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Specialist Committee on Performance of Ships in

Final Report and Recommendations to the 27th ITTC

1. INTRODUCTION INSEAN, Italy, 6-7 June, 2013

NTUA, Greece, 15-17 January 2014
The AC representative Prof. Gerhard
1.1 Membership and Meetings Strasser attended all the meetings in order to
follow closer the update of the speed/power tri-
The members of the Specialist Committee al procedure and provide feedback from
on Performance of Ships in Service (PSS IMO/MEPC meetings.
Committee) of the 27th International Towing
Tank Conference are as follows:

Dr. Anton Minchev (Chairman), Force

Technology (FT), Denmark
Dr. Uwe Hollenbach (Secretary), Hamburg
Ship Model Basin (HSVA), Germany.
Dr. Masaru Tsujimoto, NMRI, Japan
Mr. Michio Takai, Sumitomo Heavy Indus-
tries Marine & Engineering, Japan
Dr. Jinbao Wang, MARIC, China
Mr. Heungwon Seo, Hyundai HI, Korea
Mr. Angelo Olivieri, INSEAN, Italy
Prof. G. Grigoropoulos, NTUA, Greece
Mr. Henk van der Boom, MARIN, The 1.2 Terms of Reference (TOR) Assigned
Netherlands by the 26th ITTC
Dr. Sofia Werner, SSPA, Sweden
Dr. W. Gorski, CTO, Poland The 26th ITTC recommended the following
work for the 27th ITTC Specialized Committee
Five Committee meetings were held as follows: on Propulsion of Ships in Service:
Force Technology, Denmark, 7-9 December
2011 1. Cooperate directly with the AC and ITTC
Vienna Model Basin, Austria, 8-9 March representative in IMO with regard to EEDI
2012 (Energy Efficiency Design Index).
MARIC, China, 10-12 October 2012,

2. Liaise with the Resistance, Propulsion and 9. Review the technologies (hydrodynamic is-
Sea-keeping Committees as relevant, spe- sues) for enhancement of the powering per-
cifically with regard to estimating fw, in the formance, such as speed reduction, energy
EEDI. saving devices, hull form and propeller de-
sign, etc.
3. Monitor and review the state of the art for 10. Investigate the experimental and numerical
EEDI and EEOI (Energy Efficiency Opera- possibilities to estimate the effect of steer-
tional Index) prediction and determination ing and wind to the added resistance.
methods, including CFD based ones.
11. Look for full scale data that will allow im-
4. Review the existing procedures for the ship proving powering estimation taking into ac-
model testing with regard to the require- count the surface roughness (hull, append-
ments arising from the EEDI prediction ages and propeller).
process, including ITTC Recommended
Procedure 7.5-02-07-02.2, Prediction of 12. Examine the possibilities for numerical
Power Increase in Irregular Waves from methods in the prediction of the influence
Model Tests, and liaise with the Seakeeping of surface roughness on the shaft power
Committee to decide whether an update of prediction in full.
the procedure is required.

5. Identify and describe the practical aspects

1.3 General Remarks
of the EEDI prediction process involving
ship model testing, and develop a guideline One of the major objectives for establishing
for EEDI prediction. the present Specialist Committee on Perform-
ance of Ships in Service was to assist/cooperate
6. Take into account minimum power re- with IMO/MEPC on the practical implementa-
quirements for safe and effective manoeu- tion of the EEDI calculation and verification
vring with respect to the EEDI formula (sea process. Therefore, the focus of the Committee
margin) work was the major revision of the
Speed/Power trial procedures:
7. Describe the type of data (and the quality of
that data) that should be recorded during
7.5-04-01-01.1:Speed and Power Trials, Part
full scale monitoring trials, including the is-
I Preparation and Conduct
sues of surface roughness.
7.5-04-01-01.2: Speed and Power Trials, Part
8. Review the existing ITTC trial test proce-
II Analysis of Speed/Power Trial Data
dures in this context. Review the existing
speed correction methods for Full Scale
The process of their update, final version
Trial Measurements including ISO 15016,
and a practical calculation example are present-
and come up with recommendation if the
ed in detail under Sections 8 and 9 of the pre-
problems are identified, taking into account
sent report.
the MARIN report as contained in docu-
ment MEPC 62/5/5.

2. COOPERATION WITH AC/IMO The SEEMP establishes a mechanism for
WITH REGARD TO EEDI operators to improve the energy efficiency of
The Advisory Council (AC) to the 27th
ITTC nominated Prof. Gerhard Strasser (AC The MEPC also agreed an updated work
Chair) to act as an ITTC (AC) representative to plan for the development of further guidelines
IMO/MEPC. Following closely the work of and the development of energy efficiency
IMO/MEPC, Prof. Strasser participated in frameworks for those ships not covered by the
MEPC63, 64, 65 and 66 sessions with subse- current EEDI regulations.
quent attendance in I V PSS Committee tech-
nical meetings. This close cooperation im- The MEPC 64th session continued its work
proved significantly the speed/power trial pro- on further developing technical and operational
cedures update, with Prof. Strassers valuable measures relating to energy-efficiency meas-
technical and editorial contributions. ures for ships, based on a work plan agreed at
the previous session. This follows the adoption
The MEPC 63rd session adopted four sets of of the new chapter 4 of MARPOL Annex VI,
guidelines intended to assist in the implementa- which entered into force on 1 January 2013 and
tion of the mandatory Regulations on Energy included new requirements mandating the
Efficiency for Ships in MARPOL Annex VI, EEDI for new ships, and the Ship Energy Effi-
which are expected to enter into force on 1 ciency Management Plan.
January 2013:
The 65th session adopted amendments to
2012 Guidelines on the method of calcula- resolution MEPC.214(63) 2012 Guidelines on
tion of the attained Energy Efficiency De- survey and certification of the energy effi-
sign Index (EEDI) for new ships; ciency design index, to add references to meas-
2012 Guidelines for the development of a uring sea conditions in accordance with ITTC
Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan Recommended Procedure 7.5-04-01-01.1
(SEEMP); Speed and Power Trials Part 1; 2012 revision 1
2012 Guidelines on survey and certification or ISO 15016:2002.
of the Energy Efficiency Design Index
(EEDI); and More detailed presentation of the IMO
Guidelines for calculation of reference lines documents related to EEDI and EEOI will be
for use with the Energy Efficiency Design further elaborated in Section 4.
Index (EEDI).
Following the IMO recommendation, ITTC
The EEDI is a non-prescriptive, perform- started a closer cooperation with the ISO with
ance-based mechanism that leaves the choice of the objectives of updating ISO 15016 standard
technologies to use in a specific ship design to based on the developed ITTC recommended
the industry. As long as the required energy- procedures 7.5-04-01-01.1 and 7.5-04-01-01.2.
efficiency level is attained, ship designers and
builders would be free to use the most cost-
efficient solutions for the ship to comply with
the regulations.

3. COOPERATION WITH RELEVANT For low and moderate wave frequencies Rw
ITTC COMMITTEES WITH is calculated numerically by one of the ac-
REGARD TO ESTIMATING FW IN ceptable methods. In the high wave fre-
THE EEDI quency region, the ship is not excited in
motions, and thus the component due to
The speed reduction coefficient fw was in- ship motions can be negligible. The wave
troduced in the 2012 Guidelines on the method reflection resistance component can be as-
of calculation of EEDI for new ships, adopted sumed as wave frequency independent, and
by MEPC.212(63). fw is a non-dimensional co- can be derived experimentally, for example.
efficient to compensate for the involuntary In order to derive the complete added resis-
speed loss in a representative sea condition of tance RAO curve, the two curves are joined
wave height, wave frequency and wind speed. at the point where the low-medium fre-
quency curve meets the high-frequency
In agreement with the AC as to the re- curve.
quired action/deliverables on this task, it was In order to promote GHG reduction in ac-
decided that the Committee should not develop tual operational conditions, the procedure
and deliver its version of fw prediction proce- should be able to accommodate the effect of
dure, but rather just monitor and eventually co- the special bow shapes above waterline,
operate with the Resistance, Propulsion and which have been developed to reduce added
Sea-keeping committees on this issue. resistance in waves.
In the present draft the calculation method
In this respect the Committee needs to ad- for added resistance in regular waves is not
mit that despite numerous attempts, liaison and prepared. This is one of the most important
cooperation with the above committees was part of the procedure, hence, the Committee
poor. It seemed that the Sea-keeping committee will address this issue in the next ITTC term.
encountered difficulties in providing a sound
basis for the pertinent calculations. Finally the Committee would conclude, that
the procedure for fw prediction prepared by
At its fifth meeting in Athens, the PSS SKC has not matured yet, and further work is
Committee invited the Sea-keeping committee needed for its finalization, which is presented
(SKC) chairman to present and discuss the lat- in the recommendations for future work.
est work on the topic. The latter was summa-
rized in SKC document Process for the Esti-
mation of Ship Speed Reduction Coefficient fw 4. STATE OF THE ART FOR EEDI
in Waves, 27th ITTC SKC, February 2014. AND EEOI PREDICTION AND
Based on the elaborate review of the above
document, the PSS committee formulated the
following comments: 4.1 Regulatory Framework

It should be clearly stated in the text that the The regulatory framework for GHG reduc-
added resistance in waves RW is composed tion from international shipping is based on
of two parts: the component due to ship mo- amendment of Annex VI of MARPOL Conven-
tions; and the component due to wave re- tion at IMO/MEPC62 and it started from 1st of
flection. January, 2013 (Resolution MEPC.203(62)).

The new regulation aims at improving energy certification has been adopted, where it pre-
efficiency for ships engaged in international scribes ITTC recommended procedures for
voyage and it comprises the technical regula- speed/ power trial part1 and part2 as preferable
tion EEDI and operational regulation SEEMP. standard (Resolution MEPC.234 (65)).

Subsequently, at MEPC63, Feb. 2012, four

guidelines required for amendment of Annex 4.2 EEDI
VI of MARPOL Convention have been adopted.
These are Guidelines for EEDI calculation EEDI regulation is applied for new ships of
(Resolution MEPC.212(63)), Guidelines for 400GT and above. The number of ship types
SEEMP (Resolution MEPC.213(63)), Guide- for calculating EEDI is eleven, which is listed
lines on EEDI survey and certification (Resolu- in Table 1. Of these ship types, EEDI reduction
tion MEPC.214(63)) and Guidelines for Refer- is required from 1st of January, 2013: Bulk car-
ence Lines (Resolution MEPC.215(63)). ITTC rier, Gas carrier, Tanker, Container ship, Gen-
has submitted an informative paper on existing eral cargo ship, Refrigerated cargo carrier and
recommended procedures and guidelines to Combination carrier.
support EEDI prediction and verification
(MEPC63/INF.8). Ship types requiring EEDI reduction will be
extended to Passenger ships having non-
At MEPC64, Oct. 2012, the Interim Guide- conventional propulsion, Ro-ro cargo ships
lines for fw, non-dimensional coefficient for de- (vehicle carrier), Ro-ro cargo ships and Ro-ro
crease in ship speed in a representative sea passenger ships. At present, EEDI calculation
condition, has been approved and reduction rate for Passenger ships having
(MEPC.1/Circ.796). ITTC recommended pro- conventional propulsion has not been proposed
cedure for speed/power trial analysis is ap- and not yet deliberated.
proved as preferable standard (MEPC64/23).
For each ship type, the reduction rate is de-
Guidelines for determining Minimum Pro- termined by ship size and phase of application.
pulsion Power to maintain the manoeuvrability The reduction rate is given in Table 2 where the
of ships in adverse conditions have been ap- base of the reduction rate is determined by
proved as interim guidelines at MSC91, Nov. Guidelines for reference lines.
2012, on condition that it would be improved at
next MEPC meeting (MSC-MEPC.2/Circ.11).

