back
Lee Langbaum

Sue Ann Levin

Susan Penn

Pearl Seiden

Michele Sweetwood
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Turning the IDF green

Israeli sustainability expert to speak in Ridgewood on climate change
LARRY YUDELSON people there overthrow their
government, its not going to be
What is sustainability? so good for Israel.
Is it the same thing as protecting Already, he said, the region
the environment? has seen the effect of the climate
Major Victor Weis can answer on the regions geopolitical sta-
that question with examples from bility. The Syrian civil war fol-
his 23 years in the Israeli army. Now lowed a multiyear drought that
retired from the IDF, where he led devastated the countrys agri-
the armys environmental efforts, culture. Syrians were starving,
Mr. Weis heads the Heschel Center and they got no help from their
for Sustainability in Tel Aviv. (Next government. When ISIS came,
month he will speak in Ridgewood. never mind who they are and
See box.) what they want, everyone wel-
Take, for example, the problem of comed them just because they
a leaking oil tank that contaminates were so mad the government
groundwater. wasnt helping, he said. They
A simple solution to protect the had no other choice.
environment would be to protect the That kind of thing is going to
groundwater by enclosing the oil tank increase. We need to worry.
in a protective box, Mr. Weis said, The impact on Israel of a heat-
For sustainability, however, the ing climate and rising oceans
real question is not just how to deal may not be as dire as in Egypt,
with the problem; its to ask why we but it will be real.
have the problem. Why do we need We take water from the
to heat water with oil? sea. We have great technology.
So the army began looked for other Where are all these desalina-
ways to heat water. It turned out that tion factories? They are near the
using gas and solar power not only Map shows the vulnerability of the Nile Delta region to rising levels of the Mediterranean Sea water. Near the sea. When the
didnt pollute, but it was cheaper brought about by climate change. sea levels rise, all our desalina-
than using oil. tion plants will be gone.
Dont try to make a ammunition, he said. But they same way. In our area, its going to be much Look where all our electricity stations
solution at the end of couldnt be sure every piece hotter. The influence of that is amazing in are. They are on the beaches near the sea.
the problem, Mr. Weis was destroyed and this made our geopolitical area. They too are going to vanish. This is critical
said. Try to prevent the a big environmental mess. There are 85 million people in Egypt. infrastructure. It is about our national secu-
problem. The engineers were look- Most of them live near the Nile and espe- rity, he said.
The Heschel Center ing into using liquid explosives cially in the Nile Delta, Mr. Weis said. But Already, the hotter weather is contribut-
was founded in 1998. It instead when they brought in probably the Delta is going to disappear. ing to a rise in food prices in Israel. How is it
serves as a think tank for Mr. Weis. They were trying All of Egypts agriculture system, all of its going to influence our society? The rich peo-
the Israeli environmental to find a solution at the end of food system, depends on the Nile Delta, he ple can manage. Im not sure the poor can
movement and it offers the process, he said. Instead, continued. Its going to disappear. All the deal with it. Thats the part of society that is
training in sustainability he convinced them that the fresh water they have from their aquifer is going to pay the bill for climate change.
to government officials, unused ammunition is a raw going to be contaminated because the sea Thats why sustainability and economy
non-profit activists, and Victor Weis material, he said. Its not gar- level will rise. and society are interconnected, he said.
private citizens. bage. Most of it is metal. Metal Millions of people will find themselves Its about justice. Its about how we spread
Mr. Weis was one such government offi- you can recycle. without houses, without jobs, without food, our resources, how we use them smartly.
cial. After being assigned to deal with envi- So he urged them to find ways to open the without water. Egypt is going to be a in a Everything is connected. We cant look at
ronmental affairs by the army, he studied at ammunition, reuse parts of it, and dispose very bad situation. We know from history the solution from just one point of view,
the center as a fellow. That experience con- of the rest. that in those times extremist political orga- just from the perspective of the society or
vinced him of the importance of thinking The next step toward sustainable weap- nizations, Islamic movements, rise. economy or the environment. Everything is
about sustainability, and led him to make onry was to make it reusable from the begin- People start to be starved. No one can connected. Sustainability combines every-
sustainability the focus of his IDF career ning. Make it so if the circuitry or the battery stop millions of people who are starved, thing into one way of thinking.
he had the chance to move on to a different were to fail, that one part could be replaced. who take everything they have left and start
post but chose not to. He cared about sus- If that wasnt possible, then the entire unit to walk. Where are they going to walk? To
Who: Victor Weis, executive
tainability too much to stop working on it. could be taken apart safely for recycling. the neighbor with those resources, with
director of the Heschel Center for
Another example of an environmental We saved a lot of money for the army, food and water. In this area, its only Israel. Sustainability in Tel Aviv
problem he helped solve: undetonated he said. Its about how you frame the How are you going to deal with millions
What: Talk on the significance of
but unusable ammunition. Items like artil- problem. of people who are starving and want to
climate change for Israels national
lery shells, wire-guided missiles, and smart So its worth listening to how Mr. Weis come to Israel? security
bombs. frames the question of how climate change The situation is not much better in Jor-
Where: Temple Israel and Jewish
For many years we threw it into the sea, will affect Israel. dan. Israel already provides Jordan with
Community Center, 475 Grove St.,
he said. After Israel signed on to the Bar- He sees it as being about national secu- more than is mandated under its peace Ridgewood
celona Declaration, we couldnt do it any rity. If you are Jewish, you need to be con- agreement. Its not just our responsibil-
When: Shabbat morning, June 10,
more. cerned about the future of Israel because of ity, Mr. Weis said. Its not just because
immediately following kiddush,
So IDF engineers tried to find a solution. the influence of climate change, he said. we like the nation or people so much. approximately noon
They took TNT and tried to bomb the Its not going to influence every place the Its because were concerned about us. If


In Memoriam

Jewish values
Ella Berman

Belle Bukiet

Tradition Marion Cutler

Miriam Josephs

Ellen Kaufman

Zelda Levere

Leadership Adele Rebell

Community Martha Richman

LOJE is a wonderful thing.

Barbara Seiden

Giving Back Legacy

Jewish Federation fondly remembers these remarkable

Lion Of Judah Endowment Barbara Moss

women. Thanks to their foresight and generosity, their

support of Federation continues. Their names and
memories will forever be tied to this community and
Yvette Tekel
recalled for good. We pay tribute to these women along
with all our LOJE donors as part of May is LOJE month. Beate Voremberg

Helen Wajdengart

Your legacy matters.

Jewish Federation

Zvi S. Marans, MD Joan Krieger

Endowment Foundation, Chair LOJE, Chair

To learn more, please contact

Robin Rochlin at 201-820-3970 | | Len Fisher at 201-820-3971 |
Star of David Society



Michelle Azar tells of a life

One-woman show will weave stories, songs, and vivid memories
LOIS GOLDRICH singer-performer Ashkenazi mother, Marsha. moderating influence on her temperament,

Her show, she said, tries to balance her Mid- she said, coming as he does from a docile
ow to describe Michelle Azar? dle Eastern heritage with her own American German background and, as it happens, from
Perhaps by noting the seem- upbringing. solid cantorial stock. His uncle, Samuel Adler,
ing dichotomies that make up Middle Eastern culture has a sort of wrote, among other things, the catchy mel-
her life. through line where we take care of each ody still used for motzi, while his grandfather,
First, the mix, though certainly not the other, she said. Having an Ashkenazi mom Hugo Chaim Adler, was a respected chazzan.
clash, of cultures. The singer/actress/reb- helped balance my understanding that not Music is a family passion, she added. Ms.
betzin who will present her one-woman everyone is here to help. In addition, while Azar and Rabbi Aaron have two daughters,
show, From Baghdad to Brooklyn, at the bartering and bargaining are hallmarks of 16-year-old singer/songwriter Adina and
JCC of Fort Lee/ Congregation Gesher Sha- Middle Eastern society, that approach does 12-year-old Sela, whom her mother describes
lom next week describes herself as a not work here. You cant trade yoga lessons as a talented guitarist. As for Ms. Azar herself,
product of intermarriage between her for Prada shoes, she observed. one of her proudest memories is of singing on
Iraqi-born, Israeli-raised businessman father, On a day-to- day basis, I feel more Sep- stage with Placido Domingo.
Shaul, and her Brooklyn-born-and-raised hardic, she continued. I have a sensibility of My Ashkenzi mother pushed me into the
community around me all the time. My hair- Lyric Opera of Chicago, the Chicago-raised Michelle Azar
Who: Singer Michelle Azar dresser is Israeli, and I prefer going to a mar- Ms. Azar said. But I didnt want to sing and
What: Will perform her one-woman ket with people speaking Hebrew. I feel more learn another language, and anyway she attendee of Habonim-Drors Camp Tavor,
show, From Baghdad to Brooklyn connected. On the other hand, she said, she preferred high school plays. Still, the young but its as though I never left, she said.
When: On May 22 at 8:15 p.m. works daily to tamp down her Middle Eastern girl sang Yerushalayim Shel Zahav and I spent eight years as a camper and two
temper embodied, she said, in her fathers obviously they liked my voice. I sang with years as a counselor. And with her sister
Where: At Gesher Shalom/JCC of Fort
black stare. them for years. I had a tiny little role in La a past leader of the national movement,
Lee, 1449 Anderson Ave, a project of
the CSI Scholar Fund Then, of course, Ms. Azar has to balance Boheme. The then 15-year-old got to take her she was involved there as well. In fact, she
the widely divergent worlds of stage and shul. bow standing next to Placido Domingo. said, when she comes to New York, shell
Free to the public.
Her husband, Rabbi Jonathan Aaron, While singing clearly has continued to stay with camp friends.
No reservations required.
senior rabbi at a Reform synagogue, Tem- be a major focus of her life, so too is Jewish Last year, around 300 of us came together
ple Emanuel of Beverly Hills, is definitely a involvement. She was not only a longtime for the camps anniversary, she said,

Jennifer Weiner up close helpful or detrimental in regard to life in gen-

eral? And your profession more specifically?
they arent alone. I think, so many times,
we as women put a positive spin on our
A: Whether its helpful or detrimental, lives, and thats especially true online. We
Best-selling author speaks candidly its no longer optional. Only a very small dont talk about things like addiction, or
before addressing Rockland gathering handful of authors can get away with postpartum depression and so when
telling their publishers thanks, but no those things happen, a woman can end

BANJI GANCHROW thanks. The rest of us are, shall we say, up feeling like shes the only one, the only
strongly encouraged to maintain our own woman who struggled with breastfeeding,
ennifer Weiner is a heroine to so websites, and an online presence. or a parents addiction, the only one who
many women. For the most part, I like social media. I felt ashamed of how her birth story ended,
Her best-selling novels might often like connecting with readers on Facebook, or who felt inadequate and not up to the
be called chick lit, but they always I like having a place for fast, funny com- task of being a mother.
focus on a strong woman. A woman who ments on the news or pop culture on Twit- The amount of loneliness and isolation
might not always be the thinnest or the fit- ter. Im less successful with Instagram, is very sad, and with things like postpar-
test, but who is always smart, fierce, and because thats all pictures, and Im a word tum depression, its not just sad, its dan-
ready to take on whatever challenges come girl, although Ive been known to gram a gerous. There was a recent case where a
her way. Ms. Weiners books have been read picture of my gefilte fish in progress, or my young Jewish woman committed suicide
by women, and possibly some men, from all kids funny artwork. But, in general, Ive after giving birth, and literally every-
over the world. One of her recent literary found social media to be a benefit, not a one whod seen her said, She seemed
gems is her autobiography, Hungry Heart: detriment, to my writing life, which can to happy. We had no idea. I think there
Adventures in Life, Love and Writing, a raw get a little lonely. Its like a virtual water needs to be a space for telling our stories,
and honest look at her life. Her journey has Jennifer Weiner TAMARA STAPLES cooler, where you can always find people in all of their gory, unlovely details. And
empowered women from every walk of life, who are ready to talk. the more those stories circulate, the more
and she continues to keep in touch with Q: Many people regard you as their favor- Q: Your autobiography, Hungry Heart, women know theyre out there, the less
her fans via Twitter. She appeared on Time ite author. Who is your favorite author? And was amazing. You truly put yourself out alone theyll feel.
Magazines list of Best Twitter Feeds, and why? there. Why did you decide to write it after Q. Self-deprecating humor are you pro
on Forbes list, 25 Working Moms to Fol- A. Thats very kind! I always go back to so many fiction masterpieces? or con?
low on Twitter. Ms. Weiner has more than Susan Isaacs books I love their humor, their A: Some of it had to do with wanting a A. I get depressed sometimes that self-
100,000 fans on social media heart, their wit, their happy endings and permanent place for the stories I tell when deprecation is womens go-to method of
On May 18, the Jewish Federation & their Jewish protagonists, who save the day I do readingsthe story of my Nanna vol- getting a laugh but the truth is, some-
Foundation of Rockland Countys Wom- and get the guy because of their smarts and unteering as an extra in In Her Shoes, times its funny! And sometimes you have
ens Philanthropy division hosted Cele- not just their beauty. Almost Paradise and or how I wrote my first book. Then there to laugh at yourself to keep from crying.
brate the Power of Women, featuring Ms. Shining Through are two of my favorites. were other stories the more painful, Q: What is your favorite Jewish holiday,
Weiner. As a run-up, she answered some Q: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram social personal ones that I wanted to put out and why? (This is the Jewish Standard, so I
of our questions: media in general have you found it to be there as a way of telling other women that thought I would throw that one in there...)



describing it as a place where she made lifelong friends Yiddish songs. Her original goal, she said, was to protect some While Ms. Azar is hard to sum up in a few words, she
and learned about the community aspect of Jewish life, version of my fathers honor while acknowledging the fears would describe herself as a deeply investigative, inquisitive
our connective tissue as Jews living outside of Israel. some Americans harbor of people from the Middle East. person, searching for truth to go deeper in all my connec-
Also, while she now spends much of her time on stage, Ms. Azar also is deeply involved in a joint project with her tions, in every relationship I have, to myself and to my past.
she takes her role in her synagogue very seriously. Indeed, sister-in-law, Melissa Greenspan, whom she first met at NYU What do we want to keep, to tinker with? People think Im
no matter what else she accomplishes, she said, her father when they were both studying acting. Later, Ms. Azar man- a bright, funny, positive person, but I have shadowy sides I
insists on calling her rebbetzin. aged to arrange a shidduch between Ms. Greenspan and her want to bring into the light.
I volunteer, read Torah on Shabbat morning, deliver brother. Called How to Beat Your Sister-in-Law (at every- Has anything surprised her as she put her show together?
meals, and sing in the choir, she said. She also teaches thing), its really going great, Ms. Azar said of the project, Im surprised by how many songs I learned from my father,
yoga there. It feels very appropriate, she said. Were which will premiere on June 9. The networks are beginning the non-singer of the family, and by how many weve shared,
forming a little chevruta. to meet with us. and by how important that thread has been.
Her connection to Israel remains strong, and she recalls
spending most summers of her young life in the Jew-
ish state. Her father left Iraq in 1942, headed for Israel.
Although his siblings returned to Iraq subsequently for
business reasons, ultimately everyone was kicked out.
When they left, on a Friday night, my fathers father,
a devout Orthodox Jew, at first said he wouldnt go. But
because they were going to the Holy Land, he relented.
Her mother, born on Eastern Parkway in Brooklyn,
met her husband there, his first week in the United
States, where he was dying to make money. He
wanted to go back to Israel and buy land. As it hap-
pens, he did buy a textile factory in Israel, but they
never made it back to live.
Ms. Azar describes her show as having a unique spirit,
seeing this American grappling with these very different
worlds. She tries to embody her grandmother and her
father, among others. My dad is funny his accent, his
line of reasoning. Theres a great amount of humor and
some pathos, as well as interesting music, including
Broadway songs, Iraqi prayer melodies, and Hebrew and

A. Im lucky enough to celebrate the Jewish holidays

with my extended family my siblings and their kids, my
mom and her partner and theres something special and
wonderful about all of them. The High Holy Days are my
favorite, because they always coincide with the start of a
new school year, and my favorite weather. The air is crisp,
the leaves are changing colors, and it feels like an oppor-
tunity to reflect, to close the book on the past and move
forward in a positive, loving way.
In terms of favorite foods (because I have to talk
about food!), I always host break-the-fast, which I love,
because people always tell me what an amazing cook
I amand, of course, the truth is that everyone is so WHAT THE BEST DRESSED BABIES
hungry that anything you put out is going to taste deli- IN JERUSALEM ARE WEARING.
cious! But Ive also started some of my own traditions
around Chanukah and Passover. On Chanukah, I make In 2016, more mothers chose to give birth at Shaare Zedek Medical Center than
sufganiyot with my kids, and on Passover Ive started anywhere in the world 22,400 babies, in all. With the Hospitals clinical reputation
serving goose which, it turns out, was a standard turn- and focus on compassionate patient care, women know that their concerns and
of-the-century Jewish main course, before geese got comfort will receive the attention and respect they deserve.
too hard to mass produce. (Who knew?) Founded in 1902, Shaare Zedek has spent more than a century helping patients heal
Q. And the final, and most clichd what is your through exceptional caregiving and cutting-edge treatments. Now Jerusalems
next project? preeminent hospital, Shaare Zedek is proud to celebrate the 50th anniversary of
A. Im working on a novel thats set in the not-too- the reunification of this timeless city.
distant future, where a familiar-feeling politician has
declared himself President for Life. Abortion is ille-
gal, affirmative action is gone, there are curfews and
dress codes for women, who can only work if theyve
proved that no male head-of-household wants their
job. The book follows a group of characters, includ-
ing a young nurse whos part of the Resistance, the | | 212.764.8116
true-believer government official her sisters going to
marry, a young, pregnant teenager, and a senior citi-
zen whos found his lifes true purpose at the age of
seventy-two. My working title is The Girl at the End of
the World, and it should be out in the spring of 2018.


Briefly Local

New director of Sinai named

at Manhattans SAR Academy
Aura Lurie has been named Rabbi Dr. Yisrael Roth-
director of Sinai at SAR Acad- wachs, said. The fact
emy in Riverdale, N.Y., which that she comes from
is set to open in the fall of within SAR is really
2018 to serve children with a icing on the cake for
wide range of complex learn- us. Integration and
ing and special needs. inclusion are at the
Rabbi Binyamin Krauss, cornerstone of Sinais
SAR Academys princi- mission statement.
pal, encouraged Ms. Lurie The inclusive envi-
to apply for the position. ronments we are able
Aura has been a rising star Aura Lurie COURTESY SINAI to create for our stu-
at SAR for over 10 years, dents work so well
he said. I am thrilled that Sinai recog- precisely because of the cooperative
nizes what a great leader she will be relationship we share with each of our
and delighted that she will remain here, partner schools. We are so grateful to
within our SAR family, to help establish Rabbi Krauss and SAR for welcoming Rabbi Ephraim Simon addresses the Bikur Cholim gathering. 
and guide this partnership between our Sinai with open arms and because Ms.  COURTESY BIKUR CHOLIM

two schools. Lurie comes to us from within SAR, we

Ms. Lurie has worked at SAR Acad-
emy as a head teacher and as an inclu-
will have a tremendous edge in the suc-
cessful operation of our inclusion model
Bikur Cholim celebrates Awareness
sion teacher in the elementary school, at SAR from Day One. We feel so lucky to Bikur Cholim Bergen County held its Eve- Shabbat, the apartments are a home away
teaching children with a range of learn- have found her for this position. ning of Awareness, Inspiration, and Oppor- from home for those struggling with the
ing disabilities. She also has served as Sinai at SAR initially will work with tunity at its inaugural Melava Malka on fear, confusion, and disruption of illness in
a mentor to other teachers through 6- to 8-year-olds with a wide range of motzei Shabbat, May 6. The evening topped the family. According to Ms. Yager, When
the Jewish New Teacher Project/New complex learning challenges or devel- off the Shabbat of Awareness, when rabbis we opened the apartments, we knew they
Teacher Center for the last five years, opmental disabilities. Its goal is to throughout Bergen County talked to their would be a source of comfort for patients
and has participated in the Educa- expand to serve more children each congregants about the mitzvah of Bikur families but we were not prepared for the
tional Leadership Advancement Ini- year. Sinai now has six other elemen- Cholim and the valuable service that Bikur staggering need we encountered. We were
tiative, through the Lookstein Center tary and high schools, but this will be Cholim Bergen County provides. astonished that since November, the beds
for Jewish Education. She holds a mas- Sinais first in New York City. Its part- More than 200 guests, including com- have been used over 500 times and, as
ters degree in elementary and special nership with SAR will enable Sinai to munity rabbis, volunteers, and supporters, more people learn about the service, the
education from the Bank Street Gradu- serve many more families from New attended the event, hosted by Dr. Jessica number of requests is constantly growing.
ate School of Education and has been York City and Westchester who have and Laizer Kornwasser. She also shared some of the many notes she
working with children who have learn- children with special needs that can- Organization president Meredith Yager receives from grateful families and guests
ing, behavioral, or emotional issues for not be met in a regular education class- talked about the organizations diverse who heard from others whose lives were
the last 18 years. room, or even the inclusion classrooms chesed activities, including providing touched by the organization.
Ms. Luries CV and reputation as an that SAR now provides to support chil- meals to families dealing with illness, hos- Rabbi Ephraim Simon spoke of his deep
outstanding special educator and leader dren with learning needs. pital visits, driving patients to therapies and pride with the overwhelming community
make her eminently qualified for this For more information, go to www. medical care, lending medical equipment, support shown by the large attendance at
position, the dean of the Sinai Schools, or call (201) 833-1134. offering a taxi service with Shabbat arrange- the event. He also challenged the group as
ment, and visiting homebound patients. a call to action, inspiring people to become
She also introduced Bikur Cholims newest involved in Bikur Cholims chesed work.
Teaneck shul dinner set for June endeavor: hospitality apartments serving
people whose family members are patients
For information about Bikur Cholim Ber-
gen County go to bikurcholimbergencounty.
The Jewish Center of Teaneck will at local hospitals. Tastefully decorated and org, call (201) 579-3066, or email info@
hold its annual dinner at the shul on offering all the amenities necessary for
June 15 at 6:30 p.m. It is in celebration
of the 50th year of the reunification of
Jerusalem and in conjunction with the
revitalization of the JCT this year. AMIT event to feature Moshe Uziel

Isaac and Nechama Student, the The AMIT Shalva Chai chapters annual armys elite Golani Brigade.
guests of honor, will be celebrated Mother-in-Israel evening will feature In the army, Mr. Uziel was awarded
for their service to the congregation. guest speaker Moshe Uziel, an alum- a scholarship to pursue his bachelors
They have served as president, and on nus of the AMIT Kfar Blatt Youth Vil- and masters degrees. After 13 years of
the kiddush committee, respectively. Isaac and Nechama Student lage and its new director of the Center service in the Israel Defense Forces, he
Rabbi Reb Yitz Cohen, the JCTs for Technology and Leadership Values. returned to AMIT to fulfill what he calls
ritual director, will receive the distin- youth minyan, and there are many The evening, honoring Elaine Jacobs, his mission in life, inspiring the future of
guished community service award. choices of classes and special pro- Shira Jacobs, and Michal Jacobs, is set Israel. As the new director of the Center
He played a crucial role in stabilizing grams for all ages and demographics. for Tuesday, June 6, at 7:30 p.m., at a for Technology and Leadership Values
the congregation during challenging In addition, as the dinner marks private home in Englewood. at Kfar Blatt Youth Village, run in coop-
times over the last few years. the culmination of the good year, Mr. Uziel is an AMIT success story. eration with the IDF, the program will
The dinner will celebrate the the shul will be making a siyyum, a Born into a difficult family, he found a train young soldiers to become diagnos-
growth of the synagogue over the completion, of four tractates of Mish- new home at AMIT Frisch Beit Hayeled tic technicians for the tank and armored
last year membership has grown by nah, beginning with the Hebrew let- when he was 7, and went on to live at corps, opening opportunities in the army
20 percent, the sisterhood has been ters z,i,w,t, which correspond to the Kfar Blatt Youth Village as a teen. He and in the tech sector afterward.
relaunched, there is youth program- Hebrew year, 5777. credits AMIT with nurturing him and For information, call Aliza Schulman
ming for Shabbat morning and after- For information, call (201) 833-0515 giving him the tools he needed to go on at (212) 477-4730 or email her at AlizaS@
noon, including the recently launched or go to to become a commander in the Israeli


Artfully crafted and meticulously aged for optimal enjoyment.
Briefly Local

gala honorees

Photos courtesy BchsJs

The Bergen County High
School of Jewish Stud-
ies, Bergen Countys only
weekly Hebrew high school,
will hold its annual gala din-
ner on Wednesday, June
Rabbi Shelley Kniaz Barnett Goldman
7. The schools largest fun-
draiser will honor David
Goodman and Dr. Hope
Dr. Hope Schlossberg and
Schlossberg of Paramus Doug and Alex Sobelman
David Goodman
with its LDor VDor award,
created to recognize people
who further Jewish continuity by support- volunteerism. Dr. Hope Schlossberg is opportunity for a Jewish education when for 30 years of service in the rabbinate.
ing programs for Jewish teens. Alex and an obstetrician-gynecologist with Com- they were young, so they have made Jew- Barnett Goldman of Westwood, a mem-
Doug Sobelman of Paramus are the parent prehensive Womens Care in Englewood. ish education and identity an important ber of Temple Emanuel of Pascack Valley,
honorees, Rabbi Shelley Kniaz is educator She is involved in educational and social focus for their three sons. Two already teacher, and parent, has served the Jew-
of the year, and BCHSJS teacher Barnett programs in the northern New Jersey Jew- have gone to BCHSJS, and the third will ish community in many capacities. He sits
Goldman will receive the exemplary ser- ish community, volunteers at Solomon begin there when he enters eighth grade. on his shuls board as youth chair and co-
vice award. Schechter Day School of Bergen County, Rabbi Shelley Kniaz of Teaneck is the chair of continuing education, he teaches at
David Goodman, a CPA, is managing and serves on the chesed committee at the director of congregational education at BCHSJS on Sundays and he is a fourth-grade
director of Lawrence B. Goodman & Com- JCC of Paramus/Congregation Beth Tikvah, Temple Emanuel of Pascack Valley, where teacher at Brookside Elementary School in
pany in Fair Lawn. He helps Jewish edu- where the family belongs. she is responsible for the religious school, Westwood. He has led many BCHSJS proj-
cational institutions and other nonprofits Alex and Doug Sobelman, also members adult education, and family program- ects, including organizing Shabbatonim,
create efficiencies through accounting and of the JCCP/CBT, have worked to support ming. She was a synagogue school princi- overnights, field trips, and special events.
financial reporting. He is a past president Jewish continuity among the teenagers in pal in Manhattan; a teacher at a Solomon He has led the schools Jewish Volunteer
of both the Jewish Federation of Northern northern New Jersey. Alex has degrees in Schechter day school; the assistant direc- Corp on visits to senior citizen residences
New Jersey and the Jewish Family Service electrical and computer engineering. Doug tor of United Synagogues department of and young leadership students on trips to
of North Jersey and he is a past chair of the works as director of sales for Leesik Part- education; a writer and trainer for ETGAR, Israel to visit and tour with an Israeli cohort
JFNNJs endowment committee. He is on ners, a health care investment bank. He is a synagogue school curriculum, and co- of students. Barnett also works at URJ Crane
the boards of JFNNJ and Jewish Family and a former president of the young families founder and co-director of KULANU NNJ, Lake Camp in the summer.
Childrens Services of North Jersey. Among club of the JCCP/CBT. Alex serves on the a consortium of congregational schools For information on the dinner or to
his many awards, he was a recipient of the board of the shuls Hebrew school and at and the federation. She recently received place an ad in the journal, go to www.bch-
Marge Bornstein award for outstanding BCHSJS. The Sobelmans did not have the an honorary doctorate of divinity from JTS

Melvin Hecht Geri and Neal Lipschitz Lana and Michael Maryash Howard and Lana Tiersky Ariy and Anna Volfson

Chabad of NWBC marking 17 years with awards and reception

Chabad of NW Bergen County Frank- Special recognition and awards will be Tiersky, and Anna and Ariy Volfson. Journal ads and reservations can
lin Lakes will hold its 17th anniversary bestowed on community members Mel- The event will include a cocktail placed online at
event on Sunday, June 4, at the Chabad vin Hecht, Geri and Neal Lipschitz, Lana reception and entertainment by come- awards or by calling the office at (201)
Jewish Center in Franklin Lakes. and Michael Maryash, Lana and Howard dian Moody McCarthy. 848-0449.

