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Zombie Apocalypse:

A Study of the Canadian Regions and Foundations of Governmental Systems

Grade 5 and 6 Language Arts, Social Studies, Science and Math
A Cross Grade and Cross Curricular Research Project

Problem: Canada has been hit by a Zombie Virus. The Canadian population is struggling to
survive with little to no modern infrastructure (no power, public transportation, government,
grocery stores, cars, etc...).

Grade 5/6 Task: Students are to research the different regions of Canada to determine safest
places in those regions to survive. Students will be expected to research such topics as climate,
terrain, waterways, types of forests, major cities, agricultural land, provincial and national parks,
etc Students must come to a consensus on where in their region would be the safest place to
try and survive.

Grade 6 Task: A cure has be found. The people of Canada can finally try and resume a normal
life. But what is normal? The country as they knew it before the apocalypse is no longer. The
first task for the surviving population is to form a new government. What will this government
look like? How will it function? Who will decide who is a member of the government? What is the
role of the military? How will we pay for this new government? All these decisions must be
decided upon.

Possible Resources:

1. How to Survive the Zombie Apocalypse-

2. Preparedness 101: CDC Survival Guide-
3. Ted Ed Video-
4. Canadian Parliament Debates Zombie Apocalypse-
5. 15 Top Places to Survive the Zombie Apocalypse
6. Canada Regions Websites-Calgary Board of Education

Social Studies 5/6 September 19,

Dear Citizens of Fairview,

Military sources tell us that the possibility of a zombie outbreak is in

progress. You are now part of a SURVIVAL PLAN TEAM (SPT). You have been
selected to travel to each of the regions of Canada to determine our best
odds of survival in those regions. Your time is limited! You will have only a
few meetings to research your facts, decide your places, and prepare your
presentation. You will create a Travel Blog detailing your findings.

Our sources tell us that these zombies are the classic kind: Slow-moving
and slow thinking, but very, very persistent (determined). They will try
whatever they can to infect everyone they encounter. This is not the time to
go on attack but instead to defend and preserve.

Things to consider as you pick your place are:

1. You have to be safe.
2. You have to have food and water.
3. You have to have access to anything you may need.
To survive in the places, you also need access to:
1. Water
2. Food
3. Shelter
4. Medicine (Traditional and Natural)

Topics you will need to research are

1. Major cities & population
2. Climate
3. Major transportation routes
4. Major bodies of water
5. Physical Features (mountains, deserts, forests, jungles, islands, etc...)
6. Anything else that may help you find the perfect spot (Refer to video
Top 15 Places to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse)
Because a zombie apocalypse may last for many years, the area you pick
has to sustain you and any other survivors for a long period of time. Good

Over the course of the next 7 weeks you will have to travel across Canada to
each of the six regions to find the perfect location to survive a Zombie
Apocalypse. The six regions of Canada are: Arctic, Cordillera, Interior Plains,
Canadian Shield, Great Lake St. Lawrence Lowlands, and Atlantic. For each of
the regions, create a Travel Blog describing the results of your research for
each of the regions. In your Blog, include where you are, how you got there,
mode of transportation (must be human powered transportation, such as
walking, biking or sailing) , where you have all visited, things you have
learned about the region (see list above) and some pros and cons to survival
in that region. Include pictures in your Blog.

Once you have traveled to all of the regions in Canada, you must choose by
consensus in your group the best location to survive. You must persuade
your classmates that this is the best location. In your final presentation, you
must include the following evidence:
1. Graphing Skill- Create a graph showing the average monthly
temperature in your region.
2. A Map- On a map, label and locate
1. Three major cities with population
2. Two major transportation routes
3. One major body of water
4. Main physical features
b. Explain why this region was chosen.

For your research, use the following websites, books and people:



3. Social Textbook

4. Mrs. Stewart for suggestions of a book

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