Through discussions at Corresponding

Group 2013, Interim Guidelines for Minimum
Propulsion Power, validity of phase 0 of EEDI
regulation has been adopted at MEPC65, May
2013 (Resolution MEPC.232(65)). At MEPC65,
2013 Guidance on Treatment of Innovative
Technology has been approved as well. For
cruise passenger ships having non-conventional
propulsion, Guidelines for reference lines has
been adopted (Resolution MEPC.233(65)).
Amendment to Guidelines on EEDI survey and

Table 1 EEDI regulation Capacity is deadweight except that, for pas-
senger ships and Ro-Ro passenger ships, Ca-
Reduction of EEDI pacity is gross tonnage, and for container ships,
Ship types for
after 1st, after 1st, Capacity is 70 per cent of the deadweight,
EEDI calculation*
Jan., 2013 Sep. 2015
Bulk carrier X fi, fc, fl and fw are correction factors.
Gas carrier X **
Tanker X EEDI is an index of energy efficiency for
Container ship X transport work, so that the power which is not
General cargo ship X related to propulsion is deducted from the cal-
Refrigerated cargo culation. In addition, there are deduction or cor-
X rection factors; energy saving due to innovative
Combination car- technologies in the numerator of attained EEDI,
X capacity corrections including ice class (fi), cu-
Passenger ship X*** bic capacity corrections (fc), correction for gen-
Ro-ro cargo ship eral cargo ships equipped with cranes and other
X cargo-related gears (fl), and speed reduction at a
(vehicle carrier)
representative sea condition (fw) in the numera-
Ro-ro cargo ship X
tor of attained EEDI.
Ro-ro passenger
In the guidelines for EEDI survey and certi-
fication, EEDI calculation method based on
* not apply to ships of diesel-electric propul-
CFD may be accepted as equivalent to propel-
sion, turbine propulsion and hybrid pro-
ler open water test or used to complement the
pulsion system
tank tests conducted, such as evaluation of the
** separate to Gas carrier and LNG carrier
effect of energy saving device with approval of
*** only regulated for Passenger ship having
verifier (Res. MEPC.214(63), 2012).
non-conventional propulsion
The CFD based methods for EEDI calcula-
Attained EEDI formula is given in Eq. (1).
tion will be reviewed when they are available.
The numerator represents the energy efficiency
of the ship as CO2 emissions in gram. The de-
Methods for survey and certification are
nominator in Eq. (2) is related to the transport
prescribed at the respective Guidelines for
work in tons times nautical miles.
EEDI. As a supplement to its interpretation, the
industrial guidelines have been developed by
EEDI Numerator IACS (MEPC64/INF.22, IACS PR No.38).
Attained EEDI = (1)
EEDI Denominator
The ship speed in a calm water (Vref), is
EEDI Denominator = f i f c f l Capacity f w Vref (2) preliminarily verified on the basis of model
tests. The final verification is carried out by
speed/power trials of the ship. It should be
where noted that for ships which can undergo
speed/power trials at the draught prescribed in
Vref is ship speed in a calm sea condition on EEDI Guidelines, such as tankers, the prelimi-
deep water, nary verification may be excluded.

Table 2 Reduction rate of EEDI. The ITTC PSS Committee developed com-
pletely revised speed/power trials recom-
Phase 0 Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3
1, Jan., 1, Jan., 1, Jan., 1, Jan.,
mended procedures and these were proposed at
Ship Type Size 2013- 2015- 2020- 2025
31, Dec., 31, Dec., 31, Dec., and
MEPC64. ITTC contribution to IMO/MEPC
2014 2019 2024 onwards
has been acknowledged and the ITTC recom-
0 10 20 30
Bulk carrier
and above mended procedures were denoted as preferable
n/a 0-10* 0-20* 0-30*
20,000DWT standard for analysis of speed/power trials
and above
0 10 20 30 (MEPC64/4/15, MEPC64/INF.6, MEPC65/
Gas carrier
n/a 0-10* 0-20* 0-30* INF.7).
0 10 20 30
and above
IMO prompted ISO to update
n/a 0-10* 0-20* 0-30*
ISO15016:2002 taking into account ITTC rec-
0 10 20 30
Container ship
and above ommended procedures 2012. Currently ITTC is
n/a 0-10* 0-20* 0-30* cooperating with ISO to revise ISO15016
and above
0 10 15 30 (MEPC66/4/4, MEPC66/INF.7).
General cargo ship
n/a 0-10* 0-15* 0-30*
0 10 15 30
Refrigerated cargo and above
carrier 3,000-
n/a 0-10* 0-15* 0-30*
0 10 20 30
Combination carrier
and above Each ship is obliged to keep on board a
n/a 0-10* 0-20* 0-30* copy of SEEMP. SEEMP provides a possible
Ro-ro cargo ship (vehicle 10,000DWT
carrier)*** and above
n/a 5** 15 30 approach for monitoring ship and fleet effi-
n/a 5** 20 30 ciency performance over time and some op-
and above
Ro-ro cargo ship***
n/a 0-5* ** 0-20* 0-30*
tions to be considered when seeking to opti-
mize the performance of the ship.
n/a 5** 20 30
and above
Ro-ro passenger ship***
n/a 0-5* ** 0-20* 0-30*
4,000GT SEEMP is composed of a cycle of planning,
LNG carrier***
and above
n/a 10** 20 30 implementation, monitoring, self-evaluation,
Cruise passenger
and above
n/a 5** 20 30 and improvement.
ship*** having non-
conventional propulsion n/a 0-5* ** 0-20* 0-30*
In the planning stage goals are set. The goal
* Reduction factor to be linearly interpolated between the two values dependent upon
vessel size. The lower value of the reduction factor is to be applied to the smaller ship size. can take any form, such as the annual fuel con-
** Phase 1 commences for those ships when the amendments to MARPOL Annex VI come sumption or a specific target of EEOI.
into effect

*** Reduction rate applies those ships constructed on or after [date of entry into force].
Note: n/a means that no required EEDI applies.

Ship speed in calm water (Vref) can not be INCREASE IN WAVES
directly measured in speed/power trial runs.
Therefore, corrections for wind effect, wave ef- The existing model testing procedures, re-
fect, current effect, displacement and shallow lated to the EEDI prediction and verification
water are performed. At MEPC62 considera- process are reviewed in more detail in the next
tion for these corrections in order to reduce the section of the report and will not be discussed
vagueness and improve the robustness was re- here. The procedure for prediction of power in-
quested from Norway (MEPC62/5/5). crease in irregular waves from model tests is
developed by the Sea-keeping committee, and

has been a matter of discussion and revision EEDI prediction is carried out at the design
during the recent ITTC conferences. ITTC/AC stage. In the Industry Guidelines, Part III
recommended that this procedure requires ma- shows the above process in detail. Here, the
jor update, in view of the latest EEDI develop- EEDI verifications are reviewed briefly.

Due to the very modest feedback from the 6.2 Ship Model Testing
SKC, as already noted in section 3, the PSS
committee did not receive a recent update of The model tests should be witnessed by a
the subject procedure; hence the committee was nominated verifier. Special attention should be
not in a position to comment. given to the following items:
(1) Ship Model
(2) Propeller Model
PREDICTION a) Resistance Test
b) Propulsion Test
This task is described in the Industrial c) Propeller Open Water Test
Guidelines written by Joint Working Group (4) Speed Trial Prediction
(JWG), formed by the following international
shipping associations and organizations: IACS, Above model test should be performed ac-
BIMCO, CANSI, CESA, CESS, ICS, INTER- cording to ITTC Recommended Procedure 7.5-
CARGO, INTERTANKO, KOSHIPA, OCIMF, 02-02-01, 7.5-02-03-01.1 and 7.5-02-03-02.1.
SAJ, WSC and ITTC. The Industry Guidelines
has been submitted to IMO MEPC 64 as MEPC Numerical calculations may be submitted to
64/INF.22 First version of industry guidelines justify derivation of speed power curves, where
on calculation and verification of the Energy only one parent hull form have been verified
Efficiency Design Index (EEDI). with tank tests, in order to evaluate the effect of
additional hull features such as bulb variations,
ITTC, with AC chairman as its representa- fins and hydrodynamic energy saving devices.
tive, and PSS committee contributed to Part III
- Verification of EEDI of the Industry Guide- These numerical simulations may include
lines. The following sub-sections present the CFD calculation of propulsive efficiency at ref-
outline of the Industry Guidelines, model-ship erence speed Vref as well as hull resistance
correlation process and recommendations for variations and propeller open water efficiency.
future work on this topic.
In order to be accepted, these numerical
simulations should be carried out in accordance
6.1 Verification Process with defined quality and technical standards
(ITTC 7.5-03-01-04 at its latest revision or
EEDI verification should be conducted on equivalent). The comparison of the CFD-
two stages: computed values of the unmodified parent hull
form with the results of the tank tests must be
(1) Preliminary verification at design stage submitted for review.
(2) Final verification at the sea trial

6.3 Quality System friction deduction by the added resistance (e.g.
wind resistance etc.) and run the self-
The verifier is to familiarize with the tank propulsion test already at the right load or it can
test organization test facilities, measuring be achieved by calculation as given in Proce-
equipment and quality system for consideration dure 7.5-02-03-01.4.
of complying with the requirements of section
6.2 prior to the test attendance when the verifier A wake correction is always necessary for
has none or no recent experience of the tank single screw ships. For twin screw ships it can
test facilities and the tank test organization be neglected unless the stern shape is of twin
quality control system is not certified according skeg hull type or other special shape.
to a recognized scheme (ISO 9001 or equiva-
lent). The performance prediction should always
In this case, the following additional infor- be based on a resistance, propulsion, and a pro-
mation relative to the tank test organization is peller open water test of the model propeller
to be submitted to the verifier: used during the tests and the propeller open wa-
ter characteristics of the final propeller.
1. Descriptions of the tank test facility; this
should include the name of the facility, the
particulars of tanks and towing equipment, 6.5 Model-Ship Correlation
and the records of calibration of each moni-
toring equipment as described in Appendix Basic Principles. EEDI is defined at fully
3 of Industry Guidelines. loaded condition. However for most of the
ship types the speed/power trial cannot be car-
2. Quality manual containing at least the in- ried out at full load condition.
formation listed in the ITTC Sample quality
manual (2002 issue) Records of measuring It is recommended to use the graphical con-
equipment calibration as described in Ap- struction described in Figure 1 that can be de-
pendix 3 of Industry Guidelines. scribed by the following general procedure, ap-
plied only to EEDI power reference point (75%
3. Standard model-ship extrapolation and cor- of MCR):
relation method (applied method and tests
description) . Based on the final corrected measured
power values, the ratios Pmeasured / Ptanktestpredicted
are calculated foe each sea trial speed point.
6.4 Speed Trial Prediction These ratios are put on the curve obtained from
the model tests for EEDI condition to obtain
The principal steps of the Speed Trial pre- the curve of the trial results for EEDI condition.
diction calculation, are given in ITTC Recom-
mended Procedure 7.5-02-03-01.4 ITTC 1978 This means that the EEDI prediction for
Performance Prediction Method (in its latest both laden and trial (ballast) conditions is very
reviewed version of 2011). The main issue of a important. Only the speed at the trial(ballast)
performance prediction is to get the loading of condition will be confirmed at the sea trial.
the propeller correct and also to assume the The speed at the EEDI (laden) condition will
correct full scale wake. The right loading of the be confirmed based on the EEDI prediction of
propeller can be achieved by increasing the the model test. Therefore the difference of the

model-ship correlation between the fully loaded requested in Appendix 4 of Industry Guidelines.
condition and trial condition is very important. In particular, the verifier will compare the dif-
ferences between experience-based coefficients
Cp andC FC between the EEDI condition
( FULL ) and sea trial condition if different from
EEDI condition ( ) with the indications given
in Figures 2 and 3 extracted from a SAJ-ITTC
study (see below presentation of the study) on a
large number of oil tankers. If the difference is
significantly higher than the values reported in
the figures, a proper justification of the values
should be submitted to the verifier.

Study for The Model-Ship Correlation Be-

tween Full and Ballast Condition. This study
was carried out based on the data from SRC,
Shipbuilding Research Centre of Japan. Num-
Figure 1 Extrapolation from measured ber of data is 773 of all kind of ships.
values at sea trial condition to EEDI
condition - Design Full load condition 312
- The other condition 461
Model-ship correlation method followed by
the tank test organization or shipyard should be Figure 2 shows the method 1( C P ) versus
properly documented with reference to the displacement ratio. The tendency indicates in-
1978 ITTC Performance Prediction Method creasing C P values with decreasing displace-
(PPM) given in ITTC Recommended Procedure ment. These values, however, are provided by
7.5-02-03-01.4 rev.02 of 2011 or subsequent clients and most of them are not confirmed at
revisions, mentioning the differences between sea trial or other.
the followed method and the 1978 ITTC PPM
and their global equivalence. Figure 3 shows the same data in method
2( C FC ). The sea trial data of 59 series of
The correlation method used should be
based on thrust identity and the correlation fac- tanker data also plotted in Figure 3. The vari-
tors should be according to method 1 (CP CN) ance of the data from sea trial is not small, but
we can conclude that the scatter is distributed
or method 2 ( C FC wc ) of the 1978 ITTC
around the SRC data.
PPM. If the standard method used by the tank
test organization does not fulfil these condi- It seems that further study is necessary, be-
tions, an additional analysis based on thrust cause the scatter of the model-ship correlation
identity should be submitted to the verifier. is very large. All the model basins and ship
yards should gather their own data. Figure 2
The verifier will check that the power-speed may be the only data which shows the model-
curves obtained for the EEDI condition and sea ship correlation on different displacement. And
trial condition are obtained using the same cal- the number of the data is not small. Before the
culation process and properly documented as

study each model basin should decide the 6.6 Conclusion
model-ship correlation carefully.
EEDI prediction process should follow the
Industry guidelines. Model test and numerical
calculations should be conducted according to
ITTC Recommended Procedures.