More than 409,000 likes.

Like us on Facebook

18 Jewish standard MaY 19, 2017

Briefly Local

Carla Silver lauded An evening of friendship, appreciation, and awards

for volunteer work The Friendship Circle of Passaic County will hold its annual
evening of awards on Monday, June 5, at the Chabad Center,
with disabilities in Canada. He is an advocate for competitive
employment for people with disabilities and was a candidate
The Bergen County section of 194 Ratzer Road in Wayne. Volunteers will be honored for for the U.S. House of Representatives from Florida.
the National Council of Jew-
Photos courtesy BCHSJS

their hours of giving to the Friendship Circle and its families. The Friendship Circle has more than 100 volunteers and
ish Women honored Carla Josh Halpern, Adam Lang, Julia LiPuma, Samantha Segreto, programs that include Friends at Home, yoga, music, swim,
Silver as its April Volunteer of Felicia Shectman, Kalina Tozeva, Skylar Levitt, Sydney Levitt, holiday events, a sports series, parent workshops, and camps.
the Month. Bella Black, Olivia Black, and Emily Bolson, all of Wayne, and The Friendship Circle serves children with special
Carla Silver grew up in Gabriel Alteras, Esther Nasser, Rivky Terebelo, Rena Cohen, needs and their families in the Passaic County area. For
the Bronx and Queens and and Rebecca Bral of Passaic are among the honorees. information on volunteering, or if you know a family that
moved to Bergenfield 41 years Joseph ( JB) Bensmihen, the guest speaker, who has cere- could benefit from services, go to or
ago. She was a stay-at-home bral palsy, was instrumental in changing laws for people call (973) 694-4970.
mom for 14 years, devoting
her energies to bringing up Carla Silver
her children and volunteer-
ing for Bnai Brith Women, Temple Emeth, and Ber-
genfields PTA. She returned to the work force as an Englewood Branch
office manager in two synagogues. She joined NCJW
in 2012 and became a life member the next year. She
has volunteered weekly at the Council Thrift Shop and
at the gift shop at the Jewish Home at Rockleigh and
continues to work as needed in other areas.
108 Engle Street Englewood, NJ 07631
For information on NCJW BCS and its upcoming pro-
grams, go to


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Jewish Standard MAY 19, 2017 19

Cover Story
Fighting intersectionality,
one meeting at a time
Local college student
takes on BDS at Wisconsin,
the fight gets ugly and she wins
Joanne Palmer only talk about Israel. It also

was about some very just and
ow do Jewish students important social justice causes
take on a student gov- in America right now and then
ernment council that it said that if you care about all
seems determined to those things, then you must also
sanction Israel, establishing it as the oppose the Occupation.
perfect example of evil in the world, It said that we stand with the
making the effort to vote against indigenous people of America,
that idea personally dangerous and we stand against the Dakota
morally corrupt? Access Pipeline, we stand against
How can they fight against what the border wall, we stand against
seems to be the general consensus? police brutality, we stand against
How can they maintain their sanity the police who are killing young
and feeling of being at home in the black men, the same way that
world as they do it? we stand with the indigenous
University of Wisconsin student people of Palestine.
Ariela Rifkin of Teaneck, a rising In other words, the resolution
senior and member of the student written with input from local
council, spearheaded a fight against chapters of Students for Justice
a resolution condemning Israel, in Palestine and Jewish Voice
withstood a barrage of personal for Peace, among other groups
invective aimed at her, and won. was an example of intersec-
The story of how she did what she tionality, the idea that all forms
did is heartening; a story of commu- of discrimination and social pow-
nity support and personal courage. erlessness are connected.
Ms. Rifkin, who graduated from Ariela Rifkin of Teaneck will be senior class president at the University of Wisconsin next year. Because Jews tend to be lib-
the Frisch School and grew up eral, and because the Jewish
in the modern Orthodox community to which she still affect it politically.) population in Madison is incredibly liberal and social-jus-
belongs, has been on the student council at the univer- The resolution not only was very long, it also was par- tice oriented, and because theyre right when it comes to
sitys huge main campus at Madison since her freshman ticularly egregious in its attempt to link the rise of the alt- many of these instances, its particularly hard to fight that
year. To some extent, her story started then, when she right movement in America right now to Israel. idea, Ms. Rifkin suggested. The resolution took these stu-
began to build the relationships and reservoir of good It was particularly offensive because, of course, the dents and told them that they cant love Israel and believe
will from which she drew later, but the main narrative arc alt-right movement the radically right-wing movement that it has a right to exist and at the same time stand
began in March, during spring break. that calls itself white nationalist or white separatist when against police brutality and the Dakota Access Pipeline.
Ms. Rifkin and about 24 other Jewish students went it is trying to be respectable, and that traffics in anti-Semi- It told everyone that they have only a binary choice.
from home to the AIPAC policy conference in Washing- tism and racism, and that finds its home more online than Only black or white. There is no gray area. There is no
ton, D.C.; that huge gathering of advocates for Israel met in any more physical manifestation is so anti-Semitic, room to understand anything further. No room to do
from March 26 through March 28 this year. We returned she said. research. If you stand with human rights, then you stand
only to find a very long and extensive BDS resolution on And it was going to be discussed at the council meeting against a whole list of things and Israel is on that list.
the agenda for the next day, she said. (BDS, short for Boy- the very next day. It was really offensive, she said.
cott, Divestment, and Sanctions, is a tool that anti-Israel The resolution was particularly hard to fight because We gathered as best we could, in the short time we
groups use to try to harm Israel economically as a way to many of its targets were right, Ms. Rifkin said. It didnt had, she continued. We came to the open forum, some

20 Jewish Standard MAY 19, 2017

On March 26,
an anti-Israel
resolution was
tabled indefinitely,
after a painful

200 students strong, and we had about 40 students said. We didnt necessarily take it as a win, because once weeks. I knew that there would be a new piece of legisla-
speak. There were students representing a wide range something like this hits the floor of the student council, tion, and I knew that no matter what shape or size it came
of backgrounds students whose parents had fled Iran, things are said that cannot be unheard. Accusations are in, whether or not it would single out Israel, it would be a
students whose immigration stories made them deeply made that cannot be unsaid. clear continuation of the other one, Ms. Rifkin said.
sympathetic to other immigrants, students who talked They made accusations like, All you students who talk This year, the first Passover seder was Monday, April
about how their Judaism and their Zionism are insepa- in favor of Israel, you all have privilege. You all sound like 11. The meeting was scheduled for Wednesday, April 13,
rable, Ms. Rifkin said. Donald Trump. right after the first two days ended. I wrote an email to
Throughout the night, comments were made that this It was a very difficult, emotional night for everyone the chair of the council, that said that anything that talked
resolution was only about transparency, Ms. Rifkin said. involved. Still, although this was not really a victory for about social responsibility, investment, and transparency
That it was only about wanting to see where the Univer- anyone, we were relieved to hear student council mem- could not be brought on Passover.
bers say that whatever their personal feelings might be, The email went unanswered, and the agenda was
this was not the sort of issue that students should be pass- mailed out on Passover. One of the items on that agenda
ing resolutions about. was the intent to change the bylaws to create a stu-
We have skyrocketing rates of sexual abuse on campus. dent government subcommittee to do research about
They listed examples We have a campus that is famous for drinking too much. divestment.
but every example We should focus on those issues rather than on blaming
everything on Israel.
That was dangerous, Ms. Rifkin said, because such a
committee could present research that pointed to the
they listed was Israel, That was the night of March 29. need for divestment every two weeks, until something got
and never any Student council meetings are scheduled every two voted in. So at the very least we wanted to be there when

other country.
sity of Wisconsin foundation is investing. That we dont
get those figures from them, and that we want to see it.
The argument was that the foundation should not
invest in corporations that are committing human rights
abuses. They listed examples but every example they
listed was Israel, and never any other country. Its backers
argued that it is not a BDS resolution, because it doesnt
ask for an academic boycott on campus, or to boycott the
companies BDSers traditionally boycott. But my argument
is that if it makes students feel that they cant be openly
Zionist on campus, that their student body council doesnt
represent them or believe in them then it is BDS.
They kept saying that they just wanted transparency.
But my final argument was that what you have created is
a terrible division between us. If you want to talk about
transparency, wed be more than happy to talk about it
but thats not this.
The debate lasted for six hours. At the end, a motion to
table it indefinitely was made, voted on, and passed. The Ben Meisel of the University of Michigan and Tenafly, Ariela Rifkin, Aliza Ohnouna from the University of
vote was 13 in favor and 12 opposed, with one abstention. Pennsylvania and Fort Lee, and Hillel director Talia Mizikovsky served on a panel at the iCan conference
At this point, we were all very exhausted, Ms. Rifkin sponsored by the Jewish Federation of Northern New Jersey in March. david silverman

Jewish Standard MAY 19, 2017 21

Cover Story

it was discussed, because it was a clear

continuation of the last discussion, and by
having it on Passover you take away the
opportunity for students who were there
before to be there again.
It also was a problem because there is
a process for such bylaw changes. It is a
six-week process, Ms. Rifkin said. It has to
be introduced in one meeting, discussed
again at the next meeting, and then voted
on in the third. A member of the student
council who had been elected to chair it
next year made a motion to suspend the
rules and not only to introduce it but to
vote on it the first night it was presented.
That motion passed.
Ms. Rifkin and other Jewish community
members filed a suit with the student judi-
ciary; last week, they learned that they had
won on all counts. We won a temporary
injunction, we asked for the vote to be
voided because there was discrimination
in the timing, we asked for a sanctioning
of the chair, who did not answer the email
and did not take it into consideration, and
we asked for the sanctioning of the repre-
sentative who changed the rules despite
being asked not to, she said.
There was a personal dilemma in this for
Ms. Rifkin. They countersued me, she
said. It just so happened that they both
are black women, and they said that I sued
them because I hate black women. They
wanted a full third-party investigation into
my acts, based on gender and race.
For whatever reason perhaps the women didnt have Above, Ariela Rifkin is
enough time, perhaps they changed their minds, perhaps among the speakers
it was just meant as a threat in the first place the two at the recent AIPAC
women who filed notice to sue Ms. Rifkin did not follow confrence in Washington.
through. They just wanted to scare me into withdrawing
my notice of intent, she said.
The threat was real, she added. Had the suit gone
through, every time someone googled her name, the
top results likely would have labeled her a racist and a
sexist, not because she is, nor because there is any evi-
dence showing her to be, but simply because the accusa-
tion would have yoked her name to those words. Those
headlines would have followed me for the rest of my life,
Ariela and other
she said. I had to think about what is more important to
Jewish Badgers pose
me I am getting ready to graduate and get a job or am
with the school banner.
I going to sacrifice my Jewish community here, and say its
okay, they can say what they want.
They presented me with that choice, and they were
pretty sure that I would drop my case. But I did not.
Dont breathe easily yet, though. The worse was still to
come, Ms. Rifkin said. The council had one more meet-
ing before the end of the year April 26 and we knew
that we could expect some type of resolution, some legis-
lation, something because this was their last chance. So
we were anxiously waiting for the agenda to come out.
It was released about 24 hours before the meeting. And open forum once the meeting was closed, things could the room. Somebody made a comment about how I sit on
for many Jewish students it was wonderful, Ms. Rifkin change. piles of student dollars, piles of money and we all know
said. It called for divestment from a list of things fos- She was right. Jewish people from the community what that means.
sil fuels, border walls, arms manufacturers, and prison came to say that they agree -that prison labor is terrible, The meeting came just after Kendall Jenner, the model
labor. There was no mention of Israel. that we should divest from fossil fuels, thank you for writ- and Kardashian half-sister whose commercial connecting
I dont make decisions on my own I represent my ing this legislation as it stands now. But the council had Pepsi with virtue and herself as the representative of the
community. So a bunch of us got together and asked how a much different idea. They came prepared with para- worlds downtrodden, had debuted to worldwide scorn
we feel about it. Students said that we were thankful that graphs of revisions. and been hastily pulled back. In a coordinated prank,
they took our needs into consideration, realized that you Even with its noncontroversial surface, the open forum when I spoke many council members and 50 or so stu-
cant make Israel synonymous with everything thats was incredibly hostile, Ms. Rifkin said. I was viciously dents took out cans of Pepsi and opened them, she said.
wrong in the world, she reported. attacked. It got really personal. After I made a point of saying, Guys, we are putting in
Still, she was troubled. She knew that this was just the Some people referred to me as the white elephant in amendments that are almost verbatim what was tabled

22 Jewish Standard MAY 19, 2017

Cover Story

indefinitely a month ago and as far as I can tell, indefi- important as a student to find out what
nitely hasnt expired yet the chair of the student council resonates with other members of student
took a sip of her Pepsi and said, k white supremacy. government and use language that works
People came with my name on signs. It was a targeted for them. For example, if she is talking to
and coordinated effort to make sure that I was as intimi- someone who is very active on the sus-
dated as possible. tainability committee, when she was talk-
What about administrators? Wasnt there anyone ing about Israel she would talk about what
around who could stop this campaign of intimidation and Israel is doing about sustainability, and
humiliation? No matter what the issue, was there no way clean earth, and things like that.
to stop this behavior? Ms. Weintraub feels deeply that one of
No, Ms. Rifkin said. Because of the way the University the lessons that Ms. Rifkin puts into prac-
of Wisconsin at Madisons student council is set up, those tice is vital for students to learn. We can
33 representatives of the universitys various schools are give these kids the tools they need to advo-
overseen directly by the board of regents, not the school cate for Israel, she said. We can suggest
itself. They have no power or control over us, she said. that they reinforce their knowledge and
All they can do is complain to the board of regents. So, their interest.
although some of the staff members who were in the But if we dont encourage them to take
room had to step out and cry, there was nothing they an active role in voting for their represen-
could do, she said. They have absolutely no control over tatives on campus, then all that is lost.
student government. At Wisconsin, only about 9 percent of
Ms. Rifkins ordeal by shaming lasted until she left. I the student body votes for the student
made a final statement, and then I walked out, to cheer- council, even though that body allocates
ing and dancing and clapping, because they finally got rid the so-called segregated fee that is part
of me, she said. But I had to be there, and I had to say of each students tuition. Those fees are
something. small, but they add up.
They were trying to intimidate me personally. They On an AIPAC trip, Ariela Rifkin stands outside the Israeli Parliament. This year I chaired the grant alloca-
were trying to make it abundantly clear that should anyone tion committee, Ms. Rifkin said. Its over-
else speak up or voice a similar position or try to defend up to the bullying, harassment, and intimidation she seen by the student council. In that capacity, my com-
me, that would be their fate too. So how could I not show faced? She answers that question less fluidly than the ones mittee and I were responsible for the distribution about
up, if what was at stake was the freedom to speak? about the situation. I talked to my parents, and I have a $600,000 throughout the course of the fiscal year.
There was great irony in the proceedings that night, really large and wonderful support network of Jewish stu- It would be wise, therefore, on some many levels, both
she added. The stated point was transparency, but they dents and faculty members here, and of Hillel. Everyone theoretical and practical, for each student to vote.
orchestrated it so that the opposition wouldnt know said that we are all in this together. It was my name, yes, As parents and Israel-loving Jews, we have to teach our
about it. They would keep Israel out at first and put it but I put myself in that position. I could not take myself children to participate, Ms. Weintraub said. Ariela is an
back in when it was too late. out of the community I grew up in. unusual girl an incredibly brave girl but she needed
Her love of Israel does not blind her to Israels faults, she Her parents, Oleg and Cheryl, supported her. My dad other students to be there to support her, even if it was
said, but it is not right that all of the worlds failures have is Russian, she said. He knows what discrimination looks just in numbers. She needed other students to be able to
fallen on Israels back. like. He didnt come to America for that, and he didnt stand up with her.
Within our very progressive Jewish community, we raise me for that. You cant advocate alone. You cant advocate in a vac-
spent plenty of time around coffee tables arguing over My parents are remarkable, and so are my grandpar- uum. If we could get more kids to run for student council
every decision that Israel has ever made. We would love ents, she added. They said that you never ever choose which, by the way, looks good on a resume or to vote,
to have these discussions with people outside the Jewish the easy thing over the hard thing, if the hard thing is the and to understand what they voting for and what they are
community, but that gets shut down when student govern- right thing to do. voting against, that would be really important.
ment says, Israel bad. That is not a good foundation for One of my grandfathers served in the Coast Guard dur- Wisconsin is a great, beautiful, wonderful campus for
a conversation. ing the war, fighting for this country. And my other grand- a Jewish kid to be on, Ms. Weintraub concluded. It is
That evening, the vote passed, 22 to 0, with two father fought to get into this country, to get his sons here. really unfortunate that this happened but it still is beau-
abstentions. She wasnt surprised. People who would So if my parents and my grandparents could go through tiful place.
have opposed it were intimidated. There was a coordi- that so I could be here, then I will make sure that as a Jew, Laura Fein, the director of the Jewish Federation of
nated effort to intimidate or harass. If I had been watch- as an American, as a person, as a Rifkin, I will not allow us Northern New Jerseys Jewish Community Relations Coun-
ing this happen, of course I would have voted in favor to be treated like this again. cil, has known Ariela Rifkin since Ariela was a small child.
of it too, particularly if I didnt have any grounding or Donna Weintraub of Haworth is a member of the board She comes by her adamant refusal to give in naturally, Ms.
foundation about Israel. If I hear that anyone who votes of the Jewish Federation of Northern New Jersey, and she Fein said.
against it is a white supremacist, of course I would have was involved actively in creating iCan, a federation-sup- Her father was at Juilliard, she said. He was a con-
voted for it. ported advocacy group that helps local high school stu- cert pianist. But when he realized that the life of a concert
The resolution passed but that was not the end of it. dents prepare themselves for the hostility they might face pianist, with constant traveling, would not work with a
We received the final judgment in the case, she said. on campus should they mention that they support Israel. family, he applied to law school. He applied himself to law
The court voided the vote to create the committee. Ms. Rifkin came back from Wisconsin to speak at iCan. with equal diligence and skill, and he is now a very suc-
The court also voted to suggest that the former chair, Ms. Weintraub also is the mother of Jillian Weintraub, cessful lawyer.
on whom it no longer had any jurisdiction, take religious who just graduated from the University of Wisconsin Arielas sister, Dahlia, who will begin Penn State in the
sensitivity and competency training, Ms. Rifkin said. The this week. Like Ariela Rifkin, Jillian Weintraub had been fall, is an ice skater in fact, she is a former U.S. juvenile
court does still have jurisdiction over the woman who involved with pro-Israel advocacy on campus. In fact, ladies national champion; her older brother, Naphtali, is
will chair it next year; it demanded that she must email it was Jillian Weintraub who held the video camera and a Fulbright scholar who lived in Latvia for year while he
the last session of the council to apologize for her actions recorded the whole of the last student council meeting. pursued his studies and now is a student at Cambridge
and explain why they were wrong. She has to notify the I first met Ariela at the first meeting of iCan, last sum- University. Her younger brother, Binny, will begin Frisch
current council that no religious discrimination of any mer, and she started to tell me a little bit about what was in the fall, and he is in my opinion, the best Rivkin, his
sort will be tolerated. And she has to write an official let- coming at Wisconsin, Donna Weintraub said. She told sister said. Their mother is the chief administrative officer
ter apologizing for her actions, explain why Passover is me that student reps had told her that there was a strong at the financial planning firm Muzinich & Co.
important to Jewish students, and read it out loud at the possibility that an anti-Israel resolution was coming. The whole family has an almost military-level disci-
council session. Forewarned, she was forearmed. pline, and yet they are all very relaxed, Ms. Fein said.
Next year, Ms. Rifkin will not be on the council. Instead, Ms. Rifkins grasp of politics, and how politics affect Ariela has unusual people skills, along with tremendous
she has been voted president of the senior class. people, is among her most striking characteristics, Ms. discipline and the understanding that sometimes you
Where did she get the courage and backbone to stand Weintraub said. At iCan, she talked about how it is need to play a long game.

Jewish Standard MAY 19, 2017 23

Jewish World

Six things you didnt know

about the Six-Day War
Ron Kampeas

he three paratroopers casting eyes upward at the
Western Wall. The troops reveling in the waters
of the Suez Canal. The sweeping views of a Gali-
lee no longer vulnerable to shelling from atop the
Golan Heights.
Not to mention Naomi Shemers anthem Jerusalem of
Gold, reissued after the Six-Day War with a new verse cel-
ebrating access to the Old City. Or the settlements, the Pal-
estinians, the tensions, the violence.
These and many others are the images, memories,
and challenges that persist after 50 years of triumph, soul
searching, and grief.
But there are anomalies small, telling wrinkles in what
the war wrought that, if they are not quite forgotten, have
faded into the recesses of memory. They are worth reviving
to deepen our understanding of an event that changed Jew-
ish history.

