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International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (IJEAS)

ISSN: 2394-3661, Volume-2, Issue-3, March 2015

Homotopy Analysis to Heat and Mass Transfer of

MHD Flow of a Viscous Fluid over a Moving
Vertical Plate in a Porous Medium with Viscous
V.Mallipriya, Hymavathi T

Convergence of the obtained solutions is explicitly shown.

Abstract The present paper deals with the MHD boundary Velocity, temperature and concentration profiles are drawn
layer flow over a linearly moving porous semi infinite vertical for various values of flow parameters like magnetic
plate taking suction and viscous dissipation into account. The
parameter M , buoyancy parameters Gr and Gc , suction
fluid considered is viscous, incompressible and electrically
conducting. After transferring the governing equations into parameterFw , permeability parameter K , Schmidt
ordinary differential equations using suitable dimensionless
variables, analytical solutions are generated using homotopy number Sc and Eckert number Ec . The results are
analysis method (HAM). The effects of various parameters on discussed in detailed, compared with the available results in
dimensionless velocity, temperature and concentration profiles literature and are in good agreement.
are presented in the form of graphs and tables. HAM results are Governing equations
in good agreement with the results available in the literature. Consider the free convection effects on MHD boundary
layer flow of a viscous incompressible fluid over a linearly
Index Terms Porous Media, Viscous Dissipation, MHD
started porous vertical semi infinite plate embedded in a
Flow, Moving Vertical Plate, Homotopy Analysis porous medium with suction and viscous dissipation. The
Method(HAM). x -coordinate is taken along the plate in ascending direction.
The y -coordinate is taken normal to the plate. The velocity
I. INTRODUCTION of the fluid far away from the plate surface is assumed to be
In recent years, there are number of studies on convection zero for a quiescent state fluid. The variations of surface
flow and heat transfer in saturated porous media due to their temperature and concentration are linear. A uniform magnetic
wide ranging applications in engineering field like heat field is applied in the direction perpendicular to the plate. The
exchanger devices, geothermal and geophysical engineering, transverse applied magnetic field and magnetic Reynolds
petroleum reservoirs, underground disposal of nuclear waste number are assumed to be very small, so that the induced
and others. The vertical free convection boundary layer flow magnetic field, Hall effects and Joule heating are negligible.
in porous medium owing to combined heat and mass transfer Under these assumptions, along with the Boussinesq
has been studied by Bejan and Khair [1]. Lai and Kulacki [2] approximations, the boundary layer equations describing this
studied the coupled heat and mass transfer by natural flow are
convection from vertical surface in porous medium. Kim and
Vafai [3] have analyzed the buoyancy driven flow about a u v
0, (1)
vertical plate for constant wall temperature and heat flux. x y
Helmy [4] worked on MHD unsteady free convection flow
u u 2u B 2
u v 2 0 u g T T T g c C C u, (2)
past a vertical plate embedded in a porous medium. Raptis et
al. [5] constructed similarity solutions for boundary layer near x y y K'
a vertical surface in porous medium with constant temperature
and concentration. Thermal radiation and buoyancy effects on T T 2T u
hydromagnetic flow over an accelerating permeable surface u v 2 , (3)
with heat source or sink was investigated by Chamka [6]. Yih x y y cp y
[7] observed free convection effect on MHD coupled heat and C C 2C
mass transfer of a moving permeable vertical surface. u v Dm 2 . (4)
Soundalgekar [8] has discussed the viscous dissipation effect x y y
on unsteady free convection flow past an infinite vertical The corresponding boundary conditions are
porous plate with constant suction.
In this study, HAM [10, 11] is adopted to find the analytical u B x, v V , T Tw T a x, C C w C b x at y 0,
solutions for velocity, temperature and concentration profiles. (5)
u 0, T T , C C as y ,
V.Mallipriya, Department of Mathematics, Adikavi Nannaya where u and v are the velocity components along the x
University, Rajahmundry, A.P., India.
Hymavathi T, Department of Mathematics, Adikavi Nannaya
and y axes respectively. T and C are the temperature and
University, Rajahmundry, A.P., India. concentration in the boundary layer, a and b denote the