In EEDI regulation, model basins are re-

quested to build a quality control system, such
as ISO9000 or equivalent. All the ITTC mem-
bers should be accredited with such a QA sys-

For EEDI verification or confirmation of

the contract between ship owner and ship
Figure 2 Variation of CP-CPFULL as a func-
builder, the difference of model-ship correla-
tion of the displacement ratio.
tion between full and trial condition is very im-
portant. Further studies in this respect are en-


7.1 General

The IMO MEPC at its 64th session and the

Maritime Safety Committee (MSC), at its 91st
session, approved the Interim Guidelines for
determining minimum propulsion power to
maintain the manoeuvrability of ship in adverse
conditions. The Interim guidelines are pre-
sented in detail in document MSC-
MEPC.2/Circ. 11. Interim Guidelines for De-
Figure 3 Variation of C FC as a function of termining Minimum Propulsion Power to
the displacement ratio. Maintain Manoeuvrability of Ships in Adverse
On the other hand, it is difficult to gather
data of full load condition. Other methods According to the above documents, the fol-
should be invetigated, such as the feed back of lowing definitions, applicability and assessment
the performance of the ship after delivery. procedures apply:

Definition. Adverse condition mean sea a) Assessment level 2 Simplified as-
conditions with the following parameters: sessment

Significant wave height Hs = 6.0 m; The simplified assessment is applicable

Peak wave period Tp = 8.0 to 15.0 sec; only to ships whose rudder area is not less than
Mean wind speed Vw = 19.0 m/sec 0.9% of the submerged lateral area corrected
for breadth effect.
Applicability. The Guidelines should be
applied in the case of all new ships in unre- The simplified assessment procedure is
stricted navigation, required to comply with based on the principle that, if the ship has suffi-
EEDI. cient installed power to move with a certain
advance speed in head waves and wind, the
Assessment procedure. he assessment can ship will also be able to keep course in waves
be carried out at two different levels as listed and wind from any other direction. The mini-
below: mum advance speed in head waves and wind is
thus selected depending on ship design in such
a) Assessment level 1 - Minimum power a way, that the fulfilment of the advance speed
lines requirements means fulfilment of course-
keeping requirements.
If the ship under consideration has installed If the ship under consideration fulfils the
power not less than the power defined by the requirements as defined in the simplified as-
minimum power line for the specific ship type, sessment, the ship should be considered to have
the ship should be considered to have sufficient sufficient power to maintain the manoeuvrabil-
power to maintain the manoeuvrability in ad- ity in averse conditions.
verse conditions. The minimum power line val-
ues, in kW, should be calculated as follows:
7.2 Discussion
Minimum power line value = a x (DWT)+b,
Greece accomplished a study to investigate
Where: DWT is the deadweight of the ship the applicability of the guidelines and the as-
in metric tons; and a and b are the parameters sessment procedures for determining the mini-
given in Table 3 mum propulsion power to maintain the ma-
noeuvrability under adverse conditions, as
Table 3 Minimum power lines parameters specified in the aforementioned circular. The
results of this study were based on the interim
Ship type a b guidelines on minimum propulsion power to
maintain the manoeuvrability in adverse condi-
Bulk carriers 0.0687 2924.4
tions, submitted in document MSC-
Tankers 0.0689 3253.0 MEPC.2/Circ.11, which relates to the proce-
Combination carriers See tankers above dures proposed for Phase 0 and Phase 1 and
later of EEDI implementation.
If the minimum power lines assessment
is not fulfilled, then the simplified assessment Meanwhile, IMO/MEPC in Resolution
may be applied. MEPC 232(65) issued in Annex 16 of the Re-
port of MEPC (65) on 24th May 2013, modified

the weather and sea conditions for the evalua- the sea and wind conditions specified by MEPC
tion of maneuverability to milder ones, espe- 232(65), as well as the associated service speed
cially for the smaller vessels. IMO/MEPC also under these circumstances. These operational
modified slightly the minimum power lines for points (main engine power and propeller revo-
both tankers and bulk carriers to improve fitting lutions) at the minimum speeds required for
with the available statistical data. Thus, a achieving sufficient manoeuvring capabilities
member of the PSS Specialist Committee, up- of a ship in a seaway were specified assuming
dated the original study for four typical bulk that the propeller characteristics and the hull -
carriers of DWT 30000 (Handy), 57000 (Supra- propeller interaction coefficients in waves dont
Handy-Max), 79000 (Kamsar-Max) and deviate from those in calm water.
176000 T (Cape-Size) and a VLCC 306000 T
to evaluate the most recent requirements. Lines On the basis of these results, useful conclu-
plans and sea trial data were used to derive the sions with respect to the installed power margin
performance of the aforementioned vessels in that is necessary to ensure safe operation of the
adverse weather conditions. Actual operation ships in the prescribed sea and weather condi-
points were derived by matching the power re- tions, are drawn, as follows:
quirements with the propeller characteristics
and the main engine operational diagram. All five ships studied, very easily satisfy
Long-crested head sea waves (worst case for level 1 requirement, while some of them
added resistance) and the worst peak wave pe- satisfy only marginally the requirements of
riod TP within the range specified by MEPC level 2 simplified assessment. This consti-
232(65) were assumed. tutes a major failure of rationalism, dictat-
ing that level 1 should be the strictest one.
Furthermore, calculations using the level 1 Since either level is sufficient to comply
and 2 assessment methods, as described in with the requirement, it follows that the
MEPC 232(65), were carried out at two loading simplest level 1 should not also be the easi-
conditions: a fully laden and a heavy ballast est to fulfill.
one, both selected from the trim and stability The submerged lateral area of the hull, cor-
booklet of each vessel. rected for breadth effect, estimated using
the formulation proposed by IACS and in-
To evaluate the Level 1 procedure, the corporated in MSC-MEPC.2/Circ.11 and
characteristics of the investigated vessels are MEPC 232 (65) is 55-70% higher than the
compared with the minimum line for bulk car- actual one, both at the full load and the
riers (BCs) and tankers derived on basis of sta- heavy ballast conditions and in the case of
tistics. the VLCC more than 80% higher.
The differences between the estimated
To evaluate the Level 2 procedure the per- power requirements on the basis of MSC-
formance of each vessel in calm water and in MEPC.2 / Circ.11 and the calculated results
waves was estimated numerically. On the basis are higher in the heavy ballast conditions
of the sea trials and the propulsion characteris- than in the full load ones. This can be at-
tics the power required to propel the ship in tributed to the fact that the approximate re-
calm water at various speeds was derived. lations in the supporting document of IACS
Then, using a strip theory method the dynamic (IMO MEPC 64/INF.7, June, 2, 2012) to
responses are derived and using an energy the document IMO MEPC 64/4/13 have
method the added resistance was calculated in been derived mainly on the basis of the full

load conditions. However, the heavy ballast commercial ships are neither new-buildings
condition was found to be more critical with nor just launched from the dry dock.
respect to minimum power requirements The regression line for the minimum power
than the full load one in three of the evalu- requirements (Level 1) seems to be satisfied
ated cases, basically due to the higher sea- by the 90% of the plotted sample, while on-
keeping vertical responses in head waves ly 10% of the plotted sample are below the
contributing to excessive added resistance curve, implying that the required minimum
in head waves. Furthermore, quite often the installed power is substantially lower than
rudder is not fully submerged in the ballast actual typical current designs for bulk carri-
condition. ers. The same holds true for the tankers.
The minimum power requirements specified Even before EEDI some vessels were built
on the basis of IMO MEPC 232 (65), using with much smaller engines than appropriate.
Level 1 Minimum Power Lines are ex- These ships were underpowered. It is obvi-
ceeded by about 20% for all five cases in- ous that these ships constitute the bottom
vestigated. samples of the scattered data. It does not
The minimum power requirements specified seem appropriate, nor conservative, to now
on the basis of IMO MSC-MEPC.2/Circ.11 provide an effective IMO stamp of safety
using Level 2 Simplified Assessment are to all ships as long as they are not within the
met only marginally in one of the two tested worst 10% of the data as far as engine size
conditions for the four investigated BCs. is concerned.
Taking into account the fouling and the ag- Thus, the Level 1, simplified method, which
ing of ships, and the fact that the propulsive is included in the interim guidelines, adopt-
performance in waves is reduced compared ed by resolution MEPC.232 (65) as the first
to that in calm water, this criterion may be level of a two or three-level assessment ap-
violated. On the contrary, they are well sat- proach should be the most stringent and
isfied in the case of the VLCC in both load- conservative, as a matter of principle.
ing conditions, where the required mini-
mum speed is too low for the installed main Based on the results and conclusions of the
engine propeller configuration. Since all above study it could be summarized that the In-
oceangoing ships regardless of their LOA terim Guidelines seem to be premature and
size encounter the same weather and sea would need further refinement. Some
conditions in the ocean, which affect more recommnedations for future ITTC work on this
the smaller ones, the power margin must be topic are formulated in the Conclusions of this
increased in smaller ships. Instead, resolu- report.
tion MEPC. 232(65) - 2013 reduced the re-
quirement for all ships and more so for
ships below 250 m in length (i.e. the 8. SPEED/POWER TRIAL
Panamax and Handy-supras workhorses of FUNDAMENTALS
the seas) to levels equivalent to Beaufort 6-
The minimum power requirement estimated 8.1 Background
on the basis of IMO MEPC 232 (65) ig-
nores the increase of the calm water re- The speed/power characteristics of ships
sistance due to hull and propeller fouling, as have always been at the core of ship design. To
well as that due to ship aging. However, prove contractually agreed values, speed trials

are conducted by the yard prior to delivery of Tanaguchi and Tamura method (11th ITTC,
the ship to the owner. In the past, operational 1966).
schedule of the vessel was often the most im-
portant factor for the speed requirement. To- In 2004, the STA-Joint Industry Project,
day, owners and operators are keen to reduce supported by leading ship owners and major
fuel consumption to decrease operational costs. shipyards, investigated the current practice and
developed significant improvements in the trial
The IMO brief asked that a transparent, un- procedures, and in the analysis of the measured
ambiguous and practical method had to be de- results, including new correction methods for
livered which would be acceptable for all waves and wind.
stakeholders and that could be used for both
contractual agreements between yard and In December 2011, the PSS Committee in-
owner as well as for the assessment of the IMO vited STA-Group to co-operate on the new
EEDI for any new-built ship worldwide. At the ITTC Guidelines for Speed/Power trials to be
same time, the results of the speed/power trials submitted to IMO MEPC for EEDI verification.
should be completely documented and trace- STA-Group accepted the invitation and pro-
able for the EEDI Verifier representing the flag vided access for ITTC to STA-Group data and
state of the vessel. This task was conducted by method.
the ITTC Committee for the Performance of
Ships in Service with the assistance of the
STA-Group which has been working in this 8.3 Approach
field since 2004.
The two basic parameters to be measured
during the trials are ship speed and shaft power.
8.2 History By determining these parameters at different
engine power settings and correcting them for
Speed/power trials are conducted to estab- non-ideal circumstances, the speed/power rela-
lish the performance of the vessel at design tion for the ship at trial draught and trim can be
draught and trim under stipulated weather con- established.
ditions, usually deep water, no wind and no
waves. As the conditions encountered during As illustrated by Figure 4, the speed and
the trials often deviate from the contract condi- shaft torque of a vessel in realistic weather
tions, corrections are applied during the analy- conditions is varying constantly, both with
sis and reporting of the trial results. In the past, wave frequency and with lower frequencies. It
institutes such as BSRA, NSMB, SNAME and is obvious that reliable measurements and
ITTC published methods for conducting and analysis methods are required and at the same
analysing speed/power trials. Shipyards ran- time, strict limitations have to be taken into
domly selected and developed their own yard consideration during the speed/power trials
standard from these methods. In 2002, the In- such as the minimum water depth, maximum
ternational Standard Organisation published wave heights and maximum wind speed.
ISO 15016, which included a cumbersome
analysis method based on a wide choice of out- Although the speed log is one of the oldest
dated correction methods and empirical data. sensors on board ships, it is still one of the
The analysis method is based on the old manual most inaccurate instruments and it does not
give the speed through water with an accept-

able accuracy. The D-GPS, however, is capable measurement duration of 10 minutes. Each
of deriving the speed over ground. To eliminate double run consists of a speed run in head
the current from the speed over ground, the re- waves and a counter run in following waves.
sults of double runs (i.e. speed runs on recipro- The reason for this is that practical wave cor-
cal courses), can be averaged according to the rections are only available for those courses
Mean of Means method also referred to as and rolling, steering and course deviations
Pascals triangle, which was already pre- should be avoided.
sented by Van Lammeren in 1939 and also rec-
ommended by the Principles of Naval Architec- Power corrections are applied for non ideal
ture (SNAME, 1988). To account for time conditions such as wind, waves and small de-
varying currents such as tidal currents, two or viations in displacement. The propeller loading
more double runs are required for the same due to wind and waves and displacement devia-
power setting. tions is accounted for by taking into account
the deviations in propeller efficiency and rpm
as obtained from the load variation model tests.
The above approach is referred to as the Direct
Power Method and is a transparent, reliable and
practical method that can easily be understood
by yards and owners. The method does not
need curve fairing or fitting neither numerical
solvers. The Direct Power Method was selected
by ITTC PSS is the basis for the new Guide-

