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Broken Things

Jason and I were going on a date to an old

abandoned amusement park where allegedly a boy died in
the 1980s. How much longer? I whined for about the
hundredth time.
Were almost there, a few more minutes. He stated.
I just turned to face the window and look at the sunset, as
it was late. I looked down and fixed my black skater skirt.
Were here! Jason exclaimed.
I quickly sat up in my seat and looked out the window.
Though abandoned, the lights always were on and the
ferris wheel always spun. As soon as he parked I jumped
out of the car and went to the entrance. Come on! I
yelled, knowing it wouldnt make him go any faster.
Im coming, im coming. He spoke lowly. I tapped
my foot impatiently against the cement slab. As soon as
he got to where I was, I looked up at him. Me being
shorter, made it harder for me to see his face directly.
Happy? He questioned me.
Yes actually. I stood on the tips of my toes and
kissed his cheek. He smiled down at me before opening
the gate for me to walk in. I calmly walked in and looked at
all the amazing lights. Wow. I breathed as the lights
changed colors in all different directions. Lets go to the
Ferris Wheel! I yelled before running to the ride on the
other side of the park.
Before I made it all the way, A strange clown with
black and white face paint, a black and white outfit, a
sharp nose and loads of feathers on his shoulders jumped
out and stopped me. Hello Sweetheart. Would you like
some candy? He ask before reaching into his mysterious
bag and pulling out a handful of candy.
N-No thank you. I stuttered taking a step back.
Before I knew it, Jason rounded the corner and saw him.
Woah, he breathed out Who are you? He
Im LJ, also know as Laughing Jack. Maybe youve
heard about me. I used to come here all the time as a
child. I cowered in fear at Jasons side. Such a shame
that child died though decades ago He then started
laughing loudly. What kind of person laughs?! Well I need
to go, Ill see you soon. He then ran away as I shook in
Come on, lets finish our date. Jason stated calmly
to me. I nodded due to being left speechless. I took his
hand and we walked to the Ferris Wheel. I continued to
look behind me to make sure that he wasnt following us.
As he helped me into the Ferris Wheel basket, I heard
rustling behind the an old food truck. Ill go see what it
was. He said looking at me.
N-No, it was probably just an animal. I said not
wanting him to leave.
Its alright, Ill be right back. He said he then went and
kissed my forehead before stepping off and walking over
and behind the old food truck. I sat there watching where
he entered waiting for him to exit.
Jason? I yell out as I had waited 5 minutes. Jason?
I ask again as I step out of the cart. I walked slowly
towards the truck looking around me cautiously. Before I
reach the cart I heard something rustle in the bush to the
left of me. I looked quickly before something jumped out at
me. Ah! I screamed fall on my backside. I looked and
none the less stood my best friend, Michael Clifford.
Michael! Thats not okay! I yell at him before standing up
and punching him in the shoulder.
Hey, there is no need to punch me. He said
completely unfazed. I rolled my eyes and punched him
again. Stop hitting me! He said while shielding himself
from another hit. I huffed and turned around and walking
toward the truck again.
As I reached the truck I looked at Michael Stay here.
I whispered to him before I entered. I looked around the
front of the truck before I looked to the back I looked at
As I turned the corner I saw something I never wanted
to see. Jasons body was on the floor and hunched over
him was that Black and White clown. As any person would
do, I screamed. I before he was able to see me I ran as
fast as I could out of the truck and into Michael. Run! I
yelled at him as I started running.
Dont leave me! Play with me! I heard that sadistic
freak yell from behind me. Michael was close at my side
as we ran. I as we rounded the corner I twisted my ankle
which wasn't the smartest for the current circumstances.
Ow! Micheal! I twisted my ankle! I yelled as I limped
trying to run. He stopped and turned around to look at me.
Behind you! I yell once more as I saw the clown again.
I advanced towards the fight between LJ and Michael.
Michael struck him in the face hard enough to knock him
out. Lets go! Michael yelled and grabbed my arm. He
basically dragged me the rest of the way to his car.
As soon as I sat in the passenger seat I bursted into
tears. I lost my best friend today and probably broke my
ankle. I didnt know about Michael, all I knew was that his
lip was bleeding as he was trying to get the key in the
As he eventually got it in, he sped off towards the
hospital. I knew this route to easily. The flashback of just
seeing Jason on the floor, that image that will haunt me
forever. Awake or not. I would never be able to forgive
myself for letting him go on his own. I should have firmly
said no, actually, we should have left as soon as we saw
Hey, Melissa? Hey, you alright? I heard Michael ask
me as he shook my arm. I looked over at him with tears in
my eyes. Whats wrong? Come on talk to me. He said in
a clamming tone, looking back and forth between me and
the road.
Hes gone. I say through tears. I never thought or
wanted to see someone, Jason in particular, die. I couldnt
focus on anything. Only the drowning though in the back
of my mind saying He would still be here if you hadnt let
him go and He would still be here if you had just left. But
then there is Michael. If I had left and Michael didnt know,
he would have died.
It will be okay. Im going to take you to the hospital
and then im gonna go to the police station. I couldnt let
him go. That thing could jump him or worse, kill him. I
wanted him to stay. He was hurt too. His lip was bleeding
and so was his head. Though it was hard to differentiate if
it was hair dye blood.
Y-You need help too. I say through tears while
holding hand that he had laid out across the center
counsel. I saw him smile slightly as he focused on the
road. I looked down at my ankle. It had bruised a lot worse
than earlier. I assume I broke it. I stayed quiet for the rest
of the ride.
Chapter 2