1. For 20 years, Jews paid fees

to a symbol of Palestinian pride.
In the wake of Jerusalems reunification, its mayor, Teddy
Kollek, was faced with a dilemma: Jewish neighborhoods
were sprouting up in the eastern part of the city. Any Israeli troops prepare for battle during the Six-Day War in 1967.  Three Lions/Getty Images

attempt to extend electricity to them from the electricity

provider in Israel would be likely to elicit local and interna- So until 1987, Jews living in the Old City and the new After 1948, Israel assumed responsibility for provid-
tional protest because the world did not recognize Israels neighborhoods received electric bills that seemed a mirror ing electricity to western Jerusalem.
claims to the city. image of their other utility bills: First the text was in Arabic, The JDEC, which had become a symbol of Pales-
Kolleks solution: Allow the Palestinian-run Jerusalem then in Hebrew. tinian aspirations for independence, was helmed by
District Electric Company, or JDEC, which predated Israels The JDEC held exclusive rights to a radius of 50 kilome- Anwar Nusseibeh, the scion of an ancient Palestin-
establishment, to continue providing power in and around ters, or 31 miles, around the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, ian family.
the Old City, including to the new Jewish neighborhoods. the Old City site believed to be the site of Jesus burial. According to a 1999 book, Separate and Unequal,
about relations between Jews and Arabs in Jerusalem,
even after the JDECs limited capacities were exhausted
by the rapidly expanding demand, Israeli authorities
balked at extending the Israel Electric Corp.s reach
into eastern Jerusalem. Instead, the Israeli company
sold capacity to the JDEC.
In December 1987, the government finally quietly
shifted total responsibility for the Jewish neighbor-
hoods to the Israeli company.
Separate and Unequal, written by three Israelis
Amir Cheshin and Avi Melamed, two former munici-
pality liaisons to the citys Palestinian population, and
Areyvuts chesed cAmp journalist Bill Hutman cited the conundrum as an

5 dAys/5 WAys
example of the balancing act that Israeli officials had to
perform: Maintaining a Jewish claim to the entire city,
while at times deferring to Palestinian nationalism, in
order to keep the peace.
Israel could not expect to wipe out an important
Palestinian national symbol without a reaction, pos-
July 31 - August 4, 2017 | rising 6th, 7th, And 8th grAders sibly a severe reaction, from the Palestinian public,
they wrote.
The JDEC still exists, although it provides electricity
Each day we will travel to different sites spreading 9:00am to 4:00pm daily.
only to Palestinian residents now.
joy and doing acts of kindness to benefit more than Tuesday (Tisha BAv) will be an optional
shortened day off-site.
15 local and Israel-based organizations. Learn how 2. King Hussein longed for peace
to be a Mitzvah Clown and bring a smile to peoples Friends of Lubavitch of Bergen County and liked his Israeli hardware.
faces! Help clean trails and beautify and protect the (Chabad of Teaneck) | 513 Kenwood Place During most of his reign, King Hussein of Jordan sought
environment! Pack food for those in need! a peaceful arrangement with Israel, taking a cue from
Cost: $360 his beloved grandfather, King Abdullah I, whom he
saw assassinated in Jerusalem in 1951 because he was
seeking peace with Israel.
For more information, contact (201) 244-6702 or, or visit
See six things page 26

24 Jewish Standard MAY 19, 2017

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Jewish Standard MAY 19, 2017 25

Jewish World

Six things
from page 24
Like his grandfather, Hussein sought
peace in secret, but he did not escape
opprobrium and he was wary of meeting
Abdullahs fate. Hussein felt he had little
choice but to join President Gamal Abdel
Nasser of Egypt in saber rattling against
Israel in 1967. Nasser, wildly popular in the
Arab world, already had taunted the king
as being subservient to Israel.
Moreover, Israel had humiliated Hus-
sein a year earlier with a massive daylight
raid into his territory to exact revenge for
an attack carried out by Palestinian Fatah
troops, who then operated with relative
impunity from Jordanian soil.
According to historian Martin Gilberts
Jerusalem Illustrated History Atlas, on
June 4, 1967, Israeli Prime Minister Levi
Eshkol relayed a message to Hussein:
We shall not initiate any action what-
soever against Jordan. However, should
Jordan open hostilities, we shall react
with all our might and [Hussein] will
have to bear the full responsibility for all
the consequences.
At 8:30 a.m. the following day, Jordan
started shelling western Jerusalem, and at
Israeli soldiers approach the Dome on the Rock in Jerusalem on June 7, 1967.  Newsmakers/Getty Images 9:30 a.m., Hussein broadcast, The hour

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Jewish World 409,000 likes. Sandi M. Malkin, LL C
of revenge has come.
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Interior Designer
That kind of talk and the ensuing bloody battles (former interior designer of model
plus the destruction of Jewish properties in eastern rooms for NYs #1 Dept. Store)
Jerusalem in earlier years, as well as Husseins 19-year-
long refusal to allow Jewish access to the Western Wall
left some Israelis wondering whether Hussein truly For a totally new look using
sought peace. your furniture or starting anew.
The answers came over time. King Hussein drove
Fatah out of Jordan in 1970 and waited out the Yom Staging also available
Kippur War in 1973. In 1986, he came close to signing
a peace deal with Israel. jewishstandard 973-535-9192
In 1994, symbols bold and subtle made evident
that Hussein had earned the trust of leading Israelis.
The king was present at Israels Arava terminal when
Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin signed a peace
treaty with his Jordanian counterpart, Abdelsalam
The next day Maariv, a newspaper then owned by
the Nimrodi family, published a full-page photo cap-
tioned 1965, collection of Yaakov Nimrodi, with no
other comment. Nimrodi, the clan patriarch, was Isra-
els leading private arms dealer.
In the photo, a smiling King Hussein is cradling an
Israeli-manufactured Uzi submachine gun.

3. When did Israel unite Jerusalem?

Did it unite Jerusalem?
The future belongs to the complete Jerusalem that
shall never again be divided, Prime Minister Benja-
min Netanyahu said two years ago on Jerusalem Day,
which marks the Hebrew calendar anniversary of
Israels capture of eastern Jerusalem during the Six-
Day War.
The adjectives vary complete, united, indi-
visible but the meaning is clear enough: Israel will
never cede an inch of the Jerusalem it reunited.
Except when Israel formally reunited Jerusalem is
not so clear: 1967? 1980? 2000? Ever?
On June 27, 1967, less than three weeks after the
wars end, Israels Knesset passed ordinances that
allowed Israeli officials to extend Israeli law into areas
of their designations. The next day, the Interior Minis-
try acted on those new ordinances, extending Israeli
law into the areas that now constitute the Jerusalem
municipality. They included 28 Palestinian villages,
the Old City, and what had been defined by Jordan as
municipal Jerusalem.
So, June 28, 1967, apparently is when Israel united
see six things page 28

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King Hussein of Jordan at London Airport on
May 4, 1964. GeoRGe sTRouD/eXpRess/GeTTy imaGes

AMFO_NJJewishStandard_HalfPageIsland.indd 1 Jewish standard MaY2/17/17

19, 2017 27
3:20 PM
Jewish World

Six things Not long after, Abba Eban, then Israels foreign minister, In 1980, the Knesset passed a Basic Law what
from page 27 told the United Nations that the ordinances had a practical passes in Israel for a constitution declaring united
Jerusalem. Except Ian Lustick, a professor at the University consequence, not a national one. Jerusalem to be Israeli. The complete and united
of Pennsylvania, published a widely cited paper in 1997 that The term annexation is out of place, he said. The Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, it said.
showed unification was not necessarily the intention of the measures adopted related to the integration of Jerusalem But the law left out a definition of what constituted
1967 ordinances. in the administrative and municipal spheres and furnish a the complete and united Jerusalem. It took until
An Interior Ministry news release from June 28, 1967, said legal basis for the protection of the Holy Places. 2000 for the Knesset to pass an amendment to the
the basic purpose of its order was to provide full munici- As Lustick noted, even within these parameters, anoma- 1980 Basic Law specifying that Jerusalem was defined
pal and social services to all inhabitants of the city. Any lies persisted: For decades, Jordanian curricula prevailed in by the Interior Ministry order of June 28, 1967.
expression of political purpose was absent. Palestinian schools in eastern Jerusalem. So was 2000 when Israel formally set down in
law what constituted the united, indivisible, com-
plete Jerusalem?
Not exactly, according to a Haaretz analysis in 2015,
which said the 1980 law is essentially declarative:
Nowhere does it include the words annexation or
Marshall Breger and Thomas Idinopulos, in a 1998
Washington Institute for Near East Policy tract, Jeru-
salems Holy Places and the Peace Process, suggest
that these are distinctions without a difference and
say that Israeli court decisions that treat eastern Jeru-
salem as essentially annexed should be determinative.

4. The first Jewish settlement

in the captured territories

S U M M E R There are plenty of dramatic markers in the history

of the return of Jews to the areas Israel captured in
the Six-Day War:
The first homes reoccupied by Jews in the Old Citys
Jewish Quarter, in 1969; the Jews, led by Rabbi Moshe
Levinger, who moved into a Hebron hotel to mark
Passover in 1968 and would not leave until the gov-
ernment allowed them to establish the settlement that
would become Kiryat Arba; the settlers who would
not leave the area of Sebastia in the northern West
Bank until the government allowed them to establish
Elon Moreh in 1975.
But the first settlement? That would be Merom
Golan, a kibbutz originally named Kibbutz Golan,
when Israelis quietly moved in on July 14, 1967, just
over a month after the war.
Why the urgency? A clue is in who founded the
kibbutz: Israelis from the eastern Galilee, who had
suffered potshots and shelling from Syrian troops
for years.
From the beginning, the Israeli attachment to the
West Bank and to Jerusalem has been defined by emo-
tion, history, and identity. Occupying and settling the
Golan Heights an area traditionally not defined as
within the boundaries of the biblical Land of Israel
was seen as a matter of security and practical neces-
sity Israel, atop the Golan, was less vulnerable.
These days, Merom Golan is a resort.

Quality is remembered long after price is forgotten 5. That ancient church in Gaza?
It was a synagogue.
Now you will pleasantly remember price as well. The Western Wall, Qumran, Shiloh, King Herods
tomb the Six-Day War was a boon for historians
seeking evidence of ancient Jewish settlement in the
Holy Land.
Most of these sites are in the West Bank and eastern
Jerusalem. But a team of archaeologists rushed to the
BORO PARK: FLATBUSH: LONG ISLAND: LAKEWOOD: TEANECK: Gaza Strip within weeks of its capture.
5020 13th Avenue 1505 Coney Island Ave. 467 Central Avenue 1700 Madison Ave. 215 W. Englewood Ave. Why? In 1966, Egypts Department of Antiqui-
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tures in the Italian antiquities journal Orientala,
Israeli archaeologists immediately understood it was
no church.
It was a synagogue. A Hebrew inscription, David, alongside a harpist
King David was visible in a photograph.

28 Jewish Standard MAY 19, 2017


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tians understood that the biblical kings borhood abutting the Old City, I learned.
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depiction validated claims of ancient I called.
Jewish settlement and sought to erase it. A woman speaking fluent Hebrew
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They set about excavating the site, answered. This in itself was striking. It
which turned out to be one of the was not unusual for Palestinian men,
largest Byzantine-era synagogues in
the region.
At the foot of one mosaic they found
who worked throughout Israel, to speak
Hebrew, but it was a rarity at the time to
encounter a Hebrew-speaking Palestin- Annual
the following inscription: [We] Mena- ian woman. Moreover, her Hebrew was
hem and Yeshua, sons of the late Isai unaccented and flawless.
[ Jesse], wood traders, as a sign of She was the subcontractors mother.
respect for a most holy place, donated Of course he would come and install
this mosaic in the month of Louos [the the railing; it was gathering dust in their
year of ] 569. yard, and he had forgotten my exact
address, she said. Not only that, but I
BCHSJS Announces Gala Honorees
6. The quiet reunifications wasnt to pay him a shekel extra, he had
This was the myth: Between 1949 and been paid for his work and wouldnt
1967, the heart of a city identified since hear of it.
the beginnings of history with the Jews I couldnt resist asking her to explain
had been made Judenrein. her Hebrew.
The myth largely was based in fact, She was Jewish, born and raised in
but there were exceptions: Every two Jerusalem. She had married a Palestin-
weeks, a convoy of Israeli troops would ian Muslim before independence. And EDUCATOR
travel through Jordanian Jerusalem she remained in Silwan after the war. Did
Dr. Hope Schlossberg and Rabbi Shelley Kniaz EXEMPLARY
to Mount Scopus, the Hebrew Univer- she reunite with family? Yes, she said, David Goodman PARENT HONOREES SERVICE AWARD
sity campus that remained Israels as immediately after the Six-Day War, but Barnett Goldman
Alex and Doug Sobelman
part of the 1949 armistice. Intrepid would not elaborate.
non-Israeli Jews occasionally passed The subcontractor came by. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7, 2017 7 OCLOCK IN THE EVENING
through the Mandelbaum Gate, the I spoke to your mother, I said. Fair Lawn Jewish Center/Congregation Bnai Israel
gateway between Jordanian and Israeli Yes, he said, and smiled. Couvert $200 per person Cocktail Attire
Jerusalem. Muriel Spark, the Scottish I asked the neighbors who had used
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novelist, captured the danger in such a the same contractor, I asked other Jerusa-
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crossing in her 1961 novel The Mandel- lemites, and no one expressed surprise.
baum Gate. They had heard similar stories of
And then there were stories like this excommunication and then tentative
one: In 1991, the building where I owned reunification. How many were there?
an apartment obtained permission from No one knew. No one compiled these
the municipality to add rooms and bal- stories. There was no shame to the phe-
conies. The contractor subcontracted nomenon, but neither was there a cel-
some of the work. One day, a gregari- ebration of it.
ous Palestinian subcontractor came by It seemed unresolved, like so much
to measure my balcony for the railing he else about the Six-Day War.
would build.  JTA Wire Service

Jewish Standard MAY 19, 2017 29

Jewish World

Arab states offer normalized ties with Israel for concessions

Arab states are reportedly prepared to consider improved Jewish state and Arab nations. Additional incentives Arab states are weighing
relations with Israel if the Jewish state makes various conces- According to the report, Gulf states would allow Israeli include issuing visas to Israeli trade delegations and
sions to reach a peace deal with the Palestinians. companies to do business with Arab countries and would sports teams for events in the Gulf region.
The Wall Street Journal reported that as part of a process permit Israeli planes to fly over Arab airspace, in exchange Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates report-
of normalizing ties with Israel, Gulf states expressed the for an Israeli commitment to freeze settlement construction edly already have conveyed their willingness to
willingness to set up telecommunication lines between the and ease trade restrictions on Hamas-ruled Gaza. embrace the proposed plan to the United States and
Israel, and a senior Arab official involved with the pro-
posal was quoted as saying, We no longer see Israel
as an enemy, but a potential opportunity, the Times
of Israel reported.

Western Wall status

causes a flip flop
at the White House
U.S. national security adviser H.R. McMaster declined

to say whether the United States regards the Western
Wall as part of Israel during a press conference with
reporters at the White House on Tuesday.
McMaster, who was outlining President Donald

Trumps first major trip abroad, said questions about
the location of the Western Wall, located in the Old
City of Jerusalem, sound like a policy decision.
McMasters comments came a day after U.S. and
Israeli officials who were planning Trumps visit got

into a spat about the location of the holy site. The
American official, identified as David Berns, a politi-
cal counselor at the U.S. consulate in Jerusalem, alleg-
edly told the Israelis that the Western Wall is not in
your territory. The Trump administration quickly dis-
avowed the statement, but stopped short of saying the
By creating a secure American Western Wall belonged to Israel.
The Western Wall (also known as the Kotel),
Friends of The Hebrew University regarded as one of the holiest sites in Judaism, is the
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rates and the priceless feeling of control over the Western Wall during the 1967 Six Day
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Jewish World

Israeli minister cancels visit to Jordan after terror attack

A diplomatic row between Israel and Jordan escalated Regarding the cancellation of his trip to Jordan, Aku- of your valuable furs,
Tuesday when Israeli Science and Technology Minister nis told Army Radio, A country cant take blow after shearlings & cashmeres
Ofir Akunis canceled a scheduled visit to the Hashemite blow and show restraint. Now and then a country needs from heat, humidity &
kingdom for a ceremony highlighting regional scientific to make a diplomatic protest.Peace with Jordan is very moths in our state of
cooperation. important but standing up for the truth is more impor- the art COLD STORAGE
The cabinet minister called off a visit marking the tant than anything. VAULTS!
launch of the Sesame particle accelerator a project The minister said Israel would continue its participation
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Israel co-founded with a state investment of $11.2 million in the scientific project, saying science can be a bridge to
following a terror attack carried out by a Jordanian build ties, but that the Jewish state will not collaborate Shearing Old Furs
national in Jerusalem Saturday. The Jordanian govern- with Iran, which is also involved in Sesame, as long as the Generous Trade-In
ment criticized Israel for killing the terrorist. Islamic Republic continues its anti-Israel policies. JNS.ORG Values

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& Fashions
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Fire severely damages historic New York synagogue Closter Commons
(near Annie Sez next to
Whole Foods Mall)
A fire heavily damaged a historic synagogue on Manhat- The synagogues Gothic-style building is almost com-
tans Lower East Side, the 167-year-old Beth Hamedrash pletely destroyed. Holly Kaye, who has worked for sev-
Hagadol. eral years to preserve the historic synagogue, said she
Police sources said three people, believed to be doesnt believe the fire was the result of a hate crime.
minors, were spotted on surveillance footage fleeing Trespassers had broken into the site repeatedly in
the synagogue as it burst into flames, according to the recent weeks, she noted.
New York Post. An eyewitness corroborated the report, It seems like it was malicious nonsense from kids
telling fire officials he saw three people fleeing the syna- playing around, said Kaye, founder of the Lower East
gogue as the fire began. Side Jewish Conservancy.  JNS.OR



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Left, Ronald Lauder speaks at the Brodyer Synagogue in Leipzig, Germany, on August 20, 2010. At right,
Sheldon Adelson with his wife, Dr. Miriam Adelson, at the Republican Jewish Coalitions annual meeting
in Las Vegas on February 24, 2017.
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201-568-2242 RON KAMPEAS avidly courted the glitzy developer. (Lauder lost the
Republican primary to Rudolph Giuliani, who went on
WASHINGTON Bill Clinton consulted with people to lose in the general election that year but won in 1993.)
who came up with him in Arkansas, George W. Bush pre- Both Lauder and Trump are graduates of the University
ferred Texan veterans of his familys hard-fought politi- of Pennsylvanias Wharton business school.
cal battles, and Barack Obama had his Chicago cohort. Adelson and Trump have known each other since at
Who does the first billionaire president go to when least the mid-2000s, when the latter opened an epony-
he wants real-deal advice? Other billionaires, naturally. mous resort and casino on the formers Las Vegas turf.
Much has been made of how President Donald Trump They drew closer last year after Adelson burned in the
has stacked his Cabinet with billionaires, and how he 2012 election after he backed a losing Republican primary
takes off-campus advice from investor Carl Icahn, fellow contender, Newt Gingrich waited until much of the pri-
real estate developer Tom Barrack, and media moguls maries blood was spilled and endorsed Trump in May.
Christopher Ruddy and Rupert Murdoch. Trump has teased Adelson about waiting so long to
The same goes for his Israel advice: Trump, according come around, but also appreciated the boost. Adelson is
to reports, takes calls on the issue from Sheldon Adelson, believed to be the first campaign donor to secure a seat
the casino magnate, and Ronald Lauder, the cosmetics on the dais during an inauguration.
heir who is president of the World Jewish Congress. Both
are major supporters of Jewish and pro-Israel causes. What are they like in the Trump

B. Dinelli or Hair
The wrinkle is that Adelson and Lauder seem to be at clinch?
odds on what theyre telling the president. Lauder, report- Adelson plowed tens of millions of dollars into the
edly, is pressing Trump to court Palestinian Authority general election, both for Trump and other Republi-
President Mahmoud Abbas. Adelson, reportedly, wants cans, and then at least another $5 million, a record, into
him to focus on moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem the inaugural festivities.
Where hair is your most important accessory! and discounts the Palestinians as reliable peace partners. Lauders contributions to the bid to elect Trump and
Trump, who gave Abbas the White House treatment Republicans generally topped out at under $1 million,
this month and has carved out buddy time for him dur- but he did something Trump cherishes in his loyalists:
NEW CLIENT ing his scheduled Middle East tour next week, appears supporting him when no one else does.
INTRODUCTORY SPECIAL to be tilting toward Lauder. And thats confounding the In January, when Trump released a statement marking

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right-wing pro-Israel community, which tends to line up
with Adelson.
Heres a breakdown of the actors and their agendas.
International Holocaust Remembrance Day that omitted
any mention of Jews, Lauder was the only Jewish leader
to give him a pass and, indeed, to praise the statement.
Spokespeople for Adelson, Lauder and Israeli Prime Two organizations that Adelson funds and that other-
519 Cedar Lane Teaneck, NJ 07666 2016 Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declined to comment, and wise had been supportive of Trump, the Republican Jew-
201-836-0477 the White House did not return a request for comment. ish Coalition and the Zionist Organization of America, READERS
were critical. The relationship with Trump
Lauder, a fellow New Yorker, has been friendly with The relationship with Netanyahu
Trump for decades, dating at least to Lauders run for Lauder and Netanyahu enjoyed friendly relations for
mayor of the city in 1989 a period when local politicos SEE LAUDER/ADELSON PAGE 35

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Children will enjoy a progressive curriculum, rooted in Sun, June 4, 7 pm Taub Auditorium
Jewish values and a warm environment with a child-
centered approach to learning. Schedule a tour today Launching Our NEW Patron of the Arts Program
and come see for yourself!
Half day, full day and extended day (7:30 am-6 pm)
options available.
Contact Elissa Yurowitz at 201.408.1436 or This event is supported in part by The Henry and Marilyn Taub Foundation.

Pre-Summer Mini Camps

Looking for something fun to fill the time between
school and camp? Well look no further! Give your
child the gift of fun, laughter and smiles at the JCC!
Register them for Little Dancers Camp for ballet
and hip hop fun, Multi-Sports Camp for fun skill
building, or Camp Shemesh for traditional camp
excitement. Your little ones will also get to enjoy
our fabulous water park and special events such as
field day, beach day, dance party and Shabbat sing.
Ages 3-5, June 12-23, 9 am-4 pm

kids community adults

Therapeutic Nursery Community Supported Agriculture Tikun Leil Shavuot

Summer Program healthy eating for less than $25 a weeK Join us to celebrate this unique experiential evening
for ages 3-6 Buy a share in a local farm and receive 8-10 varieties of in celebration of Shavuot. Get in the spirit with a fun-
Developmental language-based parent/child fresh organic produce for 22 weeks. Full and shares filled evening, featuring a lecture on Megillat Ruth,
program for bright preschool children with a available, as well as shares of fruit, free-range eggs, workshops related to Shavuot, offered in Hebrew and
variety of developmental difficulties, including maple syrup and more. English, and wine, cheese, music, and dessert to top
language disorders, ADHD, high-functioning off the night!
Registration Deadline: May 25
autism, social and emotional challenges as well For more information, call Aya at 201.408.1427.
Season: Jun 6-Oct 31
as selective mutism. The curriculum focuses Sat, Jun 3, 9:30 pm-12 am, $23/$26
primarily on social skills and emotional and Visit us online at
or email Esther at Visit
behavioral regulation. Limited space available.
Jul 10-Aug 18, Mon-Fri, 9-11:30 am or 12:30-3 pm
to register or for more info
stay in the Know! liKe us on

Kaplen JCC on the Palisades taub campus | 411 e clinton ave, tenafly, nJ 07670 | 201.569.7900 |
The Fifth Annual
Champions of Jewish Values
International Awards Gala
Sunday, May 21, 2017
Eve of Yom Yerushalayim
Celebrating 50 Years of the Reunification of Jerusalem
Cipriani 42nd Street | 110 East 42nd Street, New York City
5:00 pm Reception | 6:15 pm Dinner and Program


Elie Wiesel,
Join us as we complete and dedicate a Torah
for the victims of the Holocaust, the Rwandan genocide, and Elie Wiesel

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Ceremonies Communications

This event will be live streamed beginning at 5:00 pm at

TICKET PRICES* $500 Adults | $180 Students | | (212) 634-7777


Jewish World

from page 32
years. Both Lauder and Adelson have been asked by
Israeli investigators about gifts they have given the
prime minister over the years. In the 1990s, when
Netanyahus career took off, Lauder was a key U.S. con-
duit. Netanyahu asked Lauder to try to help broker a
peace deal with Syria during his first term as prime min-
ister, from 1996 to 1999. In a highly unusual move in
Ethan Miller/Getty Images

99, when Lauder chaired the Conference of Presidents

of Major American Jewish Organizations, the billionaire
came to Israel during campaign season and effectively
endorsed Netanyahu in a speech.
The two reportedly fell out six years ago, when
Lauder refused to use his ownership stake in Israels
Channel 10 to censor reporting there into allegations
of corruption by Netanyahu and his wife, Sara.
Adelson shifted from the politically neutral support
for Israel typical of much of the pro-Israel community
to outright support for a political party Netanyahus
Likud in 2007. The trigger was then-Prime Minister
Ehud Olmerts embrace of an aggressive peace plan
known as the Annapolis process. Adelson believed
(and believes) that Palestinian statehood, at least
under the current Palestinian leadership, would be
catastrophic for Israel.
His best-known expression of support is his owner-
ship of the pro-Netanyahu newspaper Israel Hayom,
a free publication that has come to play a dominant
role in the Israeli media. The relationship between
Netanyahu and Adelson remains strong; the news-
paper, which leads in circulation in Israel, recently
changed editors in part, reportedly, because the long-
time incumbent was not sufficiently pro-Bibi.