Number and length of speed runs. The

minimum number and length of the speed runs
has been discussed at length by the committee.
Figure 4 Speed through water and over The basis for the requirements is the accuracy
ground and shaft torque measured on an 1800 in speed and in shaft power measurements in
TEU container vessel in 4 m significant wave limiting current, wind and wave conditions as
height (Courtesy; Vroon) well as the analysis and correction methods
which are all based on average figures. Not
The Mean of Means is applied after cor- only current variations but also the low fre-
recting the measured speed/power points for quency components in the added resistance in
wind, waves and other deviations from ideal irregular waves and the low frequency wind
conditions except the conversion from the (bal- gusts have to be accounted for in the averaging
last) trial draught to the contract design procedures.
draught. All corrections for non-ideal condi-
tions are expressed in shaft power corrections The required number of double runs at vari-
(except for shallow water) and the propeller ef- ous power settings was specified:
ficiency is corrected for non-ideal loads by use
of the results of load-variation model tests. two double runs at contract power;
two double runs at EEDI power (75%
The speed over ground is derived from the MCR);
end-positions of the speed run over minimum

one double run at one other power setting Measured Corrected
between 65% and 100% of MCR.
For sister ships, the programme can be re- V'WT
duced to one double run at contract power, at V'WT VWR2 V'WR2
EEDI power and at one other power setting be- VWT1
tween 65% and 100% of MCR. In adverse en-
vironmental conditions, additional double runs Figure 5 Averaging of measured wind vec-
are required. The measurements and recording tors over two counter runs to derive the true
of all required signals during speed runs with a wind vector
minimum duration of 10 minutes have been
specified in detail in these Guidelines. Wind drag coefficients for ships have been
published by many authors in the past; however
Wind correction. The wind drag on ships modern vessels are much larger and have a dif-
increases quadratically with the relative wind ferent geometry than ships used in well-known
speed and therefore the actual encountered wind resistance publications. Therefore, it is
wind speed and direction should be measured important to use recent ship type and size spe-
as accurately as possible. Wind speed read cific data derived from proper wind tunnel
from the anemometer on top of the wheelhouse measurements or validated computational tools
should be treated with care as the wheelhouse such as LES-RANS CFD. For container ships,
normally generates over-speed at this location. it is crucial to distinguish the wind drag in bal-
For some wind directions the anemometer may last condition without containers on deck but
be shielded by masts, funnels or cargo. To while taking into account the lashing bridges
minimise these effects the wind vector is aver- (which are exposed to wind during trials) and
aged over the results of the two counter runs in the design draught case where the vessel is
one double run set as illustrated by Figure 5. loaded with containers. Remarkably the wind
resistance coefficient of the loaded vessel is
As the ship navigates in the boundary layer normally smaller as the full container pack pro-
of the wind over the sea, it is important to take vides a better flow shape than the wheelhouse
the wind velocity profile into account. Wind and lashing bridges!
speed is normally defined as the average veloc-
ity at a height of 10 meters above the surface. The STA-JIP collected systematic wind
Wind drag coefficients are also normally de- tunnel data sets for various ship types and load-
rived in a wind profile defining the wind speed ing conditions. Also, extensive CFD analyses
at 10 meter. For this reason the wind measured have been conducted to correlate with wind
by the anemometer has to be corrected for the tunnel data to arrive at a solid understanding of
height of this sensor. When the anemometer is wind drag and to establish extensive empirical
located 50 meter above water for example, this data sets for wind drag correction.
height correction results in a 21% reduction in
wind speed and 46% in wind load. When the ITTC incorporated the wind correction ap-
forward speed of the ship is included, the effect proach from STA. Besides the STA-Wind data
on the wind load can be even larger. sets for the different ship types, PSS also in-
cluded the regression method published by Fu-
jiwara et al. in 2005.

motion induced
In all cases, it is possible to use the drag co- added resistance

efficients derived by means of qualified wind ra w added resistance
tunnel tests or validated CFD analysis for the 2
a due to reflection

specific ship geometry.

More elaborate presentation of the recom- 2 1 1/2 1/4 1/8

mended methods for wind drag correction fol- / Lpp

lows in the next chapter.

Figure 6 Added resistance in waves as func-
Wave correction. Even within the trial lim- tion of wave length over ship length.
its for wave height, the added resistance due to
waves can be a substantial part of the required The STAwave-1 method is based on the
shaft power. The added resistance in waves in- fact that for todays large ships the head waves
creases quadratically with wave height and thus encountered in trial conditions are normally
even in low sea states the wave correction short compared to ship length and speed. The
method should provide an accurate prediction added resistance due to the reflection of those
of the added resistance for the specific ship and short head waves is mainly dependent on the
the actual encountered wind driven sea and shape of the waterline in the bow region. Ship
swell conditions. At the same time, the method displacement, draught, trim and speed play a
should be practical requiring limited input; to- secondary role. Actually the dominating reflec-
day, many yards refuse to deliver the body plan tion part in added resistance is a component of
to the shipowner and the encountered wave the second order wave forces which can be ana-
spectrum is not normally measured. lytically found from integration over the water-
line geometry (Pinkster, 1980). For ship shapes
The added resistance in waves originates in head waves this analytical expression was
from two wave systems; firstly the reflection of simplified for practicality to:
short waves on the hull and secondly, the wave
induced ship motions i.e. heave and pitch. The
1 B
first component is dominant in short waves, the Raw = gH s2 B
16 Lb
second component contributes if the wave
lengths are similar to the ship length (Figure 6). Where:
STA used the horses for courses approach; B = Beam of the vessel on the water-
STAwave-1 for reflecting irregular head waves line[m]
and STAwave-2 for head waves in which the Lb = Distance of the bow to 95% of maxi-
vessel is pitching and heaving. If desired, mum beam on the waterline [m]
model test results for the specific ship geometry Hs = Significant wave height [m]
can be used.
The above expression is particularly practi-
cal for speed/power trials as only the ships
beam, the length of the bow section and the
significant wave height are required as input.
No other ship particulars such as parametric
coefficients or bluntness factors nor ship speed

or wave spectrum are required. It is simply as- Tanker Lwave/Lship = 0.33

sumed that the asymptotic short wave value of 250 Model test irregular
the transfer function extends over the complete 200

range of wave frequencies and thus that the

Added resistance in waves


vessel is not heaving and pitching, which can

be easily checked during trials. 100


For small and medium sized vessels or in


case long swells are encountered during the tri- Tanker loaded high speed Tanker loaded low speed Tanker ballast high speed Tanker ballast low speed

als, the vessel actually will heave and pitch and Container Lwave/Lship = 0.33

those motions will contribute to the overall re- 200

180 Model test irregular

sistance. For this purpose STAwave-2 was de- 160

Added resistance in waves

veloped. This is an empirical statistical method 140


utilising seakeeping model test results from 200 100

ships. The transfer function of the added resis- 80


tance in head waves is parameterised to a func- 40

tion of seven input quantities accounting for 0

ship geometry and ship speed. A wave spec- Container loaded

high speed
Container loaded
low speed
Container ballast
high speed
Container ballast
low speed

trum shape (Pierson-Moskowitz (PM) for seas

and Jonswap for swells) is assumed in this Figure 7 Added resistance in irregular head
method but both significant wave height and waves computed by STAwave 1 & 2 compared
mean period have to be specified. with results of large model tests for different
speeds and loading conditions.
Both STAwave methods were validated
with dedicated model tests for a Panamax con- As reliable wave corrections can be made
tainership and an Aframax tanker at scale 1:38 for head waves and if the added resistance in
and 1:43 respectively in MARINs Seakeeping following waves is negligible for normal trial
and Manoeuvring Basin. It should be noted that conditions, speed runs in head waves and fol-
reliable added resistance measurements at lowing waves need to be carried out. For wave
model scale requires large models (typically 6 directions within the +/- 45 degrees bow sector
8 m.), a dedicated test setup and sufficient run STAwave for head waves is applied. However,
length in the basin. Only the largest seakeeping if yard and owner want speed/power trials in
basins in the world offer this capability. As il- other circumstances, they may conduct dedi-
lustrated by Figure 7 both STAwave-1 and cated seakeeping model tests and measure the
STAwave-2 show an acceptable agreement encountered wave spectrum during the
with the model test results for both ship types. speed/power tests. Measurement of the encoun-
tered wave spectrum is also required in case
non-benign sea conditions are encountered dur-
ing the speed/power trials.

Besides the STA-Wave methods ITTC PSS

adopted also an approximation method utilising
simplified model tests which was published by
Tsujimoto et al in 2008. This method requires

model tests in regular head waves for the spe-
cific ship geometry.

Prior to adopting the three wave correction

methods, ITTC PSS subjected these methods to
extensive correlation with model test results
made available for this purpose by HSVA,
MARIN, NMRI and SSPA. Some comparative
results are presented in the next Chapter 9.

Alternative to the use of the above predic-

tion methods, the transfer function of added re-
sistance can also be derived from seakeeping
model tests for the specific ship geometry and Figure 8 New limits for significant wave
loading conditions. This transfer function can height
then be applied to the wave spectrum measured
during the trials. Corrections for propeller efficiency and
rpm. With the power corrections for the en-
To ensure the reliability and accuracy of the countered additional resistance due to wind,
wave correction methods, new wave height waves and possibly small displacement devia-
limits for speed/power trials have been devel- tions (max. 2%), also the loading variation of
oped by ITTC PSS. These new limits distin- the propeller and thus the propeller rpm and ef-
guish trials where the wave spectrum is meas- ficiency shall be accounted for. For this pur-
ured and those where the wave height is de- pose the results of the load variation model
rived from observations. In case use is made of tests shall be used. As not all model test facili-
transfer functions for added resistance derived ties have experience with load variation tests,
from dedicated seakeeping model tests for the these test procedures and their analysis have
specific ship geometry, the wave spectrum has been specified and documented in detail in Ap-
to be measured during the speed/power trials pendix A of ITTC recommended procedure
unless the waves are below the lower limit. The 7.5-04-01-01.2. The load variation test analysis
new wave height limits are presented in Figure results in three coefficients which are subse-
8. quently used in the speed/power trial data

The fraction of propulsion efficiency as

function of the added resistance fraction.
The fraction of the shaft rate as function of
the fraction of power increase.
The fraction of the shaft rate as function of
the fraction of speed increase (shallow wa-

The method has been validated by a com- be cleaned and the propeller polished prior to
parison with model tests which were conducted trials.
by SSPA specifically for ITTC PSS.
Conversion from ballast draught to design
The documented procedure has been in- draught. As several ship types such as contain-
cluded in the final version of the ITTC recom- erships and dry cargo vessels, due to lack of
mended procedure 7.5-04-01-01.2. The cargo, cannot be subjected to speed trials at
speed/power trial analysis thus requires the their design draught and trim during delivery
load variation tests as a standard procedure to trials, results of these trials have to be con-
be included in calm water ship power model verted to the contractual design draught and
tests. trim conditions. This conversion is then based
on the difference of calm water model test re-
Corrections for temperature & density. The sults for the trial condition and the design con-
usual corrections of power for temperature and dition. This has proven to be one of the largest
deviations are incorporated in the new proce- causes of deviations and discrepancies in the
dures. results of delivery speed trials.

Corrections for Water Depth. In the new Model test results are always extrapolated
ITTC speed/power trial procedure the speed to full scale on the basis of scaling laws, as well
corrections for shallow water according to the as correlation coefficients. These statistical
method published by Lackenby, 1963 has been correlation coefficients relate the scaled-up
implemented. With the use of CFD analysis it model test power to the predicted power for the
has been proven by Raven, 2013 that this actual speed/power trials with that vessel. For a
method strongly overpredicts the effect of shal- model basin with a sufficiently large trial data-
low water. The reason for this is that the base for the specific ship type and size, this
method is based on systematic model tests in a practice has proven that it is able to deliver
shallow water basin. The resistance of the power predictions with acceptable accuracy
model is not only influenced by the water depth over the years. Model test prediction accuracy
but also by the horizontal restrictions of the is thus dependent on the experience of the
towing tank. Especially in shallow water the model basin and, consequently, the availability
horizontal restriction of the basin has a large of accurate speed/power trial data. For several
effect on the resistance. Work of the STA- ship types, however, design draught trial results
Group is underway to develop and validate new are scarce. This is a particular problem for rela-
method by means of speed-power trials at a tively new ship types, where data related to
range of water depths. This is considered to be- modern speed ranges and recent sizes is often
come one of the important improvements of the missing.
new procedures in the near future.
Therefore, strict guidelines for this ballast
Effect of surface roughness. The added re- draught-design draught conversion of
sistance due to (hull/propeller) surface rough- speed/power trial results as well as for the ex-
ness is not addressed in the procedure. It is re- trapolation of model test results towards full
quired that the ship should go on sea trial with scale have been incorporated in the new ITTC
clean hull and propeller. In case some kind of sea trial procedure. The wording in the Proce-
surface fouling is documented, the hull needs to dure is as follows:

For all draughts and trims, the same cation of correction methods on respective
methods, procedures and empirical coeffi- elements are required in order to reduce the
cients shall be used to extrapolate the number of methods adopted in the updated
model scale values to full scale. In case speed/power trial procedure.
different methods, procedures or empirical
coefficients are used for the different Wind effect. Using the wind tunnel data-
draughts, these shall be documented in full base of NMRI for 54 ships, the following six
detail and documentation must include methods are compared in view of practical use.
justification by means of full scale S/P The database contains contemporary ship
Trial data for the specific ship type, size, shapes.
loading condition, model test facility and
evaluation method. Selected methods are (1) Fujiwara 2005
(Fujiwara et al., 2005), (2) Fujiwara 1998 (Fu-
This implicates that model basins can only jiwara et al., 1998), (3) Isherwood (Isherwood,
deliver reliable speed power predictions for de- 1973), (4) Yamano (Yamano and Saito, 1997),
sign draught when they derive their extrapola- (5) Yoneta (Yoneta et al., 1992) and (6) STA
tion coefficients from speed/power trials con- DataSet (Sea Trial Analysis Joint Industry Pro-
ducted at the design draught of that vessel type ject, 2006). The methods (1) to (5) are regres-
and size. sion formulae and method (6) is dataset for co-
efficient of wind resistance.

