How To Change Your Life in 4 Weeks

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]Blogger Svetlana Pokrevskaya makes a bold promise to all those who carry out her

plan: in just one month's time, you won't recognise yourself.

As she explains, "Recently I received a letter from one of my readers. 'Hi, Svetlana! I
want to change my life based on your lifestyle!'
Wow. I began to wonder do I actually have a specific "lifestyle"? Well, it seems I have!
And straight away I wanted to put it into words, setting it out logically point by point. And
it actually turns out to be ridiculously simple. I ended up putting it into four sections
one a week. That's just one month of independent work in order to change your life for
the better!
So, for every week there's a plan made up of three tasks, which you need to incorporate
into your life and keep doing for the rest of the month. Ideally, you should continue doing
them even after this, but that's for you to decide.

Week 1: Purifying your mind and body

1. An early start, around 6 am. This is when you'll find the time for yourself which
you never have enough of during the day. You'll find it to be a period of peace and
quiet, when you'll be able to sort out various things which you need to do without
being distracted, because everyone else is still asleep. This an ideal time for
morning exercises, which will help prepare you for living the upcoming day to the
max. Feeling lazy and a reluctance to get out of bed early really aren't an indication
that you are tired. In my opinion, this shows that you don't really want to live your
own life. What's the point in getting out of bed, when it'll just be the same
depressing weather, the subway, traffic, work...But what if, instead of this mentality,
you realised another great day is coming up, and your first thought when you woke
up was 'roll on the morning!'? Admit it if you felt like this, getting up early would
hardly be a problem. This is just simple logic. If you're living life to the full, you'll
want to jump out of bed. Or viewed the other way round if you jump out of bed in
the morning, life will begin to burn more brightly!
2. Better nutrition. The upcoming changes will demand a tremendous amount of
energy from you. Most likely, you're currently using up most of your energy on
keeping your body functioning in the face of the effects of alcohol, cigarettes, and
heavy, fatty or otherwise unhealthy food. Each of us has our own personal set of
such vices which we need to own up to. Or rather, we need to overcome them. You
can choose whichever kind of diet seems right to you. Personally, I'm vegetarian
and believe in eating uncooked food. But there's one thing which I know applies to
all of us: alcohol, potato chips, sugary drinks, pre-prepared meals, junk food
none of these things fit into anyone's idea of healthy eating. Therefore, you should
cut all of these things out of your diet. Also, reduce the size of the portions you eat,
and don't fill up before you go to bed. In other respects, just listen to what your own
body is telling you, or take some advice from a dietician. The most important thing,
though, is to avoid burdening yourself with toxins. Instead, you need to ease the
plight of your body as much as possible by eating light, healthy, tasty food. You'll be
happier and have more energy needed for an active lifestyle.
3. Sport. I love sport and for me it's absolutely mandatory. I never tire of saying
that keeping one's body well-toned and healthy is vital for one's spiritual health. To
shake some life out of a tired body, you need to shake your body itself! And by any
method which seems right for you. I like yoga, running and dancing. Try to move
around a lot more every day, in any way you can dance in front of the mirror
when you're getting ready for work; take a pass on the elevator in favour of the
stairs; establish a full workout for yourself at the gym.