The relationship with Abbas

Rumors that Lauder and Abbas were close were con-
firmed during Abbas visit at the beginning of May,
when, the night before meeting Trump, the Pales-
tinian leader dined at Lauders home in this citys
Georgetown neighborhood. Notably present at the
dinner: representatives of the Trump administration.
Notably absent: anyone from the Israeli Embassy.
Lauder and Netanyahu, who have dodged on-the-
record comment over their disagreements, were ready
to dish to another wealthy philanthropist: Isi Leibler,
the Australian travel agency magnate who retired to
Israel and has become a prominent activist on its right
wing. In his column for the Jerusalem Post on their
conversations, Leibler related a lengthy harangue he
delivered to Lauder, in which Leibler described Abbas
as an inveterate anti-Semite who speaks with a
forked tongue, portraying himself as a man of peace
and moderation to the outside world while continu-
ing to encourage religious hatred and anti-Semitism
among his own people. JS-1*
Leibler quoted Lauder as saying that he believes
Abbas is ready to make major concessions toward 2017 READERS CHOICE - LET THE VOTING BEGIN!
page 68

page 10 Sign up for the

peace, although he did not outline what conces-
VIDEO page 18
page 59

Jewish Standard daily newsletter!

MAY 5, 2017
86 7

sions. Leibler also wrote that Netanyahu told him

VOL. LXXXVI NO. 31 $1.00


that Lauder was his biggest challenge to overcome

because of Lauders friendship with Trump.
Adelson has no relationship with Abbas; Olmerts Across Visit
overtures to Abbas are what drove Adelson into the Divides:
arms of the Likud. He may be key to helping Netan- Borders and
Boundaries in
and click on
yahu overcome his challenge. However, the news Contemporary Art


Englewood curator

site Axios this week quoted sources close to Adelson as

brings exhibit
to Riverdale
Jewish museum page 28

saying he is furious with the Trump administration

for not yet fulfilling the Republicans campaign pledge

to move the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, and that the
Palestinians are impossible to negotiate with.
JTA Wire Service

Jewish Standard MAY 19, 2017 35


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Healthly Living & Adult Lifestyles

The natural beauty The timeless quest for growth

of Cranes Mill Richard Portugal I knew older people like my grandparents and others and
Cranes Mill is a Certified Wildlife Habitat. Posted on so acknowledged the passage of time, but its implications
the Cranes Mill campus are signs reading: This habi- Did you ever listen to your heart beat, heed the ticking of a were foreign to me. I thought that somehow their aging would
tat is certified in the National Wildlife Federations clock, or watch a leaf disengage from a branch and slowly spi- continue unabated into the future, but I would never really
worldwide network of mini-refuges. Because of the ral to the ground? They all illustrate the passage of time, that age! The concept was psychologically incomprehensible. Like
owners conscientious planning, landscaping, and sus- crossing of the border between the present into the past. Time a young sapling in the summer of its youth, the excitement of
tainable gardening, wildlife may find quality habitat. is a powerful force, a dimension that binds us to its power growth effectively misted the distant horizon. My world con-
To be classified as a Certified Wildlife Habitat, the more so than anything else on our rotating planet. It is a strict sisted of the sunrise, the sunset a mere conduit to the breaking
Cranes Mill campus has to continually provide the disciplinarian and ultimately ushers equality to all human of a new day.
four basic habitat elements needed for wildlife to beings we will all confront our last breath, we will all die and I am now of course a senior who has trod the path of time
thrive: food, water, cover, and places to raise young. thus we all are ultimately humbled. But to experience time is and realizes that a once distant horizon is actually a much
Cranes Mill residents are able to look out their win- not only physical, but concurrently psychological. And that closer endpoint. The reality of time is now quite apparent and
dows toward the woods surrounding its campus. They makes all the difference, for each individual consents to times an appointment with my last breath a foregone conclusion. I
get to see untouched, serene, natural land that is home cadence with their own distinct emotional acknowledgment. now acknowledge that the sunset is far more intimate than
to an array of birds, wild turkeys, deer, and so much When I was eight years old, life spread before me like a the sunrise.
more. wide pathway merging into an unfathomable distant hori- Physically I have aged, and yet psychologically I have not
During migration periods, all sorts of colorful birds zon. I went to school, teased my pretty neighbor, played abandoned the quest for growth or a need to be strong. And
can be seen stopping over at Cranes Mill on their way ball, and enjoyed summer vacations as if those moments that translates quite effectively into the physical. Since I exer-
to their seasonal homes. Families of deer bound hap- would last forever. The passage of time was simply not rel- cise both aerobically and anaerobically, I have the energy and
pily in West Essex Park, across from Cranes Mills evant, not at least to an eight-year-olds view of life. The strength to perform activities of daily living with success and
pond. impact of a distant horizon was meaningless to one who had without conscious effort. And I am involved with clients who
Every Friday morning, a resident trail-walking group endless energy, who gave little thought to the road ahead display the same tenacity to live in the present and not acqui-
goes out to tour the woods, and after hiking with a (except perhaps what time to be home), whose body was escence quite yet to the hovering horizon.
watchful eye, they report back on their latest findings. growing, becoming taller and stronger. I could hardly wait I do not now disengage from the import of time as I did as
To see the campus for yourself, schedule a tour by for my next birthday when I would be bigger, stronger, and an eight year old. Times passage is relevant and very much
calling (973) 276-6700 or visit to see able to leap higher and run faster. The future only presented a component of my daily reality. My hair has become sparser
photos, videos, and more. greater opportunities and excitements. The flow of time was and my skin not as supple; so the mirror portrays one who has
but a mere partner in my growth. See Heart beat page 38


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JH@H Ad 2k16 CL v2.indd 1 Jewish Standard MAY8/26/16 37

2:14 PM
19, 2017
Healthly Living & Adult Lifestyles

Heart beat But it is now that most crucially affects

our timeline; it is now that most certainly
Making our elders feel at home
from page 37
affects the aging process. Experts in the field of geriatrics, like those who longtime residence, a private home, or a facil-
wandered a long and aging road. Last In the world of a senior sitting in a provide homecare, have the unique privilege of ity) and to direct their own care as much as
week I was at the dentist where the digi- dentists chair, the reality of times pas- working with the elderly on a daily basis. Week possible. Staying at home, with the help of an
tal X-rays revealed their images instantly. sage and the aging process can hold in and week out, professionals meet older aide, allows older adults to remain in familiar
The technician commented, almost as command (especially if youve had a bit adults with rich histories and unique stories. surroundings and maintain their own sched-
an aside, on how my teeth and jaw were too much Novocain). We can be dramati- Springtime is special in that it offers opportuni- ules. Home-care companies, like Freedom
healthy, only displaying normal bone loss. cally reminded that normal aging causes ties for geriatric professionals to honor those to Home Healthcare, are committed to meeting
Normal bone loss! I sat up and, reviewing a loss in bone density, slight shrinkage of whom they are devoted in both their work and the needs of each and every client and family.
the digital images, confronted the passage the brain, a diminished ability to retain personal lives. Freedom does this by respecting older adults
of time as an image upon the computer water within the cells, an increase in arte- May has been designated as Older Americans wish to remain in their homes and developing
screen. It only confirmed what I now rial plaque, a decrease in hearing and Month and is a time to recognize the many con- an individualized plan of care. This plan takes
know to be true that aging is a dramatic eyesight and a myriad of other issues tributions of older adults to our community. into consideration the older adults physical
and timely part of my life. The horizon both large and small. But how we treat Mothers and Fathers Day, in May and June, and emotional needs as well as strengths with
approaches with measured cadence and our body and mind today determines are occasions to express personal appreciation the goal of optimizing quality of life.
the only true reality is the present. how we confront those issues going for- for parents and grandparents. The season pro- During these two months of celebration, the
To view an X-ray image of normal bone ward. Let us remember that the past is vides the chance to acknowledge the influence best way to honor our elders is to appreciate
loss only confirms and highlights what is behind us and the future can be posi- of the older generation, to show gratitude, and and acknowledge them as individuals and to
most important: that we live in the pres- tively affected by what we accomplish in to express the commitment to supporting the insure that they can remain independent in
ent and what occurred when you were the present. Live today and let the hori- elderly as they age. their own homes for as long as possible.
eight years old or what might occur as you zon take care of itself! This commitment includes supporting
near the hazy horizon only establishes seniors in their efforts to remain indepen- Freedom Home Healthcare, located in
the importance of today, this moment in Richard Portugal is the founder and dent and respecting their decisions regard- Hackensack, was founded in 2003 by a group
time. Physically the passage of our time owner of Fitness Senior Style, which ing where and how they live. One way to of dedicated and compassionate experts in
on this earth continues unabated. But psy- exercises seniors for balance, strength, promote seniors independence is to take geriatrics. We are proud to represent more
chologically the passage of time maintains and cognitive fitness in their own advantage of the many services, including than 200 years of professional experience
a quixotic mystery and still holds many homes. He has been certified as a senior homecare, that support older adults in this in aging as a CHAP accredited Health
surprises. The greatest is that we can only trainer by the American Senior Fitness phase of life. Homecare companies, in part- Service Firm. For more information visit
control this given moment. We can think Association. For further information, nership with families, enable older adults or call
about the past and plan for the future. call (201) 937-4722. to remain in their homes (whether that is a (201) 883-1200.

CALL 973-276-6700 & MENTION THIS AD
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38 Jewish Standard MAY 19, 2017
Healthly Living & Adult Lifestyles

Safely@Home allows Propert y inspections from a trusted propert y

management company three times a year
For more information on enrollment, contactSafely@
Home Director Stacey Orden at (201) 518-1175 orsorden@
seniors to age in place
Single point-of-contact for all required home
Stacy K. Orden modifications, emergency service calls, repairs and Stacey K. Orden has spent more than 15 years
renovations volunteering for those in the community who are at risk.
Recently, members of the sandwich generation began She served for five years as a professional with the Jewish
becoming anxious about their aging parents. The Discounts on labor and materials for home renovations Federation of Northern New Jerseys Bonim Builders
parents insisted on living on their own and aging in and repairs and most recently has become the Jewish Home Familys
their own home, and their adult children became director of volunteer services as well as the director of its
concerned. Are their parents safe in their home? Emergency service calls Safely@Home program.
Is the home equipped for folks their age? Who is
going to make those fixes needed to keep the house
in good repair? They contacted the Jewish Home at
HomesSafely@Home membership program and were
relieved to be able to subscribe to the benefits pro-
vided by this inclusive program. Electrophysiology Team:
For those elderly aging in place in the comfort and Evidence-based, patient-centered,
familiar surroundings of their own homes, falls are the team-directed healthcare
leading cause of accidents for this population. Which More than 65 years of collective experience
of the following are some easy ways to create a safer diagnosing, treating and researching heart
environment? rhythm disorders

(a) Securing rugs to the floor with double-sided

non-skid tape

(b) Applying contrasting, reflective, colored tape to

stairs and landings

(c) Adding additional lighting

(d) Having handrails professionally installed

(e) All of the above

If you answered (e) All of the above, you are correct.

Although it cannot be guaranteed that you will never
fall in your home, there are some easy ways to cre-
ate a safer environment, such as securing rugs to the
floor and applying colored tape to stairs and landings.
Having extra lighting and handrails professionally
installed is also a great safeguard against falls.
Studies have shown that minimal investments in
home modifications and repairs, coupled with coor-
dinated visits by supportive services such as occu- Suneet Mittal, M.D.,
Advay Bhatt, M.D. Dan L. Musat, M.D. Director, Electrophysiology Mark W. Preminger, M.D. Tina Sichrovsky, M.D.
pational therapists, nurses and handymen, reduce
health risks such as falls and enable people to remain
in their homes for a much longer period.
Safely@Home, the Jewish Home at Homes pro- Proven. Innovative. Here.
gram that helps seniors remain in their homes con-
fidently, has launched a subscription-based service
to provide basic home maintenance, home modifica-
tion, and access to the Jewish Home Family services, Valley Health Systems electrophysiologists are elevating cardiac care around the region
such as care management and home assessments. and the world. Decades of research, countless clinical trials and a thirst for embracing
The program also provides discounts on service and emerging treatments have influenced colleagues nationally and internationally, and provided
their own patients with the highest level and most up-to-date, evidenced-based care.
materials from trusted providers in collaboration with
BRAD-CORE Property Management. It will provide the Our electrophysiologists are pioneers in the treatment of the hearts rhythm and electrical system.
subscribers with a single point-of-contact for a com- Were proud to have a team recognized for its leadership in the most advanced techniques and
plete range of services to address all of the lifestyle procedures for conditions like arrhythmias, atrial fibrillation and heart failure.
needs for aging in place. The Snyder Center for Comprehensive Atrial Fibrillation
TheSafely@Home Membership Program involves an Our electrophysiology team works with specialists in sleep medicine, weight loss and other
annual membership fee of $500, which entitles sub- disciplines to identify and treat issues related to atrial fibrillation. Our approach emphasizes
scribers to the following benefits: overall health, not simply treating the condition. The most innovative approaches to irregular
heart conditions can be found right here.
Safety assessment to ensure the subscribers home
is as safe as possible for their circumstances

The development of a home modification plan to

improve home safety and comfort For more information,
call 201-447-8291 or visit Ridgewood, NJ; Paramus, NJ; Glen Ridge, NJ;
Quarterly check-in calls from an aging life care Manhattan, NY; Middletown, NY

Jewish Standard MAY 19, 2017 39

Healthly Living & Adult Lifestyles

Residents moving to Cedar Crest take advantage of booming real estate market
People moving to Cedar Crest Retire- helping with furniture placement and
ment Community have been selling their decorating of their new home.
northern New Jersey homes quickly New residents are moving to Cedar
thanks to New Jerseys booming real Crests from Morris, Sussex, and Bergen
estate market. According to Associated Counties.
Press analysis, home prices in New Jer- Residents appreciate the worry-free
sey are rising while housing inventory is lifestyle of Cedar Crest where they can
at a 20-year low. enjoy their independence, free from the
Weve had some bidding wars due burdens of home ownership and mainte-
to low inventory, which has benefited nance, said Connor.
sellers moving to Cedar Crest in getting Cedar Crest resident Joyce Renner sold
above asking price on occasion, said her former home in Pine Brook in three
personal moving consultant Anne Con- days. She moved to a two-bedroom apart-
nor. In the last six months, over 20 prop- ment home on campus a few months ago.
erties by incoming Cedar Crest residents I am thrilled to be part of the Cedar
sold in under one week. Crest community. People are content and
Through the Erickson Realty and Mov- happy here, said Renner.
ing Services program, Connor assists There is always something going on,
prospective Cedar Crest residents by said Renner, who enjoys taking walks on
connecting them with preferred realtors campus and being a member of the com-
who are experts in the sale of homes in munitys knitting club. Personal moving consultant Anne Connor, right, helps Loretta Mora simplify
their specific neighborhoods. Also, Con- It is a good time to put your home on her move to Cedar Crest with the use of a miniature, magnetic floor plan of her
nor travels to individual homes to assess the market, said Connor. Home inven- apartment home.
future residents particular needs and to tory is down nearly 25 percent from this
help customize a plan for their approach- time last year, making it completely a sell- by Erickson Living. The scenic 130- amenities, many clubs and activities,
ing move. Services include assisting with ers market. acre campus is located in Pompton on-site restaurants, a state-of-the-art
home staging, downsizing, clean-out Cedar Crest is one of 19 continuing Plains and is home to over 2,000 resi- medical center, an all-season pool, and
and packing plans, hiring movers, and care retirement communities managed dents. The community offers abundant a fitness center.

Tuesday Join Cedar Crest

for a

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Get an inside look at vibrant retirement living in Northern

New Jersey. Come and tour our beautiful campus and
maintenance-free homes. Experience top-notch amenities and
discover dozens of exciting clubs, classes, and activities.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

1:30 3:30 p.m.
1 Cedar Crest Drive, Pompton Plains, NJ
Space is limited.

Call 1-800-915-9557
for directions and to RSVP.
Bring your friends and family!

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This event will include a 20-minute marketing presentation.

40 Jewish Standard MAY 19, 2017

Healthly Living

Holy Name Medical Center

 a pt
repeats as Best Place to Work
Holy Name Medical Center is once again
of  Fily...
the only hospital in the state that is on
the list of Best Places to Work, accord-
ing to NJBIZ magazine. Since 2006, Holy Holy Name
Name has made the list every year, ranking
among the top 50 large companies across Medical Center
the state. is once again the
This achievement reflects the tradition
of Holy Name and demonstrates the dedi- only hospital in (Resident, Lillian Grunfeld with her daughter,
Dir. of Community Relations, Debbie Corwin)

cation evident in all our employees, said the state that is WHERE OUR RESIDENTS MAINTAIN THE LEVEL OF INDEPENDENCE
Michael Maron, president and CEO of Holy
Name. Our staff members sense of pride on the list of Best THEY DESIRE WHILE RECEIVING THE CARE THEY NEED.
and commitment to their jobs results in a Places to Work.
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The Best Places to Work survey by NJBIZ skills on a daily basis, said Manny Gon- SPACIOUS, FULLY FURNISHED APARTMENTS AT CHESTNUT RIDGE
magazine ranks 100 New Jersey companies zalez, vice president of human resources.
in two categories, 35 large organizations The Medical Center provides ample
and 65 small and medium-sized businesses. opportunities to advance professionally RN DIRECTOR OF WELLNESS PROGRAM CHESTNUT RIDGE, NY 10977
It looks at a number of areas, including while showing how each employee is val- RESPITE PROGRAM AVAILABLE 845-620-0606
work/life balance and salary and benefits. ued with benefits and amenities that help LICENSED BY NYSDOH
The program also identifies, recognizes, improve their quality of life. PROMENADESENIOR.COM
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Holy Name offers a warm, positive envi- place policies, practices, philosophy, sys-
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Jewish Standard MAY 19, 2017 41
Healthly Living & Adult Lifestyles

Stay sun smart throughout year

Dental Care for the Whole Family Did you know that skin cancer is highly
preventable? Because May is National
Achieve the confidence and Skin Cancer Awareness Month, let
positive attitude that comes us highlight the fact that our lifestyle
with a beautiful smile. We will choices contribute greatly to our chances
of getting skin cancer. The most prevent-
customize your care according
able risk factor for all skin cancers is sun
to your needs and desires. exposure.
Specializing in chipped, According to Dr. Tamar Zapolanski, a
cracked, and worn teeth, dermatologist with Valley Medical Group
- Park Ridge, Repeated overexposure to
dentures, and implants, with the sun can lead to premature aging and
care for your whole family. skin cancers called basal cell carcinoma,
squamous cell carcinoma, and malignant
Diane Jonas, DMD melanoma, which is the deadliest form of
General Dentistry skin cancer. Current estimates are that
one in five Americans will develop skin
Daniel Feit, DMD
cancer, according to the American Acad- Dr. Tamar Zapolanski
NJ Specialty Permit 5007 emy of Dermatology (AAD).
The most effective way to reduce your going outdoors and reapplied every two
19 Franklin Street Tenafly, NJ 07670 (201) 569-4535 risk of skin cancer, regardless of your hours, even on cloudy days, and after
skin type or whether or not you tan eas- swimming or sweating.
ily, is to protect your skin daily with a Sunscreen protects against harmful
broad-spectrum sunscreen with a sun radiation from the sun by absorbing,
protection factor (SPF) of at least 30, reflecting or scattering the suns rays on
Welcome Home which protects against the suns harmful the skin, explains Dr. Zapolanski. They
TO ultraviolet radiation. Sunscreen should are available in many forms including
be applied at least 20 minutes before creams, lotions, gels, ointments, wax

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42 Jewish Standard MAY 19, 2017

Healthly Living & Adult Lifestyles

sticks, sprays or in cosmetic products Avoid tanning beds. Ultraviolet light

like make-up and lipstick. from the sun and tanning beds can cause
The best thing you can do for your skin skin cancer and wrinkling. If you want to
is to make sunscreen a part of your daily look like youve been in the sun, consider
routine all year round, even on cloudy using a sunless self-tanning product, but
days when 80 percent of the suns rays continue to use sunscreen with it.
can still penetrate the clouds. Sunscreen Check your birthday suit on your
can be applied under makeup. birthday. Any time you notice anything
Below are some additional tips to help changing, growing or bleeding on your
you decrease your risk for developing skin, see a dermatologist. Skin cancer is
skin cancer: very treatable when caught early.
Wear protective clothing, such as Valleys Blumenthal Cancer Center
a long-sleeved shirt, pants, a wide- has enhanced its early detection ser-
brimmed hat and sunglasses, when vices with the addition of MoleSafe,
possible. the worlds most advanced melanoma
Seek shade when appropriate, remem- detection and surveillance program.
bering that the suns rays are strongest MoleSafes program incorporates a suite
between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. of advanced melanoma detection and
Protect children from sun exposure diagnostic tools and technology, includ-
by having them play in the shade, wear ing total body photography, digital der-
protective clothing and apply sunscreen. moscopy, and digital serial monitoring.
Use extra caution near water, snow, For more information about MoleSafe,
and sand, as they reflect the damaging or to book an appointment, visit www.
rays of the sun, which can increase your or call 1 (877) 665-3723.
chance of sunburn. To make an appointment with a Valley
Get vitamin D safely through a Medical Group dermatologist for a skin
healthy diet that may include vitamin cancer evaluation, visit ValleyMedical-

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Jewish Standard MAY 19, 2017 43

Healthly Living
Doctors should
be managing Womens top 3
skincare mistakes
their patients care, and preventing them
from aging you
not their I.T. care. Dr. Shilpa Agarwal

Medical Practice Networks Digital Imaging WIFI Firewalls 1. Skimping on sun protection
Managements Software HIPAA Compliant Servers GApps/0365 Email It is the most common mistake that dermatologists
see in patients, and it is the one that does the most

Garb I.T. Group

damage in the long run. Photoaging refers to the
SERVING textural changes and pigmentation changes that
BERGEN AND are a result of accumulation of years and years of
HUDSON 1415 Queen Anne Road, Ste. 210 Teaneck, NJ exposure to the suns harmful UV rays. When we
COUNTIES are exposed to these UV rays, a complex chemical
201-379-9234 reaction occurs in our skin and the end result is the
formation of free radicals. Think of these free radi-
cals as tiny firecrackers going off within the layers
of our skin: They cause inflammation and damage
wherever they go. The long term result of all this?
Wrinkles, sunspots, prominent blood vessels, and an
overall inability to repair our skin.

2. Lack of sleep
Well-rested skin is beautiful skin! Sleep is a time of
skin regeneration and repair, so cutting down on
this essential process can lead to dehydrated and sal-
low skin. Lack of sleep also creates a stress response
within our bodies. This leads to fluctuating hormone
levels, particularly cortisol, which in turn means that
our bodies are in a pro-inflammatory state. Inflamma-
tion in our skin means lack of collagen production and
more redness, acne, and irregular pigmentation.

3. Over-exfoliating
To many people, exfoliation means scrubbing the skin
until you have that squeaky clean feeling. Abrasive
scrubbing can create micro tears within the skin that
leads to redness and irritation, particularly in people
with a history of acne or rosacea. It also dehydrates
the skin and robs it of essential oils that are an inte-
gral part of the skins barrier protection. This leaves us
more susceptible to environmental toxins and bacteria
that can age our skin.

1. Wear sunscreen daily! I recommend that my patients
wear a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 every day,
rain or shine. If you want to go the extra mile, you can
also add an antioxidant or vitamin C serum to fight
those free radicals that are such an important factor
in aging.