As we pulled up to the emergency room doors I saw

Michael turn off the car and run over to my side. We both
knew I wouldnt be able to walk. He moved a hand behind
my back and to my waist while moving his other hand
underneath my knees. I moved my arm behind his neck
and sucked in a deep breath as he picked me up. Its
okay. Its okay. I heard him whisper in my ear in attempt
to sooth the pain away.
I held onto him tightly as he walked as fast as he
could to get me inside. I held in my screams of pain as I
felt my ankle move with every step he took. I buried my
face into his neck and cried quietly as he yelled for help.
I was quickly taken out of Michaels grip as nurses
and doctors placed me on a gurney. Michael. I whispered
out as they wheeled me away from him. I knew I would be
okay, but knowing Michael, he would probably reject help
until her knew I was okay.
They kept asking me questions that were starting to
irate me quickly. I personally hoped that they wouldnt
page my father. I knew he never really liked Jason. He
thought he would break my heart and leave me but my
mother was always optimistic about him. My dad preferred
Michael because he worked with Michaels dad.
I could hear Michael screaming in the hall, probably at
his dad trying to figure out if I was okay. I wanted to run
out there and tell him I was alright but with the state of my
ankle, that wasnt happening anytime soon. It hurt knowing
that Michael was scared and confused. I just wanted him
to know I was alright.
Michael! I yelled. I was done with people trying to tie
me to a hospital bed. I could hear someone faintly yell my
name before I felt a needle being stabbed into my
I started feeling sleep. The probably injected me with
a sedative.As I laid back against the bed I say Michael. I
fell asleep before he could actually get to me. So much for
the help.

Chapter 3

I turned to role over but instantly stopped as I felt

someone grab onto my upper arm. Ow... I muttered out
half asleep while opening my eyes slowly. I looked over to
to my left to see the hand that was holding me down. It
wasn't a doctor's hand, it would have had a glove at least.
I followed the arm up its body a little more to see Michael
intensely staring at the I.V. in my arm. Mike? I
whispered. I'm okay, it doesn't- I was abruptly disrupted
by a deeper and more gruff version.
Hurt. It doesn't hurt. He said. I knew he was scared.
The last time we were in a hospital was for his sister.
Michael was still dealing with that as well. His sister just
went out a little differently than I want to. Are you really
okay though? Be honest. He said. I didn't want to lie but I
didn't want to tell truth either.
No...It really hurts actually. I said being honest. I
began tearing up at the pain, I never really wanted to show
weakness around Michael but I trusted him with my
problem and he trusted me with his. I felt his hand on my
cheek wiping away the tears that now were steadily
flowing down my face now. I closed my eyes further and
leaned into his hand. It felt safer, safer than being with
Itll be okay. Im right here the whole time. He said
as he stood up slightly and kissed the crown of my head.
Im gonna go get your brother okay? I heard him whisper
into my hair. I just nodded slightly, too upset to talk. As he
stood up completely and began to turn around I grabbed
to his wrist to the best of my ability. He looked back down
at me as soon as I gripped onto his. I looked up at him and
could feel the fear in our eyes.
Dont leave me here...please Mikey.. I begged once
again as I began to cry. I had only ever called him Mikey
when I felt scared or upset. This is one of thoses times.
Its okay, its okay. He said trying to shush me while
wiping my tears once again. I knew I had something
special in Michaels heart. After what had happened to his
sister he began more protective than before. His sister
was the reason he was so protective. When she passed
away, Michael was always at my parents house with me.
His sister was bullied for her appearance. She had
one blue and one brown eye. Some classmates of ours
thought it would be funny to cut her breaks. She was on
her way home.

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