Homotopy Analysis to Heat and Mass Transfer of MHD Flow of a Viscous Fluid over a Moving Vertical Plate in a
Porous Medium with Viscous Dissipation

stratification rate of the gradient of ambient temperature and B02

concentration, is the kinematics viscosity, is the where M is the magnetic
density, T is the
is the electric conductivity of the fluid,
g T (Tw T )
volumetric coefficient of thermal expansion, c is the parameter, Gr is the local temperature
x B2
volumetric coefficient of concentration expansion, C is the
g c (C w C )
free stream concentration, B0 is the magnetic induction, Grashof number, Gr is the local
x B2
Dm is the mass diffusivity, g is the acceleration due to

gravity, K ' is the permeability of the porous medium and concentration Grashof number, K is the
K ' xB
is the thermal diffusivity, c p is the specific heat at
constant pressure. Permeability parameter, Pr is the Prandtl
Now using the non-dimensionless parameters and variables

reported in [8] B2 x2
number, Ec is the Eckert
c p (Tw T )
number, Sc is the Schmidt number, Fw is
Dm B
the suction parameter.
Solution using HAM
To solve the dimensionless equations (8) to (10) together
with the boundary conditions (11) analytically using HAM,
where ( x, y) is the stream function, f ( ) is a the initial approximations and auxiliary linear operators are
dimensionless stream function, ( ) is a dimensionless chosen as
temperature of the fluid in the boundary layer region, f 0 1 e ,
( ) is a dimensionless species concentration of the fluid in
the boundary layer region and is the similarity variable.
0 e ,
Taking the Cauchy-Riemann equations 0 e ,
L1 f f ' ' ' f ' ,
u , v , (7)
y x
L2 ' ' ,
the conservation of mass, equation (1) is identically satisfied.
Substituting equation (7) in equations (2) to (5), we obtain L3 ' ' ,
f ' ' ' f f ' ' f ' M f 'Gr Gc K f ' 0,
(8) which satisfy
' ' Pr f ' Pr f ' Ec f ' '2 0, (9)
L1 C1 C2 e C3e 0,
' ' Sc f 'Sc f ' 0. (10) L C e
2 4

C5 e 0,
The boundary conditions in non-dimensional form are
L C e
C7 e
f Fw , f ' 1, 1, 1 at 0, 3 6
(11) where Ci (i 1 to 7) are the arbitrary constants.
f ' 0, 0, 0, as ,
If p [0,1] is the embedding parameter, 1 , 2 and 3 are
the non-zero auxiliary parameters, the following equations are

Zeroth order deformation equations

1 p L1 f ; p f 0 p 1 N1 f ; p, ; p, ; p, (12)

1 p L2 ; p 0 p 2 N 2 f ; p, ; p, (13)

1 p L3 ; p 0 p 3 N3 f ; p, ; p, (14)

f 0; p Fw , f ' 0; p 1, f ' ; p 0,
0; p 1, ; p 0, (15)
0; p 1, ; p 0,

International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (IJEAS)
ISSN: 2394-3661, Volume-2, Issue-3, March 2015

3 f ; p 2 f ; p f ; p f ; p

N1 f ; p , ; p , ; p f ; p M

3 2

f ; p
Gr ; p Gc ; p K ,

2 ; p ; p f ; p 2 f ; p

N 2 f ; p , ; p Pr f ; p Pr ; p Ec ,

2 ; p ; p f ; p
N 3 f ; p , ; p Sc f ; p Sc ; p .

Taking p 0 and p 1 , we have
f ; 0 f 0 , f ;1 f ,
; 0 0 , ;1 ,
; 0 0 , ;1 ,
when p increases from 0 to 1 then f ; p , ; p and ; p vary from initial approximations to the final solutions.
Expanding f ; p , ; p and ; p in Taylors series p , we have

f f 0 f m p m , (16)
m 1

0 m p m , (17)
m 1

0 m p m , (18)
m 1
1 m f ; p
f m ,
m ! p m p 0

1 m ; p
m ,
m ! p m p 0

1 m ; p
m ! p m p 0.
If the initial approximations, auxiliary linear operators and non-zero auxiliary parameters are chosen in such a way that the
series (16) to (18) are convergent at p 1, then

f f 0 f m ,
m 1

0 m ,
m 1

0 m .
m 1
mth order deformation equations
Differentiating equations (12) to (14) m times p then setting p 0 and finally dividing with m ! , we get,
L1 f m m f m1 1 Rmf , (19)
L2 m m m1 2 Rm ,
L3 m m m1 3 Rm
with the following boundary conditions

