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Preventive Holistic Health, HUSB 339/F1

Instructors Name: Linda LaComb-Williams

Assignment 1 1/19/17 I can turn it in on Saturday before class.

Drawing on your personal understanding and experience, write a 2-3 page paper on a prevention
strategy you currently incorporate into your life. Discuss your reason for the strategy and the
disease you believe it may help to prevent. Be prepared to discuss in first class. Write in APA 6th
ed. format, Times New Roman font #12. with cover page and reference page.

Assignment 2 1/26/17

Complete the free nutritional assessment listed at See syllabus

for specific directions.

Upon receipt and review of your nutritional report, identify an area that requires your attention.
Write a three-page paper and discuss what, if any, prevention strategies you can apply to address
it. Utilize APA 6th ed. format with cover page and reference page. Include the free nutritional
assessment as one of your references.

Assignment 3 2/2/2017

Write a 3-5 page paper (double spaced with 1-inch margins top and bottom and following APA
6th ed. guidelines) on the issue of a stress-related disease/condition, which could utilize a
Complementary Alternative Medicine (CAM) or holistic practice to help reduce and/or prevent
the stress-related disease. Submit in Moodle. Be prepared to discuss in class

Assignment 4 2/23/2017

Write a five to seven-page paper discussing the role of prevention in managing health. Utilize
some of the perspectives offered in the course videos, in-class discussions, relevant readings and
personal research. Utilize information from the Nutritional assessment to aid in identifying any
changes you wish to make. Identify your chosen prevention strategies as primary, secondary, or
tertiary prevention.

Also a power point presentation of 10 slides (more or less) is to be given in class on the topic of
your paper (5 points)

You do have the choice to do either a power point presentation or a paper.

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