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Salient Features of Republic Act No.

"Environmental Planning Act of 2013 and
Scope of Practice of Environmental
Planning (EnPs) and Qualification
Requirements for Licensure Examination


Urban & Regional/Environmental Planner
Malaybalay City, Bukidnon
Philippine Institute of Environmental Planners (PIEP)
UP-SURP, Diliman, Quezon City
Urban Planner
Project Engagements (1):
Helipad Site Development Planning, New Tribes
Missions Aviation, Malaybalay City

Master Development Plan for Water Park of the

Malaybalay City Water District.

Malaybalay City Local Shelter Plan, City Government of

Project Engagements (2):
Initial Site Evaluation and Proposed Environmental
Management Plan (EMP) for National Housing Authority
and PineVille Subdivision at KM 4, Malaybalay City.

Site development plan for socialized housing of the City

Government of Malaybalay in San Jose, Malaybalay City

Site development plan for socialized housing of the City

Government of Malaybalay in San Martin, Malaybalay
Environmental Planning in the
Philippines (internationally known as
urban and regional planning)
R.A. 10587,otherwise known as
Environmental Planning Act of 2013
Declaration of Policy -
The State recognizes the importance of environmental
planning in:
nation-building and development.
it shall develop and nurture competent, virtuous,
productive, and well-rounded professional planners,
whose standards of practice and service shall be
excellent, world-class, and globally competitive
through honest, effective, relevant, and credible
licensure examinations and through regulatory
programs, measures, and activities that foster their
professional growth, social responsibility, and
development (R.A. 10587, section 2.)
Definition of Terms
Environmental Planning, also known as
urban and regional planning, city planning, town and country
and/or human settlements planning,
refers to the multi-disciplinary art of science of analyzing, specifying,
clarifying, harmonizing, managing, and regulating the use
and development of land and water resources, in relation to their
environs, for the development of sustainable communities and
Environmental Planner (EnP) refers to a person who is registered and
licensed to practice environmental planning and who holds a valid
Certificate of Registration and a valid Professional Identification Card
from the Professional Regulation Commission.
Accredited Professional Organization (APO) refers to the duly
integrated and accredited professional organization of registered and
licensed environmental planners (the Philippine Institute of
Environmental Planners, PIEP at UP Diliman, SURP)
Scope of Practice of EnPs (1)
a. Providing professional services in the form of technical
consultation, rendering of technical advice, plan preparation,
capacity building, and monitoring and evaluation of
implementation, involving the following:

National, regional and local government and/or physical framework,

and comprehensive land use plans;
Zoning and related ordinances, codes and other legal issuances for
the development and management, preservation, conservation,
rehabilitation, regulation, and control of the environment, including
all land, water, air, and natural resources;
Planning and development of a barangay, municipality, city,
province, region or any portion or combination thereof; and
Development of site for a particular need or purpose, such as
economic or ecological zones; tourism development zone; and
housing and other estate development projects, including the
creation of any other spatial arrangement of buildings, utilities,
transport, and communications.
Scope of Practice of EnPs (2)
b. In relation to any of the following activities enumarated in
paragraph (a), preparing the following studies:

Pre-feasibility, feasibility study and other related concerns;

Environmental assessments; and
Institutional, administrative or legal systems.

c. Developing the curriculum and syllabi for the licensure

examinations for environmental planning, teaching in academic
institutions, and conducting review courses in environmental

d. Serving as expert witness, resource person, lecturer, juror or

arbitrator in hearings, competitions, exhibitions and other
public fora; conducting hearings, competitions, exhibits and
other public fora;
Scope of Practice of EnPs (3)
e. Ensuring compliance with environmental laws, including the
acquisition of regulatory permits; and

f. Performing other acts or conducting other activities that may be

determined by the Board of EnP, subject to approval of the
Commission, in light of the trends in the practice of the

The Board of EnP, subject to approval of the Commission, may add to

or exclude from this section, any activity or act of professional
practice, or revise it, as the need arises, to conform to the
developments and advancements in the practice of the
environmental planning profession.
Licensure Examination & Registration
Registration Required Upon the effectivity of R.A. No. 10587, no
person shall practice or offer to practice environmental planning in the
Philippines, without having obtained from the EnP Board and the
Commission, a Certificate of Registration and a Professional
Identification Card of a Special Temporary Permit.