Homotopy Analysis to Heat and Mass Transfer of MHD Flow of a Viscous Fluid over a Moving Vertical Plate in a
Porous Medium with Viscous Dissipation

f m 0 0, f m' 0 0, f m' 0,
m 0 0, m 0, (22)
m 0 0, m 0,
m 1 m 1
Rmf f m' '' 1 f m1i f i ' ' f m' 1i f i ' ' M f m' 1 Gr m1 Gc m1 K f m' 1 ,
i 1 i 1
m1 m1 m1
Rm m' ' 1 Pr f m1i i ' Pr f m' 1i i Ec f m''1i fi ' ' ,
i 1 i 1 i 1
m 1 m 1
Rm m' ' 1 Sc f m1i i ' Sc f m' 1i ,
i 1 i 1

0, m 1,
1, m 1.
Now to find f m , m and m for m 1 , solve the equations (19) to (21) using MATHEMATICA by employing
the boundary conditions (22).

Convergence of HAM increase in, Gr and Gc but the velocity increases as

As pointed by Liao [12], the convergence of solution
Gr and Gc increase.
series depends upon the choice of the initial approximations,
the auxiliary linear operators and on the non-zero auxiliary Figs. 11 to 13 depict the effect of suction parameter.
parameters. Once if the initial approximations and the linear As the suction parameter Fw increases f ' , and are
operators have been selected, the convergence of the solution also increase.
series will depend upon the non-zero auxiliary parameter. Figs. 14 to 16 show the dimensionless velocity,
Proper values of the parameters 1, 2 and 3 can be found temperature and concentration profiles for different values of
by so-called -curves. According to Fig. 1, the convergent permeability parameter K . It can be seen that the velocity

region of f ' ' 0 , ' 0 and ' 0 is [-2.0, 0.0]. In this profiles decrease with the increase of permeability
parameter K and also noticed that the temperature and
paper we choose 1 2 3 1.0. Convergence of
concentration profiles increase with the increase of

f ' ' 0 , ' 0 and ' 0 for different orders of permeability parameter K .
approximation is given in Table 1. This table shows that the Figs. 17 to 19 show the dimensionless velocity,
convergence is achieved at 30th order approximation. temperature and concentration profiles for different values of
Schmidt number Sc . It can be seen that the velocity profiles
decrease with the increase of Schmidt number Sc . Further, it
is observed that the temperature monotonically increases with
The effects of various parameters such as magnetic
the increase of Schmidt number Sc . It is seen that the
parameter M , buoyancy parameters Gr and Gc , suction
concentration decreases as Schmidt number Sc increases.
parameter Fw , permeability parameter K , Schmidt
Figs. 20 to 22 depict the behaviour of velocity, temperature
number Sc and Eckert number Ec on velocity, temperature and concentration profiles for different values of Eckert
and concentration fields are shown graphically in Figs. 2-22. number. From the figures it is clear that there is a slight
In this study Prandtl number Pr is considered to be 0.72 increase in velocity and a slight decrease in concentration
(air), Schmidt number Sc 0.24, 0.68, 0.78, 2.72 . To profiles with an increase in Ec . It is also observed that
ensure the accuracy of the present results, comparison is made temperature increases with Ec .
with the existing results in the literature and is given in Table
Figs. 2 to 4 show the effect of magnetic parameter on III. CONCLUSIONS
velocity, temperature and concentration profiles. Introduction Analytical study has been performed to observe the
of transverse magnetic field to an electrically conducting fluid physical behavior of the velocity, temperature and
develops a drag due to Lorentz force which tends to resist the concentration profiles. Results are presented graphically and
fluid flow and thus reducing its velocity and to increase its analyzed. By comparing the present results with previous
temperature and concentration. work, it is found that there in a good agreement.
The effects of Gr and Gc on velocity, temperature
and concentration fields are illustrated in Figs 5 to 10. As
shown, temperature and the concentration are decreasing with

International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (IJEAS)
ISSN: 2394-3661, Volume-2, Issue-3, March 2015