9. REVISION OF ITTC SPEED/POWER To validate each method, the averaged

TRIAL PROCEDURES standard error of wind resistance coefficient
( SE EST ) is calculated. SE EST is defined in Eq.
(3). The results of the comparison are shown in
9.1 Introduction Figures 9 and 10 for each ship type.

The background, history and the major

principles of the work performed by the 27th
( )
1 1 ns n
ITTC Specialist Committee on Performance of SE EST = C AAij C AAij (3)
Ships in Service for updating the speed/power nS n j =1i =1
trial procedure are presented in the previous
chapter. In the current chapter, the different Where nS is number of ships, n is number
correction methods suggested will be reviewed of wind directions, C AAij is the coefficient of
in more detail with emphasis on the verification wind resistance tested at wind tunnels and C AAij
work done by the PSS committee. is the coefficient of wind resistance estimated.

9.2 Correction Methods

At speed/power trials, effects of wind,

waves, current, water temperature, salt content,
shallow water, displacement and trim should be
analysed and corrected for from measured data.
The studied data is summarized below. Verifi-

SEEST Fujiwara2005
c) Car Carrier: 8 ships

SEEST Fujiwara2005 Fujiwara1998 Isherwood

0.4 Yamano Yoneta STA
CAA 0.1

CAA Car Carrier

Figure 9 Averaged standard errors of longi-

tudinal wind force coefficient (54 ships). d) Cruise Ferry: 7 ships

SEEST Fujiwara2005 Fujiwara1998 Isherwood

Yamano Yoneta STA
a) Tanker: 16 ships 0.5

SEEST Fujiwara2005 Fujiwara1998 Isherwood
Yamano Yoneta STA 0.3
0.2 CAA Cruise Ferry


e) LNG Carrier: 4 ships
CAA Tanker

SEEST Fujiwara2005 Fujiwara1998 Isherwood

Yamano Yoneta STA
b) Container Ship: 9 ships 0.5

SEEST Fujiwara2005 Fujiwara1998 Isherwood
Yamano Yoneta STA 0.3
0.2 CAA LNG Carrier


CAA Container Ship

f) General Cargo Ship: 10 ships The three methods are: (1) STAWAVE1,
(2) STAWAVE2, and (3) NMRI (Tsujimoto,
SEEST Fujiwara2005

0.4 STAWAVE1 and STAWAVE2 methods

are presented in the previous chapter.
The NMRI method is a theoretical method
0.1 with practical correction, which calculates fre-
quency response function. Two options are
CAA General Cargo Ship provided to apply the NMRI method to wave
correction. One is a theoretical method com-
bined with simplified tank tests in short waves.
Figure 10 Averaged standard errors of lon- The other is a theoretical method combined
gitudinal wind force coefficient for each ship with empirical functions for the required pa-
type. rameters estimation.

From the validation, it was found that Fuji- The PSS committee initiated comparison
wara 2005 method gives the best estimation. study for added resistance in regular and long
crested irregular waves to understand which of
As a result of the validation, the following the three methods: STAWAVE1, STAWAVE2,
three possible approaches were recommended and the NMRI method combined with simpli-
in the updated procedure: fied tank tests in short waves is the best suited
for the estimation of added resistance in waves
(1) Statistical regression formula for various for speed/power trial.
ship types developed by Fujiwara et al.
The added resistance response function is
(2) STA Dataset see previous chapter compared for six ships with the results of tank
tests in regular head waves. For reference, the
(3) Use of wind tunnel measurements for estimated functions by Maruo (Maruo, 1963)
the specific ship with Fujii-Takahashi (in the figures F-T) (Fujii
and Takahashi, 1975) and Faltinsen (Faltinsen
Wave Effect. Many calculation methods et al., 1980) are drawn. These results are pre-
for added resistance due to waves have been sented in Figures 11-16.
developed and these are categorized into empir-
ical method, slender body theory, panel method, From these results, it is clear that the NMRI
and CFD. For the application to wave correc- method combined with simplified tank tests in
tion at speed/power trial, the methods should be short waves gives the best estimation, while
robust, practical and validated in full scale. Fujii-Takahashi method and Faltinsen method
Based on these considerations, the following underpredict added resistance in short waves.
three methods were selected and compared. Application of STAWAVE2 in ballast condi-
tions should be carefully checked in short

4.0 F-T Faltinsen 4.0 F-T Faltinsen
3.5 3.5
3.0 3.0
2.5 2.5
2.0 2.0
1.5 1.5
1.0 1.0
0.5 0.5
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5

Figure 11 Container ship (L=300m, Figure 14 Bulk carrier (L=217m, Fr=0.188;

Fr=0.247; Full) Ballast)
4.0 F-T Faltinsen
NMRI Exp. 3.5
4.0 F-T Faltinsen
0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
0.0 /LPP
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5

Figure 15 VLCC (L=324m Fr=0.121; Full)

Figure 12 Car carrier (L=190m,
Fr=0.249;Full) 4.0


4.0 F-T Faltinsen 2.0

3.5 1.5

3.0 1.0

2.5 0.5

2.0 0.0
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
1.5 /LPP
0.0 Figure 16 VLCC (L=317m Fr=0.141; Bal
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
/LPP last)

Figure 13 Bulk carrier (L=217m, Fr=0.167; Validation in long crested irregular waves
full) has been performed by the contribution of
MARIN, HSVA, SSPA and NMRI. Correlation
diagrams are shown in Figures 17 and 18.

RAW prediction (kN) STAWAVE1
HSVA tank tests
700 MARIN tank tests
NMRI tank tests






0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
R AW experiment (kN)

RAW prediction (kN)

Figure 17 Wave correction methods com- 800
HSVA tank tests
pared with NMRI model test data; note NMRI 700 MARIN tank tests
NMRI tank tests
model test results were used for the NMRI pre- SSPA tank tests
diction method.





0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
R AW experiment (kN)

Figure 18 STAwave-1 and STAwave-2 cor-

related with model test results for various ship
types, loading conditions and speeds in irregu-
lar head waves

Comparison results for the NMRI method

combined with empirical relation for the pa-
rameter estimation applied to oblique/beam
waves has been provided by NMRI. Correlation
diagram is shown in Figure 19.

In case CP (longitudinal prismatic coefficient)
and CWP (water plane area coefficient) curves
are available, the NMRI method having two
options can be used.

(4) Use of sea-keeping tests to obtain fre-

quency response function for the specific ship

Current Effect. Current correction by cur-

rent curves has uncertainty due to the fairing
process of the curve.

To solve the problem, current elimination

by Mean of means method has been proposed.
Since the method requires two or more double
runs (DR) and relates with the requirements for
speed/power trial conduct, extensive discus-
sions on this topic were carried our during the
PSS committee technical meetings. During the
Figure 19 Comparison results for the NMRI deliberations, it was pointed out that cost in-
method combined with empirical relation for creases in proportion to the number of runs.
the parameter estimation applied to Therefore, as a compromise, in the final rec-
oblique/beam waves. ommended procedures, it was allowed to apply
a combination of two double runs (2DR) and
From the validation, it is found that the one double run (1DR).
NMRI method combined with simplified tank
tests in short waves gives the best estimation. In case of 2DR, current change is assumed
as a quadratic function of time, while in case of
Based on the above validation results, the 1DR the current is assumed time independent.
treatment of the wave correction method is
summarized as: It was also pointed out that for large low
speed ships as VLCC, one run needs a time du-
(1) STAWAVE1 ration of approximately two hours. On the other
Under the condition that the pitching and heav- hand, current direction changes with a period of
ing are small/missing and head waves, the sim- six hours. For such case, 2DR may be insuffi-
plified estimation method can be used. cient to keep accuracy since quadratic function
is hard to express the tidal changes, as illus-
trated in Figure 20.
In case only ship dimensions are available and
head waves, empirical correction method with
frequency response function can be used.

(3) NMRI method

Tidal period is Effect of Water Temperature and Salt Con-
about 12 hours tent. The effects of water temperature and salt
content are corrected considering difference of
water density and frictional resistance.
2 double runs
take 8 hours
Effect of Shallow Water. In the absence of
a more reliable method, the effect of shallow
Inflection point exists
during the trials
water is corrected according to the ship speed
by Lackenby formula (Lackenby, 1963).
Figure 20 Relation on tidal velocity and tri-
als for large low speed ship as VLCC. Displacement and Trim. Displacement and
trim are, in general, factors that can be adjusted
Load Correction. The load variation model to stipulated values at the time of the trials, but
test has been selected to account for the influ- there may be substantial reasons for discrepan-
ence of propeller loading on the propulsive ef- cies. Thus the limit for trim and displacement
ficiency. This method is also more transparent to allow speed/power trial is documented. Cor-
and straight forward comparing to the previous rection of displacement is carried out under the
method (KT/J2 approach). concept that Admiralty coefficient is constant.

The example of load variation tests is

shown in Figure 21. 9.3 New Recommended Procedure Issued

In June 2012 the ITTC/PSSC submitted its

completely revised speed/power trial proce-

7.5-04-01-01.1:Speed and Power Trials,

Part I Preparation and Conduct

7.5-04-01-01.2: Speed and Power Trials,

Part II Analysis of Speed/Power Trial Data

to IMO MEPC 64. Part I concerns the prepara-

tion and conduct of speed/power trials and was
accepted as an informative paper. Part II con-
cerns the analysis of measured speed/power
trial data and was accepted by IMO MEPC 64
in September for EEDI use. The final wording
of Part I was accepted by IMO MEPC 65 in
March 2013. MEPC 65 stated that the ITTC
Figure 21 Example of load variation tests 2012 (a simplified reference for the combined
relation between propulsion efficiency change two procedures) is the preferred method for de-
and resistance increase. riving the speed/power performance of ships
for EEDI.

With the acceptance of these new proce- vibration and other problems which should be
dures, the ITTC and IMO have established a taken into account.
transparent, straightforward best practice and a
level playing field for the delivery of new Jan et al (2010) studied the total operational
ships for all stakeholders. cost change curves for the 13,500 TEU Con-
tainer vessel, see Figure 22. For the 13,500
Impact on model tests and speed trials. It TEU, the optimum speed is found to be 21.5 kn
should be noted that these Speed/Power Trials rather than the design speed of 25 kn. The cost
procedures have three direct impacts on the reduction at that speed is about 7%, the fuel
procedures for model testing, extrapolating the consumption reduction 43 %. Up to a speed of
model scale results to full scale and number of 16.7 kn the ship could operate without mone-
speed runs: tary loss. However, the very low loading of the
engine would likely cause some additional me-
1. Load variation tests should be part of the chanical problems.
calm water propulsion model test program and
the analysis of these tests should be according
to the described procedure.

2. For extrapolation to full scale the same pro-

cedure and empirical coefficients should be
used for all draughts unless these procedures
and coefficients are justified and documented
with results of full scale trials for the specific
ship type, size and loading condition.