Engaged living...
2. Try to get around seven to eight hours of sleep per
night! To help you do this, turn off all devices thirty
minutes before bedtime and try not to exercise too
late in the evening. If you do have nights where this
seems impossible, make sure to drink extra water or
eat foods which are high in antioxidants (such as blue-
At Arbor Terrace Teaneck, were doing away with all of the traditional berries and even dark chocolate) during the day to
stereotypes of senior living. We offer a maintenance-free lifestyle help your body recover.
with numerous amenities and luxury services to fit your every need.
3. Exfoliating is a great part of a skin routine, but it is
Our community focuses on providing active seniors a comfortable
important to do it properly. Instead of physical scrub-
and inspiring lifestyle. Kosher meals available.
bing, try products that have gentle chemical exfolia-
tors. One of the most effective ingredients is glycolic
Call or visit us online to set up a tour today! acid, which is an AHA (alpha hydroxy acid) that can
(201) 836-9260|
201-836-9260 dissolve dead skin cells and encourage fresh collagen
production. Using glycolic acid one to three times per
week can help you achieve a brighter glow and will

44 Jewish Standard MAY 19, 2017

Healthly Living Wishing you a
early twenties can start with wearing
Happy Passover
sunscreen, doing a nightly face cleans-
ing to remove makeup, and also using
regular chemical exfoliators. Women The Chateau
who are in their thirties and forties can At Rochelle Park
add retinol to their nighttime regimen.
Retinol is a powerful anti-aging ingre-

dient that increases skin cell turnover 96 Parkway
Rochelle Park, NJ 07662
and promotes collagen production. For
women who are in their fifties and older, Alaris Health at The Chateau 201 226-9600
I recommend doing all of the above plus
medical grade chemical peels, which can
At Rochelle Park
work wonders for improving the skin 96 Parkway
Sub Acute Rochelle
Rehabilitative Park,
Care NJ for
Center 201-226-9600
Hospital After Care
tone and texture.
Sub Acute Rehabilitative Care Center for Hospital After Care
After care is so important to a patients recovery once a patient is released from the
Dr. Shilpa Agarwal is a board-certified
dermatologist who works in the Margaret
try and regain their strength and independence. 96 Parkway
hospital the real challenges often begin the challenges they now have to face as they

Dr. Shilpa Agarwal

Ravits, M.D. and Associates Dermatology
groups Hackensack office. She offers Rochelle Park, NJ 07
Here at The Chateau we combine the very same sophisticated technologies and
techniques used by leading hospitals with hands on skilled rehabilitative/nursing care.
Sub Acute care ensures that patients return home with the highest degree of function
comprehensive treatment of skin, hair,
increase the effectiveness of any serums
or medications that you are applying.
and nail conditions to patients of all ages.
She also offers anti-aging treatments

Our Care Service

201 226-9600
including Botox, facial fillers, and Ventilator Care/Vent-Dialysis 2016
I always tell my patients that it is never chemical peels. To learn more, please IV Therapy
too early (or too late!) to start an anti- visit or call Tracheotomy Care
aging regimen. Women who are in their (201) 692-0800. Physical, Speech and Occupational Therapy READERS
Sub Acute Rehabilitative Care Center for
Physician Supervised Wound Care
On-Site Internal Medicine Physicians
24 Hour Nursing Care

For more
For more information,
information,or ortotoschedule
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Brightview. After care is so important to a patients recovery once
Bright Life! hospital the real challenges often begin the challenges
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Here at The Chateau we combine the very same sophistic

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Jewish Standard MAY 19, 2017 45

Healthly Living & Adult Lifestyles

National Institutes of Health-trained

Come Smile with Us urologic oncologist appointed to
leadership roles at Englewood Hospital
Dr. Maximiliano Sorbellini has been named director of
urologic oncology and associate medical director of The
Lefcourt Family Cancer Treatment and Wellness Center
at Englewood Hospital and Medical Center. We are very excited
A board-certified urologist with expertise in bladder,
prostate, and kidney cancer and complex urologic condi- to welcome Dr.
tions, Dr. Sorbellini performs minimally invasive genito- Sorbellini to our
urinary procedures focused on tissue sparing and organ
function preservation. These include laparoscopic and team. His expertise
robotic urologic surgery for the treatment of malignant in urologic oncology
and benign conditions affecting the male and female uri-
nary tract system and male reproductive organs. He has a will be instrumental in
special interest in using novel diagnostic imaging, such as furthering our efforts
MRI ultrasound fusion guided biopsy.
We are very excited to welcome Dr. Sorbellini to our and commitment to
We put the Care
team. His expertise in urologic oncology will be instru- expanding access to
mental in furthering our efforts and commitment to
into Dental Care! expanding access to world-class therapies and technolo- world-class therapies
gies for patients in our community and the region, said and technologies.
Dr. Michael T. Harris, chief medical officer at Englewood
Richard S. Gertler, DMD, FAGD Hospital and Medical Center.
Ari Frohlich, DMD Dr. Sorbellini comes to Englewood Hospital after his Center. His surgical expertise and interest in leading-
most recent roles as urology site chief at NewYork-Presby- edge technologies and surgical outcomes will enhance
terian/Lower Manhattan Hospital and assistant professor our multidisciplinary approach to care for patients with
100 State Street Teaneck, NJ of urology at Weill Cornell Medical College. After receiv- bladder, prostate, and kidney cancer.
201.837.3000 ing his medical degree from Albert Einstein College of
Medicine, Dr. Sorbellini completed his urology residency
Dr. Sorbellini has published multiple research articles
and presented at national and international confer-
at McGill University Health Center and his urologic oncol- ences. He is a member of the American Urologic Asso-
Visit us on Facebook ogy fellowship at the Urology Oncology Branch, National ciation, Society of Urologic Oncology, and American
Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health (NIH). Society of Clinical Oncology, and a fellow of the Royal
Convenient Morning, Evening & Sunday Hours As an NIH-trained urologic oncologist, Dr. Sorbellini College of Surgeons in Canada.
will be a key addition to our leadership team, bringing Dr. Sorbellini is a member of MDPartners, the physi-
comprehensive, personalized urologic cancer care to cian network of Englewood Hospital and Medical Cen-
the next level, said Dr. Steven Brower, medical director ter, and can be reached at (201) 608-2349. He is fluent
of The Lefcourt Family Cancer Treatment and Wellness in English, Spanish, French, and Italian.

Holy Name Foundation

Do You Suffer From hosting golf outing
Chronic Pain and or Illness... The Holy Name Medical Center Foundation is hosting its
23rd annual Classic Golf Tournament on Monday, June
We are here to help in the comfort of your home. 5, at the Hackensack Golf Club in Oradell, with morning
and afternoon shotgun starts. Golfers will be provided
breakfast, lunch, cocktail hour, and buffet dinner.
WE OFFER: Our Classic Golf Tournament is always a special
PERSONALIZED TRAINING event that is fun for golfers and our volunteers while
MS GROUP FITNESS CLASSES providing crucial funding for our expanding services,
technology and clinical staff, said Michael Maron,
SEMINARS president and CEO of Holy Name. All of the partici-
pants and sponsors are essential to helping us con-
tinue our mission of offering the highest quality care
TO IMPROVE: to every patient.
STRENGTH Joining the golfers on the links once again will be
STROKE CORE MVP of Super Bowl XXV, two-time Pro Bowler, and
Giants running back, O.J. Anderson. Also returning
PARKINSONS BALANCE to participate this year is Stanley Cup champion Ken
COGNITIVE Daneyko of the NJ Devils Alumni Association and tele-
vision color analyst for the Devils.
FIBROMYALGIA FITNESS Were so glad O.J. and Ken are returning this year,
Maron said. Their participation reflects the impor-
Call to Schedule your Personal Evaluation tance of this endeavor and brings some additional

201-937-4722 well-deserved recognition to the event.

To register to golf or to sponsor the event visit

46 Jewish Standard MAY 19, 2017

Healthly Living

Can cannabis arrest

the aging process?
Israeli researchers restore the memory
performance of lab mice to a juvenile stage
with trials on humans coming next

Israel21c Staff

As our brain ages, our cognitive abili-

ties naturally decrease and it becomes
more difficult to learn new things or
devote attention to several things at the
same time.
Researchers have long been looking
for ways to slow down or even reverse
this process.
Scientists at the University of Bonn
in Germany and the Hebrew University
of Jerusalem report in Nature Medicine
that they have now achieved this goal
in mice by administering a small quan-
tity of THC, the active ingredient in the
hemp plant (cannabis).
Mice have a short lifespan and begin
displaying pronounced cognitive
deficits even at one year old. So the
researchers gave doses of THC to lab With increasing age, the quantity
mice at the ages of 12 and 18 months of the cannabinoids naturally formed
over a period of four weeks.
A low dose was chosen to avoid any
in the brain reduces, said Zimmer.
When the activity of the cannabinoid Picasso and Rembrandt
intoxicating effect in the mice. system declines, we find rapid aging in
After the regimen of treatment, the
scientists tested learning capacity and
the brain.
The study suggests that restoration
would be jealous.
memory performance in the animals of CB1 signaling in old individuals could
including, for instance, orientation be an effective strategy to treat age- Bernice, JHAL Resident and Artist
skills and their ability to recognize related cognitive impairments.
other mice. To discover the precise effect of THC OMA (Opening Minds through Art) is a
Mice that were given only a placebo treatment in older mice, researchers
displayed natural age-dependent learn- at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, specially designed art program, developed
ing and memory losses. In contrast, the led by Dr. Mona Dvir-Ginzberg and the
to enrich the lives of individuals with
cognitive functions of the animals treated late Professor Itai Bab, examined the
with cannabis were just as good as the epigenetic changes in the mices brains dementia, encouraging them to make
functions of two-month-old mice used as after sustained low dosages of THC.
a control group. The THC treatment induced molec-
choices and express themselves
The treatment completely reversed ular and epigenetic changes, which creatively. Its just one of the ways
the loss of performance in the old ani- no longer corresponded to that of
mals, reported Professor Andreas Zim- untreated old animals, but rather were
that life on our Memory Lane unit
mer from the Institute of Molecular Psy- similar to what we see in young ani- is unique, engaging and inspiring.
chiatry at the University of Bonn and mals, said Dvir-Ginzberg, who works
a member of the Cluster of Excellence at the universitys Institute of Dental Come see what its all about,
ImmunoSensation. Sciences. call us today for a tour and
Amazingly, the THC treatment
Cannabanoid caused the number of links between more information.
receptors in the brain nerve cells in the mices brains to
This groundbreaking study was car- increase to younger levels. Such links
ried out following years of meticulous are essential to the brains ability to
research, according to the scientists learn.
involved. It looked as though the THC treat-
First, the researchers discovered that ment turned back the molecular clock,
the brain ages much faster when mice do says Zimmer.
not possess any functional receptors for Cannabis products are already used
THC. These cannabinoid 1 (CB1) recep- widely for medical indications includ- A Member of The Jewish Home Family
tors are proteins that act as docking sta- ing pain relief. As a next step, the
tions for cannabinoids like THC from sub- researchers involved in the mice study
stances such as hashish or marijuana. hope to conduct a clinical trial to inves- 685 Westwood Avenue
THC imitates the effect of cannabi- tigate whether THC also reverses aging River Vale, NJ 07675
noids that are produced naturally in processes in the brain in humans and Lauren Levant, Executive Director Scripps
the body and fulfill important functions can increase cognitive ability. Jewish Home Assisted Living
in the brain.

Jewish Standard MAY 19, 2017 47


Maternal death rates:

Yerushalayim Americas enduring shame
ts been 50 years since the Six-Day War. Half a cen-
tury since Israel took back Jerusalem. hen Chapter 19 of Leviticus was read in race and ethnicity, education, and income level,
Most of us either never knew or cannot remember synagogues two weeks ago, the chap- from the poorest parts of the United States to the
what it was like before then, but those iconic pic- ter began with these words: You shall richest. The women died from various heart prob-
tures of Israeli soldiers at the Kotel carry so much emotion be holy, for I, the Lord your God, am lems, from massive hemorrhaging, from blood clots,
that to see them now is to feel rocked by it still. holy. The very next thing it says, the very first com- infections, and pregnancy-induced high blood pres-
History is happening so quickly now so insanely mandment it gives, was this: You shall each revere sure, and so forth. Many died days or weeks after
quickly that it feels as if 50 years must have happened his mother and his father. It then adds, I, the Lord, leaving the hospital.
sometime before the flood, but no. am your God. Our medical system in great part is to blame for
The world is terribly muddled now; we are shocked by As noted in my last column, not only does Chapter this: Mothers are sent home from the hospital much
the Trump administration official who said that the Kotel 19 summarize the entire Torah, it also references the too quickly. Too many doctors opt for C-sections over
is not Israels. (That is not all that shocks us, of course, but Aseret Hadibrot, the so-called Ten Commandments. natural births, often leading to more life-threaten-
to list any of the shocks would make this newspaper, by (Dibrot means statements or declarations, not com- ing complications. Our health care system makes it
the time it comes out on Friday, so terribly Wednesday mandments.) In the Aseret Hadibrot, we are told, harder for new mothers, especially those without
afternoon) Honor your father and your mother. Father is listed good insurance, to get proper care. And so on.
We probably each have our own mental image of first there (Exodus 20:12), but in Leviti- There also is the notion that infant
Jerusalem. cus 19:3, mother came first. This is the care, as super important as it is, some-
When I think of the city, I think of the light that bathes Torahs way of saying that mothers and how is more important than maternal
it; its harsh and clear and unforgiving and beautiful. Its fathers are equal in Gods eyes. care. One federal/state program that
not as much golden, I think, despite what weve been told, Mothers deserve the same respect as helps fund maternal and child health
as it is pure. It demands that we see what is before us, in fathers. allocates just about 6 percent of its block
all its splendor and terror and brokenness and wholeness, In America, it seems, mothers do not grants to programs for mothers, com-
its starkness and its shadows, its pits and its cracks and its get that kind of respect. We set aside a pared to 78 percent for infants.
roundness. day to celebrate mothers, and last Sun- As for Medicaid, which pays for about
Its not surprising that the light, and the sense it gives of day was that day, but in truly substan- 45 percent of births, in too many states
being somewhere ancient and pulsing with life, the knowl- tive ways, we ignore their needs and Shammai it covers mothers for only 60 days after
edge that you are at the absolute center of the world, the such issues as maternity leave and equal Engelmayer giving birth, compared to a full year for
place where everything began (and if we are not careful pay only skim the surface. their babies. The CDC, however, says a
everything might end), drives people mad. One way in particular is most frighten- mother is at risk for that same full year.
To walk through Jerusalem and see the varieties of reli- ing. As NPR and ProPublica reported in the run-up For the record, the bill the House recently passed
gious dress, and to see as well how hot people look, how to Mothers Day, each year 700 to 900 women die to replace the Affordable Care Act would end almost
they sweat, how ill-adapted the dress seems to the climate, from pregnancy or childbirth-related causes in the all Medicaid funding for both mothers and infants.
and to see as well how at home they look in what in almost United States, while some 65,000 others nearly die. Considering that the infant mortality rate in the
any other place would seem like a costume rather than That is the worst record of any developed country United States is the lowest it has ever been, thanks
clothing, is to realize that peoples relationships to time in the world, and even of many less-developed ones. in no small part to Medicaids funding, that itself is a
and space somehow seem different there. Only here in arguably the richest, most developed crime in the making.
That is of course not to realize that most of the time country in the world has the rate of women who In our One Nation, under God, God seems to
most life in Jerusalem is just regular life; people eat, drink, die from pregnancy or childbirth-related causes have no influence when it comes to setting policy,
work, sleep, learn, read, play, tease, fret, and do every- been going up. whether at the government level or in the medical
thing else that everyone else does every place else. I do According to statistics cited by NPR and ProPublica, profession. In both, the Almighty Buck rules.
not mean to rhapsodize or romanticize (and in fact I do women here are more than three times as likely as The first human being to be created as we under-
not want to live there. I like New York). But still it is strik- Canadian women, and six times more likely than stand human beings was a woman, and she also
ing that in a way Jerusalem, that ancient city, looks newer Scandinavian women, to die from the start of preg- was the first human being in the Torah to be given a
than Tel Aviv, with its 1930s Bauhaus architecture. That nancy to one year after the pregnancy ends. Even name: Chavah, meaning the mother of all the living,
style has aged, and so have the building materials. Much worse, nearly 60 percent of these deaths are prevent- the Torah says. Adam is not a name; it is just a word
of it looks ill tended, even shoddy. But stone doesnt age. able, according to the Centers for Disease Control meaning human being. The First Man has no name;
We know that Israelis will have to make a lot of tremen- Foundation. the First Woman does, because she was a mother.
dously difficult decisions, and that its path is not clear. But Included among these deaths are women of every The first human being to give God a name in the
we cannot imagine the Old City being anything other than
Israeli. And we cannot imagine the city without the clarity Shammai Engelmayer is rabbi of Temple Israel Community Center | Congregation Heichal Yisrael in Cliffside Park
of its light. JP and Temple Beth El of North Bergen.

Jewish Editor
Joanne Palmer
Warren Boroson
Advertising Coordinator
Jane Carr
Production Manager
Jerry Szubin
Morris J. Janoff (19111987)
Standard Associate Editor
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Graphic Artists
Deborah Herman
Editor Emeritus
Meyer Pesin (19011989)
1086 Teaneck Road Miriam Rinn Peggy Elias Bob O'Brien
Community Editor Dr. Miryam Z. Wahrman Brenda Sutcliffe City Editor
Teaneck, NJ 07666
Beth Janoff Chananie Mort Cornin (19151984)
(201) 837-8818 Advertising Director International Media Placement
Fax 201-833-4959 About Our Children Editor Natalie D. Jay Editorial Consultant
P.O. Box 7195 Jerusalem 91077
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Publisher Classified Director Tel: 02-6252933, 02-6247919
James L. Janoff Janice Rosen Fax: 02-6249240 Secretary
Israeli Representative Ceil Wolf (1914-2008)
Associate Publisher Emerita
Marcia Garfinkle Editor Emerita
Rebecca Kaplan Boroson



Torah was a woman Hagar. She obeyed God when

He told her to put up with the harsh treatment and
insults meted out by her mistress for the benefit of
her soon-to-be-born son.
The most selfless people in Genesis are the
women, Hagar and the matriarchs Sarah,
Rebekah, Rachel, and Leah and also Bilhah and
Zilpah. They all sacrificed much for their children,
and Gods Torah honors them for it. Long before
God ever speaks to Isaac, for example, He speaks
to Rebekah.
And, as noted, the Torah goes out of its way to
make sure we understand that mothers are on the Chteau de Chabannes was an OSE-run orphanage in the village of Chabannes. It housed about 400 Jewish
refugee children, who survived the Holocaust. EMMANUEL DYAN VIA WIKIMEDIA COMMONS

And, as noted, the Thank you, OSE and 9,000 Jewish children from
certain death.
After the liberation of Buchen-
Torah goes out of its Jewish organization saved Jewish wald in 1945, the OSE, with the
way to make sure we lives during World War II cooperation and financial assis-
tance of the French government,
understand that including my husbands took in more than 436 surviving

mothers are on the children and adolescents, plac-
hen I read about Mordecai Paldiel talking ing them in special rehabilitation
same level as fathers. about Jews who helped saved other Jews in facilities in France. Among those
Inge Roman
Saving Ones Own in the April 20 issue of survivors was the late Elie Wiesel.
same level as fathers. the Jewish Standard. I realized that I know Today, the OSE continues to
In 1985, it was revealed that one of the most pop- another story about Jews saving other Jews. assist needy Jewish (and non-Jewish) children and their fami-
ular birth control devices at the time, an IUD called Its an important story, and I believe that more people lies in the Paris region.
the Dalkon Shield, caused all kinds of problems for should know it. A group of children who had been saved by OSE honored it
women, including sepsis, injury, miscarriage, and Its the story of the OSE the Oeuvre de Secours aux at a reunion at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
death. Enfants. in 2000. This was the first time that Righteous Jews were rec-
The company that produced the Dalkon Shield The OSE was founded in 1912 by a group of Jewish doc- ognized for having rescued Jewish children.
knew about its problems and what caused them, tors and intellectuals in Russia. Their goal was to provide About 350 people, including representatives of second- and
but it did nothing to remove the IUD from the mar- social and medical services to Jewish families in need. In third-generation survivors from Europe, Israel, and the United
ket. Instead, it carried on a decade-long cover-up 1922, OSEs head office moved to Berlin, and in 1923 Albert States, were there. The organization honored six heroic Jew-
while some women died, and others suffered long- Einstein became its honorary president. Ten years later, ish adults who risked their lives to save Jewish children.
term medical problems, including for too many the the OSE moved to Paris, where it continued to provide The president of OSE, Jean-Francois Guthmann, and other
inability ever to have children. assistance to Jewish families (and of course it was then dignitaries were there. The program included a reception at
One of the most astounding findings in the case that its name was translated into French, as it remains the French embassy, and the documentary The Children of
was this: If the Dalkon Shield had posed any danger today). Even before the war Jewish children who escaped Chabannes which is available at the Teaneck Library, was
to mens health, it would have been pulled off of from Germany and Austria were placed in homes that OSE screened.
the market until the problem was corrected. Since ran in the Paris region. In 1940, OSE staffers Jews, who In the United States, we incorporated Friends and Alumni
women only were its victims, however, nothing was were not able to get jobs anyway, because of racial laws of OSE-USA Inc., and we raise funds to give back and help oth-
done to protect them. began to provide social service work inside internment ers as we and the people we love were helped in our time of
If we truly want to celebrate mothers in America, camps and to place imprisoned Jewish children in OSEs need.
we need to raise our voices as high as they can go, newly opened homes through the region. I feel strongly that this wonderful organization not only
so that our politicians can hear those voices, even My husband, Charles Roman, and his mother moved from saved the children, but also nurtured and took care of them,
if the health industry is deaf to them. Vienna to Paris, and from there his mother sent him to Cha- so that they could become decent human beings. My husband
bannes a small village in France in 1938, when he was spoke about his past in schools and other organizations. He
12. Soon, he helped set up the home for the new arrivals. looked at it as an adventure. (Good attitude!)
After the Germans occupied France, OSE began its clan- Our pictures are in the book of photographs by Brian Mar-
destine activity, finding false papers and safe sanctuaries for cus called Still Here. Under the photo, our quote is Educa-
thousands of children in the homes of non-Jewish French tion is very important, as no one can take that away from you.
The opinions expressed in this section are those of citizens, or in institutions they ran. Hundreds of children Whatever life brings you, if you have the knowledge to under-
the authors, not necessarily those found shelter and were nurtured in the 14 homes operat- stand, you can always do something with your life. Thats
ing in the Vichy zone of France until 1942. In 1941, with the what we always believed, and I believe it still today.
of the newspapers editors, publishers, or other
help of the American Friends Service Committee a Quaker
staffers. We welcome letters to the editor.
group OSE managed to get visas for 340 children, and they Inge Roman is an immigrant from Germany to Portugal to
Send them to
left for the United States. More children were saved when the United States. She and her late husband, Charles, moved
they were sent across the borders to Switzerland or Spain. to Teaneck in 1971, and for 35 years they owned their own
By the end of 1944, the OSE had rescued between 7,000 electronics store in the Bronx.



The presidency and the pulpit:

Easing fears and uniting the faithful

or more than six months, environment as an opportunity to Some concrete cases illus- any nonprofit that it thinks
many progressives and liberal make beneficial long-term changes to trate how far-reaching the does not, in a broad sense,
Jewish leaders have described our political system. Jews should work Johnson Amendment truly serve the public good. The
a sense of fear provoked by together to pursue policies intended to is. Consider an election fea- precedent set by this deci-
the Trump presidency. They are con- make Americans secure in expressing turing a progressive sup- sion could of course be
cerned that executive overreach or the their views, regardless of who sits in porter of single-payer health used to revoke the status
abuse of administrative powers might Congress or the White House. Despite care versus a conservative of such loathsome orga-
harm groups disfavored by the Trump the prevalence of political divisiveness, free-market reformer. Sev- nizations as the KKK or
administration. there are opportunities for finding com- eral weeks before the elec- the Nation of Islam, but
It is easy to forget that only six months mon ground. tion, a synagogue could lose Rabbi Mitchell it places a target on the
ago, many conservatives also lived in The Trump administration recently its tax-exempt status if its Rocklin backs of many ordinary
fear, albeit of a potential Clinton presi- highlighted one such opportunity in its rabbi preached that Juda- charities. Just imagine if,
dency. It even may seem a fading mem- executive order of May 4, 2017, which ism prioritizes supporting instead of simply withhold-
ory that their concerns were induced by orders the IRS to limit its enforcement of social justice in all areas of life. Similarly, ing funding from Planned Parenthood,
eight years of an Obama presidency that the Johnson Amendment. That amend- a synagogue could lose its status if its the Trump administrations IRS revoked
witnessed some of the worst abuses of ment bans 501(c)(3) nonprofit organiza- rabbi preached that Judaism is strongly Planned Parenthoods tax-exempt sta-
executive power in American history, tions from engaging in partisan political opposed to socialism in all its forms, and tus, arguing that the organization does
including attempts to silence and intim- activity. This piece of legislation not only that his congregants have a religious obli- not serve the public good? What if it did
idate political opponents, such as the forbids endorsing candidates, but argu- gation to oppose it. All that would matter the same to the ACLU or other progres-
surveillance of organizations and con- ably even advocating for specific policies for the purposes of enforcement is who sive groups? After the Obama admin-
gressmen opposed to the Iran deal, and in a context that seems to favor a partic- is running the IRS. Indeed, the law is so istration IRSs discrimination against
the use of the IRS to target tax-exempt ular candidate for public office. Regard- ambiguous that many rabbis refrain from conservatives, does this step seem so
organizations opposed to administra- less of the wisdom of the executive order making any remarks that could even be far-fetched?
tion policies. itself, which has faced a considerable perceived as political. Civil society the ways people come
Where does this lead us as a nation? degree of criticism, Americans, and Jews A similar legal problem was created together outside of work, family, and
Are liberals and conservatives doomed in particular, should support repealing by the Supreme Courts decision in government should enjoy the high-
to an endless cycle of fear every the Johnson Amendment, as well as the Bob Jones v. United States (1983). In a est degree of freedom from coercion.
election? reversal of other regulations and judicial ruling involving the tax-exempt status The only alternative is to live in fear
As a minority, alienated and perse- rulings rules that allow the government of a university that banned interracial that the other side may take control
cuted throughout history, Jews of all to use the granting of tax-exempt status dating, the court allowed the IRS to of the executive branch and discrimi-
denominations and political beliefs to regulate or stifle speech by nonprofit do something that no law actually per- nate against its opponents using the full
should approach the current unsettling organizations. mits: revoke the tax-exempt status of force of the government. Eligibility for