Examination Required Unless provided otherwise under R.A.

10587, all applicants for registration for the practice of environmental
planning shall be required to pass the professional licensure
The Licensure Examination (1)
Subjects of Examination the licensure examination for
environmental planners shall include, but not be limited to, the

a. History, Concepts, Theories, and Principles of Environmental

1. Environment, Planning and Environmental Planning: definition,
nature, elements of the environment; history and foundation of
planning and environmental planning; concepts, goals, nature,
classification, theories of planning and environmental planning;
training, roles and advocates of environmental planners;
2. Cities, City Planning and Development: origin, development,
planning of cities; city growth, urbanization, ecological processes,
location; urban/city planning concepts, theories, principles;
concepts and principles of new paradigms and visions in city
planning; and
The Licensure Examination (2)
3. Regions, Regional Planning and Development: concepts, nature and
classification of regions, regional delineation/centers;
objectives/rationale of regional planning; policies, principles and
strategies in regional planning and development.

b. Environmental Planning Processes, Methods/Techniques and


1. Planning Information and Management: mandated plans at different

geographic levels; research for planning; map interpretation and
spatial analysis; population data analysis and projection;
2. Development Planning: concepts and processes involved in the
preparation of the Comprehensive development plan; tools and
techniques for sectoral and intersectoral planning analyses;
The Licensure Examination (3)
3. Land Use Planning: concepts, principles and processes involved in
land use planning; demand and supply of land; spatial strategies;
land use control; and
4. Area Development Planning: concepts, principles and processes
involved in site development planning and management

c. Environmental Plan Implementation, Legal Aspects, and


1. Legal Foundations of Environmental Planning: key/milestone laws,

rules and regulations at national and sub-national levels;
2. Program/Project Development, Management, and Implementation:
principles/methods/instrument in the design, appraisal,
performance and results-based monitoring and evaluation;
The Licensure Examination (4)
3. Planning Administration and Professional Practice: major public
sector reform measures relating to good governance, and Code of
Ethics; and
4. Public Sector Management: budgeting, financing government
projects; procurement processes, analysis/evaluation of proposals
for public/private sector participation.

These subjects areas and syllabi shall include topics and sub-topics, in
accordance with the syllabi and Tables of Specifications of subjects for
the licensure examinations prepared by the Board, in consultation with
the academe and the APO. These subjects areas and syllabi may be
revised, as the need arises, to conform to changes and new
developments brought about by trends in the practice of environmental
Weights of EnP Exam Sections as a
result of Syllabus Revision in 2005

A. History, Concepts, Theories and Principles of Environmental 20


B. Environmental Planning Processes, Methods and Strategies 45

C. Environmental Plan Implementation and Legal Aspects 35

To pass, an examinee must obtain a weighted average of no

less than 70% and a rating of no less than 50% in any
examination subject.
Qualifications for Taking the
Examination (1)
Any person applying to take the licensure examination shall establish to
the satisfaction of the Board that he/she has the following qualifications:

a. A citizen of the Philippines or a citizen of a foreign country or state

which has policy on reciprocity for the practice of the profession;
b. A holder of any of the following degrees from schools, colleges or
universities duly approved by the CHED:
1. A Graduate Degree in Environmental Planning, Urban and
Regional Planning, City Planning, Town and Country Planning
and/or Human Settlements Planning or its equivalent;
2. A Post-graduate diploma in Environmental Planning, Urban
and Regional Planning, City Planning, Town and Country
Planning and/or Human Settlements Planning or its equivalent,
and with at least one (1) year of on-the-job training, as required
under R.A. 10587.
Qualifications for Taking the
Examination (2)
3. Bachelors Degree in Environmental Planning, Urban and Regional
Planning, City Planning, Town and Country Planning and/or Human
Settlements Planning or its equivalent, and with at least two (2) year
of on-the-job training, as required under R.A. 10587.
4. A Masters or Doctorate Degree in either Architecture, Engineering,
Ecology, Economics, Geography, Geology, Public Administration,
Business Administration, Sociology, Social Science, Law,
Environmental Science, Environmental Management, Development
Management, Natural Resources Planning and Development, or
other related disciplines acceptable to the Board, and with three (3)
years on-the-job training, as required under R.A. 10587: Provided,
that a person falling under this paragraph shall be allowed to take
the licensure examination only within the next five (5) years from
the effectivity of R.A. No. 10587.
Qualifications for Taking the
Examination (3)
5. Bachelors Degree in either Architecture, Engineering, Economics,
Public Administration, Law, Social Work and Community
Development or Sociology or other related disciplines acceptable to
the Board, and with five (5) years of on-the-job training, as required
under R.A. 10587: Provided, that a person falling under this
paragraph shall be allowed to take the licensure examination only
within the next five (5) years from the effectivity of R.A. No. 10857