0 1
-2 M=1.0
f''(0) '(0) '(0)

-3 0.6

-5 f''(0)
'(0) 0.2
-2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 0
h1 h2 h3 0 2 4 6 8 10

Fig. 1: -curves for f ' ' (0), ' (0) and ' (0) at 20th
Fig. 4: Variation of M on when
order approximations when
M 0.1, Gr 0.1, Gc 0.1, K 0.1, Fw 0.1, Ec 0.1, Sc 0.62 , Pr 0.72. Gr 0.1, Gc 0.1, K 0.1, Fw 0.1, Ec 0.1, Sc 0.62 , Pr 0.72.

M=0.5 Gr=0.6
0.8 0.8
M=1.0 Gr=1.0

0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10
0 2 4 6 8 10

Fig. 2: Variation of M on f' when Fig. 5: Variation Gr on
of f ' when
Gr 0.1, Gc 0.1, K 0.1, Fw 0.1, Ec 0.1, Sc 0.62 , Pr 0.72. M 0.1, Gc 0.1, K 0.1, Fw 0.1, Ec 0.1, Sc 0.62 , Pr 0.72.
1 1
M=0.1 Gr=0.1
M=0.5 Gr=0.6
0.8 0.8


0 2 4 6 8 10
0 2 4 6 8 10 Fig. 6: Variation of Gr on
Fig. 3: Variation of M on when M 0.1, Gc 0.1, K 0.1, Fw 0.1, Ec 0.1, Sc 0.62 , Pr 0.72.
Gr 0.1, Gc 0.1, K 0.1, Fw 0.1, Ec 0.1, Sc 0.62 , Pr 0.72.

Homotopy Analysis to Heat and Mass Transfer of MHD Flow of a Viscous Fluid over a Moving Vertical Plate in a
Porous Medium with Viscous Dissipation

1 1
Gr=0.1 Gc=0.1
Gr=0.6 Gc=0.6
0.8 0.8
Gr=1.0 Gc=1.0

0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10

Fig. 7: Variation of Gr on when Fig. 10: Variation of Gc when
M 0.1, Gc 0.1, K 0.1, Fw 0.1, Ec 0.1, Sc 0.62 , Pr 0.72. M 0.1, Gr 0.1, K 0.1, Fw 0.1, Ec 0.1, Sc 0.62 , Pr 0.72.

1 1
Gc=0.1 Fw =0.0
Gc=0.6 Fw =0.1
0.8 0.8
Fw =0.5
0.6 0.6 Fw =1.0


0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10

Fig. 8: Variation of Gc on f' when Fig. 11: Variation of Fw on f ' when
M 0.1, Gr 0.1, K 0.1, Fw 0.1, Ec 0.1, Sc 0.62 , Pr 0.72. M 0.1, Gr 0.1, Gc 0.1, K 0.1, Ec 0.1, Sc 0.62 , Pr 0.72.
1 1
Gc=0.1 Fw =0.0
Gc=0.6 Fw =0.1
0.8 0.8
Fw =0.5
0.6 0.6 Fw =1.0

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10

Fig. 9: Variation of Gc on when Fig. 12: Variation of Fw on when

M 0.1, Gr 0.1, K 0.1, Fw 0.1, Ec 0.1, Sc 0.62 , Pr 0.72. M 0.1, Gr 0.1, Gc 0.1, K 0.1, Ec 0.1, Sc 0.62 , Pr 0.72.

International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (IJEAS)
ISSN: 2394-3661, Volume-2, Issue-3, March 2015

1 1
Fw =0.0 K=0.1
Fw =0.1 K=0.5
0.8 0.8
Fw =0.5
0.6 Fw =1.0 0.6

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10

Fig. 13: Variation of Fw on when Fig. 16: Variation K on
of when
M 0.1, Gr 0.1, Gc 0.1, K 0.1, Ec 0.1, Sc 0.62 , Pr 0.72. M 0.1, Gr 0.1, Gc 0.1, Fw 0.1, Ec 0.1, Sc 0.62 , Pr 0.72.
K=0.1 1.2
K=0.5 Sc=0.24
0.8 1 Sc=0.62
0.6 Sc=2.62