Trump goes to an uncertain Middle East

resident Donald Trumps the two parties toward resolution of their the Jewish state as an enemy. the existence of Israel,
impending trip to the Middle issues depend on the relative influence of Tourism to Israel is discour- and focuses on a return
East is intended to strengthen these pro-con features and the perceived aged. Journalists and teach- to an exclusively Palestin-
relations with Americas allies authority of the U.S. president. ers from Egypt and Jordan ian homeland.
in the region. The most dramatic shift of attitudes has have been punished for visit- Consistent with these
The presidents travels are his first arisen from the threat of Iran as a grow- ing across their borders. Fea- teachings, for years Palestin-
overseas ventures since attaining the ing regional power. Several Arab states, ture stories and cartoons in ians have bombed, stabbed,
office, which signals the importance including Saudi Arabia, which also is on Arab newspapers commonly and driven vehicles into
of the trip to the administration. His the presidents itinerary, worry about include anti-Semitic tropes. Israelis men, women,
itinerary includes visits to Israel and Irans aggressive behavior. Israeli Prime Perhaps the most regret- Leonard A. children, and the elderly.
the Palestinian territories, in hopes Minister Benjamin Netanyahu regards table contradiction in the Cole While they are in Israeli pris-
also of spurring negotiations toward Iran as an existential threat to his coun- quest for peace is what is ons, the terrorists and their
a peace agreement between those try. The common concerns have led taught to Palestinian chil- families receive as much as
two parties. Yet the consequences of to cooperative security and economic dren. During Palestinian President $3,000 per month from Abbass Pales-
the Israeli-Palestinian effort remain arrangements between Israel and many Abbass recent visit to the United States, tinian Authority. If they are killed during
highly speculative. of its Arab neighbors. With Israel no lon- he said, We are raising our youth, our their murderous actions, the terrorists are
Shifting concerns and alignments by ger regarded as a foe, Arab states could children, and our grandchildren on a cul- deemed martyrs. Their families receive
nations in the area appear to offer pos- be positioned to pressure the Palestin- ture of peace. When delivered at a press cash from the PA and schools and sports
sibilities for improved relations between ians to be more forthcoming at a negotia- conference in Washington, these words stadiums are named after them. The Israe-
Israel and several Arab neighbors. But tion table. went unchallenged. Yet a report on the lis contend that the payments are an incen-
longstanding obstacles, especially regard- Still, while Arab leaders are more Palestinian elementary school curricu- tive for more terrorism.
ing Israeli-Palestinian relations, remain accommodating to Israel, surveys show lum indicates that it teaches students When meeting with the Palestinian
in place as well. The chances for moving that their populations continue to see to be martyrs, demonizes and denies president at the White House, Trump



Reform synagogues, which tend to empha- shouldnt it be up to clergy and, by

Progressive and conservative size progressive political issues as part of extension their congregants to decide
Americans both should be free their religious outlooks, than in Orthodox
ones, which tend to eschew politics in the
when exceptions should be made? Par-
ticularly when a society is headed in
to preach and teach their synagogue in favor of ritual or spiritual the wrong direction, religious institu-
religious and political views matters. And yet, in defending the Johnson
Amendment, some progressive Jews are
tions can provide a critical and neces-
sary moral voice. We wish the Catho-
without the fear of losing tax- defending a policy that is more likely to be lic Church had done more against the
exempt status for holding the enforced against their own communities.
As for the Orthodox, some rabbis pri-
Nazis. We are glad that the Catholic
Church opposed communism. In the
wrong views or for weighing in vately believe that the Johnson Amend- United States, religious organizations
on political matters. ment is a good thing, helping the Ortho-
dox to keep politics out of religion, and
fought slavery, worked with organized
labor to win postal workers Sunday as
tax-exempt status should be determined both sides of the political aisle, should thereby fostering religious devotion in a day off work, pressed the government
by simple, clear-cut requirements that seize the opportunity to unify and lead synagogues that tend to be more politi- to aid victims of foreign genocide, and
give little room for subjectivity and the effort for religious and political free- cally divided than Reform or Conserva- promoted immigration policies that
political manipulation. Progressive and dom in this area. tive congregations. But opposing legal helped build our nation. In these and
conservative Americans both should be It is therefore particularly tragic and reforms in this area is a tremendous mis- many other areas, vibrant religious pol-
free to preach and teach their religious shortsighted that many progressives take, and it sets an incredibly dangerous itics influenced public policy in positive
and political views without the fear of support the Johnson Amendment, precedent that we are willing to toler- directions. We should not ignore these
losing tax-exempt status for holding the which the Trump administration has ate excessive governmental restrictions developments, and we should vigilantly
wrong views or for weighing in on polit- expressed a desire to repeal. on speech simply to avoid engaging in protect the abilities of all Americans to
ical matters. Progressives should not Organizations like Freedom from Reli- debate. speak their consciences without fear of
have to worry that the ACLU will lose its gion seem to feel that the government can During my years as a congregational government retaliation.
tax-exempt status, nor should conser- and should forcibly separate politics from rabbi, I never wished to violate the John-
vatives have to be fearful of the Obama religion, thinking that religious Americans son Amendment from the pulpit, and Rabbi Mitchell Rocklin is a resident research
administrations solicitor generals will promote only conservative causes most fellow Orthodox rabbis I know fellow at the Tikvah Fund. He is also a
remark that religious institutions might that they find objectionable. But Ameri- feel the same way. But we might, under chaplain with the rank of captain in the New
lose their tax-exempt status if they advo- can Jews provide a case in which progres- the right circumstances. The instinct of Jersey Army National Guard and a doctoral
cate traditional views of marriage. And sive groups are far more political and vocal many rabbis, across the denominations, candidate in U.S. history at the City University
Jews, who have endured so much perse- than traditional groups. Congregants are to feel that religion and politics are of New York. He lives in Teaneck with his wife
cution and who now find themselves on far more likely to hear political sermons in best kept separate is a noble one. But and two daughters.

urged that the PA cease making pay- Hamas would not be at the table. Where
ments to the terrorists and their fami- this leaves the 1.5 million Palestinians Layered upon these
lies. Nabil Shaath, an adviser to Abbas,
said the idea that payments be stopped
in Gaza still ruled by Hamas and geo-
graphically separated from the West
uncertainties is the question of
was insane. Bank is anybodys guess. how much influence any U.S.
Despite such hardened attitudes, Pal-
estinian security forces under Abbass
Layered upon these uncertainties is
the question of how much influence any
president can have in the quest
control have cooperated at some levels U.S. president can have in the quest for a for a resolution of the Israeli-
with Israelis to forestall terror attacks.
This ironic behavior derives in part from
resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian con-
flict. President Obama tried but failed
Palestinian conflict.
political divisions among the Palestin- and in the end was viewed as ineffec-
ians. President Abbas heads Fatah, the tive by both parties. President Trump, So what would constitute resuscita- Whether Trump will succeed in promot-
political party that controls the Pales- though still early in his term, is mired in tion of the peace process? As a start, an ing Middle East peace is yet to be tested.
tinian Authority in the West Bank. It is domestic political conflict, which cannot announced willingness by each party to Success where so many others have failed
rivaled by Hamas, which controls the help his stature when dealing with over- give something that is desired by the other. seems unlikely. Still, he is the only president
Gaza strip. Unlike Fatah, Hamas openly seas issues. Netanyahu might agree to suspend settle- who has written a book titled The Art of
aims to eliminate Israel and is regarded Yet perhaps there is hope in the oddly posi- ment activity in areas likely to become the Deal.
as a terrorist organization by much of the tive reactions to Trump by both the Palestin- part of a future Palestinian state. Abbas
West. It often is against Hamas loyalists ian and Israeli leadership. Abbas reportedly might agree to suspend paying terrorists Leonard A. Cole of Ridgewood is an
in the West Bank that Abbass security was surprised to be favorably impressed by and celebrating them as martyrs. If mean- adjunct professor of emergency medicine
forces take action. Trump when they met at the White House. ingful actions such as these cannot be and director of the program on terror
Which highlights another dilemma. If Netanyahu already had expressed delight undertaken the chances for a deal in the medicine and security at the Rutgers New
Netanyanu and Abbas were to negotiate, that Trump had become president. near future will recede ever further. Jersey Medical School.



The drumbeat against Jewish ritual

in Europe sounds once more

his last week, Jewish became distinctly visible in 1989, when the Iranian regime on legislators to step back from the brink of the greatest
ritual observance issued a fatwa for the killing of the British author Salman assault on Jewish religious rights in Belgium since the Nazi
has come under Rushdie over his novel satirizing the Quran, The Satanic occupation of the country in World War II.
attack in both Bel- Verses. By contrast, for more than a century, anti-Semites It may sound like bombast, but it isnt. For 2,000 years
gium and Norway. have demonized Jewish rites with the same enthusiasm as in the diaspora, Jewish identity was preserved by adher-
While there is nothing suggest- their Church forebears. ence to these religious commands. This, in turn, bred the
ing the respective moves against One of the first acts of the Nazis after they came to power in resentment of supersessionist Church theologians, and
shechita (kosher slaughter) in Germany in 1933 was to ban shechita. The famous Nazi pro- later on of universalist Enlightenment philosophers. Both
Belgium and brit milah ( Jewish paganda film Der Ewige Jude (The Eternal Jew) portrayed groups despised Jewish separateness even as their rulers
circumcision) in Norway were Ben Cohen shechita as a gruesome Jewish celebration of animal suffering. enforced it through ghettoization and other discrimina-
coordinated, both speak to an Nor was the revulsion at shechita confined to Germany. tory measures. From Martin Luther to Karl Marx, the
ingrained tendency in Europe Associates of Arnold Leese, a reasonably prominent British imperative of ending the conditions for a separate Jewish
that dismisses these core requirements for Jews as no more fascist during the 1930s, often said Leeses violent anti-Sem- existence through means varying from outright perse-
and no less than cruelty of a particularly Jewish sort. itism was intimately connected to his love of animals (he cution or conditional emancipation has been a binding
The environment committee of the parliament in Wallonia served with the Royal Army Veterinary Corps during World thread in European thought.
a French-speaking region accounting for more than half of War I) and hence, his distaste for the kosher method of slaugh- It follows logically that even in a modern democracy, a
Belgiums territory and a third of its population voted unani- ter. I doubt this sentiment was Leeses alone. ban on the core rituals making Jews Jewish and Muslims
mously May 8 to ban shechita on the grounds that the prac- Despite this frankly creepy history, contemporary advo- Muslim effectively ends the conditions for a separate exis-
tice involves cruelty to animals. The decision will take effect in cates of the shechita and brit milah bans angrily deny they tence as a Jewish community. Its true that many Jews dont
September 2019. On the same day, the annual convention of are motivated by anti-Semitism in much the same way, and keep kosher, but virtually all Jewish males are circumcised,
Norways Progress Party a libertarian, anti-immigration party for the same reasons, that anti-Zionists present the cause of regardless of their familys degree of religious observance.
that is a partner in the countrys ruling coalition passed a eliminating Israel as a legitimate human rights campaign. It is, Ending the right to engage in those practices poses a choice:
resolution urging a government ban on ritual circumcision for of course, tiresome for them to have to deal with the charge of stay if you are willing to obey the law, leave if you are not.
boys under age 16, on the grounds that what is involved here is anti-Semitism every time they take aim at Jews as a collective, Norway and Belgium are not the only countries where
a violation of human rights. Jews, as is well-known, circumcise so they flip the equation by depicting themselves as victims of political battles over Jewish rites have erupted. Shechita is
their sons eight days after birth, in accordance with the biblical a malicious reputational smear. outlawed in Poland, New Zealand, and Switzerland, among
covenant between God and the patriarch Abraham. The sad thing is that this approach often works. It feeds into others, while nasty public campaigns against circumcision
You may say these developments are about many things. the sentiments of those segments of the European public that have been seen in San Francisco on one half of the globe,
You might even make the case that anti-Semitism is a minor regard anti-Semitism as a censorship tool preventing them and Oslo on the other. The campaign advances in fits and
factor here. There are many more Muslims than there are from protecting animals, babies, national reputations unfairly starts, but it is always there, and is present among liberals
Jews in Belgium, Norway, and pretty much every other coun- soiled during World War II, and the right to condemn Israel and nationalists alike.
try in Western Europe and they, too, circumcise their sons for alleged human rights abuses. American Jews are fortunate to live with a constitution
for religious reasons and consume ritually slaughtered halal To their great credit, Europes often-cautious Jewish lead- clearly demarcating religion and state. European Jews dont
meat. That certainly explains why right-wing populists like ers rarely have failed to condemn the anti-ritual campaign have such clear guidelines, and therefore become hostages to
the National Front in France and the United Kingdom Inde- in the strongest of terms. Back in 2012, when 600 German the fortune of political clashes in which their freedom of wor-
pendence Party have made halal slaughter a primary focus of doctors signed a letter to a prominent newspaper advo- ship is just one consideration among many. JNS.ORG

their broader campaign against what they see as social accep- cating a ban on circumcision, Charlotte Knobloch, then
tance of Islamic sharia law-based rites. leader of the German-Jewish community, wondered aloud Ben Cohen writes a weekly column on Jewish affairs and Middle
What this interpretation ignores, however, is that the whether this country still wants us. When the Wallonia Eastern politics. His work has been published in Commentary,
problem of encroaching Islamism within European-Muslim committee announced its ban on shechita last week, Moshe the New York Post, Haaretz, the Wall Street Journal and many
communities is a relatively recent one. I would argue it first Kantor, president of the European Jewish Congress, called other publications.

Hes for the grant too! advocate for this critical program which threats of violence that have gripped Whoops!
I am writing in regards to the April 27 provides target hardening and other New Jersey and the nation. More info on meeting
article Beefing up security, and would physical security enhancements to non- As a member of Congress who repre- Thank you so much for your excellent
like to also express my strong support profit organizations that are at high risk sents a synagogue and the JCC in West coverage of our LGBTQ study group on
for the Federal Emergency Management of terrorist attack. Your article seems Orange that has been targeted, I con- May 23 (Special challenges in aging, May
Agencys (FEMA), Nonprofit Security to imply a lack of support on my part tacted personally the secretary of the 12). The only thing is, the article doesnt
Grant Program (NSGP). for this important program when the Department of Homeland Security to give details of when and where the talk
Unfortunately, terrorist threats have only reason I did not sign the Dear Col- urge him to expedite the release of this is. Would it be possible to put it in next
been all too real for many community league letter alongside my New Jersey years Non-Profit Security Grant funding. weeks calendar?
centers, synagogues, schools, and other colleagues was because the letter was In the months ahead, I look forward Elizabeth Halverstam
community organizations across the addressed to me! to the working with the entire New Jer- Vice president
country. Our nation was built on the I would add that Congress recently sey delegation to ensure our communi- Bergen County section,
foundation of religious tolerance, and passed, and the President signed into ties and houses of worship have access National Council of Jewish Women
although the perpetrator of recent anti- law, my legislation, H.R. 244, the Con- to critical funds provided by the NSGP. In
Semitic threats was apprehended, all tinuing Appropriations Act for Fiscal a larger sense, I hope we will be able to Editors note: Were sorry! The study group is
manifestation of anti-Semitism and big- Year (FY) 2017 which included a signifi- strive in a bipartisan way to eliminate all set for 1 p.m. on May 23 in Hackensack at the
otry must end. cant additional funding for the NSGP, shameful episodes of anti-Semitism. Shops at Riversides conference center lower
As chairman of the House Commit- in order to provide much-needed dol- Rodney Frelinghuysen level. For information, call (201) 385-4847 or
tee on Appropriations I have been a key lars to respond to rising incidents and Member of Congress (R-11th Dist.) go to


Dvar Torah
Behar-Bechukotai: Creatures of earth transformed

n this weeks Torah portion we read his tools, shutters his enterprise and turns the poor, ethical treatment of T h e d e s i re f o r t r a n -
about the mitzvah of shmitah the his eyes to Heaven. The mandated hiatus employees, and the like has scendence is innate to the
sabbatical year. Every seventh year empowers him to transcend his earthiness he internalized the proper human condition, stem-
the Torah instructs the farmer in as he is edged into a new reality, a tran- configuration for living and ming as it were from the
Israel to let his land rest. scendent life of faith. Now, he is a creature may now begin to climb the Divine image in which we
There is however an oddity in the lan- of heaven. spiritual ladder of transcen- are fashioned. While the
guage employed in the passage preced- A modern day equivalent might be the dence. In this manner, the world offers a plethora of
ing the injunction. The Torah says: Six requirement for a countrys ambassador to imperative six years you disciplines and distrac-
years you shall sow your field which return home periodically. This is meant to shall sow provides the reli- tions to blunt this craving,
seems to imply that sowing the land is also reinforce his emotional attachment to his gious framework and roots Rabbi the truest and most satis-
an imperative. Could sowing the field be homeland and shield against the phenom- for the transcendent faith Chanoch fying solution can only be
part and parcel of the mitzvah of shmitah? enon in which an ambassador begins to that follows. Kaplan answered from within the
Why isnt this left to the farmers personal identify with his host country as he walks And following the Sab- Chabad Jewish condition itself: The Divine
Center of
discretion? its corridors and tastes of its culture. batical year, six years you Northwest Bergen image needs Divine connec-
The answer lies in our understanding of This brings us back to the Torahs imper- shall sow takes on a new County, Franklin tion. The study and practice
the core idea underpinning the mitzvah of ative to work the fields. Indeed, working dimension. As the farmer Lakes, Orthodox of the Torah and mitzvot
shmitah. ones field serves as both preparation for re-engages his natural sur- are the incubators for faith
The farmer spends a lifetime engaged in and concurrently the goal itself of the sab- roundings, the transcendent and transcendence which in
agricultural pursuits. Day in, day out, he batical year. empowerment reaped during the shmi- turn invest our natural lives with higher
toils in the field, his back scorched by the It serves as a preparation for shmitah tah year now serves to keep his soul alight purpose.
sun and his calloused hands caked with since transcendence without rootedness even as he must submit to the work imper- As we conclude the third book of the
dirt. Seemingly, his survival is completely is illusory. Only following six years of ative. But now he is no longer beholden Torah, Leviticus, this Shabbat, may we
dependent on the natural dictates of his earthly engagement in which the farmer to the earth. He is a creature of heavens be strengthened in our attachment to
environment. He is a creature of the earth. has painstakingly followed the Torah laws engaged in natural life, his every step our precious heritage. Chazak, chazak
When the sabbatical year arrives, however governing agricultural work no mixing of infused with a higher purpose: to elevate vnischazek.
everything changes. The farmer lays down crops, leaving the corners of the fields to the world around him. And now, onward to Mt. Sinai.


German Holocaust denier In a video that Mahler published April 9 on the inter- It seems like it was malicious nonsense from kids
who fled jail term is net, he said he was a victim of political persecution and playing around, said Kaye, founder of the Lower East
arrested in Hungary announced his intention to seek asylum. Side Jewish Conservancy. JNS.ORG

The one-time founder of the far-left Red Army Fac-

BERLIN German right-wing extremist Horst Mahler has tion terror group famously underwent a transformation
been arrested in Hungary, where he had gone into hiding in the 1990s to the extreme right. He served as a lawyer Netanyahu contradicts
to avoid serving out the rest of a sentence in Germany for for the right-extremist National Democratic Party of Ger- reporter claim on embassy
Holocaust denial and incitement to anti-Semitism. many until he left the party in 2003. move to Jerusalem
Mahler, 81, reportedly asked Hungarian Prime Minister In November 2007, he was sentenced to six months
Viktor Orban for political asylum in a letter he published in jail for raising his arm in the illegal Hitler salute to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahus office said a
May 12 on the internet. It was widely circulated in the Ger- greet his jailers while serving a previous sentence. Fox News reporter spread false information by posting on
man media as well.  JTA WIRE SERVICE Twitter that Netanyahu had told President Donald Trump
Referring to Orban as the Fuehrer of the Hungarian in February not to move the U.S. Embassy in Israel from Tel
nation, Mahler said he placed his fate in the hands of Aviv to Jerusalem.
his government. Instead of accepting him, the Hungar- Fire severely damages Fox News correspondent Conor Powell tweeted Monday,
ian government is likely to honor Germanys request for historic N.Y. synagogue Everyone Ive spoken to in D.C. that has been briefed on
extradition. #Jerusalem embassy move says #Netanyahu told #Trump not
In April, Mahler had been ordered to return to the Bran- A fire severely damaged a historic synagogue on Man- to move embassy at this time.
denburg/Havel correctional facility on May 19 to begin serv- hattans Lower East Side, the 167-year-old Beth Hame- In response, the Prime Ministers Office issued a statement
ing the final stretch of a 10-year sentence handed down in drash Hagadol. without naming Powell saying, The claims posted by a
2009. He had been released temporarily for health rea- Police sources said three people, believed to be Fox News correspondent are false, quoting summaries of
sons, and reportedly had part of a leg amputated due to an minors, were spotted on surveillance footage fleeing Netanyahus mid-February meeting with Trump and Israeli
infection. the synagogue as it burst into flames, the New York Ambassador to the U.S. Ron Dermers mid-January meeting
But despite the health problems, he allegedly contin- Post. An eyewitness corroborated the report, telling with former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn as proof
ued to give talks to neo-Nazi audiences, as recently as last fire officials he saw three people fleeing the synagogue Netanyahu supports the embassy move.
month. According to Die Zeit newspaper, in January Mahler as the fire began. The Prime Ministers Office added, This is the clear and
spoke to right-wing extremist audiences on such topics as The synagogues Gothic-style building is almost com- consistent position of Prime Minister Netanyahu, which he
Jewry is the real enemy and the so-called plan by Jews to pletely destroyed. Holly Kaye, who has worked for sev- reiterated today.
destroy the German people. eral years to preserve the historic synagogue, said she Netanyahu told lawmakers from his Likud party Monday
His arrest in the Hungarian city of Sopron while trying to doesnt believe the fire was the result of a hate crime. that he fully supports moving the embassy. My consistent and
cross into Austria was confirmed by the attorney general of Trespassers had broken into the site repeatedly in unequivocal position is that the U.S. embassy should move to
Munich district II. recent weeks, she noted. Jerusalem, as should other embassies, he said. JNS.ORG