3. Speed trial shall consist of 5 double runs Figure 22 Total cost changes by speed re-
with minimum 10 minutes for the first ship, duction
though for sister ships the programme can be
reduced to 3 double runs.
10.2 Hull Form Design and Optimization

10. CONTEMPORARY TRENDS IN Hull form design and optimisation usually

OPTIMIZING SHIP PROPULSIVE starts with the selection of optimum main di-
PERFORMANCE mensions. Depending on the ship type and the
ship size, the difference between optimum
main dimensions from hydrodynamic point of
10.1 Speed Optimization view and optimum main dimensions from the
manufacturers point of view (lowest building
Speed reduction is an effective way to re- costs) can easily reach 20-30%.
duce consumption and emission. However, the
lowest speed is not necessarily the speed where Contemparary hull form design and optimi-
the amount of fuel consumed per tonne-mile is sation is heavily supported by CFD (computa-
the minimum. Further, it should be considered tional fluid dynamics) tools. Although the po-
that slow speed operation may lead to increased tential flow methods neglect all viscous effects
and cannot predict steep, breaking waves these

simple methods are still the working horses in
the optimisation process. Combined with para- 10.3 Propeller Design
metric hull form modelling tools several hun-
dred up to some ten-thousand hull form vari- There are several high efficiency propeller
ants can be investigated during the optimisation types, such as ducted propeller, podded propel-
process in a reasonable time. ler, hybrid contra-rotating pod, tip-plate propel-
ler and composite propeller.
More and more RANS codes are used dur-
ing the hull form design process giving much Ducted propeller. The latest research is
more insight in local flow phenomena, bound- from Long Yu et al(2013), who published an
ary layer details or the complex wave forma- optimization design method for ducted propel-
tions emerging from partly submerged bulbous ler analysis. It combines geometry generation,
bows in off-design conditions. auto-meshing, optimization algorithm and CFD
analysis techniques and make the process
Van et al (2010) used a RANS code, cou- automatically operated which helps extend the
pled with a parametric hull form optimization CFD analysis to the design process. A ducted
tool to develop hull forms that both minimize propeller case study is validated and optimized,
resistance and improve the wake quality into which is a propeller substitution and upgrading
the propeller. In a sample case that examines for higher thrust force and efficiency. The op-
the afterbody of a tanker, the significant reduc- timum result can provide better thrust force
tion in resistance was achieved with good than original ducted propeller installed on the
agreement with experimental data. However, it vessel. However, the automatic optimization
is insufficient to judge the performance of af- process is also time-consuming and very sensi-
terbody on the basis of wake and resistance tive to the geometry twisting.
only. Self-propulsion simulation and validation
are further needed.

Developments and applications of SBD

(Simulation-based Design to ship design was
also reported. Kim et al(2010) investigate on
the flexibility of use of some choices of design
variables including local and global ones in the
optimization of the KCS containership.
Figure 23 ducted propeller (left: original,
Li (2012) developed a method to optimize right, optimized )
the ship line automatically considering real-
geometry propeller. These efforts should be a Podded propeller. Raimo2013studied
positive step to promote hull form design. the energy saving possibilities in twin or triple
propeller cruise liners. The good solutions for
Actually, hull form designers focus no improved ship designs are podded propulsion,
longer on the optimisation for one draught and Dual-End CRP, ECO efficient conventional
one speed, but they are optimising the hull propulsion concept and hybrid propulsion con-
shape for a range of speeds and draughts with cept. With careful appendage and propulsion
remarkable influence of bulbous bow and fore design, large fuel saving is possible to achieve.
body designs, especially for container vessels. With the aid of CFD tools, new hull form con-

cepts can be developed prior to the model- the blades. The end plates are positioned so as
testing phase of a project. Yet, podded propel- to cause a minimum viscous resistance and
ler has the disadvantage of shorter docking in- therefore are parallel to the incoming flow and
terval comparing with normal propeller which shaped to the relative motion of the water. The
should be taken into account. end plate is located at the pressure side of the
blade with the aim to obtain a higher overpres-
sure downstream. All research findings are in-
cluded in the book Detailled Design of Ship
Propellers. Possible gain in the range of 6-
12% in full scale is claimed. However, reliabil-
ity and ship owners acceptance may be the
main difficulties to wide use of CLT.
Figure 24 Ship model of a Hybrid Cruise

Hybrid contra-rotating pod (CRP). CRP

concept makes use of Pods in combination with
the existing single screw shafting arrangement,
which gains in efficiency caused by the lighter
propeller loading and the contra-rotating effect
of the propellers. Also, the dimensions of the
conventional shafting arrangement can be re-
duced, and the rudders, headboxes and stern
tunnel thruster can be removed which will lead
to reduced appendage resistance. CRP is ex- Figure 26 Tip-plate Prop
pected to have 15% benefit with suitable de-
sign. Kappel propeller. The Kappel propeller
concept was initially proposed by Jens J. Kap-
pel and Poul Andersen, Poul Andersen et al
(2005). The principle of non-planar lifting sur-
faces is applied to the design of modern aircraft
wings to obtain better lift to drag ratios. The
application of a pronounced fin or winglet at
the tip of the propeller blade has led to the
Kappel propeller with blades curved towards
the suction side integrating the winglet into the
propeller blade. The combined theoretical, ex-
Figure25 Hybrid CRP perimental and practical approach to develop
and design marine propellers with non-planar
Tip-plate Prop. The Contracted Loaded Tip lifting surfaces has resulted in propellers with
propellers (CLT) are screw propellers with higher efficiency and lower levels of noise and
highly loaded blade tips. The fitted end plates vibration excitation compared to conventional
at the blade tips act as a barrier avoiding the state-of-the-art propellers designed for the same
communication of water between both sides of task. The authors claim efficiency gain in the
order of 4% based on sea trial results.

10.4 Energy-Saving Devices
For both CLT and Kappel propellers, how-
ever, a standard procedure for the open water Energy-saving devices are widely used to
hydrodynamic characteristics scaling is still improve the propulsive performance. There are
missing. Therefore, a recommendation to the many kinds of devices. Y.B Choi(2008) sum-
full Conference could be addressed to look into marized the energy-saving devices and their
this issue. rates and some are listed below.

Composite propeller. A. SnchezCaja John Carlton(2007) classified all hydrody-

(2013) explored combination of Pod, CLT and namics energy-saving devices into 3 categories.
CRP propulsion for improving ship efficiency: The first category located upstream of the pro-
EU Project TRIPOD. The main objective of the peller. One solution tries to improve the axial
TRIPOD project is to develop and validate a flow of water reaching certain areas of the pro-
new propulsion concept for improved energy peller, especially the upper region of the disk
efficiency of ships which is based on the com- (such as the flow equalizer duct). The second
bination of three existing propulsion technolo- category contains all those devices located
gies. In particular, TRIPOD explores the feasi- downstream the propeller to recover rotation
bility of integrating podded propulsors and tip energy, including boss cap fin, the fins on the
loaded endplate propellers into energy recovery Costa bulb type and the "Additional thrust
systems based on counter rotating propeller fins", etc. The third category contains all those
(CRP) principle. A non-rotatable pod unit devices located near waterline, relatively far
called Rudderpod is installed behind the ship from the propeller, to reduce wave resistance.
main propeller. CRP units consisting of differ- These devices include Spray deflector ,Wave
ent combinations of CLT and conventional suppression plate etc.
propellers are being analyzed in ballast and
load conditions for a retrofit and a new building
scenario. CFD tools and model tests are com-
bined to facilitate the design process. A method
for the extrapolation of model tests to full scale
and another for the accurate estimation of ef-
fective wakes by CFD tools have been devel-

Figure 28 Different Energy-saving devices

Figure 27 Composite propeller and gain rates

With the rapid increase of fuel oil price and
EEDI pressure, more and more interested par-
ties start to investigate the mechanism of en-
ergy-saving device both experimentally and
numerically .

Jie (2011) introduced a new Joint Industry

Project (JIP) initiated by MARIN, which aims
to look into the working principles and scale Figure 30 Configuration of Duct on VLCC
effects on Energy Saving Devices (ESDs).
Three ESDs have been chosen for the investi- The mechanism of the ducts influence on
gations in the first phase. They were a pre-duct the wake field, ships resistance, and propulsive
with a supporting stator in the duct, a pre-swirl performance was studied and analyzed in de-
stator with asymmetric blade design and Pro- tail. From analysis, the author concluded that
peller Boss Cap Fins (PBCF). Measurements of the ships resistance variation induced by the
forces and moments on all components of the duct is very limited, the duct produces a benefi-
ESDs have been carried out in self-propulsion cial tangential velocity field for propulsive per-
model tests with dedicated sensors. Particle Im- formance. Also, the duct reduces the transverse
age Velocimetry (PIV) technique has been used pressure difference between two sides of the
in the investigation of the detailed flow around ship which is helpful to course-keeping. This is
the ESDs. In order to investigate the scale ef- an additional benefit.
fects in model tests, a full-scale wake field was
approximated by a smart ship model. Compu- Some more energy-saving devices are
tational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) calculations briefly introduced below.
were carried out both for designing the smart
ship model and also for the detailed flow Rudder bulb. This energy-saving device is
around the ESDs. installed on rudder. Its used to reduce the hub
vortex, increase wake fraction, reduce contrac-
tion of the propeller slipstream, reduce pressure
pulse induced by propeller. HSVA model test
shows that rudder bulb can have up to 2%
benefit, and other tanks such as SSPA gives the
same conclusion.

Figure 29 The sensors used to measure

forces and moments.

Yuhai etal(2013) performed numerical self-

propulsion simulation of a VLCC with real-
geometry propeller. Figure 31 Rudder with bulb

Propeller boss cap fins (PBCF). CAI et al
(2013) introduced an integrative design method
of propeller and PBCF. PBCF and propeller are
considered as a whole system and the design is
an integrative process, in which the concept of
uploading in blade root is merged. The load
distribution of blade becomes well-
proportioned due to the uploading in blade root,
and it is advantageous to the depression of Figure 33 Combined energy-saving devices
vibratory force and blade tip vortex. The blade
root area has larger thickness and strength,
which is beneficial to noise reducing. The dis- 10.5 New Idea of Energy Saving
advantage of uploading in blade root is the
generation of hub vortex behind boss cap, but Sasaki (2013) introduced ZEUS(Zero Emis-
the hub vortex can be absorbed by PBCF. sion Ultimate Ship) challenging project of
Therefore, the integrative design method can NMRI . The objective of ZEUS project is to
provide higher efficiency propellers for the obtain the maximum energy efficiency. Some
same design conditions. Yet, whether and how innovative ideas are developed. Reaction pod is
to perform open-water test with PBCF needs to quite a new idea for podded propulsion system
be further investigated. and it means the optimum pod arrangement for
the twin skeg hull form.

Weather Adapted Duct(WAD) The system

is composed of a propeller with special pitch
distributions and a front duct placed very close
to the propeller. The size of diameter of the
duct is less than 45% of propeller diameter and
the size is so small that harmful cavitation
hardly occurs.

Figure 32 PBCF

Combined devices. In 2012, an energy -

saving model test on a VLCC was carried out
in MARIC towing tank. The energy-saving de-
vices consist of Simplified Compensative Noz-
zle(SCN), Rudder Bulb(RB) and Thrust
Fin(TF). Figure 34 Concept of Reaction Pod (left)
and Weather Adapted Duct (right)

Spray Tearing Plate (STEP) is a device to

reduce added resistance in waves to change a
direction of wave dynamic pressure from longi-

tudinal direction to lateral direction. Therefore one important aspect is to lead escaping air
STEP is very effective if the vessel has sharp properly to avoid propeller cavitation.
stem and high speed enough to grow bow
waves. The effectiveness is confirmed by on-
board measurements and STEP has been in-
stalled in some RoRo cargo ships (Kuroda et al.
2012, Kuroda et al. 2013).

Figure 37 Resistance component Fn

The research of resistance reduction by air

injection method have been actively carried out.
Figure 35 STEP installed in a RoRo vehicle Using a 1m-wide-50m-long flat plate model
carrier ship, the effectiveness of the resistance reduc-
tion by air injection is shown in a series of ex-
periments in a 400 m long towing tank of
10.6 Resistance Reduction by Air Injection NMRI (Hinatsu et al. 2008). With these results,
full-scale ship experiments using air injection
were performed for a large cement carrier (Ko-
dama et al. 2008).

Figure 38 Air injection for full-scale ship

Figure 36 Resistance reduction by air

Since frictional resistance reduction is the

only function of air carpet, slow-full ship will
be more likely to get benefit. Below figure
shows the best Fn range is from 0.05-0.15.
The resistance reduction effect of air tends Figure 39 Wake flow without air injection
to decrease in waves, hence inland navigation (left) and with air injection (right)
vessels are better suited for this approach. Here,

Some shipyards developed and engaged Optimum trim. Most ships are designed to
into operation air lubrication systems. carry a designated amount of cargo at a certain
speed for a certain fuel consumption. This im-
The first system was installed on two sister plies the specification of set trim conditions.
ships of flat bottomed module carrier (Mizo- Loaded or unloaded, trim has a significant in-
kami et al. 2010). Following applications were fluence on the resistance of the ship through the
on ordinary type of ocean going ships, like a water and optimizing trim can get significant
28,000DWT bulk carrier (Mizojiri et al. 2012) fuel savings. For any given draft there is a trim
and a ROPAX (Mizokami 2013). condition that gives minimum resistance. In
some ships, it is possible to assess optimum
Recently, a new air lubrication system has trim conditions for fuel efficiency continuously
been developed. For a large ship having a deep throughout the voyage.
draft, the air supply to the ship bottom is one of
critical problems to get net energy saving. In
order to overcome the problem, a new concept 10.8 Conclusion and Suggestions
to use bypassed scavenging gas for the air lu-
brication has been applied to 90,000DWT bulk To enhance the powering performance, such
carrier (Kaiji Press 2013). measures as speed reduction, energy saving de-
vices, hull form and propeller optimization can
be used. However, some challenges/problems
still exist, which need further study.