The on-the-job training required in this Section shall be undertaken

under the supervision of a registered and licensed environmental
planner or the applicants immediate supervisor, in an agency or
organization engaged or involved in environmental planning functions
or programs, as may be determined by the Board.
Qualifications for Taking the
Examination (4)
Incumbent holders of planning positions in the national, regional or
local government offices or agencies, including government-owned and
controlled corporations, and have been engaged in development
planning functions, acceptable to the Board, shall be qualified to take
the licensure examination: Provided, that they are holders of
professional civil service professional eligibility, and have undergone at
least eighty (80) hours of in-service training or distance learning in
development planning from a government agency, school or institution
recognized by proper authorities: Provided further, that a person falling
under this paragraph may be allowed to take the licensure examination
only within the next five (5) years after the effectivity of R.A. No. 10587.

c. Of good moral character; and

d. Not convicted of an offense involving moral turpitude by a court of

competent jurisdiction.
Enforcement and Penal Provisions (1)

Enforcement by Government Officials and Officers of the Law

(Section 37)

It shall be the duty of the Commission, the Board, all government

officials and duly constituted law officers of the national, provincial, city
or municipal government to enforce the provisions of R.A. No. 10587
and its IRR, and to cause prosecution of any person violating the same.
Enforcement and Penal Provisions (2)
Positions in Government with Environmental Planning Functions
(Section 38)

The CSC shall set qualification standards for environmental planners at

various levels in government serviceAfter the lapsed of five (5)
years from the effectivity of R.A. 10587, only licensed environmental
planners shall be appointed to the position of heads and assistant
heads of groups, departments, divisions in government offices,
agencies, bureaus or instrumentalities thereof and such other
positions which require the knowledge, skills and competence and
qualifications of registered and licensed EnPs. Appointments made
thereafter in violation hereof shall be considered null and void.
Transitory Provisions
Transitory Provisions (Section 41)