The Frazzled Housewife Crossword

I am Toast Part Deux

hen we last left trying to figure out when I
off, I was shar- could start drinking. ( Just
ing my Toast- kidding no tequila on
masters expe- Passover, unfortunately.)
rience with all of you. I got to the room assigned
I had decided to join to to me and there was no
learn how to be a better pub- turning back. Fortunately,
lic speaker, in preparation for it was a beautiful day out-
my speeches at the undisclosed side, and there were few
Passover hotel. Toastmasters is Banji attendees at my TED talk.
a lovely and warm environment. Ganchrow Son #2 recorded it (just in
Everyone cheers everyone on case any of you are inter-
and encourages them to do their ested, she said laughingly).
very best. All critiques have positive spins Aside from the four people related to me,
to them, and no one ever leaves a meeting there were about 15 people in the room. I
feeling dejected or embarrassed. There is got through it. How was it? I have no idea.
lots of laughter and camaraderie. How could I not know how it went? Well,
It is also like the Statue of Liberty, or that is a good question. Only one person
more specifically, Ellis Island, as the walked out, one person fell asleep, and no
majority of its members are not United one was texting. I guess that is OK.
States-born. In fact, my name, Banji a The next time I spoke was on Yom Tov.
name that is so unusual that few can spell The topic? Finding Humor in a Humor-
or pronounce it correctly upon first try less World. This was code for, Stories Across Down
or glance is akin to the name Bob or about my life that I hope people will find 1. ___ Miriam (seminary in Har Nof) 1. Aru, aru ad hayessod ___! (part of
5. Shivah ___ bTammuz (fast day com- 46-Across)
Sue or Tom. Everyone elses name in my interesting, but I cannot imagine that they memorating the breaching of the walls of 2. ___, The Heart of Dixie (store found on
group is more unique than my own. actually will. As it was Yom Tov, folks 35-Across) David Street)
9. 58-Across played a secret one that pleased 3. Sect that once had a Quarter in 35-Across
I feel very at home. It is not a common didnt really have much else to do, so we the L-rd (according to Leonard Cohen) 4. Destroyers of 35-Across
occurrence to have my name the easi- 14. ___ ran (like Moshe Lion for Mayer of 5. Frank with a memorial in the Martyrs
35-Across) Forest
est to figure out. Though someone was 15. Large womens college in 35-Across 6. Like Srugim, on Hulu
surprised when I stood up to give the 16. Make like a drone over Gan Sacher 7. Shes in the middle of the Mount Zion exca-
17. Dynasty that ruled in 35-Across vation?
joke of the day and I was a female.
He looked at me and said, Youre Banji?
Only one person 19. Jordan, in 1967
20. Like Jordan in 1967
8. One leasing a home in Katamon
9. Like Marzipans (delicious) rugelach
Arent you a man? Nope, but I do act like walked out, one 21. Theres one named for 58-Across standing
in 35-Across
10. Fine-tune (as the Hostages cast does
with their skills)
one when I clean out the sewer trap
(For another time.)
person fell asleep, 23. Hadassah Medical Organization head
Kalman and director Michael
24. Depend (on G-d), like Hezekiah did when
11. Had too much at Ticho House
12. Rock band that played in 42-Down in 1995
13. Like the summer weather in 35-Across
For almost every week that I have and no one was he was besieged
25. ...___ all nations shall gather to it (Jer.
18. Extra times for Hapoel basketballers,
attended Toastmasters, I have been the
winner of the Table Topics speeches. Dont
texting. I guess 3:17)
28. Yeshiva Torat ___ (Chabad yeshiva in
22. The ___ City
23. Border of 35-Across? (BIvrit)
be impressed. I have won this, I believe, that is OK. 35-Across)
29. Cache (of Byzantine coins recently found
24. Aly who visited 35-Across to watch the
Maccabiah Games
because I am one of the few who can claim in Ein Hemed) 26. Turner who was hanged in 35-Across (in
31. Natalie Portman, e.g. (who was born Neta- Virginia)
English as a first and only language. While Lee Hershlag in 35-Across) 27. Some workers at Herzog Hosp.
I joined Toastmasters to learn how to give had about 40 to 50 people in attendance. 32. Some Hebrew U. degrees 29. ___ habayit beyadeinu!
33. Highest ranking Jew in 35-Across, once 30. Midwest sch. that ran a Living 35-Across
a speech without sweating profusely or How was it? Again, I have no idea. All I 34. YU school with a satellite program in program
passing out, others join to learn how to do know is that I was having trouble swal- 35-Across 31. Card one might get when visiting
35. The heart of this puzzle, and the Jewish 35-Across
speak English properly. lowing and I was so happy that I swiped a people 33. ___ Tamid (flame in the Beit Hamikdash)
This only becomes a problem for me bottle of Diet Coke from the dining room 38. Meal whose last word is 35-Across 34. Cong. member more likely to support the
41. Gies recognized as Righteous Among The embassy move to 35-Across
because the man who gives the speeches because I was drinking that stuff like I had Nations at Yad Vashem 35. Many a 35-Across resident
about how to give speeches has such a been in a desert. Why does this happen? 42. Musical notes on 35-Across by Matisyahu 36. Be laid up, like one at Shaare Zedek
45. It can shut down 35-Across Medical Center
thick accent that I can only understand Man, I hope they will teach me about 46. Many a song by 58-Across written in 37. J___, Abbr. for 35-Across
every fourth or fifth word that he says. that in Toastmasters, and if they do teach 35-Across 38. Kiryat Moshe to Rehavia dir.
48. Rabbi Moses Isserles (author of Torah 39. What the Six Day War did on June 11, 1967
The other problem is that I had joined the it, I hope I will understand that person Ha-Olah on the Temple) 40. Kirk who has a theater named after him
group in order to practice my speeches who is presenting the topic. 49. Web address ender for Hebrew Union at Aish HaTorah in 22-Down
College 42. Its 33 miles (54km) from 35-Across
before I gave them at the hotel, and I dis- So I will continue to go to Toastmasters, 50. ___ II of 35-Across (king in 1284) 43. Where many residents of 35-Across once
covered that because it only meets twice because who doesnt like being clapped 51. Parts for those on Shtisel lived
52. Many a site at the Mount of Olives 44. Some Hebrew U. degrees
a month, there wasnt going to be enough for? Will I speak publicly again? Only time 54. Item for one busking on Ben Yehuda 46. Angle (of the Jerusalem Post): Abbr.
time for me to deliver these literary beau- will tell but as for right now, I am basking Street 47. Common coin in 35- Across
56. Common power in 35-Across 48. Make like the shawarma spit at Halo
ties to my new friends. in the glow of the review one hotel guest 58. He purchased the Temple Mount approxi- Teiman
What to do, what to do? gave me, You werent any better or worse mately 3,000 years ago 50. Visitor of 35-Across with Donald
61. Make like Solomon when inaugurating the 51. He got ___ of the foreign gods... in
Well, I continued to go to the meet- than any of the other speakers. And that Temple 35-Across (2 Chronicles 33:15)
ings and I stood up in front of my fellow is just fine by me! 62. They will take you to 42-Down before you 53. Price, at the Inbal
can go to 35-Across 54. Need drove the starving to ___ at
group members and tried my best. And 63. Quirks one might think some passionate anything (Josephus, on the siege of
then it was Passover and I had to give my Banji Ganchrow still remembers singing prayers at the Western Wall posses 35-Across)
64. Like IDF members operation out of 55. What a sunrise over 35-Across never is
speeches. I had two topics. The first was, the Hebrew alphabet at her siddur play. 35-Across 56. What some do at the Western Wall on
How to Write the Perfect Simcha Speech. She wore a red dress with red ribbons in her 65. Aussie billionaire and 35-Across Great 9 Av
Synagogue donator Frank 57. Light moshav located right outside
I was delivering this one on the Sunday hair. She was so scarred by the ribbons, she 66. Actress Green who once portrayed 35-Across
before the second days of Yom Tov. My has never worn anything in her hair since Sibylla, Queen of 35-Across, et al. 59. U.N. gp. that calls some of 35-Across
occupied territory
name was listed on the schedule, my boys she became an adult. When that will or will The solution to last weeks puzzle is 60. Abbr. of the most iconic documents at
were very proud of me, and I was just not change is still questionable. on page 62. the Israel Museum


Arts & Culture
Treasures from Oxford

orpus Christi
College, one of
the colleges that
make up Oxford
University, was
established in 1517.
As part of the
celebration of its first half-millen-
nium, curators have put together
500 Years of Treasures From Oxford.
Normally, that would be very
interesting, but not very relevant for
a Jewish publication.
But because the collection of arti-
facts mainly manuscripts, some
of the illuminated, and early books,
along with some other objects
includes pieces of Judaica, its
being hosted at Yeshiva University
Museum at the Center for Jewish
History in Manhattan.
Corpus Christis collection is
unusual in that its guardians over the
centuries kept the old manuscripts
and books rather than replacing them
as they were revised or updated or
simply superseded. Because back
in 1517 there were three founda-
tional languages for scholars Latin,
Greek, and yes, Hebrew there are
a fair number of Hebrew language
texts; the fact that the Jews had been
expelled from the country in 1290
and formally allowed back in 1656,
and therefore its unlikely that any-
one at Corpus Christi might have met
a Jew, didnt alter that.
The collection also includes pas-
sages of the Hebrew Bible translated
to Latin, along with some illumina-
tions. It also includes science texts From top left: The beginning of I Samuel, in parallel Latin and He-
and drawings theres nothing Jewish brew versions, with a Latin translation written above each Hebrew
at all about Robert Hookes extraordi- word. Written in England, in the first half of the 13th century. Corpus
narily detailed sketches and legible, Christi College, Oxford, MS 9; From Adam and Eve to King Edward IV
intricately explained accompanying Manuscript in Middle English showing the genealogy of the kings
prose, but its compelling and fasci- of England, from Adam and Eve to King Edward IV (14331483) in a
nating. The exhibit illustrates the way vertical line. Written and illuminated in England, ca. 146769. Corpus
that science, religion, and literature Christi College, Oxford, MS 207; Rashi, Commentaries on books of the
all had common roots, at a time when Hebrew Bible; one of the oldest versions extant. Written probably in
just about all knowledge could be con- France in the late 12th century. Corpus Christi College, Oxford, MS 165.
tained in one library.
Despite the existence of anti-Sem- bishops status is a close
itism, at least in its abstract form copy of the one in the exhibit.
What: 500 Years of Treasures
remember, there were no actual Jews The panel at the press preview included (That one features St. Peter; the New York from Oxford
there the library contains very little the heads of Yeshiva University Museum, one replaces him with St. John, the name-
Where: Center for Jewish History,
overt anti-Jewish writing. The only anti- the Center for Jewish History, and Corpus sake of the diocesan seat.)
15 West 16th St., Manhattan
Semitic text, the curator, Peter Kidd said, Christi College. It also included the Epis- Its an unusual Jewish event that
When: through August 6
most likely was in Geoffrey Chaucers Can- copal archbishop of New York, Andrew M. includes a crozier-wielding Episcopal
terbury Tales; the Prioresss Tale has some L. Dietsche, resplendent in a purple shirt archbishop. He is of course not part of Sponsored by: Yeshiva University
nastily anti-Jewish bits in it. But the Jew- and a full, well-trimmed white beard, car- the exhibit, but there are enough unusual, Museum
ish texts were treated with respect, even if rying a huge gold crozier. The crozier the eye-opening, and moving objects to make For more information: (212) 294-8301
actual Jews were not. crooked staff that is the official sign of a it worth a visit.


Remembering the
Friday Six-Day War: Anshei
MAY 19 Lubavitch in Fair Lawn
marks 50 years since
Shabbat in Teaneck: the Six-Day War with
Temple Emeth offers a new a six-week Rohr
musical services with Jewish Learning Institute
the Temple Emeth Band, course, Survival of
Cantor Ellen Tilem, and a Nation: Exploring
Rabbi Steven Sirbu, Israel Through the Lens
8 p.m. 1666 Windsor of the Six-Day War,
Road. (201) 833-1322 or 7:30 p.m. 10-10 Plaza Road. (201) 362-2712,
RabbiBergstein@, or www.
MAY 20
MAY 22
Golf/tennis/cards in
Alpine: The Jewish
Home Foundation
hosts its 23rd annual
outing, with golf,
tennis, and cards, at the
Montammy Golf Club,
rain or shine. This year,
it honors Robert Peckar.
Yehoshua November (201) 784-1414, ext.
5539, or mshulman@
Poetry reading: .
The adult education
committee of
Congregation Rinat JUNE Empowering Children for Life, the Israel Tennis Centers
Yisrael in Teaneck Foundation, rolls into June with events in the tri-state area.
presents chasidic poet
Yehoshua November
reading from his new
1 Upcoming events include an exhibition and buffet dinner on
Thursday, June 1, at the Maywood Tennis Club; Shabbat supper
book, Gods Optimism, on Friday, June 2, in Short Hills; tennis exhibition and reception on Tuesday,
6:35 p.m. 389 West
Englewood Ave. June 6, at the Germantown Cricket Club in Philadelphia; and another one
(201) 837-2795. in a private home in Scarsdale, N.Y., on Saturday, June 10. A diverse team of
Shabbat in Teaneck: Israeli players and coaches representing various Israel tennis centers will tell
Rabbi Dovid Bashevkin, their stories about what the ITC has meant to them, their families, and their Rabbi Hayyim Angel
NCSYs director of communities. They also will participate in a high-energy tennis exhibition. Jewish learning in
education, is the
scholar-in-residence ITC focuses on changing childrens lives every day so they can become Teaneck: Lamdeinu,
at Congregation Beth better human beings. Through its social impact programs, a wide range of a center for Jewish
Aaron. On Shabbat children are served, including those at risk, immigrants from Ethiopia and learning that meets
morning after the main at Congregation Beth
minyan, he will discuss Russia, and children with special needs. Call Yoni Yair, ITC vice president Aaron, continues a pre-
The Chasidic Revolution at (954) 480-6333, ext. 223, email, or go to Shavuot series with The
Against the Grand Righteous Shall Live by
Chasidic Rebbe: The His Faith: The Message
Story and Relevance of Haftarat Habakkuk
of Polish Chasidut. and Shavuot, taught
Center of Teaneck. Road, 5-9 p.m. Get by Rabbi Hayyim Angel,
At 6:45 p.m., he will
Coffee and refreshments, ready for summer 1 p.m. Dean Rachel
discuss Right vs. Left: A
9:15 a.m.; lecture, 9:30; with duffels, sleeping Friedman will teach on
Jewish Approach to Our
question and answer bags, sweats, kippot, Wednesday, May 24, at
Economic and Political
session. 70 Sterling Place. tzitzit, graduation gifts, 10:15 a.m. 950 Queen
Cycles, and after Mincha
(201) 833-0515. toys, clothing, jewelry, Anne Road. Register
at 7:45, he will tackle
and hair accessories. at or
Rabbis Son Syndrome: Brunch/music in Refreshments available.
Why Religion Makes Bayonne: Sing along (201) 833-1134, ext. 105,
Some Leave Religion. with the Jewbadours or asiletski@sinaischools. Pre-Shavuot talk:
950 Queen Anne Road. and have brunch at org. Chabad Womens Circle
(201) 836-6210 or www. Temple Beth Am, of Teaneck invites you
Tal Becker 10:30 a.m. Reservations Film in Paramus: Knitting/book to hear a talk by Mindy
requested. 111 Avenue The JCC of Paramus/ discussion: The Lankry, author of Parsha
Sunday Reflecting on Israel: B. (201) 858-2020 or
Congregation Beth sisterhood of the Jewish
Center of Teaneck hosts
in Pink, followed by
MAY 21 Dr. Tal Becker, principal Tikvah shows Steven Malka Neuman of Malkita
deputy legal adviser Spielbergs Lincoln, Knitting Night, 7 p.m. Designs demonstrating
at the Israeli Ministry starring Daniel Day- Afterward, the Leaves floral arrangements
Breakfast in Wayne: TV quiz shows: Temple of Faith Book Club will
The Renaissance Club of Foreign Affairs, Lewis, 3 p.m. Optional in honor of Shavuot,
Emanuel of North Jersey discuss Yehuda Amichais
of Temple Beth Tikvah a research fellow at deli dinner follows the 8 p.m. Cheesecake
in Franklin Lakes screens Poems of Jerusalem and
holds its end-of-year the Shalom Hartman movie. East 304 Midland buffet and dairy salad
episodes of Whats My Love Poems in honor
breakfast after the 9 a.m. Institute, and a member Ave. Dinner reservations, bar. 513 Kenwood Place.
Line? Ive Got a Secret, of the 50th anniversary
minyan. Comedian Wally of the Hartman Institutes (201) 262-7691. (201) 907-0686 or
and other early television of the reunification of
Ferguson, a retired iEngage Project,
quiz shows, 2 p.m. Ice Teaneck boutique: Sinai Jerusalem. 70 Sterling
computer analyst, will discusses Jewish
cream and popcorn. 558 Schools holds its annual Place. (201) 833-0515.
entertain. 950 Preakness Aspirations, Israeli Reality:
High Mountain Road. spring tov boutique at
Ave. (973) 595-6565 or Reflections on 50 Years
(201) 560-0200 or www. a new location, Temple Since the Reunification of Emeth, 1666 Windsor
Jerusalem, at the Jewish


Calendar Calendar

Kills Three: Lashon
Hara in Halakhah
and Aggadah.
Refreshments, MAY 24
12:30 p.m., program at
1. 1449 Anderson Ave. Dinner and fashions

(201) 947-1735. in Fair Lawn: The
Sisterhood of Temple

Beth Sholom holds
a dinner by Kosher

Nosh of Glen Rock
and fashion show by
Michelle Azar Soft Surroundings
Sharing Middle Eastern
in Paramus Park,
6:30 p.m. 40-25 Fair by Pulitzer Prize winner PAULA VOGEL,
heritage: The JCC of
Fort Lee/Congregation
Lawn Ave. Reservations, sensitively directed by REBECCA TAICHMAN.
(201) 797-9321.
Gesher Shalom hosts THE NEW YORK TIMES
From Baghdad to Benjamin Fisher
Brooklyn, a one-woman
show with Michelle Plight of older LGBTQ MAY 25 100 minutes of
Azar, a CSI Scholar
Fund program, 8:15 p.m.
adults: Benjamin
Fisher, health and Poker/dinner/ POTENT THEATRICAL MAGIC.
1449 Anderson Ave. wellness coordinator entertainment in NY1
(201) 947-1735. for Garden State Demarest: The Jewish
Equality, discusses The Federation of Northern
Progressive Zionism Needs of LGBTQ Older New Jersey holds its
in Teaneck: Eran Adults for the Bergen Federation Full House
Schwartz of the Yigal County section of the at the Alpine Country
Allon Center in Israel National Council of Club, 6:30 p.m. Vegas-
speaks about the Jewish Womens study style Texas Hold Em
attempt to see Zionism group at the Shops at poker tournament,
again as a pluralistic, Riverside Conference dinner, including
egalitarian movement, Center in Hackensack, scotch and stogies,
A Provocative New Play With Music
7:30 p.m. Co-sponsored Lower Level, 1 p.m. and entertainment. 80
by Partners for Pro- (201) 385-4847 or www. Anderson Ave. Andi,
gressive Israel and the
Ethical Culture Society (201) 820-3930 or Celebrating Jewish Culture
of Bergen County, the Life care planning:

talk is at the Ethical Jewish-Association
Culture Society, 687 for Developmental Friday
Larch Ave. (201) 836
Disabilities continues MAY 26
5187. an ID/DD informational
workshop, Accessing
Shabbat in Jersey
Tuesday Services Through
Support Coordination,
City: Bnai Jacob
MAY 23 with speaker Errol
hosts a special dinner DEADLINE
celebrating Shabbat
Seltzer, 6:30 p.m. 190 and Jerusalem Day,
Water sustainability
in Teaneck: The
Jack Flamholz
Moore St., Suite 272,
Hackensack. Register,
led by Rabbi Aaron
Katz, 7 p.m. 176 West HHHHH
(201) 457-0058, ext. 12, Side Ave. Reservations,
Water Sustainability or (201) 435-5725 or www.
Project inaugurates
its first local system TIME OUT NEW YORK
at the Hawthorne
Elementary School; Sunday BRILLIANT,

ceremony at 9 a.m., MAY 28
reception and q-and-a
at 9:45. 201 Fycke ELECTRIC & SURPRISING!
Lane. Reservations,
Israeli film in Tenafly:
IAC Cinematec, a
A masterful exploration of the
(201) 836-2403 or
series of Israeli films theatrical past and present!
with English subtitles at - TABLET MAGAZINE
the Kaplen JCC on the
Palisades, concludes
with Is That You?
7 p.m. 411 E. Clinton Ave.

(201) 408-1409.

Pamela Etzin Monday

Women in the
workplace: Pamela Pre-Shavuot shiur:
Etzin of Eye for Detail Rabbi Hershel
Rabbi Joyce Newmark gives a hands-on Schachter, rosh
fashion workshop, The yeshiva at Yeshiva
Power of Image, Dress, Universitys Rabbi Isaac
Visiting scholar series: Elchanan Theological
The JCC of Fort Lee/ and Perception, for
JFCS Relaunch Career Seminary, discusses
Congregation Gesher Shavuot and Practical
Shalom welcomes Services, 6:30 p.m.
1485 Teaneck Road, Hilchot Yom Tov at
visiting scholar Rabbi Congregation Beth
Joyce Newmark for a Teaneck. Reservations,
(201) 837-9090, Aaron in Teaneck, 9 a.m.
two-part CSI Scholar Light refreshments.
Fund program. Her,
or 950 Queen Anne Road.
first presentation is (201) 836-6210.
Tell Me Why: Fanciful
Answers to Serious
Questions. On June 212-239-6200
6, she will discuss
The Evil Tongue CORT THEATRE 138 W 48th St, New York @IndecentBway
r Calendar

In New York
Books going on sale Anderson Cooper coming to Tenafly
at Teaneck Library Anderson Cooper literary events. Program
Sunday Gently-used or new books, CDs, and DVDs, will be one of Americas most subscribers will receive
MAY 21 sold at the Teaneck Librarys book sale, May 20 popular broadcast jour- special benefits, includ-
through 23. The library is at 840 Teaneck Road in nalists, television per- ing concierge service,
Teaneck. For information, call (201) 403-4629 or sonalities, and authors VIP ticket access, and will be at the Kaplen reserved parking.
JCC on the Palisades on It is our honor to
June 4 at 7 p.m. He will have Anderson Cooper
share his observations join us for what prom-
on topics ranging from ises to be an exciting and
Temple Emeths eye-opening insights on
American politics and
thought-provoking eve-
ning that will also create
Matthew Lazar casino night current events to life as a the perfect platform to
Benefit concert: The Fun, Food, Friends, and Fabulously Entertain- traveling journalist and introduce our patrons
Zamir Choral Foundation, ing, Temple Emeth in Teanecks annual spring what it was like to grow program, the JCCs CEO,
founded and directed by fundraiser, is set for Saturday, June 3, at 7:30 p.m. up in public, as the son Anderson Cooper Jordan Shenker, said.
Matthew Lazar, presents Members and their guests are invited to a pro- of Gloria Vanderbilt. His The JCC is devoted to
Celebrate Jerusalem,
a gala concert with fessionally operated casino night with blackjack, presentation will be followed by a moder- providing forums for thoughtful commu-
the Zamir Chorale and craps, poker, roulette, and a big six wheel. Each ated question and answer session. nity discussions and intellectual explora-
friends. Alberto Mizrahi ticket includes entry, $50 in chips, full bar, buffet VIP seats come with a private dessert tion, and drawing a nationally celebrated
and Netanel Herstik dinner, and dessert. Prizes and silent auction items reception and a photo opportunity with global newscaster like Anderson Cooper
are featuring soloists;
performers include include theater tickets, spa packages, and gift cer- Mr. Cooper. to our community is a memorable way
Zamir Noded HaZamir, tificates to local restaurants. Mr. Coopers appearance also will mark to showcase our new initiative. It demon-
the international Jewish By law, no chips will be exchanged for cash, and the launch of the JCCs new Patron of the strates our commitment to taking high-
high school choir. At
attendees must be at least 21 years old. For infor- Arts program, which will provide sub- level programming to new heights.
Jazz at Lincoln Centers
Frederick Rose Hall, mation, call (201) 833-1322 or go to www.emeth. scribers with access to cultural arts at the To buy tickets, go to
3 p.m. Broadway and org. JCC in new and innovative ways through cooper, call Nina Bachrach at (201) 408-
60th Street in Manhattan. performances, films, art exhibitions, and 1406, or email
(212) 721-6500,, or
Travel to Canada
Singles with NCJW tour
Wednesday The Jersey Hills section of the National Council of
MAY 24 Jewish Women is sponsoring a five day/four night
trip to Montreal and Quebec City. The trip will
Seniors meet in leave from Fair Lawn on July 17 and return there
Orangeburg: Singles
65+ from the JCC on July 21.
Rockland meets for Highlights include guided tours of Montreal,
dinner at Hogans Diner Old Montreal, Quebec City, and Old Quebec. Stops Rabbi Michael Rebbetzin Shani Rebbetzin
in Orangeburg, N.Y.,
include the Notre Dame Basilica, the Spanish and Rosenzweig Taragin Tziporah Heller
6 p.m. Individual checks.
17 Dutch Hill Road. Gene, Portuguese Synagogue of Montreal, and the Albert
(845) 356-5525. Gilles Copper Art Museum. There will also be a
boat cruise in the Quebec City area.
Reunited Jerusalem celebration
All taxes, meal gratuities, luggage handling, and Congregation Beth Aaron in Teaneck hosts at Midreshet Lindenbaum, Midreshet
transportation by motor coach are covered, and a a multimedia Yom Yerushalayim Torah Torah VAvodah, MaTaN, Migdal Oz,
souvenir gift will be given to each trip participant. exploration, celebrating the 50th anniver- Shaalvim for Women, Lander College,
For information, call Joan Donow at (201) sary of the reunification of Jerusalem, on and the Womens Beit Midrash in Efrat
796-0524. Sunday, May 21, at 6:15 p.m. Via video pre- and Ramat Shilo, Israel. Rabbi Michael
sentations made available by the OU, Reb- Rosenzweig is a rosh yeshiva at the Rabbi
betzins Shani Taragin and Tziporah Heller, Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary of
and Rabbi Michael Rosenzweig will offer Yeshiva University and the rosh kollel of
insights and perspectives, with sources the Beren Kollel Elyon. Tziporah Heller is
2017 provided. The theme of each presentation an author and teacher at Neve Yerusha-

is Why Yerushalayim Is Important to Us layim College, Jerusalem. Congregation
as Religious Jews. Beth Aaron is at 950 Queen Anne Road
Shani Taragin is an author and teacher in Teaneck.

for your favorite retailers and professionals

Announce your events
Enter for a chance to win great prizes We welcome announcements of upcoming events. Announcements are free. Accompanying photos
must be high resolution, jpg les. Send announcements 2 to 3 weeks in advance. Not every release will
be published. Include a daytime telephone number and send to:

Deadline for entries May 29 201-837-8818 x 110


Boys Town Jerusalem serves up Cookbook offers
chocolate cheesecake for holiday balanced meal ideas
Though a cheesecake had no place what- kitchen to whip up some more.
soever on her Persian-Israeli familys Sha- This Shavuot, Rachels chocolate cheese- Beth Janoff Chananie
vuot table, Rachel Cohen-Pur, registrar cake will be the star of the dessert menu at
and housemother at Boys Town Jerusalem, Boys Town. We pray for better, wonder- In Kosher Taste Plan Prepare Plate, a 304-page
has no qualms about breaking this tradi- fully joyous times for the Jewish people hardcover cookbook, Amy Stopnicki offers her best
tion. I prepare this chocolate cheesecake everywhere, she said. innovations from years of experience and combines
at Chanukah, and every holiday that fol- Boys Town Jerusalem is one of Israels them with her passion for creating balanced and beau-
lows, she said. Yet the real holiday starts premier institutions for educating the tiful meals. There are 100 simple-to-replicate recipes
when Rachel bakes this cheesecake for countrys next generation of leaders in the and more than 100 photos that bring those recipes to
her boys in the Boys Town Jerusalem fields of technology, commerce, educa- life. In addition, there are weekly menus with planning
dormitory on special occasions. The boys tion, the military, and public service. For tips and a Pesach index.
tell me that this chocolate cheesecake is more information, go to boystownjerusa- The recipes are very basic, with few steps, and include nice ingredient additions.
guaranteed to make life better, she added. Heres a recipe printed with permission from Kosher Tastes publisher, Feldheim
That, of course, gets me straight to the Publishers, for a perfect Shavuot (or anytime) quiche to eat for lunch, brunch, or even
a dinner party. Stopnicki even recommends making it in mini pie shells to serve at a
bridal shower. Anyway, enjoy!
1 3/4 cups sour cream
2 tablespoons powdered sugar
Mix the cocoa and sugar with the gra-
ham cracker crumbs and pecans. Add Ingredients:
the melted butter and mix until thor- 6 eggs
oughly combined. Using a spoon, press 1/2 cup milk
the crumbs onto the bottom and up 1 cup grated mozzarella cheese
the sides 3/4 of the way of a 10-inch 3 cups baby spinach, cleaned and
diameter pie pan. Bake at 350 degrees checked, chopped
for about 7 minutes. Cool slightly after 13 cup feta cheese
baking. 13 cup pine nuts
White chocolate Prepare a chocolate ganache by bring-
ing the whipping cream to a boil in a
salt and pepper to taste
1 ready-to-bake frozen deep-dish pie
cheesecake saucepan. Turn off the heat, add the shell
white chocolate pieces, and let them Spinach quiche
melt. Stir until the chocolate is com- Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a
1 1/4 cup graham cracker crumbs Dairy: serves 4-6
pletely melted. Refrigerate the ganache large mixing bowl, combine eggs,
2 tablespoons cocoa
until slightly cool. Mix the cheese, sugar, By Amy Stopnicki milk, cheese, spinach, feta cheese,
4 tablespoons sugar
eggs, and vanilla extract. Add the ga- This is a superb recipe to double, pine nuts, salt, and pepper. Pour
3/8 cup melted butter
nache. freeze, and have on hand for a busy mixture into frozen pie shell. Bake for
2/3 cup chopped roasted pecans
day. I try to have pie shells in my 35-45 minutes or until set. According
Filling: Gently pour the mixture into the crust. freezer on a regular basis so if I have to Stopnicki, Its especially nice when
1 1/3 cups cream cheese Bake at 330 degrees for around 60 some extra time and the filling ingre- served plated individually, with a
1 1/4 cups sour cream minutes. In the meantime, mix the sour dients, I can make a quiche or two for nice healthy salad, and a fresh crispy
1 cup sugar cream and powdered sugar for the top- the freezer. bread.
4 eggs ping. At the end of the baking, once the
1 1/3 cups white chocolate, chopped cake is firm, remove from the oven for
1/2 cup whipping cream 5 minutes. (If the cake rose, it may sink
vanilla extract a bit.) Spread topping and bake 5 more
minutes. Cool and serve.