(1) How to coordinate multi-draft and multi-

speed optimization
(2) How to correlate energy-saving rate from
model scale to full scale.
Figure 40 Air lubrication system used in (3) Reliability of high efficiency propeller
service (90,000DWT bulk carrier). (4) Wide application of Air-carpet resistance
reduction technology.
10.7 Other Measures to Improve Ships
Performance From Resolution 11. EFFECT OF STEERING AND WIND
Improved voyage planning. The optimum Experimental methods to determine the ef-
route and improved efficiency can be achieved fect of wind (wind force measurements in the
through the careful planning and execution of wind tunnel) and the effect of drift in side wind
the voyages. IMO resolution A.893(21) (25 conditions (force measurements using comput-
November 1999) on "Guidelines for voyage erised planar motion techniques for a range of
planning" provides essential guidance for the specified drift angles, rudder angles and heeling
ship's crew and voyage planners. Better course angles, if necessary) are state of the art and will
control by means of less frequent and smaller not be described in this context.
corrections will minimize losses due to rudder

11.1 Wind resistance Yue X-R, et al.(2011) calculated wind
loads on a VLCC, and the calculation results
Wei Jin-fang, et al. (2010) investigated the were compared with the experimental results.
coefficient fw for the decrease of ship speed of
EEDI, and introduced a calculation method for Ma Y. (2009) studied and analyzed the
fw taking into account of added resistance of aerodynamic performance of the sail in the
wind by empirical formula. Olympic Games by use of the numerical simu-
lation and experimental method in a wind tun-
Zhu H., et al. (2009) measured the mean nel.
wind pressure distribution and shape factors of
local members of the platform with the steady
gradient wind through wind tunnel tests under 11.2 Steering effect on resistance
different wind directions.
An experimental approach investigating
A. Mohseni, et al. (2012) presents the ef- ship drift and steering in winds and waves free-
fects of waves, wind speed and direction, cur- running tests at a towing tank is performed us-
rent speed and direction, and depth of water in ing a container ship model of 6.3m length (Fu-
vessel voyage planning which is based on me- jiwara et al. 2008). Figures 41 and 42 show the
teorology and satellite data and computer pro- setting of the experiment. For the evaluation of
gram based in the ISO/DIS 15016. The interpo- full-scale ship, the load variation on the pro-
lation between satellite data, historical chart da- peller and rudder, and difference of wake pat-
ta and observed data can optimize voyage route tern are to be considered.
and cause reduction in sea passage time and
fuel oil consumption. Various analysis methods
for resistance increase due to ship motion,
wave diffraction, wind, steering, drifting, water
temperature, salt content, deviation of dis-
placement, hull and propeller surface roughness
and shallow water effects are considered and
could be contained in computer program.

With the rapid progress of CFD technique,

numerical simulation has played more and
more important role in predicting wind re-

Zhu H., et al. (2009) performed the simula-

Figure 41 Force balances acting on the ship
tion of mean wind pressure distribution, form
for external forces (wind speed: 4m/s and wave
factors and the wind loads of the platform
height: 0.12m, with wave length ship length ra-
based on N-S equation.
tio: 0.9).
Hou L., et al. (2009) calculated the wind
moment of a container ship by N-S equation
based on commercial software.

Figure 42 Photo of free-running model ex- Figure 43 Longitudinal force due to ship
periment of a container ship (from behind the drift (bulk carrier, Fr=0.15

Chuang (2013) performed a series of ex-

periments on a model of 8000 DWT tanker in
a large towing tank and ocean basin. The model
was self-propelled and mainly running in mod-
erate long wave conditions. Numerical simula-
tion work was carried out in order to make
comparisons with experimental results. It was
concluded that time domain simulation is the
preferable method for the steering effect eve-
lauation. Figure 44 Longitudinal force due to ship
drift (container ship, Fr=0.25)
For the empirical formula, longitudinal
force due to ship drift (XH') is conventionally There have been large improvements in au-
considered as the difference of ship resistance tomated heading and steering control systems
(X0U'). To improve the accuracy in the small technology from Resolution MEPC.213(63).
range of drift angle, a method has been devel- An integrated Navigation and Command Sys-
oped assuming the static motion (Sogihara et al. tem can achieve significant fuel savings by
2010). This method integrated lift-induced drag simply reducing the distance sailed "off track".
for small aspect ratio into the formula. Com- The principle is simple; better course control
parison between experimental and calculated through less frequent and smaller corrections
results are shown in Figures 43 and 44. These will minimize losses due to rudder resistance.
figures also show the improvement of the esti- Retrofitting of a more efficient autopilot to ex-
mation in the small range of drift angle. isting ships could be considered.


In order to systematize the search through

the researchers works, reference was made to
the following aspects:

effects of novel coatings application on

the ship hull surface
ship performance data recording and Figure 45 Fouling of several commercial
monitoring formulations after 180 days static immersion
impact on the power prediction methods (Swain, 2011).
based on model test
Many researchers deal with the problem of
comparison of different surface coating systems
12.1 Effects of Novel Coating Application in terms of frictional resistance. Comparative
on the Ship Hull Surface studies of Tin-free biocide-containing (TF)
Self-polishing copolymer (SPC) and foul re-
Comprehensive review of the research lease (FR) coatings is provided by Corbett et al.
works within the area of hull surface coatings (2011) where the fuel consumption data gath-
can be found in ITTC (2011). It consists of ered in operation of bulk carrier and tanker pre
market based review of available surface treat- and post FR coating application as well as data
ment methods, discusses the impact of coating recorded on newly build sisterships coated with
systems on ship performance in terms of hull FR (two ships) and Tributylin (TBT)-free SPC
resistance, propeller characteristics, cavitation (three vessels) were analysed. Significant fuel
and noise. Furthermore it provides the review savings (10% for the tanker, 22% for bulk car-
of the measurement methods used for determi- rier) were reported due to application of FR
nation of surface roughness as may be applica- coating. The fuel saving effect was not ob-
ble to ship hull and those used for skin friction served for the case of container vessel however
measurement both in model and full scale. it was noted that FR coated vessels carried out
approximately 10k metric tons more cargo
It must be stated that although relatively comparing to their SPC coated sisters. The pa-
large database exists within the field some pub- per contains also the fleet-wide extrapolation of
lications are influenced by ship coating systems FR coating usage revealing huge potential of
producers and may reflect their commercial in- GHG limitation. Although such superior per-
terest. Although significant reduction (up to formance was not confirmed by other sources it
10%) of frictional resistance is claimed it is was noted by Anderson et al. (2004) and Can-
hardly supported by verifiable data or reliable dries et al. (2003) that 2%-23% drag reduction
measurement provided by industry (ITTC, may be accounted for FR based on quality of
2011). Furthermore, it should be noted that ma- application and test type (flat plates of different
jority of discussed measurements were carried size and cylinders). In case of similar applica-
out at Re below the full scale ship conditions tion procedure the differences in friction are
and require some sort of extrapolation. much smaller and amount to ~2% which is to
some extent confirmed by rotating cylinder

tests presented by Abdul Ghani et al. (2010) Economic impact of the hull fouling was
where drag benefit of FR coating over SPC re- considered by Schultz et al. (2011) on example
duces with increased speed (Re number). of DDG-51 destroyer class. The special consid-
eration was taken with respect to the hull con-
The drag/fuel consumption increase in time dition maintenance strategy in comparison to
is discussed by Taylan (2010) for a number of current US-Navy practice. Introduction of the
different coating systems including FR and effective proactive hull cleaning strategy offers
SPC confirming previous conclusions regard- substantial savings in total cumulative costs per
ing the performance of FR systems. A rate of ship in long term horizon.
roughness increase over time was reported to
be between 20 to 40 microns per year depend- Effects of the application of FR coating on
ing on the coating type. Some additional infor- marine propeller was presented by Anderson et
mation on time dependent surface deterioration al. (2004) by recalculation of propulsive per-
due to fouling may be found in Willsher (2007) formance of slow speed tanker. Calculations
where also the effect of slime growth is indi- were done with use of corrected drag and lift
cated. This phenomen reached significant focus coefficient of the propeller blade according to
in Candries et al. (2003) where it is indicated the results laboratory analyses of number of
that operational experiences shows little differ- coated surfaces. The 6% efficiency gain over
ence between FR and SPC coatings after a pe- the uncoated propeller being in service without
riod of time. Although significant increases of cleaning for one or two years was reported.
drag (reaching 10% after 10 days of immersion Similar range of propeller efficiency enhance-
in still water) in flat plate towing tests was re- ment was theoretically determined due to ap-
ported it was finally stated that eventual ship plication of the coating generating a hydropho-
drag increase would be within few percents of bic (i.e. water repellent) surface as reported by
clean surface drag. This discrepancy results Schwanecke (2010).
from the fact that part of slime layer detaches
from the surface when the ship is in motion, Fouling prevention re-gained the research
what explains why FR coating rapidly losses its focus since mid-1990 due to the restrictions on
initial drag benefit but does not exhibit more use of TBT-based paints. It was however ob-
drag than SPCs over longer period of time (af- served that majority of the studies used the bar-
ter reaching slime growth/detachment equilib- nacles as a model for biofouling. This approach
rium). These findings were supported by the was criticised by Holm (2012) due to the fact
measurement of power increase carried out for that fouling community of organisms is ex-
two sister ship fleet oilers each painted with tremely diverse and may not be properly de-
different coating system (FR and SPC) in a pe- scribed by single specie. Furthermore it was
riod of over 1 year of operation (Logan, 2011). pointed out that current research made use of
Similar conclusions of FR and SPC coatings relatively simple assays while more advanced
performance comparison based on static and tools including molecular genetic and atomic
dynamic immersion tests were presented by force microscopy could be utilised. Author re-
Swain (2011). Author stressed also the impor- quested the holistic approach to the biofouling
tance of the hull condition control and its problem. He concluded that although the stud-
proper maintenance by use of the novel tech- ies on barnacles continue to advance the state
nique of grooming (i.e. gentle, habitual and of the art, the successful resolution may be only
frequent mechanical conditioning of hull sur- reached by similar depth of knowledge for oth-
face). er fouling organisms.

12.2 Ship Performance Data Recording and white-box model for the purpose of ship route-
Monitoring ing with respect to minimisation of emissions
was presented by Prpi-Ori & Faltinsen
An ability to build the ship performance (2012). Another example was published in
model and therefore predict her performance (Leifsson et al, 2008) where linear and non-
under specific operational conditions allows for linear regression methods were implemented in
efficient ship operation. Whenever the crew or order to tune the general model to fit the char-
owner officers attempt the task of ship routing, acteristics of specific ship. It must be noted that
selection of fuel efficient combination of speed, such models were developed for the purpose of
draft and trim or deciding the hull surface con- conceptual design. Therefore, use of white-box
ditioning, the adequate ship performance model models with their limitations and underlying
allows for making technically justifiable assumptions and uncertainties implicitly affects
choices. their accuracies. These limitations were briefly
discussed by Petersen et al. (2012) revealing
The need and benefits of ship performance that even large changes of ship performance
monitoring has been well recognized in marine due to hull surface deterioration over one year
practice (Carlton, 2007) although relatively would not be detected. Similar conclusions
simple methods were used. Latest works of were found by Dinham-Peren & Dand (2010)
IMO GHG Committee, in particular those con- Some additional information with respect to
nected to mandatory determination of ship's accuracy of white-box models were provided
Energy Efficiency Operational Index (EEOI) by Leifsson et al. (2008).
and Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan
(SEEMP), directly point out the need of appli- By contradiction, the black-box models do
cation of onboard performance optimisation not require any prior knowledge or considera-
systems as tools for reduction of environ- tion about the modelled system. Black-box
mental footprint. model describes the relations between input
and output variables e.g. between ship opera-
The success of performance monitoring tional variables and ocean environmental con-
largely depends on incorporating the versatile ditions and ship fuel consumption. The applica-
ship performance models which allow for tion of black-box model for performance moni-
benchmarking the performance data against toring of domestic ferry operating between
reference performance and for selection of op- Danish islands along with comprehensive set of
erational variables (e.g. speed or trim) in order full scale data collected onboard for the period
to perform the transport task of the ship at of almost two months is presented by Petersen
minimum costs and/or environmental impact. et al. (2012). Similar approach was used for
In general, such performance models fall into monitoring of 110k DWT tanker performance
three main categories: (Pedersen & Larsen, 2009). Both cases made
use of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) for the
white-box models, purpose of building the model. It was reported
black-box models and that promising results were obtained indicating
grey-box models. the ability of predicting the fuel consumption
within accuracy of ~2% after proper training of
White-box models are based on physical the system. The resulting accuracy is close to
principles resulting from model and full scale standard deviation of shaft power determination
experiments and observations. Application of onboard the vessel therefore further improve-