0.4 0.4


0 -0.2
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10

Fig. 14: Variation of K on f ' when Fig. 17: Variation of Sc f ' when
M 0.1, Gr 0.1, Gc 0.1, Fw 0.1, Ec 0.1, Sc 0.62 , Pr 0.72. M 0.1, Gr 0.1, Gc 0.1, Fw 0.1, K 0.1, Ec 0.1, Pr 0.72.
1 1
K=0.1 Sc=0.24
K=0.5 Sc=0.62
0.8 0.8
K=1.0 Sc=0.78
0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10

Fig. 15: Variation K on
of when Fig. 18: Variation of Sc on when
M . 0.1, Gr 0.1, Gc 0.1, Fw 0.1, K 0.1, Ec 0.1, Pr 0.72.
M 0.1, Gr 0.1, Gc 0.1, Fw 0.1, Ec 0.1, Sc 0.62 , Pr 0.72

Homotopy Analysis to Heat and Mass Transfer of MHD Flow of a Viscous Fluid over a Moving Vertical Plate in a
Porous Medium with Viscous Dissipation

1 Sc=0.62 Ec=0.1
0.8 Ec=0.5
Sc=2.62 0.8
0.6 Ec=1.0



0 2 4 6 8 10

Fig. 19: Variation of Sc on when
M 0.1, Gr 0.1, Gc 0.1, Fw 0.1, K 0.1, Ec 0.1, Pr 0.72.
1 0 2 4 6 8 10

Ec=1.0 Fig. 22: Variation of Ec onwhen
Ec=2.0 M 0.1, Gr 0.1, Gc 0.1, Fw 0.1, K 0.1, Sc 0.62 , Pr 0.72.

0.4 Table 1: Convergence of the HAM solutions for different

order of approximations when
M 0.1, Gr 0.1, Gc 0.2, Fw 0.1, Sc 0.78, K 0.1, Pr 0.72, Ec 0.1.
0 Order f ' ' 0 ' 0 ' 0
0 2 4 6 8 10

Fig. 20: Variation of Ec on f ' when 5
0.940911 0.750398 0.82345
M 0.1, Gr 0.1, Gc 0.1, Fw 0.1, K 0.1, Sc 0.62 , Pr 0.72. 0.940177 0.74813 0.822822
1 0.940134 0.747914 0.822905
Ec=0.5 .94013 0.747877 0.822931
0.8 20
Ec=1.0 .94013 0.747868 0.822937
Ec=2.0 25
0.6 0.940129 0.747866 0.822938

0.940129 0.747866 0.822939

0.4 35
0.940129 0.747866 0.822939

0 2 4 6 8 10

Fig. 21: Variation of Ec on when
M 0.1, Gr 0.1, Gc 0.1, Fw 0.1, K 0.1, Sc 0.62 , Pr 0.72.

International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (IJEAS)
ISSN: 2394-3661, Volume-2, Issue-3, March 2015

Table 2: Comparison of the results of f ' ' (0), ' (0) and ' (0) with the existing results of Ibrahim and Makinde [10]
when Pr 0.72, K Ec 0.0.

Ibrahim [10]
Gr M Fw HAM Results
Gc Sc f ' ' (0) ' (0) ' (0) f ' ' (0) ' (0) ' (0)
0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.62 0.888971 0.7965511 0.7253292 0.888967 0.7965538 0.7253252
0.5 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.62 0.695974 0.8379008 0.7658018 0.695973 0.8379015 0.7658006
1.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.62 0.475058 0.8752835 0.8020042 0.475071 0.8753137 0.8020275
0.1 0.5 0.1 0.1 0.62 0.686927 0.8421370 0.7701717 0.686926 0.8421389 0.7701723
0.1 1.0 0.1 0.1 0.62 0.457723 0.8818619 0.8087332 0.457704 0.8818575 0.8087296
0.1 0.1 1.0 0.1 0.62 1.264488 0.7089150 0.6400051 1.264514 0.7088625 0.6400368
0.1 0.1 0.1 1.0 0.62 0.570663 0.5601256 0.5271504 0.570658 0.5601314 0.5271426
0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.78 0.893454 0.7936791 0.8339779 0.893453 0.7936779 0.8339784
0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 2.62 0.912307 0.7847840 1.6504511 0.928472 0.7931287 1.9265042

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