Within a period of three (3) years from the effectivity of R.A. No. 10587,
local government units may continue to issue appointments to persons
who are not registered EnPs for the positions of national or local
planning and development coordinators, or chiefs of local planning and
development offices, only on a temporary status or acting capacity.
PRC Bibliography
Books Journal, Documents
Asian Development Bank. Project Quality: An Agenda for Action: Proceedings
of the Regional Workshop on Improving Project Quality (1994)
Babbie, Earl. The Basics of Social Research (2002)
Barker, Judy L. Evaluating the Impact of Development Projects on Poverty: A
Handbook for Practitioners (2000)
Bayne, Patricia. Generating Alternatives, a Neglected Dimension in Planning
Theory. Town Planning Review, Vol. 66, No.3 (1995)
Chapin, F. Stuart, Jr. Urban Land Use Planning (1972)
Davis, Kenneth P. Land Use (1976)
Department of Energy and Natural Resources (DENR)
Department of Energy and Natural Resources (DENR)
A Sourcebook of Sustainable Development Indicators: Integrated
Environmental Management (IEMSD) Programme, 1988
IEMSD Programme Sustainable Development Series (1997)
Gabriel, Roth. The Private Provision of Public Services in Developing
Countries (1987)
Gallion, Arthur B. and S. Eisner. The Urban Pattern, City Planning and Design
Greed, Clara. Introducing town Planning (1992)
Greenberg, Broadman and Vining Weimer. Cost-Benefit Analysis: Concepts
and Practice (1998)
PRC Bibliography
Books Journal, Documents
Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board (HLURB)
Guidelines for the Formulation/Revision of Comprehensive Land Use Plan 1997 (10 volumes)
National Urban Development and Housing Framework (1993-1998)
Town Planning Guidelines (10 volumes) Interagency Committee on Local Planning Program. Guidelines for
the Formulation of Provincial Physical Framework Plan (1991)
Kaiser, Edward J., David R. Godschalk, F. Stuart Chapin Jr. Urban Land Use Planning
Livermash, R (ed). Valuing the Global Environment: Actions and Investment for 21st
Century (1998)
Lovejoy, Dereck, ed. Land Use and Landscape Planning (1973) Lynch, Kevin. Site
Planning (1972)
Lyon, John G. and Jack MacCarthy. Wetland Environmental Applications of GIS (1995)
McGee, T.G. The Urbanization Process: Third World Explanations in Search of Theory
McHarg, Ian. Design with Nature (1979)
Mumford, Lewis. The City in History: Its Origin, Its Transformation and Its Prospects
National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA)
Guidebook on Municipal Comprehensive Land Use Planning
Project Development Manual, 1984
PRC Bibliography
Books Journal, Documents
Oposa, Antonio A. Jr. A Legal Arsenal for the Philippine Environment (2002)
Philippine Council for Sustainable Development. Philippine Agenda 21: A
National Agenda for Sustainable Development (1997)
Sample, V. Alaric (ed). Remote Sensing and GIS in Ecosystem Management
Selman, P. Environmental Planning: The Conservation and Development of
Biophysical Resources (2000)
Stein, Jay M. ed. Classic Readings in Urban Planning (1995)
The World Bank. Expanding the Measure of Wealth: Indicators of
Environmentally Sustainable Development: Environmentally Sustainable
Development Studies & Monographs Series No. 17 (1997)
Titenberg, Tom. Environmental Economics and Policies (1998)
Titenberg, Tom. Environment and Nature Resources Economics (1998)
UN World Commission on Environment and Development. Our Common
Future (1987)
Valdez, Joseph and Michael Bamberger. Monitoring and Evaluating Social
Programs in Developing Countries: A Handbook for Policy Makers,
Managers and Researchers (1994)
Republic Acts
RA 4726 - Defining Condominium & Establishing Requirements for
RA 6552 - Providing Protection to Buyers of Real Estate in Installment
RA 6657 - Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law
RA 7076 - Peoples Small Scale Mining Act
RA 7279 - Urban Development and Housing Act
RA 7586 - National Integrated Protected Areas System
RA 7835 - Comprehensive & Integrated Shelter Financing Act of 1994
Republic Acts
RA 8371 - Indigenous Peoples Rights Act
RA 8435 - Agriculture & Fisheries Modernization Act
RA 8550 - Fisheries Code of 1998
RA 8749 - Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999
RA 8981 - PRC Modernization Law
RA 9003 - Solid Waste Management Act
RA 9275 - Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004
EO 71 - Devolving Powers of HLURB to Approve Subdivision Plans
to Cities and Municipalities
EO 72 - Comprehensive Land Use Plan of LGUs
EO 90 - Creating the Housing & Urban Development Coordinating
EO 214 - Land Conversion in Industrial Zones & Econ-tourism Sites
EO 648 - Reorganizing the Human Settlements Regulatory
PD 953 - Requiring Planting of Trees in Certain Places
PD 957 - Subdivision & Condominium Buyers Protective Decree
PD 1216 - Defining Open Spaces in residential Subdivisions
PD 1308 - Regulating the Practice of Environmental Planning in the
PD 1344 - Empowering NHA to Issue Writ of Executive & Enforcement
Under PD 957
PD 1516 - Urban Land Reform Law
PD 1586 - Environment Impact Assessment System
BP 220 - Standards & Technical Requirements for Economic &
Sociological Housing Projects Places

DAR AO 20 - Guidelines on Agriculture Land Conversion
Thank you very much, future
Environmental Planners!

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