Week 2: Putting your private life in order

1. Clean up your personal space. Throw out everything! It's time to bring order to
every corner, table and cupboard in your home (stuffing things in the attic doesn't
count). Think about it: every single object in your house even the smallest not
only takes up space, but also consumes some of your energy. Is it really worth
holding on to it? I became so keen on this method that I threw almost all of my
things out in the trash. Keep only stuff which really is useful or you actually need,
which makes you happy, or which you most cherish. One other thing if up till
now you've kept that teddy bear which your lover gave you for Valentines Day in
1998, but you already broke up with them a long time ago, then you don't need such
'happy' memories any more. Rid yourself of it, without hesitation. Once you've done
all this, you'll find that you feel a whole lot better. Especially if you wipe up the dust
everywhere, and wash the floors.
2. Sort out your personal business; fulfil your obligations. Do you remember
how many years it is that you've been planning to learn Spanish? And how many
times have you promised to drive up to visit your grandparents on the East
Coast? How many of your New Year's resolutions have you been transferring from
the old to the new list, already for years on end? You need to remind yourself of all
the promises which you've made to yourself and to others, and decide how you're
going to deal with them. You essentially have two options: (1) fulfil them, or (2)
striking them from your 'to do' list forever. But if you can't give up on your
grandparents, of course, then go tomorrow. Do what you need to do instead of
dragging around those feelings of obligation and disappointment in yourself.
3. Sort out your social life. Break off any relationships which you feel pull you
backwards or make you depressed. Give up talking to all those who have a negative
outlook, who are arrogant, and with whom you have nothing in common. Learn to
just walk away, and to say no. Allow yourself to be ungrateful, ill-mannered, to act
crazy, to be unpleasant if that's what it takes to feel free. The only exception to all
this should be your parents. In my view, you absolutely have to be on good terms
with them, even if this is hard work.

Week 3: Plans, goals and dreams

1. Write down, and then carry out your plans. It seems we've ended up with a list
of tasks to do from last week. How does this make you feel? Do you feel happy and
enthusiastic about this? Are you rolling up your sleeves in anticipation? If the
answer's no, then maybe it's worth striking off a few more things. Or alternatively,
actually carry them out, and then strike them off. In both cases though, the result
that awaits you is a surge in strength and a renewed thirst for life. Remember, what
is it that you love or at some point used to love doing? Don't forget that you should
not only be taking your work and financial obligations seriously, but also plan your
free time so you can relax, see friends and loved ones, and (this is the one every
one always forgets) find time for yourself. You should write the kind of plan that
you'll be itching to get started on. Write it out all in one go, and don't forget to
include specific deadlines and steps to take. Imagine the story of your life is going to
be the subject of a book; it should be one you would want to read yourself.
2. List your most implausible dreams. This is one of my absolute favourite things
to do. I do this exercise regularly, and each time my ideas become even more
ridiculous. You have to make a list of all those things you dream of doing, but which
is so implausible that you know it will absolutely never happen. This might include
becoming ruler of the world or climbing Mount Everest when you're 89. Ignore the
sensible voice in your head ,and imagine that the world is your oyster; all you have
to do is click your fingers. You have all the time, money, connections, and talent that
you need. What would you do? By the way, my first list of pipe-dreams of this
kind, which I wrote back in February 2014, has now been completely realised in its
entirety. And now I find it funny that my wishes were so modest, but at the time they
seemed impossible to achieve.
3. Plan things on a daily basis. Write a plan for the next day every evening. It
doesn't matter whether it's short, or only a rough plan it can be any kind of plan
as long as you've written it. And it's important to do it specifically in the evening.
Even if you don't remember anything from it the next day, you'll be more productive.
This has been tried and tested! Moreover, don't forget to have a look at your overall
plan and ask yourself where you're going in life. Are you going anywhere at all?

Week 4: Expand your horizons

1. Try to live differently. Even the smallest things can have an effect. Take a
different route to work. Drop into a cafe where you've never been before, or a
very expensive shop. Try a new kind of sport. Try doing what you've never done
before. And every day, when you're busy with stuff you're used to doing all the
time, ask yourself the question what can I do a little differently right now? You
need to get into the habit of trying something new; that way you'll gradually get off
the beaten track.
2. Get out of your comfort zone. Of course, if you've managed to carry out all the
previous steps, you've already advanced a long way out of your comfort zone. But
you need to go further and look your biggest fears in the eyes. And not only look at
them, but also do battle with them. On this subject, I am a proponent of radical
methods. Scared of heights? Go skydiving. Terrified of your boss? Go to him alone
with a new project proposal. If you dread meeting new people, head to a party
where you don't know anyone else (and go on your own, so you can't talk to your
friend all night). We learn new things and develop in these kinds of situations.
3. Take a break. You thought what? This is going to be all hard work? Only 'taking a
break' here means that you have to get out of the house, turn off the Wi-Fi
connection, and spend some time alone. It also means giving yourself some
honest feedback. What was this past month like for you? How did it all go, what
changes occurred in your life? And how will you carry on and go further now that it's
The things which await you as you stand at the mid-way point in this journey (that's right,
it's not the end, for this road goes on forever) will exceed your expectations. By carrying
out these things (which are really very simple!) every day and working them into your
life, you'll begin to feel a sense of harmony and omnipotence; you'll start to see the light
at the end of the tunnel. Yes, it sounds a bit pretentious...but believe me, it's true."

