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Term Definition


overstimulation Overexcitement

breaks in routines Changes in the daily schedule

noise Loud sounds that may upset children

waiting time The time a child has to wait to do something; a delay, often caused by lack of
advance preparation

frustration A feeling of being out of control, defeated or discouraged

physical problem An illness or health condition

stress The bodys reaction to physical or emotional factors

stressors Things that cause children to feel stress


negativism Saying no, refusing to do as asked

stealing Taking something that belongs to another person

anger An emotion that may lead to harsh words, hurtful actions, or tantrums

biting A way in which some children, especially two-year-olds, express themselves;

usually a temporary stage

tattling Telling the teacher that a rule has been broken; a typical behavior of children
who need attention

exploring the body A natural interest in body parts and gender differences
thumbsucking A response that helps young children relieve tension

fear Feeling afraid of real or imaginary things


balanced schedule An activity plan with both quiet time and active play

smooth transitions A consistent, predictable schedule with little wait time

and routines

variety and choices Activities to keep children constructively occupied

appropriate for Open-ended activities that help create a positive atmosphere


equipment Toys, furnishings, and play equipment

physical Items for children stored within easy reach; items not meant for children out
environment of sight

unique, individual Different home backgrounds, family situations and crises


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