Teens help Jewish Home residents mark Shavuot Englewood shul hosts
lunch and learn program
On May 9, teens from Valley
Chabads Linking Hearts pro- The Dor LDor group at Congregation Ahavath
gram visited residents at the Torah in Englewood offers a pre- Shavuot talk,
Jewish Home Assisted Liv- Mainstream Mysticism: The History of Stay-
ing in River Vale to decorate ing Up All Night on Shavuot, on Tuesday, May
flower vases and play games 23 at 12:30 p.m. The speaker is Rabbi Chaim
together. A Shavuot custom Poupko, the shuls associate rabbi. Deborah
is to decorate your home and Billig will demonstrate how to make a no-
synagogue with flowers, to bake cheesecake. The shul is at 240 Broad
recall the the way the desert Ave. Lunch reservations, (201) 568-1315 or Rabbi Chaim
at Mount Sinai was miracu- email Poupko
lously filled with flowers
when the Torah was given to
the Jewish people there.
Courtesy Chabad

Jewish Standard MAY 19, 2017 59

1 2

3 4

5 n 1 J.J. Goldberg, the Forwards editor-at- participants went to Ellis Island, the
large and senior commentator, left, and Brooklyn Bridge, the Lower East Side, and
Jonathan S. Tobin, contributing writer to the Technion.
National Review and former Commentary COURTESY JCC FORT LEE
Magazine and Jewish Exponent editor, right,
discussed Left vs. Right: The Battle For n 4 Sharon Elwin, 57, of Fort Lee, left, with
Israels Soul. Congregant Dr. Richard UJA-Federation of New Yorks Tamar Gibli in
Winters, center, was the moderator at the Jerusalems Western Wall Plaza. Ms. Elwin
event, at the JCC of Paramus/Congregation was among 50 New York-area baby
Beth Tikvah, funded by the Harold Lerman boomers who were visiting Israel for the first
Fund for Israel Education and Engagement. time, on UJA-Federation of New Yorks
SANDRA ALPERN centennial mission. The trip coincided with
Israels 69th Independence Day.
n 2 From left, Miriam Berman, Patty Borodach, COURTESY UJA-FEDERATION OF NEW YORK
Lamdeinus dean, Rachel Friedman, and Ruth
Hartstein celebrated at Lamdeinus annual n 5 The Jewish Federation of Northern New
Yom Haatzmaut celebration. The day included Jersey hosted a Tribute to Israel concert
tefillah, breakfast, lunch, shirah, live Israeli folk on May 1 at Temple Beth Rishon in Wyckoff.
music by guitarist Elana Greenspan, and The concert, in recognition of Yom
divrei Torah. Haatzmaut and Yom Hazikaron, included
COURTESY LAMDEINU nine cantors and musicians and choirs from
Beth Rishon, Temple Emanuel of the
n 3 Members of the JCC of Fort Lee/ Pascack Valley in Woodcliff Lake, Temple
Congregation Gesher Shalom went on a Beth Or in Washington Township, Beth
Jewish harbor cruise tour with Rabbi Ken Haverim Shir Shalom in Mahwah, and
Stern. Once a month, Rabbi Stern takes Temple Beth Sholom in Fair Lawn.
congregants on Jewish-related trips to such PHOTO PROVIDED
places as museums and exhibits. The 17
Pauline Bergman she was predeceased by wife, Charlotte, and a son, Predeceased by his wife, Arline, ne Lewis, Raymond Sussman
Pauline Bergman, ne her husband, Abraham, David, he is survived by siblings, Jack Lipschitz, sons, Joshua of Fort Raymond L. Sussman, 71,
Ciporin, 99, of Tamarac, in 2011 and is survived by children, Eric, and Lisa, Lillian Cohen, and Marilyn Lee, Michael of New of Fair Lawn, formerly of
Fla., formerly of Fair children, Gail and Bruce, a brother, Buddy, and a Horowitz, and a niece, York, and Abel of Nova Paterson and Elmwood
Lawn, died May 10. both of Florida, and grandson, Jeffrey. Sandi Merle, he is survived Scotia, and stepchildren, Park, died May 10.
Born in Russia, she Stephen of Wayne, three Donations can be by nephews, Norman Clifford Cohen and Before retiring, he was a
was predeceased by grandchildren, and one made to Camp Veritans/ Horowitz (Lois), Dr. David Cindy McCarthy, both of newspaper distributor for
her husband, Bernard, great-grandchild. Veritans Club or the Fair Lawrence ( Joan), and Len New Jersey. the Daily News and was
in 1987, and is survived Arrangements were by Lawn Jewish Center/CBl. Howard (Therese), and a Arrangements were by was an active member of
by children, Arthur Eden Memorial Chapels, Arrangements were by niece, Ellen Lipschitz. Eden Memorial Chapels, Gamblers Anonymous for
of Leonia and Beverly Fort Lee. Robert Schoems Menorah Arrangements were by Fort Lee. 42 years.
Joroff of Wayne, three Chapel, Paramus. Louis Suburban Chapel, He is survived by his
grandchildren, and one Norman Koch Fair Lawn. Anne Nussman wife of 21 years, Karen,
great-grandchild. Norman Koch, 91, of Fair Milton Lane Anne K. Nussman of children, Marsha Del
Arrangements were by Lawn died May 15. Milton A. Lane, 93, of Maxwell Lazarus Aventura, Fla., died Donna (Kenneth), Lauri
Eden Memorial Chapels, Born in Paterson, he Fair Lawn, formerly of Maxwell Lazarus, 89, of May 12. Rosenstein, and Jacquelin
Fort Lee. graduated New York Paterson, died May 11. Paramus, formerly of Fort A homemaker, she is Mancilla, all of Fair Lawn.
University, was an Army Before retiring, he Lee, died May 10. survived by a niece. and five grandchildren.
Doris Goldberg Air Corps World War II was the deputy police Born in Jersey City, he Arrangements were Donations can be made to
Doris Goldberg, ne veteran, and a partner chief of Paterson and a was a Korean War Army by Gutterman Musicant the South Orange chapter
Soskin, 94, of Palm Beach in the insurance agency former member of Temple veteran, former Fort Lee Funeral Directors, of Gamblers Anonymous.
Gardens, Fla., died Harelick, Dresner, Emanuel in Paterson and Councilman, and a self- Hackensack. Arrangements were by
May 10. Koch, Co. the Police Benevolent employed printer. Louis Suburban Chapel,
Born in New York City, Predeceased by his Association in Paterson. He is survived by his Fair Lawn.

Robert Schoems Menorah Chapel, Inc

Obituaries are prepared with information provided by funeral homes. Jewish Funeral Directors
Correcting errors is the responsibility of the funeral home. Family Owned & managed
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ADL: Syrias reported use of crematorium Gary Schoem Manager - NJ Lic. 3811
Conveniently Located
invokes worst nightmares of Nazi atrocities W-150 Route 4 East Paramus, NJ 07652
201.843.9090 1.800.426.5869
The head of the Anti-Defamation League drew parallels The nations of the world including first and foremost
between Syrias alleged use of a crematorium to dispose Russia, which continues to aid and abet Assads brutality
of bodies to actions committed by the Nazis during the must act to put an end to the inhumane actions of the
Holocaust. Syrian government.
Jonathan Greenblatt, the groups national director, The United States said it believes the Syrian government
also called on the international community, including built a crematorium to cover up the killing of as many as Established 1902
Russia, to take action to stop the violence perpetuated 50 detainees a day at a prison north of Damascus.
by the Syrian government under the leadership of Presi- Although the regimes many atrocities are well-docu- Headstones, Duplicate Markers and Cemetery Lettering
dent Bashar Assad. mented, we believe the building of a crematorium is an With Personalized and Top Quality Service
As Jews, we are particularly shocked by the extreme effort to cover up the extent of mass atrocities taking place Please call 1-800-675-5624
brutality of the Syrian regime, which invokes the worst in Saydnaya prison, said Stuart Jones, acting assistant sec-
nightmares of Nazi atrocities against the Jewish people, retary for the State Departments Bureau of Near Eastern
Greenblatt said in a statement. The world learned from Affairs, according to CNN. 76 Johnson Ave., Hackensack, NJ 07601
the twentieth century that it did not do enough to stop Jones added: We are appalled by the atrocities taking
the crimes of the Nazis which led to the genocide of six place in Syria with the seemingly unconditional sup-
million Jews. port of Russia. JTA WIRE SERVICE We continue to be Jewish family managed,
knowing that caring people provide caring service.
Israeli and Italian cyclists pay tribute GUTTERMAN AND MUSICANT
to champ who saved Jews during the Holocaust JEWISH FUNERAL DIRECTORS
ROME Italian and Israeli cyclists are paying tribute this nearly 120 miles, from Florence to Assisi. The previous
week to Gino Bartali, an Italian cycling champion who day they joined city officials and Jewish representatives at WIEN & WIEN, INC. MEMORIAL CHAPELS
saved hundreds of Jews during the Holocaust and in 2013 a commemorative ceremony in Florence. 800-322-0533
was recognized as a Righteous Among the Nations. Italys annual Giro dItalia cycling race, which marks 402 Park Street, Hackensack, New Jersey 07601
Bartali, who died in 2000, smuggled in his bicycle its 100th edition this year, will start the days ride on
frame Resistance messages and false documents for Jews Wednesday in front of a cycling museum dedicated to ALAN L. MUSICANT, Mgr., N.J. Lic. No. 2890
when riding through central Italy, supposedly as part of Bartali in his birthplace, Ponte a Ema, on the outskirts MARTIN D. KASDAN, N.J. Lic. No. 4482
his training schedule. of Florence. Advance Planning Conferences Conveniently Arranged
For the second consecutive year, members of the Israel Bartali was a three-time winner of the Giro dItalia, one at the Funeral Home or in Your Own Home
Cycling Academy, Israelis first professional cycling team, of cyclings Grand Tour races, following a route in stages
retraced one of Bartalis routes the 190 kilometers, or around the country. JTA WIRE SERVICE


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A clean-meat revolution is cooking in Israel Foundation (MAF) with sponsors including the U.S.-
based Good Food Institute, Future Meating was the
Global researchers, NGOs and industry leaders gather in Haifa first international conference to attract such a broad
to strategize mass production and learn about Israeli advances spectrum, MAF Director Yaron Bogin said.
Even large meat processors Tyson Foods (US) and
Israel21c Staff only if its affordable. Soglowek Food Group (Israel) were represented due
Strategies to reach this goal were discussed at a gather- to their interest in expanding their lineup of more
Would you pay $1,000 for a meatball? How about $18,000 ing in Israel of top-tier researchers, government officials, humane and earth-friendly sources of animal protein.
per pound of ground beef? NGOs and leaders of the cultured and conventional meat It was not coincidental that this gathering took place
Thats the cost of todays prototype cultured meat (also industries from Israel, North America and Europe earlier in Israel, the home of tissue engineering advances,
called clean meat) produced in bioreactors from ani- this month. innovative entrepreneurship, and the worlds largest
mal cells. Real meat made without slaughter and without Held at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology per-capita population of vegans.
fast-dwindling pastureland will make it to the dinner table in Haifa by the Israeli nonprofit Modern Agriculture Israel is truly becoming leader in the field, says
Bogin, who has a doctorate in cell biology.
He points out that three of the six clean-meat start-
ups in the world are Israeli: SuperMeat, established
in 2015; Future Meat Technologies, founded this year;
and a brand-new venture soon to be named.
These three join Memphis Meats of California, Mod-

ern Meadow of New York, and Mosa Meat, the Dutch
company working to bring clean-meat pioneer Mark
Posts so-called test-tube burgers to market. Post spoke
at the Israeli conference as well.

Amir Zaidman, vice president for business develop-
ment at the Strauss Groups Kitchen FoodTech Hub in
Ashdod a sponsor of Future Meating notes that
Israel is already a world leader in stem-cell and tissue-
culture science for medical purposes.

a little
A lot of the knowledge accumulated in Israel in
those areas is applicable, with some adaptations, to
developing and manufacturing clean meat, Zaid-

man says.
This is why I believe Israel is a very good place to
get a head start on creating clean-meat tissues that can
later be produced in reactors and become a large-scale
industry, Zaidman says.
The first markets will probably be the United States
and Europe but its important for us to position Israel
as the right place to start product development.
Senior Scientist Liz Specht of the nonprofit Good
Food Institute says that Israel has the right mix of
governmental support of technology and innovation,
active research in cultured meat, and an openness to
conventional meat alternatives.
This conference was pretty unique in bringing in
a range of interested parties, from government play-
ers to stem-cell companies, says Sprecht. How fast
the path will be to commercialization depends on how
much financial and human capital goes into this space.
Its a relatively early-stage field and there are opportu-
nities for companies to step in and realize some com-
mercial benefit.
Spring is a time for new beginnings... The MAF aims to accelerate that pathway by advanc-
ing scientific research and commercial collaborations
When youre ready to move, were ready to help! to develop clean-meat technologies and products,
as well as educating the public and liaising with the
clean-meat community worldwide.
SuperMeat CEO and cofounder Ido Savir says that
samples of organically cultured chicken meat could be
introduced by this time next year.
Recently Sold by in your Area! We are working at a private facility in Haifa with a
team of experts from the large-scale pharma produc-
tion field, Savir says. Were closing an investment
272 Cherry Lane, Teaneck 665 Northumberland Rd, Teaneck 661 Sunderland Rd, Teaneck round with players from abroad and Israel, in the
306 Willow St, Teaneck 294 Ridge St, New Milford 21 Regent St, Bergenfield food-tech and conventional meat industries.
39 Rector Ct, Bergenfield 136 Highgate Ter, Bergenfield 659 Ogden Ave, Teaneck
From $650 down to $11 per pound
197 Griggs Ave, Teaneck 529 W Englewood Ave, Teaneck 111 N Prospect Ave, Bergenfield
Hebrew University of Jerusalem Professor Yaakov Nah-
265 Briarcliffe Rd, Teaneck 1271 Alica Ave, Teaneck mias is raising $1.5 million for Future Meat Technolo-
gies. His predicts that his proprietary method for cul-
1401 Palisade Avenue, Teaneck NJ 201.692.3700 turing chicken could yield tastings within 18 months
1401 Palisade Avenue, Teaneck NJ 201.692.3700 and a working model in three years.

64 Jewish Standard MAY 19, 2017

Real Estate & Business

Getting into the market will then be the next step, meat as a farm with 50,000 chickens. Based on our Other Israeli speakers at Future Meating were Pro-
maybe five or six years down the line, says Nahmias, calculations, we can drop the price to $11 per pound. fessor Smadar Cohen of Ben-Gurion University, Strauss
a biomedical engineer and entrepreneur. Professor Shulamit Levenberg, a biomedical engi- Group VP of Technology Professor Eyal Shimoni, Tech-
Right now, cultured meat is too costly to produce neer doing interdisciplinary research on stem cells nion Professor Yoav Livney, Tel Aviv University Pro-
and the current technology can never produce meat and tissue engineering at the Technion, told attendees fessor Amit Gefen, Ohad Karnieli of ATVIO Biotech in
for less than $650 per pound, Nahmias says. about the possibility of using her labs skeletal-muscle Nesher, and Michal Amit of Accellta, a company spun
Rather than large bioreactors, FTM is developing a tissue engineering expertise to culture a piece of meat out of her research at the Technions Stem Cell Center.
small machine to culture chicken meat. A factory that using bovine cells and edible scaffolds that will mimic 
has 10,000 of these machines could generate as much the tissue structure and mouth feel of beef.


announces 2017
recipients of the
Bonei Zion Prize Advantage Plus
601 S. Federal Hwy
Seven will receive honor RESIDENTS Boca Raton, FL 33432
SERVING BOCA RATON, Elly & Ed Lepselter
as English-speaking olim DELRAY AND BOYNTON BEACH
(561) 302-9374
who contributed to Israel AND SURROUNDING AREAS


JERUSALEM Seven olim (immigrants to Israel) from
English-speaking countries have been awarded the
SPECIALIZING IN ACTIVE ADULT, COUNTRY CLUB Beautifully renovated 4 bedroom, 3 bath colonial has brand new 2nd floor, new


roof, heat & A/C, updated electric & plumbing, granite kitchen w/lots of cabinets
& island, 1st floor bedroom/office & bath, hardwood floors,
2017 Sylvan Adams Nefesh BNefesh Bonei Zion Prize, finished basement, great neighborhood.
recognizing Anglos who have made a major contribu-
tion to the State of Israel. Orna Jackson, Sales Associate 201-376-1389
768-6868 666-0777 568-1818 894-1234 871-0800
The honorees include: Professor Benjamin W.
Corn, Head of the Institute of Radiotherapy at Ichilov TM

Hospital in the field of Science and Medicine; Beth

Steinberg, director and co-founder of Shutaf Inclu-
sion Programs and artistic director and co-founder of
266 BROAD AVE, ENGLEWOOD $1,075,000
Theater in the Rough in the field of Community and
Exquisite 5 BR, 3 full baths t TEANECK t
Non-Profit; Rabbi Chaim Brovender, founder and rosh CH Colonial on about 1/2 acre
yeshiva of in the field of Education; in move-in condition & prime
EH location! Features: State-
Professor Gerald Steinberg, president of NGO Monitor of-the Art Eat-in kitchen &
and professor of Political Studies at Bar Ilan Univer- separate dining., 2 fireplaces,
3 gorgeous new baths,
sity in the field of Israel Advocacy; and Yoram Raanan, hardwood floors throughout,
contemporary Jewish artist in the field of Culture, Art det. garage/sep. finished
room/w separate entrance
and Sports. on 2. Floor. Everything in
The Lifetime Achievement Awards were bestowed this home was renovated to the highest standard & all the beautiful original
millwork restored. Close to NY transport, downtown and houses of worship.
upon Professor Alice Shalvi for decades of inspiring Hurry wont last!
contributions in shaping the status of women in Israel Sara 647-7799 Barbara (201) 280-7653
through education and advocacy and Professor Eliezer ALPINE/CLOSTER
Jaffe for his accomplishments in nonprofit and phil- Orna Jackson, Sales Associate 201-376-1389
768-6868 666-0777 568-1818 894-1234 871-0800
anthropic giving, raising awareness and support for
Israeli citizens in need.
In addition, the Young Leadership Prize has been
awarded to Capt. Libby Weiss, head of the Social Charm Col. Sunlit LR, DR, Mod Kit/Grnt Cntrs + Skylit Bkfst Rm. 4
Media Department in the IDF Spokespersons Unit and SUN MAY 21, 1-4 PM TENAFLY BRs, 2.5 Bths incl Skylit Mstr Suite/Skylit Bth + W-I Closet. 2 Car
to Scott Neiss, founder and executive director of the Gar. 369,900
Israel Lacrosse Association.
60 Edgewood Street Updated Contemp. 4 BRs, 3.5 Baths incl Super Mstr Suite, Grnit
This years prizes are sponsored by Sylvan Adams New listing! Prime E. Hill Isle Kit. Fin Bsmt/Summer Kit. $459,900
location in highly desirable Superb Cond Beautifully Updated Col. 4 BRs (incl 1 on 1st Flr), 3
and will be awarded at an official ceremony in the
town with top schools. Bths. Fin 3rd Flr & Fin Bsmt. Whole House Generator, C/A/C, 4 Zone
Knesset in June. Adams, a Nefesh BNefesh oleh and Convenient commute, close Gas Heat. 2 Car Gar. $599,000
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oping the State of Israel and is dedicated to showcasing
the impact and achievement of Israelis to the world,
Pkwy. Pretty, park-like
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viewing the Bonei Zion Prize as an integral piece of
this mission.
Curious what your home is worth in
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Jewish Standard MAY 19, 2017 65
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Jewish Standard MAY 19, 2017 67

Shavuos Made
CH-EASY at Cedar Market
Place your orders!
Family Size Available Family Size Available
__Mac 'N Cheese Dairy __Eggplant in Marinara Sauce
__Baked Ziti Dairy __Mac N Cheese Balls Dairy __Tuna Croquettes Parve
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__Penne Ala Vodka Dairy __Noodle Pudding Dairy
__Lasagna Dairy __Zucchini Sticks Parve
__Sweet Potato Pudding Parve
__Eggplant Parmesan Dairy
__Low Fat Eggplant Parmesan Dairy READY TO EAT
Family Size Available
QUICHES 4 pack
__Pasta Primavera Parve
__Linguini in Garlic Sauce Par
6 & 9 Available
__Cheese Blintzes __Tuna Pasta Parve
__Spinach Quiche __Mushroom Qu
iche __Blueberry Cheese Bl __Grilled Vegetables Parve
in tz es
__Broccoli Quiche __Cherry Cheese Bl __Broccoli & Garlic Sauce Par
__Chocolate Cheese Bl
PIZZA 8 oz
__Herring in Cream Sauce Dairy __Matjas in Wine Sauce __Pickled Lox in Cream
__Regular 10 & 15 __Homemade __Herring in Cream Sauce Parve Parve Sauce Dairy
__Whole Wheat Mini Pizzas __Jalapeno Herring in Cream __Matjas with Lox & Olives __Red Onion & Scallion
__Vegetable __Pizza Bagels Sauce Parve Parve Pickled Lox Parve
__Spinach __Stiglitz Herring Parve __Matjas with Jalapeno __Herring & Lox in
__Gluten Free __Schmaltz Herring Parve Parve Cream Sauce Parve
__Matjas Herring in Oil Parve __Pickled Lox Parve __Spicy Herring Parve



__Butter Cookies __12 Cheese Cakes __Cheese Cake Sugar Free __Mini Butter Muffins
__Butter Loaf Caramel, Chocolate Plain & Marble __Mini Cheese Bobka
__Cannoli __8 Farmer Cheese Cakes __Cheese Pockets __Mini Cheese Danish
__Cheese Bites __5 Round Cheese Cakes __Florets __Mini Flaky Cheese Danish
Chocolate & Cinnamon Caramel, Chocolate, Vanilla, __Long NY Cheese Cakes __My Grandmas Cheesecake
__Cheese Buns Strawberry, Blueberry Caramel, Chocolate, Vanilla, __Round Bobka Dairy
__Caramel Cheese Puffs __9 Round Cheese Cakes Strawberry, Blueberry __Small Square Marble Cheese
__Cheese Lollypops Caramel, Chocolate, Vanilla, __Marble Loaf __Tiramisu Dairy
__Cheese Kreplach Strawberry, Blueberry __Mini 2 Caramel Cheese Cakes (Miniatures, Singles & 12 pack)

Please place your orders by Friday May 26th, 2017

Send orders to
Orders will be available Tuesday May 30 after 9am
For questions, please call 201.855.8500 and ask for Yehuda

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