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Character Description
Describe the character in a short paragraph.
Riley is the main character. She has light brown hair and
light brown eyes. She is a lucky go happy kind of person
but she changes throught the play and turns into a kind of
serious person.
Character Development
1. What happened to the character before the events of the play?
Raised in a poor family for all her life.
2. What does the character want, and what does he/she do to achieve it?
She wants to open a quiet little book store.
3. Who is the character allied to? Opposed to? Explain. She is allied to her family. And she is
enemies to London, Arden, Jackson, and Mordecai.

4. What are the characters beliefs? List as many as you think are important. She believes you
are to work for evey thing you want in life.

5. How do other characters feel about the character?

They are inspired by her and they laugh because she is funny, and they feel protective over her.
6. Describe the characters change during the course of the show.
At the beginning of the musical she is happy and care free though out the play she turns more
serious and not as care free
Character Analysis
1. Describe the external traits of the character.
She has brown hair, brown eyes, and she is child-looking
2. Describe the internal traits of the character.
She is inspiring, helpful, encouraging.

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