, ,
, , , , , ,
, , comedy/satire- (gerge carlin, mr.bean), public speaking-
(tedx,talk show, ), (music, art, elite class, thinkers, fight club, vendetta),
, , ,


, ,(Entertainment (Music, Games, etc.) Cooking, daily interests, Clubs, Volunteerings

and Learning, Learning, Learning about Everythink) IT (Machine Learning, Robotics, Coding, Data Science (R,
STATA), Econometrics, etc.), , ,
, /
WE and our actions are responsible for Our Government: Ignorant people ignorant government (who are they, if just
one of us, being elected by us, being corrupted again by us, be left ignored again by us, and being criticized by Us)

All of us are a part of something big, and we all must work together, the right way, to form the right society, be it
through anarchy, anarchist -socialism, capitalism, or at first stages, through our government. Understand the negative
and positive liberty of anarchy, necessarily, understand philosophical views of people for their long run, understand
their psychological issues, threats, understand their financial desires, goals, their intrinsically valuable things.

Ideas of anonym: Ideas Are Bullet Proof

Movies on anarchism:

From short-run personal development to medium run society goal, strategy and implementation, to long-run country
scale progress, strategy development and implementation.

Target the short and mediums the first, and then slowly and steadily go forward.

Ideas of philosophers/thinkers on:

Using someone not only as means (Kant)

Universal Law (Kant)

More pleasure (better Socrates dissatisfied than pig satisfied) and less pain (checking the idea behind Naruto again)

To live through reason and become happy, or reason and thus be happy (Aristotle vs Kant)

Social issues of gender, race, sex, equality, abortion, environment, punishment in general, organ
procurement/resource issue, drugs, corruption, privacy, individualism

Great thinkers, writers, painters, artists, other representatives of ideas, through satire or philosophical comedy and
philosophy. (Mark Twain, John Lock, Adam Smith, Marx, Hemingway, Saroyan, Einstein, Jean Jack Russo, etc.)

If I dont completely know what I want and how I want, I am still interesting to ME. So, to anyone, who knows me less,
than I do, I will be more interesting, than to me (with the abilities of reasoning, emotional and intellectual intelligence,

We Can Cooperate instead of Competing (from the simplest organisms found in our body, to the medium country
scale, states helping each other, feeling importance of everything, both on individual and on collective way, and even
on large scale of science, philosophy etc. (Space and Time, Ideas, etc.)

Words and Gestures are IMPORTANT: Use Them Wisely!!!

TOP TEN MOVIES on Interesting Topics: Philosophy, Life, Music, Anarchy, Science, System, Government, Rulers,
Love, Ideas, etc.

Best TV Series, TV Shows, Comedians, Talk Shows, etc.

Top Writers/Philosophers/Thinkers/Events/Inventions/etc, of each century for Most Influential Countries of those


I know that I know nothing! (Socrates) - And, thus: We can Learn and Explore the new again and again and again.

know that we know nothing, most probably)

Explore, Check, and Learn the Interesting.

Try the interesting, be inclusive, try and then develop your opinion (normative vs empirical science) ETC.

This movie (Matrix) contains a great deal of religious and philosophical theories, which have been
brought up by many philosophers, and it is still being viewed and studied today in the academic
world. Platos idea of what we see in this world is a mere shadow of what truly exists, and that we
have not seen what the world really is via our eyes. W.E.B. Dubois concepts of the double
consciousness are being discussed, along with Descartes ability to think for oneself.

So, what is reality? Bear in mind there are no malicious forces deceiving us about the nature of
reality. It is about our senses and thoughts, which deceive us. By providing a limited amount of
message on what we have, it could alter or change our perception of reality based upon the variance
that was given. From that information we will probably end up constructing models of the world. Our
brain is pretty petrifying, isnt it?

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