ment of the prediction may be only achieved by However, as the possible cause of the underper-
more accurate registration of performance data formance, the small range of speed change in
used for feeding the model. Despite these re- training data was suggested.
sults the limitations of the proposed approach
were noted. It was found that although the Some authors e.g. Pedersen & Larsen
method copes relatively well with system iden- (2009) and Logan (2011) discussed the influ-
tification inside the range of measured parame- ence of data quality on the accuracy of ship
ters the extrapolation beyond the identified performance prediction model. It was generally
boundary fails. Large variation of the parame- noted that daily log data did not allow for
ters which may be a case of determination of building the accurate prediction model since
ship performance in ballast and design condi- they contain both reliable data (such as GPS
tions could not be covered by homogenous speed or engine rpm) and data which are sub-
model. ject to interpretation (e.g. wave conditions).
Furthermore, ship log data mix instantaneous
Use of so called grey-box models i.e. com- data (e.g. wind speed) with time averaged data
bination of semi-empirical (white) models and (e.g ship speed calculated based on distance
black-box models were proposed in order to travelled) which may be another source of in-
overcome the limitations of pure black-box accuracies. Therefore, it was pointed out that
models with reference to extrapolation. Both use of automatic data recording systems allows
parallel and serial combination of white and for improvement of performance prediction.
black box models were tested by (Leifsson et Further, significant improvement of prediction
al, 2008) revealing similar performance. Simi- quality may be achieved by incorporation of re-
larly to Petersen et al. (2012) and Pedersen & liable weather data available on systems such
Larsen (2009) the ANN was used as the black- as NOAA (Pedersen & Larsen, 2009).
box model. The white-box model was based on
Holtrop (calm water) and Isherwood (rough
water) methods. The developed model was 12.3 Impact on the power prediction
used for performance approximation of the 10k methods based on model test
DWT container ship sailing at design speed of
20 knots. The model was trained on the data set Hull surface roughness can have a signifi-
registered during the quasi-static part of the cant impact on the vessel propulsive perfor-
voyage (port approach and manoeuvres were mance thus causing increased fuel consumption
filtered) with use of MAREN energy manage- and harmful emissions. As indicated by Swain
ment system installed onboard. Application of (2011) in case of the 280m cruise ship operat-
grey-box model performed much better than ing at 20kn, an increase of the average hull
white-box model in terms of fuel consumption roughness (AHR) results in 1% penalty in fuel
prediction. However, it was noted that such re- consumption for every 15m.
sult may be achieved due to largely simplified
white-box model used in comparison. Further- Surface roughness influences a ship power
more, it was stated that the same grey-box prediction through the impact on the hull resis-
model did not reveal satisfactory performance tance and propeller performance. The standard
in predicting the ship speed. Surprisingly, the method (ITTC-78) of ship model tests extrapo-
achieved results were only slightly better com- lation includes the roughness corrections for
paring to performance of pure white-box bare hull resistance (roughness allowance CF)
model. Such results were difficult to explain. and open water propeller characteristics (differ-

ence in propeller profiles drag coefficient its physical replicas built up with use of rapid-
CD). The appendages resistance is not af- prototyping based on two low-order models
fected by the roughness in general (except the (retaining 95% and 71% of the original surface
bilge keels which area is included in total wet- roughness). In order to trace the similarities and
ted hull surface and thus influenced by rough- differences of the replica surfaces, they were
ness allowance). The recommended methods scanned and the streamwise profiles of the
for appendages resistance scaling are approxi- roughness amplitude were analysed with use of
mate and therefore implementing the roughness probability density functions (PDFs). Both low-
effects can be considered as unnecessary com- order representations preserved relatively well
plication without the visible effect on predic- flow characteristics outside roughness sublayer.
tion accuracy. In case of the flow inside the boundary layer,
the differences are substantial. Only low-order
Surface roughness is represented by a single model, retaining 95% of the roughness details,
parameter referred to as average surface rough- allowed to maintain the flow characteristics
ness kS (for ship hull) and kP (for propeller). close to the wall. It should be noted that in the
The average roughness is obtained by numer- study of Mejia-Alvarez and Christensen (2010),
ous measurements performed along the surface the roughness height was not the only scale
in question with use of roughness analyser. De- used to describe the surface. Beside the rough-
fault values recommended for use in case the ness height, the root-mean-square roughness,
direct roughness measurements are missing are skewness, flatness, streamwise and spanwise
150m for hull and 30m for propeller. surface gradients were presented. The need of
research within the field of correlation between
friction drag characteristics and surface texture
parameters was indicated by Flack and Schultz
(2010). They studied roughness parameters
presented in literature and the common surface
statistical parameters in order to identify hy-
draulically relevant roughness scales. Results
indicated that root-mean-square roughness
height (krms) and skewness of the surface ele-
Figure 46 Ship hull coating condition. Left: vation PDFs (sk) were the most effective pa-
3 year self-polishing copper 70 m AHR. rameters in terms of hydraulic performance of
Right: 11 year hybrid copper 264 m AHR plus the surface. A correlation between mentioned
damage (Swain, 2011). parameters and commonly used sandgrain
roughness height (kS) was also provided:
It was, however, suggested by Candries et
al. (2003) that single parameter roughness kS = f(krms, sk) 4.43krms(1+sk)1.37 (4)
characteristics adopted in ITTC extrapolation
procedure may not be sufficient to describe sur- It should, however, be applied with caution
face characteristics. This finding complies with since the data used for setting up the correlation
works of Mejia-Alvarez and Christensen (2010) contained only few examples of the negative
where effects of rough surface simplifications skewness (i.e. describing pitted surfaces due to
on the flow quality were presented. The study corrosion, surface wear etc.). Furthermore, it
consisted of the PIV flow measurement over should be noted that the correlation was done
the original, damaged turbine blade surface and

for the fully rough flow and may not work in Roughness can consist of several types of
transitionally rough regime. surfaces such as different coatings, aged or
Current propeller open water characteristics damaged coating, bio film and bio fouling,
scaling procedure was re-evaluated in the re- and the severity can vary locally on the hull
cently completed research project PREFUL. surface.
Joint research conducted by HSVA Hamburg Measuring the roughness on the immense
and CTO Gdansk was aimed on development surface of a ship is demanding at best, and
of the alternative methods of recalculating the require different techniques (e.g. a rough-
model propeller performance to the full scale. ness analyser for coatings, wet film meas-
Two alternative procedures were presented by urement for bio film and roughness analyser
Streckwall et al. (2013) and Bugalski et al. plus density measurement on, for example,
(2013). Both proposals, however, do not incor- barnacles)
porate the effect of propeller surface roughness. Quite a decent number of skin friction
measurements on rough surfaces are avail-
able and reported in literature but they are
13. SURFACE ROUGHNESS difficult to compare and compile into a lar-
SIMULATION BY NUMERICAL ger context since they are based on very dif-
METHODS ferent test techniques.
Most measurements reported in literature
have been translated into a single parameter
13.1 Methods function such as the equivalent sand rough-
ness, when a two parameter function includ-
The task to numerically simulate the effect ing also for example density would be ap-
of surface roughness can be divided into two propriate.
parts: first the translation of a real roughness
condition as it appears in reality into simplified Sand-Grain Roughness in The Flow Equa-
parameters, like the equivalent sand rough- tions. Thin boundary layer methods used to-
ness; and second to introduce the simplified gether with a potential flow solver was until re-
parameters into the numerical equations de- cently commonly used for ship flow simula-
scribing the near wall flow. tions and is still relevant for many applications.
Surface roughness can be included in thin
Modelling Real Roughness. Modelling the boundary layer methods by introducing a ve-
real roughness in detail with CFD can be done locity shift function. This applies a decrease in
for some cases in a small scale, for example the the log-arithmetic layers mean velocity corre-
flow around individual barnacles, whereas sponding to the effect of roughness, see Leer-
slime and similar biological growth cannot be Andersen & Larsson, 2003.
properly modelled. Realistically, this step has
to rely on experiments that link certain rough- RANS methods used for ship application
ness properties to velocity shifts and skin fric- simulate the flow near a no-slip surface either
tion. by wall functions or by resolving the flow all
the way to the wall near wall resolution.
Measuring real roughness and translating to Roughness, at least in terms of an equivalent
one or more parameters is a difficult matter: sand roughness, can be introduced in either of
these methods. For example, Eca & Hoekstra
(2011) demonstrated that sand-grain roughness

effects can be well simulated with these meth- The study by Leer-Andersen (2003) show
ods for a flat plate at Reynolds numbers corre- the possibility to link the coefficients required
sponding to full scale ship applications. They in the flow equations to test samples with
used the turbulence model SST k- which is roughness of various type and extent via photos
relevant and commonly applied in ship hydro- and roughness measurements. This combined
dynamics. experimental/computational approach could
make it possible to simulate the effect of
roughness with greater accuracy than using
13.2 Applications empirical methods. However, the lack of suit-
able experimental data is troublesome, as de-
Trial Speed-Power Prediction. The hull scribed above.
surface of a newly built ship can be assumed to
be homogenous and well defined in terms of
size, texture and distribution (if we neglect the 13.3 Conclusions
fact that bio film growth can occur within a few
weeks in some locations). The step to translate Surface roughness is likely to affect not
this kind of roughness to a single or dual pa- only the skin friction on hull and propeller but
rameter to be fed into the flow equations should also the wake flow into the propeller.
be possible, even though no examples thereof
have been found in the open literature. Castro Introducing homogeneous sand-grain
et al, (2011) demonstrate however how the sur- roughness into numerical methods for speed/
face roughness kS appearing in the roughness power prediction in trial condition seems to be
allowance CF in the ITTC scaling procedure possible and several well documented methods
can be translated to the surface roughness used exist.
in wall functions and applied to the KRISO
container ship test case with good results. The possibility to study the effect of non-
homogenous roughness such as bio fouling in
Operational Conditions. Numerical simula- operational condition is still limited. Progress
tions of a ship in operation with extensive bio in this area would be helped by experiments
fouling could be relevant not only for the resis- with consistent test techniques of a large num-
tance increase, but also for the effect of hull ber of realistic surface conditions (preferably
roughness on the inflow to the propeller, the from the same laboratory). This could be used
propeller efficiency and the rudder forces. The to formulate models that bridge between real
ITTC scaling procedures do connect relatively roughness conditions and the simplified coeffi-
small skin friction increase with an increase of cients used in the numerical equations.
the wake. However, if the effect is very large
this method might not be adequate (which can
actually lead to an underestimation of the pro- 14. CONCLUSIONS
pulsive efficiency).

The hull surface during operational condi- 14.1 Recommendations to the Full Confer-
tion is characterised by inhomogeneous rough- ence
ness; barnacles, slime and corrosion that are
unevenly distributed over the hull and with The 27th ITTC PSS Committee recommends
large variation in height, texture and density. to the Full Conference to:

c. Investigate the monitoring and analysis
Adopt the revised procedure 7.5-04- of speed/power performance of ships in
01-01.1 Speed and Power Trials, service
Part I Preparation and Conduct d. Investigate EEOI issues originating
from IMO requirements
Adpot the revised procedure 7.5-04- e. Investigate the influence of ship hull
01-01.2 Speed and Power Trials, surface degradation due to fouling and
Part II Analysis of Speed/Power aging on the speed/power performance
Trial Data
3. Develop new roughness correction methods
for both hull and propeller; this suggestion
14.2 Recommendations for the next PSS could be more applicable for the Resis-
Committee work tance/Propulsion committees

1. Refinement of the recommended procedures: 4. Develop procedures how model tests with
Energy Saving Devices such as ducts, pre-
a. Temperature and density correction to swirl fins, hub vanes, hull vanes, rudder fins
take into account temp/density gradient and unconventional propellers should be
b. Investigate ISO proposed iterative conducted and how the measured results
method as an alternative for load vari- should be extrapolated to full scale; this
ation method and current elimination suggestion is more applicable for the Pro-
c. Investigate statistical results from load pulsion committee
variation tests
d. Investigate new shallow water method ITTC to develop guidelines for the model
to replace Lackenby testing community how to deal with the EEDI
e. Investigate wave limits for the wave verifiers: what are they allowed to see; what
correction methods documents to deliver to them; how to secure
f. Investigate application of CFD methods data confidentiality of our direct customers, etc.
for wind loads
g. Expand the wind coefficient database
for more ship types 15. REFERENCES
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correction methods (STA1, STA2, Abdul Ghani M.P., Karim K.I.A., Milani K.,
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data for correlation purpose espe- ing With Using Rotor Apparatus, Jurnal
cially for the design and EEDI draft Mekanikal, No. 31, Malaysia, December
2. Explore Ship in Service issues
Andersen, I. M. V., 2013, "Wind loads on post-
a. fw application of tools investigated by panamax container ship", Ocean Engineer-
the sea-keeping committee ing, Vol.58, pp.115-134.
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